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2020, VOL. 16, NO. 2, 445–458


Geodynamic model and tectono-structural framework of the Bengal Basin and

its surroundings
a,b b,c
Md. Sakawat Hossain , Wenjiao Xiao , Md. Sharif Hossain Khana, Khalil R. Chowdhurya and
Songjian Ao b
Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; bInstitute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China; cXinjiang Research Center for Mineral Resources, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and
Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, People’s Republic of China


We present a brief, but precise description of the geodynamic evolution, and tectono-structural Received 16 July 2019
framework of the Bengal Basin. The tectonic map (Main Map) at 1:12,50,000 scale should be Revised 12 May 2020
considered as a first attempt to provide a more comprehensive and accurate geotectonic Accepted 13 May 2020
cartography of the entire region, with respect to the available maps in the published literatures,
and in the light of scientific advances in geodynamics, tectonics and structures reached in the Geodynamics; deformation
last decades plus new geological field works carried out in some key sectors of the Bengal Basin. front; geotectonic province;
The tectonic map of the Bengal Basin improves the knowledge of the geometry of the basin tectonic elements; emerging
boundary, tectonic settings and relevant structures, and its relation to the collision of the Indian fold belt
and the Burmese plates. Three schematic geological cross-sections illustrate the tectonic
architecture of the basin in depth as well as surroundings. The latest understanding of the
present-day geodynamics would help to develop advanced kinematic and dynamic modelling of
the Bengal Basin in relation to the pre- and post-collisional stages of the Indian Plate.

1. Introduction
the plate tectonic and paleogeographic reconstruction
The Bengal Basin is one of the largest collisional foreland model from supercontinent Gondwana to Asia to com-
basins of the world. The geodynamic development of this prehend the geodynamic evolution of this basin. Stan-
basin is directly related to the collision between the dard traditional models suggest that the India–Eurasia
Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate to the north and (Tibet part) collision event started 50–55 Ma ago
the Burmese Plate to the east, building the Himalaya (DeCelles et al., 2002; Najman, 2006; Zhu et al.,
Orogen and the Indo-Burma Orogen in the north and 2005), whereas Ali and Aitchison (2008), Aitchison
east, respectively (Hossain, 1985; Hossain et al., 2019; et al. (2007), Aitchison et al. (2019), Baxter et al.
Khan, 1991; Khan & Chouhan, 1996; Steckler et al., (2016), and Yang et al. (2020) proposed new models
2016). Tectonically, the basin is bounded by the cratonic with much younger age. These new models are based
passive margin of the Indian Plate to the west, the active on much robust datasets from multiple geological
Indo-Eurasia collisional margin to the north, and the and geophysical sources. Therefore, for the conven-
active Indo-Burmese hyper-oblique subduction margin ience of understanding, it is necessary to consider the
to the east, respectively (Figure 1). However, the north- major geodynamic events and their spatial and tem-
eastern continental margin of the Indian Plate is pre- poral relationship with the Bengal Basin development,
sently subjected to collision with the Burmese Plate. To which is currently missing in the literature.
the south, it continues as the Bengal Fan to the Bay of The first geological map of the Bangladesh part of the
Bengal. Recent geodetic measurement shows that the Bengal Basin prepared by Bakr and Jackson (1964) was
motion of the Indian Plate is ∼6 cm/yr in northeast later improved further in connection with hydrocarbon
direction, which results ∼45 mm/yr rate collision with prospecting of the basin (Bakhtine, 1966; Guha, 1978;
the Eurasian Plate, and ∼46 mm/yr rate collision with Guha & Kitovani, 1965; Matin et al., 1983). However,
the Burmese Plate (Akhter et al., 2018). it is beyond dispute that the available geodynamic and
As the Bengal Basin is situated at the juncture of tectonic maps are not comprehensive, to some extent
three tectonic plates, it is necessary to have insight on imprecise and difficult to access.

CONTACT Md. Sakawat Hossain Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka 1342, Bangladesh
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, People’s Republic of China; Wenjiao Xiao
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, People’s Republic of China
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps
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Figure 1. Simplified schematic tectonic map of the Bengal Basin and its surroundings (modified after Hossain et al., 2019 and Khan
et al., 2017).
Note: Blue color AB and CD, and EF lines are the cross-section locations shown in the figures 2, and 6, respectively.

