Final-DLP-English 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI – Western Visayas

Applicant Code: ELEM-T1-AN66775 Grade Level: Grade 2

Subject: English Quarter: Fourth Quarter

I. Objectives:
A. CONTENT STANDARD: The Learner listens critically to one-two paragraphs, read texts for
pleasure and information critically in meaningful thought units.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Use appropriate expression in varied situations.
Use the frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, over, under, to, from, above, etc. (EN2G-IVg-
Unpacked/Specific Objectives:
at the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
 define preposition;
 identify the most frequently occurring preposition;
 use the frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, over, under, to, from, above, etc., and
 appreciate preposition through using it in a sentence.

II. CONTENT: Use the frequently occurring preposition

A. References
1. Curriculum Guide page 20, 52, EN2G-IVg-i-7.3, version as of May 2016
2. English (Learner’s material) 2. 2013. Pp 307-310, 320-322.
3. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) Portal
•Teacher’s Guide in Elementary English Grade 1, pages 27-30, EN2G-IVg-h-7, LM pages 399-403
B. Other Learning Resources
•Decoding chart, real object, picture, laptop, projector, charts, chalks, power point presentation

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Everybody stand. Let’s pray, the prayer before Almighty father, thank you for this day.
class! Watch over us as we go about our work and
study. Please guide us in everything we do.
2. Greetings
Good morning Class! “Good morning teachers, Good morning
classmates, good morning.
How’s your day?
3. Checking of Attendance Where fine, Teacher.
Let me check first your attendance. Who is
absent today.
Before you take your seats. Arrange your chairs (None, Teacher)
properly in their alignment. You may now take
your seats.

4. Drill
Class I have here flashcards. Read the words
that I’m going to flash.

Ok, let us start

(Teacher will show the flashcards

on the bed

in the sea (Pupils will read)

- on the bed
above the - in the sea
mountain - above the mountain
- in the cub
- under the sun
in the tub - on a box

under the sun

on the box

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the

new lesson
PPST Indicator 1.1.2 Apply knowledge of content
within curriculum
Grade-I English MELC: Distinguish rhyming
words from non-rhyming words EN1PA-IVa-b-

I have here an activity. Let’s see if you still

remember our past lesson.
PPST Indicator 1.4.2 Enhancing literacy skills
Everybody read the directions. Directions: Read and Put a check (/) on the blank if
the words rhyme and cross (x) if they do not rhyme.
Pupil A answer number 1 ______1. pet – met
Pupil B answer number 2 ______2. mat – cat
Pupil C answer number 3 ______3. fox – bat
Pupil D answer number 4 ______4. rub – tub

Now, let us check their answer (Pupils will answer)

Very good, it’s correct.
All their answers are correct. Let’s give them a “very Yes, teacher
good clap”
Clap 3x
I’m glad that all of you still remember our last topic. Stamp 3x
Very good!
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
PPST indicator 1.1.2 Apply knowledge of content

(Grade-I Arts MELC: Identifies different lines,

shapes, texture, used by artists in drawing A1EL-
across curriculum
Directions: Study the alphabet to decode the secret
message. See the shapes and write the letter on the
line that corresponds the shape.

Do you understand? Yes, teacher

What shapes have you seen here? The shapes are Square, Circle, Rectangle, Triangle





(Pupil A will go to the board)


Who wants to try it on the board? Yes, pupil A go to

the board
__ P


S __ T


__ __ N

Pupil B will go to the board)

Who else? Yes, Pupil B go to the board. (Pupil C will go to the board)

Who else? Yes, Pupil C go to the board. Ma’am, PREPOSITION

Clap 3x
Stamp 3x
What word have you formed? Beri Good! Beri Good!
Yes, Pupil D

Very good!
Let’s give them an Aling Dionisia Clap!

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

The teacher tells the pupils that they are going to learn
about Preposition.

Prepositions is a word or a group of words used to

show the position of a noun.

in on under by3x
To understand the meaning and to learn more about Where is the spider?
Today we will sing a song about preposition in the on the box
tune of B. I. N. G. O. (Video Clip) in the box
under the box
Everybody will the song. by the box
(Ask to pupils to answer the questions)
Where is the spider?
Where is the spider?
Where is the spider? yes, teacher.
Where is the spider?
D. Discussing New concepts and practicing new
skills # 1
Did you enjoy singing the song?
Based on the song we have sing, where is the spider?
So, let us picture out the line in the song.

Now, on the first line of the song on the box

where is the spider?
Very good!
When we say on it means, it is on the top.
Teacher, in the box
How about in the second line of the song?
Where is the spider? Yes, pupil C

When we say in it means inside. The spider is under the box.

