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discharye tube fillet nit = = o (Ore ) ] Zn 7 ) Dates Bee : Atomic Structure Theey: = atim t a ting inchivisile pottile 4 mie = atoms Gan neitha be Creatio nA cestored = atin GHubine ina woboe rumber yatis = akows Participate in Gumi Gl reaction to clan 5S a ean 4s Gn element ave ‘dadtitel in ca Maite: - law Corauator 4 ais ~ ho F definith proportions [Soave 9 clechiert aga errata Thy a na, a Tt lve hn be Seen Yn 2 = tae 2 wiltple pr pettns » waco) tones ie. Tay alo ohn 6 eT alas omority. dir gelecticcty Honalens Fi ae Fase Im Sait ine fms Gees ve, sieops | ih ty ce Sipe ese | ex: Glats 2 vubler genset, de chicity. eee cae ge ss opps tay ata forma ce 2) Mode Atma Het» fe ys wate! voackive Ris inlag ral ion) cee as Recah Bis As ie Aeweatble ie the filme 4 | re Finest tay ate Sele ch Glled Eletty- he defactin ox Charge ce) thee furdanerted pots Gee z, padn Re lechecsie Tells, Aeflectin oc) 2, = kes arate cmancting 4 eleshiiaty Het cape uillase Ceoehet low grou 6 Liat Noftane dAite y Acouenn Aeet he elects ciety at . cdtiod, Ya ye: ng to J.T. thoy atte te Ascomty. % & tro (( f Son heed ead. ote ynatited at fom pes vol Soe Osh aa e ae te tae ie x fa Subject C5; © Ce etd alone eye (ete) Migrate til alone a er I) Natuxe —ve proton Neutopy Ce) = I bounce "by Rana | Sapo ae Neate Oil dvop expt. ) [yWanet be [Sohnson stone * had iek oa late Recta Chackafce. eons mej | pOi002 SUC gaming | TOD 7246 are 1 Spec Fe dane (S) filemon = aioe = 1 bbe :eeaeoa = Sonat Ne a ae Tate Ge) tk IEE eee = leo | fy et 9) Balin ree ar cobag function) Ccmb a peers Leote - z Fe ate af! ei Fexthey PD fate cheye =1 wat aa Absilute Gage —Wexte"ecu | + 4axle i chawes’p’ « Iceni aia yaar Swiss ast reece aad Ee hss hare (gpeade | ABET] 46 00 cleats bere vrei Ge) 46 Sm Glremls (oa (Abselit Cher = 2 2 hears he eet eee lestony ; BY SE aeT aT Wye vty | (rex 5 cay ari a ey aeutan | Teaco ae te — (b) ‘fe ay a Nike | [gab ip oex ere te Sue Gihek Rays 7 ee cals aa © eakio wt) Specie vaio + tee . any la Anode cr Canal ops ate OPM 3 Catore rays, betes IM Plt Fae Anode YO ws fepesatt on nature 3g Peme Pabee an te pevtins axe pote by te % or 7 aN t,he 8 (pesto) +e ho cchy 9 & inerenter, then itt SPE be ch U4 wee , Pee chatge ay Mass Z Mg Ee = 8 cess sf pg velocity intrentes and approath ts veloukya li acer eh mae ea te & se ole crete b ) Afemic numb (2) Leis te nantang port co te cag 7 Tatra the nucleus q an atten: TE IS glven by Moseley's ey Cet atime Ne atl (UEP Aba Zl =0% (ser =" at we eur au feb setae Me =I Cosi 2) Mass nuove (A): Thisthe Stem a nutrbets prrtins an euctyons preseat inside the nuclend Tees alco Called Nucleons (> A ~# LY 2) Number 3 nesitvons ons (A) = 4) Element (0) is Tepresented bo me 4 me, the, 2 L@ Question Hows many lector, pistons and vention) Se cs in a) the 4s) Net as 6S5,¢h e) 2 8) 2p? ame A DP \ NAS sug> prob lems ? Sy calenltte the mime gclchan wih ight ore gram? (4) election 4‘) a9 i 4? 