Word-Group 5-How To Make A Good Advertisement

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Hoàn thành đúng hạn

Trần Ngọc Lan Có đóng góp tích cực trong A
Elements of a good advertisement
xây dựng bài thảo luận

- Describing your products/ Hoàn thành đúng hạn
Lê Khánh Linh
services with honest Có đóng góp tích cực trong A
(thư ký)
- Visuals xây dựng bài thảo luận
- Highlighting your
competitive advantages

Hoàn thành đúng hạn

Lô Thị Hương Ly Có đóng góp trong xây dựng B+
Analyzation of advertising tools
bài thảo luận

- Persuasive techniques
Trần Thị Xuân Hoàn thành muộn
- Following the law B
- Creating association
- Response mechanisms
Introduction and conclusion of the
topic ‘How to design a good
advertisement Hoàn thành đúng hạn
Phạm Hồng Ngọc
Definition of advertisement and Có đóng góp tích cực trong A
(nhóm trưởng)
tools to create advertisement. xây dựng bài thảo luận
Sum up materials

- Determining the right Hoàn thành đúng hạn
Đào Thị Minh
medium Có đóng góp trong xây dựng B+
- Identifying your audience bài thảo luận
- Alluring headline
Pha ̣m Văn Nhật X Không tham gia F

Hoàn thành đúng hạn

Bùi Thị Hồng
Purposes of an advertisement Có đóng góp trong xây dựng B+
bài thảo luận

Trần Ngọc Lan 9

Lê Khánh Linh (thư ký) 9.5

Lô Thị Hương Ly 8.5

Trần Thị Xuân Mai 8

Phạm Hồng Ngọc (nhóm trưởng) 10

Đào Thị Minh Nguyệt 8.5

Pha ̣m Văn Nhật 0

Bùi Thị Hồng Nhung 8.5

Class: 232_ENTI1012_17
Time: From 14:30 to 16:00 on 03/03/2024
Place: Online on Google Meet
Members: Phạm Hồng Ngọc (Leader), Trần Ngọc Lan, Lê Khánh Linh, Lô Thị Hương
Ly, Trần Thị Xuân Mai, Đào Thị Minh Nguyệt, Bùi Thị Hồng Nhung.
Contents for discussing:
- Contributing ideas related to How to design a good advertisement.
- Dividing the task.
+ Phạm Hồng Ngọc: Introducing and concluding the topic ‘How to design a good
advertisement’, find out definition of advertisement and tools to create advertisement.
Sum up materials.
+ Lô Thị Hương Ly: Researching into advertising creation tools.
+ Bùi Thị Hồng Nhung: Presenting purposes of an advertisement
+ Trần Ngọc Lan: Clarifying elements of a good advertisement
+ Đào Thị Minh Nguyệt: Explaining three techniques for designing advertisements:
Determining the medium, Indentifying audience, Alluring Headline.
+ Lê Khánh Linh: Showing ways to Describing product with honest, Making a good
Visual and Highlighting competitive advantages.
+ Trần Thị Xuân Mai: Listing the remaining techniques for designing effective
+ Phạm Văn Nhật: Not participate in discussion
Duties for members: Thinking and finding out the most suitable content for your own
duty, deadline on 12/03/2024.
Head of the team Secretary
Phạm Hồng Ngọc Lê Khánh Lin
Class: 232_ENTI1012_17
Time: From 22:00 to 23:00 on 16/03/2024
Place: Online on Google Meet
Members: Phạm Hồng Ngọc (Leader), Trần Ngọc Lan, Lê Khánh Linh (Secretary), Lô
Thị Hương Ly, Trần Thị Xuân Mai, Đào Thị Minh Nguyệt, Bùi Thị Hồng Nhung.
Contents for discussing:
Carry out a topic presentation review: How to design a good advertisement

Name Performance

1 Trần Ngọc Lan Elements of a good advertisement

- Describing your products/ services with
2 Lê Khánh Linh
- Visuals
- Highlighting your competitive

3 Lô Thị Hương Ly Forms of advertisement

Advertising language techniques, Persuasive

4 Trần Thị Xuân Mai
techniques, Following the law
Introdution + Conclusion
Definition of advertisements and tools of
5 Phạm Hồng Ngọc
Sum up materials

