Syll 8th Sem

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• 78 of 104


P11per Cod~: ETIT-402 T/P C
Paper: Mobilr Computing I 4


I. Question No. I should be compulsory and cover 1he entire syllabus. This question should have objective
2. Apan from Question No. I. rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit
should have two questions. However. student may be asked to attempt onl y I quest ion from each unit. Each
qu estion s hould bcof 12.5 marks.

Ohjectfrrs: Should ha,·t .11udied pap<'rS sw:h us C,.immunirnfif)fl sy~ms. Dula t'(Jmmunirntfrms and nttk·Qrking
and wire/us 11t/l..orks. To learn the basic cmrcrpts, aware of tht! GSM, SMS, GPRS Ar,:hiltcture. T,, hal't an
exposure about wire/eu protocols -Wireltu UN, B/ue10,,1h, WAP. Zig Bee i1-1ues. To KflOw t ~ Nrnrnrk,
Trunsporl Functionaliries of Mobile l't'H11municotion. To understand 1M ro11cep1S of Adhoc and 1tfrdess sensor
networks. Introduce Mobile Applicarion Dewlopmem environment.

Mobile Physical Layer: Review of generation of mobile services. overview of wireless telephony. cellular
concept. GSM: air-interface. chwmcl structure. location management: HL.R-VL.R, hi erarchical, handoffs,
channel allocation in oc:llu lar systems. CDMA. GPRS.
Mobile Conipudng An:httectllff: Issues in mobile comp uting. thrtt lier architcc1urc for mobile computing,
de sign coosidcratims, Mobile file •~ems. Mobile databases. WAP: Architecture, protocol stack. Da1a gram
protocol, Wireless timspat la)'CC iCICUrity, Wireless 1rnnsaction prococol, wireless session protocol, application
{Tl] (Tl](TJ) (No. of Hn.12)
Mobile Data Link Layer: Wireless LAN overview, IEEE 802.11. MOlivatioo for a specialized MAC, Near&
far terminals. Mulliple access techniques fc. wireless LANs such as collisioo avoidance. polling. Inhibit sense.
spread spectrum. CDMA , LAN sySlem architecture, protocol architecture. physical layer MAC layer and
management. Hiperl.AN.
Blue Tooth: IEEE 802.15 Blue tooth Uaer ICeDlri01, physical. MAC layer and link mana,cmcnt.
Local Arca Wireless systems: WP ABX. bOA. 2.ipiee, RFID, WiMax.
(Tl] [Tl](TJ) (No. of Hrs. II)
MOBILE IP Network Layn-: IP and Mobile lP Network Layer- Packet delivery and Handover Management-
Location Management- Regislnllion- Tunoellina and Enc.ap.ulalion-Route Optimization- Dynamic Host
Configura1ion Protocol. Ad Hoc networb, localization, MAC issues. Routing proiocols, global slate routing
(GSR). Dcstinatioo sequenced distance vectm- m.1ting (DSDV). Dynamic source routing (DSR). Ad Hoc oo
demand distance vec1oc routing (AODV). VolP-IPSec.
Mobile Transport Layer: Traditiooal TCP/IP. Transport Layer Protocols-Indirect. Snooping. Mobile TCP.
(TI) [T2JT3) (No. of Hrs. II)
Support ror MobUlty: Data bases, data hoardin&. Duta di ueOUNltion. UA Prof and Caching. Service
di scovery. Dala maMgement is.sues. d.aa replication fc. mobile comiuen, adoptive clustering for mobile
wireless networks, Mobile devices and File systems, Data Synchraiization. Sync ML.
lntrodue1ion to Wireless Devices and Oper•ing systems: Palm OS. Windows CE, Symbion OS, Android,
Mobile Agents, Introduction to Mobile apJikatiort language• and tool kit s.
[Tl] (T2](T3) (No. of Hn.11)
I. Gain the knowledge about various types of Wireless Data Networks and Wireless Voice Networks. 2.
Understand the architectures, the challenges and !he Solutions of Wireless Communication.
4. Abl e to deve lop simple Mobile Applications Using Toll kit.