1 =1 29 aphegas = OTRO 2) & Certain pattie catsies | ~ 6 Brio" Teobemhs @ Stic Chega, Golculte the number % election pretest in #7 a) thbosety Mevloumbs —+ 1é = bile Kip tM Glowmbs — Poe. ges rooss nambes 39 paslestes one vat O Jan ton 3 Ee Rng, ie the fon Conning (UCL ste ne pea te eleven” Fad he Sebel Ay Let we ge = ew mo mek) oe Wo yet x at BAM 2 1-1 _ massnumbes = 3 3 GD Filla > 3%, 2218 Sgmbel ts TIT claire 58 i pa J)Tsotepes + Element haulag Some Atomic nensbes (2) put hi pyetent Mass name ber (A) 18 Called ésstspe Ext, Hydwmgen isotspes ove ‘He Ley ana Hy > as Jorine ied ove 261 La hr, The ye Same chemi wopeties bul 27 ptevent resics ond Mucleat prope ‘ ae NolZs element ith mas ne > Stable isefepes is ==" gn (Tin) pit Les fo Sfable isofapes”] ap Same ass nmleen (A) , butt pers(2) avecaled Sp boots ge tte" | See | ge 20 They hove different physral, C elements having Same number neations (4-2) nbers (2) wos nunbers (A) ematical ane Neatleos fpetent Atomic ney Bde Called Lsotones ae &: 7% Ra thy ~ 1% ‘ 20 y i L ares \ -2)s 3449 ort ‘A-2) = 23-1) zy oO = 20 ¢ = 8 = They have trpfereat prytrent, cheani cal ord Nuclenk proper: 4) Tsp election Species t Atoms fen Laritoins Samenvraber a, elections - ope \ Ee: al? ing. nol we, Fo 2 NP contains [es ea, S) Ispslers 3 Cosh Stantes Waving Same aumber g cledions Same efomi cil ake called” Typslerx- oe Ex: CO, N, i. 4 e ne? Zee , Bayh, ope HE | Grane QxPhR |bxctoe as ace wee =F [ais Sages | 42k = Gaels Qalow eto) Zallom Balom Lrettins —— Lettowns 6) Lrotipre nambea y Te Te Fae Tinbaa reatlend ark numb % pratint » ; e. @H~p) = @-# -3= G22) Ex: Basti pre manos + (HOS (H 2x SHe = &-2ei 2d Pip a HoBK2 el ce co (ho bxh ad 3 6 pg = Uns =t Meng = (e —bRF HO rr + 23 agree! Na eo = &-2v*8 =0 u 8 . » Isvcdiaphers 3 elements Kaurng Same Liolepic nanber, but 5 oe pumaber[Z) © Mess rovabeet (A) andro cneiitrons, A potest atomic “aL Dv Sos eD Li Be ‘ rye 60 (A-a2) =! ee ——TNatrma | Atnp. | Hasse (Ad) Levtinic rember Cy | ES | adleens | — CA22)_| Elect snognetic wediotimy whea electra Fy cxtceleracd both Elective an Seek a pcda a ound Transmitted) in The wate led Fit! whic ore pl peeads ad mR dhavqesk pasticle ° oy. ts Wave propagelion Fat anak alo Peafercicalas propelns 27 EMR - ahe pry cada torts , eit 2 ta 5) altulale He pave nL orbearC) ark frepenty Go aagld) jahoge. Wavelength ¢& [ovo pa ? ‘ A) A = (ov0f 5 loo x ion’ m = 10% a vw eit > ks, = tor wt! Pm Lb a2 cB = actotep = 2xio by 6) oe! ak ie Enevgy Ba photoro(Toe les wits preg lo i - A € obs = betarcte 8% Wo = 6.62000 Fules ¥) Calcalae Re energy Baw pho'lon (XqS) thote wavelength 1S Zooo# ? c Bs) X= 30004 og ° _ Zop0 elo bm = 3x10 Cag _ 1. Cackiot%e Beto? = 5:2 tips Th, a Z i) the oscillating poxficle inthe black Cocky Aoetnst emits enerey Continuously - a) Tt emits waclralions In &. Fotos a. Swnell en pea tecles Called Quast. Qaantun has no mass - 3) Every Quarta har a pred encrtey called questi saben G St te) Qaantnm lorll pye Rh tyom one late te anothog In the f t bon at velocty yal to Hat og ght (3x to® mfs) S) The. eneripg Oe ead, Quanta to gfuenl = hy here his plance’s Conteat, = Cas xlo “erg: sec bb AS% to 73 Soule. Sec Te S63¢() > *Galotie « Sec 7 (Calotie = [Tonle { Joule = (oF exgs. ry Ths theo, bs Orly h h h applicable ts Black body. Late, Etactetn extended thee they t all elect magnetic Radcalions (er) Waves, He pryprjad that, light (s Propegpla Inte spa@ tn Small packet QR (ght catery called photons. hen high LON gh Encsay Ught 16 paSed on phen high presy 4 “ [eee ¢ a clean melal Surfre, electrons “he. TRS phenomenon So Kneton od pasty efectic effect ect! Sack elections a8. Called pout electors. | bes hee KC photo eclectic eggect ( oblers) e sxtolthy. i) The. threshda pre: (%) a mets is when Micaoenhe Kener the I mitted electron Kadiation a fey. 2xlolhy Lats the metal: (4: 9.4% xo 1 3) | a) the Threshold eee ee the Oe | podana bg apply a Might a Lee on The metal ? (foe pacxlo’ Ss 3) rg e weal ee min ion sab greg Sate bye eledixon 1S emitter pith KE 4 cat oaeas The raha prey Q fhe wretel 1S —— (ae: ante hs) = pie cco aaa Be tavas elite e. hs E the photo electron th 3000 Ae is wenjtuited 4, “remove 2” electyon clon. TF & Yaciotion Wave)ength Roook? is allowed te indecent on the metal Surfae the KE q the -emi tied electxon iS ‘e5| mole (mat bt nie") S) Electrons (o* Aare) sil) 2 Veloctty trom a Sur yoeta) ce when it is exposed to vodiotion jaalelength 6850 ph Glanlaw thtehela frey (4e) ae work jardion (9) a neta)? ae Pees aa ve) 6) cote pure on PeERNeIA nS 0 tte z- eur Yy the iclion Qooo Ao balls on the metal ind th KE Q pate r : i : (fo Br Sioa 5) com & metal 9) “the work function Sas Cs atom iS theeshola 424) « Ap Cs metal 3s Raper a US Ravelergth oe coonm, Calculate The -E and the © ejectea electron ? velo hy gq = —\ Peace Slogan op me xlo thy (laxhbo2xto3) 4 ga & Shes ust nto rls ynagnetic sodiation wavelength 2oon™ 8) (ghen eecter Us on the Suxqale y potacsium , eletixons ave Vipttea bith AEE & eae se SS! Recded te hereVemic® tg the mini” election es potassium - pet UNS Pa\OM a) when a Certain poetal oad preven dratad pith ait ag yea a.rxlerhy, the hots eledicons emi tea isl cmaties Tee (SIS os cud phate eledvons twahen intadiatd with Ug ht a the Savne wetel Wor preys axter hg: qhe Triesola