6 Phạm Văn Nhật X

7 Bùi Thị Hồng Nhung Brand awareness and Brand exposure

Head of the team Secretary

Phạm Hồng Ngọc Lê Khánh Linh
In today's fast-paced world filled with information, designing a good
advertisement has become an art form which is crucial for capturing audience attention
and achieving marketing success. Whether it is a print ad in a magazine, a television
commercial, or a sponsored post on social media, the effectiveness of an advertisement
hinges on its ability to stand out amidst the noise and resonate with the target audience.
Creating a good advertisement is not merely about showcasing a product or
service; it is about crafting a persuasive message that engages, informs, and influences
consumer behavior. From the choice of visuals and language to the strategic placement of
the ads, every element plays a pivotal role in capturing attention and driving desired
In this essay, we will delve into the intricacies of designing a good advertisement.
We will explore the fundamental principles behind effective advertising and provide
actionable tips for crafting compelling messages that leave a lasting impression. Whether
you are looking to enhance your advertising strategy or seeking to master the art of
persuasion, this essay might help you with the knowledge and tools to create
advertisements that resonate with your audience and drive meaningful results.
PART 1: WHAT IS AN ADVERTISEMENT? ...............................................................................1
1.1 A brief description of advertisements ............................................................................1
1.2 Advertisement types .....................................................................................................2
 Broadcast Advertising: ....................................................................................................2
 Digital Advertising .........................................................................................................3
 Outdoor Advertising .......................................................................................................3
 Influencer advertisement: ................................................................................................4
 Print Advertisement: .......................................................................................................4
 Product Integration: ........................................................................................................5
PART 2: WHAT MAKES A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT? .............................................................6
2.1 Purposes of an advertisement ..............................................................................................6
2.2 Elements of a good advertisement ........................................................................................7
2.2.1 Mission .........................................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Money ...........................................................................................................................8
2.2.3 Message ........................................................................................................................8
2.2.4 Media .........................................................................................................................10
2.2.5 Measure ...................................................................................................................... 11
PART 3: TECHNIQUES TO MAKE A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT ............................................12
3.1 Determining the right medium...........................................................................................12
3.2 Identifying your audience ..................................................................................................13
3.3 Alluring headline ..............................................................................................................14
3.4 Describing your products/ services with honest...................................................................16
3.5 Visuals ..............................................................................................................................17
3.6 Highlighting your competitive advantages ..........................................................................21
3.7 Persuasive techniques ........................................................................................................22
3.8 Following the law ..............................................................................................................23
3.9 Creating association ..........................................................................................................24
3.10 Response mechanisms .....................................................................................................24
REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................27
1.1 A brief description of advertisements
Advertisements, often referred to as ads, are ubiquitous elements of our modern
society, intricately woven into the fabric of our daily lives. From the moment we wake up
until we retire to bed, we encounter a barrage of advertisements through various mediums
such as television, radio, print, internet.... But what exactly is an advertisement?
The term “advertisement” can be defined in various ways. According to
Cambridge Dictionary, an advertisement is “a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to
persuade people to buy a product or service”. Merriam-Webster considers an
advertisement “a paid notice that is published or broadcast as to attract customers or to
provide information of public interest”. Another definition is from Philip Kotler - the
“father of modern marketing”, an American marketing author, consultant, and professor
emeritus. He refers to an advertisement to "any paid form of non-personal presentation
and promotion of ideas, goods, and services through mass media such as newspapers,
magazines, television, or radio by an identified sponsor."
From above-mentioned definitions of advertisements, we can see that an
advertisement is a form of communication through various media channels with the intent
of promoting, attracting, or persuading an audience to take some action such as
purchasing a product, subscribing to a service, or supporting a cause. The primary
objective of advertisements is often to generate sales and revenue; inform, educate,
entertain, or raise awareness about social issues.
The history of advertising dates back to ancient civilizations when merchants used
signs and vocal announcements to promote their goods. However, modern advertising
began to take shape during the Renaissance with the emergence of printed
advertisements. The Industrial Revolution further propelled advertising as mass
production led to the need for creating demand. In the 20th century, advertising
flourished with the advent of radio, television, and later, the internet. The digital
revolution transformed advertising once again, with the rise of social media and

personalized, data-driven advertising. Despite its evolution, advertisements remain a
powerful tool for businesses to communicate with consumers and shape perceptions.
However, advertisements are not without criticism when critics argue that
advertisements often perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, promote materialism,
exploit insecurities, and manipulate consumer behavior. Moreover, the proliferation of
advertisements in public spaces can contribute to sensory overload and visual pollution,
detracting from the aesthetic appeal of the environment.
Despite the controversies surrounding advertisements, they play an integral role in
driving economic activity, fostering competition, and shaping cultural norms and
attitudes. They serve as a mirror reflecting societal values, trends, and aspirations while
simultaneously influencing consumer preferences and behaviors.

