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Calatagan CLUP Vol 1

BS Architecture (Batangas State University)

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

The Comprehensive Land Use

Plan of Calatagan, Batangas
2018-2027 is composed of the
following Volumes:

Volume 1: The Comprehensive Land

Use Plan
Volume 2: Sectoral Studies
Volume 3: Zoning Ordinance

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of Calatagan 2018-2027 is a 10-
year physical development plan which shall serve as the basis for the
allocation and sustainable use and management of both its terrestrial and
marine territories. This plan identi昀椀ed and presented the delineated,
demarcated and assigned land and water uses that are suitable for the
Municipality of Calatagan.

Speci昀椀c uses of the land and water territories under the jurisdiction of the
local government were determined in consideration with the di昀昀erent
ownerships, physical attributes, geographical characteristics and
suitability features of Calatagan. Water and land use and management
were done in accordance with Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government
Code of 1991 in which the power to utilize a locality’s resource to its best
and optimum is given. The existing land and water uses in Calatagan
serve as the starting point in which the proposed land and water use were
based on. The development thrusts and strategies were not solely based
on the spatial development of the locality but also with consideration of
the current functional role of Calatagan in the development of the
Province of Batangas. The development thrust and strategies of
Calatagan, therefore, follow their assigned functional role in the province
which includes sustainable ecotourism, climate-resilient agriculture, and
industrial development. Consequently, appropriate zoning for areas within
the jurisdiction of Calatagan was determined and highlighted.

Some of the laws and policies considered in the preparation of the CLUP of
Calatagan includes Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of
1991, Executive Order No. 72, Tourism Act, Climate Change and
Adaptation Act, Presidential Decree 1216 and enhanced HLURB CLUP
Guidelines 2014. These policies provided the bases for the determination,
identi昀椀cation and delineation of the land and water uses of Calatagan as
well as its spatial development framework. Integration and mainstreaming
of climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and ridge-to-reef
approaches to land use planning were adopted for the current CLUP,
based on the laws mentioned.

The updated CLUP of Calatagan is geared towards land and water uses
that are sustainable and complementary with the needs of the local
government. Spatial development strategies were incorporated in order to
achieve optimum and sustainable management and development of the
resources of Calatagan. Existing sectoral demands and needs were
addressed through the proposed sectoral strategies for the local

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

government. Lastly, zoning ordinances and policies shall support the

implementation of the proposed land and water uses of Calatagan

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The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Calatagan would not have been
possible if not for the active and full participation of the following:

Hon. Peter Oliver M. Palacio, Local Chief Executive;

Hon. Andrea Anne V. del Rosario, Vice Mayor;

The Municipal O昀케cials and Department Heads composed of: Ms. Eugenia
D. Zapata (Secretary of the Sangguniang Bayan), Ms. Fe C. delos Reyes
(Human Resource and Management O昀케cer), Mr. Miguel E. Duman
(Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator), Dr. Robert John M.
Turno (Municipal Health O昀케cer), Ms. Ma. Isabel M. Gavina (Municipal
Assessor), Ms. Benedicta M. de Guia (Municipal Budget O昀케cer), Ms. So昀椀a
R. Taguibao (Municipal Treasurer), Ms. Beatriz L. Dastas (Municipal Social
Welfare O昀케cer), Engr. Alexander B. Manalo (Municipal Engineer), Ms. Ma.
Emelyn C. Custodio (Municipal Environment and Natural Resources O昀케cer
and Agriculturist), PSINSP Rodel C. Rosario (Chief of Police), SFO2 Mario O.
Endozo (OIC Fire Marshall), Ms. Julie Anne Diño (OIC- Municipal Tourism
O昀케cer), Ms. Violeta H. Mira (District Supervisor), Mr. Raul C. Laderas
(O昀케ce of the Business Permits and Licenses O昀케ce), Mr. Ronald A. Torres
(Municipal Disaster and Risk Reduction Management O昀케cer), Mr. Conrado
Martinez (Luruwasa Water District), Mr. Ru昀椀no C. Crisolo (Director-
BATELEC I) Ms. Severa D. Bautista (Municipal Postmaster), Hon. Danilo L.
Pineda (Chairman, Association of Barangay Captains);

The members of Sangguniang Bayan of Calatagan: Hon. Noel A. de las

Alas, Hon. Eligio C. Bautista, Hon. Rexio P. Bautista, Hon. Florentino V.
Cahayon, Hon. Teodulo Jose O. Caisip, Hon. Jose Z. Coz, Jr., Hon. Theresa
Palacio-Pelea, and Hon. Anthony R. Sayo;

The national government o昀케ces for providing the guidelines and data for
conducting the sectoral studies: Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
(HLURB), Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR), Bureau of Soils and Water Management
(BSWM), Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS),
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Overseas Workers
Welfare Association (OWWA), Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), National Mapping and
Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA), Department of Agrarian Reform
(DAR), and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR);

And most of all, our genuine gratitude to the citizens of Calatagan for
making the Municipality alive and blooming by o昀昀ering their dedication
and e昀昀orts to the name of the Town.


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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

AIP Annual Investment Program

BPLD Business Permit and Licensing Division
BSWM Bureau of Soil and Water Management
CALABARZ Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon
ON Conserve and Protect the Ocean Foundation
CAPOcean Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
CARP Climate Change Adaptation
CCA Comprehensive Development Plan
CDP Community Environment and Natural Resources O昀케ce
CENRO Community Fish Landing Center
CFLC Comprehensive Land Use Plan
CLUP Coordinates Reference System
CRS Department of Agriculture
DA Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DENR Department of Justice
DOJ Department of Tourism
DOT Department of Trade and Industry
DTI Geographic Information System
GIS Global Positioning System
GPS Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
HLURB Information, Education and Communication
IEC Information, Communication and Technology
ICT Local Development Council
LGU Local Government Unit
MAO Municipal Agriculturist O昀케ce
MDG Millennium Development Goals
MDRRM Municipal Disaster and Risk Reduction Management
MENRO Municipal Environment and Natural Resources O昀케cer
MEO Municipal Engineering O昀케ce
MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau
MHO Municipal Health O昀케ce
MMO Municipal Mayor’s O昀케ce
MPA Marine Protected Area
MPDO Municipal Planning and Development O昀케ce
MRE Monitor, Review and Evaluate
MSWMO Municipal Solid Waste Management O昀케ce
MTWG Municipal Technical Working Group
NCR National Capital Region
NDRRMA National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act
NGA Non-Government Agency
NGO Non-Government Organization
NIA National Irrigation Administration
NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas System
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration
PHIVOLCS Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
PO People’s Organization

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

PSA Philippine Statistics Authority

PUD Planned Unit Development
RLUC Regional Land Use Committee
RS Remote Sensing
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
UDHA Urban Development and Housing Act
WGS World Geodetic System
ZO Zoning Ordinance

Table of Contents

CLUP Objectives.....................................................................................13

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Sectors Studied......................................................................................13
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Guidelines.............................14
Suitability and Capability of Lands Using GIS.........................................15
Urbanizable Lands/Supply of Lands for Urban Use.................................15
Participatory Approach...........................................................................15
Planning Area.........................................................................................15
Planning Period......................................................................................16
BRIEF PROFILE OF CALATAGAN.................................................................17
Brief History of Calatagan......................................................................17
Demographic Pro昀椀le...............................................................................17
Population Composition......................................................................17
Other Population Characteristics.........................................................19
Population Projections and Estimates.................................................19
Geographic Location..............................................................................19
Territorial Jurisdiction and Barangay Subdivision...................................21
Physical Features and Environmental Condition....................................21
Topography, Elevation, Slope, and Surface Drainage.........................24
Soil Types............................................................................................24
Soil Suitability and Land Capability.....................................................28
Hydrogeologic Feature........................................................................34
Water resources and Coastal Marine Areas and Resources................34
Geological/Environmental Hazard Areas.............................................35
Climate Change and Vulnerability.......................................................35
Existing Land Use...................................................................................39
Urban Land Use......................................................................................40
Change in Land Use...............................................................................40
Existing Water Use.................................................................................41

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Commerce and Trade..........................................................................46

Infrastructure, Facilities, Utilities and Services......................................47
Transportation Network......................................................................47
Information and Communication Technology.....................................49
Development Constraints: Priority Issues and Concerns........................49
Development Opportunities and Strengths............................................52
Functional Role of Calatagan.................................................................53
THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN.....................................................54
Calatagan’s Development Vision and Mission........................................54
Vision 54
General Development Goals and Objectives.......................................54
Development Thrusts and Strategies.....................................................56
Development Policies on Key Sectors....................................................59
Development Concept and Structure Plan.............................................63
Spatial Development Strategies.............................................................65
The Land Use Plan..................................................................................66
Projected Land Supply for Development/Future Expansion Areas......66
Projected Land Demand for Development/Future Expansion Areas....66
Proposed Land Uses............................................................................70
Proposed Urban Land Use...................................................................77
Proposed Water Use............................................................................81
Land and Water Use Policies..................................................................84
Major Development Programs................................................................88
CLUP and ZO Implementation Strategy/Arrangement..........................148
Institutional Mechanism....................................................................148
Localization at the barangay or community level.............................149
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Plan /Advocacy. . .149
Instruments for Land Use Implementation...........................................149
Strategies to Concentrate Development in the Urban Area..............149

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Monitoring, Review and Evaluation System.........................................151

Municipal Monitoring Team or Oversight Committee........................151
CLUP MRE Systems and Procedures..................................................151
CLUP Monitoring Report Card............................................................152

List of Tables
Table 1.Existing Land Use of Calatagan, Batangas...................................39
Table 2. Existing Urban Land Use of Calatagan, Batangas........................40
Table 3. Land Use Change in Calatagan between 2001 and 2017............41
Table 4. Existing Water Use of Calatagan, Batangas................................42
Table 5. Vision, Goals and Outcome Indicators.........................................55
Table 6. Projected Land Supply for Development.....................................69
Table 7. Proposed Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas...................................75
Table 8. Existing and Proposed General Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas. 75
Table 9. Proposed Urban Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas.........................79
Table 10. Existing and Proposed Urban Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas. .79

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Table 11. Proposed Water Use, Calatagan, Batangas...............................82

Table 12.Existing and Proposed Water Use, Calatagan, Batangas............82
Table 13. Summary of Proposed Development Programs.........................89
Table 14. Major Development Programs for Environment Sector..............91
Table 15. Major Development Programs for Education Sector................107
Table 16. Major Development Programs for Health and Nutrition Sector110
Table 17. Major Development Programs for Social Welfare Sector.........114
Table 18. Major Development Programs for Housing Sector...................118
Table 19. Major Development Programs for Protective Services Sector. 120
Table 20. Major Development Programs for Sports and Recreation Sector
Table 21. Major Development Programs for Agriculture Sector..............126
Table 22. Major Development Programs for Tourism Sector...................129
Table 23. Major Development Programs for Commerce and Industry
Table 24. Major Development Programs for Economic Support..............133
Table 25. Major Development Programs for Social Support...................136
Table 26. Major Development Programs for Public Administration Support
Table 27. Major Development Programs for Fiscal Management............140
Table 28. Major Development Programs for Organization and Management
Table 29. Major Development Programs for Development Administration
and Transparency....................................................................................145
Table 30. Major Development Programs for Public Participation.............147
Table 31. Sample CLUP/ZO Results Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix....152

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

List of Figures
Figure 1. Population Composition by School-Age, Working-Age,
Dependent-Age Group and Sex in Calatagan, 2015..................................18

List of Maps
Map 1. Location Map of Calatagan, Batangas in Philippine Map...............20
Map 2. Baseline Map of Calatagan, Batangas...........................................22
Map 3. Climate Map of Calalatagan, Batangas..........................................23
Map 4. Topographic Map of Calatagan, Batangas.....................................25
Map 5. Slope Map of Calatagan, Batangas................................................26
Map 6. Soil Type Map of Calatagan, Batangas..........................................27
Map 7. Suitability Map for Agriculture Use in Calatagan, Batangas..........29
Map 8. Suitability Map for Forest Use in Calatagan, Batangas..................30
Map 9. Suitability Map for Commercial and Industrial Use of Calatagan,
Map 10. Suitability Map for Residential and Institutional Use in Calatagan,
Map 11. Suitability Map for Sanitary Land昀椀ll in Calatagan, Batangas.......33
Map 12. Groundwater Potential Map of Calatagan, Batangas...................36
Map 13. Flood Hazard Map of Calatagan, Batangas..................................37
Map 14. Landslide Hazard Map of Calatagan, Batangas............................38
Map 15. Existing General Land Use Map of Calatagan, Batangas.............43
Map 16. Existing Urban Land Use Map of Calatagan, Batangas................44
Map 17. Existing Water Use Map of Calatagan, Batangas.........................45
Map 18. Proposed Land Use Plan Map of Calatagan, Batangas.................76
Map 19. Proposed Urban Land Use Plan Map of Calatagan, Batangas......80
Map 20. Proposed Water Use Plan Map of Calatagan, Batangas...............83

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027


The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) is the physical framework plan
of a municipality mandated by RA 7160, Sec. 20 (c) and Executive Order
72 which serves as the basis for the future uses of land and water
resources. It translates the vision, goals and objectives of the community
into spatial form and guides the local government on the allocation and
management of its land and natural resources. Also, it indicates the
development thrust and leadership of the Local Government Unit (LGU) in
the forthcoming years.

CLUP Objectives
 Achieve an improved quality of life;
 Allocate and delineate the di昀昀erent uses of the land and water
resources for future development needs;
 Delineate the best use of land and water resources to prevent
premature and wasteful development;
 Identify intra-/inter connectivity to provide access to basic services
to all barangays in the Municipality;
 Maintain ecological balance through preservation and conservation
of unique or special natural features;
 Translate socio-economic policies into physical policies and plans;
 Incorporate changes in the goals and objectives of the community.

Sectors Studied
The following sectors were studied in the preparation of Calatagan’s CLUP
for 2018-2027:

 Demographic Sector
 Environmental Sector
 Social Sector
o Housing Sector
o Health and Sanitation Sector
o Education Sector
o Protective Services Sector
o Social Welfare Services Sector
o Sports and Recreation Sector
 Economic Sector
o Agricultural Sector
o Commerce and Trade Sector

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

o Industry Sector
o Tourism Sector
 Infrastructure Sector
o Transportation Sector
o Power Sector
o Telecommunications Sector
o Water Sector


The Municipality of Calatagan, by virtue of R.A. 7160 or the Local

Government Code of 1991, developed its Comprehensive Land Use Plan
(CLUP) 2018 -2027. The CLUP is an integrated framework plan adopted by
the Municipality’s local government as a policy guide on allocation and
management of its physical, natural and water resources in relation to the
environmental, economic, social, and cultural development of the
Municipality. To update and formulate the said CLUP, the Municipality of
Calatagan sought technical assistance from GeoInfometrics Solutions Co.


Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Guidelines

The enhanced-CLUP Guidelines (2013) of the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board (HLURB) were used in updating and formulating the
CLUP for Calatagan. The new set of guidelines had incorporated major
legislative and environmental changes including disaster risk and climate
change to ensure sustainable management and conservation of land and
water resources for future generations.

Likewise, in support to the RA 9729 or the Climate Change Act of 2009

and RA 10121 or the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Act, the critical role of the LGUs in mainstreaming disaster risk reduction
and climate change adaptation was recognized. The team adopted the
Guidelines published by HLURB.

Geomatics includes the tools and techniques used in land surveying,
remote sensing (RS), cartography, geographic information science (GIS),
global positioning systems (GPS), photogrammetry, geography and
related forms of earth mapping.

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

In this project, GeoInfometrics Solutions Co. archived remote sensing

images from Google with Coordinates Reference System (CRS) of World
Geodetic System (WGS) 1984. The team used Android Phone and iPhone
to map various spatial features such as road networks and to validate land
uses. These orthorecti昀椀ed images and GPS data were integrated, stored,
analyzed and published using open-source Quantum GIS software.

Suitability and Capability of Lands Using GIS

The primary bases for all possible uses of land rely on the analysis of the
physical land characteristics and soil properties.

Land suitability and capability was determined using Geographic

Information System (GIS), combined with remote sensing.

All proposed land uses are based on the GIS-based analyses of the socio-
economic needs of the Municipality and was checked with the land
capability and soil suitability classi昀椀cation of the Bureau of Soil and Water
Management (BSWM), hazard map of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau
(MGB) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

Urbanizable Lands/Supply of Lands for Urban Use

Urbanizable lands refer to lands available for future expansion of urban
areas. These are areas found to be suitable for urban uses based on the
soil suitability study which took into consideration, factors such as slope,
erosion potential, development trends, existing soil type, erosion
potential, existing land uses, and natural and man-made physical
constraints. In this study, GIS was employed to delineate the proposed
land use, including the future expansions of urban areas.

Participatory Approach
The planning process was facilitated through public consultations
involving local o昀케cials and sta昀昀, barangay leaders, non-government
organization/Peoples Organizations (NGOs/POs) and national government
agencies (NGAs) in the Municipality.

Planning Area
Based on the cadastral map provided by the Municipal Planning and
Development O昀케ce digitized by the GIS Co. and adjusted to DENR’s
certi昀椀cation, Calatagan has a total land area of 10,577.99 hectares,
consisting of 25 barangays.

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Planning Period
The CLUP covers a planning period of ten (10) years, from 2018-2027,
which may be reviewed every three (3) years coinciding with the term of
the locally elected o昀케cials.


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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Brief History of Calatagan

The word “Calatagan” means a large expanse of wide plain lands. This
was derived from the Tagalog word “latag” that is synonymous to
“Kapatagan,” which means a plain or 昀氀at portion of land lying between
mountains or hills. Calatagan is rich not only with natural resources, but
also with its historical background. Artifacts found in the Municipality
provide evidences of cultural activities of the early Filipinos before the
Spanish regime.

Calatagan was occupied by Spaniards in 1800s. During this period, Don

Domingo Roxas governed the Municipality which was then known as
‘Hacienda de Calatagan’. For generations, the Roxas family continued to
develop the land until it became an independent municipality from
Balayan in 1912. During this period, Calatagan was also occupied by the
Americans. Haciendas in Nasugbu and Calatagan owned by the Roxas
family were passed down among their heirs. The Hacienda de Calatagan
was inherited by the family of Zobels. This land was mainly subdivided
into residential lots. In the mid-1990, the Zobel Clan took over the lands
which have been named as Central Azucarera de Calatagan or simply
"Central Carmen" when referring to the sugar milling complex. During the
World War II, Japanese came and made a substantial impact on the
economic and social stature of the Municipality. Calatagan gradually
regained its condition and continued to progress and develop. After the
Philippines gained independence from the Americans in 1957, the Land
Tenure Administration bought the hacienda lands from the Zobels upon
petition of the people of Calatagan.

Demographic Pro昀椀le

Population Composition

Based on the 2015 Census of Population, Calatagan has a total population

of 56,449 with a total household population of 56,424. Among the
population, men are higher in number than women based from the
population data of 2010 and 2015. Large population (51%) is comprised of
aged 24 and below, implying that the Municipality has relatively young
population. It has an expansive population pyramid which connotes high
fertility among the population and an increase in the population growth
rate is expected in the coming years (Figure 1).

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Both Male Female

School-going Popula琀椀on Pre-school (3-6) Elementary (7-12)

Secondary (13-18) Ter琀椀ary (19-22) Working Age (15-64)
Labor Force (15 and over) Dependent Popula琀椀on
Source: 2015 Census of Population and Housing, Philippine Statistics Authority

Figure 1. Population Composition by School-Age, Working-Age,

Dependent-Age Group and Sex in Calatagan, 2015

The Municipality is composed of 25 barangays, of which four (4) are

classi昀椀ed as urban and 21 as rural. Large portion (84.66%) of the
population is residing in rural barangays. Barangay 1 is the most populous
among urban barangays with a population of 3,431 while Barangay
Lucsuhin is the most populous rural barangay (4,526) and also is most
populous in the whole Municipality.

Excluding institutional households, the total population of the Municipality

is greater than its household population of 56,424. The sum of the
participation rates of the barangays suggests that the Municipality has a
higher population in rural barangay than urban barangays. This is also
supported by the relatively low level of urbanization which is currently at
18.11% (2015) indicating that less than a quarter of the Municipality
dwells in the urban areas while the majority are in the rural areas.

Population density of the Municipality is 5 persons per hectare. Likewise,

the rural area has a density of 5 persons per hectare while urban areas
are denser with 12 persons per hectare. High population density in urban
areas are mainly due to the existence of more services and facilities,
better employment opportunities, and location of government o昀케ces.

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Other Population Characteristics

Locales of Calatagan is predominantly composed of Tagalog. Tagalog is

also used as a term denoting their primary language/dialect spoken.
However, Calatagan recently hosts other ethnicity due to migration for
work or leisure or locales marrying people from outside the Municipality
and eventually becoming residents of the Town. As of now, no detailed
data is available on the percentage of mother tongue/ethnicity.

In terms of religion, Calatagan is primarily a Catholic Municipality where

93.79% of the total population believe in Catholicism. Other religious
beliefs and churches are Iglesia ni Cristo, Protestant, Aglipay, and Islam.

Literacy rate in the Municipality is high at 98.84%. There is no signi昀椀cant

gap on literacy between men and women. In 2015, only 516 individuals in
Calatagan were recorded as illiterate.

Population Projections and Estimates

In 2015, the Municipality of Calatagan has a total population of 56,449,

with an annual growth rate of 1.58% or approximately 974 people being
added per year. It was projected that the population will hit the 60,000
mark in 2019 and 65,000 by 2024. By the year 2027, Calatagan will have
a total population of 68,134.

There are 13,717 households occupying the Municipality. Using a

household annual growth rate of 2.61%, Calatagan is projected to have
additional 414 households each year. This means that by 2019, Calatagan
will have more than 15,000 households; and by the year 2027, the
Municipality is expected to have 18,687 households.

Geographic Location
The Municipality of Calatagan is located in the south-western most part of
the Province of Batangas with geographic coordinates: 13° 50´ latitude
and 120° 38´ longitude. It is bounded on the north by the municipalities of
Lian and Balayan, on the south by the Verde Island Passage, on the east
by Pagapas and Balayan Bays and on the west by West Philippine Sea
(Map 1).