Therefore, the purpose of this research is twofold: (i) of the entire region using modern mapping tools. This
Understanding the geodynamic evolution of the basin map will help visualize the possible initial geometry of
by specifying major geodynamic events and their the Bengal Basin, and will help further improvement of
spatial and temporal relationships with the basin devel- future advanced geodynamic modelling and Indian
opment, (ii) Preparation of a new map that documen- Plate reconstruction. The present study leads to a better
ted and rationally synthesized all tectonic, structural definition and spatial demarcation of the tectonic
and other relevant geological information to postulate elements within different geotectonic provinces of the
a comprehensive and accurate geotectonic cartography Bengal Basin.

2. Map construction georeferenced using ArcMap (ArcGIS version 10.1)

to integrate with the main map. Free-air gravity data
New geological surveys were performed using 1:50,000
of the entire area were analyzed to understand buried
topographic maps obtained from the Survey of Bangla-
tectonic framework (Appendix). Together with these
desh (SoB), and Landsat 7 and 8 images (WGS84 UTM
datasets, the tectonic map resolve tectonics and struc-
45N) from the USGS (
tural framework far better than any of the currently pub-
The field mapping was performed during the winter
lished map of the Bengal Basin and enable a broad but
seasons of 2010–2012 and 2015–2019. ArcMap (Arc-
detailed geological investigation of the region.
GIS 10.1 version) was used to prepare different band
combination for better visualization. A GPS (Mon-
terra®) was used to obtain the position coordinate
(WGS84-UTM) of the outcrops and measured struc-
3. Geological overview
tures’ geometry in the field. Three schematic cross-sec- The Bengal Basin consists of more than 20-km thick
tions were drawn across the major tectonic elements Early Cretaceous–Holocene sedimentary succession
(Figure 2). The national boundaries used in the main (Curray, 1991; Uddin & Lundberg, 2004). The basin
map are taken from Global Administrative Area data- is also occupied dominantly by the Ganges-Brahmapu-
base (GADM, version 3.6). tra-Meghna (GBM) delta, constituting one of the big-
The main tectonic map covering the Bengal Basin gest fluvio-deltaic to shallow marine sedimentary
and its surrounding area relies to a great extent on basins of the world. Geographically, the major portion
the terrestrial map constructed from the Shuttle of the basin is being constituted by Bangladesh and also
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM version 3.0 with covering parts of the Indian states of West Bengal,
1° × 1° tiles at 1 arc second, i.e. about 30 m resolution) Assam, Tripura, and Mizoram. Four major geotectonic
images. The images were obtained from the USGS units surround the basin, which are the Indian Shield
( in October 2016 and to the west and the Shillong Plateau to the north, the
then processed with ArcMap (ArcGIS 10.1 version). Indo-Burman Ranges to the east and the Bay of Bengal
Where available, aerial photographs of about 1:50,000 to the south (Figure 1).
and 1:25,000 scales and published structural geologic Based on geodetic, geological and geophysical inves-
maps were integrated to enhance the interpretations. tigations, field mapping and well data, the Bengal Basin
Relevant maps with tectonic and structural data from has been classically divided into three major geotec-
the published sources are digitized, scaled and tonic provinces (Figure 1): (i) Geotectonic Province 1

Figure 2. Topographic profiles and geological cross-sections across the Bengal Basin and its surroundings. (a) Cross-section drawn
along the line AB as shown in the Main Map (after Betka et al., 2018; Hossain et al., 2019; Maurin & Rangin, 2009). (b) Cross-section
drawn along the line CD as shown in the Main Map (after Hossain et al., 2019; Webb et al., 2013). The topographic profiles were
created from the Google Earth Pro along the line AB (figure a) and CD (figure b), and the arrows indicate the international border

– the Stable Shelf, (ii) Geotectonic Province 2 – the to Asia are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The details
Foredeep Basin, and (iii) Geotectonic Province 3 – are available in the models proposed by Aitchison et al.
the Folded Flank (Bakhtine, 1966; Guha, 1978; Hossain (2007), Aitchison et al. (2019), Ali and Aitchison
et al., 2014; Hossain et al., 2019; Matin et al., 1983). (2008), Baxter et al. (2016), Zhang et al. (2019), and
However, in stringent geological context, Province 3 Zhou and Su (2019).
is the eastern continuation of the Province 2, and Pro-
vince 3 has been evolving as accretionary wedge due to
5. The map unit
eastward subduction and is forming the Folded Flank
of the Foredeep Basin. The Main Map depicts all large-scale folds, faults, shear
zones that have surficial impression and/or recorded
from geophysical studies in different geotectonic pro-
4. Geodynamic evolution
vinces. These provinces, together with their tectonic
To comprehend the geodynamic evolution of the Ben- elements and associated structures are illustrated
gal Basin, it is necessary to have insight on the plate tec- here, starting from the geodynamically oldest geotec-
tonic and paleogeographic reconstruction model of tonic province (Province 1) to youngest province (Pro-
Gondwana to Asia. Therefore, for the convenience, vince 3). The major tectonic unit of the map is the
major geodynamic events related to the Bengal Basin ‘geotectonic province’, which is then divided into
development in conjunction with plate tectonic and ‘tectonic elements’. The tectonic element is finally
paleogeographic reconstruction model of Gondwana subdivided into ‘tectonic blocks’. In addition,

