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Lecturer: Approved by:

Semester/Academic year 1 2020-2021

FINAL EXAM Date 12/1/2021
Course title Business communication
FACULTY OF CSE Duration 60 mins. Question sheet code
Notes - Closed book
: - Can use pencils for drawing diagrams
- Answer directly on the question sheet.
(The above part must be hidden when copying for exam)

Question 1) (L.O.1.1) (1.5 points): List three things we should pay attention to when we communicate
with people of high-context cultures? Briefly explain.
- Sensitivity to nonverbal cues and feelings of others
- Focus on human relations
- Indirect communication
Question 2) (L.O.3.2) (1.5 points): You are leader of a meeting to brainstorm ideas for new product.
What approach you will use to make decision about what idea should be chosen. Briefly explain.

(1) Step 1 : Majority (each member chooses the idea of other member that they likel best)
(2) Step 2 : Expert

Question 3) (L.O.3.2) (3 points): Write a memo to your colleague saying that you will be out of town two
days next week and three days the following week to attend a conference sponsored by a professional
society. In your memo, be specific about dates, places, times, and reasons.

TO : Snow
FROM : Tuyet
DATE : 12/01/2021
SUBJECT : Being out of town

I am going to attend a conference on ‘Sustainable Development’ which is organized by UNEP in Hanoi.
As a result, I am not available in our office the following days :
- Week 1 : January 18th and 19th
- Week 2 : January 25th-27th.
I will be very grateful if you can take notes of messeges from our bosses/colleages/customers and send
emails to me. Please feel free to call me at 0123456789 if you need any urgent confirmation or support.

Thank you.

Question 4) (L.O.2.2) (3 points): The following letter of application is ineffective. List at least 6
weaknesses and briefly explain, then number and underline them in the original letter.
- What is the name of the sender ?
- What is the name of the reciever ?
- What is the date ofs sending ?
- ‘I’ domination
- Failing to great the reciever
- Not specifically stating the position applied
- Sounding informal
- Souding self-serving
- The skills, knowledge and experience are not highlighted.
- Failing to show interest and enthusiasm for the job and the compay.
- ….

Apartment 32
Jeggler Drive
Talcott, Arizona

Grandt Corporation
Production Supervisor
Capital City, Arizona

Dear Sir:

I am writing to ask you if your company will consider me for the position you announced online
recently. I believe that with my education (I have an associate degree) and experience (I have worked
four years as a freight supervisor), I could fill your job.

My schoolwork was done at two junior colleges, and I took more than enough courses in business
management and information technology. In fact, here is a list of some of my courses: Supervision,
Materials Management, Work Experience in Management, E-commerce, Safety Tactics, Introduction
to Software Analysis, Art Design, Contemporary Business Principles, and Small Business
Management. In addition, I have worked as a loading dock supervisor for the last two years, and
before that I worked in the military in the Quartermaster Corps.

Please let me know if you are interested in me. I would like to have an interview with you at the
earliest possible date, since there are some other firms also interested in me, too.

Eagerly yours,
George D. Milhous

--- END ---

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