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Year 9 Geography End of Term Exam

Question 1

Define the following terms: (5 marks)

Term Definition


Human resources



2. What is a typical TCI tourist like? List three things. How do you know? Where did you find out the information?
3 marks

3. How can knowing the profile of a typical TCI tourist help you to design your resort? List 3 things.

3 marks

4. What makes businesses want to relocate to TCI? Give two reasons and how TCI could encourage more businesses
to invest here. 4 marks

5. List 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of tourism on the TCI 10 marks

Advantages Disadvantages

For questions 6 – 8 , give at least four reasons or actions that you would take and explain why.

6. As a business owner, what would attract you to TCI?

7. How would you ensure your business was profitable ?

How would you advertise your business?


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