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Because I'm dyslexic in my own way. But I listen to audiobooks all the time. I buy a book
when I think that the audiobook was amazing, and I need a reference.

And then I try reading the book again while listening to the audiobook again. The book I
would suggest reading, which is great for people in our space, is a book, I can't remember
the author, but the name of the book is The Trusted Advisor. Has anybody read that author?
I will, yeah.

It's called The Trusted Advisor. I think there are three or four authors in there. Amazing

Great insights. Great tips on what to do to change your outlook and the way you present
yourself to the public. And why people should read The Trusted Advisor.

Great book. Your second question, if I understand you correctly, you said he is a client of
yours. So he's already a client of yours.

So you're already through that door. And you don't have the confidence to have
conversations with him? So when he was recommended to me, the person who
recommended him to me is one of my biggest clients. She was his chief of staff.

So they have a very good relationship. So I was just there to solve a problem, which is his
medical insurance. So it's been years.

I think it's just something that I need to do, but I just am not done. But I probably need some
guidance. If you were in my shoes, how would you... I would approach it head on.

Personally, I think where you're putting yourself in a position where somebody else may go
there before you, and just because they asked, you will lose the opportunity. Somebody
shared a story with me that they were trying to... they were courting a client for a period of
three years. And when they finally had an interview with this client and asked them, the
client told them that I bought these policies from this other advisor.

He said, but you've known me for so long, why didn't you buy it from me? And the client
said, I've met lots of advisors, but this is the only person that put a proposal in front of me.
So I bought it from them. So think about it from that perspective.

Your biggest client gave you the introduction, and you converted that introduction. So this
person is already known to you. You're sitting from a place of... not privilege, but you're
sitting in a place where you've got more skin in the game than the next advisor.

But don't lose the opportunity because of time. If I were you, I would pick up that phone,
and I would call him up and invite him out for a meal, lunch, whatever it is. And if he asks
you what's it about, tell him I really don't have an agenda, I just want to take you out for
lunch because you've been a client of mine for so long.

We've never really had a proper conversation. I'd like to let you know about everything else
I do. Pick a nice place if he's a big client.
The setting needs to be in line with everything else. And then have your conversation and
have your ask ready. What is your ask for him? Why did you call him up? Because the last
thing they want is to show up and have a great conversation, but nobody asks them for

What is your ask for him? Do you want him to consider buying life insurance for you? Do
you want him to introduce you to his closest friend? What's your ask? Don't be shy to ask.
What's the worst that's going to happen? He's going to say no. That's okay.

Thank you. You're welcome.

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