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2023 Year 9
Semester 2

Akeisha Kantor

9 Rabin 1

Tutor: Mrs J Cohen

Head of House: Ms L Korotkov

PO BOX 202 / 20 Stanley St Randwick 2031

Telephone (02) 8383 7333 Fax (02) 8383 7399
Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

Emanuel School reports your child's progress with written reports twice a year and through interviews and meetings.
You may contact the School to discuss this report and Akeisha's progress with the Teacher, House Tutor or Head of

Classes reported on Teacher

Rabin Mrs J Cohen
English Mr A Morris
5.1 - 5.3 Mathematics Mr N Furman
Science Ms C Norman
Geography Miss V Harding
Jewish Studies - Bioethics and Judaism Ms S Melamdowitz
PDHPE Mr R Oakes
History Elective Mr C Moss
Visual Arts Ms R Keong
STEAM Mr J Peacock

Key to Grades
Grades are awarded for each listed course outcome and the overall course grade is a summary of student
achievement in that course.
A - Advanced Achievement The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can
readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of
competence in the processes and skills and can apply these to new situations.
B - High Achievement The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high
level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply
this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
C - Satisfactory Achievement The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content
and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes.
D - Developing Achievement The student is developing knowledge and understanding of the content and has
achieved a basic level of competence in the processes and skills.
E - Experiencing Difficulties The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in a few areas of the
content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

During Semester 2, the Year 9 Tutor Program focused on students' 'Digital Footprint' discussing themes of consent,
online behaviours and interactions. This was supplemented by an external speaker series, where students engaged in
workshops run by ySafe on cyberbullying and image-based abuse, 'Pornography v Reality' by ElephantEd, and
'Consent in the World of Technology' by ConsentLabs. In Term 4, students also discussed methods to manage stress
and cope with challenges, including preparation for Year 9 Examinations.
Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom
Wears uniform with pride ✓
Is punctual ✓
Engages in the Tutor Program ✓
Respects school rules ✓
Is able to reflect ✓
Is co-operative and respectful in their interactions with others ✓
Communicates effectively ✓
Demonstrates school spirit and positive participation in activities ✓

Extra-curricular Activities
Mock Mediation Team, da Vinci Decathlon, JA Thompson History Debating Team, Duke of Edinburgh Award 2023
Yoga, Fitness Training Program
Attendance Record Days
Days Absent 2
Days Late 4
House Tutor's Comment
Akeisha is an important member of the Rabin Tutor Group, whose thoughtful contributions add depth to Tutor Program
discussions. She is strongly encouraged to speak up more, as her insights are truly appreciated. Akeisha is commended
on her impressive efforts this year. She is encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities on offer in Year 10 to
support her continued academic success and personal growth.
Mrs J Cohen
Executive Comment
Akeisha has demonstrated an excellent level of diligence, enthusiasm, consistency and academic ability throughout
Semester 2 of Year 9. In recognition of this, she has, once again, received the Principal's Award for Outstanding
Academic Effort and Achievement, which is thoroughly deserved. She is self-motivated and has an excellent work ethic,
which has had a positive impact on her learning. Akeisha is respectful and sets an example for others in class. Her
attendance has been excellent. She has participated in extra-curricular activities, thus enhancing the development of
various skills beyond the classroom. Akeisha has now completed half of her High School program and would be wise to
consider her goals for the second half of this journey.
Mr A Ezekiel Mr A Watt
Executive Staff Principal

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

English Grade: A
This semester, students studied 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare.
Students developed their knowledge of the play and its ideas and were
assessed through a speech on the play. Students then explored the nature of
mass media and how social media can be used to effect change. The Yearly
Examination involved students writing an essay on one of the English texts
studied this year.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Demonstrates an understanding of the themes and ideas of the texts studied ✓
and can relate them to concepts covered in the course
Demonstrates an understanding of the ways composers use language to shape ✓
meaning in texts
Demonstrates an ability to write extended analytical pieces that shape meaning ✓
for specific audiences, purposes and contexts
Demonstrates an ability to write creatively and create extended imaginative or ✓
interpretive texts for specific audiences, purposes and contexts

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha has made a very positive contribution to the Year 9 English course. She can be relied upon to be conscientious
and motivated to do as well as she can in this important subject. Indeed, her written work is immaculately presented.
She listens intently to class discussion and her verbal contributions demonstrate understanding of, and interest in, the
concepts being explored. Akeisha recently undertook a Performance of Understanding on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and
Juliet'. This was a valuable opportunity for her to experience writing an essay under formal examination conditions. In
essay responses, Akeisha should ensure that she continues to develop a personal voice whilst at the same time
maintaining a formal analytical mode.
Mr A Morris