fieqy: fet the iyietal ae (re: gxto' hy) le) oe: ke oy ae) (wm plesk cwnston! @) ) Re 5 ESN AE Rye 2) af a pestle ees / Spectra: D The image versed Shen rant egy Bis ts Beli 1S pastes th pape iS aley a Ga tS a) ee 1h pointe, tan & je Enisiioe sped be high fe io et [ime Comat wie ae | » de ath Cor) aN Ovex) | @ Fo leisexAti Bs ate exit ; atu oy ry Sates Sol fam) Peis Y tahen oie Palted Std han yeh aa 4 Subtfinde i8 Salects indie hed eh om ehh Bicknge, Yada ns ae Phi oe Plied fh Ps, foes emisior dst t pigaen a white lait NCA, Ie cold spect ms) a) ve Agice wet t YE CAd Spediiam GMA Ssctngtaph 7 Specinmb 2 Siecins 4) tt gins Wrigit (nus ente ; fais Dt eteae™ 14) Te yin dat Uns eee EnwiSSiom Abs tiny Oo Berd Spectng ee aio Se fh Pred tbr een 2) oe; salem tpecRe Paes |) EES free fom Hae Seles BE Wet md eh Continuous ay ene ANtontinuss| ‘digines Fesbh beta ai ka) aces) ape eel ses) are dective tals. Vr jae ae by is pasion Though SoPiean Va pous and a tiam 1s Been wth emerging beam a Light. Then cfraan obtained 1S i) pastes, Une 2) Baistvon, bane BY Alsatylion, Line " y Attoption bane. sta § ntn ty he is patient Thmegh aon ye oe is tate ar ny Gans Htnn oltrtined ich © the A) AG6o fie, fa teanugh Soebiasn Vopout lamp oot 3) wt ad nh brigtet Une HRA Ratt Cock gtonact, Tran if c fa on 8 “, Eoisien, than right Wines in Yetloto vegion cee SB40A°(D,) and S896 (0,) ww SHON (Dr) Ot SBNEA (0, Sarpeciul 1° Stu lates OL Bofw's th . (as) ») cledioon wevelve Sound the neclees ina Cevtin real mike Cevculad orbits ( pars al 49a cot) Stefionety orbit (pets) ove led Stati omaty States 2) In any station, states eledvms nexthe lose Wor qous enctyg (eee Fro (ey osbits Or aa aon 3) The. nueonloeh bet Zh pre numbet as 2,3,4,-----sa oO KOT @) ) j ) ooo. Shells. 4) when © 5 fom love oh th Te Avghes oteit & Saks hen Abit t lowe obit, energy lores all neta packs Caled Qeeanla - in TRe ys & Sm @ Paes Dh ic givenby SE = EL vd she =hee Kew . aA Ore orbit Angtcled momentiem Qa Keqvolving eledion Gnvs) eo equa) fxtegrval Mult ple A, AK y QR wate 3b ey be oh 3h B® AR AR / By The crbttat Aaguled mromentionn a arcesliog TER by wahete Lis Baia mb = ee Qn a . in Bingaelad marmnertan) dy 2 CMD ving cedym ts és Spin Quaitam we [EEDA oben ® VE = ™ an election is J Quastem reemnbe’ ey Te Spi maber: [mgulad moneatom ts OW) ine Angular momento = wmomert gInetlia x angule’velot > Dx ow = mer x V(lrearvdectty) ~s [waRus) 2 meen No rg 2. Angled momentem = Wve 3) The Ceatr! beg force & rsevoluing eledimn te befng balantad bog Coulombic Prete & attraction Hence além is stable. (Coulomb dotce - - > fre [Caueaic Grice = — Coisigegel Limi fattons Bob's Theory 2 t) He could inst explain 2eean's ang Sfavks effect. ine. Beemads effect ts te splBing pg Spon Caen andetha infer a ers se bets begs ty ist Be cpliling *? spectra lines andere inglisente 4 shimg clectrre Pela Q) He coulel rot explain fine Shudive Q an atom 3) tre Coutd mot explain duel native ard uncerternnity pte could not exp lovin the ability 0, cfomsto foten molec! by er bond. as ths theo ts Licable te Single electvwn only . 