1.2 Advertisement types

There are numerous advertisement types that businesses can utilize to promote
their products and services. The use of advertisement types depends on marketing goals,
advertising budget... If your companies are looking for the best advertisements for lead
generation and revenue growth. Some of the best choices for modern marketing and
digital advertising include:
 Broadcast Advertising:
Television commercials are a popular advertising tool due to their wide reach
and ability to deliver visual and audio messages. They can target specific TV channels
or time slots to reach the desired audience. TV ads allow for storytelling, showcasing
products or services, and building brand awareness. Radio ads utilize audio content
such as audio messaging, endorsement… to capture the audience’s attention.

 Digital Advertising:
Online advertisements encompass various digital channels, including websites,
social media platforms, and mobile apps. It offers precise targeting options based on
demographics, interests, and online behavior. Online ads can be in the form of banner
ads, pop-ups, video ads, or sponsored content. Social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn provide targeted advertising options. Advertisers
can reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Social media ads can be
visually appealing and interactive, driving engagement and conversions.
 Outdoor Advertising:
Outdoor ads include billboards, posters, digital signage, and transit advertising.
They provide visibility in high-traffic areas and can target specific geographic locations.
Outdoor advertising can quickly capture attention and create brand awareness.

 Influencer advertisement:
Influencer marketing leverages influential individuals on social media to
promote products or services to their followers. By partnering with relevant
influencers, businesses can reach their target audience and benefit from the
influencer's credibility and reach.

 Print Advertisement:
Print advertisement refers to the use of printed materials such as newspapers,
magazines, brochures, flyers, and posters to promote a product or service. This traditional
form of advertising has been widely used for decades and continues to be effective in
reaching a target audience.

 Product Integration:
Product integration, also known as product placement, is a marketing technique
where brands strategically incorporate their products or services into non-advertising
content such as films, TV shows, or music videos. The goal is to seamlessly integrate the
brand's offerings into the storyline or setting, creating a natural and authentic presence
that resonates with the audience.
These advertising tools offer a range of options for businesses to effectively reach
their target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive customer engagement and
conversions. The choice of tools depends on factors such as budget, target audience
characteristics, campaign objectives, and overall marketing strategy.

2.1 Purposes of an advertisement

Advertising serves as a powerful tool in promoting products and driving sales.

Through informing potential customers about the features and benefits of a product, it aims
to persuade them to make a purchase.

In addition, advertisements also play an important role in promoting connection

with customers. By informing and engaging consumers through various marketing
channels, companies can establish a rapport with their customers. This helps in building
trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to long-term relationships between brands and

Finally, advertisements help companies to convert potential customers into active

buyers. By targeting specific segments and demographics, advertisements is intended to
attract the attention of individuals who have expressed interest in a product or service.
Through compelling messages, compelling offers, and clear calls to action, ads encourage
potential customers to take the next step in their purchasing journey.

The company has to achieve its advertising goals by:

1. Inform:

Advertisements play a crucial role in informing consumers about the existence and
benefits of products or services. By increasing brand awareness (the customer's level of
familiarity and ability to remember the business's products/services), companies ensure
that customers recognize their offerings in the market. Moreover, advertisements help in
expanding brand exposure (the actions taken to ensure a brand is seen, noticed, and
recognized by consumers and audiences), reaching a wider and more potential customer

2. Persuade:

Another important purpose of advertising is to persuade consumers to buy or try the
products and services promoted. Persuasive advertisements aim to create a positive
perception of the brand and its offerings. They contribute to a strong formation of brand
image (each customer's perception of a business's brand) in the minds of consumers
encouraging them to develop favorable attitudes towards the brand. By persuading
customers, advertisements, therefore, drive sales and foster brand loyalty.

3. Remind:

In addition to informing and persuading, advertisements also serve the purpose of

reminding customers about the brand and its offerings. Through repetitive exposure,
advertisements help to maintain top-of-mind awareness (refers to a brand or specific
product being first in customers' minds when thinking of a particular industry or category)
and to ensure that consumers remember the brand when making purchasing decisions.
These constant reminders also defend the brand against its competitors, as the brand
remains prominent in the consumers' minds.