Table 1. Major geodynamic events related to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates and subsequent development of the
Bengal Basin (after Hossain et al., 2019).
Episode 3: Convergence and collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate – Eocene to Late Pliocene
Age in
Geologic Time Ma Major geodynamic events Major tectonic events
Mid- to Late Pliocene ∼3.5– Collision – Himalayan orogeny, late stage,
The major thrust related uplift of the Shillong Plateau along the
2.5 southward migration of the Dauki Fault in the south and the Oldham Fault in the north
Deformation Front (south of the MFT-the southern Deformation Front of the
Himalaya). Centre of the Bengal Basin started evolving as a
foreland basin.
Late Oligocene ∼25 Collision (continent-continent) – Remnant ocean basin took shape due to the collisional orogeny
Himalayan orogeny, main/middle stage of the Barail–Cachar Hills at the northeastern corner of the
Indian Plate.

Eocene-Oligocene ∼35 The continental crust of the Indian Plate collided with the Tibet part
transition of the Eurasian Plate, resulted in subduction of the northern part
of the Indian Plate beneath the southern Tibet, therefore,
initiated the continent–continent collision.
Middle Eocene ∼45 Convergence, subduction, and collision – The northern edge of the Indian Plate was still at some distance
Himalayan orogeny, early stage south of the Lhasa Block, i.e. southern front of the Eurasian
Early Eocene ∼55 The collision of the Indian Plate with a Neotethyan intra-oceanic arc
(Dazhuqu Arc/Kohistan–Ladakh Arc), but not with the Eurasian
Episode 2: Drifting of the East Gondwana – Middle Cretaceous through Late Paleocene
Late Paleocene ∼55.9 Drifting – Indian Plate Indian Plate appears to have reached its maximum level of isolation
after being jettisoned by the Seychelles block.
Cretaceous–Paleogene ∼66 Drifting and further breakup – Gondwana Indian Plate started breaking from the Seychelles.
Late Cretaceous ∼90–85 India–Seychelles separated from the Madagascar.
Mid-Cretaceous ∼118 Magmatic eruption – On Indian Plate The Kerguelen large igneous province began forming on the floor
of the SE Indian Ocean, resulting the Rajmahal Trap eruptions,
and provided a stepping-stone for migrations between the
India–Seychelles–Madagascar and Australia–Antarctica for much
of the Mid-Cretaceous.
Episode 1: Rifting of the Gondwana supercontinent – Middle Jurassic through Mid-Early Cretaceous
Mid-Early Cretaceous ∼125 Rifting-breakup-drifting – Gondwana East Gondwana moved along the Davie Fracture Zone on a trail
roughly parallel to the coast of the eastern Africa, which led to
formation of true ocean floor (Somalia and Mozambique
Early Cretaceous ∼132 Australia–Antarctica began to drift away from the India–

Seychelles–Madagascar with a fan-shaped expanse of ocean

floor that separated the two elements by gradually widening to
the east.
Middle Jurassic ∼170– Gondwana supercontinent started breaking following the
175 rifting of South America–Africa (West Gondwana) from the
India–Seychelles–Madagascar–Australia–Antarctica (East
Paleozoic – Mesozoic ∼180 Stable supercontinent ‘Gondwana’ Indian Plate presumably occupied a central location in the
(Early- Middle Gondwana supercontinent.

Table 2. Major geodynamic events related to the Indian and Burmese plates collision and subsequent development of the Folded
Flank, i.e. Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB) of the Bengal Basin (after Hossain et al., 2019).
Episode 3: Convergence and collision of the Indian Plate with the Burmese Plate – Early Miocene to Recent
Geologic Time Age in Major geodynamic events Major tectonic events
Late Pleistocene ∼0.125 Collision (formerly Subduction) continue – The fold has been progressively growing westward, and actively
-Recent Westward migration of the Deformation developing ‘Emerging Fold Belt’ in between Thrust Front and
Front Indo-Burmese Deformation Front to the west (Eastern part of the
Bengal Basin).
Early Pleistocene ∼2 Sediments in the upper part (∼ up to 5 km) within the major
individual thrust started to deform above a décollement level by
combined thin-skinned and thick-skinned tectonic processes.