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

5.1 - 5.3 Mathematics Grade: A

During the semester, students engaged in the study of Financial Mathematics.
Its importance as a part of our everyday lives was emphasised when
performing different types of calculations involving earning money, income tax
and GST. Students then broadened their Algebraic Skills by learning about the
different forms of Factorisation and simplifying algebraic fractions. Time was
then given to finding the distance between two points, the midpoint of an
interval, the gradient of a line and finding equations of straight lines in Linear
Relationships. Students then learned about indices and their use in
abbreviating operations such as multiplication and division. Students then
revised right-angled triangles and Measurement. They first defined the
trigonometric ratios and then learned to calculate unknown sides and angles.
This enabled students to solve a variety of problems related to practical
contexts. Finally, students focused on calculating and applying perimeter, area,
surface area and volume to solve problems. An assessment and examination
occurred in each term where students were generally assessed on at least
three concepts. In-class tasks and at-home tasks also allowed students to get
feedback on their progress.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Demonstrates an understanding of Indices and Surds ✓
Demonstrates an understanding of Computation and Financial Mathematics ✓
Demonstrates an understanding of Measurement ✓
Demonstrates an understanding of Algebra ✓

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha is a conscientious student who takes every lesson seriously and is working productively and with great purpose.
As a result of this diligent and dedicated approach, Akeisha's quality of work has improved, and she achieved an
excellent result in the Yearly Examination. It is pleasing that Akeisha was also able to recognise and acknowledge the
progress she has made this year. The time and effort she invested into her work in class and at home has enabled
Akeisha to improve the structure of her extended response answers. She has built a very good foundation on which to
approach the Year 10 Advanced course. Akeisha is encouraged to focus her immediate revision on calculating simple
interest, applying her understanding of the index laws, and simplifying an algebraic fraction using different forms of
factorising. She is then advised to review calculating tax refunds, solving simple quadratic equations, and factorising the
difference of two squares. Finally, Akeisha would also benefit from completing additional questions on simplifying
expressions using the index laws and fully simplifying the multiplication of algebraic fractions involving factorisation.
Mr N Furman

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

Science Grade: A
In Stage 5 Science, students acquire scientific knowledge and practical
research skills and develop a deeper appreciation of scientific endeavour and
of Science as an evolving body of knowledge. In Semester 2, students
completed either Chemical Reactions or Sparky. They then went on to study
the structure of the Earth and its impact on human activities in The Earth We
Live On. In the final topic, Sustainable Biomes, the students explored the
complexity of life on Earth. The students' understanding of the topics studied
was assessed through a practical task and the Yearly Examination.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts encountered ✓
this semester
Demonstrates skills in practical and experimental work ✓
Demonstrates an ability to communicate scientific information and ✓
Engages with Science content and skills at a class specific level ✓

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha has continued to show that she is a hard-working student. She consistently produces work of a high standard
and has developed a deep understanding of the course content. Akeisha received a perfect result for the practical
Physics Performance of Understanding, showing that she is able to complete practical work with confidence and analyse
results. The practical Chemistry Performance of Understanding was also completed to a very high standard. To improve
further, Akeisha needs to focus on learning the key terms related to experimental work such as 'accurate', 'reliable', and
'valid'. In the lead-up to the Yearly Examination, Akeisha wrote a set of extremely detailed revision notes which enabled
her to prepare herself for the examination fully. She should be proud of the outstanding result that she achieved.
Ms C Norman

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

Geography Grade: A
In Semester 2 Year 9 Geography students investigated the topic of Human
Wellbeing and this included an investigation of how governments and citizens
can affect the standard of living. They also looked at geographical issues in
Environmental Change and Management. This included studies into
endangered species and climate change. Geography students also completed
a Local Geographic Investigation where they chose their own local geographic
issue and conducted independent primary and secondary research. The goal
was for students to define an issue, conduct research, communicate their
findings and recommend action to local decision makers.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Explains processes and influences that form and transform places and ✓
Communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety ✓
of strategies
Analyses differences in human wellbeing and ways to improve human wellbeing ✓

