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I Topic: Density. Floatin g 1111d s·mk'·mg

I Date: _ _ _ _ __ _
Name: _____ _

1. Carlos calculates the density of an object.

(a) The object has a mass of 450 g.

The object has a volume of 50 cm •

Calculate the density of the object.

density _ _ __9..J_____ g I cm

(b) Carlos knows the densities of different metals.

10 ;

9 .i
7 ··-1·.
' .
in g/ cm 3 4
O+----__,--r-_.___.._,__.__ __._......._ __,....,..._.__,..._-'-;
aluminium copper iron magnesium sodium

Carlos has a piece of each of the five metals.
Each piece of metal has the same volume.
Which piece of metal has the greatest mass? Circle the correct answer.


2. P1cn\~ and Carlos ha, c six boxes.

They collect infonnation about the six boxes.

box colour volume mass density

lncm' Ing Ing/cm'
A. red 15 18.0 1.2
B red 12 756 6 .3
C green 12 86.4 7 .2
D green 8 78.4 9.8
e red 10 41 .0 4 .1
F green 13 83.2 6.4

(a) Pierre says

'The green boxes are denser than the red boxes.'

Does the evidence in the table support his statement?

Explain your answer.

s.. rn O :\he d•m•½) oIL 'i)YPl!n 'noxe, 15 ~•00 \Q r

!1-ioo :l\np rn rn 01 Jh oloa0; l~ of- viwl box e

(b) Carlos says

'The largest box is the most dense.'

Does the evidence in the table support his statement?

Explain your answer.

Bo:x A n2.,o~ l\"'e bxge:v\ box ,s \ea')~ &ms«: c ~

~o on o\.\iev boj Q.::,

---- --- ----

- --

he Wants t ,
o calcu\ate the .
Blessy density of one of these cubes.
needs t
o measure two h .
one of thes . P ysicaJ quantities.
e is the mass of the cube.
(a) Describe how s
he finds the mass of the cube.

(b) (i) What is the other h . .

P ysicaJ quantJty that Blessy needs to measure?

~ v o\ume o t 4he cu'ee

(ii) How does she find this physical quantity?

She meooun,.'.I 11-.e s;cles al \he cube (1,0311-vc~

~"2Chc2t~- x h,e,~n.l) :. Vc)w:m(:

· A rectangular block of wood measures IO cm by 5 cm by 2 cm and has a mass of I00 grams. Calculate
the density of the wood block
l .
VO\.u~ e... -::. l O xS .t ..:. l O Ot l'Y)~
Mt\~5-:. lOO~
O~·, l'ej: ltJO 9
lOOc """)
5. A metal sphere has a volume of 250 cm3 and a mass of 500 grams. Calculate the density of the metal

-- - -- - -- G., , thnt the ucn~ityof water is I g cm \""
6. A metal ball has a mass or 100 grams and a rnlumc' of -~0 (:llll. l~Cll 'I

calculnh: '' hcther the ball will float or sink in water.

o~ 11v -,

1~ lc\'t) ( ICrii

\-\~n L Q. J .\-h, e., OQ. \) wi \\ .5 ·, 0 \,~

7. A ho~low plastic ball has a mass of IO grams and a volume of 50 cmi. Will the ball t]oat or sink when
placed Ill water? (A .
· ssume t1,e density of water is I glcm3)
0 :-
3 C) '°'
\ 9\e,rri )> gL~-~
lil'Ot~, 4-~· +'ne. p\~Ht \) w;\\ -f¼Yat'
8. Chen measures the mass and volume of some substan~es. He calculates the density of each substance.

The table shows his results.

substance mass volume density

in g incm3 ing/cm3
A 395 50 7.9
B 0.22 100 0.0022
C 452 40 11
D 328 45 7.3
E 340 38
(a) Calculate the density of substance E. Give your answer to two significant figures.

density of substance E = g, q g I cm3

(b) Which substance in the table is a gas?
Explain your answer.

Substance - ----'~:c....___ _ __

_ ~be o~h fx: sub::i-\nnce..s 1.ue.,. \-<. oow tha t g~e,..s_

J _(Js!)__ l-bS ~.e.c 1ba o _dhe._.S.o \~ Lt hq,ui&__ __ __

-- -- --,

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