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I can feel more than see his presence.

without talking, I know he is following me as we
proceed to the conference room for our

Then all of a sudden, I felt strong hands clasping

my right hand, tugging and pulling me towards
a closed door. He opened it and pulled me
inside. I was unable to protest. Once inside, he
immediately released my hand and I could not
see his face because of the dim lighting.

The room was very tiny which sort of served as

storage for cleaning materials with all the
vacuum cleaner, brooms, mops, etc all around.
It smelled musty. And it was very quiet inside. I
can hear my heart pounding so hard. Can he
hear it? But of course, I pretended as if nothing
is happening inside of me.

Shock registered all over my face and I was

about to speak when he did first.

“Are… are you avoiding me?” He asked

searching my face…perhaps for any sign? Sign
of what?

Part 1 – By Reagan

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