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Group E Design a semi structured interview (questions and responses) for a non job related

interview for a male juvenile who has just been convicted of armed robbery .

What can one take into account in order to prepare a conducive environment for this

A non job related interview also known as an informal interview or conversational or

informal chat interview, is often held in a neutral setting such as a cafe, usually over food or
drink , this is according to Wilson, J. (2019), . Informal interviews can also be virtual.
Conducive environment is providing the right conditions for something good to happen or
exist for example a quiet place to study or to do something. Convicted means the act or
process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law, Tyagi, B. (2013).

In order to ascertain the ideal environment which is conduciiit to ensure that there is privacy
and silence, comfort, lighting, respectful tone and confidentiality promise. When we are
talking about privacy and silence in non- job- related interviews we mean a private and quiet
room that is free from distractions such as noise and interruptions, it can also help the
interviewer solicit important information and make valuable observations of the candidate’s
personality, without causing stress either to the candidate or to the interviewer, Ekayati R

These typical interviews also need comfort, the environment to be comfortable to help the
interviewee to be feel relaxed and at ease cause sometimes if the interviewee is not
comfortable, he will not be able to answer your questions properly.

The other aspect is confidentiality promise which is informed to the witness that it only
applies only to information given to the interviewers , this was raised by Yagang, F.,(1994). It
stems from the notation that a person’s wishes, decisions and personal information must be
treated with respect which will prevent misuse of confidential information. A promise of
confidentiality and an insurance is given to the interviewee that no judgement will be passed
during the interview.
Furthermore, explaining there is adequate lighting to ensure that the interviewer can observe
the interviewees body language and expressions. The interviewer must be very lighting
giving the interviewee positive vibes so that he can be very free to speak no matter how
difficult or confidential the question is, Bloom.M. A. and Fuentes. S.Q. (2021).

A relaxed and respectful tone in the interviewer’s demeanour promote trust and the tone you
use clarifies and conveys meaning, it cannot only affect how the person you are asking
questions perceive you but also his willingness to listen to you. It helps you to gain more
positive attention and boosts productivity, Hosking, B.M., Pucciarelli, M.Planalp (2019).

Questions and responses

Question 1

Can you tell me about the events that led to your conviction for armed robbery?


I was in a group of guys, and we were bored. We were not thinking about the consequences
and decided to rob a convenient store, things got out of hand and from nowhere someone
pulled out a gun.

Question 2

How did you feel during the robbery?


I was very scared and nervous that I didn’t want to be there, but also, I didn’t want to look
weak in front of my friends.

Question 3

How do you feel now that you were being convicted for the crime?

I feel regretful and ashamed. I didn’t realise the severity of the situation until it was too late.

Question 4

What do you think would have stopped you from making the decision?


If I had thought about the consequences, I wouldn’t have done it. If I had someone to talk.
about my problems, I wouldn’t have felt so bored and restless.

Question 5

DO you have any ideas about how to make amends for your actions?


I want to do community service and volunteer at a youth centre to help keep others from
making the same mistake as I did.


To submit all up, in order to get full gist of it all it is important that the interviewee feels like
he can say everything without any judgement.

Bloom.M.A.andFuentes.S.Q. (2021). The Characteristics of a good listener. The journal for
research in science and education, 25(2), pp.1-5)

Hosking, D. M., Pucciarelli, M., & Planalp, S. (2019). The role of interruption in social
interaction. In the Oxford Handbook of Language and Social Psychology (pp. 149-162).
Oxford University Press.

Kadushin, A. (1992). What's wrong, what's right with social work supervision. The Clinical
Supervisor, 10(1), pp.3-19.

L Lipetz, An Kluger, GD Bodie- Internatinal Journal of Listening, 2020- Taylor and Francis.

R Ekayati – IJEMS: Indonesian Journal of Education 2020 –

Tyagi, B. (2013). Listening: An important skill and its various aspects. The Criterion An
International Journal in English, 12(1), pp.1-8.

Wilson, J. (2019). The benefits of active listening for staff and customers. CMS Wire.
Retrieved from

Yagang, F., (1994). Listening: Problems and solutions. Teacher Development: Making the
Right Moves. Washington, DC: English Language Programs Divisions, USIA, 43(8), pp.626-

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