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2 Text for Section A, an extract from ‘The Secret Lake’ by Karen Inglis Tom and his sister Stella are in a community garden near their home. Harry is neighbour's dog who keeps running off into the bushes. ‘The garden was filled with clusters of bushes and sprawling oak trees. Tom and | | Stelia were sitting on their favourite mound” of grass in the centre of the garden. | | wonder where Harry goes,’ Tom said with a frown as he picked at the mound of | grass. | “HEY! What's this?’ Tom’s eyes locked open as he sat staring at the ground. | 5 | What's what?’ Stella leaned forward as Tom continued scraping grass off the top | of the mound beneath him. | | think it’s treasure!’ he shrieked. Sure enough, as Tom carried on digging, | undemeath they could see what looked like a treasure chest. | | ‘it's a box,’ he gasped. The rounded lid of the treasure chest seemed to go on| 10 forever as the patch Tom dug grew wider. | And then Stella's pale blue eyes widened. ‘Tom!" she whispered in disbelief. ‘It's not a box! It's a boat!” At that moment the bush opposite trembled violently and out into the clearing appeared... Harry. | | ‘A boat!” said Tom. ‘It can’t be a boat, stupid, there's no water around here!” | 15 ‘Harry!’ they cried. | ‘He's soaking!’ exclaimed Stella. | Harry turned towards home and fled. | ‘Wait, Harry!’ Tom began. But it was too late. Their mother's voice echoed across | 20 the garden. | | | ‘Tom, Stella! Come on! We're leaving!’ | ‘Help me with this.’ Stella was dragging a log’ across the lawn towards the | mound. e442INSERTION 3 {But | want to get the boat outr he protested 25 |-We haven't got time! We're ¢ going to grandma's!’ take that end said Stella breathlessly. ‘Quick, They lowered the log down on top of the mound Tom kicked the log in frustration. ‘Look; fuss now. We'll come bacl Said Stella firmly, ‘it's no use making a ar k tomorrow ai came from. nd see if we can find out where Harry | 30 | ‘What do you mean?” ‘Well’ said Stella, where there's a boat there Must be water. | think Harry knows where that water is ~ and it's somewhere souna here!’ The next day... 35 By 10 o'clock Tom and Stella were back at the mound, ‘Right, we're going to have a ‘900d look inside this bush,’ said Stella. She crawled on all fours into the bush that Harry had appeared post Tom quickly ‘Scrambled in after his sister. As they crawled deeper inside the thicket Stella Switched on her torch which | 40 shone a narrow beam of light ahead through the dan Nothing. Only twigs, more twigs, green leaves, dead leaves, rotten flower heads and — ugh! — creepy Grawlles scutting back and forth across the undergrowth, ‘There's nothing here, Tom,” she said, dusting imaginary beetles from the ‘op of her head. ‘Let's go back’ 45 ‘Tom had just begun to manoeuvre himself round, when his right arm slipped down a hole so deep that on one side he was suddenly up terns shoulder in undergrowth. ‘Hey!" he bellowed, ‘I've found a hole!’ Stella quickly crawled over and pulled him up, then pointed her torch to] 50 investigate. The hole was far wider than either of them could believe. a "i 1" she whispered. Stella shone the torch ‘Yikes, Tom, lucky you didn't fall right in down into the caries To her astonishment, she could nee a tusty metal ladder fixed against the earthen wall and leading down into the | Glossary | ‘mound: small hill *a log: a large lump of wood ssan2INsERTIONZ2 OUCLES 2022 2 Section A: Reading Spend 30 minutes on this section. Read the Text in the insert, and answer Questions 1-15. 1 Tom and Stella have been in the garden before. Give one word or phrase from the first paragraph (lines + |-2) that tells us this, 2. (a) What does Tom believe at frst he has found under the mound of grass? a (b) How does he fee! about finding something under the ground? Give one word or phrase from the text to support your answer. 3. Look at lines 12-13. : Why do Stella's eyes widen? Tick (¥) one box. Stella is frightened. i relieved. surprised. impressed. o uctes 2022 ostenzionze 3 Give a quotation that tells us that Harry comes out of a bush 5 Who calls the children to come? 6 Look at lines 23-34 (a) Why does Stella put a log on top of the mound? Give one reason. (b) The log is heavy, Explain how we know. Give two reasons, using the information in the text. (2) 7 Why is Tom cross? 8 Stella is used to Tom arguing with her. Give one phrase from the text that tells us this. (1) 9 Why do Stella and Tom have to wait until the next day before they can try to find where Harry came from? a 10 Why does Stella think Harry must know where the water is? 1 ©UCLES 2022 osasiozionv2 [Turn over 411 (a) Look at ines 37-45. Give three words from the tex! that describe movement, GI | 42 (a) Whats ‘creepy crawlies' an example of? Tick () one box. simile is alliteration [S| personification ‘onomatopoeia tt) (b) The writer doesn't lke creepy crawlies. How do we know? 43 How does Tom find the entrance to the hole? oucies ane cseanz0n2 5 14 What kind of person is Stella? Tick (¥) two boxes. clever nervous Practical shy frightening ie) CLES 2022 a4t/o21000% Section B: Writing Spend 30 minutes on this section 46 Tom and Stella climb down the ladder into the hole with Harr Here are some questions to think about What's it ike in the hole? What do they see and find? Do they meet any other characters? What happens next? [ Space for your plan: Write your story on the next page. ouctes 222 ossanzonvaa ry. Continue the story [25 marks] uctes 2022 Turn ove, eran seni ta en ipa ue atl by sr uh nn gta are nil Ey ‘meat aot hos been mate ible (ULES) a eae con obi yams gang cetanshae uni ne ‘hr be ace oma aan at he ese partle onsen a cone Tin. desea taal eaten cite, a it aces ae uted ren Cob ‘semen ate) ESicaon Copia Aenolegemnts Beil Tea pedo each eset esmisns was wea wale doe ‘incantation sh bave exmaston sores Caner Assesment lesion Even i a of Cambridge fees smart. Cary Assess i tw ran ae of ha Uitty ot Canb ‘oct xanmaton Syacate UCLES} when eparnent of erty Conta uctes 2022 ostanzon22 ce

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