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1 The effect of the Hagedorn states in the Hadron

2 Resonance Gas model with the van der Waals

3 interaction
4 Nachiketa Sarkar1*

5 School of Physical Sciences, NISER Bhubaneswar
6 National Institute of Science Education and Research, Jatni-752050,
7 India
8 Address correspondence to:

9 September 4, 2023

10 Abstract

11 The hadron resonance gas (HRG) model which considers a grand canonical
12 ensemble of all the experimentally established hadrons and resonance states, is
13 very successful in reproducing the LQCD results of the hadronic phase of the
14 strongly interacting matter. Various extensions of the HRG model have been
15 made to improve its agreement with LQCD results. One such extension is the
16 implementation of the van der Waals type of interaction between the baryons,
17 known as the VDWHRG model. In this model, repulsive and attractive in-
18 teractions have been considered through the van der Walls constants. Phase
19 transition and the criticality are inbuilt in the van der Waals equation that de-
20 pends on the choice of van der Walls constants. In literature, the van der Waals
21 constants are extracted by comparing the lattice results. The extracted values
22 of the van der Walls constants also depend on the hadronic list used in the HRG
23 model. In this work, we try to study the effect of the inclusion of the Hagedorn
24 mass spectrum along with the experimentally established hadrons. Hagedorn

25 mass spectrum is commonly used to compensate for the missing higher reso-
26 nance states those are yet to be confirmed experimentally. We also compare our
27 results by updating the hadronic list with the Quark Model predicted hadronic
28 states. We find that the VDWHRG model with the Hagedorn state describes
29 the lattice result best for both zero and finite chemical potential. The Hagedorn
30 states have a significant influence on the van der Waals parameters and hence
31 on the thermodynamic and transport quantities. We also infer that there is a
32 strong dependence of van der Waals parameters with the chemical potential.

33 1 Introduction
34 To improve the HRG-LQCD agreement at the crossover region, a recent extension
35 called the van der Waals HRG model (VDWHRG) has been proposed [1]. This for-
36 malism includes both repulsive and attractive interactions by considering a van der
37 Waals-type equation of state between the baryons. The VDW equation incorporates
38 phase transition and criticality and is determined solely by the choice of VDW con-
39 stants. In Ref. [2, 3], a discussion is presented on the onset of QCD phase transition
40 and the probable location of the critical point by constraining the VDW parameters
41 using LQCD results. The number of resonance states considered in the calculation is
42 another important aspect of the HRG model. Previous studies have indicated that
43 for improved agreement with lattice results, the inclusion of additional resonance
44 states, beyond the experimentally established ones, is necessary in the HRG model.
45 This motivation drives us to conduct a systematic study to investigate how the inclu-
46 sion of HS or QM states [4] affects the VDW constant, and thus the thermodynamic
47 quantities and probable location of the critical point.

48 2 Model Description
49 The Ideal HRG model considers the grand canonical ensemble of all hadrons and
50 resonance states. To account for missing resonance states, following Hagedorn mass
51 spectrum is utilized.
θ(m − M0 ) m
ρ(m) = CH 2 exp . (1)
(m + m20 )a TH
52 All the symbols used in Eq.(1) have their usual meanings. The necessary details
53 regarding the model description and information about the different parameters used
54 in this work can be found in the Ref. [5].

55 3 Result and Discussion

56 In this analysis, we consider four different versions of the HRG model: I) VDW, II)
57 VDW+EV(Meson), III) VDW+EV(Meson)+HS, and IV) VDW+EV(Meson)+QM.
58 The term EV(Meson) represents the inclusion of a repulsive interaction between
59 mesons. For each of these cases, we extract the VDW parameters by simultaneously

60 fitting the zero and finite chemical potential lattice results of various thermodynamic
61 quantities. We have found that, for both zero and finite chemical potential, the VDW
62 model with HS provides the best description of the lattice results. A strong depen-
63 dence of the VDW parameters on the chemical potential has been observed in our
64 analysis. The detailed information regarding the fitting procedure and the obtained
65 results can be found in [5]. Once the VDW parameters are fixed for both zero and
66 finite chemical potential, our subsequent objective is to investigate how the choice of
67 different VDWHRG models, along with their specific parameter values, influences the
68 behavior and predictions of diverse thermodynamic quantities. For the constraints of
69 space, we have limited our discussion to scaled specific heat (CV /T 3 ) and speed of
70 sound (Cs2 ). For a comprehensive examination of other thermodynamic and transport
71 quantities, see Ref. [5].
72 Figure 1, shows the
73 variations of the scaled
74 specific heat and the
75 speed of sound as func-
76 tion of temperature for
77 different cases, as in-
78 dicated in the legend.
79 The temperature pro-
80 files of CV /T 3 and Cs2
81 display non-monotonic
82 behavior, where the
83 presence of a peak in
84 CV /T 3 or a minimum in
85 Cs2 serves as an indica-
86 tor of the QCD phase Figure 1: CV /T 3 and Cs2 as functions of temperature are
87 transition. The differ- measured for different cases, as indicated in the legend. Fig-
88 ences in the position of ures adapted from [5].
89 these peaks arise from
90 the unique composition and interaction strengths of the hadronic states within each
91 HRG models. The VDW parameters play a significant role in the high µB and low
92 temperature range. However, as the µB decreases and the temperature rises, the addi-
93 tional resonances incorporated in the HRG models have a greater impact. Specifically,

Figure 2: A contour plot of number density is shown for four VDWHRG models,
illustrating the distribution and variation of number density across different regions.
The black dots indicate the probable location of CP for each model. Figures adapted
from [5].

94 at high temperatures, the Hagedorn states exert the most influence. Conversely, at
95 intermediate temperatures, the inclusion of extra low mass states within the Quark
96 Model becomes increasingly significant and affects the thermodynamic behavior of
97 the system. Figure 2, provides insight into how the selection of VDW parameters
98 in different versions of the VDWHRG model, constrained by LQCD, influences the
99 position of the critical point (CP) in the QCD phase diagram. Among the consid-
100 ered models, the VDW+EV(Meson) model predicts the highest temperature and the
101 lowest µB for the critical point. However, as additional states are incorporated into
102 the model, the CP’s location shifts towards a region of higher baryon density. This
103 observation highlights the potential for exploring the behavior of the critical point in

104 future experiments with lower center-of-mass energy collisions.

105 4 Conclusion and Summary

106 In conclusion, our study aimed to investigate the influence of additional resonance
107 states on the van der Waals parameters and, consequently, on thermodynamic vari-
108 ables. Through simultaneous fitting of zero and finite chemical potential lattice re-
109 sults, we extracted the VDW parameters for each model. We found that the VDW
110 model, incorporating Hagedorn states, provided the best fit to the lattice results. Ad-
111 ditionally, the inclusion of extra resonance states through HS or QM had a significant
112 influence on the van der Waals parameters, indicating the importance of considering
113 these additional states in the models. Furthermore, our analysis revealed a strong
114 dependence of the VDW parameters on the chemical potential. These findings con-
115 tribute to our understanding of the QCD phase diagram and highlight the need for
116 comprehensive models that incorporate a range of resonances and interactions.

117 References
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