2.2 Elements of a good advertisement

When planning an advertising campaign today, businesses need to balance creativity

and attractiveness within important communication rules. To create a good advertisement,
it is essential to have a clear understanding of and apply the 5M Principle - Elements to
create a successful advertising campaign.

2.2.1 Mission

Mission includes three main tasks: informative, persuasive and reminder.

Depending on the goals, we can create appropriate ads:

 When advertising new products or services, we use advertising to provide

information about new features or updates of existing products or services.

 To encourage customers to use your company's products or services, you can
use advertising to persuade them through several means, including: problem-
solution approach, emotional appeal, social proof, ...
 If you have a well-established brand and want to reinforce your presence in
the market, consider using advertising to remind your audience about your
brand. For example, we still see ads for famous brands such as Vinamilk,
Omo, and Milo… on TV every day.

2.2.2 Money

Advertising budget is a crucial factor in selecting the appropriate advertising

medium or coordinating various advertising media to create a consistent advertising
Even if a business has an advertising strategy that ‘’wins the hearts’’ of all
customers, without a sufficient budget, it is impossible to execute the plan
In fact, there are a few low-cost advertising campaigns that are effective,
thanks to creative ideas and smart approaches of advertisers. Apple is a prime
example of a company that uses low-cost advertising campaigns. Rather than
relying on expensive advertisements, they build rumors and rely on word-of-mouth
marketing. Even a small piece of information about a new Apple product can create
excitement and anticipation among target customers. This approach has been very
effective in identifying users' fear of being left behind, contributing greatly to
Apple's success.

2.2.3 Message

 Messages are ideas, information, images, words... businesses want to convey

to consumers. The message must be short, easy to remember, and understand;
and most importantly, must be able to reach the target customer.

Although words are an important part of the message, under today's
advertising trends, many unique advertising models of big brands often
effectively use visual elements without the need for long sentence lines
(Coca-Cola, Samsung, Nike...)

 Gillette's ‘’MeToo Movement’’ is a great example of an advertising

campaign with a powerful message.
Gillette created a short film that addressed social issues such as bullying,
feminism and sexual harassment along with the MeToo movement.
It can be said that this is Gillette's most successful campaign to help the
company increase brand awareness across all social media. Within just 1
week of launch, the company received more than 1.5 million mentions on
social networking platforms.

2.2.4 Media

 Media is a tool that businesses use to communicate their messages to their

target audiences. There are various types of media, such as social networks,
TV, radio, newspapers, and email... Choosing the suitable kind of media is
crucial for the success of an advertising.
Factors for choosing suitable media:
 Target customers: How old are the potential customers? What are their habits
and preferences?... Through carefully compiling and researching the current
demographic, businesses will make decisions on choosing appropriate
advertising media.
 Business advertising budget: Each type of media has a separate price. When
choosing media, businesses should consider the cost and effectiveness of
each type. This will help them stay within budget while still reaching their
target customers.
 Time: Businesses may choose costly but effective media when time is short.
The effects of advertising differ depending on the time.
In general, selecting the right media for a successful advertisement can be a complex
process that requires careful consideration.
One of the brands that takes full advantage of the benefits of media is Netflix:
 Netflix often uses television advertising to introduce new content.
These ads are highly invested in, creative and grab viewers' attention.
 Netflix also uses social media to share information about new content.
The content is usually created with an outstanding and appealing
design to grab the attention of users and encourage them to engage
with it.
 Netflix uses media creatively to engage users and maintain
interaction. Customers can share thoughts and discuss in the
company's articles. They also have a large collection of ‘’meme’’
images from both external and internal sources.
 Netflix collaborates with popular influencers to promote its brand and
content and takes advantage of their large followings to reach a wider
→ It can be seen that Netflix has used various types of media to promote the brand for each
specific purpose, which always brings Netflix great interaction and increases brand
recognition in the market.

2.2.5 Measure

In the 5M model, advertising measurement is the last component. It is

important for businesses to use measurement indicators to assess the impact of ads.
Companies must evaluate two key aspects: communication effectiveness (the level
of interest, love, and advertising memory…) and economic efficiency (sales, market
share, and number of orders…).
This tool helps businesses calculate benefits compared to costs, make
appropriate adjustments, and generate valuable material for successful back-end
advertising campaigns.


Advertisements play a crucial role in attracting potential customers and driving

sales. An effective advertisement must show key factors such as: Determining the right
medium, Identifying your audience, Alluring headlines, Describing your products/
services with honest, Visuals, Highlighting your competitive advantages, Persuasive
techniques, Following the law, Creating association, Response mechanisms.

