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You should give further explanation on your topic based on this outline:

1. Your topic:The power of reflection

2. General purpose: To explain

Specific purpose: To explain the benefits of self reflection as a habit for

university students.

3. Central idea:

Self reflection is the human capacity for introspection. Sitting in silence and
self-reflecting activates multiple parts of our brain and helps us increase awareness
of what matters most to us, the fundamental nature and purpose.

This is related to the psychology of consciousness.

4. Main points:

- What a reflection as a habit is: Research shows the habit of reflection can
separate extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones

- What benefits reflection as a habit can bring to people: Creating space and
silence to reflect on the past, the present, and the future can be a hugely
powerful way to increase your self-awareness, learn from your experiences,
and achieve your goals.

- How we can practice reflection as a habit: What? So what? Now what? are
three reflective stages of thinking about an experience, its implications, and
what it means for the future. Lastly, emphasize the importance of
commitment and consistency in doing reflective practice.

Note: You would be invited to come on stage introducing your topic to the whole

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