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lg08D oro ve" |) 1 AB B) BJ] BABA claro | claro | | w ly H (tI) +H (08) | Sow? RbDAW FA OY aetna ae sun + | moon bright a4 ae Hl) + C®) He | Sol + A Lua—claro mw bP Be bright, cheerful we, Baal claro ae “BLE/ST tomorrow 4g amanhai Bem eo BY explanation aa explieacao 3E 120 DV invention aa invengaio a eee Bia vue -O- HAYS {Gr ak FEES BA, LF) secret code Sct dark lst escuro, ob ase ae 1 1A 8 8 BB a pee pe XS | ‘codigo secreto | | | | l (13) TH Geeks) + (KB toe (BOM Hot CLM los LAY) so eO LA (6 He ble HI daylight + #% sounds (not so clear as words because something is in the mouth) H (al) + # (9) Sol zt Ie SEB BE EL Bool Ee H Sol + # algo dentro da boca que impede que a fala seja clara—+brilho escuro € tosco—*escuro jaded light —> dark. a) etch) eee DE | i) Zz (FF) +: 4 AkimoteD Li 34) ORuilibean BE AA 4 car + t roupa longa e folgada fer (peee far | - ~ > wey DR Jonge — . A | JL x BBO O TT , teasys 9 > IN Zeot kore Jong robe 7a) + & (YR UZ) x 7 30} MU tb or long a ee fF RAR it Gt) F&O) PYSZLEIE BOX BOI EPTIS > baw & movement + f ax-*movement of nearing an ax to cut 3 f { __| something near Fi er mei pero | (HOH) +f (Sa) AE tl le Bala 2 2A. of virinhanga | VOT ae 7h tet WORE BA Vx ceimvatoos 28. 8 etm | Tar amchado-pera cra ag serosa 0 Weve Sv. SA, tecenty ae ultimamente | machado do objeto—>perto (Ss Dk-W +a i> 9kW GUTS “Kh 8259 i” B49 SI strong, les 2 2s aad 5 PPR Fhe ip 1B 1B forte | Lan 5B (okt kok M4) +h 3 (EZ HLEO BL) mdoSOLE ATELPULIS, DEW 7 strong bow + # insect having round head ____| ->big, strong inseet-»strong strong BA forte | (eal to study BC+ estudar big wind 2% ventana rare “ epee BBB 55° 55.59.55 I (10) 3(PFOD HS Kdbw ws) kb-W 43 +9 r0kihnockbw a =, » ¥ bow with decorative horse hair + § bow “Y a oe) +9282) ftt GIVE kt v> weak tit traco » fraco com adoro + § GRSY FEF UPC strong and weak 22 {orga ¢ fraqueza no é forte—+fraco | 3% \2 heavy a abe -TAaSGeEE pesado _ 7 | #vaU%e important 7 | ] ] ead | importante | (9) 7 (OL) +H (BS SD) + BS eB + (LOA) ~BSYO 7 person + heavy stuff + ground heavy Aw 7 AR) + AE D+ Cle 7 pessoa + JE coisa pesaida + +: et )-* pesado Hy BSW hey Ral pesado MA Uw5 Ke te important sae sério eee the U9 body weight Ae peso Slee Dora =. -TRABG % Y RBBB leve ] T | | | | | | (12) He (<3) + 2% (EZ Ad) pee g d oie ics Jin vB . > sae Ih fe toms ME vehick narrow road light car which can drive Ss | throu A) + % (BE a) He Bolts AUS FS THA BS paw light 7FHEE deve q7ha WER TV LEG smack 89 anene WC carro + % caminho estreito—-carro leve que passa até mesmo em caminhos estreitos—leve Bee [=F AA {| 4 |\K (BREW) + K (BRS) Iseceh KevoRev = . A big + X big (doubling of big) very big— fat (AM) + & (Ath) oF ae omet % grande + A grande~>muito grande pesado me EW fat ad pesado KBr ki £5 sun 4a Sol (ZE0> CED ee 2 Y | a ROA AANA ie | my aletc} delicado | a) evo | “defers Ww am ANS EZ Vd Stender 7h fino MPM CE DV tne DPN delicado MATL Sv ¢ —crotimanship AF artesinato A(t) +H (Saber SKE) PCEEGY Sv SEZ, TED % thread + FH baby’s head—>both are small slender, fine # (a) +H (OP IE1 ofe1) Ole BOY Ahhh, HAs A linha + HH cabega de bebe ambos pequenos—fino, delicado Serres

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