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FAST 3 - MIDTERM TEST 1. Listening

2. Reading
3. Language Use
Name: _______________________________________
4. Writing
Teacher’s name: ______________________________ TOTAL
Group: __________________ Date: ______________

Listen and check the best option. (Total: 5 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

a. Who had a job interview? f. Was Tom late for the interview?
Tom. Yes, he was.
Karen. Yes, he was. But he called to
say he would be late.
Tom and Karen.
No, he wasn’t.
b. What happened on the way to the g. How did Tom feel at first?
He was surprised, but felt all
A man stole a woman’s wallet. right.
A man stole a woman’s watch. He was very happy.
A man stole a woman’s cell He was uncomfortable with
phone. the whole situation.

c. What was the thief like? h. Did Tom ask for another
Yes, he did.
No, he didn’t.
i. How did the interviewer react?

d. How did the woman react? She was very professional.

She chased the thief. She was very angry.

She started shouting. She was very happy.

She started crying. j. How did the interview go?

e. Did anyone call the police? It didn’t go well.

Tom did. Initially, Tom felt a little

strange, but it went well.
Tom doesn’t know, but he
thinks so. It was very tense.

The woman did.



Read the text and check the best option. (Total: 5 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

Comrades in Arms
Ruth Fremson

News about the News Department – Special

edition – Sept 19, 2001
New York Times

was working on a news piece on the election,
when I was paged, so I headed for the World
Trade Center.
At the corner of Vesey and Church, across from
the Borders Bookstore, I photographed wounded
people. Across the street, police and emergency
workers were evacuating a building. Some people
were being helped out by others. I saw a policeman
carrying a woman in a rose-colored dress by
piggyback. Others were crying, holding napkins or
cloths over their mouths. Some were just walking
out unconcerned. Meanwhile, the towers were
burning, smoke billowing out.
Suddenly I heard a very loud noise and thought
perhaps another plane was going to hit the towers.
Looking up through the viewfinder so as to be ready
to photograph the next plane on impact, I realized
the building was imploding. When I saw that even
the emergency workers were running, I followed
one in a white shirt under a police vehicle parked
my hand and pulled me in. Inside, firefighters and
at the corner of Vesey and Church. It didn’t really
others had taken shelter.
register that he was a policeman.
A bit later we heard the rumbling again, maybe
All of a sudden, a tidal wave of black dust and
some kind of explosion, and then it began to get
little chunks of particles came under with us. I
dark outside again. We ran to the back of the deli
held onto the arm of the man under there with
and waited on the steps to the basement. Outside,
me. I opened my eyes but couldn’t see anything.
it was that black cloud again. The cop called for
Everything as completely black. My eyes were
someone to come and evacuate us, but smoke rose
burning: I couldn’t breathe. I wondered for a second
from the basement and we decided to get out of
if this is what death is like and was afraid.
The cop was talking. I asked if he was OK. He said there.
We held hands and headed toward City Hall
yes. He asked if I was OK. I said yes. We heard glass
and Broadway, over and through the carpeting of
breaking nearby and heard someone yelling, calling
paper, ash and debris. It started to get lighter as we
us to come into the Stage Door Deli on the other
got farther away.
side of the sidewalk. The cop, Dan Mullin, grabbed

a. The article writer ___________________. f. How did the writer feel when the first
tower imploded?
was a passer-by who witnessed the
attack to the World Trade Center. She panicked and drove back
worked in the World Trade Center
when the attack happened. She was afraid.
is probably a reporter for the New She kept calm and tried to help the
York Times. wounded people.
b. Was the writer of the text at the World g. Where did she take shelter during the
Trade Center when the planes hit the implosion?
Inside a police car.
Inside a deli.
In a subway station.
Not mentioned.
h. Who was with her in the place she took
c. According to the text, what WAS NOT shelter?
happening when the writer got to
Vesey and Church to photograph the The cop, firefighters, and other
attack? people.

People were trying to calm those Only the cop.

people in the World Trade Center. She was alone.
People were helping the wounded i. Where was she when the second tower
people. came down?
Some people were walking out She was going to City Hall and
unconcerned. Broadway.
d. When the first tower imploded, the She was at the same place she hid
writer thought __________________. when the first tower came down.
another plane was hitting the She was taking shelter under a
towers. police car.
two cars were crashing head-on. j. Why did they decide to leave their
a bomb was exploding. shelter?

e. What did she do when she realized the Because all the buildings were
first tower was coming down? evacuated.

She took pictures of the building Because smoke was coming from
collapsing. the basement of the building
where they were.
She ran away with the emergency
workers. Because they couldn’t breathe
inside the building where they
She headed to City Hall and were.



1. Match the descriptions and pictures. (Total: 2 points – 0.5 each correct answer)

a. b.

c. d.

This is my sister. She has dark brown eyes and long curly hair. She is in her
This is my best friend, Jim. He is such a great guy. He is in his sixties. He’s bald
and wears a beard and mustache.
Bob is my favorite teacher. He’s so much fun! He is in his fifties and he wears
glasses, a beard and mustache.
My mom is really beautiful! She is thin, has brown eyes and long straight hair.
She is in her thirties.

2. Check the best option. (Total: 3 points – 0.5 each correct answer.)
a. A: You haven’t seen my glasses, __________?
B: No, I haven’t.
haven’t you
haven’t they
have you
b. A: ___________ we __________ before?
B: I don’t think so. It’s my first time here.
c. A: Who’s that lady in blue?
B: Which one? The one wearing a blue dress or the one wearing a ____________
A: The blond woman in a blue dress.
B: That’s Ms. Davis, the teacher _______’s giving me Italian classes.
blue flowered/whose
flowered blue/who
blue flowered/who
d. A: I called you last night, but nobody answered.
B: I guess I __________ my laundry when you __________ to talk to me.
was doing/have tried
was doing/tried
e. A: Do you think this neighborhood _________ be _________ in the past?
B: Yes, I think so. We could play on the streets and get home late.
used to/safer
use to/safer
used to/more dangerous
f. A: Do you often go shopping ________ clothes?
B: Not really. I spend my money ________ books instead.



Write about a funny or interesting incident that happened to you.
Do not forget to mention:

• where you were when it happened

• what you were doing
• what happened
• how you felt

(Total: 5 points)


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