Many of the folds in the westernmost part have been actively

Late Pliocene ∼3.5–3 Subduction (ocean-continent) – Oblique subduction of the Indian Plate beneath the Burmese Plate
Development of the IBR & CTFB as in an arc-trench setting developed accretionary prism and the
accretionary prism CTFB started to develop within the upper parts of the thick
deltaic sequence in the eastern margin of the Bengal Basin.
Early Miocene ∼20 Sediment contributions to the Bengal Basin began to arrive from
the Indo-Burman Ranges (IBR) due to subduction of the Indian
Plate beneath the Burmese Plate.
Early Eocene ∼45 Soft lateral-convergence The northeast corner of the Indian Plate making a glancing contact
with the Sumatra Block, followed by the Burmese Plate.

Figure 3. Palinspastic reconstruction of the north-eastern continental margin of India and Tethys Ocean at the drifting stage during
the end of Early-Cretaceous (∼100 Ma). Cross-section is drawn along the line XY as shown in the Main Map.

‘Deformation Front’ and ‘Emerging Fold Belt’ are the Foreland Shelf, where Gondwana coal/
considered as two important geodynamic features of sediments have been deposited (Khan & Rah-
the Province 2, marked in the map and discussed man, 1992). Recent geodetic data (Reitz et al.,
accordingly. The smallest unit of the map is the defor- 2015) suggest an overall very low subsidence
mation structures that includes fold, fault, and shear rate (<1 mm/yr) in the Foreland Shelf area,
zone. compared to other part of the Bengal Basin.
In this tectonic element, four tectonic blocks
(1) Geotectonic Province 1: Western Flank of the Ben- can be identified on the basis of the geophysi-
gal Basin cal and bore-hole data, which are briefly out-
It is separated from the Precambrian Indian Shield lined below.
to the west by a prominent Basin Margin Fault (i) The Himalyan Foredeep: This tectonic
Zone with dislocation and cataclasis. Due to exten- block is marked by high negative Bouguer
sional tectonics, complex graben system (Figure 3) gravity anomaly (−110 to −150 mGal)
has been formed with tilted and/or downthrown within a short distance in the extreme
blocks during rifting of the Gondwana, which northwest of Bangladesh (Figure 4),
was intersected by many normal faults. The MFT which suggests noticeable thickening of
or the southern Deformation Front of Himalaya basinal strata northward into the Siwalik
may be put here as the northern boundary of the foreland basin of the northeastern Hima-
Geotectonic Province 1 (Figures 1 and 2(a)). This laya (Uddin & Lundberg, 2004). The Neo-
geotectonic province is divided into two tectonic gene clastic sediments are well developed
elements: (a) the Foreland Shelf, and (b) the in this tectonic block and attain a thick-
Eocene Hinge Zone or shelf-slope break. ness of 3–4.5 km. The northern edge of
(a) The Foreland Shelf this block along the MFT shows clear evi-
It is characterized by large negative Bouguer dence of an active deformation zone as
anomalies (0 to −140 mGal), mostly related indicated by active faulting, uplift and sur-
to the basement structural features (Figure 4). face-rupture, and occurrence of earth-
Alternating gravity highs and lows with closed quakes. In this part of the basin, the
contours indicate the presence of numerous main deformation front related to the
graben and half-graben structures in most of India-Eurasia collision is represented by

Figure 4. The Bouguer gravity anomaly map covering the Bangladesh portion of the Bengal Basin. Projection used in the map is the
Lambert Conformal Conic with Everest 1969 spheroid (after Rahman et al., 1990).

the MFT, which is slowly migrated south- (ii) The Dinajpur Shelf: It is characterized by
ward. Undifferentiated faults Tista and almost E-W trending linear Bouguer grav-
Gangtok transect this tectonic block ity contours, with values ranging between
along NW-SE direction. −50 and −110 mGal and sloping NNW.

