Irregular Verbs Questions To Discuss

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Irregular verbs in Past Simple

Questions for discussion:

 What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?
 Where did you go on your last vacation?
 When did you first learn to ride a bicycle?
 When was the last time you felt really happy and why?
 What did you dream about last night?
 What TV shows did you watch last week?
 Where did you last fly in an airplane?
 How long did it take you to learn English and how did you do it?
 When and how did you last hurt yourself?
 How did you celebrate your last birthday?
 Did you ever have to lend money to a friend, and why?
 What was the last thing you bought online and why?
 What interesting movies did you see last month and where?
 Did you have any pets when you were a child, and what were their names?
 When was the last time you heard from your best friend and what did you
talk about?
 What insect bit you and when?
 What did you have for dinner last night and where?
 When was the last time you cried and why?
 How did you meet your closest friend?
 What valuable thing did you break recently and how?
 What was your first driving experience like?
 What did you do last weekend and why?
 How often did you go to the gym and what did you do there?
 What was your proudest moment and why?
 What's the worst cold you ever had and when?
 What did you have to pay a fine for and when?
 What time did you go to bed last night and why?
 Who was a famous person you admired when you were younger, and why?
 What did you do on your last birthday and why?
 When did you last hear a really good joke and what was it?
 What was the last concert you attended and where?
 What did you do after school yesterday and why?
 What pets did you have growing up and why?
 When was the last time you had a really bad sunburn and why?
 When and why did you last feel scared?
 Have you ever been to a wedding and what was it like?
 What did you do on your last day off work or school and why?
 When did you last lose something important and where?
 What difficult decision have you had to make and why?
 How did you learn to swim and where?
 What did you do during your last summer vacation and why?
 Who taught you how to cook and what did you cook?
 Where did you find your favorite book and why is it your favorite?
 What concert are you ping to attend next and why?
 When did you realize you had a talent for something and what was it?

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