3.1 Determining the right medium

Each medium has its own advantages and disadvantages. Businesses need to
choose the channel that best suits their products or services, target audience, and budget.

For Examples:

 Facebook: Boasting the largest user base (2.91 billion monthly active users as of
2023 according to Statista, Facebook offers a versatile platform for diverse ranges
of products and services. Therefore, various ad formats, from text-based to image
and video-centric content, can be published to gain information for customers.
 TikTok: This platform is a rising star, particularly with Gen Z (a generation
consists of people who were born between 1997 and 2012). With its focus on
engaging short videos, TikTok thrives on trends and challenges. If your target
audience falls within this demographic and your product aligns with a fun, creative
approach, TikTok can be a powerful tool to promote your products.
 Twitter: Known for its real-time conversations and trending topics, Twitter excels
at driving quick engagement. If your message is concise, timely, and sparks
conversation, Twitter can be a great platform for your advertisements. However,
character limitations (280 characters per tweet) can restrict your message length.
 Instagram: Though Facebook has been found to have the biggest number of users,
Instagram has a higher engagement rate than Facebook. Statistics show that the
interaction rate on Facebook only reaches 0.7%, while Instagram reaches 4.21%.

Therefore, businesses need to consider these factors to choose the most suitable

3.2 Identifying your audience

Understanding the target audience is the key to build an effective advertising

message. Businesses need to research the interests, behaviors, and needs of their potential

For businesses, identifying their target audience is crucial in order to create

effective branding and marketing strategies. Here is why:

 Stronger Brand Identity: Knowing your ideal customers allows you to develop a
brand identity that resonates with their values and ensures a deeper connection.
 Effective Marketing Strategy: Shared values craft impactful marketing campaigns
easier when businesses understand what messages will resonate with their
 Improved Customer Acquisition: Tailoring your branding and marketing towards
specific interests, hobbies...can attract the right customers.
 Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: A well-defined target audience allows you to
deliver on your brand promise, leading to satisfied customers and stronger
 Promotes Brand Loyalty: Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal and
promote your brand through word-of-mouth.

Types of Target Audiences:

 Purchase Intention: These customers are actively looking for a specific product
and they often compare various options. Understanding their decision-making
factors (e.g., cost, warranty) helps you compete effectively.

 Interests: Targeting customers based on their hobbies, media consumption, or
entertainment preferences allows for personalized branding and marketing.
Connecting with their passions builds a stronger connection.
 Subcultures: Targeting specific subcultures (music genres, sports fandoms…)
leverages their strong sense of community. Conducting research within these
communities provides valuable insights and enables word-of-mouth marketing


 Cosmetics company: Needs to determine the age, gender, skin type, and income of
the target customer.
 Sportswear company: Needs to determine the favorite sport, frequency of exercise,
and affordability of the target customer.

According to a 2022 Nielsen survey, 72% of consumers said they are more likely
to buy products from brands that understand their needs.

3.3 Alluring headline

A headline is the first element that catches the viewer's attention. Businesses,
therefore, need to design a headline that is concise, clear, easy to understand, and conveys
the main message of the advertisement.


 Boring headline: "50% off all products"

 Compelling headline: "Today only! 50% off all women's fashion"

According to a HubSpot study, 80% of consumers decide to read content based on

the headline.

Here are some tips for writing attractive titles that will grab attention and make
people want to read more:

Intrigue and Curiosity:

 Use questions: Questions spark curiosity and entice readers to find the answer
within your content.
o Example: Is Your Website Secretly Pushing Customers Away?
 Highlight a surprising fact: Surprise elements can jolt readers out of complacency
and make them want to learn more.
o Example: The One Customer Service Tip That Actually Works (and It's
 Use mystery: Titles that hint at something interesting but don't reveal everything
can pique reader interest.
o Example: The Untold Secret to Writing Titles People Can't Resist

Use keywords:

 The principal advantage of employing keywords in headlines lies in the clarity and
focus they provide. Keywords serve as anchors, guiding the reader's attention and
conveying the core message effectively.
 Strategic keyword placement in headlines contributes to reader engagement and
retention. By addressing specific topics or queries that users are searching for,
headlines featuring keywords pique interest and encourage further exploration.

Use active voice: Given that the title essentially serves as the promotional facet of
your text, commencing with active voice therein is recommended.

