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Jacob and the

It had been one month since Jacob had lost his parents, though it didn’t
come to his mind because he had hated his parents.
His parents had been the type of people who never would care what
happened to him.

Here is the part when the real story begins, it was a normal day for Jacob,
and he was on his way to the school walking with his friend Matthew.
Suddenly something caught his eyes, “hey Jacob, do you know this guy
following us?” Asked Matthew.
“No i don’t” says Jacob, suddenly the man in the mask started running
towards them, gasping in fear they both started running toward the school
bus, but the man stopped halfway and disappeared. They both were
horrified but were happy that they had some how survived. “DID YOU
SEE THAT!” exclaimed Matthew. “Yes, I did that was totally radical!”
Screamed Jacob.

While the school bus was moving Jacob saw a huge whole in the sky, then
the school bus came to halt. Everything went quiet for over a minute. Then
Jacob heard screaming and people running away from something, but he
didn’t know what? but at that moment he had already got his answer, he
had just seen a monster. Monsters started falling from the holes and
everyone was trying to defend themselves, but then a giant came to him and
grabbed Jacob and threw him into the other giant's mouth.
Jacob was familiar with this event, he tried to remember.
“Oh no, this is the end of the world, oh well if it is, i better make the best
out of it!”. He ran away and went to his tree house.

It was the end of the world, could Jacob survive in

Read the next volume to find out.

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