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TLE major part 4

TLE major

A low voltage power supply convert ________.

a. AC voltage output
b. Pulsating DC voltage
c. DC output voltage
d. AC and DC voltage outputs

When checking an open resistor using an ohmmeter the resistance reads


a. zero level
b. high resistance but within the tolerance
c. infinite
d. low but not zero

Moving one plate of a capacitor further away from the other will ________.

a. decrease capacitance
b. increase capacitance
c. decrease voltage rating
d. increase mutual transduction

What is the reason why threads become stripped?

a. screws are over tightened

b. screws are heated
c. screws are molded
d. screws are painted

What does VOM mean?

a. AC Voltmeter
b. Ohmmeter
c. DC Milliammeter
d. Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter

Which tool is used to cut the insulation without cutting the wire?

a. utility knife
b. hacksaw
c. side cutter
d. wire stripper

What does LED stands for?

a. Light emitting display

b. Low energy display
c. Light emitting diode
d. Light emitting detector

Which picture or sketch shows the components of a circuit and how these
components are connected together?

a. Wiring diagram
b. Block diagram
c. Pictorial diagram
d. Schematic diagram

3 pieces of resistors in which the values are 10 ohm, 20 ohms, and 50 ohms. If the
20 ohms is open, what will be the reading in the ohmmeter?

a. 60 ohms
b. 0
c. infinite
d. 80 ohms

Why does an AM receiver receive or pick-up signal despite the far distance from
the transmitter compared to the FM receiver?

a. The AM receiver picks up signal easily because of the transistor.

b. The AM receiver picks up signal easily because the signals transmitted by the AM
transmitter is by means of line to sight.
c. The AM receiver picks up signal easily because the signals transmitted by the
AM transmitter is by means of line to ground.
d. The AM receiver picks up signal easily because the signals transmitted by the AM
transmitter is by means of line to televise.

The recommended height of lettering for subtitles is ___ of an inch.

A. 1/16
B. 1/8
C. 3/16
D. ¼

Which of the following combinations of letter can be overlapped slightly?

A. D,E
B. L,T
C. M, N
D. A. B

The following are descriptions of tangent lines except___.

A. A straight line is tangent to a circle when it touches at only one point

B. The radius of a circle drawn to the point of tangency is perpendicular to the tangent.
C. An arc f a given radius tangent to two lines at right angles.
D. The point of intersection is the radius.

A geographic map shows the following details except____

A. boundaries of countries
B. important towns
C. ground surfaces
D. roads rivers and lakes

What kind of triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles?

A. obtuse
B. equilateral
C. isosceles
D. scalene

What usually is used by a draftsman to make the pencil point sharp?

A. Blade
B. Pad of sandpaper
C. Pencil sharpener
D. Sharp knife

What can you use to scrape off incorrectly inked line when eraser is not

A. art gum
B. razor blade
C. rubber eraser
D. sharpener

When using lower case letter, how many horizontal guidelines are used?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
A drawing that represents the three exploded views of an object. The most
common views are front, to and right-side view. What do you call this drawing?

A. Cavalier Drawing
B. Isometric drawing
C. Orthographic Drawing
D. Perspective Drawing

What line used to represent the hidden side of the object drawn

A. Center Line
B. Ditto line
C. Invisible line
D. Object Line

It is a hand-operated device in a water circuit connection that is used to control

the flow of water in a piping system.

a. flanged
b. valve
c. union joint
d. universal joint

Manufactures of water supply materials make use of bronze, brass, gunmetal,

steel, cast iron, glass or plastics or a combination because of its characteristics
that it is

a. high resistance to water

b. high corrosive to water
c. high corrosive resistance to water
d. high value to water

A drainage fixture designed to prevent potentially dangerous sewer gases from

entering the house. It is attached to the roofing of the house.

a. joint
b. fixture
c. venting pipe
d. traps

A type of materials uses in plumbing system that offers possibly the greatest
range of screwed plastics fittings well suited to domestic, commercial and
industrial applications.

a. uPVC system
b. cast iron pipes system
c. metal and plastic system
d. stainless pipes system