This tectonic block gently plunges north- sloping towards southeast (Khan & Rahman,
ward to the Himalyan Foredeep approxi- 1992). The Precambrian Basement rock dips
mately at 1°–3°. It turns ∼E-W north of southeast abruptly from 2°–3° to 6°–12° at
the Garo Hills of the Shillong Plateau its western edge and then dips more gently
and then connects to the Assam Basin. 1°–2° again in the southeast at its eastern
The Dhubri Fault separates this tectonic edge (Uddin & Lundberg, 2004). At its
block to the west and the Assam Basin to upper edge, the recorded seismic depth on
the east. Three major faults transect this top of the Eocene Limestone is 3500 m,
tectonic block (see the Main Map). In whereas at its lower edge, the recorded seismic
addition, N-S graben structures with depth on top of the same formation is 5000 m.
Gondwana fill are also present in this tec- The Eocene Hinge Zone marks the structural
tonic block (Khan & Rahman, 1992). as well as depositional transition between the
(iii) The Rangpur Saddle: It is the part of ENE Foredeep Basin and Foreland Shelf. It also
prolongation of the Indian Shield to the marks the transition from the thick continen-
Shillong Plateau and Mikir Hills within tal crust (west) to extended thin crust of con-
the Garo-Rajmahal gap. It is characterized tinental margin (east). Although remarkable
by irregular shaped Bouguer gravity con- increase of sedimentary thickness from ∼3
tours with several closed gravity highs to ∼17 km is noticed across the Hinge Zone
and lows typical of a shallow basement, (west to east), the crust thins from 38 km at
and its boundary with the northern and the Indian Craton to 34 km at the Hinge
the southern tectonic blocks has been Zone to 16–19 km at the central deeper fore-
marked at ∼−700 m contour line on the deep basin (Singh et al., 2016). Thinning of
basement. To the east, this concealed crust at the central deeper foredeep basin
block along the Garo Hills is faulted. may result from igneous activity of the Ker-
This dome-shaped tectonic block is the guelen Plume during the Indian Plate rifting.
shallowest part within the Stable Shelf, (2) Geotectonic Province 2: The Foredeep Basin
where the basement depth is 128 m. In It shows small-amplitude, isometric or geographi-
SRTM images, surficial expression of cally equant Bouguer gravity anomalies. This fore-
NNE-SSW oriented three horst structures deep basin comprises a mosaic of few sub-basins
has been observed in the western part of (lows) and buried highs/ridges. It is narrowed
this tectonic block. Approximately N-S north-eastward by the Tripura Uplift in the east
oriented Gondwana-filled graben struc- and the Madhupur High in west, and broadly
tures are indicated by the geophysical divided into two parts. Approximately oval shaped
and well datasets (Khan & Rahman, 1992). Surma basin occupies the northern part of this
(iv) The Bogra Shelf: This tectonic block turns province whereas southern part is known as
approximately E-W near the Garo Hills of southern sub-basin. The southern sub-basin is
the Shillong Plateau and then traverses again divided by a NE-SW trending gravity and
along the southern slope of the plateau magnetic anomaly known as the Barisal-Chandpur
towards the Khasi and Jaintia Hills and High into two smaller basins. These are the Farid-
reaches up to the southern fringe of the pur Trough and the Hatia Trough (Bakhtine, 1966;
Mikir Hills. The northern edge of this tec- Guha, 1978; Matin et al., 1983). Altogether, the
tonic block is characterized by the elongated Foredeep Basin, therefore, can be divided into
close-spaced gravity contours of 0 to five tectonic elements. In addition, the eastern
−30 mGa1 (Figure 4). In this block, several part of the Foredeep Basin is subjected to approxi-
prominent closed anomaly contours are mately east–west tectonic compression due Indo-
observed reflecting gravity highs and lows Burmese collision resulting the emergence of a
within −20 to −50 mGal range representing young and active fold belt called ‘Emerging Fold
intra-cratonic basins, i.e. graben structures Belt’ (Hossain et al., 2020).
where Gondwana sediments were deposited (a) The Surma basin
(Khan & Rahman, 1992). It gently plunges Also known as the Sylhet Trough, a deposi-
southeast to the shelf edge at 1°–3°, and is tional basin of thick sedimentary strata with
clearly marked by the Eocene Limestone a structural relief of about 20 km between
in the seismic section. the trough and the Shillong Plateau separated
(b) The Eocene Hinge Zone by the E-W running Dauki Fault (Biswas &
It is characterized by ∼ENE-WSW trending Grasemann, 2005; Hossain et al., 2016; John-
linear Bouguer gravity contours, with values son & Alam, 1991). Approximate thickness
ranging between −30 and −15 mGal and of the sediments in the Surma basin is ∼18–