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Map 1. Location Map of Calatagan, Batangas in Philippine Map

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Territorial Jurisdiction and Barangay Subdivision

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Based from the digitized lot survey map (Map 2), Calatagan has a total
land area of 10,757.99 hectares, where 93.13% (10,018.98 ha) are rural
areas. There are 21 rural barangays in the Municipality namely Bagong
Silang, Baha, Balibago, Balitoc, Biga, Bucal, Carlosa, Carretunan,
Encarnacion, Gulod, Hukay, Lucsuhin, Luya, Paraiso, Quilitisan, Real,
Sambungan, Sta. Ana, Talibayog, Talisay, and Tanagan. On the other
hand, all four urban barangays are located in the Poblacion. However, it
should be noted that there are boundary disputes between adjacent
municipalities of approximately 74 hectares referring to Ermitanyo River

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Physical Features and Environmental Condition

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Calatagan has a Type I climate with two pronounced seasons, dry from
November to April and wet during the rest of the year (Map 3). Although,
Batangas Province is shielded by mountain ranges, its municipalities are
still susceptible to rains brought by Habagat and tropical cyclones. Wet or
rainy season in Calatagan can be observed from May to September. The
maximum rain period is from June to September brought in by southwest
monsoon with monthly rainfall values ranging from 283.8 to 355.9 mm
and with a number of rainy days ranging from 18 to 19. On the other
hand, the dry season is subdivided into two: the cool dry season from
December to February and the hot dry season from March to May.
February is perceived as the driest month. Moreover, Calatagan has an
average wind speed of 2 mps throughout the year. On the average,
Calatagan is visited by 3 cyclones every 2 years. The mean annual
temperature in the area is 27.5°C, January being the coldest month while
April and May being the warmest months. The Municipality has a mean
annual relative humidity of 77%, September registering as the most
humid while April as the least.

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V o l u mMap
e 12.
: Baseline
T h e C oMap
m p rofe Calatagan, L a n d U s e P l a n |26
h e n s i v e Batangas

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Map 3. Climate Map of Calalatagan, Batangas

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Topography, Elevation, Slope, and Surface Drainage

As the name implies, Calatagan is a plain or 昀氀at portion of land lying

between hills or mountains. Although, some parts of the Municipality are
located along the coast, its topography ranges from plains to hilly terrain.

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More than half of Calatagan’s land area (56.86%) is characterized by

elevation ranging from 10-50 meters above sea level (masl) while the
Poblacion area has an elevation of seven masl. Only a few land areas have
elevations higher than 100 masl including Mount San Pedrino on the
eastern tip along San Pedrino point (224 masl) and Mount Santiago at the
southern tip along Cape Santiago (<300 masl) (Map 4). Almost half of the
total land area (41.75%) of Calatagan is characterized by undulating to
rolling slopes (8-18%). Rolling to very steep slope (greater than 18%)
constitute 24.32% of the Municipality’s total land area. The rest are level
to nearly level slopes (0-3%) constituting 24.36% of the Municipality’s
land area, while the remaining 9.57% is characterized by gently sloping to
undulating slopes (3-8%) (Map 5). In addition, there are several creeks
and rivers traversing the Municipality of Calatagan. The major rivers
identi昀椀ed are, Santiago River and Ermitanyo River.

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Soil Types

Calatagan has a similar surface geological information with onshore areas

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Volu m e4.1Topographic
: The Com Map
p r eofh Calatagan,
e n s i v e LBatangas
a n d U s e P l a n |31

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Map 5. Slope Map of Calatagan, Batangas

Volum e 6.
Map 1 : Soil
T h Type
e C oMap
m p of
r e Calatagan, L a n d U s e P l a n |32
h e n s i v e Batangas

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Map 7. Suitability Map for Agriculture Use in Calatagan, Batangas

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Map 8. Suitability Map for Forest Use in Calatagan, Batangas

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Map 9. Suitability Map for Commercial and Industrial Use of Calatagan,


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Map 10. Suitability Map for Residential and Institutional Use in

V o l u m e 1 : T h e Calatagan, h e n s i v e L a n d U s e P l a n |36
C o m p r e Batangas

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Map 11. Suitability Map for Sanitary Land昀椀ll in Calatagan, Batangas

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Hydrogeologic Feature

The groundwater potential of Calatagan is mostly characterized with local

and less productive aquifers (I-C), with 55,908 hectares coverage while II-
B type is found in around 4,661 hectares of land (Map 12).

Water resources and Coastal Marine Areas and Resources

The coastal bodies of water under Calatagan’s territory has a total surface
area of 75,864.26 hectares stretching over 48 kilometers of its coastline.
Calatagan has the highest area of body of water in Batangas province.
This vast area is rich with coastal and marine resources such as
mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs. Calatagan has the largest
mangrove area in Batangas Province as per mangrove mapping
conducted by the Conservation International Philippines (CIP) through its
Coral Triangle Support Partnership Project in 2011. Moreover, Calatagan
has vast established marine protected areas. These areas include the
Pagapas Bay and Municipal Water Marine Reserve (1992), and sanctuaries
of Tanagan Marine Sanctuary, Bagong Silang Fish Sanctuary, Sta. Ana
Marine Sanctuary, and Carretunan Fish Sanctuary 1. There are also well-
developed coral reefs on the west coast of Batangas, east coast of the
Balayan Bay and north-western part of Maricaban Island.

As reported by the Conserve and Protect the Ocean Foundation

(CAPOcean, 2012) the coastal and marine habitats of Calatagan are in
good condition. However, anthropological activities and natural events
pose high threats to degradation of these habitats. In addition, based from
the EIA Report of a Mining Project in Barangays. Baha and Talibayog,
marine area in the southeast part of the Municipality is characterized by
quite deep seabeds with depths of up to 100 or 150 meters within less
than a kilometer o昀昀shore and near the coastline. The seabed is
characterized by mud and sand while seagrass have been observed along
the coastal waters from Barangay Baha to Barangay Talibayog.

The tides in Balayan Bay, which has similar tidal characteristics with the
Manila Bay Reference station, has a bench mark elevation of 3.240
meters. Depending on the season, wave heights in Balayan reach up
about to 1.5 meters during southwest monsoon (habagat) season while
only 0.60 meters during northeast monsoon (amihan) season. The current
directions are generally northward during 昀氀ood tide and generally
southward during ebb tide. The measured currents were quite strong for
bay with current speeds ranging from 1.8 to 12.2 during ebb tide, while
Marine Protected Areas in Batangas (p.4) in The Verde Framework: A Management Plan Framework for the
Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor, 2009, DENR, PAWB.

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observed seawater temperature at 1 meter from sea surface range from

27.5 to 29.0 degree Celsius.

Geological/Environmental Hazard Areas

Volcanic activities, 昀氀ooding, landslides, and coastal erosion and accretion

are the identi昀椀ed geological and natural hazards in the Municipality of
Calatagan. Speci昀椀cally, environmental hazards are: risks resulting from
volcanic activities of Taal Volcano with associated earthquakes and
seiches; 昀氀ooding due to excessive rainfall, typhoons, tsunamis and storm
surges; risks resulting from rain-induced landslides; coastal erosion and
coastal accretion; and vulnerability to earthquake and tsunami occurrence
(Map 13 and Map 14).

Climate Change and Vulnerability

The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment shows that Calatagan is

vulnerable to climate disasters, mainly to super typhoons and massive
昀氀oods. Since the year 1970, the Municipality has experienced seven (7)
super typhoons wherein Typhoon Yolanda left with the most damage in
the area. There were no casualties recorded but agricultural crops were
signi昀椀cantly damaged. Based on the climate trends and projection by
DOST-PAGASA, Calatagan is foreseen to have seasonal temperature
change, speci昀椀cally, warmer throughout the year especially during
summer months. Seasonal rainfall is also projected to change for the
following years, where more precipitation during wet season will be
experienced while more drought occurrence is to be expected during dry
season. On the other hand, there is no clear indication of the trend of
tropical cyclone occurrence a昀昀ecting the Municipality due to high data
variability over the decades. Despite knowing the vulnerabilities, local
government still lacks on the equipment, facilities, and resources to
e昀케ciently adapt with extreme climate variabilities.

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Map 12. Groundwater Potential Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Map 13. Flood Hazard Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Map 14. Landslide Hazard Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Existing Land Use

The land use of Municipality of Calatagan is predominantly agricultural
(Map 15) (Table 1), covering 63.23% of the total land area. The
agricultural areas comprising of prime agricultural lands, agro-industrial
land comprising of commercial-scale poultry and livestock projects cover
6,802.41 hectares. The largest portion of built-up area is used for housing
and residential use covering 560.83 hectares (5.21%) scattered in all 25
barangays. Most businesses are located in urban barangays. Planned Unit
Development (PUD) and industries cover the second largest land area in
the Municipality. A total land area of 1,311.46 hectares or 12.19% is used
for PUD where Calatagan Golf Course, Bigaa Ice Plant, runway, Polo Club,
Bigaa Ice Plant and portions in Baha and Talibayog are found. Land areas
used for industrial purposes have increased dramatically over the recent
years, covering 922.09 hectares, or 8.57% of the total land area of the
Municipality. Industrial projects such as solar power plant and approved
quarry sites are located in Brgy. Paraiso, Biga, Talibayog, Baha. The
existing quarry sites in Calatagan covers around 70.04 hectares or 0.65%
of the total land area of Calatagan. Other uses of land in Calatagan are
mangrove areas (323.19 ha), tourism facilities (308.77 ha), 昀椀sh ponds
(249.32 ha), roads and utilities (134.50 ha) and socialized housing (0.82
ha) (Table 1).

Table 1.Existing Land Use of Calatagan, Batangas

Percent to Total
Land Uses Area (in Ha.) Land Area
Residential 560.83 5.21
Commercial 39.20 0.36
Institutional 23.07 0.21
Parks and Recreation 2.58 0.02
Cemetery 9.17 0.09
Ecology Center (MRF) 0.54 0.01
Socialized Housing 0.82 0.01
Agricultural 6,802.41 63.23
Tourism 308.77 2.87
Infrastructure (Roads and Utilities) 134.50 1.25
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1,311.46 12.19
Industrial 922.09 8.57
Mining/Quarry 70.04 0.65
Mangrove Area 323.19 3.00
Fishponds 249.32 2.32
Total 10,757.99 100.00
Source: GIS Computed Area and secondary data

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Urban Land Use

Urban areas are located in Barangay 1, Barangay 2, Barangay 3 and
Barangay 4 (Table 2) (Map 16). In the case of land use in urban areas,
largest portion of the urban area is still utilized for agricultural activities,
covering 424.28 hectares or 57.41% of the total urban area, followed by
PUD and residential areas with 110.21 hectares (14.91%) and 91.56
hectares (12.39%), respectively. Fish ponds and infrastructure areas also
occupy relatively large areas in the urban barangays covering 34.52
hectares and 23.23 hectares, respectively. On the other hand, cemetery,
commercial, Ecology Center (MRF), parks and recreation, and tourism
establishments occupy 28.39% of the total urban areas.

Table 2. Existing Urban Land Use of Calatagan, Batangas

Land Uses Area Percentage to Total
(ha.) Urban Area
Agricultural 424.28 57.41
Cemetery 9.17 1.24
Commercial 8.27 1.12
Ecology Center (MRF) 0.54 0.07
Fish Ponds 34.52 4.67
Infrastructure 23.23 3.14
Institutional 6.78 0.92
Mangrove Area 20.13 2.72
Parks & Recreation 0.29 0.04
PUD 110.21 14.91
Residential 91.56 12.39
Tourism 10.03 1.36
Total 739.01 100.00
Source: GIS Computed Area and secondary data

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Change in Land Use

There was an increase in the total area of the Municipality since 1997
when the disputed area of 74 hectares was resolved and awarded to the
Municipality of Calatagan by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in 1979. In
addition, accretion of soil in the coastal areas were also accounted for the
increase in the land area of the Municipality. This has been included in the
existing total land area of the Municipality (10,757.99 hectares).
Moreover, changes in land use were observed such as conversion of
grassland to agricultural land in 2001 to recent years. In 2017, socialized
housing (Gawad Kalinga), mining/quarry, 昀椀shponds, and mangrove were
identi昀椀ed as new land uses. Land for industrial use has the largest
expansion with the opening of Solar Power Plant and the approved land
conversion in 2008 in Barangays Baha and Talibayog from agricultural to
industrial use (Table 3).

Table 3. Land Use Change in Calatagan between 2001 and 2017

2001 2017
Land Uses Percent to Percent to
Area (in Ha.) Total Land Area (in Ha.) Total Land
Area Area
Residential 357.82 3.40 560.83 5.21
Commercial 8.51 0.08 39.20 0.36
Institutional 21.94 0.21 23.07 0.21
Parks and Recreation 0.62 0.01 2.58 0.02
Cemetery 2.35 0.02 9.17 0.09
Ecology Center (MRF) 0.40 0.004 0.54 0.01
Socialized Housing - - 0.82 0.01
Agricultural 6,698.08 63.62 6,802.41 63.23
Tourism 197.92 1.88 308.77 2.87
Roads and Utilities 143.36 1.36 134.50 1.25
Planned Unit Development 1,311.46 12.19
871.08 8.27
Industrial 40.00 0.38 922.09 8.57
Mining/Quarry - - 70.04 0.65
Mangrove Area - - 323.19 3.00
Fishponds - - 249.32 2.32
Swamps, Fish Ponds and
417.25 3.96 - -
Bodies of Water
Open Grasslands 1,768.56 16.80 - -
Total 10,527.89 100.00 10,757.99 100.00
Source: CLUP, 2001 of Calatagan, Batangas, GIS Computed area and secondary data

Existing Water Use

Municipal waters within the jurisdiction of Calatagan has a total surface
area of 75,864.26 hectares. Commercial and municipal 昀椀sheries areas

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cover a total surface area of 69,115.76 hectares or 91.10% of the

municipal waters. Water areas for conservation, mangroves, tourism, and
reef area only utilize less than 10% of the total surface area of the

The reef area, comprising of coral reefs cover a total span of 2,110.97
hectares. This also includes marine reserves currently totalling to an area
of 151 hectares and is composed of four (4) Marine Protected Areas
(MPAs), namely: Tanagan Marine Sanctuary (9 ha); Calatagan Pyramid
Arti昀椀cial Reef MPA in Bagong Silang (60 ha); Sta. Ana Marine Sanctuary
(11 ha); and Carretunan-Quilitisan Joint MPA (71 ha). Total reef area
comprises 2.78% of total municipal waters. Conservation area has been
identi昀椀ed to cover 1,064.19 hectares or 1.40% of total municipal waters.
These are identi昀椀ed areas found o昀昀shore of Brgys. Bagong Silang, Sta.
Ana, Tanagan, Barangay 3, Balitoc, Baha, Talibayog, Gulod, Quilitisan,
Carretunan, Talisay and Balibago.

Municipal Fishing Areas, as de昀椀ned in the Fisheries Code, cover 1 to 15

km of the municipal waters of Calatagan, which include the commercial
昀椀shing areas from 10.1 to 15 km of the municipal waters. Areas devoted
to commercial 昀椀shing cover 20,349.57 hectares or 26.82% of the
municipal waters. Municipal 昀椀shing, or 昀椀shing which does not require the
use of 昀椀shing vessel, or 昀椀shing with the use of three (3) gross tons or less
are further identi昀椀ed to cover areas as follows: Gill net: 14,624.05
hectares; Hook and line: 13,001.02 hectares; and 昀椀sheries: 21,141.12

Mangrove areas were also identi昀椀ed within the municipal waters of

Calatagan. These comprise a total area of 30.37 hectares or 0.04% of the
total municipal water area. It must be noted that these areas are
additional mangrove areas identi昀椀ed within the Municipal Land Boundary
of Calatagan.

Areas speci昀椀cally identi昀椀ed to be devoted to tourism comprise a total area

of 3,276.96 hectares, or 4.32% of the total municipal waters of Calatagan.
Tourism zones within the municipal waters of Calatagan are intertwining
the reef areas stretching from the western coast of the Municipality all the
way to the eastern side at the cove of Brgy. Hukay. Lastly, area used by
Calatagan Port in Barangay 4 has water area of 282,298.32 sqm based on
Executive Order No. 414 (2005), also falls under the reef area (Table 4)
(Map 16 and 17).

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Table 4. Existing Water Use of Calatagan, Batangas

Water Uses Area (Ha.) Percentage (%)
Reef Area 2,110.97 2.78
Conservation 1,064.19 1.40
Fisheries (Municipal fishing) 21,141.12 27.87
Gillnet (Municipal fishing) 14,624.05 19.28
Hook and Line (Municipal fishing) 13,001.02 17.14
Commercial Fishing 20,349.57 26.82
Mangrove Area 30.37 0.04
Seaweeds Area 266.01 0.35
Tourism 3,276.96 4.32
Total 75,864.26 100.00
Source: GIS computed area

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Map 15. Existing General Land Use Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Map 16. Existing Urban Land Use Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Map 17. Existing Water Use Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Calatagan is heavily dependent on its local agricultural sector, occupying

6,802.41 hectares or 63.23% of the total land area. Agricultural activities
include crop production, livestock and poultry production and 昀椀sheries.
Fishing and farming are the two main sources of livelihood in the town.
Major crops are rice followed by vegetables. Other local crops grown are
sugarcane and fruit trees. In the 昀椀sheries sector, various salt-water 昀椀sh
and prawns are harvested within the Municipality. Seaweeds plantation
also operates in 11 hectares sporadically grown in the Barangays of
Gulod, Balitoc, Barangay 3 and Barangay 4.

Commerce and Trade

Commercial establishments in Calatagan cover an estimated land area of

39.20 hectares. Majority of the commercial areas are located in Poblacion.
However, based from the data in year 2012-2016, the Business Permits
and Licensing Division (BPLD) has not found a substantial increase in the
number of permits per year for the past 5 years, which implies that some
businesses may have not formally registered. Wholesale and retail trade
and repair shops (i.e. for motor vehicles, motorcycle, personal and
household goods) were the dominant businesses in the Municipality in
terms of the number. Businesses are categorized into primary, secondary
and tertiary economic activities. Primary economic activities include
agriculture, forestry, 昀椀sheries, and mining. Secondary economic activities
such as manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply. Notably, tertiary
economic activities had not substantially increased in number for the past
5 years. Tertiary economic activities are characterized by operations in
wholesale and retail, general services, accommodations, and extra-
territorial organizations and bodies. Commerce and trade can be further
developed by encouraging new investors, traders and businessmen to
establish new businesses and or continue their businesses in the locality.


Di昀昀erent local industries have become a unique and important source of

local income. With the opening of the largest solar farm in the Philippines,
the Municipality has signi昀椀cantly grown from small to large industrial
town. Expansion of local quarry industries was also observed in the recent
years. With the rich mineral resources and presence of Asturias Chemical
Industries and Calatagan Solar Farm, it is expected that these will

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signi昀椀cantly contribute to Calatagan’s local economy through higher local

employment rate and increase in local revenue. Other industries in the
Municipality are the ice plants and unregistered quarry industries in the
Municipality. The latter, however, poses a threat to the environment and
the communities. With this, there is a need for both local government and
operators to carefully assess and implement regulations and policies to
avoid degradation of natural resources and mitigate adverse e昀昀ects to


The Municipality of Calatagan is known locally and internationally as one

of the best tourist destination in the Philippines. As it is surrounded by
bodies of water, most of the tourist attractions are resorts providing water
activities such as swimming, boat riding, 昀椀shing, and wakeboarding. Some
luxury resorts in the Municipality have pools and golf facilities and
services. The most visited tourist attractions in Calatagan are Calatagan
Mangrove Forest Conservation Park, Calatagan Arti昀椀cial Pyramid, Cape
Santiago Lighthouse, Calatagan Golf Club Course, Museo de Enrique
Zobel, and Solar Farm. Tourism establishments operate throughout the
year, but the peak season is during summer (early March to late June).

Infrastructure, Facilities, Utilities and Services

Transportation Network

The Municipality has a total length of 192.06 km of roads adjoining all

other barangays and providing access to its neighbouring municipalities,
Lian and Balayan. Public utility jeepneys, tricycles and motorcycles are the
common means of transportation in the Municipality. Other modes of
transportations are buses and vans which route mainly from municipalities
to cities and vice versa.
Currently, the roads are mostly (95.5%) overlaid with concrete/asphalt
(paved) while the remaining (4.5%) are compacted with gravel or earth
昀椀lled (unpaved). Provincial roads measure to a total of 20.50 kilometers
whereas the length of the municipal roads totaled to 1.9 kilometers.
Barangay roads are 161.31 km long which provides inter-/intra

Further, there are 15 bridges in the Municipality, nine (9) of which have
been reported in poor to critical conditions while the rest are in fair
condition. Aside from bridges, there is also a culvert in Brgy. Sambungan
and box culverts in Brgy. Quilitisan connecting to other barangays. Aside
from the above-mentioned land transportation services and facilities,

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there is also a sea port in the Municipality known as the Calatagan Port,
previously named as Balong-Bato Port constructed under the Nationwide
Feeder Ports Program of the Department of Transportation and
Communications (DOTC), now Department of Transportation (DOTr). The
delineation of the Calatagan Port Zone was enacted through Executive
Order No. 414, S. 2005 – Declaring and Delineating the Calatagan Port
Zone under the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Philippine Ports Authority
with an area of 282,298.32 sq. m.

As per Calatagan Municipal O昀케ce, there is an on-going Calatagan-Tilik

(Lubang) Ports partnership plan but has not yet been materialized due to
port dredging problem. The said partnership envisions to promote sea-
borne trade and commerce in CALABARZON and MIMAROPA and spurring
the economic growth of the region.


Basic utilities such as electricity, water, and telecommunication networks

are available in Municipality, however, not all barangays have access to it.
The Batangas Electric Cooperative (BATELEC) 1 is the main power supplier
of the Municipality. According to BATELEC, all of the households in
Calatagan can have access to electricity. However, it was reported that
only 88% of the households have electrical connection. This is mainly
because, there are still households located in untitled lots who do not
apply for power connection. Second, one of the requirements in the
application for power connection is the approved building permit as
accomplished by the applicants. Due to the inability and/or incapacity of
owners in obtaining building permits, power connection problem such as
the ‘spaghetti’ system exists.

Municipal waterworks system is currently being constructed in Calatagan.

As of now, only a few barangays have their own waterworks system.
Water is mainly sourced from shallow wells, artesian wells and deep wells.
For some tourism establishments, water is recycled or they have their own
water tanks to maintain their facilities and supply the needs of their
clientele. Hand pumps are also installed in some households for domestic

In terms of waste management, the Solid Waste Management O昀케ce

(SWMO) of the Municipal Government of Calatagan is mainly responsible
in the solid waste management and the provision of solid waste facilities,
including collection of wastes in the area. In compliance to RA 9003 or the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, the SWMO aims to reduce wastes
at source through composting and recycling. Locales, especially in the

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residential areas, are encouraged through government projects like ‘Idol

ko si Kapt’ Project. For the 14 barangays of Calatagan, collected wastes
are gathered and recycled in the dumpsite in Barangay IV. Wastes are
segregated and processed (for recyclable wastes) into cement bricks and
biodegradables are processed as vermicompost.

