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Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth

Semester 2nd Semester Region III

Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of uses and maintenance of food (fish)
Standards processing tools, equipment, instruments and utensils in food (fish) processing.
B. Performance The learner uses and maintain appropriate food (fish) processing tools, equipment,
Standards instruments and utensils and reports accordingly upon discovery of defect/s
C. Learning
Competencies/ TLE_AFFP9-12UT- 0a-1 LO 1. Select tools, equipment, utensils, and instruments

D. Lesson At the end of the lesson, Learners are expected to:

Objective/s 1. identify specific tools, equipment, utensils, and instruments
according to food (fish) processing method and
2. share your thoughts about the importance of food processing.
3. draw your dream kitchen and include the different tools and
equipment you want.
1. Learning TLE_AFFP9-12UT- 0a-1 LO 1. Select tols, equipment, utensils, and instruments
(1 Within
II. CONTENT Lesson 1. Select Tools, Equipment, and Utensils and Instruments
A. References K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module Food (Fish) Processing Exploratory Course
1. Teacher’s Guide TLE module page 5-11
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Other tools to be used:
Resources Gadgets: laptop and television

Materials: pictures, and chalk/marker

Time Allotment 5 minutes

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)


1. Daily Routine “Class please stand”

(The learners will stand.)

"Before we begin the lesson this

morning, let us seek the guidance of
Almighty God and enrich our minds in
order to fully understand the lesson this
morning." (The learners will stand.)

1.1 Prayer “Please lead the prayer.”

“Let's bow our heads and feel the
presence of our God. Dear God, please
guide us in our lesson. Help us to
understand and give us knowledge.
Thank you for everything. In Jesus
name we pray, Amen.”
“Alright, please remain standing for our
energizer, because I noticed that some of
you today are looking bit bored or (The Learners will participate in the
1.2 Energizer
sleepy.” Energizer dance)
(Banana dance)

“Good morning, Class! Are you now all

energized by doing the energizer dance in
1.3 Greetings the video?” (The learners will greet Ma’am
“It’s good to hear! Very good class.”
“Good morning, Ma'am, Yes, we are
“Before we begin to our discussion, I
would like to request everyone to arrange
your chairs properly and make sure there
are no trashes around you and after that (Students will arrange their chairs and
you may take your seat.” pick up all the garbage they will see
under their respective chairs)
“Let’s check your attendance.”
1.4 Checking of
Attendance “President, may I know who are the
absent today?”

"Very good, no one is absent for today; (The President will stand and tell who
1.5 Checking of keep it up, class?” are the absent)
“Last meeting, I gave you an assignment,
“Yes ma’am”
“Okay, please pass it to the front; I will
check it later.” (The students will pass their
1.6 Classroom assignment.)
Management “And for our discussion to go smoothly
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

we have classroom reminders to follow”


(The learner will read and explain the
classroom reminders)
1. Come to class on time
2. Raise your hand before you
3. Listen when others are talking.
4. Use appropriate language in the
classroom. (The learner will read the classroom
5. No electronic devices. reminders)
6. Enjoy learning.

“Did you understand Class?”

“Yes ma’am”

Time Allotment 5 minutes

Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

A. Reviewing
previous “Before we proceed to our new topic,
lesson or let me see if you still remember our (Learners are going to recall what was
presenting the previous topic.” previously discussed to them)
new lesson
(ELICIT) What did we discuss at our last (Student A will raise her hand and
meeting? answer the question)

“It’s all about the different types of

measuring, cutting, and other tools used
in food processing.”
“Very good”
(Student D will raise her hand and
“Can you give the different types answer the question)
measuring tools?
The different types of measuring tools
2. Refractometer
3. Weighing scale
4. Liquid measuring cup
5. Measuring cups
“Okay that’s great” 6. Measuring spoons
“Can you give the other tools used in
food processing” (Student E will raise her hand and
answer the question)
1. Cutting board
2. Basin
3. Food tong
4. Wooden ladle
5. Peeler
6. Grater
7. Earthen pots
“very good class”
8. Wooden salting vat or barrel
“What do you think is the importance of
using tools in food processing?” “It is important for us to use tools when
we are cooking because it makes the
cooking process more efficient and
safer. Without these tools, cooking
meals can be frustrating and tiring.
Make sure you invest in the basic tools
and equipment first, such as a meat
“Class it seems that all of you understood thermometer.”
our lesson last meeting, very good”

Time Allotment 5 minutes

Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

B. Establishing a
purpose for the “Now let’s have a game”
Mechanics: This game is a jigsaw
puzzle. The goal is to complete the
picture by putting the pieces together.

