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Hormones (2022) 21:53–60


Emotional intelligence scores in children and adolescents

with subclinical hypothyroidism—correlation with serum serotonin
and thyroid‑stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations
George Κ. Arianas1 · Eirini Kostopoulou2 · Anastasios Ioannidis1 · Ioannis Dimopoulos3 · Christos Chiotis4 ·
Panagiotis Prezerakos1 · Bessie E. Spiliotis2 · Andrea Paola Rojas Gil1

Received: 22 April 2021 / Accepted: 3 September 2021 / Published online: 15 November 2021
© Hellenic Endocrine Society 2021

Introduction Thyroxine is essential for nervous system development. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), also known as
mild thyroid failure, is associated with impaired cognitive function in children and mood disorders in adults. Serotonin is
also involved in brain development as well as in mood and behavior modulation. The possible interaction between thyroid
function tests, serum serotonin concentrations, and emotional intelligence (EI) was studied.
Methods A total of 224 schoolchildren from the Peloponnese, Greece, aged 11–19, were included in the study, of whom
26.3% had SCH. Emotional quotients (EQ), such as well-being, self-control, emotionality, and sociability, were assessed
using the TEIQue-ASF questionnaire, and TSH, fT4, and serum serotonin concentrations were also evaluated.
Results Children and adolescents with SCH had a lower EQ total score (p < 0.001), EQ well-being score (p = 0.025), EQ
self-control score (p = 0.029), EQ emotionality score (p = 0.029), and EQ sociability score (p = 0.010) and lower serum
serotonin concentrations (p < 0.001).
Conclusions Children and adolescents with SCH exhibited lower EI scores and lower serum serotonin concentrations when
compared with age-matched healthy controls.

Keywords Subclinical hypothyroidism · Emotional intelligence · TSH · Serotonin


Thyroxin is a major regulator of human brain development

and nervous system myelination [1]. Thyroid hormone
deficiency during the critical early stages of central nerv-
ous system development in the infant and child until 2 years
George Κ. Arianas and Eirini Kostopoulou contributed equally to of age, as occurs in congenital hypothyroidism, results in
this work.
mental retardation due to defective myelination and aber-
* Andrea Paola Rojas Gil ration of dendritic arborization [2]. Early identification and; treatment of congenital hypothyroidism is associated with
almost complete elimination of the risk of mental retarda-
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, tion. However, despite early treatment, intelligent quotients
Laboratory of Biology and Biochemistry, University
of Peloponnese, Dept. of Economics Building 2nd floor, Sehi (IQs) are significantly and persistently reduced in certain
area, Tripoli 22100, Greece children with congenital hypothyroidism, while general
Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department intelligence, language, memory, and attention/concentration
of Pediatrics, University of Patras School of Medicine, may also be impaired [3]. In addition, children with poorly
26504 Patras, Greece controlled hypothyroidism have been reported to be prone
School of Management, University of Peloponnese, to language, cognitive, social, and mental retardation com-
Kalamata, Greece pared with children with well-controlled hypothyroidism and
General Hospital of Kalamata, Kalamata, Greece children without thyroid dysfunction [4].