Information and Communication Technology

There are various forms of communication that are being used by the
residents in Calatagan including post mails, texts, and calls. Cell phones
and landlines are widely used, but sending post mails is conventional.
Devices such as cell phones and landlines makes communication easier.
Also, news and other correspondence are served to the Town through
print and broadcast media. Meanwhile, signal of cell site networks are
available in 25 barangays. Smart and Globe Telecommunication
companies are the two (2) major network providers of the Municipality.
However, some areas and/or barangays do not have good cellular signal.
On the other hand, internet connection is readily available and accessible
in all parts of the Poblacion but not yet available in remote rural areas,
mainly because cell sites are not yet available in these areas.

Development Constraints: Priority Issues and Concerns

The Municipality of Calatagan faces various issues and challenges which
can have an e昀昀ect on the development of the locality and the province. It
is important to address these issues in order to increase the potential
success of any programs and projects to be implemented while lowering
risk of unsuccessful development path for Calatagan. The issues and
concerns identi昀椀ed for the Municipality of Calatagan are as follows:

1. Vulnerability to Climate-related Hazards

The increasing intensity and occurrence of climate-related hazards

occurring in the country poses signi昀椀cant risks to speci昀椀c area such as
Calatagan. Fishermen and farmers are among the most vulnerable group
to climate events in Calatagan in terms of their seasonal income that is
dependent on their 昀椀shing and farming activities. Fishing and farming
activities are easily a昀昀ected by drastic weather changes. Lack of
alternative livelihood other than farming and 昀椀shing poses economic
problems to 昀椀shermen and farmers in the municipality. Aside from the
economic activities that can be a昀昀ected by climate events, the
infrastructures and facilities in Calatagan are also vulnerable to climate
events. Seven percent of the total number of houses in Calatagan are
made of light materials and are located near rivers and waterways. These

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houses located near rivers and waterways are highly exposed to 昀氀ood
inundation and other similar conditions. Having a good and e昀케cient
drainage system can greatly aid in avoiding inundation in the inner areas
of Calatagan. Environmental factors and processes that can also
aggravate the vulnerability of Calatagan to climate events include barren
mountains, inadequacy in water supply, erosion, earthquake, typhoon,
storm surge and landslide. Mitigation and prevention activities and
preparation can be considered to increase adaptive capacity of Calatagan
to climate related hazards and events.

2. Insu昀케ciency in Education, Health and Social Services

The education sector of Calatagan faces a lot of challenges in terms of

limited water supply, dilapidation in some school buildings, limited
number of facilities and teachers as per standards. In the health sector,
there are only limited number of support personnel (such as laboratory
technicians) available who cater to the health needs of the people of
Calatagan. Also, malnourishment of children aged 6 years old and below,
exposure to bacterial and viral diseases, lack of sanitary toilets, limited
and inapt storage facility for special wastes and absence of sanitary
land昀椀ll pose environmental and health risks to the population of
Calatagan. In terms of the housing sector, there are still backlogs needed
to be addressed in Calatagan. There are at least 31% of the household in
Calatagan that do not have ownership to their current housing units. Aside
from this, there is also a high number of informal settlers (298 families) in
Calatagan. Also, limited social workers, projects, and social welfare
facilities such as home for the aged, counselling o昀케ces, and PWD centers
that can accommodate the needs of the vulnerable and indigent groups of
Calatagan were observed. In turn, only a few were served by the
municipal social welfare services. There is also a need to increase the
number of protective services personnel in order to accommodate the
increasing population of Calatagan and its protective sectoral demand.
With the increasing number of population of Calatagan, programs and
projects related to the education, health and other social sectors must be
developed, improved and enhanced to ensure e昀케cient and equitable
delivery of public goods and services to the people of Calatagan.

3. Cost of input production

One of the development goals of Calatagan is to develop its industry

sector as well as increase its agricultural productivity. High cost of input
production serves as a hindrance towards fully achieving a developed
industrial and agricultural sector. Creating an environment where various
economic activities can thrive bene昀椀tting all sectors of Calatagan is

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therefore essential to attain the development of the Municipality. Creating

conducive environment for socioeconomic activities in Calatagan is
essential to attain the Municipal’s developmental goals and objectives.

4. Need for a Stronger Institutionalization of Sustainable Eco-


Sustainable ecotourism can serve as an important economic activity that

can be highlighted in promoting the development of the Municipality.
However, a comprehensive plan for ecotourism development in Calatagan
is yet to be concretized. Currently, there are only limited number of
tourism activities being conducted in the area. The tourism activities as
well as the in昀氀ux of visitors in Calatagan are weakly monitored. Also,
promotional and marketing activities to encourage tourists to visit
Calatagan needs to be strengthened. Establishment of a tourism o昀케ce
can aid in promoting sustainable ecotourism in Calatagan.

5. Need to Improve and Realize Potential of Commercial


The 昀椀sheries sector of Calatagan provides another source of income not

just for the Municipality but to its constituents as well. Having a large
expanse of municipal water under its jurisdiction, the Municipality of
Calatagan has a big potential in terms of 昀椀sheries production. In order to
fully reap the bene昀椀ts and advantages of the marine resources of
Calatagan, the institutionalization, provision of infrastructural support, and
capacity building activities for stakeholders should be developed,
enhanced, improved and monitored continuously.

6. Limited access to water services

Limited access to water services is also a challenge to the people of

Calatagan. Many rural areas need to have additional sources of water
which can be used for household purposes such as laundry, cleaning
dishes and taking a bath.

7. Transportation Infrastructure Challenges

Roads and bridges are essential in ensuring e昀케cient and e昀昀ective 昀氀ow of
goods and services. Existing condition of roads need to be assessed and,
if needed, rehabilitated for improved use of the people. Old steel bridges
need to be retro昀椀tted to ensure safety of the people using these bridges.
Lastly, there is limited number of terminals present in Calatagan. This is
coupled with unregulated placement of makeshift or temporary terminals
which can contributed to tra昀케c congestion in the locality.

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8. Challenges in Communication Infrastructures and Facilities

There are limited number of cell site towers present in the rural areas of
Calatagan. Consequently, this poses problems in terms of the e昀케ciency
and ability of people to communicate e昀昀ectively within and outside of
Calatagan. In addition, there is a limited availability of equipment and
communication facilities in Calatagan which lists one (1) post o昀케ce, four
(4) print media, and 17 cell site networks. In order to ensure achievement
of a fully connected and e昀케cient communication among the population as
well as the neighboring localities of Calatagan, a stable and su昀케cient
communication infrastructures and facilities should be secured.

9. Institutional Challenges

Full participation of the public sector should be encouraged in order to

fully achieve the goals of Calatagan. Public sector awareness and
participation are essential in attaining sustainable development of the

Development Opportunities and Strengths

The Municipality of Calatagan has its inherent advantages that can help in
achieving its development goals. These advantages shall serve as
development opportunities that the Municipality of Calatagan can further
tap and harness in order to achieve its functional roles both at the
provincial and regional level. By sustainably and e昀케ciently directing these
distinct characteristics and attributes, Calatagan can ensure the
achievement of its vision and mission. These are some of the identi昀椀ed
development opportunities inherent to the Municipality of Calatagan:

1. Abundant natural resources

A salient feature of the physical environment of Calatagan is its abundant

natural resources especially in their coastal areas. The large expanse of
marine waters in Calatagan provides an opportunity to o昀昀er multiple uses
and functions such as ecotourism, 昀椀sheries, bu昀昀er zones and protection
areas. Sustainable use and strict regulations of laws pertaining to the
protection and promotion of environmental welfare are therefore crucial in
achieving the optimal bene昀椀ts that can be reaped from Calatagan’s
natural resources.

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2. Vast lands suitable for agriculture

The Municipality of Calatagan is gifted with vast lands that are suitable for
agricultural activities. The suitability of the soil of Calatagan for
agricultural purposes can provide areas where stakeholders can conduct
agricultural activities which can aid in achieving a food su昀케cient and
secured locality. These lands can also provide an opportunity for the
Municipality to serve as food basket not only for the Batangas province
but also to the National Capital Region. Promoting climate-resilient crops
will greatly help in ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural sector of
the municipality given changes in climate in Calatagan.

3. Existing road networks

In terms of its relative location, Calatagan has an advantage due to its

proximity to the National Capital Region. This is further magni昀椀ed by the
existence of road networks leading to Calatagan’s neighboring localities
and reaching as far as the National Capital Region. This feature opens up
di昀昀erent opportunities for Calatagan such as increase in in昀氀ux of
ecotourism visitors, export of agricultural products to neighboring
localities and attracting potential investors in the Municipality.

4. Inter-Island Connectivity

The Municipality of Calatagan can connect with other nearby island

municipalities through potential marine transport routes. The inter-island
connectivity can give way to transporting both passengers and cargos
coming from Calatagan to other island municipalities such as Lubang and
the province of Mindoro and vice versa. Through these marine routes,
stronger connections and economic relations to other municipalities can
be further established creating opportunities in these areas.

Functional Role of Calatagan

Batangas is one of the provinces comprising Region IV-A of the
CALABARZON Region in Luzon. It is the second largest province in the
region having 19.50% share of the total land area. Calatagan is one of the
municipalities in the Province of Batangas. Its functional role is identi昀椀ed
in the Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan 2014-2022.
Located in the 昀椀rst district of Batangas, Calatagan is identi昀椀ed as part of
the Province’s development area for sugarcane, aquaculture, commercial,
industrial and tourism. Other towns clustered in this district are Balayan,
Calaca, Lian, Lemery, Nasugbu, Taal and Tuy.

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The Municipality of Calatagan shall follow the agro-industrial and

ecotourism development in which development of 昀椀sh landing center and
new tourism destination and facilities will become the major development
projects for the Municipality. Calatagan is branded as “A Palace in
Batangas” with its magni昀椀cent views and breathtaking coastline o昀昀ering
opportunities for ecotourism activities. The Municipality of Calatagan shall
also serve as one of the areas in Batangas for agricultural production.
Having a soil that is highly suitable for agriculture, Calatagan can o昀昀er
many things in terms of its agricultural production. Some of the programs,
projects and activities which shall aid Calatagan in achieving its functional
role includes development of its commercial 昀椀shery, tourism development
and providing subsidy to its farmers.


Calatagan’s Development Vision and Mission


Calatagan is a renowned and safe ecotourism destination, resilient and

vibrant agricultural and industry-based municipality whose God loving,
healthy citizens and progressive leaders are active partners in the
attainment of a balanced and sustainable development.


To pursue aggressively the plans and programs that will enhance

ecotourism, agricultural and other industrial development; with
comprehensive provisions for economic and social services and share with
global obligation of environmental protection.

General Development Goals and Objectives

The general development goal of Calatagan is geared towards providing

its residents the bene昀椀ts of a balanced agricultural, ecotourism, and
industrial development within a sustainable environment and human
settlements framework where economic, infrastructure, social and cultural
objectives are fully and freely pursued. The following speci昀椀c objectives
shall aid in accomplishing Calatagan’s development goals:

1. To sustainably optimize and maximize use of land resources through

rational distribution/allocation of land uses.

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2. To provide sustainable economic and livelihood opportunities

through balanced agricultural, ecotourism and industrial

3. To facilitate access of population to social services, facilities and


4. To facilitate mobility and communication of and between people,

goods and services within the municipality through an e昀케cient road
and transportation network.

5. To maintain and preserve environmental stability and integrity.

6. To improve adaptation and resiliency of the community amidst

increasing impacts of climate change and disasters.

7. To encourage overall sustainable development with sound economic

progress and human security assurance.

8. To maintain and continuously improve administrative and 昀椀scal

machineries for the e昀케cient management of the local government
and proper plan implementation.

Table 5 shows the vision, goals and its corresponding outcome indicators
for Calatagan.

Table 5. Vision, Goals and Outcome Indicators

Vision Goal Outcome Indicator
Resilient  Mainstreaming disaster risk  Number of sectoral plans and
municipality reduction and climate change programs/projects with
adaptation (DRR/CCA) into DRR/CCA mainstreamed
sectoral plans and program  Reduced number of people
achieved affected and damage to property
 Reduce vulnerability of people, and losses caused by natural
infrastructure, properties and hazards and calamities
livelihood from increasing
impacts of hydro meteorological
and geological hazards
Agricultural  Promoting diversification of crops  Increased number of crops
development  Sustainable use of agricultural produced
lands ensured  Increase in the number of crop,
 Development and improvement livestock, poultry and fisheries
of fisheries, livestock and poultry production
raising  Areas for agricultural purposes
 Agricultural productivity are fully utilized
increased  Increased average income of
families involved in agriculture
Sustainable  Development and improvement  Increased number of visiting
Ecotourism of tourism facilities in the tourists
Municipality  Coastal resources sustainably
 Sustainable use, allocation and managed

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Vision Goal Outcome Indicator

management of land and water  Conservation of environment
resources ensured and natural resources
 Preservation of cultural heritage
and significant natural resources
 Increased Number of
programs/projects implemented
related to ecotourism
 Increased average income of
families involved in ecotourism
 Increased municipal revenue
from tourism operations
Industrial  Conducive environment for  Support infrastructure in key
development investments created and development/production areas
sustained increased
 Sound legal and regulatory  Number of local and foreign
framework for domestic and investors increased
foreign investment that attract  Number of jobs created and
and generate public and private people employed increased
sector investments  Increased average income of
families involved or employed in
industrial sector
 Increased municipal revenue
from industrial operations

Development Thrusts and Strategies

Reaching and executing the vision and goals of Calatagan to achieve its
development goals will require speci昀椀c thrusts and strategies
incorporating the Municipality’s sectoral needs. The advantages inherent
to the Municipality’s physical, natural, biological, economic, social, cultural
and institutional shall play a big role in attaining their development. The
following are the development thrusts and strategies for the Municipality
of Calatagan:

Climate-Resilient Agricultural Development

The agricultural sector plays an important role in providing and ensuring

food su昀케ciency and security for the whole of Municipality of Calatagan.
The following are the strategies which shall ensure that a climate-resilient
agricultural development is to be achieved by the Municipality of


 Assessment and identi昀椀cation of climate-resilient crops that can be

cultivated which can aid in ensuring food su昀케ciency and security in
the municipality
 Assessment and identi昀椀cation of mangrove areas suitable for aqua
silviculture practices wherein the conservation of mangrove forests
and increasing 昀椀sh stocks for the Municipality can be applied

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 Diversi昀椀cation of crops that can be cultivated in the Municipality in

order to further strengthen climate resiliency in the agricultural
 Strengthening and capacity-building of 昀椀shermen and farmers
through seminars and trainings on the latest innovation and
technologies for farming and 昀椀shing
 Encouraging active participation and involvement of 昀椀sher folks and
farmers in Barangay/Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Councils (BFARMC/MFARMC), Municipal/Barangay
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (MAFC/BAFC) and local
cooperatives present in the municipality.
 Formation of and strengthening of existing cooperatives as a
strategy in providing 昀椀nancial assistance in the capacity building of
昀椀sher folks and farmers.
 Incorporating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
frameworks and methods in sustainable agriculture activities in the
 Development of agricultural technologies and infrastructures to
support potential agricultural demand in the Municipality.
 Developing of linkages and strengthening partnerships among 昀椀sher
folks, farmers and business sectors.

Sustainable Ecotourism Development

In terms of the ecotourism potential of Calatagan, the Municipality has a

great advantage given its geographic position in the province of Batangas.
This is further reinforced by the abundant natural resources especially in
the coastal areas. The following strategies can aid in developing the
sustainable ecotourism in Calatagan:


• Formulation of Ecotourism Development Plan

• Identi昀椀cation and establishment of ecotourism zones in order to

ensure low risk of impacts of ecotourism activities to natural resources

• Strengthening municipal tourism o昀케ce and community participation

in promoting sustainable ecotourism for the municipality

• Identi昀椀cation and establishment of sustainable ecotourism activities

to speci昀椀c ecotourism zones that the Municipality can o昀昀er to visitors

• Formulation and establishment of standard fees and 昀椀nes for

ecotourism such as environmental fees, diving fees, entrance fees

• Establishment of a museum for relics and artifacts that were found

in Calatagan

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• Establishment of linkages and partnerships between the academe

and the local government in further ensuring conservation of resources
and sustainable ecotourism

• Promotion of community-based activities and participation in

ecotourism management and enterprises

• Coordination with the local agriculture and business sectors in

providing di昀昀erent products and services near identi昀椀ed ecotourism

• Development of promotional materials for ecotourism activities in

the municipality

Rural Development

The vast expanse of land area of Calatagan is composed of numerous

rural barangays that have the potential in contributing to the development
of the Municipality. Given the physical and natural characteristics and
features of these rural barangays, a set of strategies are needed to ensure
that the development of these areas will not compromise their
environment’s integrity and quality of life of the people living in it.


 Ensuring access and delivery of basic services to the population

of Calatagan
 Adoption of policies and programs promoting rural poverty
 Development of rural development plan mainstreaming
 Development of support infrastructures and facilities that shall
aid in the rural development of Calatagan
 Development and improvement of network facilities such as
roads leading to and within the rural areas
 Development and building of infrastructures for power, water
and communication in order to ensure access of people to these


Calatagan shall promote industrialization activities that can provide a local

policy where industries can grow sustainably complementing other land
uses in the Municipality. The industrial activities proposed and is
recommended for Calatagan are those which are non-pollutive and non-
hazardous in nature. By doing so, conservation of its natural resources,

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high quality agricultural products and sustainable ecotourism can still be



 Creation and adoption of policies and programs supporting heavy

industrial development
 Enhancement of business and licensing system
 Provision of tax incentives in order to encourage stakeholders in
adhering to the tax rules and regulations of the municipality
 Development and/or enhancing tax mapping system
 Strict implementation of environmental laws and regulations for
compliance by heavy industries
 Provision of new and improvement existing of infrastructure
support which will cater to the needs of a heavy industrial
development in the Municipality
 Providing support to micro, small and medium enterprises
 Strengthen programs and projects on matching skills and labor
market needs
 Promotion of renewable energy utilization as alternative source
of energy of the industries
 Strengthening of solid waste management system

Development Policies on Key Sectors

The development thrust and strategies of Calatagan are needed to be
complemented with development policies on key sectors in order to
ensure inclusive growth of the Municipality. These development policies
shall ensure that the sectoral development growth are captured in
Calatagan’s growth. The development policies on key sectors are as

Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and


The 2009 Climate Change Act and the 2010 National Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Act are the primary policies guiding the climate
change adaptation and disaster risk reduction management (CCA-DRRM)
in the Philippines. Given increasing intensity and occurrence of climate-
related and disaster–related hazards in the country, mainstreaming CCA-
DRRM has become one of the priorities in the land use planning process of
the di昀昀erent local government units in the country. In order to achieve the
goals CCA/DRR, policies are needed to be put into place. The following are
the general policies that shall guide the mainstreaming of CCA/DRR for

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1. Mainstreaming CCA/DRR into the di昀昀erent planning activities and

documents pursuant to related laws and policies.

2. Enhance capabilities in terms of disaster mitigation and prevention


3. Establishing a set of systems that shall guide stakeholders in the

identi昀椀cation, assessment and analysis which are CCA/DRR related.

4. Investing on technologies, equipment, trainings and support

facilities that shall be utilized in CCA/DRR activities.

5. Provision of IEC materials and dissemination of knowledge related to


6. Development of early warning systems for 昀氀ooding, earthquake,

tsunami and sea level rise.

7. Production of CCA/DRR maps that shall be disseminated to the

people of Calatagan

8. Continued close coordination with national agencies such as


Climate-resilient Agriculture and Fisheries

Agriculture and 昀椀sheries are two important sectors in the Municipality of

Calatagan. Agricultural and 昀椀sheries production ensure that food security
and availability shall not be compromised in relation to the demands of
the people. Pursuant to the National Climate Change Action Plan 2011-
2038 and the Climate Change Act of 2009, the agriculture and 昀椀sheries
sector has been given emphasis in terms of its capacity to adapt to the
changing climate of the country. In order to do so, the following policies
shall direct e昀昀orts towards achieving climate-resilient agriculture and
昀椀sheries for Calatagan:

1. Mainstreaming CCA/DRR policies into community-based 昀椀shery and


2. Providing means for direct intervention of local government unit and

cooperatives on accessing funds for agriculture and 昀椀sheries
production and development.

3. Exploring new methods of agricultural and 昀椀shery production that

are climate-resilient and sustainable.

4. Promotion of diversi昀椀ed livelihood and climate-resilient crops

suitable for Calatagan.

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5. Investing on advance and innovative technologies, materials,

equipment and trainings related to climate-resilient agriculture.

6. Building partnership with key sectors and groups in terms of the

enhancement of resiliency, mitigation and adaptation of the
agricultural sector.

7. Investing on coral reef rehabilitation and restoration which will serve

as protective barriers against strong waves and habitat area for
economically-important 昀椀shery products.

Water Conservation

Availability of clean and good quality water is crucial in ensuring the

health of not only the people of Calatagan but the di昀昀erent sectors
depending on it as well. In order to make sure that good quality of water is
available, the following policy guidelines are recommended:

1. Preparation of inventory of the di昀昀erent types of water sources and

their respective levels of availability and accessibility in the

2. Investing in eco-friendly technologies and infrastructures that shall

ensure integrity of water quality in relation to e昀昀ects of climate-
driven impacts.

3. Promotion and development of integrated and participatory water

resources management.

4. Strengthening of existing laws pertaining to water conservation and

its use.

5. Promotion of data banking pertaining to information on water

resources in the Municipality.

6. Strengthening of implementation of solid waste management.

Resilient Infrastructure

Infrastructures are necessities in the development of any local

government unit. Ensuring that the infrastructures are built based on the
set standards as re昀氀ected in the Philippine laws and policies is therefore
important. To achieve a resilient infrastructure environment for Calatagan,
the following policies are suggested:

1. Development of an infrastructure inventory and plan that

mainstreams CCA/DRR resiliency and mitigation.

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2. Building, rehabilitation and improvement of routes that shall serve

as means of transport in times of disasters.

3. Ensure compatibility of land use with the infrastructure


4. Investing on climate-resilient public infrastructures and support


5. Promotion of awareness in the community through IEC materials

and activities pertaining to infrastructure resiliency.