A type of pipe made of concrete and usually use for sewer purpose due to large
diameter in size and durability. It has the ability to adopt soil environment with no
danger of rusting

a. soil pipes
b. sewer pipe
c. water pipes
d. drainage pip

What particular tool will be use to by plumber when tightening or loosen pipe

a. adjustable wrench
b. pipe wrench
c. pliers
d. basin wrench

A building has a system of pipes and drains installed for the purpose of
distribution of potable drinking water and the removal of waterborne wastes

a. Venting system
b. Water system
c. Drainage system
d. Plumbing system

Employees are separated involuntarily due to _______.

a. Low pay
b. Declining sales
c. poor working condition
d. lure of high paying jobs

Who exposed on the Theory of Bureaucratic Management?

a. Max Webber
b. Mary Parker Follett
c. Chester Barnard
d. Lillian Gilbreth
Good public relation presupposes good internal _________.

a. Reaction
b. Communication
c. attitude
d. response

What is meant by P.O?

a. Purchase Option
b. Product Order
c. Production Office
d. Purchase Order

Which is the 30-ton room-sized computer with over 18,000 vacuum tubes build by
John Mauchly and Eckert?

a. MITS Altair 800

d. Colossus

Who introduced the concept of providing ALU in the computer system?

a. Joseph Marie Jacquard

b. Charles Babbage
c. John Von Newman
d. Herman Hollerith

Which as the raw material to be processed by the computer?

a. Information
b. Data
c. Graphics
d. Objects

What is meant to put information into the computer?

a. Launch
b. File
c. Install
d. Input

Which allows it use to upload and download files from other computers for the
a. Usenet
b. Search engine
c. Telnet
d. File transfer protocol

Which of the following makes a window as small as it can get?

a. Maximize
b. Save
c. Restore
d. Minimize

The drainpipes connections are lead away from all fixtures at a certain calculated
slope of

a. ½ per ft
b. 5/8 per ft
c. 1/8 per ft
d. ¼ per ft 18

Today’s modern plumbing makes use of central fitting suitable for joining both
imperial and metric sizes of medium and high-density polyethylene pipe. This
type of fitting is made of

a. nylon material
b. fiber
c. plastics
d. syntactic

This type of material is use for making flanged. The color is gray and it is usually
hard but brittle and not affected much by massive rusting when expose to air and

a. Steel
b. Mild steel
c. cast iron
d. stainless steel

An activity concerned with obtaining the right kind of goods in the right amount,
at the right time, at the right price and, from the right source.

a. Purchasing
b. buying
c. retailing
d. selling
Margin of difference between cost price and selling price.

a. selling price
c. c.o.d.
c. mark-down
d. mark-up

Checking the quantity and quality of merchandise purchased.

a. mark-up
b. purchasing
c. receiving
d. price

An activity concerned with obtaining food of the right kind, at the right price from
the right source.

a. mark-up
b. purchasing
b. receiving
d. price

Requires wise purchasing, vigilant checking, proper storage of goods, and

reasonable pricing.

a. wholesaling
b. purchasing
c. pricing
d. retailing

This sales type requires the customers to pay for cash for the goods he/she buys
and store delivers the goods to his/her home.

a. Cash-Send or Cash Deliver Sale

b. Charge-Send or Charge-Deliver
c. Cash-Take-Sale
d. Charge-Take-Sale

The customer pays for the goods and takes these homes with him/her.

a. Cash-Send or Cash Deliver Sale

b. Charge-Send or Charge-Deliver
c. Cash-Take-Sale
The goods are charged to the customer and then deliver to his/her home.

a. Charge-Send or Charge-Deliver
b. Cash-Send or Cash Deliver Sale
c. Cash-Take-Sale
d. Charge-Take-Sale

This type of sale requires the customer to order a merchandise and request the
store to lay-it away until he/she calls for it at the near future. The customer makes
a deposit, and the store agrees to hold the merchandise for a specified period of

a. Part-Cash-Part Charge Sale

b. Installment Sale
c. C.O.D. Sale
d. Lay-Away or Will-Call Sale

A part of the amount of the merchandise is paid in cash by the customer, and the
rest of the amount is charged to his/her account.

a. Part-Cash-Part Charge Sale

b. Installment Sale
c. C.O.D. Sale
d. Lay-Away or Will-Call Sale

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