2b. Belonging To The Movement-1

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1. What did the "Hitler Youth" seem to offer to young Germans like the Scholls?

a. The Hitler youth seemed to offer young Germans like the Scholls a sense of belonging,
camaraderie, and purpose. For many young Germans at the time, joining the Hitler youth
would mean opportunities for adventure and socialisation. It offered a sense of identity and
pride in being part of a larger national movement. The Hitler youth also included
opportunities for physical fitness, military training which would have appealed to young
kids. Ultimately, it provided a structured environment where young Germans could feel
empowered and important, especially since German was undergoing political turmoil and
social changes.
2. Why do the Children not heed their father's warnings? What dangers are foreshadowed in the text?
a. The father of the Scholls became displeased with his children after they joined Hitler youth
because he knew that the Nazis were teaching his children the wrong things. He even
compares Nazis to wolves and tells the children that the Nazis are taking advantage of their
“youthful enthusiasm”. The many things discussed such as the destruction of others as well
as themselves are foreshadowed.
3. When Hans acted the way he did, what was the choice he was making?
a. When Hans chose to stick up for a young boy, he made a moral decision despite the severe
consequences he would face. Hans demonstrates moral courage at the risk of his safety to
non-conform to the expectations of society around him.
4. Why were so few willing to make this kind of choice?
a. Many people would not be willing to make this choice because of the oppressive regime
and fear instilled in the population. Kids were afraid to speak out at the risk of defying
authority. Surrounding social pressures also makes others scared of being ostracised for
voicing their opinions at the risk of crossing general ideologies.

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