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CE @legonocacan APPROACH —/ _ How brolegreat mechanisms affects Bet Psychology a ‘at ¥ Grenekie - gene codes for _characlenthis a; = TWIN STUDIES (beth by Same revi, >) ——_—¢ aia DY, % charackey Jide Guno type % Phenotype ~ ise. sy * Brain funchens — fMet Hels alnut _ broin auavitg — Wt Cath- a. |e Hormones (NEURO CHEMISTRY Caren rat de. - Sot U5 Neurotrangmitlers Tiger - 346 apex? brat 4 [etnias - used to pray Dole [of bray in attuhng */7/%. S| mental disorders sleep 4 Localisation of Prain funchon Comite parts = fer ath hehaviows ) L ASU PLONS [7S SIU *cognitions and “emonens can bt | esplacned in tems lof wertieg ob ites brain & He thet of hormonss: ffaenas bf pel can Mt vnoless hoot rachowe J - web + | cteilactHes 3 At in eres of wishogtcal factors ond troy inky otmer factors: S x [Slee cr ae PORERNSET pence aererwa™ [dreams UNTO EO CANLL Vy | 1 anid ob PSVCHOLOMY Hated (Ge a the connechon — bf amygdala achabhon “an alt [and emotions in long rn memory wee! m FMRI - funcional Magnehic Resenane Imagery ab non -tvasive bain scanning Hecho ique helps vndirstand emotenat behauiour Ly Radio waves Couptd with a cheng aginehe etd te uaa way detailed fmage % the rath Ticks ner @ brain stuture but, trans the nygtnakd bleed Cas high achully ww at journey of Strong ery xewluus more sry bleasl) -S0 SIMULATED PARTS FouND coded to show inkensity of acti ¢ Pics color ant, i “BACK GROUDID shu dies have identi eda | ea amygdala activation » dec memory for phmuly => inkypreled as Z © Some indi ont Simply more TLsponsine __bapiaioran. (indive char) _ & Ox paging “String fone peop © A enhomend state vf erro bio @ Amygdala Yespords in_» 4 we te E y =o reaernunh Gubjeutnoe nee Calafia emoherot INTENSITY denpe ch why “ajay A Wy tb Inkenbthg to Cs aap at cenl | EATER ST - Wito find eat whit tmetienal Intinalng ellances tne veteewal a Met memory retreval of | Whats oncltie trae Se, | wel Pro COA eates Sa We, BRE cereirneneas Corelabonal mapping Oa aT a, | | 20 right handed women i i i Te took @ Dally fig | “San move evprensive Berean WHY ? dominant 4 Plenty the ut amygdala Corona] Oi mere icteely, to Ye por, Sampling Technique Voluntenr 4 en ee eee Experimental Design | Repaated mas ucts (att Wepre) chown bexach PY) Ivimanipuates) | Envensihy rating of SHmutt pre el wunt fo forgetting t-remmammbersd vestvo | Rating scales oo frome Tnternationt At fechve Pichu Sygtr 146 tenages chown - cow for Pokrvol ater each nan n Wy vr = as. 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Findings | nator Into ancora _proan - [con $udl Gioben ah sinkewinnons to forget ee slap & Tonee | domarn_tereth content - oi + Gan be _vsed by ‘Sup Seen AY Tn gine = > De 1 inatev. Av differences » nvivon mente envivonment faclows a Keck shaping patton Crome eo 47=noles Achachtn, : 14762. aoe ' BACKGROUND £ —_LcraMes LANGE: Phyaoing nal changer” precede gp x PE _physrolegcak ewondihons that sssuth 679m shi THEORY ¢ moron vs the mind!s ees ei CANNON= BARD = Physiological Arousal » e THEORy kmokien cer © same me : x SHs + 2 Factor treory => Phystologicat arousat & COE, TG : & Emotion = PMHOLOY —_INESTIORTED € The 2 Factor +neory ? = b When experience EMozion , Phy: aroutal ocuins pisen Usts immediat ECNvAROWMENT TO SEARCH for emotional CVES fo lakh the phy- ar: £ — aes $ tan srtime use Misinterpretabens 66 tmohions bowed on phy Ar: ae | a8 At At AR when brain deutit knew why Rls an smoHon — reer ~yelies_ on ExTERWAL STIMULATION for cues bn E how_to _latock emohian BEE] —$ am Fal, st perennation capes Seen Hain gy BS When an ap propria explanation wai lable to air We whiten it Coens Raleel i+ Sy tee alkrnate Cognihinns aaah] bye must apprernat Cnveten WH My) ye Wer phen Put in a sitwation welds in He past x Zouth roma mast tum ful an tmohron, tug ill = vead Lmeton ally / exper’ ence erretions arts TF FA they ore Tn a SRE of physiotegveatl arousal = ae. = ° f | Experimental ~ Labovahoug Oe Queshonnatus —& eb serveivert & SoM repey& |— sampte and size 1B 4 Make stucknts Demographics Vrinensihy of Mrnnesota a Sampling Technique (olunteer (+2 points pey hy) i 3 ae 3 experimental Design | Indapendint euorwrw A ton Euphowra Situation — Ane ie Pate oe] ETO | ohare is Injection informahen Sidhe eFbeok$ hawurs open ended Gs, gulf reports (edad behaviours tm vwnmrme [ Salntgenl Se owe | Yoloout other experiences during task. a 3 ~ CONTROLS - : a > Instuchons diven to 4 groups > Beraviour of confederate a > Similay o9e oF Ps ; = cet AOTES —_—_= ee - purine bul achlly — tajeted BPINE Se Galingtne) On SALINE soubor (an vp adc) js oa . 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