54 Hormones (2022) 21:53–60

Although overt hypothyroidism has been proven to be [27], which all translate to coping effectively with environ-
a major contributor to neuropsychiatric dysfunction [5], mental demands and stressors. It is a measure of the abil-
milder deficits have also been associated with subclinical ity to perceive, generate, regulate, and manage emotions in
hypothyroidism (SCH). SCH is defined as elevated serum order to guide thoughts and behavior [28]. As such, it plays a
TSH concentrations in the presence of circulating thyroid significant role in determining success through social adap-
hormones within the normal range [6]. The prevalence of tation, teamwork, and effective management of stress and
this disorder in children is estimated to be less than 10%, reducing conflicts in professional and personal relationships
ranging, according to two large population studies, between [29].
1.7 and 2.9% [7], while in children who are overweight or Data regarding the possible interaction between thyroid
obese, the prevalence is higher, ranging from 7 to 23% [8]. function, serum serotonin concentrations, and emotional
The clinical features of SCH in childhood are in dispute, competence in children and adolescents are currently lack-
with children presenting minimal or non-specific symptoms ing. The objective of the present study was to examine the
[9]. Higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure have been possible relationship between SCH, peripheral serum sero-
described in children and adolescents with SCH compared tonin concentrations, and EI and to investigate the possible
with their euthyroid peers [10], as well as a positive corre- correlation between serum TSH and peripheral serotonin
lation between TSH concentrations and components of the concentrations in Greek adolescents.
metabolic syndrome [11]. Increased frequency of migraine
headaches [12] and reduced growth velocity [13] have also
been reported. Thus far, limited data are available regard- Materials and methods
ing cognitive function, emotional status, and mood disor-
ders in children and adolescents with SCH. In a study by Subjects
Capalbo et al., neurocognitive function was not impaired in
persistent, mild, untreated SCH and was also not modified The current study is a cross-sectional study of 224 children
by 2-year L-thyroxine supplementation [14]. and adolescents from the Peloponnese, Greece, including
Serotonin, a phylogenetically ancient neurotransmit- 76 boys and 148 girls, aged 11–19 {median (min–max):
ter, represents a key mediator of brain development, mood 15.38 (11.0–19)}. The study population consisted of 196
modulation, and regulation of behavioral processes and participants randomly selected from a population of school
mental health [15]. Starting from the prenatal period, sero- children from five schools in the Peloponnese (165 control
tonin acts as a growth factor, regulating cell division, dif- and 31 children with SCH), through multistage stratified
ferentiation, and myelination in the brain [16]. It also sets sampling. A total of 28 children with SCH from the out-
pathways needed for learning, thinking, and stress reactiv- patient clinic of the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
ity and regulates cognition, attention, emotion, pain, and and Diabetes of the University General Hospital of Patras,
aggression [17]. Defects in its signaling are implicated in Greece, were selected.
increased risk for psychiatric disorders, such as schizophre- Studies in children and adolescents have suggested
nia and autism [18], and also in the development of anxiety that the upper normal limit of TSH concentrations is
and depression, through its role in regulating the hypotha- 2.5–3.0 mU/L [30, 31]. We therefore defined the SCH group
lamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, which is important for mental as those who had TSH concentrations ≥ 3.5 mIU/L and nor-
health [19]. Low serum concentrations of serotonin have mal free T4 concentrations and the control group as those
been confirmed in adults with depression [20]. There is evi- who had TSH concentrations below 3.5 mIU/L.
dence that serotonin can cross the blood–brain barrier uni- Height and weight were measured in all the participants,
directionally and bidirectionally in different locations of the and body mass index (BMI) and BMI percentile (BMI%) by
capillary cell membrane through the serotonin transporter gender and age were calculated.
[21]. The majority of total serotonin (90%) is synthesized Exclusion criteria for participation in the study included
in the human body by TPH1 in enterochromaffin cells in the factors that could affect thyroid tests or peripheral serotonin
gut, where it is produced and from which it is distributed by values, such as recent infection, recent surgery, medications,
circulating platelets to various body sites [22]. Serotonin depression, thyroid disease other than SCH, chronic kidney
is also expressed in other peripheral tissues and has been disease, neoplasia, migraines, and celiac disease.
shown to play different roles in the liver, in bone, in the The study was approved by the Research Ethics Commit-
mammary gland, and in pancreatic β-cells [23]. tee of the University of Peloponnese (18.03.2020). Informed
Emotional intelligence (EI) is a commonly used psycho- consent was obtained from the parents and/or guardians of
logical term referring to emotional competencies associated the participants after their being informed about the purpose
with improved mental health [24], problem solving [25], of the study. The anonymity of parents and children was
relationship quality [26], and academic and job performance assured. The procedures followed were in accordance with

