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In the 4th century BC, around 2300 BC, Platon, a renowned philosopher, worked late

into the night and had to wake up early in the morning to teach. To wake up, he added
bells to an ancient water horloge « clepsydre», a device used to measure time by
alternating the speed of water flow. The product I chose is the Quartz alarm clock,
because a little over a century ago people did not have an alarm and even less a
smartphone to wake them up. By trying to understand how people did things before, I
understood that the creation of the Alarm clock that we currently know was caused by
the uncertainty of the roosters crowing or even the « Knock-uppers » who were
responsible for knocking on the windows of workers to wake them up. This problem
has always aroused a sort of mystery and many prototypes of the current alarm clock
have emerged such as the fire clock that was emitting a sound when the wax has
reached a desired level. But eberything changed with the creation of LEvi hutchens
he create a precise and reliable technology that uses the vibration of a quartz crystal to
regulate time.
The outside design can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer the client and
the time period, ranging from more traditional models with a metal case and analogue
cadrans to more current variants with plastic cases and digital screens and also more
prestigious product with wood because The alarm clock has long been reserved for
wealthy families.
The actual alarm clocks are so widespread because the main materials are less and less
expensive and more. more widespread, like plastic - wood, metal hands and especially
bells, mechanical alarm clocks have always had this mini clock shape since the time of
Levi even if new models have recently emerged showing more models.

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