Bio-Revision U3

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MYP4 Revision

Which of the following best describes the structure and function of cholesterol in membranes.

A. A small lipid molecule which affects the position of proteins in the membrane.
B. x A small lipid molecule which affects the fluidity of the membrane.
C. A fatty acid molecule which affects the pH of the membrane.
D. A large lipid molecule which affects the thickness of the membrane.

Which property of phospholipid molecules helps them to form bilayers in water?

A. Phosphate properties
B. Amphoteric properties
C. Lipid properties
D. x Amphipathic properties

The electron microscope below shows an organelle found in eukaryote cells.

What is the name of the organelle?

A. Mitochondrion
B. Nucleus
C. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
D. x Chloroplast

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A hole punch machine is used to produce small discs of leaf tissue. The discs
are are placed in a syringe, the opening is closed and the plunger is pulled
out. This creates a partial vacuum and bubbles of gas appear on the discs.
When the plunger is released, the discs sink.
When they are placed in a test tube filled with a sodium hydrogen carbonate
solution the discs sink to the bottom.
If this test tube including the discs is placed in front of a light source the discs
rise to the surface.
Why do the discs rise?

A. Oxygen gas is made by the leaf tissues by respiration in the light

B. x Oxygen gas is made by the leaf tissue during photosynthesis
C. Carbon dioxide gas is released from the carbonate solution and
carries the discs to the surface
D. The discs become lighter as hydrogen gas is made from splitting

The image on the right shows a stained transverse section of cells
in a dicot. leaf magnified about 400x.
Which of the labels in the diagram shows the cells which are best
adapted to absorb CO2 from air in the air spaces of the lear?

x C

In humans what is produced by muscle cells carrying out anaerobic respiration?

A. Lactose
B. x Lactate
C. Lipids
D. Lysosomes

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What is the property of chlorophyll which makes it look green?

A. Chlorophyll absorbs all the colours of light and then releases the green light
B. Chlorophyll absorbs green light and reflects the other colours
C. x Chlorophyll reflects the green light and absorbs the other colours
D. Chlorophyll absorbs mostly red and blue light and reflects the others colours so
chlorophyll seems to be green

The electron microscope below shows an organelle found in both animal and plant cells.

What is the name of the organelle?

A. Mitochondrion
B. Nucleus
C. x Rough endoplasmic reticulum
D. Chloroplast

Phloem vessels transport sugars to different parts of a plant. Which of the following best discribes the
direction of flow of the substances in phloem?

A. From sink to source

B. From growing points to leaves and roots
C. x From roots to leaves
D. From source to sink

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The image on the right shows a stained transverse
section of cells in a dicot. leaf magnified about 400x.
Which of the labels in the diagram show the pallisade
mesophyl of the leaf?

x B

What is the function of this organelle.

A. Respiration
B. Anaerobic respiration
C. Protein synthesis
D. x Photosynthesis

Which of the following plant structures in plants is responsible for the transport of dissolved nitrate

A. Leaf mesophyll
B. x Phloem
C. Xylem
D. Meristems

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What is the structure labelled X likely to be in this electron microscope image?

A. Prokaryote cell
B. Chloroplast
C. x Nucleus
D. Mitochondrion

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The image below shows a logitudinal section of a vascular bundle.
If these cells were found in a photosynthesising leaf (a source) then sucrose woulld be moved by active

Which of the cells in this diagram would be the destination of this sugar?

x C

Which of the following best describes an integral protein?

A. A protein embedded in the phospholipid membrane

B. x A protein attached to the surface of the membrane
C. A protein within the cytoplasm
D. A protein enclosed in a vesicle

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This sketch shows a sketch a logintudinal section of cells in a dicot.stem. It is magnified about 500x.

The cells show many of the special adaptations which xylem vessels have.
Which of the following are adaptations of xylem vessels?

A. Many cytoplasmic vesicles and pits in the cell walls

B. Spiral thickening of cells walls and pits in the cell walls
C. Diagonal cell walls and cytoplasmic streaming
D. x Cross wall thickening and thin plasma membranes

This mitochondrion is involved in aerobic respiration in the cells of eukaryotes.
Where in the cells do the reactions of glycolysis occur?