Hormones (2022) 21:53–60 55

the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as In order to examine the effect of SCH and TSH levels on
revised in 1983. EI regardless of the effect of gender and age, we fitted linear
regression models with and without SCH [36].
The statistical analysis was performed using the IBM
Questionnaires Corp. Released 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows,
Version 22.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp, and the significance
Several research tools were utilized in order to define and level was set at 5%.
measure EI [32]. One of the most widely used is TEIQue-
ASF, which is organized under four factors, as follows: well-
being, self-control, emotionality, and sociability. Fifteen of Results
the items express positive and 15 express negative facets.
A 7-point Likert-type scale is used for the evaluation (e.g., The children’s and adolescents’ characteristics, including
1 = strongly disagree and 7 = strongly agree). The total score age, gender, BMI%, EQs, thyroid function tests, and serum
is derived by summing the score on each item after reverse serotonin levels are presented in Table 1.
scoring for negative items. The higher the score, the higher
the EI of the subject [33]. TSH and EI
All the children and adolescents were interviewed using
the standardized validated Greek translation of the Trait Adolescents with SCH had a lower EQ total score
EI Questionnaire-Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF) (p < 0.001), EQ well-being score (p = 0.025), EQ self-control
questionnaire [34], a 30-item scale designed to measure score (p = 0.029), EQ emotionality score (p = 0.029), and EQ
global trait EI through assessing different emotional quo- sociability score (p = 0.001) (Table 1).
tients (EQ). TEIQue-ASF is based on the long form of the
TEIQue. The recommended age range for use of the ques-
TSH and EI by age and gender
tionnaire is 13–17 years; however, the questionnaire has
been used successfully in children as young as 11 years old
Two-step linear regression analysis showed a statistically
[35]. Based on the above, children and adolescents aged
significant effect of TSH on the total EI score and on the
11–19 years old were included in the current study. Demo-
emotional score, as is detailed below.
graphic data and a thorough medical history, including
comorbidities, were also obtained from the parents of the
participants. Effect on total EI score

Blood samples, laboratory measurements, In the first step of the two-step linear regression analy-
and serum assays sis, age and gender were not shown to have a statistically
significant effect on the emotional score (R2 = 0.003, F
Peripheral blood samples were collected from all par- (2221) = 0.379, p = 0.685). In the second step, SCH was
ticipants in the fasting state, between 8 and 9 am. Thyroid entered into the equation with a statistically significant
function tests including TSH and free thyroxine (fT4) as effect (R2 = 0.062, F (3,220) = 4.868, p = 0.003). SCH
well as serum serotonin were measured. TSH and fT4 were was negatively related to the total score (β =  − 0.325,
measured by immunoassay (Electrochemiluminescence SE = 0.087, t =  − 3,715, p < 0.001) and explained 5.9% of
Immunoassay, Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland). Peripheral its variability.
serum serotonin was measured by ELISA using the serotonin
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit (Abnova Effect on emotional score
Heidelberg, Germany). The intra- and inter-assay CVs are
11.03 and 11.25%, respectively. In the first step of the two-step linear regression analysis, age
and gender were not shown to have a statistically significant
Statistical data analysis effect on the emotional score (R2 = 0.012, F (2221) = 1.410,
p = 0.246). In the second step, SCH was entered into the
Data for continuous variables are presented as median val- equation with a statistically significant effect (R2 = 0.035,
ues (min and max). The Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis F (3220) = 2.672, p = 0.048). The presence of SCH was
tests were used to compare values between two or more than negatively related to the emotional score (β =  − 0.272,
two groups, respectively. Spearman’s correlation was used to SE = 0.120, t =  − 2,268, p = 0.024) and explained 2.3% of
evaluate the relation between quantitative variables. its variability.

56 Hormones (2022) 21:53–60

Table 1  Median values of the baseline characteristics in all studied categories

Characteristics Total population Subclinical hypothyroid- Control p value
N = 224 ism (SCH) N = 165 (SCH vs. control)
N = 59