In the third line of the song where is the spider?

Yes, pupil D

When we say under it means below. by the box.

In the last line of the song where is the spider? Yes, teacher
When we say by it means beside.
Do you understand class?

Prepositions- are used to show position in, on, under,

by etc.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skill # 2
PPST Indicator 1.1.2
Grade-I English MELC: Apply knowledge of content
within curriculum

Now, class I want you to make a sentence based on the

given picture.
(pupils will answer)
(The teacher will show a picture)

(Pupil F will do)

The pencil is in the box.

Who can Answer? Yes, Pupil F? Teacher, in

What is the preposition that you used in the sentence?

F. Developing mastery (leads to formative

assessment 3)

Now, you are going to have a group activity. I will Teacher, cooperate to the group members
group the class into two groups. You will group one
(pointing the first row), you will be the group two
(pointing the second row) Teacher, do the activity quietly.

But before that, what are the things you should Rubrics
remember in doing your activity. Accuracy – 2points
Cooperation – 3points
That’s right! What else, pupil C? Neatness – 2points
Time bound – 3 points
Very good! I’m expecting that from you. total - 10 points

As the music play you may start doing the activity. (pupils will read the basis or standard for group
Once the music stops, it is the time to stop working. activity).
But before that we have rubrics or standards to follow.

(teacher will pick a leader and give their task)

Group 1 please read your activity.

Thank You!
Group 1, please read your activity.

Yes, Teacher!
Are you done children?
PPST Indicator 1.4.2
Are you ready to present your work? Enhance learner achievement in numeracy skills
Let us start with group 1…2 Group 1
Directions: Underline and count the preposition used
in the sentence.
(teacher will pick a leader and give their task) 1. The boy is on the table.
Group 1 please read your activity. 2. The cat is under the table and the dog is on the
3. The bird is above the tree.
4. The books are in the shelf.

1. on -1
2. under, on -2
3. above -1
4. in -1

Thank You! Group 2, please read your activity. Group 2

Directions: Look at the picture. Write sentence using
preposition: on, in, above, and under

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.
1. The ball Is in the box.
2. The cat is on jar.
3. The book is under the table.
4. The ball is above the box.
5. The bird is above the dog.

Very good children!

Now, I will score your work based on our rubrics.
The group 1 got_______.
The group 2 got_______.

Very good! Give yourself “very good clap”

I’m glad that all of you enjoyed our activity.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and

skills in daily living
PPST Indicator 1.5.2: Apply range of teaching
strategies that enhance Critical and Creative thinking, The prepositions we have used are in, on, under,
as well as Higher-Order Thinking Skills above etc.
1. What are the prepositions we have used today?
(answers may vary)
2. Do you think preposition is important in our life?
Why? (answers may vary)

3. How can you apply in your daily life?

Very good! Give yourself “very good clap”
H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about
the lesson

1. What have you learned today? We learn about prepositions that tell the position of
Correct! an object.
2. What are the frequently occurring preposition we
used? in, on, under, above etc. are preposition, helps us to
know the position of a noun.

I. Evaluating learning
PPST Indicator 5.1.2
Use summative assessment strategies with curriculum

I have here a test paper for you to answer. Let us read
the direction.

Directions: Choose and encircle the letter of the

correct preposition to complete the sentence.

1. The egg is ______ the nest.

a. in b. on c. under d. above

2. The girl is _____the tree.

a. in b. on c. under d. above

3. The mug is _____ the table.

a. in b. on c. under d. above
4. The ball is _____ ithe table.

a. in b. on c. under d. above

5. The apples are _____ a basket.

a. in b. on c. under d. above

Get your pencil and answer it.

Are you done class?

Pass your paper in front by the count of five.

Yes, teacher
(Teacher will count) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Yes, teacher
(pupils will pass their paper in front)
Now, let’s answer the quiz. Who wants to answer in
number 1 2 3 4 5?
(pupil raise their hand and answer the question)
Very good!
Who got 5 raise your hand?

Give yourself a fireworks clap

J. Additional activities for application or

Directions: Write at least one (1) sentence in each
Now, everybody read your assignment. preposition: on, in, above, and under.

Get your assignment notebook and copy your (pupils get their assignment notebook and copy their
assignment. assignment)

Yes, teacher
Are you done?

Okay, put all your things inside your bag. (pupils put their things inside the bag)

Everybody stand! (pupils stand)

Are you done? Yes, teacher

Let’s pray! Prayer after class.

Almighty Father, thank you for all the things that we
Goodbye children! have learned today, please guide us in our way
home. Amen.
Prepared by:
Yvonne F. Abasiar
T-1 Applicant

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