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Vampire Bats

Vampire bats live in dark environments and drink blood for survival. They make small
cuts in their prey and lick the blood from the wounds. They can do this because they are
small and large animals do not notice them. Vampire bats commonly drink the blood of
farm animals or birds. Very rarely do they try and prey on humans.

Vampire bats are unique among bat species. They have a special
thumb and strong legs that help them take off after
eating. They can also walk, jump, and run. All these
features help them reach animals on which to prey.
They are nocturnal, meaning they are active at
night and sleep during the day.

But how do they find these animals? They see their prey by using heat sensors on their
noses that tells them the best spots to feed. They also use echolocation, or sound waves,
to find their prey.

Vampire bats must eat daily. If they do not eat for two or more nights in a row, they will
die. Researchers have discovered that vampire bats form friendships with one another
and even share their food when necessary.

Baby vampire bats don’t drink blood, but rather feed on milk from their
mothers. They drink only milk until they are three months old.
They even travel with their mothers by clinging on tightly
during flight.

Since vampire bats don’t feed on humans, there’s no need to be afraid of them. However,
it is always wise to use caution around them. Like some other animals, vampire bats
can spread diseases. People with pets or livestock need to take extra care to make sure
their animals do not contract these diseases.

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Vampire Bats

1. What are common prey for vampire bats?

farm animals and cats

birds and farm animals
owls and hawks
humans and mice
2. How do vampire bats locate their prey?

through night vision cells

through their sense of smell
through heat sensors
through other bats
3. Baby vampire bats .

live alone
stay with the father bat
drink milk
drink blood
4. A harmful effect of vampire bats is .

they may wipe out the insect population

they may spread disease
they may kill farm animals
they may prey on humans
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? Support your answer with evidence from
the text.

6. How do vampire bats find their food? 

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Vampire Bats

1. What are common prey for vampire bats?

farm animals and cats

birds and farm animals
owls and hawks
humans and mice
2. How do vampire bats locate their prey?

through night vision cells

through their sense of smell
through heat sensors
through other bats
3. Baby vampire bats .

live alone
stay with the father bat
drink milk
drink blood
4. A harmful effect of vampire bats is .

they may wipe out the insect population

they may spread disease
they may kill farm animals
they may prey on humans
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? Support your answer with evidence from
the text.
Possible answer: The main idea is that vampire bats are unique. They have special thumbs
and can walk, run, and jump.

6. How do vampire bats find their food? 

Possible answer: Vampire bats use heat sensors on their noses that tell them the best spots
to feed along with echolocation.


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