Schem< and Syllabi fo.-B. Tech-IT. J" y,,ar(Cammon to all branch<,,) w.e.fbakb 2114-15 and (2"". 3~ & 4" ynn) wL.fNlebZOU- 14
approved in th< 2Z"" BOS of USET on Jo" Inn< . 2014 and appm>"Cd in th< 37" AC Sub Commintt Mcding held on IO" fal y. 2014

Not Sec ure -

8:55 ,11 ~ D

80 of 104


Paptt Codt: ETEC-406 TIP C
Paper. Ad Hot and Sensor Networks
0 '


I. Question No. I should be compulsa--y aod cover the entire syllabus. Thi s qucstion shoold haYC" objective or
shortanswer1ypcques1ions. ltshouldbeof25marks.
2. Apart fromQ. No. I res! ofthe paper shall consist of four uni1sasper1hesyllabus. Everyuni1 should have
two questions. However, s1udent may be asked to anemp1 only I question from each unit. Each question
,hnnlrllrnf12.'i rmdc•

Obj«lfr<': Th<' pr<'rl'quisitt's ar<' Jaw rnmmunirntion nl'nmrks. 'K'ir<'ft'ss communicarion lllld nt'tMvrb. Th<'
11bfecti1't' 11/ th.- pupa is /0 imroduct' in/rusiru,·111,,, lt'ss wirt'lt':is nrn.v rting.

Ad Hoc Wireless Networks:
Introduction. Issues in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Ad Hoc Wireless lntnnet.
MAC PNlloools for Ad Hoc Wlrdess Networb:
lntroductioo. Issues in Designing a MAC Pmrncol for Ad Hoc Wireless Netwocks. Design Goals of a MAC
Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Classifications of MAC Protocols. Contemion-Bascd Protocols.
Contention-Based Protocols wi1h Reservation Mechanisms. Contention-Basal MAC PrOlocols wi1h Scheduling
Mechanisms. MAC PrOlocols in Directional Antennas. Other MAC Protocols
Roullftlt Pretocols for Ad Hoc Wlttlea Networks:
Introduction to Routing algaithm. Issu es in Designing a Routing Protocol fa Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
Classifications of Routing Protocoh. Table-Driven Rou1ing Protocols. On-Demand Routing Protocols. Hybrid
Routing Protocols. Routing PrOlocols with Efficient Flooding Mechanis ms. Hierarchical Routing Protocols.
Power-Aware Routing PrOlocols.
Traosport t..yer and ~urity Protocols for Ad Hoc WireJesoi Networks:
Introduction. Issues in Designing a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wirdess Networks. Design Goals of a
Transport L.aya Protocol for Ad Hoc Wirdess Networks. Classification of Transport Layer Solutions. TCP
Over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Other Transpcn Layer Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Security in
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Network Security Requirements. ls.'iues and Challenges in Security Provisioning.
Netwcrk Security Attocks. Key Managem:nt. Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
[Tl, Tl)(No.ofHrs.12)
Wireless Semor Networks:
Introduction. Semor Netwcrk Architecture. Data Disaemination. Data Gathering. MAC Protocols for Semor
Netwcrks. Location Discovery. Quality of a Sensor Network. Evolving Standards. Other Issu es.
Hybrid wird- Networks:
Introduction. Next-Generation Hybrid Wire~ Art'hiieciures. Routing in Wireless Networb. Pricing in
Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. Power Corurol Schemes in Hybrid Wireless Networks. Load Balancing in
Hybrid Wireless Networks.
[Tl, T2]1No.alHrs. II)
Wireless Gfflocatlon Systems:
Introduction. Whal is wireless Gco&ocation? Wirc&u.., Geoloa!.tion System Architecture. Technologies for
Wireless Geolocacion. Gcolocatim Standards for E-911 Services. Performance Measu res for Geolocatioo
Systems. Ques1ioos. Problems.
Recent Advances in Wireless Networks:
Introduction. Ulna-Wide-Band Radio Comrnunicatioo. Wireless Fidelity Systems. Op1ical Wireless Necworks.
lbe Multimcxle 802.11 -IEEE 802.1 la/tvg. lbe MeghadOOI Archi1«1ure, introduction 10 vehicular sensor
[Tl, TI] (No. alHB.. II)

Sd,emo and Syllabi fo• B. T«h-lT, l" y, .. 1Common 1o all 1:nnc ht• J w.e.fbaklo ltl4-15 and t2"". l ~ & 4° ye ..,) ,o.e.fbat<lo l l l .! -14
app-m·td jp lht !!"' BOS <>f llSET on .lO" Juno. 2014 and appnwed in !ht 37" AC Suh Cornmilltt M• eting held on JO'" July. 2014.