20 km with a minimum Bouguer anomaly of On the other hand, the Tripura Uplift forms a
−80 mgl (Hiller & Elahi, 1984; Singh et al., topographically high zone from where the ter-
2016). The basement rock is continental rain slopes are northward and southward as
crust beneath the northwestern half of this indicated by the drainage network of the
tectonic element, whereas oceanic crust is region. Beneath the Agartala region of India,
beneath the southeastern half. geophysically a dome-shaped structure has
Except for the western edge, all structural been recognized suggesting that the area is
features framing this tectonic element are up-arched (Das et al., 2011). The region over-
the results of mostly Pliocene-Recent com- laps with the basinward convex part of the
pressional tectonics. It is presumed that the CTFB and is characterized by a series of
Pliocene uplift of the Shillong Plateau and gra- approximately N-S oriented sub-parallel,
dual westward encroachment of the CTFB- elongated, doubly plunging folds.
IBR along the Thrust Front might have sub- (c) The Faridpur Trough
sided the Surma basin during the Pliocene It is also known as the Patuakhali depression,
(Hossain et al., 2020). This tectonic element and characterized by a general gravity low of <
has evolved from a passive continental margin −20 mGal. Recent geophysical data reveal that
with sedimentary packages thickening south, this tectonic element is most likely underlain
to a flexural basin with sedimentary packages by transitional crust (Curray, 2014; Singh
thickening north (Johnson & Alam, 1991; et al., 2016). In this tectonic element, sediment
Uddin & Lundberg, 2004) due to loading thickness is more than 16 km, and thickness
from the adjacent uplifting Shillong Plateau. of the transitionally extended crust of the
According to Najman et al. (2016), passive Indian Plate is ∼16–19 km. More or less flat
margin configuration of this tectonic element and tectonically less disturbed nature of the
with southward thickening of the sedimentary Moho has been observed at 31–32 km depth.
packages ceased at ∼3.5 Ma, and transition Recent GPS measurement from this area indi-
from passive margin to flexural basin occurred cates an overall high subsidence rate of
during 3.5 to ∼2 Ma. Recent GPS measure- ∼8 mm/yr (Reitz et al., 2015).
ments suggest tectonic convergence, which (d) The Barisal-Chandpur High
causes overall E-W and N-S shortening of This tectonic element can be interpreted as a
this tectonic element at the rate of 7–9 and NE-SW trend gravity and magnetic anomaly
18 mm/yr to the eastern and northern mar- caused by a magnetic body at a great depth
gins, respectively (Nielsen et al., 2004; Steckler (Reimann, 1993). It is assumed that the conti-
et al., 2012). This shortening produces com- nental-oceanic crust boundary of the Indian
plex anticlinal and synclinal systems as well Plate in the Bengal Basin is located beneath
as overlapping thrust systems in and around this element (Singh et al., 2016). Recent GPS
this tectonic element. In addition, the above measurement suggests variable subsidence
tectonic activities also result overall subsi- rates where northern part shows high subsi-
dence at the rate of ∼7–12 mm/yr (Reitz dence rate (>10 mm/yr) compared to the
et al., 2015). southern part (∼3 mm/yr) (Reitz et al.,
(b) The Madhupur-Tripura High 2015). The arc-shaped deformation front (E)
The Tripura Uplift and the Madhupur High related to eastward subduction of the Indian
are connected by a threshold and together Plate passes through this unit causing the
known as the Madhupur-Tripura High. The development of few gentle buried anticlinal
Madhupur High is a Pleistocene Terrace, structures in the north-eastern part (Maurin
which represents slightly undulated and elev- & Rangin, 2009; Steckler et al., 2016).
ated topography from the adjacent flood (e) The Hatia Trough
plains (Morgan & McIntire, 1959). Gravity It represents the deepest trough of the Fore-
as well as aero-magnetic data suggests that deep Basin and has received the highest accre-
the basement is relatively uplifted beneath tion of clastic sediments. Sediment thickness
this area (Reimann, 1993). A series of en-eche- exceeds 18 km, and underneath crust of the
lon faults, known as the Madhupur Fault Indian Plate is ∼16 km thick (Singh et al.,
flanks the western side of the uplifted Madhu- 2016) and oceanic in nature (Singh et al.,
pur High. These en-echelon faulting resulted 2016). Approximately flat and tectonically
either from torsion of the region, possibly as less disturbed Moho has been observed at a
rotational faulting or from the effect of shear depth of 31–32 km. According to the recent
along an assumed blind fault or possibly a GPS measurement (Reitz et al., 2015), north-
combination of both (Hossain et al., 2019). ern onshore part of this tectonic element

