The Shopify Merchant's Bedside Book: 'Merchandising''

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The Shopify


Bedside Book

Chapter 1


‘’The eCommerce success is not about

what you sell, but how you present it!’’


How to Increase Conversion with Proper


Stats on the Effect of Merchandising.............................

Top Benefits Of Merchandising For a Shopify Brand...

What Does It Actually Take to Get the Best Out of a

Page Builder?............................................................1

What Does It Actually Take to Utilize a Product Filter

& Search Tool?.........................................................1

What Is an Agency’s Role in Merchandising?............1

What Is a Tech Partner’s Role in Merchandising?.......1

How to Measure the Success of Store


Challenges When Leveraging Merchandising Tools....2

Solutions When Leveraging Merchandising Tools......2

Case Study: Merchandising Effect on Protein


Case Study: Merchandising Effect on Sage and


Merchandising Checklist..............................................35
How to Increase
Conversion with proper

When it comes to running a business, there is a

common misconception that it's all about the product itself.
While having a great product is important, it's not the only
factor that determines success in the online marketplace. In
fact, how you present your product can be just as important,
if not more so. Effective presentation can make all the
difference in whether a potential customer chooses to buy
your product or not.

With an effective presentation you can

increase the likelihood of conversion
and build a loyal customer base that
will keep coming back to your store.

Tony Bui - Business Development

Manager / PageFly

This includes everything from the quality of product

images to the wording of product descriptions and the ease
of navigating your website. You need to make sure your
product is showcased in the best possible light.

Your business success is beyond having great products and
competitive prices, it's also important to focus on the
customer experience as a whole.

By putting yourself in the shoes of your customers, you can

identify pain points and make changes that will
improve their overall experience. By doing so, you can
increase the likelihood of conversion and build a loyal
customer base that will keep coming back to your store.

To make sure every site visitor purchases something

from your online business, having a great product is
only the beginning. You also need to present that
product in a way that is engaging and effective, in
order to convert potential customers into paying

Here are some tips on how to increase your conversion rate

with an impressive presentation:

Know your audience and

their preferences

By understanding what your target audience likes

and is interested in, you can create a visual merchandising
strategy that speaks to them and encourages them to
engage with your products.

This means researching your audience's demographics,
lifestyles, and interests, and using that information to tailor
your displays and promotions to their preferences.

In eCommerce merchandising,
curation is often overlooked but holds
immense power. A well-curated
selection can ignite impulsive shopping
and boost cart value. Know your
customers, strategically place products,
and watch engagement and sales soar.

Murat Kaya- Director of Growth

Marketing & Partnerships

Optimize your website's

user experience
Make sure your website is easy to navigate, with clear calls
to action and a streamlined checkout process.

Group products in a
logical and visually
appealing way
There are a number of strategies for grouping products
effectively such as organizing products by category, creating
bundles, upselling or cross-selling, and so on.

Within each category, products can be further grouped by
style or color.

Another strategy is to create product recommendations that

showcase complementary products or items that are
frequently purchased together, which can help increase
sales and encourage customers to make additional

Use high-quality product

images and videos
Invest in professional photography and video
production to showcase your products in the best possible
light. Provide multiple angles and options for
customers to get a clear view of what they're buying.

Write clear and concise

product descriptions
Use descriptive language to highlight the benefits of
your product, and make sure to answer any common
questions that customers might have.

Personalize customer
experience in visual
Customers love it when you know them! You can
recommend products based on customers'
interests, geography, or browsing history. You can
also manually save the spotlight for the hottest (trending)
items in your store.

Incorporate social proof

Display customer reviews and ratings prominently on your
website to build trust and increase confidence in your

Stats on the Effect of

of consumers consider
higher conversion by
visual appearance for
buying decisions. leveraging site search.

50% 62%
of consumers switch of customers consider
brands with no video/photos reviews
appropriate before purchase.
merchandising strategy.

24% 82%
of brands believe
of customers interacts
with products in the enhanced experiential
store before purchase. value is crucial.

Top Benefits Of
Merchandising For a
Shopify Brand
‘’The Reasons Behind The Impressive Stats Above’’

Merchandising can have a significant impact on online sales

and customer engagement. It involves the use of images,
graphics, promotions, and other visual elements to
showcase products and create an engaging shopping
experience for customers.