6. Development of a standard system of operation in times of disasters

to ensure optimal utilization of infrastructures.

Economic Sector

Calatagan has so much potential in its economic sector. However, policies

are needed in place to ensure optimal attainment of its economic goals.
These goals shall be strengthened by the following policies:

1. Development and improvement of tax structure and collection


2. Improve accessibility to infrastructures and markets present in the


3. Promotion of product and market diversi昀椀cation.

4. Promotion of locally-made products.

5. Strict implementation of laws and policies pertaining to the

economic activities in the area.

6. Strict implementation of solid waste management.

Sustainable Ecotourism

Ecotourism areas in Calatagan attract many visitors from many parts of

the country and even from abroad. Given the abundant scenic views and
beaches located in the coastal areas of Calatagan, sustainably managing
its ecotourism is therefore important. In order to achieve this, the
following policies are proposed:

1. Formulation and development of an Ecotourism Plan emphasizing on

community participation and management.

2. Mainstreaming CCA/DRR to the ecotourism plan of Calatagan.

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3. Establishing of zones to be allocated to di昀昀erent uses particularly for

ecotourism activities

4. Ensure viability and competitiveness of tourism destinations while

ensuring environmental preservation.

5. Strengthening and strict implementation of environmental laws in

relation to ecotourism activities in the area

6. Monitoring of tourist arrival, volume, and impacts to the ecotourism


7. Establishing of standard fees and collection for the management of

the ecotourism sites.

8. Promotion of locally-made products.

Development Concept and Structure Plan

The existing land use of Calatagan reveals that its urban form or spatial
pattern follows a multiple-nuclei pattern. This pattern shows that land
uses may or may not cluster in one area given the specialized facilities,
mutual association with other land uses and incompatibility of land uses
present in a given locality. This is true for the case of Calatagan where
industrial areas is located somewhere other than the Municipality center
which is the Poblacion areas.

The built form of Calatagan is represented by both spatial elements and

spatial dynamics. The spatial elements are composed of the commercial
areas, residential communities, transportation, ecotourism sites,
conservation areas, agricultural lands and industry. The spatial dynamics
is composed of the existing Municipality center and the proposed 昀椀sh port.
Improved, enhanced and strict zoning policies and its implementation is
therefore crucial in ensuring that the health and quality of the
environment is preserved.

Calatagan is envisioned to be an ecotourism, agriculturally-developed,

and industrialized municipality. The strategies, programs and projects
identi昀椀ed in the CLUP of Calatagan shall reinforce the realization of the
Municipality’s vision. Given the existing land use, suitability and the
geographical environment of Calatagan, a multi-nuclei form is the
preferred spatial pattern to be followed by the Municipality. The
Municipality shall have the following development growth nodes:

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a. Agricultural development areas. The agricultural development

centers are the areas where agricultural production is highly
suitable and suitable, and is therefore prime areas for such
activities. This cluster shall be composed of Barangays Balibago,
Biga, Carretunan, Quilitisan, Luya, Real, Sambungan, Bucal, Sta.
Ana, Tanagan and Bagong Silang.
b. Primary growth areas (commercial areas). These are areas
where commerce, business and trade is concentrated located in the
Poblacion and portions of Lucsuhin.
c. Ecotourism development areas. These areas shall be composed
of Barangay 1, Hukay, Tanagan, Sta. Ana and Bagong Silang. These
barangays have coastal areas which are already used as tourism
areas. However, in the proposed land use, these areas are to be
strengthened into sustainable ecotourism sites o昀昀ering new water
activities as proposed by the Municipality.
d. Industrial development. Areas where industries and related
activities are to be located. These areas are to be composed of
Barangays Talibayog, Baha, Paraiso and Biga.

These growth nodes provide functional roles to the areas where various
land uses are suitable for each barangay. Also, these growth nodes follow
the vision of Calatagan in terms of its development thrusts. The
agricultural development cluster shall be the areas where agricultural
production will be practiced. The ecotourism development cluster is
composed of the coastal barangays where existing tourism amenities and
facilities are already present. To further reinforce the vision of Calatagan
of becoming an ecotourism destination, these areas need to be
sustainably developed and managed. Supporting its vision to also develop
the industry sec,tor, Calatagan also has identi昀椀ed areas suitable for
industrial development. These areas will be alloted to industrial activities
proposed for the Municipality. The commercial areas composed of
Barangays 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be the center of commercial activities in the
area. This is also where the proposed community 昀椀sh landing center is to
be built. These three growth nodes will be the key drivers of economic
growth of the Municipality.

Based on the 昀氀ood map of Calatagan, most of the barangays are highly
susceptible to 昀氀ooding. These are barangays 1, 2, 3, 4, Balitoc,
Balibago,Talisay, Biga, Carretunan, Quilitisan, Lucsuhin and Gulod. Some
barangays that are partially a昀昀ected by 昀氀ooding are Barangays Paraiso,
Talibayog, Baha, Sambungan, Bucal, Encarnacion, Hukay, Tanagan, Sta.
Ana and Bagong Silang. In terms of the Municipality’s susceptibility to
landslide, Barangays Baha, Talibayog, Luya, Real, Sambungan, Carlosa,
Encarnacion, Tanagan, Sta. Ana and Bagong Silang have areas that are
highly susceptible. Given the exposure to various climate and geohazard

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by most of the barangays in Calatagan, vulnerability reduction of exposed

communities through careful and sustainable land use management
should be promoted.

In order to respond to the need of reducing exposure and vulnerability of

Calatagan to such natural hazards, these barangays need to invest in
appropriate mitigation activities, prevention measures and technologies.
The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Council
of Calatagan shall be spearheading the strengthening of partnership and
networking among stakeholders and other related o昀케ces and
organizations on disaster preparedness and response. A detailed standard
operations procedure before, during, and after an occurrence of a disaster
shall be prepared taking into consideration the necessary services,
technology, personnel and equipment needed. Mapping out buildings,
infrastructures and government o昀케ces in Calatagan must be undertaken.
By doing so, identi昀椀cation of speci昀椀c buildings that can be a昀昀ected shall
be known and proper preparation and response can be formulated. The
Municipality shall also develop an awareness and education campaign to
help the barangays and communities in understanding the impacts and
e昀昀ects of hazards and disasters. Along with providing knowledge on
disasters, the Municipality shall also prepare standard operations
procedure for the community to follow in times when disasters and
hazards occur. The Municipality already has an evacuation center,
however, other areas where additional evacuation centers must be
identi昀椀ed and established.

Spatial Development Strategies

The large land area of Calatagan is an advantage in itself for the
Municipality. However, with large expanse of area under its jurisdiction,
the Municipality needs to consider programs and projects that shall
promote its spatial development. The following are the strategies for
spatial development of Calatagan:

 Construction of needed road networks and rehabilitation of existing

ones in order to ensure maximum accessibility and transport of
goods and services in Calatagan.
 Improvement of the water supply.
 Protection of conservation areas identi昀椀ed in the Municipality.
 Integration of land use, water use and climate change adaptation
and disaster risk reduction.
 Promotion of the conservation of the municipal waters that are part
of the Verde Island Passage
 Protection of highly suitable agricultural areas
 Promotion of ecotourism sites identi昀椀ed in Calatagan

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 Construction of satellite o昀케ces in areas far from the government

center of Calatagan.

The Land Use Plan

Calatagan is a second-class municipality with vast area under its
jurisdiction. Given its geographical and physical features, Calatagan is at
high risk to have a leap frog development where development nodes may
occur in areas which are not supposed to develop based on their proposed
land use. In order to ensure that the preferred development nodes are
attained, the land use of Calatagan needs to be both responsive and

Projected Land Supply for Development/Future Expansion


In response to the growing demand of a growing population,

expansion of certain land uses is necessary. To compute the area of land
that allows for development, a general formula provided by the HLURB is

Area for Development/Expansion = TLA –

PCA stands for Protection and Conservation Areas which
encompasses CARPable lands (1,492.95 hectares). UA means Urban-use
Areas or the totality of the built-up areas (635.39 hectares) in Calatagan.
Lastly, SLU or Special Land Uses, pertains to lands signi昀椀cant or unique to
the Municipality such as socialized housing, PUD, tourism, industrial,
mining/quarry, mangrove area and 昀椀sh ponds (3,185.69 hectares). The
sum of the areas of the three former land uses are subtracted from the
total land area (TLA) to get the area for further expansion. It was found
out that there are 5,443.96 hectares of land for development or expansion
in the Municipality. However, based on Memorandum Circular No. 54,
Calatagan as second-class municipality is limited to convert only 10% of
its agricultural areas. This means that only 680.24 hectares of land can be
converted by the local government.

Projected Land Demand for Development/Future Expansion


Table 6 shows the projected land demand for Calatagan. The prescribed
expansion of certain lands is empirically based on the sectoral studies
(CLUP Volume 2) of the Municipality and recommendations of the MTWG

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during consultation meeting in view of the development needs of the

Municipality in the next 10 years.

The residential areas have the highest sectoral demand of 203.72

hectares or 85% of the total housing requirement. This translates to a
total of 5,962 housing backlog for the Municipality.

Commercial areas are comprised of 39.20 hectares of the total land area.
However, commercial area is needed near the port terminal for the
community 昀椀sh landing center in Barangay 4, slaughter house in
Barangay 4 and expansion of commercial areas in urban barangays
(Barangay 1-4), in Balibago along the national road and in Lucsuhin along
the provincial road and expansion in the existing commercial area, which
result to 203.72 hectares of total sectoral demand for commercial use.

There is a need to expand institutional areas to accommodate its future

needs. Institutional requirement is set at 5 hectares per 15,000
population. The sectoral demand for institutional areas was computed to
be 7.78 hectares. Thus, the proposed land area to be allotted for the
institutional areas is 30.85 hectares. Also, there is a projected
development needs for the construction of junior and senior high schools,
a convention hall and the new municipal hall, these constitute a total
requirement of 14.47 hectares.

Currently, there is a total 2.58 hectares for parks and recreation areas.
However, given current population, the sectoral demand for parks and
recreation uses is 40.38 hectares. In order to meet the needs of the
population in the coming years, additional areas for parks and recreation
purposes needs to be explored and suitable area for such kind of land use
be identi昀椀ed.

The projected area requirement for burial grounds was computed by

multiplying the projected number of deaths with the participation rate and
the minimum plot size of 1.0 meter by 2.44 meters. In the case of
Calatagan, there is already a total of 9.17 hectares for their cemetery. The
existing land area of the cemetery is more than enough for the future
needs of Calatagan, thus there is no need to increase area for this land
use within this planning term.

Given the average area of 100 sqm per household and the 85% housing
requirement for a Municipality, there is a total of 42.25 hectares land area
requirement for socialized housing in Calatagan. This excludes other
facilities needed in establishing a socialized housing such as roads, parks
and other facilities. The local government allocates around 42.68 hectares

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of land in Sambungan/ Lucsuhin area. This has been previously allocated

in 2001 CLUP by the local government.

The agricultural areas of Calatagan based on its existing land use is

6,802.41 hectares. However, due to a proposed conversion to other land
uses, an approximate 10% of the existing agricultural area is being
proposed to be reduced, based on the 10% allowable area for
reclassi昀椀cation to other uses.

Based on the development needs, an additional of 20.47 hectares is

needed to accommodate the needs of the future tourism area of
Calatagan. The expansion in the tourism area shall be allotted for a
waterpark, beach resorts as additional economic enterprises of the local
government in Barangay 4, and expansion of tourism areas in Sta. Ana
and Bagong Silang, making a total sectoral demand for tourism use of
15.80 hectares.

Currently, the Municipality’s infrastructures which include roads and other

utilities and the ecology center where the MRF is located cover 135.04 ha.
The roads and utilities of Calatagan shall serve as the means for 昀氀ow of
exchanging goods and services within the Municipality and to its
neighboring localities. This also constitutes the bypass connecting port
terminal to the national road in urban areas of Poblacion. In total, the
sectoral demand for roads and utilities is 4.36 hectares. Meanwhile, the
current demand for sanitary land昀椀ll in the Municipality is 0.73 ha which
shall be proposed to be established in lieu of the existing ecology center.

Barangays Talibayog, Baha, Paraiso and Biga are the identi昀椀ed areas for
industrial activities in Calatagan. To date, there is a total of 922.09
hectares alloted for industrial land use in the Municipality. Given the
existing area for industrial land use and the projected sectoral demand for
this, there is more than enough area alloted for industrial land use.

Bu昀昀er areas are areas that surround or bound identi昀椀ed protection areas.
These areas also serve as dividers to usually con昀氀icting land uses. Thses
act as mutliple use zones where levels of access and uses are
progressive, ranging from less restrictive to restrictive use as you move
along the outskirts of the bu昀昀er areas towards the area it bounds. Bu昀昀er
areas are crucial in allowing di昀昀erent land use categories of land to be
implemented parallel to each other. Such is the case of the industrial
areas located in Barangays Talibayog and Baha, whereindustrial areas are
found and conservation areas will be designated on the other, existing in
parallel to each other. Given the distance of the two di昀昀erent land uses
from each other, a 20-meter bu昀昀er zone shall be designated in between
the industrial areas and the coastal areas. By doing so, e昀昀ects and

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impacts of industrial activities to the coastal environment of Barangays

Talibayog and Baha can be minimized and prevented.

The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), de昀椀nes easement
as “distance from the highest tide line (for coastal areas) or edge of the
normal high-water line/ banks (for rivers and streams), within which
development is not allowed”. Easement is an important feature of a land
use especially of rivers and other kinds of water bodies. One of the
mandates of the local government is to declare easements especially
when “risk considerations make it necessary to protect life and property,
and regulate development within its territory” (HLURB). In Calatagan, a
legal easement of 3-meter wide was delineated in both sides rivers of the
Municipality such as the Ermitanyo and Santiago Rivers. The coast of
Calatagan provides areas that can be allotted for ecotourism activities.
However, it is in the coastal areas where marine habitats are also present.
In the case of the coastal areas of Calatagan a legal easement of 5 to 10
meters and a bu昀昀er of 5 meters from the designated easement shall be
allotted. This is to ensure that tourism development will not hinder the
protection, conservation and preservation of ecologically-important
species and habitats within the coastal area of Calatagan.

In terms of the PUD, mining/quarrying, mangrove and 昀椀shpond areas, no

expansion is needed and foreseen. However, ensuring proper solid waste
management and prevention against pollutive activities are of high
priorities for these areas.

Table 6. Projected Land Supply for Development

Percent to
Existing Land Sectoral
Land Uses Total Land
Use (Ha.) Demand (Ha.)
Residential 560.83 5.21 203.72
Commercial 39.20 0.36 26.38
Institutional 23.07 0.21 7.78
Parks and Recreation 2.58 0.02 40.38
Cemetery 9.17 0.09 -
Socialized Housing 0.82 0.01 42.25
Agricultural 6,802.41 63.23 -
Tourism 308.77 2.87 15.80
Infrastructure 134.50 1.25 5.09
Sanitary Landfill - - 0.73
Ecology Center 0.54 0.01 -
Roads and Utilities 134.50 1.25 4.36
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1,311.46 12.19 -
Industrial 922.09 8.57 -
Mining/Quarry 70.04 0.65 -
Mangrove Area 323.19 3.00 -
Fishponds 251.45 2.34 -
Buffer Area - - 14.43
Easement - - 11.75
Total 10,757.99 100.00 372.25

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Source: GIS Computed Area

Agricultural area for conversion: 696.10 hectares
Sectoral demand:
Residential: based on identi昀椀ed area of expansion by LGU
Commercial: based on the expected demand due to the increased in tourism areas and other sectors (e.g.
Water Park) and increase in population
Institutional: includes proposed projects such as high schools, convention center, new municipal hall, etc.
Parks and Recreation: based on the computed sectoral demand
Cemetery: no sectoral demand, existing area is more than enough the area requirement
Dumpsite: based on proposed land area by LGU
Socialized Housing; based on the proposed area of socialized housing in the previous CLUP (2001)
Agricultural: 10% of the existing agriculture area will be converted to other uses
Tourism: based on the proposed area of the LGU
Infrastructure (Roads and Utilities): based on the sectoral demand, with area requirement of 2.38 ha and
proposed road projects (road connecting the port area and road going to Ang Pulo)
Planned Unit Development (PUD): no sectoral demand
Industrial: no sectoral demand, existing area is more than enough for the future area requirement
Mining/Quarry; no sectoral demand, existing area is more than enough for the future area requirement
Mangrove Area: no sectoral demand, existing area is more than enough for the future area requirement
Protected Mangrove Area: based on the proposal of LGU
Fishponds: no proposed additional area
Bu昀昀er Area: bu昀昀er area between industrial area and coastal area
Easement: legal easement in both sides of the river

Proposed Land Uses

The proposed general land and water use incorporate the development
thrusts that the Municipality of Calatagan is aiming for. Land capability,
soil suitability, hazard susceptibility and protected areas were all
considered in the determining the future land and water uses of
Calatagan. The whole of Calatagan, having 10,757.99 hectares of total
land area is divided into the following proposed general land and water
use (Table 7, Map 18). A comparison of the existing and proposed land
uses are shown in Table 8.


Given the allowable 10% of the total agricultural area for reclassi昀椀cation
to other land uses, the existing agricultural land area (6,802.41 hectares)
shall be reduced to 6,122.17 hectares in response to the sectoral demand
of other land uses and proposed developments and expansion in the
Municipality. The agricultural area in Calatagan shall now cover 56.91% of
the Municipality’s total land area.

Residential Area

In order to address the backlogs and the future housing needs of

Calatagan, there is a need to expand existing residential areas in di昀昀erent
barangays particularly those along the roads. Although there is only a
residential demand of 203.72 hectares, the proposed land area shall be
1,084.26 hectares to accommodate future migration due to the expected
development in tourism and industrial sectors.

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Commercial Area

The commercial areas of Calatagan serve as one of the primary venues in

the locality where economic activities thrive. The proposed land area that
shall be allotted for commercial area is 65.58 hectares. The expansion
areas shall include the proposed Community Fish Landing Center (CFLC) in
the west side of port terminal will be established in Barangay 4. Other
complementing commercial establishments within Calatagan not included
in the proposed commercial area are tourism establishments such as
Playa Calatagan.

Institutional Area

Responding to the needs of providing readily available and accessible

public services that can cater to the populace of Calatagan, the proposed
30.85 hectares shall be allocated for institutional areas. Several school
buildings shall also be constructed in the Municipality. There will be two
(2) more junior high school buildings that shall be constructed between
Barangays Sambungan and Real. These institutions will cater the
barangays nearest to it, namely: Hukay, Encarnacion, Carlosa, Luya,
Bucal, Sambungan, Real. In relation to the senior high school buildings,
there will be two (2) additional buildings that shall be constructed for
future use. A total of three (3) public high schools are to be constructed
within the planning period. Currently, there is one (1) senior high school
building being constructed in Barangay 2 which occupies an area of about
1.62 hectares. The Municipal Hall of Calatagan will be relocated to
Barangay 2. The current municipal building will be converted to a museum
which will showcase the rich and diverse history of Calatagan. Lastly, a
convention center o昀昀ering facilities for holding large meetings and
conference was initially determined measuring around 5 hectares in Sta.
Ana. The convention center can attract tourists needing such facility for
their business while also having an easy access to ecotourism areas in the

Parks and Recreation Areas

Open spaces intended for parks and recreational areas shall follow rules
and regulations such as PD 957, BP 220 and related laws in identifying
and allocating areas for such purposes. According to Presidential Decree
No. 1216, subdivision projects with one (1) hectare or more shall have a
reserved 30% of the gross area for open space. These open spaces shall
have the following standards that shall be allocated for parks, playgrounds
and recreational use:

a. 9% of gross area for high density or social housing (66 to 100

family lot per gross hectare).

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b. 7% of gross area for medium-density or economic housing (21 to

65 family lot per gross hectare).

c.3.5 % of gross area low-density or open market housing (20

family lots and below per gross hectare).

Although there are already open 昀椀elds in the PUD area, a public play昀椀eld
is proposed to be established in Barangay 1, near the residential areas
measuring up to 1.5 hectares. In total, 42.96 hectares is proposed area for
parks and recreation.


The existing land area allotted for cemetery in Calatagan will retain its
total area. Having a total land area allocation of 9.17 hectares, the
Municipality has more than enough to cover the burial ground
requirements for the next 10 years.

Socialized Housing

The existing socialized housing in the Municipality shall be included in the

proposed expansion. Socialized housing in Barangays Lucsuhin and
Sambungan were identi昀椀ed. A total of 43.07 hectares is the proposed
expansion in terms of the socialized housing sectoral demand of


The tourism areas of Calatagan shall be expanded to 329.24 hectares.

Upper portion of Lago de Oro will be expanded which will also include the
proposed water park covering a total of 40 hectares. Ecotourism areas in
Barangays Sta. Ana and Bagong Silang will be expanded. A beach resort
will be constructed in the west side of Calatagan’s Port Terminal. This will
be part of the economic enterprise proposed by the local government.
Lastly, another area which shall be part of the eco-tourism zone in the
Municipality is the Bunbon Island in Talisay. It was estimated to cover
around 14 hectares of land, of which seven (7) hectares were identi昀椀ed as
forested areas.

Infrastructure and Utilities

The proposed area for infrastructure and utilities shall be 139.40 hectares.
A bypass road is suggested from the Port terminal connecting to the
National Road. This is to ease the expected tra昀케c in the Poblacion area
with the construction of 昀椀sh landing area near the port terminal and beach
resort in Barangay 4. The estimated length of the proposed road network
is around 3.5 km. Also, all of the barangay roads in Calatagan shall be

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improved by constructing a 6-meter wide road along with a 1-meter side

sidewalk for each side. Aside from this, unpaved farm-to-market roads will
be rehabilitated for improved transport of goods. Tourism roads from the
national roads going to Ang Pulo will have a total length of 9.6 kilometers.