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha is a quiet yet diligent student who has shown an interest in learning about human wellbeing and sustainable
biomes. This is shown in her improved completion of class tasks, and she is encouraged to contribute more to class
discussion as the next step to furthering her learning. The Term 3 Performance of Understanding tasked students with
developing initiatives to improve wellbeing in one disadvantaged community in the world. Akeisha excelled in the
completion of this task, as she was able to bring in detailed information about the issues faced by people with disabilities
in China, and give a strong proposal for the project idea.
Miss V Harding

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

Jewish Studies - Bioethics and Judaism Grade: A

Students began the Bioethics and Judaism Elective Course by understanding
relevant concepts regarding ethics in general and bioethics in particular. They
then studied foundational Biblical and Talmudic sources that are key to
contemporary Jewish ethical and legal discourse. Students were then able to
analyse bioethical dilemmas through these Jewish sources.

In Term 4, students explored student-designed Reshet courses on several

bioethical issues. They demonstrated an understanding of how Biblical,
Talmudic and Jewish responsa sources are used in relation to Euthanasia and
Organ Donation, and participated in a detailed source analysis regarding a
real-life case study on Conjoined Twins.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Understands the pertinent Jewish values, principles and concepts relating to ✓
Understands foundational Biblical and Talmudic sources as being key ✓
components of contemporary Jewish ethical discourse.
Demonstrates expertise on the general and Jewish perspectives of a ✓
contemporary bioethical issue.

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha was a motivated student who participated in all class activities in Jewish Studies this semester. In Term 3, she
enjoyed exploring ethical dilemmas and was fully engaged in group activities. She worked consistently on her class
work, producing thoughtful responses. Akeisha achieved a strong mark in the open book Bioethics test, indicating that
she had understood the concepts and foundational sources required for Jewish bioethical discourse and could apply this
knowledge in different contexts. To improve, she is encouraged to read each question carefully and check that she has
answered each question with the required information. During Term 4, she demonstrated outstanding collaboration skills
when investigating xenotransplantation with her group. She is to be commended for her productive teamwork when
designing the highly creative and informative Reshet course on their chosen topic. Akeisha has been a pleasure to teach
and is wished continued success in her Jewish learning.
Ms S Melamdowitz

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

PDHPE Grade: A
During Semester 2, Year 9 students studied the theory topics Risky Business
(the skills, attitudes and values needed to evaluate and manage risk) and
Men's and Women's health issues. In practical lessons, students participated in
a range of sports, such as netball, benchball, soccer, basketball and
gymnastics. They have also participated in a team orienteering program.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Demonstrates a level of skill in a range of practical activities that enable ✓
effective and satisfying participation
Demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of PDHPE ✓
concepts encountered this semester
Demonstrates academic maturity by building and regularly submitting ✓
completed coursework to their online Learning Portfolio
Demonstrates behaviours and attitudes that will produce improvements in ✓
health-related fitness levels

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha consistently exhibits exemplary classroom behaviour marked by kindness and active engagement, fostering a
positive and welcoming learning environment. Her positive attitude significantly enhances the overall classroom
atmosphere, making her a joy to have in class. Academically, Akeisha has excelled, demonstrating a high level of
proficiency, particularly highlighted in the Term 3 Performance of Understanding where she achieved full marks. Her in-
depth understanding of the material, complemented by outstanding presentation skills, demonstrated her intellectual
capabilities. Moving forward, Akeisha's goal should be to maintain this exceptional attitude toward learning. Sustaining
this positive mindset will undoubtedly contribute to her ongoing academic success and personal growth.
Mr R Oakes

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

History Elective Grade: A

During Semester Two of Elective History, students reflected on their feedback
from their essays about significant historical figures, and then delved into
studies on the Witch Craze and the Cold War period. First, students explored
the significant roles played by factors such as religion, evolving economic
conditions, and gender concepts in fuelling the witch craze. This knowledge
was then applied through case studies on the Pendle Witch Trials and Salem
Witch Trials. To demonstrate their understanding, students designed a
historical board game that encouraged players to engage with the historical
context through gameplay. In Term 4, students have embarked on a study of
the Cold War, investigating the origins of the Cold War and how it developed.
While discovering some of the key events and actions the students considered
what threatened world peace the most and analysed the value and limitations
of the sources they engaged with.This skill was assessed during their Yearly

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Sequences major historical events or heritage features to show an ✓
understanding of continuity, change and causation
Identifies, comprehends and evaluates historical sources and uses them ✓
appropriately in an historical inquiry
Uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts ✓