9 ‘ t. 4 Such a gets _--- vo electwnic cpctel uektin ¢ . a eatin from the folate is not qprarkicas 9 which Anguler mom h 1.65 ah ) + 3) a ® ~*~ re Bu - Hyd ae ) at is Une pda gH ‘ats Ba gente ger Specliny rad Tt is emission dis cxitiiuins, Line SpecTiem 4) Kae Ba rR Volos fetes 94 2) Win aneledtvic chescha ge Petes Throushy Wyman c Belwwe Puckine Re 4 at Loo premate, o Gright(olic a cee ee Ue OE ya nk nt] 8) ergy 2 yy ee Tareugh potson mt Hospi 4H oH ona ic Du bie oe ike eee ta jc ca Ce mies tad en eae = KA = CSA Rex) (ieee || ea \ TEA ~ Yeti atthecnen’ aa PHFESER, do 944n) age all Me, UN, {VY Mis (MMe Ut Bretkatt (wide LR >> 3L04%) Gala) Me UN Festa (rin 55608) bag i lactis ghey [IPs eit = tI GAD Hyehngin spect Spectiom Yale g Kis aod feiss cot my) > ULK =F dh A yoran feats = x =Rx may) ae rbot hy) s) Te Glalk A, vy € 4 = an NM Wel. 5S ( ns gah. Be ips = J 4 Soe ie .. 4, ig Ge ain, alain A 5 Ls Mei 14 Ris Kiley cafeint = Ar wel 8 Lis Atoaic ssba(paug) he | - ‘a = Rydlera'’s Eq waition » a: ein hs) a 6) let ee i linear peer D Hatm gm st nace os, Chee [h | eR 4g 15 jena ae ree wt Ae i Eh i ne i 2) = eo a) Sc, is Wl, Mek eee az Rai { i -£ 1-38 : ee Rick wars cas = Sx loin’ 34 img 6 etek I ~2 bet i DERI NR A W g | une secant 9 Bry Sie, 2 Rt i feta =) 4 He Raber Steg is W534, > = lbxSoqy? 2) aulicks Pati yy, PA Balenunber jy Metin, lug & jum Ng bit tA nt? HK Number q spediallina = 7 @,—n, Wigs SW (not) z PE Numba fins Un = Ay xn, tahite Ny TS lower oy bit M 1s Wighe orbit Quution 1 i) Koo ws Special Unis ate obtain © Jos from oH ovtit ty hear » ho spachet Lines | = Zn) | = 26-1) aes aoa g 2] St Stites | 1 = MUTE Holo ON, Wescble TR a tat L sped Veale A tohon 6 agi = xthenito Grruna Sete (Stayig) 2 4) Worg spel Ving = TG) = ON Vig, TR Ps =m % But Acct Ribs I MW x Ah =. nea ec Et Sabir =(s 4 |) How sing ON, Wit, TR ata prducen Wer Stuart T setwuts a orcit 2 A) 104 Sputial (nus = Ze— 2) = 5 2 studs gy i UV =o, Visiee te Dk =3, T2235 isi 1) Has mg Spel say fomad athehyd, z ty eit SM otert safutas te [ihgee en Setnin, we Patches leis oe cbitier 9 Wt bet Re Ging N04 Spectral linus t =] +4 = 5 = Cm as at +2440 J é oH aut + si Quests : whate 5 TS propel cus ft 1 & ts pouty a ary § + Sey es Pacasiny lnc! Mele NE Wahi y : leh aah Geese Hin, eo, = ee a) Teh Enos» ee) | Th yO, Suteki B., ee spc rag we get GEG). — 4 eet Be Oh Ho Se e — A Coy te Lage he T€=-ke |E= Se tala Rene V7 PEs ~2etelb. Saas eS : Lezke | 2 eu/atin mea. Heate 7.615 tabenod “Ve A) E 6 ee ce = Mh3! Gil) Change 9 Energy befieey Wee | Wea ae is hapa eucatess mimics! fp tant es abit aaa i i Gescary) pradly decries Wesco iv) bight Entgy ib ofasti Abit tard Local Ereigy is Petert The E) = SLB R | LOD Tf E feng perm I) TE kE Ge =" ey then ae mary ) WE Mito) 9) 1 te aMovkt, Orgy Ps ree Leow. ae SE ISI Ot Vey Saquiind iS Lond ew is) Pe as Ditte aonit, Eales r Rewuied is factev 1. cit gheut, The 9-64, UtHien Fafa 9 Ey and Tackind Cx) ene A) PEs Zep 5 Y pes 32 7 TE tke ae. gi ; Te Sethe Di pete tee = 3eiary | A letra ee homies ast iy Accatet Uineg, a) Exe? m2! Pebeba sede Questing Diese Nyy, & a yn ess Sibel Sy. ands fae Zee yi XG Zeb hE = mye Games = Wy ce tardy, ‘ater ake YL nat y im ae ee & fhe es hel bps Numba g verielitin wade |: DDerratin 4 Fllogs eeatin ts AE BL -€ shy che ey ORE iw Sec = : e = _Nelouty¢ & Rowe: © eees ovbi tal Frente Cy Gta Free (221) ne Wy Bribie hes (anata! aa net 2 Orbital frey. = SOS) cols STS WERE QR x 0. As OS an = cu orbit trea) = Cem ieael = — Se) dane Sy ems = NY 6F RE Cm) an OX ~ * —: eT peat R flag’ = Fan” pn - —— — 3) Alculate the eee Pa -2te~ -an 333.4 fit cxetel sate gh Ste, in | PE =~ 627-2 Cen fmve fem g ka/mst ? S) The Te petial 9 Yew in he Soot o Lite Pye ici 22 fon is (x! sed Than Re Ee found 4 versbitin ni ET fete, iM QM out 4g Hebin os a Seg ETD A) Teme para 2? = Gy SNE a fe oh Cpe ames ae Ta” Wee Ey ~— Sa8bofary oA i Vidal TERE Res ze i es Ene iw dit exch ih Te = Sec Ue fon in Teams 4 Keaton | O3¢R Naa eS a (Olt ena tee A eeticle CigiG) 2 PRC epee NIA SE amas |4) a ME Ming aN Aah, Py bea si Te Ta hack Gh =) Bese 8! eens Yr Zz e FES BA) = 38st) “y LE she t 9/86 ket), Ma @ oe ye a RRS rs D : Fe IS a co ) GEEBSS Tes sear fry an i de KR me x2 x! RE, © \ b) Teaps ko Pes Bek ak Ses PE =—2xke ah. one 2 Se —ee Vax Qeaq nine] Deter} guckon i ne BES tikes Ramet Ce 4 ont meter Bt Ihe s al rdmesddan (tavy) > > oh 1 eta -| ao ni Qh “avy MOmethor my) = Sa ° th at . ee Darunes q Spedteal lines = = @-n) Nee to Weapenn = ncey | Bette = ra Need se » Meamabeta five Gnas = Wy xm Time = bSxlo en? pat wy FS Lose duet ee =e : see eS fbi ai Mtonct ano, 8) ao a coon Be ele Neher, Li (a 29) ae Ley” Engen eee = Sule & Ze, Nis Shit numabe, SLE Yer ie. fires x 22 =a oe Ly” a ee E ‘ AA AS Ty lavels 5 A,B, Cate bean area ! Zs ce Flaten ie ike Malenakes cxtrestra, fe mee Tae” eee ie "UR mt x Lamu Vx hcg} ay My tems “Hees has dxis Unt’, past, Beals | boul EES bp ey Rtn : ) > ) Ext Gedy; Ty ne Yano Te pest [19 lt MEET GE (an =e), tea it OE. At ao 5 Dec ana Nelocrty beers Un Guten & Dx. dp = DE. 4t) Grn, he. Quszo 4) lA a. py Qv> 4 2 ok 4x ie ee Samu] 5) Sgripens 4 saastorty piney, so! 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