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Name: Rin Rithiya

Grade: 12
The Old Couple or Musician, Salvador Dali

I choose this painting for many reasons. This painting makes me confused and this
painting brings me into another world. This painting was an illusion that depicts what seems
to be an old woman and man looking at each other. But when observed a tad closer, however,
it seems to be a different painting where I can see an old couple, there is a young man playing
guitar and a young woman sitting opposite him. It seems like Salvador Dali wants to use this
illusion to point the view to the viewer.
In my view, I thought this form of artwork gives a feeling of depth. The figures in the
painting appear to be floating in a sea of thick paint. This gives the painting a dreamlike
quality. In his paintings, Dali was a master at producing optical illusions. This also applies to
elderly couples and musicians. The figures in the painting appear to be melting or distorted.
This is an illustration of Dali's "paranoid-critical" method, which he used to create art that
was based on his hallucinations and visions

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