Sanitary land昀椀ll

An area of 昀椀ve (5) hectares shall be allotted for the establishment of

Sanitary Land昀椀ll (SLF) to be located in Barangay Sambungan. The existing
ecology center where the MRF is located shall no longer be expanded. The
Municipality plans to cater the solid wastes of commercial establishments
while industrial establishments will be encouraged to have their own
waste disposal facilities. In order to do so, expanding more areas to be
allotted for solid waste disposal is necessary. It should be noted that the
operation and design of SLF shall be in accordance with the guidelines set
under the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003) and shall
cover appropriate precautionary measures given that there is no identi昀椀ed
area in Calatagan that is highly suitable for land昀椀ll as per soil suitability

Bu昀昀er Zone

Bu昀昀er areas is crucial in allowing di昀昀erent land use categories of land to

be implemented parallel to each other. Such is the case of the industrial
areas that is located in Barangays Talibayog and Baha. These barangays
have industrial area and designated conservation areas existing in parallel
to each other. Given the distance of the two (2) di昀昀erent land uses from
each other, a 20 meter bu昀昀er zone shall be designated in between the
industrial areas and the coastal areas. By doing so, e昀昀ects and impacts of
industrial activities to the coastal environment of Barangays Talibayog
and Baha can be minimized and prevented.


The existing PUD area of Calatagan will be decreased from 1,311.46 ha to

1,307.77 hectares to allocate bu昀昀er areas in Baha and Talibayog. This
translates to about 12% of the total land area of Calatagan.

Industrial Area

Areas for industrial development shall no longer be expanded. In the

areas of Talibayog and Baha, a cement plant will be initially established.
The industrial area of Calatagan is found to be compatible with other
industrial areas in the adjacent municipalities of Balayan Bay. As earlier

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mentioned, bu昀昀er areas shall be allocated in the industrial areas, thus,

land area for industrial use shall now be 920.66 hectares.

Mining/ Quarry

Mining/Quarrying areas already have its respective allocated area. Given

its existing land allocation, the proposed land use for mining/quarry shall
not be expanded for the planning period. The area for mining/quarry
activities shall remain 70.04 hectares

Mangrove Area

Calatagan has numerous mangrove forests along its coastal fringes. The
proposed area for the mangroves shall be 323.19 hectares. The protected
mangrove areas are areas located within a declared protected area in
Calatagan, speci昀椀cally in Barangays Tanagan and Bagong Silang. Thus,
an additional area for protected mangrove areas with a total of 3.41
hectares is also proposed for the Municipality.

Fish pond

Fish ponds were reduced by 2.06 hectares due to the conversion of some
昀椀sh ponds in Calatagan to mangrove area. The 昀椀sh ponds shall measure
247.26 hectares or 2.30% of the total land area of Calatagan.

Legal Easement

One of the mandates of the local government is to declare easements

especially when “risk considerations make it necessary to protect life and
property, and regulate development within its territory” (HLURB). In
Calatagan, a legal easement of 3-meter wide was delineated in both sides
of the rivers of the Municipality such as the Ermitanyo and Santiago rivers.
In the coastal areas, 5 to 10-meter legal easement and 5-meter bu昀昀er
were designated. A total of 13.63 hectares is the proposed expansion for
the easement of Calatagan. Given the future development especially in
the coastal areas of Calatagan, a projected expansion is recommended to
ensure that the coastal areas can have “safe” zones and be resilient
against disasters. The proposed easement for the rivers of Calatagan is
an additional of 7 meters which will total to 10 meters for the proposed
easement. The initial legal easement of 5 to 10 meter is proposed to
expand by 5 meters having a total of up to 15 meters proposed legal
easement. The bu昀昀er areas for the coastal zone shall be retained to 5

Table 7. Land Use Plan, 2018-2027, Calatagan, Batangas

Land Category Land Area (Ha) Percentage (%)

Residential 1,084.26 10.29

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Land Category Land Area (Ha) Percentage (%)

Commercial 65.58 0.61
Institutional 30.85 0.29
Parks and Recreation 42.96 0.40
Cemetery 9.17 0.09
Socialized Housing 43.07 0.40
Agricultural 6,122.17 56.91
Tourism 329.24 3.06
Infrastructure and Utilities 139.40 1.30
Sanitary Landfill 5.00 0.05
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1,307.77 12.16
Industrial 920.66 8.56
Mining/Quarry 70.04 0.65
Mangrove Area 323.19 3.00
Protected Mangrove Area 3.41 0.03
Fishponds 247.26 2.30
Buffer Area 0.33 0.003
Easement 13.63 0.13
Total 10,757.99 100.00
Source: GIS Computed Area

Table 8. Existing and Proposed General Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas

Land Use
General Land Use Percentage
Land Category Percentage (%) Plan
(2017) (%)
Residential 560.83 5.21 1,084.26 10.29
Commercial 39.20 0.36 65.58 0.61
Institutional 23.07 0.21 30.85 0.29
Parks and Recreation 2.58 0.02 42.96 0.40
Cemetery 9.17 0.09 9.17 0.09
Socialized Housing 0.82 0.01 43.07 0.40
Agricultural 6,802.41 63.23 6,122.17 56.91
Tourism 308.77 2.87 329.24 3.06
Infrastructure and Utilities 134.50 1.25 139.40 1.30
Ecology Center (MRF) 0.54 0.01 - -
Sanitary Landfill - - 5.00 0.05
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1,311.46 12.19 1,307.77 12.16
Industrial 922.09 8.57 920.66 8.56
Mining/Quarry 70.04 0.65 70.04 0.65
Mangrove Area 323.19 3.00 326.33 3.03
Fishponds 249.32 2.32 247.26 2.30
Buffer Area - - 0.33 0.003
Easement - - 13.63 0.13
Total 10,757.99 100.00

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Map 18. Land Use Plan Map of Calatagan, Batangas, 2018-2027

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Proposed Urban Land Use

The proposed urban land use of Calatagan will be characterized by mixed-

use development. The urban areas of Calatagan shall be composed of
institutional areas, residential areas, commercial areas, 昀椀sh port and
ecotourism sites (Table 9 and Map19).

The agricultural areas located in the urban barangays of Calatagan cover

424.28 hectares of the total urban land area of the Municipality. However,
in response to the future development in the area particularly the
construction of Community Fish Landing Center in the urban area, there
will be a decrease in the land area for agricultural production which will
now be 372.98 ha. The remaining areas suitable for agriculture need to be
managed carefully with strict implementation and compliance to the laws
pertaining to utilization of agricultural areas.

The total proposed allocation for commercial area in the urban areas is
27.04 hectares. There is an expected increase in the existing commercial
area in the urban areas of Calatagan particularly in Barangays 1 to 4. This
can be attributed to the proposed construction of Community Fish Landing
in the area. The existing Municipal Hall of Calatagan shall be used as a
museum which will showcase the culture, heritage and long history of
Calatagan. The new Municipal Hall shall be transferred to a new location
within the urban area. The new Municipal Hall shall be able to cater a
larger populace while also functioning as the center of government for
Calatagan. Parks and recreation areas shall be increased in compliance
with laws and policies pertaining to the allocation of such use. Increased
economic and commercial activities can attract not only investors but also
people to settle down in the urban areas of Calatagan. The increased
population in the urban areas shall require an increase in the allotted
residential areas of the Municipality with a total area of 116.83 hectares.

In terms of the coastal related resources and activities, the proposed

allocation of area for 昀椀sh pond shall remain the same. The mangrove
areas in the urban barangays shall remain the same with a proposed area
of 20.13 hectares.

Roads and utilities in the urban areas of Calatagan will be increased to

26.73 hectares due to the bypass road to be constructed in the area.
Improving infrastructures can also be used in attracting tourists in the
locality. The existing Ecology Center where the MRF is located shall no
longer be expanded (.54 ha). There is a proposed sanitary land昀椀ll outside
the urban (Sambungan) area which shall accommodate the increasing

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waste production brought about by increasing population and commercial

and industrial growth in the Municipality.

Complementing the ecotourism development in Calatagan, a total of

11.21 hectares shall be allotted in the expansion of tourism sites in the
area. The expansion areas for ecotourism sites shall be increased due to
various coastal development such as construction of beach resorts and
water park complementing and ecotourism land use. A comparison of the
existing and proposed urban land use is shown in Table 10.

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Table 9. Proposed Urban Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas

Percent to Total
Land Use Area (Ha.) Land Area
Agricultural 372.98 50.47
Cemetery 9.17 1.24
Commercial 27.04 3.66
Fish Ponds 34.52 4.67
Infrastructure and Utilities 27.42 0.07
Ecology Center (MRF) 0.54 3.78
Institutional 8.37 1.13
Mangrove Area 20.13 2.72
Parks & Recreation 1.82 0.25
PUD 110.21 14.91
Residential 115.60 15.64
Tourism 11.21 1.52
Total 739.01 100.00
Source: GIS Computed Area

Table 10. Existing and Proposed Urban Land Use, Calatagan, Batangas

Existing Urban Proposed Urban

Land Use Land Use (ha) Land Use (ha)
Agricultural 424.28 372.98
Cemetery 9.17 9.17
Commercial 8.27 27.04
Fish Ponds 34.52 34.52
Infrastructure and Utilities 23.23 27.42
Ecology Center (MRF) 0.54 0.54
Institutional 6.78 8.37
Mangrove Area 20.13 20.13
Parks & Recreation 0.29 1.82
PUD 110.21 110.21
Residential 91.56 116.83
Tourism 10.03 11.21
Total 739.01 739.01

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Map 19. Proposed Urban Land Use Plan Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Proposed Water Use

The vast municipal waters of Calatagan call for a water use allocation
which will ensure the sustainable use and management of its coastal
resources. The coastal areas included in the proposed water use are the
seagrass meadows, mangrove areas, conservation areas and reef areas
(Table 11 and Map 20).

Tourism areas are found along the coastal areas of Calatagan. These are
found in the coastal areas of Barangays Balisage, Talisay, Hokey, Bagong
Silang and Sta. Ana. There are already established resorts along the
coastal fringes of Calatagan which already cater to various tourists visiting
the areas. The proposed area for tourism is 3,276.96 ha. Given the close
proximity of some of the tourism areas with conservation areas, a bu昀昀er
of 20 to 30 meters is also proposed to ensure integrity of the conservation
areas side-by-side with ecotourism activities and establishments.

Seaweeds grow abundantly in the municipal waters of Calatagan. Given

its economic value in the market, seaweed farming serves as another
source of income for the people of Calatagan. In relation to this, additional
seaweed area in Barangay 4, 2, 1, Balitoc, Gulod and a small area in
Quilitisan will be established. The seaweeds area shall cover a total of
266.01 hectares of the total municipal waters of Calatagan

The mangrove areas shall retain its land area of 30.37 hectares or about
0.04% of the total area allocated for water use. The mangrove areas shall
serve as a bu昀昀er, conservation area and signi昀椀cant habitat to the coastal
environment of Calatagan.

There are numerous conservation areas that were identi昀椀ed in Calatagan.

The proposed water use in terms of conservation areas will cover 1,064.19
hectares of the municipal waters of Calatagan. These areas can still be
utilized for purposes other than conservation activities. However, strict
implementation of laws and policies pertaining to the use of the
conservation areas needs to be followed to ensure protection of these

Reefs act as natural barriers for strong waves that might pose risk to the
coastal barangays of Calatagan. The existing reef areas measure 2,110.97
hectares. Through conservation activities and e昀昀orts, the size of the reef
areas shall be ensured to remain as it is or be expanded through
promotion of coral reef protection using di昀昀erent technologies and

Table 12 shows the existing and proposed water use for the Municipality
of Calatagan. In general, the existing and proposed water use will be the
same with the addition of the seagrass overlay for the municipal waters of

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Table 11. Proposed Water Use, Calatagan, Batangas

Water Uses Area (Ha.) Percentage (%)
Reef Area 2,110.97 2.78
Conservation 1,064.19 1.40
Fisheries (Municipal Fishing) 21,141.12 27.87
Gillnet (Municipal Fishing) 14,624.05 19.28
Hook and Line (Municipal Fishing) 13,001.02 17.14
Commercial Fishing 20,349.57 26.82
Mangrove Area 30.37 0.04
Tourism 3,276.96 4.32
Seaweeds Area 266.01 0.35
Sea Grass Area* (1.08) 0.001
Total 75,864.26 100.00
Source: GIS Computed Area
Note: *Sea Grass Area is an overlay in the reef area, the 1.08 ha is just the de昀椀ned area under reef

Table 12.Existing and Proposed Water Use, Calatagan, Batangas

Existing Water Use Proposed Water
Water Uses
(Ha) Use (Ha)
Reef Area 2,110.97 2,110.97
Conservation 1,064.19 1,064.19
Fisheries (Municipal Fishing) 21,141.12 21,141.12
Gillnet (Municipal Fishing) 14,624.05 14,624.05
Hook and Line (Municipal Fishing) 13,001.02 13,001.02
Commercial Fishing 20,349.57 20,349.57
Mangrove Area 30.37 30.37
Tourism 3,276.96 3,276.96
Seaweeds Area 266.01 266.01
Sea Grass Area* - (1.08)
Total 75,864.26 75,864.26
Source: GIS Computed Area
Note: *Sea Grass Area is an overlay in the reef area, the 1.08 ha is just the de昀椀ned area under reef

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Map 20. Proposed Water Use Plan Map of Calatagan, Batangas

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Land and Water Use Policies

Various laws, policies and regulation from the national up to the local level
are in place which serve as a guide in the use of land and water resources.
These policies shall hone the spatial, physical and social development and
strategies of Calatagan. These development strategies shall be the driving
force towards achieving the vision of Calatagan.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The current sustainable development goals comprising of 17 components

addresses the need to end poverty, provide a healthy environment,
promote peace and justice and equality. These 17 sustainable
development goals are as follows:

1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. A昀昀ordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals

The 1987 Constitution

The 1987 Constitution serves as the primary law that provides guidelines
on the use of resources for the country. Speci昀椀cally, Article 13 Section 1
states “The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of
measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to human
dignity, reduce social, economic, and political inequalities, and remove
cultural inequities by equitably di昀昀using wealth and political power for the
common good. To this end, the State shall regulate the acquisition,
ownership, use and disposition of property and its increments”.
Additionally, Article 12 Section 6 states that “The use of property bears a
social function and all economic agents shall contribute to the common
good. Individuals and private groups, including corporations, cooperatives,
and similar collective organizations, shall have the right to own, establish

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and operate economic enterprises, subject to the duty of the State to

promote distributive justice and to intervene when the common good so
demands”. This particular section explains the rationale behind regulation
of use of property. Given these articles, the use and allocation of water
and land resources in the Philippines are further strengthened.

Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code

The Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160) provides the legal
mandate and policies for LGUs on their local planning, legislation,
implementation, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. This is re昀氀ected in
Sections 16, 20(c), 447(2) (vii), 458(2) (vii), 447(2) (ix) and 444(b) (3) (vii).
It is also included in RA 7160 the legal bases of formulating the CLUP of
each municipality in the country under Sections 106(a); 109, a, 1-2 and
458(2) (ix); 476(7).

Memorandum Circular No. 54

Reclassi昀椀cation and allocation of lands to other uses can be done by cities

and municipalities given the existing and projected needs of the locality.
Such is true even for agricultural lands. However, agricultural lands under
RA 6657 covered by CARP and those also under Administrative Order 20
series of 1992 cannot be reclassi昀椀ed nor converted for uses other than its
current use.

Executive Order No. 124

Executive Order No. 124 provides guidelines on evaluating areas for

purposes of converting them to socialized housing. Identi昀椀cation of areas
to be converted for socialized housing purposes can also be done at the
local government unit level in cooperation with designated National
Government Agencies

Republic Act No. 7279 or the Urban Development and

Housing Act of 1992

The Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) (RA 7279) provides the
de昀椀nition of the land use plan that LGUs are required to follow. The law
states that a land use plan is the “rationale approach of allocating
available land resources as equitably as possible among competing user
groups and for di昀昀erent functions consistent with the development plan of
the area and the program under this Act. “This law also covers urban and
urbanizable lands and similar areas which can be utilized for socialized

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Executive Order No. 71

Executive Order No. 71 provides mandate for LGUs in approving

subdivisions plans as guided by the HLURB. The concerned LGU may ask
for assistance to other concerned agencies in relation to subdivision plans.

Republic Act No. 8749 of the Philippine Clear Air Act of 1999

The Philippine Clean Air Act provides the enabling policies in order to
regulate activities and materials that might contribute to the pollution of
the air. Through the partnerships of LGUs, NGOs, POs and academe,
emission and other related activities are expected to be eliminated if not

Republic Act No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000

The Republic Act No. 9003 provides policy mandates for the management
of solid wastes. The management involves a systematic and
comprehensive process of solid wastes produced by the population.
Through this law, the responsibility of LGUs up to the barangay level in
the collection was speci昀椀ed to ensure optimum segregation of wastes in
the locality.

Republic Act No. 9275 or the Clean Water Act of 2004

The available clean and safe drinking water are decreasing in such a rapid
rate which presents a big problem to the water resources of any given
locality. The Clean Water Act of 2004 provided legal mandates to protect,
preserve, rehabilitate and monitor di昀昀erent kinds of waters in the country.
This is further strengthened by DAO 2016-08 which provides water quality
standards for the country.

Presidential Decree 1067 or the Water Code of the


Unlike the Clean Water Act, PD 1067 aims to guide managers and
stakeholders in establishing principles and frameworks for the utilization,
allocation, conservation and protection of water resources of the country.
They took it further by specifying the rights of water owners and users in
relation to their water utilization.

Republic Act 10654

The updated Fisheries Code of the Philippines provides mandates for the
LGUs in their utilization of their 昀椀shery resources. This law guides the
formation of local Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils

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(FARMCs) in the respective LGUs. This is the organized group who also
manages the agricultural and 昀椀shery sector in a local government unit.
This law also provides the framework in establishing municipally-declared
marine protected area for LGUs.

Republic Act No. 9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009

Tourism has been an increasing industry in the Philippines. In order to

regulate and control the use of land and water resources for tourism, a
law that contains guidelines on tourism areas and activities should be
established. Thus, the Tourism Act of 2009 provides mandates in
achieving ecologically sustainable, economically-viable, and socially
equitable tourism sector for the country. Through this law, a tourism
development plan shall be prepared by the local government unit which
will serve as the basis for implementing tourism-related activities.

Republic Act 9729 or the Climate Change Act of 2009

The increasing intensity and occurrence of disasters calls for a uni昀椀ed law
in which climate change shall be mainstreamed. The Climate Change Act
of 2009 assigned the local government and barangay units as the
frontline agencies in tackling climate change action and activities in their
respective localities. In addition, climate adaptation became a necessity to
be mainstreamed in any planning activities.

Republic Act 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Act of 2010

The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010

required LGUs in mainstreaming their CCA/DRR into their local plans. In
doing so, increased adaptation, resiliency and mitigation can be slowly
achieved. This law also provided guidelines in the formulation of the local
DRR council. The council shall be the ones to approve, monitor and
evaluate the implementation of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan. They will also ensure that CCA/DRR are mainstreamed
into their local plans.
National Framework for Physical Planning 2001-2030

The National Framework for Physical Planning 2001-2030 embodies the

overall goal of the country’s development track. At the national level, the
guiding principles that shall be considered includes food security,
environmental stability, ecological integrity, rational urban development,
spatial integration, equitable access to resources, strengthening of
private-public sector partnership, increased people empowerment,

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recognition of rights of our Indigenous Peoples, and encourage and adopt

the interplay of market forces.

Regional Physical Framework Plan 2004 – 2030

CALABARZON plays a key role in national economic growth and

development in addition to NCR and Central Luzon. Its proximity to Metro
Manila is an advantage for foreign direct investments. The development
opportunities of the region are as follows:

 Modern and strategic port interchanges

 Well-developed and ecologically friendly industrial core
 Competitive agriculture production
 High quality educational institutions and human capital
 Firmed-up Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) road
 Abundance of freshwater lakes
 Unique tourism sites
 Available areas for expansion
 Modern transportation system

The Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan 2014

- 2022

The Province of Batangas serves as one of the nationally and

internationally recognized gateway of the country. Gearing towards the
development of its industry, agriculture and ecotourism, the Province of
Batangas strengthens its key sectors from its municipalities to achieve its
overall goal for the municipality. To further develop and enhance the
inherent advantages of the province, spatial strategies and functional
roles of each of the municipalities comprising Batangas province were
identi昀椀ed and served as their respective development thrusts.

