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United for Pak Children

Monthly Report – Jan. 2021

Summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Bank Statement ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Transaction Records ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Receipts ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

Jan 2021

Received Amount (euros) Spent Amount (euros) Balance

Donations 200.00 Tuition Fee 80.71
Study Material 80.91
Sponsor a Child 0.00

Total 200.00 Total 161.62 38.38

Figure 1

Working on finding deserving children for sponsorship.

We’d like to save a little amount every month in order to have a 3-6 months backup (in case
we don’t receive further donations) for every child we’ll sponsor. Saving from Jan 2021 is
38.38 euros (Fig. 1).
Fig. 2 shows the donations. In maintain anonymity, the names of the sponsors are replaced
with their sponsor ID.

Bank Statement

Figure 2

Transaction Records

The names and bank details of the contact persons in Pakistan are blurred for privacy
reasons. You’re most welcome to talk to them anytime. Just drop us a message and we’ll
provide you their contact details.


The university portal of a student from Murdan area was blocked because of overdue tuition
fee (Fig. 3). PKR 15000 was paid out of PKR 23116 (Fig. 4).

Figure 3

Figure 4

300 notebooks were distributed in deserving children of different schools in Sialkot region.

Figure 5

Figure 6

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