A. In the matrix of the mitrochondria

B. On the christae of the mitochodria
C. x In the cytoplasm of the cell
D. In the intra-membrane space in mitochondria

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Which term from the list below, refers most closely to the conversion of light energy to chemical energy?

A. Photolysis
B. Hydrolysis
C. Photosynthesis
D. Respiration

In this experiment to measure the rate of respiration, shown below, peas were tested.

What would you expect to see happening in the three capillary tubes during an experiment lasting 1 hour?

A. The bubble in the capillary tube of the germinating peas only will move downwards.
B. The bubble in both the tubes containing peas will move downwards
C. The bubble in all the capillary tubes will move downwards.
D. x The bubble in the capillary tube of the germinating peas only will move upwards.

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The diagam below shows xylem, phloem and companion cells.

Which is the correct label for each cell type?

A. A is Phloem, B is xylem, C is companion cells, and D is xylem

B. A is Xylem, B is phloem, C is companion cells, and D is phloem
C. x A is Companion cells, B is xylem, C is phloem, and D is xylem
D. A is Xylem, B is companion cells, C is phloem, and D is companion cells

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In an experiment on Advocado seeds some biologists measure the
rate of release of carbon dioxide from the seeds at the beginning of
their storage.
The graph on the right shows the results for two different seeds over
the first sixteen days.
Which of the following statements is a correct interpretation of the
data shown in the graph?

A. The overall trend shows that both seeds have constant rates
of respiration over the 16 days.
B. The results seem unreliable because the release of carbon
dioxide goes up and down.
C. Both seeds show the same increases in the rate of
respiration at 4 days and 11 days.
D. Both seeds show an inrease in respiration after four days
and an overall decrease in respiration during the experiment.

Root hair cells take up dissolved nitrate molecules from the soil by which of the following methods?

A. Facillitated diffusion
B. Translocation
C. Transpiration
D. Active transport

Which label in the diagram points to the organelle responsible for photosynthesis in plant cells?


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This image shows a stained, transverse section of cells in a dicot.stem. It is magnified about 400x.

Which of the following correctly labels xylem and phloem in the top vascular bundle?

A. C is xylem and B is phloem

B. D is xylem and C is phloem
C. A is xylem and C is phloem
D. C is xylem and A is phloem

The image on the right shows a stained
transverse section of cells in a dicot. leaf
magnified about 400x.
Which of the following sequences best
describes the path which oxygen takes within
the leaf?

A. D-C-B
B. B-C-D
C. A-C-D
D. A- C - B

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Cohesion and adhesion are properties of water which are important to the transport of water in plants.
Which of the following statements best explains the contributions of cohesion to the transpiration stream?

A. Cohesion between water molecules and xylem vessels causes air bubbles in the xylem.
B. Cohesion between water molecules maintains the continuity of the water column in xylem.
C. Cohesion between water molecules helps to promote evaporation of water in the leaf, driving
D. Cohesion between water molecules and leaf cells causes water to move into the airspace of leaves.

Which of the following helps maintain the structure of a cell membrane?

A. Hydrophobic interactions between fatty acid chains

B. Hydrophobic interactions with phosphate heads
C. Hydrophilic interactions between water and fatty acids
D. Hydrogen bonding between water and cholesterol

This apparatus can be used to measure the rate of photosynthesis.

Which factors need to be controlled so that the results show the effects of carbon dioxide?

A. Temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and light intensity.

B. Temperature, the size of the bell jars, and the carbon dioxide concentration.
C. Temperature, size of the plant, light intensity.
D. The size of the bell jar, the volume of water and potassium hydroxide.

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Which of the following plant structures in plants is responsible for the transport of organic molecules?

A. x Phloem
B. Xylem
C. Spongy mesophyll
D. Root hairs

Why is chlorophyll green?

A. Chlorophyll traps the green light in the leaf making it look green.
B. x Chlorophyll pigments absorb most red and blue light reflecting mostly green.
C. Chlorophyll absorbs green making it look green.
D. Chlorophyll absorbs all the colours of light, then releases green

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