Major Development Programs

In order to attain the vision, goals, and objectives of the
Municipality, the following major development programs are proposed
which should be re昀氀ected in the Comprehensive Development Plan of the
Municipality. Through investment programming activities, various issues,
sectoral needs and other requirements essential to addressing challenges
and hindrances can be identi昀椀ed. The summary of proposed development
programs along with their respective budgetary requirements are shown

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Table 13. Summary of Proposed Development Programs

Total Budgetary Requirement (PhP '000)
Sector 2017 - 2019 2020 - 2022 2023- 2026 Total
Environment 376,451 287,935 57,326 721,711
Social 196,449 50,444 37,888 284,781
Education 44,410 10,380 13,840 68,630
Health and Nutrition 26,552 6,948 5,316 38,815
Social Welfare and Development 47,899 1,538 2,010 51,446
Shelter (Housing) 57,610 16,660 2,260 76,530
Public Order 15,129 10,269 11,612 37,010
Sports and Recreation 4,850 4,650 2,850 12,350
Economic 21,163 6,072 7,812 35,047
Agriculture 12,089 3,719 4,858 20,666
Tourism 6,554 1,653 2,204 10,411
Commerce and Industry 2,520 700 750 3,970
Infrastructure 2,029,051 502,147 43,396 2,574,594
Economic Support Infrastructure 1,771,551 499,447 43,396 2,314,394
Social Support Infrastructure 107,500 2,700 - 110,200
Public Administration Support 150,000 - - 150,000
Institutional 87,938 26,835 29,290 144,063
Organization and Management 37,338 19,325 17,370 74,033
Fiscal Management 20,124 7,300 11,700 39,124
Legislative, Transparency and Program Management 29,626 50 50 29,726
LGU-CSO Private Linkages 850 160 170 1,180
TOTAL 2,711,052 873,432 175,712 3,760,196

The following are the priority list of programs/project per sector based on
urgency and impact to the community:

Environment Sector

 Enhancement of Biodiversity Integrity Monitoring System (BIMS)

and Development of integrated management of conservation
and/or protection areas in Calatagan
 Strengthen current conservation programs (mangroves, MPA,
 Upland and Urban Reforestation Projects
 Strengthening Solid Waste Management systems
 Increasing resilience to climate change impacts

Social Sector

Education Sector
 Provision of scholarship programs
 Improvement of facilities and equipment
Health Sector
 Distribution of sanitary toilets
 Enhancement of reproductive health program
 Expansion of medical services and supplies
 Adoption of i-clinic system

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Housing Sector
 Development of a shelter plan
 Provision of socialized housing program
Protective Sector
 Preparation of disaster resilient community programs
 Intensi昀椀ed protective services
Sports and Recreation Sector
 Establishment of open spaces and play昀椀elds

Economic Sector

Agriculture Sector
 Promotion of climate-resilient agriculture and 昀椀sheries program
Commerce and Trade Sector
 Promotion of commerce and trade programs
Industry Sector
 Encouraging industry support and development
Tourism Sector
 Formulation of the municipal tourism plan

Infrastructure Sector

Transportation Sector
 Improvement of transportation system
 Development of inter-island marine transportation route
Water Sector
 Improvement of waterworks system
Information and Communication Technology Sector
 Improvement of communication facilities

Institutional Sector

 Improvement of internal administrative systems

 Revenue generation
 Participatory development

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Table 14. Major Development Programs for Environment Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Goal: To conserve, protect and rehabilitate the natural resources (land, coastal and biodiversity) of Calatagan.
Objective: To ensure efficient allocation of land, and ensure land productivity (agricultural production) is not compromised
Strategies: Improve efficient use of land and ensure high land productivity
Protect soil resources from degradation
Land Use and Land
Monitoring of Land Use MPDO,
Productivity Monitoring 288 376 200 320 315 315 395 350 300
changes (ha/year) MENRO
Monitor rate of change in
industrial land use MPDO,
(ha/year), against MENRO
allowed/prescribed 1
Monitor % of total land area 864 ,045 2,860
occupied by informal
Determine informal settler
density (informal
settlers/total population)
Determine land productivity
MPDO, MAO 288 376 200 320 315 315 395 350 300
Determine ratio of upland
devoted to agriculture over
total upland area (in
Determine extent of area
devoted to agriculture in MPDO, MAO
percent of A&D
Determine areas under IPM ,045
relative to total cropland (in MPDO, MAO 864 950 2,860
Soil and soil productivity Determine extent of
assessment problem soils (hectarage)
as percent of total land
Determine erosion rates by
land use (mm/year)
Determine area distribution MAO

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










of erosion/degradation
classes as percent of total
land area
Determine extent of soil
conservation (area
coverage) as percent of
eroded/degraded soils
Objective: Ensure environmental integrity even with the operation of quarry/mining projects and other pollutive industries in Calatagan
Strategy: Establish Environmental Safeguards to mining and other pollutive/critical projects
Inventory and 950
Monitoring of Minerals (Desk research) Estimates
and Mining/Quarry of mineral deposits, by type MENRO 288 376 200 320 315 315 400 225 225 864 950 2,765
Permits of minerals in metric tons

Ensure all active

extractions have permits by
(desk) monitoring of
permits issuance (from
other NGA/Provl Quarry
(Desk) Monitoring of
extraction rate against MENRO
permits issued
Assessment of types of Determine baseline data of
industries to be located industries and types, MENRO
in Calatagan located in Calatagan
MPDC and BPLO to
coordinate with MENRO
and ensure proposed sites
of new industries are
suitable, given
environmental impacts to
current site conditions.
Ensure high Identify the number of MENRO
environmental environment-related
compliance of all complaints due to mining
located industries and other pollutive/critical

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Identify the incidence of
illness due to mining MENRO
operations per year
Determine the hectarage
disturbed by mining as
percent of total mineralized
Determine the ratio of
mining incidents and
accidents to total no. of
mining industry workers
Establish and activate
Multipartite Monitoring
Team (MMT) for industries
projects (ECPs)
Report to concerned NGA,
of non-compliance
Suspend, cease operations
of non-complying MENRO
industries, as necessary
Objective: To improve the environmental condition and integrity of fragile ecosystems, proclaimed protected/ conservation areas and the biodiversity contained therein.

Strategy: Enhance local biodiversity and ensure integrity and sustainability of conservation and/or protection areas in Calatagan
Enhancement of BIMS Determine proportion of
and Development of ecosystem area highly
integrated management threatened species over MENRO 288 376 200 239 239 235 400 300 250 864 713 950 2,527
of conservation and/or total number of known
protection areas in species
Calatagan Identification of endemic
and threatened species MENRO
found in Calatagan
Determination of number of MENRO
exotic species introduced
over total number of

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Determination of Species
diversity index
Determination of Number of
conservation programs MENRO
implemented per five years
Identification of Critical
habitat/areas restored in MENRO
Regularly monitor diversity
(number and types) of
identified endemic and
threatened species
Assign a dedicated staff
under MENRO and/or MENRO
Tourism for the BIMS
Regulated use and Determination of maximum
occupancy in protection number of visitors in fragile
and conservation areas ecosystems (i.e.: MENRO, MTO 288 376 200 216 216 216 216 216 216
mangroves, MPA) in a
given period time
Monitoring of visitors, vis-a-
vis carrying capacity of 864 648 648 2,160
fragile ecosystems that
serve also as eco-tourism
areas (Number of visitors in
protected areas per year)
Removal of illegal Identify total number of
settlers within households (formal and
protection/ conservation informal) per square km. of MSWDO 288 376 200 216 216 216 216 216 216
area protection/conservation
Determine and/or eradicate 864 648 648 2,160
(current) illegal settlements
and disallow occupancy of MSWDO
new settlers in protection or
conservation areas

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Strengthen current
conservation programs Identification of
(mangroves, MPA, etc.) conservation areas that are
exposed to high threats
MENRO 0 0 0
(settlements encroachment,
unsustainable resource
extraction, etc.)

Continuous implementation
of Mangrove Conservation
MENRO 100 50 50 70 70 80 80 80 82 200 220 242
Projects and Reforestation
Boundary Delineation and
Markings of protection and MENRO 50 55 60.5 50 55 61
conservation areas
Identify critical 1,145
habitat/areas restored in MENRO
Establish targets on habitat
size restored/ rehabilitated MENRO
per year
0 0 0
Identify number of
conservation programs MENRO
implemented per five years
Ensure minimal percent of
protected areas converted MENRO
to other uses
Devt and continuous IEC
campaign on Environment MENRO 30 30 40 35 35 38 35 35 40 100 108 110
Code of Calatagan
Increase forest/ Determine Loss of Forest MENRO 288 376 200 216 216 216 216 216 216
vegetation cover (vegetative cover); Change
in stock of forestry 864 648 648 2,660
resources: dipterocarp, tree
plantation, mangroves,
non-timber forest products
(NTFP) (ha/year)

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Determine total vegetation-
covered area, vs total land MENRO
area (%)
Tree planting (upland and/
MENRO 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
or urban reforestation)* 200 150 150
Decrease rate of soil Determine soil erosion in
erosion MENRO
upland areas (mm/year) - - -
Determine areas priority for
reforestation for soil erosion MENRO
control - - -
*Tree planting (upland and/
or urban reforestation) - - -
Mangrove rehabilitation Restore and rehabilitate of
damaged, abandoned and
MENRO 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 50 50
demolished mangrove 400 300 200 900
Upland and Urban
Reforestation Projects Identify areas for
reforestation, tree planting - - -

Establish reforestation
MENRO 400 300 300 100 100 100 100 50 50
areas (urban and upland) 1,000 300 200
Incorporate tree planting as 1,500
a requirement to various
socio-civic activities
(marriage applications, - - -
graduation, civil service,
Greening Program
Backyard gardening MENRO 250
Rural Urban Greening
MENRO 100 600
(Fruit Trees) 100
Rehabilitation / Repair of
MEO 250
Parks and Plazas

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Natural resources Garbage collected regularly
services from households in different
barangays. 1000 trees
planted. Environment 295 295
cleanliness and sanitation
Objective: To improve the environmental quality of fresh waterbodies in Calatagan.
Strategies: Control sources of pollution (effluents from point sources: industries and settlements)
Control sources of pollution (runoff and other soil pollution sources) and sedimentation from erosion
Monitoring of quality of Determine rating of the
freshwater bodies general condition of
freshwater body, latest (IF
water resource is being
monitored by DENR), if not, MENRO 288 376 200 240 312 312 240 312 312
determine if polluted/not

Determine concentration of
water pollutants in selected MENRO
water bodies (various units)
864 713 713 2,290
Identify effluents by source
(various units)
Determine concentration of
water pollutants in selected MENRO
water bodies (various units)
Determine current number
of licensed abstractors and
volume of abstraction in
mcm per annum
Control sources of Determine number of
pollution households living in
waterways without access
MSWDO, Brgys - - - 17,000
to sanitary toilet and clear
waterways of settlements.

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Provide toilet facilities,
including septic tanks to
constituents that still has MSWDO 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
no access to sanitary 800 600 600
Strictly require all
establishments, including
government facilities to
install wastewater
MENRO, MEO 5000 5000 5000
treatment facilities, 15,000 - -
including, but not limited to:
Municipal Hall, Public
Markets, hospital, etc.
Report to concerned NGA,
projects/proponents re: MENRO
non-compliance - - -
Suspend, cease operations
of non-complying MENRO
industries, as necessary - - -
Watershed and rivers Regular clean up /
vegetative cover Waterways clean-up (Adopt MENRO
restoration and Estero Program)
maintenance Individual/joint geodetic
survey of rivers with MENRO 2,500
disputed boundaries 2,500 - -
Tree Planting along the 3,655
MENRO 100 50 50 225 330
river bank 400 225 330

Rehabilitation of Ilog
Santiago 200 - -

Objective: To maintain good air quality in Calatagan for the protection of health and/or public welfare

Strategy: Establish monitoring and preventive approaches to mitigating air pollution from industries and other sources.

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Monitoring of ambient
air quality near
industrial sites
Determine baseline
ambient pollution level at MENRO 20 22 24
selected sites 20 22 24 66

Mitigating pollution from Determine sources of

sources pollution (industries) and
levels of emissions per
source. MENRO to obtain MENRO
duplicate copy of reports, to - - -
show compliance to
Report to concerned NGA,
of non-compliance - - -
Suspend, cease operations
MENRO, Office
of non-complying
of the Mayor - - -
industries, as necessary
Require establishment of
buffers (buffer zone/s ire
greenbelts) from high - - -
intensity industries

Compel poultry and

livestock projects to install
and apply appropriate
technologies to abate odor, MENRO
such as but not limited to - - -
manure management,
biogas, buffer zones.

Objective: Improve the waste disposal system in the Municipality and ensure effective implementation of RA 9003 and RA 6969, specifically on cleanliness, orderliness, waste reduction and waste diversion

Strategy: Control sources of toxic and hazardous pollution from both municipal and industrial sources

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Strengthen SWM
Review and revision of
SWM ordinance - - -
Amendments of the SWM
Ordinance - - -
Approval of the 10 year
SWM Plan - - -
Formulation of Brgy. SWM
Plan - - -
Adoption of the SWM Plan
both at the Brgy and MENRO
Municipal levels - - -
Orientation/training of
SWM Board on SWM plan MENRO 50
and programs 50 - -
Orientation/seminar of
Brgy. SWM Committees on
SWM policies, plan & 116,829
50 - -
Leadership and Values
Formation training of Brgy. MENRO
Launching of Amended
SWM Ordinance thru
awareness MENRO 100 100 200
caravan/motorcade in all
barangays and schools

Orientation and information,

education campaign on
SWM in all schools, MENRO 100 100 200
barangays, institutions and
sectoral organizations

Launching of Amended
SWM Ordinance thru MENRO

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










caravan/motorcade in all
barangays and schools
Installation of signages in
strategic areas, showing
MENRO 500 50 500
proper waste segregation
and disposal practices
Purchase and distribution 50 50 100
of color coded trash MENRO
Purchase of new Garbage
MENRO 500 - -
trucks 6,000
Purchase of mini garbage
truck to support the SWM in MENRO 12500 12500 12500 - -
25 brgys implementation
Repair and Maintenance of
2,75 4,00 8 1
current servicing Garbage MENRO 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,750 2,750 3,000 3,000
0 0 7,500 ,250 1,000
Hiring of Environment &
MENRO 216 216 216 240 230 243 300 300 350
Sanitary Services staff 648 713 950
Organization/Deputation of 2,97 3,96 1
MENRO 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,970 2,970 3,960 3,960
Bantay Kalinisan 0 0 8,100 8,910 1,880
Establishment of Public
Market-based MRF (piloting
of waste reduction at MENRO 500
source through proper 500 - -
segregation and recycling)
Implement dumpsite soil
1,32 1,76 3 5,
cover / Remediation of MENRO 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,320 1,320 1,760 1,760
0 0 3,600 ,960 280
current dumpsite

Conduct Annual Search for

MENRO 100 100 100 100 100 130 150 150 140
the Cleanest Barangay 300 330 440

Conduct of Annual Search

MENRO 25 25 25 30 25 28 40 30 40
for the Best Idol ko si Kapt 75 83 110

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Establishment of Secure a location that is
Sanitary Land Fill technically and
environmentally suited for 500 - -
the purpose (SLF)

Secure approval by SB and

MENRO 3,000
LCE, and secure funds 3,000 - - 64,980
Establishment of the SLF MENRO 20,000 20,000
0,000 - -
2,64 3,52 7 10
Operation of SLF MENRO 3,000 2,640 2,640 3,520 3,520
0 0 3,000 ,920 ,560
Rehabilitation of
Sanitary Landfill and
MRF Purchase of dump truck MEO 7,200
7,200 7,200

Other SWM Conduct relevant studies

Approaches MENRO
on SWM in the Municipality - - -
Study alternative
agricultural/solid waste MENRO, MAO
management - - -
IEC support for the 300
implementation of
applicable agricultural solid MAO 45 45 30 30 30 40 40 40
waste management 90 90 120
Establish Hazardous
Waste Management Compel designation of
(HWM) programs in PCOs in all establishments MENRO, BPLO
Calatagan (government and private) - - -

Improve old practice of

construction of Septic Vault 700
Project for Toxic and MENRO, MHO
Hazardous Waste, to one (Sani dad) - - -
that is acceptable and
prescribed by DENR

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Orientation and information,
education campaign on
HWM in all schools, MENRO 50 25 25 25 25
barangays, institutions and 50 50 50
sectoral organizations

Installation of signages in
strategic areas, showing
MENRO 100 50 50 50 50
proper waste segregation 100 100 100
and disposal practices
Launching of Amended
SWM Ordinance thru
caravan/motorcade in all 50 - -
barangays and schools, to
include HW
Get services of accredited
Treatment, Storage and
Disposal (TSD) contractor MENRO 30 30 20 20 20 30 30 20
for hauling of hazardous 60 60 80
Objective: To decrease vulnerabilities to disasters and increase resilience against impacts of climate change.
Strategies: Decrease exposure to climate-induced hazards
Increase the awareness of the residents with regards to disaster preparedness
Increasing resilience to Protect current stands of
climate change impacts mangroves
Mangrove reforestation MENRO, BFAR 0 0 0
Review, update and
institutionalize VA into each
MDRRMO 0 0 0
department's work and
financial plans

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Climate proofing of all local
facilities and buildings
(schools, brgy centers, etc.)
// Retrofitting of the public
schools and municipality’s,
barangay halls, health
centers, gyms, multi-
purpose halls, day care
centers, public market, MDRRMO, 1,00 1,00
1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
offices etc. With proper MEO 0 0
4,000 3,000 3,000
ventilation system through
low cost design and
construction technologies
(i.e. higher
headroom/ceiling, wider
windows, proper sitting
against sun orientation,
sunscreen insulation, etc.)
Climate proof evacuation
Reduce or completely
remove structures in 300 300 200 800
danger zones
Reduce or completely
remove structures in 300 300 200 800
danger zones
Enactment of Municipal
ordinance on rainwater 0 0 0
Advocacy on climate-
responsive agriculture and
fisheries (adoption of
applicable crop varieties, MAO 0 0 0
crop rotation and other
relevant farming

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Prioritization of
1,40 1,64
emergency tools and MDRRMO 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,600 4,000 4,400 4,840
0 0
equipment for extreme
climate events

Emission mitigation Tree planting/upland

MENRO 20 20 10 20 20 10 20 20 10 50 50 50
Study use of solar energy
as a renewal energy source
MENRO 0 0 0
for land transportation
(especially tricycle)
DRRM services 3,936 3,936 4,330

Implementation of flood MEO

and erosion control projects
such as rehabilitation and
construction of drainage
systems, de-silting of rivers,
de-clogging of canals 3,873 3,873 4,260
(incorporate climate change
& climate variability in 461,270
design standards for flood
control and drainage
relief and recovery projects MEO/MDRRMO 500 550 500 550
Preparedness and MDRRMO
400 440 400 440
mitigation projects
Flood control and retaining MEO
2,392 2,739 2,392 2,739
Relief good and disaster MDRRMO,
MSWD, MEO, 2,500 2,750 2,500 2,750
supply and equipment

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total
Term) Term) Term)










Flood Control projects PEO/DPHW 206,000 226,600 206,000 226,600
Sub-total 376,451 287,935 57,326
TOTAL 721,711
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the LGU
which need not investment funding

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Table 15. Major Development Programs for Education Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total










Term) Term) Term)

Goal: To provide the basic quality education to constituents of Calatagan
Objective: To enrich local education at par with global standards by fully implementing the K-12 Program in all schools by 2019
Strategy: Enhancing the K-12 Program
K-12 Program Enhancement Convert the Brigada
Eskwela Structure to DepEd; PTA 20 20
support the K to 12
Launching of information
awareness campaign and
help desk regarding K-12
Budget, OM, 75 75 50 50 50 50 75 75 50 200 150 200
program in order to gain
support from different
Provision of instructional
tools and devices for 300 300 200 200 200 200 300 300 200 800 600 800
effective teaching

Coordination with private

sectors for work
Private 4,420
Immersion among Grade
12 students

Educational Assistance
(provision of tuition and
miscellaneous fees) to DepEd,
150 150 100 100 100 100 150 150 100 400 300 400
talented students Budget
particularly in Senior High
School level
Hiring of additional
teachers for senior high DepEd
Continuous enhancement
of the capacity of DepEd,
50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
elementary and high Budget
school teachers
Objective: To provide access to complete basic education to all residents of Calatagan regardless of its social and economic situation
Strategies: Provision of scholarship to purse tertiary education
Enhancing the knowledge and skills of out of school youth and elderly

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total










Term) Term) Term)

Scholarship Program Provision of scholarship

DepEd, 2,00 2,00
fund to pursue tertiary 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 8,000 6,000 8,000
Budget 0 0
education 22,000
Enactment of scholarship
Skills and knowledge Enhancement Enhancing the capacity of
Program DepEd,
ALS facilitators (mobile 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
Promote other modes of
instruction such as radio- DepEd,
200 150 200 200 150 200
based instruction or Budget
internet-based instruction
Adopt the Adolescent
Friendly Literacy DepEd,
400 300 340 260 260 260 300 400 340 1040 780 1040
Enhancement Project Budget
Provide support to 4,510
students to pursue higher DepEd,
education or look for work PESO
Establishment of
DepEd, MEO,
Learning Center within 500 500
the locality
Development of
DepEd 20 30 50
Competence Module
Identification of volunteer
teachers/facilitator for the DepEd
learning center
Objective: To upgrade the educational facilities with the modern day tools and equipment for learnings

Strategies: Improvement of school facilities

Increase the quality of education services

Improvement of facilities and
equipment program Inventory and status of
DepEd, MEO
building and facilities

Sourcing of funds for 37,700

DepEd, MO
different school facilities
Renovation of school
DepEd, MEO 10,000 10,000 20,000

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Total Total Total
(Short (Medium (Long Total










Term) Term) Term)

Provision of high rise

DepEd 4,000 6,000 10,000
building (2 to 3 storey)

Provision of instructional
DepEd 300 200 300 200 200 200 300 200 300 800 600 800
tools and devices

Scheduling of classes in
schools where there is DepEd
inadequate classrooms

Support the sports and

athletic and other DepEd 500 500 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 2,000 1,500 2,000
curricular activities

Active participation of the

Local School Board in the
implementation of DepEd
educational plans,
programs and activities.
Sub-total 44,410 10,380 13,840
TOTAL 68,630
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the LGU
which need not investment funding

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Table 16. Major Development Programs for Health and Nutrition Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000


Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total


Goal: Improve health service delivery in relation to the local government unit scorecard
Objective: To increase the number of household with sanitary toilet facility
Strategy: Distribution of Sanitary Toilets
Distribution of Sanitary Toilets Procurement and
distribution of toilet bowls
and some construction
DOH. PHO, 400 1,000 1,000 300 700 1,000 500 500 500 2,400 2,000 1,500
materials to 20% of
indigent families without
sanitary toilet 8,052
Awareness campaign on
MHO 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 200 150 200
the proper waste disposal
Repair of Toilet and Water
MEO 484 532.4 585.64 484 532 586
Objective: To provide basic health services
Strategy: Improve health facilities and infrastructures
Health Care Development
Program/ Purchase medical
MHO 500 550 500 550
supplies and services

Maternal, Neonatal, Child

Health and Nutrition 5,720
Program / Health and MHO 545 599.5 545 599.5
Nutrition Program / Health
Cough Caravan Program MO/MHO/MTO 12 13.2 12 13
Purchase of Ambulance PHO/MHO 3,500 3,500
Objective: To decrease the incidence of vector borne diseases like dengue, chikungunya, etc. and its complications
Strategies: Health education on vector borne diseases
Fumigation and misting
Prevention of vector borne
Continuous health MHO, RHU,
education on vector borne DOH, Barangay 50 75 75 50 50 50 75 75 50 200 150 200 600
disease prevention. LGU, PHO

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000


Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Elimination of mosquito
breading grounds and
misting to areas with MHO 50 50
clustering occurrence of
vector borne diseases.

Aggressive detection and

management of identified MHO
vector borne diseases

Objective: To increase the percentage of facility based deliveries by 100%

Strategy: Enhancing the reproductive health program and facilities

Enhancement of Reproductive
Health Program Continuous health
teaching to females in the
reproductive age group by MHO
reinforcing prenatal

Hiring of additional health 50

staff that will man the
health facility and train all
health staff in basic
emergency maternal
obstetric and newborn
Training of midwives MHO 50 50
Objective: To expand medical services
Strategy: Conduct of different outreach activities
Expansion of medical services MHO, RHU,
Conduct of Cough
and medication Budget, DOH, 255 225
Procurement/provision of
TB medicines for adult MHO, DOH 300 300 200 200 200 200 300 200 300 800 600 800 14,921
and children
Facilitation medical and
Private 200 200 200 50 150 200 200 200 200 600 450 600
dental mission.