Not Sec ure -

s:s4 .,, ~ m


Papa- Cock: ETHS-402 TIP C
Papa': Values & Prd'eslioml Etbks-11 0 I


I. Qucstim No. I s hould be co mpul sory and covn lhe entire syllabu.5. Thi s question should hne objn:ti...e
short answer type questions. It shw ld bc of2S mark5.
2 Apart from Question No. I. rest of the paptt .fflall consist o( four units as per the syllabus. Every unil
shoukl h11.\'C two questions. However. studmt may be a.,kcd to .-tempt only I questioo from each unit. Each
qucstim should be of 12.S marks.
3. Two internal sn.siooal test of 10 marks each and one project report• carrying 5 marks.

I. Tnt main obje(·t of this poper is to inclllca1,. tht skills of tthl~ dtci.Jion MIiking and 1ht n to (J(Jply tlwst
skills to 1h, rtfll und ,·1uTtnl chuilmgts 1J/fM tngiMtring prvft'nfon.
2. Tt> mabl~ 11,,Jent w undt'r6land tlw ne,J t1nd im(H>rf(Jll~·r of 1-ulu,~ucution and ,Juwtion for HumUII
J. To aclJWIW1 sn.d,ms to tlw Nt#wrwl and ln1trna1i1mnl mfut's/1>r Global dt'Vt'fopmt'nl

UNIT I • Appnil.ll ol Human Valla ud Profeuloml Elhkl:

Review ol Univ,nal Hllffllla Valms: Tnnh, Love, Peace. Right cond uct. Non vioknce. J11s1icc and
Responsibility. Living in harmooy wilh 'SELF, Family, Sociciy aod Nature. hdian pluralism • the way of life
of Islam. Baddhism. Oiristiauty, Jaiaism. Sikhism and Hinduism. Greek . Roman and Chinese cuklnl values.
Sensi1iwion of Ifll)K1 of Modcn f.ditcation and Media on Values:
a) Impaa of Science and TccbaolosY
b) EfffXts of Printed Media Uld Tdevis.ion on Values
t) Eff,xts oftoltl(Uef aided mediaoa Values (lo&emel. e- maU, Chat etc. )
d ) Rok of 1eacher In the pmicrvation of tradition and culture.
c: ) Role of family. tradition & community praye13 in vulue devdopm:nt.
Review ol ProCeslional Etbla: Accountabili ty. Collegiality. Royalty. Responsibility and Ethits Living.
Engineer as arole model, fir civil !iOl;iety, Uvin&inharmony wilh 'NA1URE', Fourorder1oflh-ing. their inter•
[Tl)(n)[Rl)(R5)(R4)(No. olHn. 03)
UNIT U - Enginffn rapomlbilltJ for dtey:
Safciy and Risks. Risk and Cosi. Risk bmcfit anal)'M', ICMiDg mc:lbods ior ,afciy. Engineer's Rcspoosibili1y for
Safety Social and Value dimcnsiom of Technology • Teduiology'laam - The Perils of Technological
Optimism - The
Promise ofTC'i.:hnology - CompulCr Tedlnology Privaty
Sane C_. Sh.ties: Case Studies. BHOPAL 0. Tra,edy, Nudew Power Plant Disasters. Spacc Shu11le
Challenger. 'Three Mile Island Accident. etc.
(Tll lT21 lR4I fRll[No. olHrs. 03)
UNIT Ill - Global laDH:
GlobaliZMlon and !\-INCi: International Trade. Issues,
c-studin: Kclkg' s. Satyani, Infosys Foundation. TATA Group of Companies
BusillfSS Ethics: Corporate Go\'m!anor, F'manoc and Acco.u11ing. IPR.
Corporate Social Rtsponslblllly {CSR): Definition, Concep1. ISO, CSR.
Enviromm•al Ethics: Sustainabk Dc\dopmmt, Eco-Systc111. OJllOC dcplciion. Pollution.
Comput,r Elbks: Cybcr Crimes, Dau SICaliag. Hacking. EmbcuJelllC'nt.
[Tl) (TI) IR4)1No. olHrs. 05)
UNIT IV • Enpleen RcsponsH,Ullics and Rlghls and Ethkal Codes:
Colkgialily and loyalty. Connict of interests. confidentiality. occupational crimes. profC5S ional rights,
respon!>ibililics. To bomt industrial j'.t'Wuction wilh eitoellent q.ialily and efficiency, To enhance national
economy. To boost team spirit. Work Culture and feeli ng of job satisfaction. Na1ion11l integration. Examples of
some illustrious professionals.
Need for Ethical Codes. Study of some sample codes such as institution of Electrical and Electroni ts EngillCCfS,
Computer Society of India etc .• Ethical Audit.
Devdopmmt and lmplcnwntallon cl Coda: Oath to be taken by Engineering graduates and its illll(lltiS'!CC'**.
(Tl) (TI] (R4)[Rl)(No. olHrs. OSI

S<hcm< and S)ll•bi for B. Te<b, IT, l"yra ICommon 1<>1111 bnulrhc•I w.t.! balr~ ltU-15 and (2"', )" & 4" yc••J .,.,._fbold, lDU-U
oppru,«1 inllr ~reosofUSETun JU" 1u..... 2014.nd """'°'"«I i111hc n" AC SubCommiuttMcdi na hc ldun rn" Jut y, 2014.


