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Straightforward Pre-intermediate Progress test 2

Name _______________________ Score _____________

Language section
A For questions 1–3, which word is the odd-one-out?

(1) a) cable car b) ruins c) bouquet d) souvenirs

(2) a) seat belt b) flashlight c) overhead locker d) terminal

(3) a) sparkling b) sky diving c) kayaking d) yachting

B Choose the best word or phrase a, b, or c to complete 4–9.

(4) Could I have the _________ for that delicious chocolate cake you made?
a) recipe b) menu c) receipt

(5) I like flying. I don’t really give it a second _________.

a) think b) thought c) thinking

(6) Germany is the biggest _________ country in the world.

a) beer-drunk b) beer-drinking c) beer-drinker

(7) My sister is getting _________ in May.

a) marriage b) wedding c) married

(8) Larry eats far too much junk food. He has a really unhealthy _________.
a) stomach b) lifestyle c) diet

(9) On _________, the man pays for the meal on a first date at a restaurant.
a) the bill b) the main c) the whole

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p1

C Complete sentences 10–15 with a word from the box.

from up of out on at in with about

(10) Matthew is just crazy ________ football!

(11) We went to Paris and climbed the Eiffel Tower ________ my birthday last year.
(12) The airport was very busy and I waited a long time to check ________ my luggage.
(13) Did you know that Sally and John split ________?
(14) Ralph, I’ll see you ________ about nine o’clock tonight, OK?
(15) In Britain a woman wears her wedding ring on the third finger ________ her left hand.

D Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.

(16) Jane and John __________________ at home. (be / never)

(17) Peter __________________ the truth. (tell / rarely)
(18) I ___________ my mother ___________. (see / three times a week)
(19) Do you __________________ at work very early? (arrive / usually)
(20) He __________________ tired on a Friday afternoon. (be / generally)

E Complete the conversation between Tracy (T) and Monica (M). Put the verb in
brackets into the correct form of the present simple, present continuous, will
and going to. Put the two adjectives into the comparative or superlative form.

M: What (21) _______________ (you / do) for your summer holiday this year, Tracy?
T: I’m not sure. My parents (22) _______________ (go) to Bermuda and they want me to go
with them.
M: They always (23) _______________ (go) to Bermuda!
T: Yes, they have a house there.
M: Lucky them! Have you got any pictures of it? I’d love to see it.
T: Yes. I (24) _______________ (get) some photos for you now. Here you are. This is the house.
M: Mmm. It (25) _______________ (look) lovely!
T: It is.
M: It’s really big, isn’t it?
T: Yes. And it (26) _______________ (be) even (27) _______________ (big) next year.
M: Really?
T: Yes. My parents want to add two more rooms and they (28) _______________ (meet) some
local builders next week to discuss the plans.
M: You’ll have (29) _______________ (good) house in Bermuda!

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p2

T: Yes, I know! I (30) _______________ (invite) you to come and stay there if you’re really nice
to me!

Functional language
F Complete the conversation between Belinda (B), Scott (S) and a waiter (W) with
a word or phrase from the box in each space.

we’ll have that I’d rather go why don’t we have you got
shall we have about getting could we that’s a good
why not would you like

S: Hello, Belinda!
B: Hello, Scott. I haven’t seen you for a long time.
S: Too long! (31) _______________ to have lunch with me now?
B: Yes, (32) _______________?
S: Great. (33) _______________ a drink here first and then find somewhere nice to eat?
B: (34) _______________ idea. What (35) _______________ a bottle of wine to share?
S: OK. Waiter, (36) _______________ have a bottle of red wine, please?
W: Certainly, sir.
S: (37) _______________ an Australian red?
W: I’m afraid not, sir. But we do have a very nice Argentinian red.
S: OK. (38) _______________ then, please.
B: (39) _______________ eat here? The menu looks interesting.
S: I’d rather not. There’s a lovely Greek restaurant not far from here that (40) _______________
B: Fine. Here’s our wine. Cheers!

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p3

Part 1

[Track 9] You are going to hear five short dialogues. Listen and choose the best

a) Harry and Rose are going to the cinema this evening.
b) Harry has his first guitar lesson tonight.
c) Harry and Rose are going to the cinema on Thursday night.

a) Pete and Maurice play soccer every afternoon.
b) Pete will not be there before 3 o’clock.
c) Pete’s mum works at a supermarket.

a) Grace invites Kevin to her dad’s birthday party.
b) Grace and Kevin like clubbing together.
c) Grace doesn’t want to go out on a date with Kevin.

a) Jim and Beatrice need the car at the same time on Thursday.
b) Jim’s mum is called Ivy.
c) Beatrice does not usually have the car on Thursdays.

a) Helen and Kirsty are in a taxi.
b) It is unusual for John and Mike to be late.
c) Helen and Kirsty have bought drinks for John and Mike.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p4

Part 2

[Track 10] Listen to a conversation in a restaurant. Complete these sentences from the
conversation. Then put them in the order you hear them. There are two extra
sentences you do not need.

a) Let me _________________________ you to your table.

b) _________________________ I have the bill, please?
c) Can I take your _________________________?
d) I’m afraid we’re _________________________, sir.
e) Are you ready _________________________?
f) Just a minute, madam. _________________________ what I can do.
g) Would you like to have the _________________________ menu?

