Observation File

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DATE: 04.03.2024
EDUCATION UNIT: Szeged International Primary School

CURRICULUM AREA: Physical Education

THEME OF THE LESSON: 1. Throwing and catching the ball
2. Strengthening the dribbling

TYPE OF LESSON: training of skills and abilities

At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
O1 - Throw the ball with two hands and one hand to the floor;
O2 - Catch the ball with two hands;
O3 - Dribble the ball.

Methods: explanation, demonstration, exercise, the game
Means: balls, cones, isoprenes
Forms of organization: frontal, individual, on groups

Human resources: 16 students

Time resources: 45 minutes

ASSESSMENT: verbal assessments

1. Organization of the children's group
The teacher ensures the optimal conditions for conducting the lesson, namely the
preparation of the materials, the conditions of order and discipline, and the preparation of the
group of students.

2. Preparing the body for effort

Game wall, ladder, floor. The students perform the movement associated with each signal
at the teacher's signal.

3. Announcing the theme and objectives

Throwing and catching the ball
Strengthening the dribbling

4. Training of motor skills

Game 1
The teacher throws two balls of soft material into the room. The student who catches the
ball throws it at another classmate. If a student is hit, they are removed from the game. If the
student catches the ball, he throws it to another classmate to eliminate him. The last student left
in the game wins.

Game 2
 Explanation of the game: Two columns of students are formed, and one column receives
balls. A column throws the ball up and cheers while the ball is in the air. The second
column performs floor stretches with high jumps.
 Game demo
 Trial game
 The actual development of the game: Each student says how many claps he performed,
respectively how many jumps in the allotted time of 40 seconds.
 The complication of the game: The first group of students throw the ball up, clap while
the ball is in the air, and touch the floor with their hands in a kneeling motion. The
second group of students perform abominations.

OBS. Individual verbal appreciations are given to everyone's performance.

OBS. Disobedient students perform 10 push-ups

Throwing and catching the ball with two hands

The teacher corrects the throw of the ball where appropriate. The ball bounces off the

Throwing the ball with one hand to the floor

The ball is thrown with the right hand on the floor and is caught by the teammate. The
colleague performs the same movement.
Then the throw is executed with the left hand.

Throwing the ball with one hand through the hip

OBS. The ball must not reach a height higher than that of the partner.

5. Development of strength/resistance
Five cones are placed one meter apart and two isoprenes three meters apart. The students
are arranged in two columns.
The first column hits the ball with the right hand between the posts. Reaching the last
milestone, a throw with the right hand into the isoprene is performed. Then the student runs
behind the column.
The second column runs up to the isoprene, picks up the ball, and executes ball strikes.

OBS. There is a discussion about the importance of strengthening throwing and swinging balls.
These movements are important in the game of handball.

6. Rest of the body after the effort

The class mimics the defense of a game of handball. The teacher and three students move
horizontally with their hands wide open. The other students try to get to the other side of the
room without being caught on the defensive.
Three of the trapped students go on the defensive, executing the exchange.
Half of the students are on the defensive. Emphasis is placed on the movement of those
on the defensive to form a wall that cannot be passed by the attackers.

7. End of lesson
A line forms in front of the door.

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