 Passive constructions may convey an air of uncertainty. For example, the

statement, "Bounce rates can be improved with Google Search Console," provides
identical information but lacks the conviction regarding the effectiveness of the

method. Conversely, "Utilize Google Search Console to enhance your bounce
rate" exudes a sense of assurance and assertiveness.
 Active voice facilitates clear and direct communication of the intended message,
whereas passive voice often engenders ambiguity.
 Active voice additionally embodies authority and decisiveness, thereby fostering
trust among users.

Get help: Now that you have a few options, it is time to collaborate. Just like with
any other writing project, you will likely have someone to help you edit your piece. This
goes for a headline too. If you have an official editor, a coworker, or maybe a friend
looking over your article, why not also send over your headline ideas. They will have a
fresh perspective and maybe even a few new ideas. They can also help you prove it for
typos and errors.

3.4 Describing your products/ services with honest

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an agency created by Congress

through the Federal Trade Commission Act, oversees consumer protection laws and
advertising regulations. It ensures that advertising is truthful and that claims are evidence-

In general, FTC and state guidelines require advertisements and claims about
products to:

 Be truthful
 Be supported by evidence
 Include all information needed for a consumer to make a reasonable decision about
purchasing the product

An advertisement cannot be false or misleading. Intentional misrepresentation or

omission is false advertising. An ad that implies a product does something it does not may

also be false advertising, even if the business did not intend it that way. For instance, a
juice drink advertisement showing a sick child drinking it and then happily playing may
imply the juice cures the illness unless the ad provides other information.

Honest advertising tells consumers truthfully what they will get from your business.
It is more than a marketing technique that makes a product, brand, or service appealing to

When companies focus on being truthful and avoid unethical practices, they can
avoid penalties from regulatory bodies. On the other hand, if people start associating your
brand with misleading ads, you will lose the public’s trust, become an easy target for
competitor attacks, and face government action…sometimes even all of the above.

Modern consumers are likely to catch onto false advertisements and recognize
them when they see them . They are not bought by exaggerated declarations and vague or
ambiguous promises. So, how can you become an advertiser that people can trust? The
only way to maintain relationships with your customers is to be more transparent by
creating ads that are honest with the audience you’re trying to attract.

3.5 Visuals

 Use Gestalt psychology

It is no secret that advertising is all around us. In fact, the average person is exposed
to over 1,200 ads daily. For this reason, marketers have created new marketing techniques
to ensure their ad reaches the consumer and influences their behavior to purchase the
products or services.

Many businesses even incorporate Gestalt concepts into their websites and stores to
ensure user friendliness and improve customer experience. Gestalt psychology (Subliminal
advertising) is a school of thought, which suggests the human brain is holistic, and consists
of a number of laws focusing on how the human mind perceives objects. Marketers can

manipulate different aspects of ads to indirectly communicate meaning to the consumer
below their level of consciousness.

Gestalt psychology suggests our minds group things together if they are near one
another. This is known as grouping and involves the law of proximity. For example, if a
product is presented next to a photo of a celebrity, we tend to perceive the two as being
associated, which influences us to purchase the product.

In this Coke ad, the bottles are strategically placed close to one another in the shape
of a smile. Without even realizing we automatically group and process these bottles
together, not as individual stimuli. Consequently, the consumer associates Coke with
smiling, which stimulates feelings of happiness and joy and results in a larger incentive to
buy the product.

The concept of closure is another Gestalt concept used by marketers and refers to
the way we perceptually complete objects that are not complete. Use of this technique in

the brand logo or ad is as successful as it forces consumers to pay extra attention to the
logo or image, which increases the chance of storing this information in long-term memory
and brand recall in the future.

The above image is initially perceived as a wine glass but is actually two forks
placed together. This ad strategically uses closure to ensure consumers pay extra attention
to the ad, which increases the chance it is stored in long-term memory. It also
communicates to the consumer this festival is for food and wine, through both visual and
written stimuli.

 Color psychology

Color is a fundamental element of human experience, and it plays a powerful role

in shaping our emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. In the realm of advertising,
understanding the psychology of color is a vital tool for creating impactful and persuasive
campaigns. Each color elicits unique emotional responses and associations, and when used
strategically, it can significantly influence consumer decisions.

For example, everyone knows that red signals danger and that person automatically
reacts to a red warning sign to avoid the hazard. Evolutionary theories believe that early
man learnt to associate red with danger: blood, uncooked meat, or the red face of an
aggressive adversary. But does that mean that red is never to be used in an advert? Far
from it, however, as with all colors, an advert must be created with careful use of color to
ensure it sends out a positive subconscious message – one that is in tune with what the
company is selling and also with the target market.