Age 15.50 15.00 16.00 0.499

(11.0–19.00) (11.00–19.00) (11.00–19.00)
Gender 76 males 20 males 56 males 0.995
148 females 39 females 109 females
BMI % 69.25 73.90 68.10 0.175
(12.60–99.50) (26.50–99.50) (12.60–98.80)
EQ total score 4.94 4.60 5.00 < 0.001
(3.60–6.60) (3.60–5.90) (3.70–6.60)
EQ well-being score 5.70 5.20 5.70 0.025
(2.50–7.00) (2.50–7.00) (2.50–7.00)
EQ self-control score 4.50 4.20 4.50 0.029
(2.00–6.30) (2.00–6.30) (2.00–6.30)
EQ emotionality score 4.90 4.80 5.00 0.029
(3.10–6.80) (3.10–6.60) (3.0–6.80)
EQ sociability score 4.90 4.70 5.00 0.010
(2.70–6.80) (2.70–6.50) (2.70–6.80)
TSH concentrations 2.06 4.11 1.77 < 0.001
(mIU/L) (0.38–6.27) (3.54–6.27) (0.38–3.47)
fT4 concentrations 0.95 0.93 0.96 0.008
(ng/dL) (0.80–1.95) (0.81–1.25) (0.80–1.95)
Serum serotonin concentrations 117.90 103.50 122.30 < 0.001
(ng/mL) (79.00–166.80) (79.00–165.70) (92.80–166.80)

Values are presented as median (minimum–maximum). EQ emotional quotient, BMI% body mass index percentile, TSH thyroid-stimulating hor-
mone, fT4 free thyroxine. Νormal EQ scores: 1–7, normal BMI%: 10–85%, normal serum serotonin concentrations: 101–283 ng/ml. The Mann–
Whitney test was used to calculate the differences between subclinical hypothyroidism and control samples

TSH and serotonin concentrations There was no statistically significant difference in the
level of serotonin between children with neonatal jaundice
Children and adolescents with SCH had lower serum ser- and those without (p = 0.775).
otonin concentrations (p < 0.001) (Table 1). A negative No correlations were found between obesity (BMI%) or
correlation was found between TSH and serotonin levels gender and the studied parameters.
{R =  − 0,439, (p < 0.001)}.

Comorbidities in relation to SCH and EI
The main findings of the present study suggest that children
No statistically significant correlation was found between and adolescents aged 11 to 19 with SCH exhibit impaired
the children’s comorbidities and EI, with the exception of EI and lower peripheral serotonin concentrations when
neonatal jaundice. Neonatal jaundice was found to have a compared with age-matched healthy controls. Further-
statistically significant effect on the self-control score only more, of particular interest were our findings of a negative
among children with SCH (N = 59) (p = 0.020). Children correlation between serum TSH and peripheral serotonin
with SCH and neonatal jaundice showed a lower score concentrations.
(median = 3.6) compared with children with SCH but with- The establishment of the upper normal limit of TSH
out neonatal jaundice (median = 4.5). In children without concentrations in children still poses a challenge. Several
SCH, neonatal jaundice did not show a statistically sig- studies have reported that the median TSH concentration
nificant effect on the self-control score (p = 0.358, score of in healthy individuals varies between 1.4 and 1.8 mU/L in
children without jaundice median = 4.7, score of children adults and peaks at approximately 1.5 in children and ado-
with jaundice median = 4.5). lescents, although an upper normal limit of 2.5 − 3.0 mU/L
has been suggested as being more realistic [30, 31]. In