“I will group you into 4 groups. All you

need to do is arrange a puzzle to form the
correct one. The first team to complete
the puzzle will get plus points in the quiz
at our next meeting.”

“Are you ready class?” “Yes ma’am!”

“Okay let’s begin” “The students will go to their

C. Presenting perspective team to complete the
examples/insta picture that they gave them.”
nces of the
new lesson (Student B will raise her hand and
“Class as you witnessed in our
answer the question)
(EXPLORE) activity what did you notice?
What do you think is our lesson
“Ma'am, I observed that is all about the
for today?”
different types of equipment, Utensils
and Instruments used in food
“Okay very good it’s all about the
different types of equipment,
Utensils and Instruments used in
food processing”

“What do you think is the purpose

of using equipment in processing
(Student C will raise her hand and
answer the question)
“Food processing equipment and
supplies are vital in the food industry,
transforming raw ingredients into safe,
nutritious, and appealing finished
“very well said, all of your answer is products through various functions”
Time Allotment 5 minutes
D. Discussing “Our lesson for today is all about the
new concepts different types of equipment, Utensils
and practicing and Instruments used in food processing (Student A will raise her hand and
new skills answer the question)
(EXPLAIN) “Why is it important to check equipment
that is electrically operated before using "To make sure equipment is safe for use
it?” and that all systems are working
properly. If any of the safety features are
in disrepair, you should not use the
equipment. Employers are required to
get unsafe equipment repaired to ensure
“We need to check the equipment that is worker safety.”
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

electrically operated before using it,

because if we don't check the equipment,
we can suffer or be harmed.”

“Regular inspection of tools and

equipment is very important to ensure
that tools and equipment are in proper
working condition, reducing the risk of
accidents, injuries, and even fatalities.
Faulty or damaged tools can pose serious
dangers to users and those around them.”

“Did you understand class?”

“Very good. Now let us proceed to the “yes ma’am”

different types of equipment, but before
that, let us define what equipment is.
Please read,”

“Equipment refers to specialized tools,

machinery, and instruments used in food
production, preparation, packaging, and
preservation to ensure efficient, safe,
and hygienic processing of raw
“The equipment in food processing refers ingredients into finished products.”
to processing machines, components,
systems used to cook, handle, package,
prepare or store food and food products.”

Here is the list of different types of

equipment used in food processing
1. Smokehouse
2. Impulse sealer
3. Gas Range/Oven
4. Chiller/Refrigerator
5. Pressure cooker

“Are you familiar with this equipment?”

“Usually, we see this equipment at our

house, right? So, in other words, we have
“Yes ma’am”
the ability to process food.”

“Let us proceed to the smoking tools;

please read.”

“Smoking tools in food processing, such

as smokers, smokehouses, wood chips,
and smoking chambers, are used to
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

enhance the taste and texture of foods

“Smoking is a method of drying that like meats, fish, cheeses, and vegetables
also imparts flavor to the food through controlled application of
(usually meat items), and smoke smoke.”
helps keep bacteria-carrying insects
away during the drying process. and
these tools can help preserve food and
prevent bacterial and fungal growth,
which would ruin stored foods.”