Colors wield significant influence in advertising, evoking specific emotions and

establishing brand identity. Warm hues like red and orange incite excitement, while cooler
tones like blue and green evoke calmness. This understanding allows advertisers to select
colors that resonate with their audience's emotional response. Moreover, strategically
incorporating colors enhances message comprehension and guides viewer attention
effectively as Cultural nuances and context influence color meanings, necessitating
mindfulness in diverse audience targeting.

 Make a design that can leave a good impression and help them get the message

In the realm of advertising, creating a design that leaves a positive impression and
effectively conveys the intended message is paramount for success. Such a design not only
captures the audience's attention but also ensures that they comprehend the message
clearly. This type of design is characterized by its ability to engage viewers visually while
facilitating easy comprehension of the advertised content.

Firstly, it is crucial to focus on visual appeal. A visually captivating design draws

the audience in, encouraging them to engage with the advertisement. Vibrant colors,
compelling imagery, and eye-catching typography are all elements that contribute to
creating a visually appealing design. By incorporating these elements thoughtfully,
advertisers can captivate the audience's attention and leave a lasting impression.

Furthermore, clarity of message is essential in ensuring that the audience
understands the intended message. This involves using concise and straightforward
language that is easy to comprehend. Additionally, the layout and organization of the
advertisement play a significant role in facilitating clear communication. Information
should be presented in a logical and intuitive manner, guiding the viewer's eye through the
content and reinforcing the key message.

Another crucial aspect of creating a design that leaves a good impression and
facilitates clear understanding is relevance. The advertisement should resonate with the
target audience and speak to their needs, desires, and preferences. By tailoring the content
and imagery to align with the audience's interests, advertisers can increase the likelihood
of capturing their attention and effectively communicating the message.

3.6 Highlighting your competitive advantages

Highlighting your competitive advantages in advertising is essential for ensuring

that our products or services stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract potential
customers effectively. In today's competitive business landscape, it is crucial to
differentiate ourselves from competitors and showcase what sets us apart. To effectively
highlight our competitive advantage, we must first identify what sets us apart from others
in the market. This could be superior quality, unique features, exceptional customer
service, or competitive pricing. Once we have identified our strengths, we can incorporate
them into the design of our advertisement using visually appealing graphics, persuasive
language, and compelling imagery. By prominently featuring our competitive advantage
in the advertisement, we can capture the attention of our target audience and persuade them
to choose our brand over others. Additionally, reinforcing our competitive advantage
consistently across all advertising channels helps to strengthen our brand identity and build
trust with consumers. So, how to highlight our advantage effectively?
First, make sure you understand the market you are entering. Know who your
competitors are and what makes them successful. Identify any weaknesses in the

competition and how you could use those to your advantage. This will help you determine
how your business can stand out from the crowd and give you a clear idea of how to market
your product or service.
Second, showcase why your product or service is better than the competition. Be
sure to emphasize any unique features or benefits that set you apart from the rest.
Third, demonstrate why your team is best positioned to take advantage of this
opportunity. Investors want to invest in businesses that have a strong management team
with a proven track record of success. Showcase the qualifications and experience of each
member of the team, as well as any relevant certifications or awards they've received.
Finally, never forget the power of storytelling in your pitch. Tell an engaging story
about your business that will capture the attention of potential customers and make them
want to learn more about it. Be sure to emphasize key milestones or successes.

3.7 Persuasive techniques

To achieve their main objective of increasing sales of a certain product or service,

effective ads must convince consumers that the featured product or service is better than a
similar offering from a competitor. Persuasive advertising assures that a product can
solve a consumer’s need or improve their life in some way.
One cornerstone of this persuasive approach lies in fostering emotional
connection. A cleverly constructed humorous commercial can elicit feelings of joy and
forge a positive brand association in the viewer's mind. Conversely, a poignant narrative,
rich in emotional depth, might evoke empathy and establish a deeper, more meaningful
connection with the target audience.
Scarcity tactics further amplify this persuasive power. By strategically
highlighting limited-time offers or exclusive product releases, advertisers cultivate a
sense of urgency, prompting viewers to take decisive action before the opportunity
vanishes. This time-sensitive element plays on the inherent human aversion to missing
out, effectively motivating viewers to secure this valuable opportunity before it is gone.

