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2019-02-19 MAT119 Calculus Week02 Handout

(1) Find a counter example to the following statement:
f (x)
(1.1) If limx→a f (x) = 0 and limx→a g(x) = 0, then limx→a does not exist.
(1.2) If limx→a f (x)g(x) exists, then limx→a f (x)g(x) = f (a)g(a).
(2.1) Draw the graph of f (x) = x + 2.
x2 − 4
(2.2) Draw the graph of f (x) = .

Show that if f is continuous at a, then |f | is continuous at a.
1. Check that |f (a)| is defined,
2. Check that limx→a |f (x)| exists,
3. Check that limx→a |f (x)| = |f (a)|

Find a counter example to the following statement:

(1) If |f (x)| is continuous at x = 1, then f (x) is continuous at x = 1.
(2) If limx→2 f (x) exists, then f (x) is continuous at x = 2.

Show that f (x) = |x − 2|x3 + sin(x − 2) is continuous at x = 2.

Tasks: Check that
1. f (2) is defined (2 is in the domain of f (x)),
2. limx→2 f (x) exists (or, both limx→2+ and limx→2− exist),
3. limx→2 f (x) = f (2).

Find a counter example to the following statement:

The domain of a function f (x) is [3, 5]. If f (3) < 0 and f (5) > 0, then f (c) = 0 for some 3 < c < 5.

x4 − x 3 − 5
Let f (x) = .
(1) Show that f (x) = 0 has at least one solution.
(2) Show that f (x) = 0 has at least two solutions.

Suppose f (x) is a continuous function on [−5, 5], f (−5) < (−5)3 , and f (5) > 53 .
Show that there exists some number c in the open interval (−5, 5) such that f (c) = c3 .
Hint: Consider the function g(x) = f (x) − x3 and use the Intermediate value theorem.

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