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000


Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Procure and provide

ample supply of vaccines
for preventable diseases, MHO 200 500 500 750 1,200 750
vit a and epi supplies and
for medical missions
Establishment of botika ng BFAD,
2,000 2,000
barangay Community
Request the provincial
hospital to assigned
skilled medical personnel
such as pharmacist, MHO, PHO,
medical technologists, DOH, HRMO
microscopist and
pathologist to the public
municipal hospital
Medical / Dental / Optical
Mission 150 150
Objective: To improve medical data collection and recording thru electronic system
Strategy: Adoption of medical data recording system

Hiring of IT personnel and MHO, HRMO,

encoder Budget
Training of health staff for
MHO 50 50
computer literacy.
Adoption of iclinic system Adoption of easy access 150
medical data recording
(iclinic sys), including 100 100
procurement of hardware
and software
Objective: To improve nutritional status of infant and child 0-71 months of age by 100%
Strategy: Adoption of Millennium Development Goal Fund Program
Feeding program. MHO 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 75 75 200 150 200
Millennium Development Goal Hiring of MNAO MHO 148 150 250 148 150 148 130 100 500 548 548 730 2,375
Fund Program Formation of peer
counsellors for nutrition
Objective: To maintain 1% blood collection as to population ratio
Strategy: Enhancing the blood donation program

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000


Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Blood donation program Regular MBD and

continuous campaign for MHO 75 50 75 50 50 50 50 75 75 200 150 200
donor encouragement
Procurement of MBD
MHO, Budget 100 100 200
materials (medicine, beds) 1,155
Conduct training on blood
MHO 100 50 50 100 100 100 100
donor recruitment
Mass Blood Donation
MHO/PHO/PRC 50 55 50 55
Objective: To prevent re-emergence of human rabies in the municipality
Strategy: Enhancing the anti-rabies program
Anti-rabies program Continuous health
education in rabies
MHO 50 75 75 50 50 50 75 50 75 200 150 200 2,086
prevention and first aid
Procurement/provision of
MHO 500 500 1,000
immunoglobulins and
other medical supplies.
Coordination to municipal
agriculturist regarding MHO
animal rabies vaccination.
Dog Impounding MAO 536 536
Objective: To provide health support services
Strategies: Improve health services
Health Services Program Maternal & Child Health
Care. Routine,
Immunization, Dental
Program, Laboratory,
Services, Rabies
Prevention Advocacy,
RHU 10,442 10,452 10,452
Environment & Sanitation,
Medical & Dental , Out-
reach Programs
implemented, and PPA's
of PHO and DOH
Sub-total 26,552 6,948 5,316
TOTAL 38,815
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Table 17. Major Development Programs for Social Welfare Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total


Objective: To improve social welfare and services
Strategies: Strengthen social welfare service and development programs
Social General Management &
Welfare and supervision of staff and programs
Developmen of Municipal MSWD office. Social
t Services Welfare measures, plans and
strategies formulated and
implemented. Immediate relief
and assistance in the after- math 10,066 10,066 20,132
of man-made and natural
disaster and calamities be in
frontline services delivered

Senior Honorarium, Donations, Other MSWDO/OSCA

Citizen Supplies, Office Supplies,
Welfare Travelling/Training Expenses, 1,755 1,755 3,510
Other MOOE and Prizes funded

Multi- Construction and Rehabilitation

purpose Hall of Multipurpose Hall 30,750 30,750 61,500
Objective: To provide gender and development services
Strategies: Strengthen gender and development program
Donation/Cash Assistance
Mayor/MSWDO 500 500
Strengthening the Youth
Capacity Development Program
MSWDO 50 50 4,700
for Women
Gender-sensitivity Seminars and
CMO/PNP 100 100
Women's Desk
Celebration of the Women's
MSWDO 150 150

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Gender-based violence MO/MSWDO 50 50

Strengthening rights as PWDs MSWDO 150 150

Provision of women/men-friendly
MSWDO 50 50
livelihood and activities

MSWDO 100 100

Sports League and Competition MO 1,000 1,000

Children's Month Celebration MSWDO 150 150

Goal: To provide social protection and promote the rights and welfare of the poor, vulnerable and the disadvantaged individual, family and community to contribute the poverty alleviation and
empowerment through SWD policies, programs, projects and services implemented
Objective: Define the needs and formulating solutions as well as setting up viable community welfare structures to bring about desirable changes

Strategy: Develop the capacity of the capacity of the staff of the MSWDO and its partner and the system of the organization in order to

Additional staff preferably

registered social worker for the MSWDO,
137 137 137 137 183 183 183 243 243 243 547.5 547.5 730
implementation of programs and HRMO, Budget
Identification and training of
MSWDO 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 50 50 50
Capacity Orientation of volunteers for the
development implementation of programs and MSWDO 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 20 20 20 24,925
program services
Staff development (participation
in different trainings, seminars, MSWDO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 133 133 133 400 300 400

Organization and strengthening

MSWDO 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 50 50 50
of sectoral groups

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Strengthening of different
MSWDO 38 38 38 38 - - - - - - 150
councils like: MNC, BCPC, etc.

Monitoring and supervision of

MSWDO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 13 40 30 40
volunteers especially CDWs

Monitoring and supervision of

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino MSWDO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 13 40 30 40

Monitoring and supervision of

MSWDO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 13 40 30 40

Monitoring and supervision of

MSWDO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 13 40 30 40
SFP Feeding Center

Preparation of social case study

MSWDO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 13 40 30 40
report, certificate of indigencies

Request for the provision of

service vehicles, supplies and MSWDO, Budget 250 250 250 250 1000
equipment (e.g. laptop)
Objective: To improve and expand the social welfare services provided by the Municipality
Strategies: Expanding social welfare services by providing social services aside from the regular programs and conducting outreach activities
Provision of additional funding for the social welfare services

Social preparation MSWDO 40 30 40 550

Expanded Counselling MSWDO 40 30 40 550

services Family case conference MSWDO 40 30 40 550

Information dissemination MSWDO 200 150 200 2,750

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Home visits MSWDO 40 30 40 550

Adoption of
Coordination/Networking/Referral MSWDO 0
Conduct of meetings/trainings
specific to targeted vulnerable MSWDO 200 150 200 2,750
Sub-total 47,899 1,538 2,010
TOTAL 51,446
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Table 18. Major Development Programs for Housing Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Goal: To provide land for the landless and a decent home for homeless and average earners
Objective: To provide socialized housing to the indigent homeless families of the municipalities
Strategies: Formulation of Shelter Plan
Provision of socialized housing
Shelter Plan Development Formulation of the
200 200
Municipality's Shelter Plan MPDC, MEO
Socialized Housing Program Identification of project 50
beneficiary MPDC
Determination of budget
allocation by coordinating
with National Housing 50 50
Agency and appropriation of MPDC, SB,
funds for socialized housing Budget, NHA
Acquisition of land for 15,140
15,000 15,000
socialized housing MPDC, Budget
Coordination with NHA for
the implementation of 20 20
socialized housing MPDC, NHA
Coordination with different
utility companies for the MPDC, Batelec, 20
installation basic utilities MEO
Objective: To assist the least 31% of the households which do not have their own housing units
Strategy: Identification of relocation sites and provision of affordable housing
Housing Support Program 6,030
Provide seminars and
assistance on how to avail to
different housing programs of 100 25 25 100 100 50 100
the government and MPDC, Pag-ibig,
financing institutions for Commercial
availing housing loans Banks, SHFC
Allocation of funds for the MPDC, MSWDO, 500 500 1,000 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 2000 1500 2000
housing assistance MDRRMO
particularly during

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Coordination with different

developers and contractors
who are willing to provide low
cost housing MPDC 10 10 10
Tap different government
programs such as Pag-ibig
Fund's housing Program and
Social Housing Finance 100 25 25 100 100 50 100
Corporation (SHFC)
Localized Community
Mortgage Program (CMP) MPDC, Pag-ibig,
Objective: To relocate families who are informal settlers and living hazardous areas
Strategy: Identification of relocation sites and provision of affordable housing
Identification of resettlement areas Identify suitable
living in hazardous areas and relocation/resettlement areas
victims of calamities 10 10
for families living hazardous
areas MPDC
Acquisition of land as 5,000 5,000
resettlement areas MPDC
Relocate settlements through
core shelter assistance of 30000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 35,000 15,000
DSWD for indigent families MPDC, MSWDO
Assist in availing for the
calamity fund provided by 50 15 15 20 15 15 20 50 50 50
Sub-total 57,610 16,660 2,260
TOTAL 76,530
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 19. Major Development Programs for Protective Services Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in
'000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Responsible Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Program Projects/Activities term Term term










Total Total Total

Goal: To ensure the Safety and Security of the populace and to make Calatagan a safer place to live
Objective: To achieve zero crime incidence.
Strategies: Educate and disseminate the existing ordinances and memo circular
Installation of CCTV's on busy streets and junction
Intensified protective services
To educate and disseminate
to the community the existing PNP; SB,
50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
ordinances and memorandum MPOC, MO

Installation of CCTV to place

of convergence, junctions and 100 100 200
busy streets
Request 24 more police force
to achieve 1:1,000 police- PNP
population ratio
Strong coordination with
barangay officials/tanods to 22,392
help monitor the peace and
Barangay LGU
order of the whole
Provision of funds for
barangay security for the PNP, SB, MO, 1,00
500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
needed equipment and Barangay LGU 0
Checkpoint operation PNP
Police services Mayor, PNP 2,070 2,277 2,070 2,277 2,505
Traffic Management Services Mayor 1,562 1,718 1,562 1,718 1,890
Purchase of Barangay Patrol PHO/MHO 2,000 2,200 2,000 2,200 2,420
Objective: To achieve a drug free Calatagan thru our anti-criminality programs

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in

'000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Responsible Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Program Projects/Activities term Term term










Total Total Total

Strategies: Continuous buy-bust operation

Implementation of search warrant per month
Reactivation of the use of based radios in all barangays
Anti-criminality program
Continuous conduct of buy
PNP 50 50 50 75 75 50 75 75 50 150 200 200
bust operation

PNP, Municipal
Serving of warrant of arrest 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 150 150

Procurement of based radios

PNP, 2,160
for all barangay and
Barangay 100 150 200 100 150 200
reactivation the use of radio

Revitalization Of Municipal
Mayor, PNP,
Anti-Drug Abuse Council 760 760

Goal: To ensure a fire safety Calatagan

Objective: To prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes, enforce fire code and other related laws, respond to man-made and natural disasters and other emergencies
Strategies: Intensification of fire fighting force capacity
Provision of needed firefighting apparatus/equipment
Fire prevention education
Intensified fire protection services Additional personnel for
information dissemination to BFP
the public
Request 17 more fire force to
BFP; National
achieve 1:2,000 firemen-
population ratio 5,868
One unserviceable fire truck
for repair and request for BFP 100 100
preventive maintenance
Request for fire hydrants for
BFP 500 500
water supply

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in

'000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Responsible Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Program Projects/Activities term Term term










Total Total Total

Procurement of equipment BFP; National 2,00

345 2,345
and firefighting apparatus Govt 0
Activation of 911 hotline BFP; PNP;
(Active) National Govt
Information dissemination of BFP;
fire safety and disaster MDRRMO, 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 200 150 200
preparedness PNP
Coordination with the LGU
with regards to processing of BFP; BPLOM
business permit and PNP, BIR
occupancy permit
Enforcement of Bantay Dagat Mayor 186 205 225 186 205 225
Cash Assistance for
Mayor 531 584 643 531 584 643
barangay Tanod
Goal: To establish a disaster –resilient municipality
Objective: To increase awareness on the provisions of RA 10121 and to put emphasis in their implementation
Strategy: Full implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Plan and Contingency Plan
Disaster Resilient Community Program Updating of CPs and
MDRRMO 10 10
Disaster Preparedness and
MDRRMO 20 50 50 30 30 30 20 50 50 120 90 120
Response Trainings
Construction of Flood Control
National Govt
Procurement of Disaster
MDRRMO 1,000 1,000 6,590
Heavy Equipment
Implementation of RA10121
recreation of MDRRMO; 365 365 365 365 365 365 487 487 487 1,095 1,095 1,460
HRMO, Budget
Hiring of 2 additional staff
Conduct of drills and
MDRRMO 50 75 75 50 50 50 50 75 75 200 150 200
Improvement of warning
Improvement of MDRRMO,
100 100
communication facilities OM, SB, MEO,

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in

'000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Responsible Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Program Projects/Activities term Term term










Total Total Total

Installations of early warning
signs and devices
Procurement of ambulance MDRRMO 400 400
Intensify IEC MDRRMO 50 75 75 50 50 50 75 75 50 200 150 200
Sub-total 15,129 10,269 11,612
TOTAL 37,010
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 20. Major Development Programs for Sports and Recreation Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total


Goal: Sports and recreation promotion and development consistently pursued by the Municipality
Objective: Provision of recreational area for the enjoyment of the whole populace
Strategy: Provision of open spaces and parks through local government efforts and partnership with private entities
Establishment of open spaces and Establishments of
playfields playgrounds in strategic open MEO 500 500 1,000 500 500 1,000 500 500 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Coordination with Tourism
Offices for the inclusion of
trekking deck, bicycle lane Tourism, MEO 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000
and establishment of parks in
tourists spots
Enforce and monitor
compliance of housing
developers to 2% of land
area for greeneries
consultations/partnerships in LGU, Private
50 50 50 50 50 50
the establishment of Sectors
recreational parks and plazas
Objective: Implement meaningful sports and recreational activities for the constituency.
Strategies: Creation of sports and recreational activities for different age groups
Formulation of ordinance for scholarships for student varsities
Creations of sports and recreational SB, Sports
activities Identification of sports that of Committee,
interest to the youth Tourism,
MSWDO 2,200
Promotion of recreational
activities for the elderly such MSWDO 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
as zumba, taichi, etc.

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Teaching traditional sports in

the Physical Education of
elementary and high school
Provision of support to the
varsities/sports athletes in
DepEd 200 200 200 150 100 200 200 200 200 600 450 600
terms of training, uniforms
Coordination with DepEd and
Tourism Office for the DepEd, Tourism
establishment of cultural Office
groups in the Municipality
Scholarship program for varsity Formulation of ordinance for
students scholarships for students who SB
excel in particular sports
Sub-total 4,850 4,650 2,850
TOTAL 12,350
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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GIS-based Comprehensive Land Use Plan & Zoning Ordinance of Calatagan, Batangas 2018-2027

Table 21. Major Development Programs for Agriculture Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Goals: To attain the ultimate economic growth thereby uplifting the quality of life of the population through sustainable development of agriculture, poultry, livestock and fishing.
Objective: To adopt and mitigate the effect of climate change in fisheries and agriculture
Strategy: Adoption of climate resilient farming and fishing practices and technologies
Climate-resilient Agriculture
Tree planting; adoption of
and Fisheries Program MAO, DENR 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
agroforestry practices
Proper crop cultivation
technology along contours, MAO 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 20 40 30 40
slopes, hilly lands
Establishment of Marine
Protected areas/Fish 25 25 50
Strict Implementation of
environmental laws and MAO

Nutrient and crop residues

MAO 50 50 100 50 50 50 100 50 50 200 150 200
management and utilization

Adoption of rainwater
MAO 2,400
harvesting, drip irrigation
Aerobic Rice Technology
(ART), direct seeding
technology, Zero tillage
Manure management
(Organic fertilizer production,
MAO 50 50 80 50 50 80 50 50 80 180 180 180
biogas digester with methane
Agricultural loans tied-up to MAO, PCIC,
crop insurance NGOs
Improved feeding (silage
production technology)
Conduct research on the
Technology of Green MAO, DA 50 50
Charcoal Making

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Conduct environment
awareness and the climate MAO 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
change issue
Goal: To enforce fishery laws and municipal ordinances to increase fish catch
Strategies: Strict enforcement of fisheries law and ordinances
Enhancement of Fisheries Program
Fisheries Program
Inventory/Distribution of
MAO 100 100 100 100 100 100
Fishing Gears
Implementation of Balayan
MAO 50 50
Bay Closed Season
Deputation of Bantay Dagat 20 20 20 20 20 20
Provision of Bantay Dagat MAO, OM,
200 100 175 100 100 156 100 175 200 475 356 475
Honorarium Budget Office
Repair and maintenance of
patrol boat and provision of
MAO 100 140 200 100 100 130 140 100 200 440 330 440
gasoline, oil & Lubricants for
motor craft/patrol boat 3,212
Procurement of Patrol Boat MAO 175 175
Amendment of Municipal
Fisheries Code 2006
Conduct research on the MAO, BFAR,
maturity stage of Kuyog and Conservation 50 50
Dulong International

Development of New fisher MAO; Fisher

20 20
folks/farmers leaders folks
Leadership and Values
Formation training for fisher MAO 40 40
folks/farmers leaders
Protection of marine
Bantay dagat creation MAO 3,096 3,096 3,096
Objective: To maximize production of agricultural crops and livestock to sustain food requirement of the population in addition to sufficiency for commercial activity

Strategies: Adoption of efficient crops and livestock practices

Enhancing the capacity of agricultural staff to support agriculture programs
Crops Program
Distribution of High Value
MAO 1,100
Vegetable seeds & Rice

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long-
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Implementation of Organic
MAO 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
Technology on Organic
MAO 100 100 150 200 200 150 200
Distribution of Agricultural
Livestock/Animal Program Treatment of Diseased
MAO 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
Medicine/Lethal injection MAO 200 200 200 150 100 200 200 200 200 600 450 600

Vaccination of Cattle (FMD) MAO 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200

Artificial Insemination MAO 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 400 300 400 7,950

Carabao Dairy Production &

MAO 1,500 1,500 3,000
Goat Raising MAO 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 400 300 400
Organization of Hog
Capacity Development Hiring of additional 2 staff MAO 803 602 803 803 602 803
Purchase of service car MAO 700 700
Sub-total 12,089 3,719 4,858
TOTAL 20,666
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 22. Major Development Programs for Tourism Sector

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Responsible Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Program Projects/Activities term Term term










Total Total Total

Goals: To be renowned and safe eco-tourism destination in Batangas Province
Objective: To develop and promote the Calatagan tourism
Strategies: Formulation of plans and ordinances for tourism industry
Creation and promotion of tourists attractions
Formulation of Tourism Plans Conduct of Tourism
Development Planning Tourism Office 50 50
Develop a Tourism Master 700
Tourism Office 600 600
Study incentives for tourism
Tourism Office 50 50
sector investments
Promotion of tourist attractions Promotional/information
materials (leaflets, brochure, Tourism Office 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
signages etc.) 600
Promotion of Calatagan Solar
Tourism Office 50 50
Farm as Tourist Destination
Tourism Services Mayor and
All PPA's conducted and
Municipal 2,000 2,000
funded; Tourism promoted
Promotion of Calatagan 2,500
Products and Spots through
500 500
various fairs, festivals and
special events
Development of Tourist Develop different local
Tourism Office 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 100 200 150 200
Attractions and Local Products products
Creation/Declaration of
Tourism Office 50 50
Kinuyog Festival
Provision of fund and plans for
the establishment of Municipal Tourism Office 500 500
Museum 4,350
Provision of fund and plans for
the establishment of Municipal Tourism Office 500 500
Beach Resort
Increase support for eco-
tourism infrastructure and Tourism Office 250 250 500 150 300 300 250 250 500 1000 750 1,000
Strategies: Organization of different partners and stakeholders for tourist product and activities development

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Responsible Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Program Projects/Activities term Term term










Total Total Total

Enhancing the capacity of the Tourism office and its staff

Organization of stakeholders Organization of stakeholders
and partners (Transport sector, resort
Tourism Office,
association, NGO, fishery
CSOs, NGOs, 20 20
sector & environment , tourism
Private Sectors
related business group) on
Organization of local Tourism Office, 60
producers and talents CSOs, private 20 20
(cultural groups) individuals
Explore partnership with
private entities with regards to
Tourism Office 20 20
tourism investments, projects
and programs
Capacity Development Partner with tourism
establishment with regards to Tourism Office 20 20
the monitoring tourists/visitors
Creation of monitoring system Tourism Office 20 20
Training on Tourism Product
Tourism Office 50 50 2,201
Hiring of staff for the Tourism
Tourism Office 100 100 102 100 100 102 100 100 202 302 302 402
Staff to sustain the
Tourism Office 402 302 402
Pasalubong Center
Sub-total 6,554 1,653 2,204
TOTAL 10,411
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the
LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 23. Major Development Programs for Commerce and Industry Sector
Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Responsible term Term term
Program Projects/Activities










Total Total Total


Goal: To enhance the commerce and trade condition of the Municipality
To develop the Municipality's industrial potential
Objectives: Facilitate growth of local trade and commerce
Increased income and employment through commerce and industry
Utilize the industrial land at the same time observing environmental laws
Strategies: Streamlining business registration
Promoting business friendly environment
Commerce and Installation of Business and Licensing
Trade Program BPLO, Budget 1,000

Creation of Inspection Team (MTO), MTO, MEO, MHO,

Engineering., MHO, MPDO and BFP) MPDO, BFP

Creation of One Stop Shop (OSS) BPLO 50

Inventory of Business establishments

for regulating and monitoring BPLO 50
purposes 3,400

Organizing traders and businessmen

OM 50
for enhance trading system

Enhancing infrastructure and facilities MEO 500 500 500

Put up investment campaign and

OM, PESO 200 150 200
Implement tax holiday to new SB, OM,
50 50 50
businesses Assessors
Strategies: Partnering with industrial developers/owners for generating revenue and local jobs
Strict implementation of industrial zoning ordinance
Industry Support
and Development Review and amend Investment Code,
with provision on Corporate Social SB, OM 50 50
Responsibility (CSR) 570

Partnering with industries for the local

OM, PESO 20 20
job generation

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Responsible term Term term
Program Projects/Activities










Total Total Total

Introduction/Establishment of
Sustainable Livelihood projects for
DA 250 250 500
affected farmers of conversion of
agricultural areas to industrial sites

Implement tax holiday to new

industrial establishments
Strict implementation of industrial
zoning ordinance
Sub-total 2,520 700 750
TOTAL 3,970
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of
the LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 24. Major Development Programs for Economic Support