(6) ________
(7) ________
(8) ________
(9) ________
(10) ________

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p5

Part 1

You work for the Dubai Tourist Information Centre. Five visitors (1–5) need a hotel.
Which hotel (A–E) is the best choice for each visitor?

(1) “I’m interested in visiting the Hajar mountains.” _______

(2) “I want to stay in Dubai’s most luxurious hotel.” _______
(3) “I would like to stay extremely close to the beach.” _______
(4) “I hope to do some sport and my partner plans to do a lot of shopping!” _______
(5) “I’m here on business.” _______

Hotels in Dubai

A The Jumeirah Beach Hotel

This is a family favourite. It is just ten minutes from the beach and is close to the Wild Wadi Waterpark (hotel
guests get in for free). There are 23 places to buy food at the Jumeirah and there are over 20 shops, three tennis
courts and a large gym.

B The Al Maha Desert Resort

This is a hotel in the desert. It has air conditioning, and breathtaking views of the sand dunes and the Hajar
mountains. The beach is a 45-minute drive away. Visitors stay in one of 40 luxurious tents, each with a small

C The Ritz-Carlton Dubai

This is the place to stay if you want cleanliness and calm. Its 138 rooms all have balconies. The gardens at the
front of the hotel are next to Jumeirah beach.

D The Burj Al Arab

This is an extraordinary hotel. Every room has many luxury items, two plasma-screen televisions for example,
and each bed has a mirror above it. The casino on the 27th floor has incredible views. The seafood restaurant is
reached by a three-minute journey by mock submarine (in reality, a lift painted with sea creatures).

E The Emirates Towers Hotel

This is a very tall hotel in Dubai's business district. The comfortable rooms all have a minibar, room service and
air conditioning. The 305 m-high Vu bar with its black leather seats is a great place to see the city.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p6

Part 2

Choose the best title for the article. Do questions 7–10 before you answer this

a) What happens to food? b) Staying healthy c) Food and cooking d) Farming today

Read the article below. Match the descriptions a–f to paragraphs 7–10. There are two
descriptions that you do not need.

a) Junk food b) How people cook and eat c) Feasts and festivals d) Slow food
e) Finding food f) Eating well

(6) _______________________
(7) ________________
The first people lived by hunting animals, catching fish and gathering plants to eat. As the seasons changed, they
moved around from place to place looking for food. People spent a lot of time looking for food. They hunted deer,
horses and wild pigs for meat. They also ate whatever plants and small animals they could find, mushrooms,
snails, nuts and berries.

(8) ________________
Everyone needs food, but at least 800 million people in the world do not have enough. The food we eat gives us
the energy we need to live. When people celebrate, food is often a big part of the festival. It is important in several
religions, too. For example, during the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims eat nothing during the day until sunset.
When Ramadan ends, they hold a feast to celebrate.

(9) ________________
The main food of a country is called its ‘staple’ food. Rice is the staple food of about half the world. Other staples
include wheat and potatoes. People eat different types of food to stay healthy. A healthy diet can include brown
bread, nuts and eggs, and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Fatty or sugary foods, such as butter, cakes and sweets
are not good for the body in large amounts. If you eat more food than you need, your body stores it as fat. This is
why you get fatter if you eat a lot and don’t exercise much.

(10) ________________
Cooking food can make it taste better and keep longer. The food people eat and the way they cook is very
different around the world. In India, for example, meat is often cooked in a clay oven called a ‘tandoor’. In China,
food is often cooked in round metal pans called ‘woks’. There are many different ways of eating across the world.
Some people kneel on the floor to eat, and some sit at high tables. Many people use their hands to eat, while
others use wooden sticks called chopsticks, or a knife and fork.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p7

You are going to an oil and gas conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The conference is
in the Hilton Hotel, near the airport. Your contact in Kazakhstan is Haldun Vural. You
have not met him before but you have exchanged a few emails. Give him information
about your visit and make some requests using the notes below. You should write
about 100 words.

 You are arriving in Kazakhstan on Monday 3 June at 04.26.

 You would like a driver to meet you at the airport.
 You would like to stay in a hotel in the city centre.
 You would like an air-conditioned hotel with an internet connection.
 You would like a mountain visit if you have some free time after the conference.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012 p8

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