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Name: ___________________

Unit 7 Renaissance Artist Assignment

Task: For this assignment, you must choose one artist from the renaissance and create a biographical sketch
of one of the artists listed on the following page. The sketch will be a Google Slides presentation accompanied
by text. You will build this sketch using the available resources. You will have to use a minimum of 3 sources to
complete this assignment (textbook counts as an additional source not a part of the three).

Choose from an artist on the Google Sheet and put your name beside the one you want to do: Renaissance
Artist Assignment Sign-up sheet One person per artist

Google Slides presentation:

1. 15 slides long
2. MLA Works Cited slide at the end (for total of 16 slides) [You must include citations for the pictures]
3. Should read like a wikipedia page (summary of their life, early-life, mid-life, late years, legacy)
4. Try not to have too much text on your slides, the writing should be more focused in your write up.
5. You will not be presenting these, this is so that you can share the images and information in a more
point form structure.

Write up:
1. The write up must be minimum 750 words (maximum 1000)
a. MLA format, Time New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced
2. Minimum of 3 sources (if using textbook, you will have a minimum of 3 plus the textbook) [Wikipedia
is a great starting point to find other sources, but do not use it as a source]

This assignment will be due: MONDAY, APRIL 4 AT 6PM

What to include:

1. Basic background information (full name if available, date and place of birth, date and place of death,

what their art form was)

2. Summary of their life.

3. Provide a timeline like wikipedia (early life, mid-life, late years).

4. Images of their art work with their name, the year, and a description if possible.

5. Discuss their legacy.

Name: ___________________

/40 marks
Criteria (or Standard) 1 2 3 4
50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100%

Demonstrates a high level of
understanding of the topic.

Includes sufficient and relevant evidence.
Includes all the required points.

Ideas are organised clearly and cohesively.
Uses appropriate language with a high
degree of effectiveness.
Applies grammar/spelling and
punctuation with a high degree of
Proper citations and formatting.
Meets the slide count. (1-2 slides below is ok)
Meets word count.

Thorough application of sources.
Consults the required number of sources.
Thorough application of biographical
Thorough application of visuals.

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