Not Secure -

s:s4 ... ~m

84 of 104


Papn- COM: ETIT-406 TIP C
Paprr: Big Analytkl • J


I. Questioo No. I should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question ~hwld have objtcti\·c
or shM answer tYJ)(' questions. It should be of 25 marks.
2. Apart from Question No. I. m,t ol the paper shall consist of four uniu as per the syllabus. E\'ety uni!
should ha\'e two questions. However, student may be asked to anemp( only I question fTOlll each unit. Each
queuioo should be of 12.Smarks.

Obj,l'tfre: Tu introduct' 1h, studtnJsabot,t bow/,.Jg~"f Dma M,ma~,,_,n,, Big °'1tu st<1,·b und Datu ,mnlysis.

Big IMrodurllon: The Evolut ion oi Data Manugcmenl. Defuaing Big Dl!a, Traditiooal and advanced
analylin. Oi!ilributcd Cnmputing. nord ol distributed L'Ol1lputin& for big data. ccononlics of computing. latency
Examining Big Data T)'f)t's, Slructtnd Data. KlllKn of big struc!Uttd data. role of relational databases in big
da1a. Unsuucwrcd Data, sources ofunstructurt'd data. ro!eofaCMS in big data manaicmem
Big Du Redundanl Physical lnfnistructure. Securiiy lnfra.suucture, Opcrarional Databases.
Organizing Data Services and Tools. Analytical Data Warehouse$, Big Data Anal )1ics. Bis Da1a Applicalioos,
Vlrlualilalkm •nd bla data; Servo-, Applicatirn vinualizati rn. Network vinua.lil.lllka, Processor
and rrrmory ,inualilaioa, llorage vinualil.lllion, Managing Vinualization wi1h lhe HyJrnisor.
fTl)INo. rl Hn. IOI
MapR~ce Fundamentall. Puaiag map and reduce Together, Optimizing MapRedoce Ta.~ks.
Hadoop. Hadoop Oistrilllted File System (HDF'S). Name Nodes. Data nodes. Hadoop MapReduce.
ITl)IT2)1RJJINo. rlHn. HJ
Bia Data Analytics: Buie analytics. Ad~allal)'lics, O~anal)'UCS, Monetizing anal)tiCS, Teitl
Analytics and Big Data, Social media ...i)UCI,. Ten Analyt:iC!! Took for Big Data. Altensity. Clarabridge,
(nlqn,dag Dala SOUN'eS: Dealing wi1h Real-time Data Sift.ams and Complex. fa·enl Processing,
Operalimalizing Big Data, Applyi111 Bi& D:ua wilbiQ YOUt"Organizatioo. Security and GO\-emance for Big Data
Tnl Boob:
[TIJ Judith S. Hurwit i, Alan F. Nugem, FtruH.alper. Marcia A. Kaufman. "Big Data Fe.- Dunuries, John
Wiky& Soos. lnc.(2013)
[TIJ Robert D. Schneider. "Hadoop Foe Dummies", John Wiley & Soos. Inc. (2012)

[RI] UndeN.anding Big Oala: Aaal~s for Enterprise 0 - Hadoop zd Streaming Data. by Paul
Zikopoulos,McGraw Hill 20l2.

Sc""""' - S)·lt.. fur 8 , T«h•IT, I" ).... IC'om- lnnd..,) ...... r ........ 111 ... u alld 1?". l~ & 46 )T•f>I WA',tlllffll ltlJ.14
"f'P'O•<dint""!! .. 80:SolUSET"" J.11" Ju.,., :?lll4...:I "l'Pf""<d ia l"" l1"' AC'Sl>bC'onuntt«MMing h<ldOII 111" JW y. 2014.

Not Secure -

s:s4 .. ,1 m·

s.100 Qf 104•«h•lT, I" )"'~!Common Lu oll brand1t>) w.dbakll 111,4.15 one! (1"', J" & 4• y.,..,,.J ,..e.rbalthll lJ. U

"I USl!Ton lO" Ju.... 20 14 •nd approvod in lh< 37• AC: S..bC:ummitto< M<<ling htld on lo"' Jul y. 2014.



