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WWYC Chapter 24
Page 451

1. Define the terms on page 452 (10p)

Science: The study of natural processes
and their products
Science table: Table used to display science-
related items
Open ended questions: Promote discussion and
requires decision making skills
Closed ended questions: single answer question and
requires little thinking
(example; yes or no question)
Feely box: Box with a small hole for
children to reach in and feel to
identify the object

2. Explain how each of the following can help children develop science
skills and describe an activity for each: (55p)

a. Senses

Peeling an orange; become aware of their surroundings

b. Color

Finding colors on a nature walk; Describe their world

c. The body

Growth chart; measurement and seeing change

d. Air

Blowing bubbles or balloons; Air take up space

e. Wheels

Show transportation images from magazines and ask which has wheels; How
wheels work and learn about environment

f. Animals

Class pet; responsibility and learn the animals’ habits

g. Water

Freezing ice; ice melts in warm places becomes wet water.

h. Food/cooking

Baking bread; how materials change

i. Gardening

Plant seeds; Build interest in growing

j. Magnets

Use different magnets to attempt to pick up several objects; magnets have force
and are different shapes/sizes

k. Ecology/care of the earth

Sorting objects with bins labeled glass, plastic, metal, paper; recycling

3. List a minimum of 20 items that could be placed in a science center.

1. Water
2. Oil
3. Soap
4. Pepper
5. Spoon
6. Jar
7. Measuring cups
8. Corks
9. Sugar
13.Food coloring
16.Cardboard tubes
17.Empty container

4. Explain the role of the teacher in guiding science experiences. (5p)

Offer space, materials, and encourage activity
5. Explain the difference between open-ended and closed-ended
questions. (5pts)
Open ended encourages thought and can have many possible answers
whereas closed ended has a correct or low effort answer
6. List 3 reasons why science should be studied. (5pts)

1. enhanced curiosity

2. Improves math concepts (space, volume, etc)

3. Fine motor and hand eye coordination improves

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