Here is a list of smoking tools that will

help when we want to dry food.
1. Baklad
2. Bakol
3. Bistay
4. Dinarayan

“Now let us proceed to the following

simple steps for reporting defective tools
and equipment”

1. Make a necessary listing of tools,

equipment and utensils in preparation for
checking the defect. “Food Processing is the set of methods
2. Check the condition of tools and
and techniques used to transform raw
3. As soon as the defect is found in a certain ingredients into food for consumption.”
tool, equipment, and utensils, make a
narrative report immediately.
4. Describe the scope of the damage, make it
clear and understandable.
5. File the report as soon as possible for
immediate action

“why is it important to follow these


(Student C will raise her hand and

answer the question)
“because something might happen that
“thank you, another idea from the is dangerous. and it is important to
class?” follow procedures so that nothing can go

(Student D will raise her hand and

answer the question)
“very well said, thank you” “It is important to check its
functionality/condition and/or report
“The tools and equipment are very defects as. stated in the manufacturers
important when we are preparing foods; specifications of the product.”
they can help us make our processing
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

easier and faster. But always remember

that you need to inspect your equipment
and tools for safety before, during, and
after you cook. This can help you prevent
accidents, and injuries.”

“yes ma’am”
“do you understand class?”

“Class do you have questions, “none ma’am”

clarifications about the lesson?”

“it seem you don’t have a question or

clarification regarding to our topic, let’s
now proceed to our activity”
Time Allotment 15 minutes

E. Developing
Activity 2: What Equipment Am I? POSSIBLE ANSWER:
Direction: identify the names of the 1. Wooden salting vat or barrel
following equipment used for food 2. Smokehouse
applications of
processing, write your answer in the 3. Impulse sealer
concepts and
separate sheet of paper 4. Gas Range/Oven
skills in daily
5. Chiller/Refrigerator
“now let’s begin” 6. Pressure cooker
7. Baklad
(The teacher will present the activity) 8. Bakol
9. Bistay
about the
10. Dinarayan

Time Allotment 10 minutes

“Now that you have thoroughly comprehended our lecture, we will conduct your
F. Evaluating quiz, so get 1 full sheet of paper and answer the following questions in 10 minutes.”
(EVALUATE) Direction: What Utensils am I? Identify the specific equipment, used in food
processing Pick the correct answer or word from the Word Pool and write it in your
answer sheet.
_______1. It is used for drying fish and other fishery products.
_______2. A container for transporting finished products like
_______3. This is used for collecting sun-dried fish and other preserved products.
_______4. This is used for drying the fish
_______5. is an airtight cooking device that cook food quickly.
_______6. It is necessary for maintaining fish freshness.
_______7. It is the source of heat.
_______8. It is used for sealing purposes.
_______9. It is a device used for smoking fish or meat with the application of
_______10. refers to specialized tools, machinery, and instruments used in food

Answer key:
1. Dinarayan
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

2. Bakol
3. Bistay
4. Baklad
5. Pressure cooker
6. Chiller/Refrigerator
7. Gas Range/Oven
8. Impulse sealer
9. Smokehouse
10. Equipment

Time Allotment 5 minutes

Application: Design your dream kitchen
Objective: To create a basic kitchen layout using simple drawing materials.

Instruction: On a long piece of paper, you will draw your dream kitchen and write a
short reflection about what you have learned from designing your dream kitchen.

Materials needed:
G. Additional  Long Bond paper
activities for  Pencil
application or  Crayon
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Placement of key items
Neatness and Organize
TOTAL: 20 points

Answer the following question

1. For you as a student how is it

important to know the Different
materials of kitchen utensils and Students copying their assignment.
tools in your daily life?
(5 points)
2. Why do we need to learn how to
process food? (5 points)

“It will be passed next meeting;

understand class?” “Yes Ma’am”

Closing Prayer

Thank you Lord, for all the blessings

and knowledge you with us today and
for every day, Amen.
Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)

“Goodbye class, thank you for your

active participation for today’s
discussion. God bless and keep safe
everyone.” “Goodbye, Ma’am”

10 minutes
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of students who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other


Student Teacher-NEUST Cooperating Teacher/ TLE Master Teacher 1

Checked and Verified by:

Grade Level Seven Quarter Fourth
Semester 2nd Semester Region III
Learning Area TLE 7 Teaching Date April 2, 2024 (8:30 am-5:30 pm)


TLE Head Teacher III Principal IV

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