Paper Code: ETIT -432 TIP C
Paper: Selected Topks ol Recent Tnnds in IT 0 J


I. Qurstion No. I should be compul:wry and cover the entire syllabw. This questi(m should have objcc1ivc
or shM aruwer lype questions. It should be of 25 maTks.
2. Apart from Question No. I. rest of1he p;apcr shall consist of f01,1r units as per the syllabus. Every unit
shou ld have two questions. However. s1udc-n1 may be asked to a11cmp1 only I question from coch unit . Each
qu cstioo should be of 12.5 marks.

Objectfre: To underswnd dma l/t.'l1llhousln8 and i1s types. design and concYpts of Big Daw.

UNIT I o.t• Waret-.1 ..

lnlroductlon to Data Warebouslna: Evolution of Data Warehousi ng. o.a
WurehNW!g coneepis. Benefits of
Data Wareh005ing, Comparii!On or OLTP and Data Wt1rehousing. Pmblems of Data Wareh ousi ng.
Data Warrhoainc Arehitedun: Operational Da111 Md Data store. Load Manager, Wadl ouse Manager,
Query Maruaacr. Detailed Data. Lighd y and Highl y summariud Data. Archive/Backup Data. Mela-Datu.
architecture model, 2-tier. 3-ticr and 4-ticr da1.a wareho1ne. end user Acce5.'i tools.
(Tl](No.c6Houn 10)
UNIT U Data Warrbou5'ng Tools and Ttclmology
Tools ud Ttthnologies: Extractioo. cleaning and Transfocmation tools. Data Warehouse DBMS. Data
Warehouse Meta-Data. Administnlioo and management tolls. operational Vll. in formation syste111S.
O1.AP & DSS support in data wan:bouse.
Distributed Data Warehour. Types of Distributed Data Warehouses. Nature of de~lopment Effa-ts,
Distributed Da1a Ward>OUac Devdopmcnt. Building the Warehouse on multiple leve ls.
(Rl](Rl](No. of Hours 12)
UNIT Ill Types c6 Data Warrhousa & Dala Warehoun Daign
HOlit ba~. single stage. LAN ba.~. Multistage. stutionary distribuled & vi nual data-warehouses.
Data warehousl.• Design: Designing Data warehouse Database. D111abise Design Methodology foc Data
Warehouses. Da1a W.-ebowing de.Mca UMa& Oracle. OLAP aad data mhunJ: Online Analytical iroccss ing,
(Tl](Rl](No. r6 Hours IO)
UNIT IV lnlroductioo to Big Dala
Big Data: Definitions. characteristics, Challenges of Conventional S}'31:ems. Web Data. Evolution Of Analytic
Scalability. Analytic Processes and Tools - Anal ysis vs Reporting. Modem Data Analytic Tools. Statistical
Coneep1s: Sampling Distributi ons. Re-Sampling. Statistical Inference. Prediction Emw.
[Tll[RJJ[R4J[No. of Hours 12)
Texl Boob
ITI I Paul Raj Pooniu. "Fundamentals of Darn Warchousint·. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
IT21 Adam Jori,:c nse n. James Rowland-Jones. John Welch. Dan Clark. Chri stopher Prices. Brian Mitchell

[RI) W. H. lnmon. ""Building the operational data store··. 2"' &!.• John Wiley. 1999.
[R2] Kamber and Han. ""Data Mining Cooccp1s and Techniques··. Hancourt lndia P. Ltd .. 2001
[R3] Paul Zikopoulos. Dirk deRoos. Krishnan Parnsurnman. Thomas Deutsch. James Gil es. David Ca-rigan.
Harness the Power of Big Data The IBM Big Data Platfcxm. Tata McGraw Hill Pu bliaitioo-;. 2012
IR4] Zikopoulos, Paul. Chris Eaton. Understanding Big Data: Ana1)1ics for Enterprii;e Class Hadoop and
Streami ng Data. Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 20 1 I

and Syll•bi fur B. T«h·lT. 1'' ~1rtCommon w 1U bronch.,.) w.e.l'IMokll 211.f-15 ind (2°'. l' 1 & 4• ~..,.J •.e.l'NtollltlJ..14
"l'Pf""'rd inlht 22"' BOS ufUSl:Ton JO" Juno. W l4 1nd 1ppro•od in 1ho 17• AC Sub C<>mlrinoo Mo<ling hold on 10"" July. 2tll 4

Not Secure -

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