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Goal: To provide economic support infrastructure that will facilitate economic activities in the Municipality
Objective: To enhance economic activities in the Municipality
Strategies: Construction/improvement of different economic enterprise facilities
Construction of different tourist facilities
Fishery Establishment of
Support Community Fish Landing
MEO 53,000 53,000
Infrastructure Center (CFLC) in the west
side of port terminal
Fish port Development MEO 5,000 50,000
Management and Mayor and 203,800
Operation of Calatagan Municipal 100,500 100,500
port Treasurer/PPA
Management and Mayor and
operation of fish landing Municipal 300 300
terminal Treasurer
Support Establishment of
National Govt 10,000 10,000 10,000
Infrastructure Slaughter house
Agriculture Improvement/rehabilitation
Support MEO 3,000 3,000
of irrigation system
Infrastructure Improvement of
Communal Irrigation 13,000
System at Sitio Municipal Office 10,000 10,000
Prenza/Lipatan Barangay
Improvement Continuous improvement 3,30
of public Treasurers 2,653 3,000 2,653 3,000 3,300
of public market facilities 0
market 9,953
rehabilitation of public
MEP 1,000 1,000
Tourism Construction of
Support MEO 70,000 70,000
Convention Center
Infrastructure Public beach/resort in
MEO 50,000 50,000 125,000
Barangay 4
Construction of Museum
MEO 5,000 5,000
in (present) Municipal Hall
Engineering Supervised, directed, and
and exercised control the Municipal Engineer 7,839 7,839 7,839
Infrastructure staffs of MEO,

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Management Transportation
Program Communication & Utility
Services, Maintenance
Services, and Operation
of Waterworks. Building
Permit Issued, and Plans
and Program of work &
specifications for Public
Infrastructure prepared,
bidded and implemented
Objective: Provide efficient and adequate road system for easy movement of people, services and
Strategy: Construction of roads in urban and rural areas
Improvement Construction of farm to
of 5,00 5,00 5,00 10,00
market road in unpaved MEO 20,000 20,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 50,000 15,000 20,000
transportation 0 0 0 0
road in rural areas (50%)
system Construction of retaining
wall-main creek in
MEO 25,000 25,000 50,000
Poblacion 2,4, Lucsuhin
(Santiago River)
Construction of closed 168,000
MEO 1,500 1,500 3,000
canal in Poblacion 1-4
Construction of road to
tourist destination/tourism
MEO 5,000 5,000 10,000
zone (e.g. going to Ang
Construction of by-pass
MEO 10,000 10,000 20,000
road in urban area
Construction Construction/
and Rehabilitation of local
rehabilitation of roads or bridges and MEO 2,500 7,500 10,000
local roads and purchase of appropriate
bridges engineering equipment
Road Construction PEO/DPWH 212,744 329,638
Local access roads DILG/LGU 17,744 17,744
Barangay roads and
PEO/DPWH/MEO 89,000 89,000
Construction of Canal at
MEO 150 150

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Rehabilitation Upgrading/Rehabilitation/
of Provincial Improvement of Gulod- PEO 106,925 106,925 106,925 106,925 213,850 213,850
Roads Paraiso Provincial Road
Upgrading/Rehabilitation/ 932,750
Improvement of Brgy 3- 126,262. 126,262. 126,262. 126,262.
PEO 252,525 252,525
Bagong Silang Provincial 5 5 5 5
Objective: Provide efficient service with improved facilities
Strategy: Improve transportation and communication infrastructures
Improvement Introduction of new
of telecommunication
communication products and services that MEO 216
facilities will meet changing market
Installation of wifi zone in
MEO 48 24 24 24 32 32 32 48 72 96
public offices
Installation of telephone MEO,
and cable lines in rural Telecommunicatio
areas n Company
Operation of Heavy
Equipment, Roads and MEO 670 670 670
n and Utility
Highways maintained
Objective: Provide adequate and potable water supply for domestic, commercial and industrial use.
Strategies: Establishment of Municipal Waterworks system
of Municipal Potable water system PEO/MEO 50 50
Waterworks 12,550
system Water system construction PEO/MEO/DPWH 12,500 12,500
Municipal Operation of Heavy
water works Equipment, Roads and
services and Highways maintained,
operations Construction and repair of
deep well and shallow
MEO 1,240 1,240 1,240
wells (operated with ,
jetmatic/pitcher, and deep
well pump/ cylinder
constructed and repaired
in different barangays
Rehabilitation Construction or
of local water rehabilitation of local MEO 2,000 2,000 2,000
supply system government-owned

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

potable water supply

system (Construct new
water supply system for
waterless communities)
Rehabilitation Repair and Maintenance
of wells and Construction of
MEO 100 100 100
Artesian wells, deep wells
and jetmatic pumps
Sub-total 499,447 43,396
TOTAL 2,314,394
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of
the LGU which need not investment funding

Table 25. Major Development Programs for Social Support

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term -term









Total Total Total

Goal: To provide social support infrastructure that will enhance the social services in the Municipality
Objective: To enhance health and sanitation services
Strategies: Construction of sanitary landfill
Construction of birthing home
Health Support Infrastructure Identify area that is suitable MEO 40,000 40,000 50,000
for construction of sanitary
landfill and actual

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term -term










Total Total Total

Identification and acquisition

of land for birthing home and MEO 10,000 10,000
Construction or
Rehabilitation of Health
Rehabilitation of health centers Centers, Rural Health Units Mayor/RHU 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,200 4,200
or Hospitals, and purchase
of medical equipment
Objective: To provide housing units to poor/indigent families
Strategy: Construction of socialized housing
Socialized housing
Socialized Housing MEO, MPDC 50,000 50,000 50,000
Objective: To provide education infrastructure support
Strategies: Construction of different school facilities in various of public elementary and high schools
Construction of additional public high schools
Education Support Infrastructure Completion of the Calatagan CHED, OPG,
Senior High School National Govt
Construction of perimeter
fence at Calatagan Senior MEO, DepEd
High School
Flood Control Projects in
Pacita Madrigal Warns
MEO, DepEd,
Elementary School and 250 250 500
Enrique Zobel Elementary
Construction of additional
classroom buildings at 6,000
Bucal, Carlosa, Hukay, MEO, DepEd
Talisay and Florencio
Firmante ES
Repair of classroom
buildings in the different
MEO, DepEd
elementary and secondary
Completion of the
construction of covered
MEO, DepEd 500 500
court at Calatagan National
High School

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short- Medium Long
Offices Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term -term










Total Total Total

Construction of perimeter
fence and relocation /
construction of stage at MEO, DepEd
Carretunan Elementary
Construction of health clinics
to 19 of the 22 elementary
MEO, DepEd
schools and 1 of the 2
secondary public schools
Construction of playground
in 13 of the 22 elementary
MEO, DepEd
schools and 1 of the 2
secondary public schools
Improvement of water
supply facilities in different MEO, DepEd 5,000 5,000
Construction of 3 Junior
High Schools: Sambungan, MEO, DepEd
Construction of 2 Senior
High Schools: Lucsuhin and MEO, DepEd
Sub-total 107,500 2,700 -
TOTAL 110,200
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of
the LGU which need not investment funding

Table 26. Major Development Programs for Public Administration Support

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Timeline Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term Short-term

Climate Climate Climate Total










MOO Capital Change Change Change
Total PS
E Outlay Adaptation Mitigation Typology
Expenditure Expenditure Code
Goal: Enhance the public service of the Municipal government
Objective: Increase the accessibility and enhance the facilities of the municipal government
Strategies: Relocation of municipal hall in strategic and bigger space
Identification of land
Establishment for acquisition
of New Land acquisition 50,000 50,000 20000 30000 150,000
Municipal Hall Construction of new
100,000 100,000 100000
municipal hall

150,00 20,0 130,00

Sub-total - - -
0 - 00 0
TOTAL 150,000
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of
the LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 27. Major Development Programs for Fiscal Management

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Responsible Offices Short- Medium Long-

Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Goal: Results-oriented, efficient and clean financial and resource management achieved
Objective: To increase locally‐sourced revenue level
Strategies: Improve revenue/income generation
Revenue Generation
Computerized Tax
Assessment, Tax mapping
Office/Accounting 300 500 800
and Collection

Logistical Support to NGAS,

EProcurement, and other SB 100
Review ordinances and/or 4,040
identify other possible
sources of income aside
from IRA
Reduce Internal revenue Office/Accounting
Allotment (IRA) dependency Office/Treasurer's
Appraisal and Assessment 3,14
Municipal Assessor 3,140
of real property 1
Objective: To increase locally‐sourced revenue level
Strategy: Develop a plan of action for efficient public expenditure to reduce debts
Capital improvement Ensure coordination of
strategic planning, financial
Budget Office/MPDO 150 3,000 5,000
capacity and physical
Evaluate capital, operating 17,050
budgets and competing Budget Office 150 3,000 5,000
demands for resources.
Close Monitoring of
Barangay Development 250 250 250
Accounting services 3,85
Financial Statement Accounting Office 3,855 3,855
Objective: To enhance the quality, timeliness and transparency of information of local
government financial conditions and program operations.

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Program Projects/Activities Responsible Offices Short- Medium Long-

Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term










Total Total Total

Strategy: Improve financial planning and management

Budget preparation Preparation and Production
and implementation SB/MPDO/Budget
of Annual Plan and Report 100 200 200

Introduce a finance software

tool to implement finance IT
management improvement Department/Budget's
processes (e.g. budget Office/Accounting 300 300 500
execution, and program Office/Treasurer's
budgeting). Office

Analyze the budget by

operating / capital structure
and report by function, 14,179
Budget Office 200 300 500 200 300 500
programmatic and
organization classifications
and economic classification
Formulate a budget
Budget Office 50 50 100 200 200 200 200 200
monitoring system
Involve the community in
budgeting by posting budget
SB/Budget Office 10 20 30 50 50 50 50 50
expenditures in website with
feedback mechanism
2,46 2,46
Treasury Operation Services 2,461 7,383
1 1
Budget Management 1,00 1,40
1,046 3,446
Services 0 0
Sub-total 20,124 7,300 11,700
TOTAL 39,124
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of
the LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 28. Major Development Programs for Organization and Management

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in

'000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total


Goal: Productivity and Developmental Capacity Increased
Objective: To increase number of competent employees
Strategies: Enhance recruiting system
Restructuring Program
Review the staffing pattern HR

Capacitate the Recruitment and 200

HR 100 100
Selection Board
Coordinate with PESO for advocacy
HR/PESO 100 100
of vacancies
Objective: To strengthen the capacity of all employees at all levels
Strategy: Improve human resource development program of the municipality
Capacity Development and
Enhancement Program Encourage participation to
Seminars/Talks/Forums/Consultativ HR 50 50 100 200
e Meetings

Conduct Training/Seminars for

Professionalization of Career HR/CSC 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 300 400
Government Officials

Provide Post-Graduate Scholarship

Program for Municipal Government HR 300 300 400 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Employees and Officials
Provide short-term technical 5
courses project for municipal HR 100 200 200 100 300 400 300 300 400 500 800 1,000
officials and employees
Enhance LGU Capacity on Climate
Change Adaptation-Disaster Risk
5,00 5,00 5,00 1,00
Reduction HR/MDRRMO 300 300 400 500 500 1,000 15,000 2,000
0 0 0 0
Management and Disaster

Conduct of Team Building Activities HR 10 10 10 10 10 30 20 20 30 30 50 70

Conduct Study Visits and Best 1,00

HR/SB 500 800 500 800 1,000
Practice Learning Exchange 0

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in

'000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Develop a Local Governance

SB 100 100 150 350
Performance Management System

Provide Awards and incentives for

HR/SB 10 10 30 10 20 45 300 300 300 50 75 900
deserving employees
3,00 3,00 4,00
Health Benefits Program HR/SB 100 100 300 200 200 400 500 800 10,000
0 0 0
Personnel Management Personnel matters, Employees'
2,40 2,40
Records, TERMINAL LEAVE HRM 2,400 7,200 7,200
0 0
Objective: To enhance office internal processes and management system
Strategy: Invest in technology-based processes and systems
Improvement Centralization of Internet
of Internal IT Department 800 800
e Systems Computerization/Development of 20,00
IT Department 20,000
Web-Based Internal System 0

Office Automation Program IT Department 500 500

Hiring of IT Personnel HR 10 10
Simplification and Automation of
IT Department 500 500
Transaction-Based Services

Hire a legal counsel to protect

HR 500 25
municipality's interest
Create a Miniature/Floor Plan or 8
Scale model of the Municipal Hall HR 25 100
and the town of Calatagan

Strengthening of Local Governance

SB 250 250
Resource Center

Management and Administrative local

423 423
Services administrator

CBMS MPDC 3,000 3,000

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in

'000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term











Total Total Total

Strategies: Improve internal services

Support to national agencies and
councils Dept. of Interior & Local Govt. 105 105

Regional Trial Court 120 120

Municipal Cooperative Development
105 105
Calatagan Sports Development
1,000 1,000

Civil registration services 2,673 2,673 2,940 3,180 8,793

Sub-total 37,338 19,325
TOTAL 74,033
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of
the LGU which need not investment funding

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Table 29. Major Development Programs for Development Administration and Transparency

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term










Total Total Total


Goal: People-centered, clean and efficient delivery of public goods and services achieved
Objective: Provide Fair administration of justice
Strategies: Disposal/ Resolution of 25 or more cases within the year
Ensuring Security, Public Order Conduct of weekly hearings
Office of Legal
and Safety until the case is resolved
Ensure efficient inter/intra
Office of Legal 0
office operation and 10 20 20 10 10 30 10 15 25 50 50 50
communication services
Legislative program 10,000 10,000 4,440 24,440
Objective: Implement effective and efficient public goods and services delivery system
Strategy: To streamline and provide 100 percent efficient and effective basic services to the people of Calatagan
Compliance to Transparency Implementation of Full
Seal SB 30 30 40 100
Disclosure Policy
Develop an operational 300
website for posting of
Department/Budget 200 200
financial status per R.A. No.
Anti-Graft and Red Tape Full implementation of Anti-
Eradication Program SB 100 100 300 500
Red Tape Law
Citizen Charter SB 100 100
Local Governance Watch SB 100 100 150 350 1,450
Business Permit
Streamlining Project
Assessor's Office 150 150 200 500
(computerized business
Legislative Agenda Development Enforcement of Investment
SB 100 100 150 350
Incentives Ordinance
Create a team that will
monitor the implementation
SB 50 50 100
of ordinances and access its 700
effectiveness and success
Develop a recording system
that list all resolutions and SB 100 150 250
ordinance including archives
Planning, Monitoring and Preparation of plan and
evaluation services coordination with 2,686 2,686 2,686

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Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Responsible Short- Medium Long-

Program Projects/Activities Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
Offices term Term term










Total Total Total

Sub-total 29,626 50 50
TOTAL 29,726
Note: Columns highlighted in yellow are activities/projects that can be funded by other sources (National govt, grants, aids, etc.) and/or part of the regular activities/services of the LGU which need not
investment funding

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Table 30. Major Development Programs for Public Participation

Estimated Budgetary Requirements (in '000 PhP)

Short- Medium Long-

Short-term Medium-Term Long-term
term Term term
Program Projects/Activities










Total Total Total

Goal: Public participation increased
Objective: To encourage participation of community, civil organization, people organization and private sector in development planning and program implementation
Strategies: Develop advocacy strategies to increase voter's participation
Strengthen partnership and coordination with CSOs, PO, community and private sectors
Participatory Development Develop IEC materials to
increase participation to HR/SB 25 25 50 25 25 50 25 25 50 100 100 100
Encourage CSO involvement
in the municipal plans and SB/MPDO 50 100 100 250
Municipal support to CSOs SB 250 250
CSOs Accreditation SB 10 10 30 20 20 20 20 20 30 50 60 70
Formation of Civil Society
Organizations Reference SB 50 50 100 200

Sub-total 850 160 170

TOTAL 1,180

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CLUP and ZO Implementation Strategy/Arrangement

The zoning ordinance serves as the implementing tool for the land use
plan. The proposed programs and projects for Calatagan shall serve as a
means of achieving its goals and vision. Also, these shall be the inputs for
the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), Executive Legislative
Agenda (ELA) and Annual Investment Program (AIP).

Institutional Mechanism

The institutions present in the locality shall be the spearheads in ensuring

that the CLUP is fully implemented. Responsible o昀케ces need to be
strengthened and further capacitated to attain optimum functionality.
Aside from this, inter-agency activities and agreements to fully implement
institutional mechanism activities are highly encouraged. The o昀케ces that
shall be responsible for this are listed below:

 O昀케ce of the Municipal Engineer
 Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management O昀케ce

To further strengthen the institutional capacity, special committees shall

be formed and established:

1. Rural Development Committee – this committee shall oversee

the development of the rural areas in the Municipality. They will
ensure that delivery and access to basic services can be

2. Business and Investment Committee - the committee that will

review, approve, monitor and assist the establishment of local
and foreign investments.

3. Citizen Participation Committee - this committee shall be

responsible for encouraging community participation and
involvement of the people.

A group focusing on the implementation of zoning ordinances shall also be

established. The group shall be composed of:

 Municipal Zoning/Enforcement O昀케ce

 Local Zoning Review Committee
 Local Zoning Board of Appeals

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 Barangay Zoning /Enforcement O昀케ce

Inter-LGU and Island Alliances

The Municipality of Calatagan is part of the Verde Island passage network

where several LGUs and islands are included. In order to assure e昀昀ective
co-management of the resources within this network, an inter-LGU and
Island alliance is crucial. This is to ensure that resources for all of the
LGUs involved are safeguarded and conserved.

Localization at the barangay or community level

The barangay units have the potential to contribute signi昀椀cant outputs to

the development of Calatagan. Thus, empowering the barangays of
Calatagan needs to be capacitated in terms of their ability to develop their
own development plans. By doing so, the mobilization of the barangays
and steering them toward the development objectives and goals of the
Municipality can have enormous impact to the locality.

Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Plan


Disseminating knowledge to the community is important in ensuring

increase community participation in the development of Calatagan. The
MPDO shall be the primary o昀케ce that shall be responsible in spreading the
knowledge about the Municipality’s CLUP and zoning ordinances. These
materials will contain current information on the existing land use,
proposed land use and the zoning ordinances that shall be implemented in
the locality. Aside from this, explanation as to the importance on following
through the development strategies, proposed land uses and zoning
ordinances will also be presented. Lastly, the IEC materials shall be
distributed to the di昀昀erent o昀케ces of the Municipality.

Instruments for Land Use Implementation

Strategies to Concentrate Development in the Urban Area

a. Imposing port tari昀昀s

 Development of payment schemes for municipal 昀椀sh landing
 Imposing of higher tax to business establishment within the
port vicinity and periphery

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b. Investment on Infrastructural support

 Development and maintenance of critical infrastructure in the
 Strict implementation of laws pertaining to infrastructures in
the locality

Strategies for the Development in the Rural Area

a. Road Network Development

 Development, maintenance and rehabilitation of farm to road
networks in the rural area to ensure access of rural areas to
other parts of the locality.
 Development of road networks that will lead to the existing
primary road networks in the locality

b. Rural Poverty Alleviation

 Increase economic opportunities in the rural areas
 Promotion of agricultural growth

Strategies for Natural Resources Conservation

a. Implementation of zoning ordinance

 Promotion of the zoning ordinances and policies
 Establishment of zoning ordinance body
 Identi昀椀cation of zoning ordinance o昀케cers

b. Development of community based resources management

 Establishing a community-based resources group who will
focus on the local management of resources in the locality
 Formulation of related plans and actions for resources

Strategies for Agricultural Development

a. Investment on new technologies and facilities

 Acquisition of new instruments and facilities to promote

agricultural development
 Promotion of innovative ways of farming and 昀椀shery

Strategies for Industrial Development

a. Industrial core zones

 These zones shall be the areas where industrial activities shall
be implemented
 Implementation of bu昀昀er and easements
 Improvement of the solid waste management

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Monitoring, Review and Evaluation System

Monitoring, review and evaluation of plans and programs are necessary in
ensuring development goals and objectives are being met. Given the
importance of these activities, a system in which these three can be done
should be e昀케cient and e昀昀ective in keeping track of the actions
undertaken. In order to ensure the adherence in conducting these
activities, a municipal monitoring team or oversight committee is
necessary. This group shall ensure that indeed the implementation of the
CLUP are being met.

Municipal Monitoring Team or Oversight Committee

The Local Development Council (LDC) is mandated by virtue of the Local

Government Code in the preparation, monitoring, review, and evaluation
of LGU plans. In this regard, a Monitoring, Review, and Evaluation (MRE)
body shall be formed and tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the
implementation of the CLUP and its ZO. The Municipal Government shall
be the one responsible in the identi昀椀cation of the group composition of
the MRE. However, the following are suggested to be the members of the
said MRE body:

a. Lead Technical and Implementing Arm – MPDO and Local

Zoning/Enforcement O昀케ce, representative from the Committee
on Land Use of the Sangguniang Bayan, and Local Zoning Review

b. Members: Local Sectoral Units/Department (e.g. MDRRMO,

MENRO, Tourism, Agriculture, Heritage/Cultural Committee)

CLUP MRE Systems and Procedures

In undertaking any MRE-related activities, it is crucial that current

information, and situation prior to the implementation of the CLUP and ZO
be identi昀椀ed and documented. This is to ensure that changes upon the
implementation of CLUP and ZO shall be observable. The baseline data,
information, and the agreed outcome indicators of the Municipal
Government shall be utilized in the formulation an instrument for MRE
activities. The sample MRE matrix below can be utilized as a means of
monitoring and evaluating the implementation of CLUP and ZO of the

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Table 31. Sample CLUP/ZO Results Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix

Plan Target Accomplishment

Desired CLUP Means of Unit/Offices






Outcome Indicator Baseline
Outcome Verification Responsible

A “Project Implementation Monitoring System” can be put into place in

order to have a comprehensive, e昀케cient and e昀昀ective means of
monitoring programs and projects being implemented. This shall also
serve as a way of monitoring accomplishments, implementation gaps and
needs necessary in completing each program and project.

CLUP Monitoring Report Card

A CLUP report card is a mechanism utilized in tracking progress and/or

accomplishments in relation to achieving the development vision and
goals. This shall ensure the transparency and accountability of the
Municipal Government to the people of Calatagan. The CLUP report card is
derived from the MRE Matrix. The CLUP Report card shall also be used in
monitoring land use changes in the locality through locational clearances
approved, areas of reclassi昀椀ed lands and exceptions. The MPDC in
partnership with the TWG and other stakeholders shall be responsible in
facilitating this activity.

The local government may adopt a rating system that can clearly and
e昀昀ectively re昀氀ect the status and progress of implementation. This rating
system will also be used in monitoring results of interventions in achieving
the local government’s vision and goals. In order to complement MRE and

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CLUP progress report card, surveys focusing on the perception and

satisfaction of local stakeholders can also be conducted. This shall be
done preferably by a third party in order to secure the objectivity and zero
biases in conducting the surveys. Results of this survey can be used in
identifying areas for improvement and eliminating unsatisfactory activities
throughout the implementation of CLUP and ZO.

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