Incorporating testimonials from satisfied customers acts as a powerful trust-
building charm. Witnessing genuine endorsements from real people fosters a sense of
credibility in the product's ability to deliver the promised benefits. Ultimately, this social
proof significantly influences viewers' purchasing decisions, making them far more likely
to take the plunge and experience the product for themselves. In essence, effective
advertising utilizes a strategic blend of emotional appeal, scarcity, and social proof,
meticulously weaving a compelling narrative that transforms passive viewers into
enthusiastic customers.
By orchestrating this persuasive dance, advertisements transcend mere messages,
evolving into powerful forces that captivate audiences and ultimately drive them towards
a purchase.

3.8 Following the law

The world of advertising, while brimming with creative possibilities, also

necessitates navigating a legal landscape to ensure responsible and compliant

For instance, when crafting advertisements aimed at children, strict adherence to

the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is essential. This federal law
safeguards the privacy of children under 13 by regulating data collection and usage
practices. Similarly, if your advertisement delves into the realm of health, nutrition, or
safety claims, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) become key players. Their guidelines dictate the accuracy and
substantiation of such claims within your content marketing materials. Furthermore,
truth in advertisements is a cornerstone principle. Advertised prices must be legitimate,
avoiding deceptive tactics like misleading discounts or inflated "original" prices. Finally,
the FTC imposes specific regulations on product endorsements and disclosures,
particularly for influencers. Transparency is paramount, requiring clear identification of
sponsored content and any potential conflicts of interest that might influence the

endorsement. By familiarizing yourself with and adhering to these legal frameworks, you
can ensure your advertisements are not only persuasive but also compliant, protecting
both your brand's reputation and the interests of your target audience.

In essence, navigating the legal aspects of advertising allows you to create

effective and ethical marketing messages that resonate with your audience without
compromising on legal responsibility.

3.9 Creating association

Advertising frequently utilizes the association technique, a method that

subliminally links a product with desirable attributes. This approach can be implemented
in various ways depending on the good or service being advertised. For example, an air
freshener company might leverage this technique by constructing a video advertisement
that depicts a meticulously organized, tranquil, and spotless home environment resulting
from the use of their product. The intention is to cultivate an association in the viewer's
mind between the advertised fragrance and feelings of cleanliness and serenity. Similarly,
luxury goods such as watches or jewelry often employ this tactic. Advertisers may
showcase models adorned with these items while engaging in luxurious activities like
traveling in private jets or yachts or attending high-society events. The underlying
message suggests that acquiring products from this brand grants the consumer closer
proximity to this aspirational lifestyle. Finally, the association technique can also involve
associating a product with successful people. A brand might strategically display a
multitude of celebrities using their products, thereby implying that success is correlated
with using their brand.

3.10 Response mechanisms

Within the paradigm of advertising design, a well-crafted response mechanism

serves as the linchpin between message and action.

This mechanism fosters a predetermined course of conduct within the target
audience, such as initiating a purchase or seeking further information. To achieve this, the
advertisement should seamlessly integrate clear and accessible contact details. This may
encompass the incorporation of the company website URL, a physical address for brick-
and-mortar establishments, or a prominently displayed phone number. Furthermore, the
strategic inclusion of an incentive, such as a limited-time coupon code or a toll-free
customer service number, can significantly bolster the efficacy of the response

By readily providing these details and incentives, the advertisement not only
captivates the audience's attention but also eliminates any potential obstacles hindering
the desired course of action.


In conclusion, advertisements serve as powerful tools of communication and

persuasion, permeating every facet of modern life. Whether we love them or loathe them,
advertisements are an indispensable part of the contemporary media landscape, shaping
our perceptions, influencing our decisions, and shaping the world around us. Designing a
good advertisement is a multifaceted process that requires creativity, strategic thinking,
and an understanding of consumer psychology. Throughout this essay, we have explored
the key components and principles behind effective advertising ranging from visual
aesthetics and compelling messaging to targeted audience engagement and strategic
placement. By incorporating these insights into your advertising efforts, we can create
advertisements that not only capture attention but also resonate deeply with our audience,
driving meaningful results for our business or organization.
The most important lesson of “How to design a good advertisement” is to keep
experimenting, learning, and adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of consumer
preferences and media consumption habits. With dedication, creativity, and a keen eye
for detail, we can design advertisements that stand out in a crowded marketplace and
leave a lasting impact on our target audience.

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