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How to make a website from scratch

1. Choose your website builder

2. Pick your template
3. Customize your template to your brand
4. Build your site structure
5. Add your pages
6. Fill your pages with engaging content
7. Find and purchase a domain name
8. Review and publish
9. Promote your website
10. Establish healthy site maintenance habits
. Decide what type of website you want to make
Any website you create begins with a clear website goal and target audience. By
identifying your niche and purpose, you can take steps towards building a site that
not only looks pretty but performs as you hope it will.
Build your site structure

A pretty site means nothing if it’s clunky and difficult to navigate. Before
releasing your site to the world, check that your site makes it easy for
visitors to find the exact pages that they’re looking for
Fill your pages with engaging content

As people interact with your website, you'll want to make

sure you're grabbing their attention and keeping it. The
best way to do this is by optimizing and diversifying how
you relay information.
Pick your template
The visual layout of your website is its most important element. You’ll
want to take your time exploring your options before settling on the
visual imagery and design.
Customize your template to your brand
Your website is the face of your personal or business brand and is
often the first touchpoint that people have with you, so you’ll want to
make sure that it's uniquely yours.
Find and purchase a domain name
. Your domain is like your website’s address and permanent home on the web. When
an internet user enters your domain name, or website URL into a web browser, it
connects with a web server who identifies your domain by its IP address and then
delivers your site to the user. This process is also referred to as a Domain Name

Once your website is live, you need to let

people know about it. You can promote your
website through social media, email
marketing, guest blogging or outreach

Much like a work of art, a website is never truly

"finished." It's an ever-evolving entity that
demands regular attention to maintain peak
1.Decide what type of website you want to make.

2.Choose your website builder.

3.Pick your template.

4.Customize your template to your brand.

5.Build your site structure.

6.Add your pages.

7.Fill your pages with engaging content.

8.Find and purchase a domain name.

09. Review and publish

10. Promote your website

11. Establish healthy site maintenance habits


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