shows lower subsidence rate (∼3 mm/yr) than the Bengal Basin (The MFT) advanced
the southern offshore part (∼5 mm/yr). more rapidly southward, whereas the east-
(f) Deformation Front and Emerging Fold Belt ern deformation front of the Bengal Basin
The Indo-Burmese subduction related ‘Defor- (west of the CTFB) probably advances
mation Front’ and ‘Emerging Fold Belt’ are gradually westward to the Bengal Basin.
considered as important geodynamic features. (ii) The Emerging Fold Belt
The former represents an approximate bor- Recent geophysical, structural and strati-
derline and later represents an area within graphic studies (Betka et al., 2018; Hossain
the Bengal Foredeep (see the Main Map). et al., 2019; Hossain et al., 2020; Khan et al.,
These two geodynamic features actively shap- 2018; Maurin & Rangin, 2009) suggest pro-
ing the present-day tectonic development of gressive westward growth of the low inten-
the Bengal Basin, and thus need much geo- sity subsurface folds, towards the
logical attention. Deformation Front. This blind fold belt
(i) The Deformation Front exists in between Thrust Front and Defor-
The arc-shaped Deformation Front in the mation Front, and stretches from offshore
eastern part the Bengal Basin is part of to the south and onshore to the north
the Indo-Burmese deformation front, (see the Main Map). This compression
which is a near-vertical surficial projection related deformation continues from the
of the western front of the subsurface Province 3 (CTFB) in the east to the Pro-
décollement level where slip gradually vince 2 (Foredeep Basin) in the west.
diminishes to zero towards west. The over- These subsurface, youthful, and active
all curvature of this deformation front is gentle folds with little or no surficial
possibly related to the differences in sedi- expression are regarded as the ‘Emerging
ment thickness as well as the fabric of the Fold Belt’, which is characterized by long-
subducting oceanic crust of the eastern wavelength décollement folds, locally west
margin of the Indian Plate (Maurin & Ran- verging, and subparallel to that of the
gin, 2009). The Deformation Front cer- CTFB. Their amplitude seems to decrease
tainly represents the westernmost edge of westward in accordance to the westward
the accretionary prism related to the sub- propagation of the accretionary wedge
duction zone, but not the actual subduction and gradually die out near the Deformation
zone which lies further east beneath the Front (Hossain et al., 2020; Maurin & Ran-
CTFB-IBR (Hossain et al., 2019; Hossain gin, 2009). This probably indicates that the
et al., 2020). The deep seismic reflection slip required for the structural deformation
survey indicates that the blind-active defor- above the décollement surface diminished
mation front has reached as far west as the to zero at the Deformation Front. Except
active GBM delta around the mouth of a few faults, tectonic deformation in the
Padma River near Dhaka (Maurin & Ran- Foredeep Basin is mainly accommodated
gin, 2009; Steckler et al., 2016). To the by the ‘Emerging Fold Belt’. In general,
north, it is terminated by the Dauki Fault. the eastern anticlines within the Emerging
High resolution SRTM images and seismic Fold Belt show very gentle surficial
data display clear evidence of tectonic impression whereas the western anticlines
shortening at and adjacent to the defor- do not have any surficial impression and
mation front. Faults and folds along the are much younger in age.
Deformation Front show right-stepping (g) The Bay of Bengal
en-echelon character, i.e. dextral-reverse This tectonic feature is floored by the Bengal
slip. Accretion of sediment is particularly Fan and is the drifted half part of the Early
clear at the southern end in the offshore Cretaceous Enderby Basin formed as a result
part of the Deformation Front, where of the Kerguelen hotspot (Ali & Aitchison,
ample evidence for youthful folding and 2008). Gravity data revealed the presence of
uplifted coastal terraces indicate the tec- NE-SW trending highs and lows in the wes-
tonic activity along this front. According tern part of the Bay of Bengal. The NNW-
to Maurin and Rangin (2009), deformation SSE transverse oceanic fracture zones trun-
front propagated at ∼100 mm/yr through cated and offset the NE-SW trending gravity
the past 2 Ma, which is significantly greater lows, which probably correspond to the gra-
than the current convergence rate of 9 mm/ ben infilling of the detrital sediments (Rangin
yr across the CTFB (Nielsen et al., 2004). In & Sibuet, 2017). The depth of the Moho is
general, the northern deformation front of ∼31–32 km, which is gradually goes deeper

