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1. It refers to the range of laws and regulations enacted to deal with abusive situation in older adults.
- Adult protective services
2. Law affecting senior citizen/older persons except?
- RA 9275
3. The person delegating the power of attorney for health care in older adults is called?
- Principal
4. The person to whom the power of attorney is granted for health care is known as?
- Agent
5. The mother law for senior citizen
- RA 7432
6. The document that permit people to set forth in writing their wishes and preferences regarding health care
- Advance medical directions
7. It relates to the moral actions, behavior, and character of an individual.
- Ethics
8. It is a feeling, value or belief about something that determine behavior
- Attitude
9. A degree to which individual have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and
services needed to make appropriate health decisions.
- Health literacy
10. The following are included in the basic assessment of older adult in his daily living except?
- exercise
11. A guideline for nursing practice and establishes an expectation for the nurse to provide safe, effective and
appropriate care.
- Standard of care
12. A process by which competent individuals are provided with information that enables them to make a
reasonable decision about any treatment or intervention to be performed on them
- Informed consent
13. Immunization for older adults includes:
- Anti-pneumonia and flu-vax
14. A 65 year old man believes that heart disease and poor circulation are inevitable consequences of older adults
and in resistant to altering his ADLS and dietary regimen. What would be your recommendation?
- Counselling on dietary management including ADL
15. A coping process that occurs when there is a major shift in the persons worldview, where a person examines
one’s place within the world and in relation to other’s including decreased death anxiety, engagement in
activities, changes in relationship, self-acceptance and wisdom.
- Gerotranscendence
16. A therapy aimed at relieving or reducing the intensity of uncomfortable symptoms; it is not aimed at producing a
- Palliative care
17. Type of care that patients needing help for coping with ADLs, incontinence and dementia. This care is not
reimbursed by PHILHEALTH. This patient pay-out of pocket for their stay.
- Long-term care
18. A disease of an older adults that last a long time, offer for a year or more. It needs for ongoing medical care and
difficulties doing the things they need to do everyday.
- Chronic illness
19. All are nursing interventions in the care of older adults with sensory perception problem except?
- Make sure that all instruction are clear to caregivers and other staff
20. The nursing goal in the care of the older adults with sensory perception problem is?
- Remain from added injury
21. A mental state characterized by disorientation regarding time, place or person that lead to be wilderment,
perplexity, lack of orderly thoughts and inability to choose or act decisively and to perform activities of daily
- Confusion
22. The following conditions that can cause delirium are except?
- Diarrhea
23. It is often called delirium.
- Acute confusion
24. An intervention in the care of older adults that should take place in the home
- All of the above (help the family accept the diagnosis, provide emotional support and help the family
identify coping strategies, identify community resources)
25. A broad term that includes all modes of spoken or symbolic communication
- Language
26. Nursing diagnosis of older adults having dysphasia
- Impaired verbal communication
27. The following are nursing goals of older adults having impaired verbal communication
- a&b only (communicate needs with minimal frustration, demonstrate an increased ability to communicate
needs and feelings)
28. nursing intervention of older adults having impaired verbal communication
- a7b only ( assess the older adults communication problems and abilities, identify specific approaches that
are effective for each person
29. gerontological nursing roles are?
- Educator, caregiver, advocate, healer and innovator
30. It is based on scientific data regarding theories
- Principles
31. Gerontological competency
- A&b only (improve the quality of life and promote the well-being of a person, successful aging is based on
the older adult preparedness
32. The following are issues under the gerontology nursing, except?
- None of the above ( requires nurses to focus their care on older population, involves the care of aging is
based on the older adult preparedness)
33. RA 7432 was approved on?
- April 23, 1992

34. RA 9257 also known as?

- Expanded senior citizen act of 2010, an act granting additional benefits, privileges to senior citizens
35. RA 9994 was approved in the year 2010
- An act to maximize the contribution of senior citizen to nation building, grant benefits and special privileges
and for other purposes
36. RA 11916 was approved in?
- July 30, 2022
37. RA 11350 is all about what?
- Creates the national commission of senior citizen under the office of the president
38. An act increasing the social pension of indigent senior citizens and appropriating funds
- RA 11916
39. Refers to a frameworks and guidelines for determining what is morally good (right) and bad(wrong)
- Provision of ethical care
40. In answering ethical questions it involves a complex integration of the following
- Thoughts, feelings, beliefs and evidence based data
41. Th right of a person to determine his or her own destiny
- Autonomy
42. To do good on behalf of the patient rather then health professionals
- Beneficence
43. To protect the patient safety and not cause harm
- Non-maleficence
44. Seek sharing of benefits and burdens based on fairness and equality
- Justice
45. Taking multiple medicines or drugs
- Polypharmacy
46. The following are negative consequences of polypharmacy?
- Blood pressure, anxiety, migraine, heartburn, backpain and cholesterol
47. It refers to some specific action taken to optimize the health of an individual by helping him or her become more
resistant to disease to ensure that the environment will be less harmful
- Primary health care
48. Polypharmacy occurs when care is sought out from?
- Multiple providers who do not collaborate in the care of the older adults
49. Focuses on screening or detection of early disease and finding a problem early
- Secondary prevention measures
50. Aims to prevent or reduce long term effects of a disease helping patients manage their conditions and chronic
- Tertiary prevention measure



- Age-related changes in women - marriage in older adults

- Age-related changes in man - caregivers and sexuality of older adults
- Impact of Illness on sexual health - sexually transmitted disease
- Effects of alcohol and medications on sexual health -sexual orientation of older adults
- Loss of sexual partner - spirituality/religious values

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