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha has continued to make significant progress in History Elective during Semester 2. She has sustained her hard-
working and conscientious approach to her learning and in class has continued to engage in high level thinking. This was
demonstrated in the Term 3 Performance of Understanding when Akeisha, along with her group, produced an
imaginative and engaging board game on the Witchcraze. It was well researched and incorporated knowledge of specific
witch hunts and trials. Akeisha also performed very well in her recent examination, demonstrating her knowledge,
understanding and historical skills. To improve, Akeisha should continue to work on providing specific details and
examples to support her points and use additional knowledge when using and analysing sources. Overall, Akeisha
should be pleased with what she has achieved in History Elective this year. She is developing into a talented historian.
Mr C Moss

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

Visual Arts Grade: A

This semester, students have undertaken a study of Geometric Abstraction,
with a focus on 20th Century artists such as Ellsworth Kelly and Alexander
Calder. After conducting personal research on a specific artist, students
presented their research to the class in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
The artmaking focus has been on the design and building of an abstract
ceramic wall hanging inspired by the Finnish artist from the 1960s, Maiija Lisa
Vasenius. This process has involved extensive planning and students have
tailored their designs to the theme of 'Soft Machine'. Students have gained
knowledge of the design process and specific techniques when working with
ceramics. Students' use of the Visual Arts Process Diary is central to the
development of key knowledge and skills. This allows students to reflect upon
and evaluate their own creative processes as well as the practices of others.

Course Outcomes Level of Achievement

Akeisha A B C D E
Draws on a variety of sources and engages with different cultural and historical ✓
contexts or disciplines
Demonstrates a level of technical sensitivity in the use of materials for the ✓
creation and resolution of artworks.
Demonstrates an ability to analyse and apply ideas in original and innovative ✓
ways throughout the creative process.

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓
Akeisha demonstrates a strong work ethic in Visual Arts, dedicating time, and meticulous effort to all areas of her
learning. Within the critical and historical components of the course, she showed an outstanding aptitude for critical
thinking and analysis. This was showcased in her historical research task on artist Victor Vasarely. Akeisha constructed a
strong point of view that was reflective of her deep research, capacity to draw connections between ideas, and her
advanced understanding of the fundamental principals of Abstraction. Akeisha has continued to challenge herself in her
artmaking, taking bold risks. This was particularly recognised in her recent design and construction of a ceramic wall
hanging sculpture. Throughout her creative process, Akeisha remained committed to realising her visions by undertaking
thorough planning and experimentation. Her technical handle of clay was sensitive and her glaze application incredibly
precise and tidy, producing an impressive result. Akeisha has continued to make thorough use of her Visual Arts Process
Diary to document her creative process. Her evaluations have revealed Akeisha's capacity to be flexible and critical of
her own ideas and processes. Akeisha is to be commended for her creative gains this year.
Ms R Keong

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Akeisha Kantor 2023 S2 Year 09

In STEAM this semester the students have been developing their skills in
design and making. In the first topic, Principles Of Flight, students learnt about
the application of forces and basic fluid dynamics to design and build a glider
to carry a raw egg the furthest without breaking. The second topic this
semester, Cajon Drum Circle, required students to design, build, tune and learn
to play a Brazilian wooden box drum with an individual drawing they LASER
etched on the faceplate. Their mastery of skills was assessed throughout the
Level of Achievement
Course Outomes
Akeisha Master Proficient Developing Novice
Collaboration and communication ✓
Research ✓
Problem Solving and Design ✓
Prototyping and Construction ✓
Managing time and other resources ✓
Following Instructions Carefully ✓

Akeisha Consistently Usually Sometimes Seldom

Uses class time productively ✓
Works well with others ✓
Completes tasks to the best of their ability ✓
Is well organised ✓
Works well independently ✓
Is able to receive and act on teacher feedback ✓

Akeisha is an enthusiastic student. She arrives to class ready to learn and listens carefully to instructions, asking
pertinent questions should she require any clarification. She works well with whomever she is assigned and collaborates
effectively, delegating tasks fairly and supporting all members to ensure deadlines are met. Akeisha's glider design was
the only one that incorporated fabric wings over a curved frame, reflective of her research into early plane designs. Not
the most effective prototype aerodynamically, nevertheless her group's design was moderately effective and her 3D
printed component did protect the glider occupant from excessive damage on first flight. Akeisha's cajon project is
meticulously crafted and her front piece laser etched design is beautiful. She should be immensely proud of her work on
this project thus far, as she has created a functional work of art, not just a wooden drum.
Mr J Peacock

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