to ∼37 km below the northern edge of the submarine drainage system of the Bay of
Bengal Basin (Singh et al., 2016). Bengal (Figure 5). The canyon continues to
In the floor of the Bay of Bengal, two aseismic the south as an active channel and reaches
ridges namely 90°E Ridge and 85°E Ridge are as far as the 0° latitude (Curray, 2014). The
observed (Figure 5). The origin of the 90°E location of the mouth of this canyon is pre-
Ridge and 85°E Ridge is related to the Ker- sumably related to the confluence of the
guelen hotspot that now lies beneath the Cro- Ganges and the Brahmaputra rivers during
zet Islands in the southern Indian Ocean. the last glacial sea-level lowstand.
Another major geomorphic unit is observed (3) Geotectonic Province 3: The Folded Flank
in the Bay of Bengal known as the Swatch It is also known as Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt
of No Ground (SoNG), which is an active (CTFB) and considered as one of the active oro-
submarine canyon representing the present genic belts in the world (Figures 1 and 2(a)). To

Figure 5. Free-air gravity anomaly map of the Bay of the Bengal and Bengal Fan (data is taken from the site:
pub/global_grav_1min; cited in Sandwell et al., 2014 to build the map). The 90° E Ridge has positive gravity anomaly whereas
buried 85° E Ridge has negative gravity anomaly.

Figure 6. Topographic profiles (a) and geological cross-sections (b) along the line EF (see the Main Map). The arrows on the topo-
graphic profile are used to locate the fault positions. Geological cross-section datasets are based on several geological field works by
the authors, and published 2D seismic sections by Maurin and Rangin (2009) and Najman et al. (2012).

the east, although the CTFB gradually merges into (I) The western asymmetric fold-thrust zone
the IBR, it is structurally separated by approxi- This zone is folded and thrusted but compara-
mately N-S running Kaladan Fault. To the west, tively less than the eastern highly compressed
the boundary with the Foredeep Basin is transi- zone. The structures plunge very gently mostly
tional and is assumed to be along the edge of the towards N. But, some of the structures are also
convex shaped ‘Thrust Front’ (Betka et al., 2018; doubly plunging in nature. Rocks exposed in the
Hossain et al., 2020), which is mainly represented axial zone of these anticlines are generally younger
by the Chittagong Coastal Fault (CCF), a major than zone (II), and the structures are less intensely
thrust fault with dextral strike-slip component. folded.
The CTFB is a transpressional zone, which is (II) The eastern highly compressed fold-thrust zone
framed by en echelon folds and thrusts (Figure This is represented as intensely folded and
6). Before the collision of the Indian Plate with thrusted narrow ridge-shaped zone, and com-
the Burmese Plate, this province was an integral prised of sharp asymmetric anticlines with steeply
part of the Geotectonic Province 2 (see the Main dipping limbs. The structures plunge very gently,
Map). The initial development of the Province 3 and axial planes are steeply inclined mostly to
in the eastern part of the Province 2 is mostly con- the west. To the east adjacent to the Kaladan
sidered to be started from the Pliocene as accre- Fault, the folds are locally thrusted box anticlines
tionary prism due to the continues oblique with pop-up and en echelon character.
subduction of the oceanic crust of the Indian
Plate beneath the Burmese Plate. Gradual west-
ward overprinting of thin-skinned tectonics of 6. Conclusion
the CTFB by thick-skinned tectonics of the IBR
The geodynamic evolution and a tectonic map of the
is due to rapid propagation of the accretionary
Bengal Basin and its adjacent regions are provided.
wedge westward since Pliocene (Najman et al.,
The integration between the Main Map and the
2016). It is estimated that ∼11 km total east–west
regional cross-sections reveals the complex architec-
shortening occurs in the past 2 Ma, which in
ture of the Bengal Basin, characterized by continent-
turn indicates ∼5 mm/yr long-term shortening
continent collision and ocean-continent subduction
rate (Maurin & Rangin, 2009). Most of these
orogeny to the north and east, respectively. The Hima-
folds are subjected to longitudinal as well as trans-
layan Deformation Front to the south and Indo-Bur-
verse faulting (Hossain et al., 2019; Khan et al.,
mese Deformation Front to the west are actively
2017; Khan et al., 2019). To the west, although
shaping the present-day tectonic development of the
deformation related to the CTFB is gradually
Bengal Basin. Actively developing ‘Emerging Fold
decreasing, but is still sufficient enough to actively
Belt’ in between Thrust Front and the Deformation
produce a young subsurface fold belt, the ‘Emer-
Front west of the CTFB is one of the key features of
ging Fold Belt’. To the far west, deformation ceases
this dynamic foreland basin development.
along the arcuate deformation front.

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