Hormones (2022) 21:53–60 57

addition, a reference TSH range between 0.4 and 3.77 regulation, in healthy men, which is associated with superior
mIU/L (2.5 th and 97.5 th percentile) for healthy adult emotional understanding, one domain of EI. Specifically, dis-
individuals has been reported by Kratzsch et al. [37] and cordant levels of the two neurotransmitters, i.e., high peripheral
between 0.25 and 2.12 mIU/L by Völzke et al. [38]. serotonin levels in conjunction with low BDNF levels, demon-
The actions of thyroid hormones in the brain are extremely strated superior ability to understand complex emotional mean-
complex and seem to affect evolving emotional and cognitive ings, emotional transitions, and emotional situations [52].
development. The association between overt hypothyroidism Additionally, decreases in peripheral measures of sero-
and mood disorders, such as major depression and melancho- tonin in peripheral whole blood, plasma, and platelets have
lia, is well documented in adults [39]; however, data on mood been described in mood and other neuropsychiatric disor-
disorders in adult patients with SCH, such as depression and ders in older adults [53]. Moreover, low levels of peripheral
anxiety, are still controversial. Large population studies have serotonin have been related to mood disorders in children
reported a higher frequency of depression and anxiety [40], and adolescents [54]. Another study presented a descriptive
whereas other studies found no differences in mood disor- approach to the association of peripheral serotonin with emo-
ders in adults with SCH compared with euthyroid subjects tional brain functions in children and adolescents specifically,
[41]. A 2018 meta-analysis indicated that SCH is associated with a broad measure of overt behavioral problems such as
with depression in adults younger than 60 years old [42]. impulsive aggression and behavioral disinhibition [55].
On the other hand, EI has not been studied in children and Our study is the first to investigate the correlation between
adolescents with SCH. Our study is the first to evaluate the serum TSH and serotonin concentrations in children and
association between the two and to assess all the parameters adolescents, demonstrating a negative correlation between
of EI in children and adolescents with SCH. the two. The interaction of neurotransmitter systems such
In addition, the present study showed a correlation of as serotonin and the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis
neonatal jaundice with the self-control score only among has been suggested as a possible underlying mechanism of
children with SCH. Large studies on the long-term conse- action in individuals with mood disorders [56]. Existing
quences of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia have shown that evidence from neuroendocrine challenge studies in humans
neonatal jaundice is correlated with cognitive complaints, suggests that hypothyroidism is associated with diminished
lower levels of subjective well-being, and a tendency to poor serotonin responsiveness, which is restored after thyroid
adjustment in adult life [43]. On the other hand, it is known replacement therapy [57]. It has also been hypothesized that
that transient neonatal hypothyroidism may present with in adult patients with depression, blunted TSH response to
indirect or direct hyperbilirubinemia [44]. However, there the TRH stimulation test might be a compensatory mecha-
was no report of neonatal or congenital hypothyroidism in nism for diminished central serotonin activity [58]. Animal
the participants of the present study. studies have additionally shown that thyroid status signifi-
Furthermore, the serotonergic system is implicated in cantly affects serotoninergic neurotransmission in the adult
mood, emotion, and control of behavioral functions, as well brain and that increased thyroid hormone concentrations
as in a variety of psychiatric disorders, most prominently anxi- elevate serotonin neurotransmission [59].
ety and depression [45]. Accumulated evidence suggests that There are restrictions on human research in this field;
serotonin has also been incriminated in major depressive dis- however, considering the well-established role of serotonin
order, one of the most debilitating mental health diseases. Pro- in the pathogenesis of depression, it can be speculated that
posed mechanisms include dysfunction of the serotonin (5-HT) the serotonin system may be involved in the mood-modulat-
receptors and of the neuronal plasma membrane transporter ing effects of thyroid hormones in patients with mood dis-
protein (SERT), which is one of the main targets of antidepres- orders. This may also explain the increased effectiveness of
sant therapy [46]. A reduction of serotonin levels is associated administration of combined treatment with antidepressants
with an increased risk of being affected by depression [47]. that affect the serotonin system and thyroid hormones in
Although a sizeable body of literature documents the separate patients with affective disorders, whereas thyroid hormones
role of serotonin in mood disorders [48], studies regarding the alone have limited clinical effects [60].
direct role of serotonin in emotional processing are scarce. It In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, no other
has been reported that peripheral blood serotonin is an acces- studies exist evaluating EI quotients and serum serotonin
sible measure of the availability of circulating 5-HT and may concentrations in children and adolescents with SCH. One of
serve as a peripheral proxy for central 5-HT serotonin [49, 50]. the most interesting findings of our study is the relationship
With regard to EI, which is a risk factor for mood distur- between SCH and EI and, specifically, the finding that EI
bance, elevated serotonin levels have been associated with worse seems to be negatively affected in children and adolescents
performance [51]. In contrast, emerging evidence suggests an with this disorder.
interaction between serotonin and brain-derived neurotrophic The current study has certain limitations, including the
factor (BDNF), another neurotransmitter implicated in mood fact that the pubertal status and environmental factors, such

58 Hormones (2022) 21:53–60

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