Here are the top benefits of merchandising for your

Shopify store:

Increased Sales
Effective merchandising can lead to an increase in sales by
showcasing products in a flattering manner.
Merchandising involves more than just displaying products
on shelves or webpages; it involves creating a visual story
that captures the customer's attention and encourages them
to make a purchase. 

For example, if you're selling clothing, you can use

mannequins or models to showcase the latest fashion trends
and styles. If you're selling home decor, you can use
beautiful photographs to showcase how the products look in
a real home.

Not to mention, merchandising also allows
customers to see your products in scale and in
practice to make sure they can purchase the right
variant (size, color, material,...)

Enhance the customer

Online merchandising can create an engaging and
memorable shopping experience for customers.

By using high-quality images, clear product

descriptions, and other visual elements, brands
can make their products more attractive and
appealing to customers, leading to higher
engagement and sales.

Effective merchandising can enhance the customer

experience by making it easier for customers to find and
navigate through your products. By presenting products in
an organized and visually appealing way, you can
make the shopping experience more enjoyable for your

To demonstrate, if you're running an online skincare and

makeup business, you can use product categories and filters
to help customers find the products that best fit their skin
type and skin color.

You can also use high-quality product swatches captured in
various lighting and angles as well as detailed product
descriptions to help customers make informed purchasing

Increase conversion rates

Digital merchandising also allows e-tailers to make strategic
pricing decisions. Through promotional merchandising
techniques, such as dump bins, it’s possible to increase item
sales while at the same time lowering prices. 

Merchandising can increase your sales per customer

if it’s arranged to promote add-on sales on your site, for
example, through impulse recommendation displays at the
checkout page.

Create customer loyalty

Customers tend to shop where they feel certain they can
find the products they want. They will be loyal to your
online store as long as you can create a pleasing shopping
experience and provide what they need. Good
merchandising strategies can encourage repeat

25% to 40% of the total profits of most
businesses originated from returning
customers. If your customers remember
that your online store is easy to shop
through, they will return again and again.

Hailey Tran - Growth Manager /


Merchandising can also build customer loyalty by creating a

unique and memorable shopping experience. By
presenting products in a way that aligns with your brand's
values and messaging, you can build a loyal customer base
that will continue to support your brand. 

When successfully capturing your customers'

hearts, keeping their love for your business is also
important. We suggest you build a points and referrals
program for customer nurturing and BON is a great way to
keep their data in check. 

For instance, if your business is in the eco-friendly products

market niche, you can use your merchandising efforts to
highlight your brand's commitment to sustainability and
social responsibility. This factor could attract customers
who share your values and they are more likely to become
repeat customers.

Differentiate from
Effective merchandising can help Shopify brands
differentiate themselves from their competitors. By
creating a visually distinctive and memorable
online shopping experience, brands can stand out
in a crowded marketplace and attract more

Strengthens brand identity

The way your online store looks also forms a vital
impression for first-time visitors. Studies have shown
that 75% of consumers judge a website’s credibility
based on its visual design.

With such a high amount, you’ll be sure to lower your

bounce rate simply by having an appealing design. By using
consistent visual elements and messaging across their
website and other marketing channels, brands can create a
strong and recognizable brand identity.

Improve the store's SEO
By optimizing product categories, descriptions, and
promotional campaigns, store owners can ensure that their
store is more visible in search engine results, which
can lead to increased organic traffic and sales.
Additionally, merchandising can help to improve customer
engagement, which can further improve SEO rankings and
increase the store's visibility.

By actively applying suitable merchandising

strategies, Shopify brands can create a more
engaging and memorable shopping experience
for their customers and increase their chances of
success in the competitive world of eCommerce.

Improved Brand Awareness

Merchandising can help increase brand awareness by
showcasing your products and creating a consistent
brand image. Consistency is key in branding, and your
merchandising efforts should reflect your brand's values,
messaging, and visual identity.

By using consistent branding and design elements, you can

make your brand more recognizable and memorable
to your customers.

To illustrate, using the same font, colors, and logo on
all of your product pages can help reinforce your
brand's identity and make it easier for customers to
recognize your products.

Brand awareness can also be enforced in your packaging

such as branded wrapping paper, ribbons, thank you cards
and so on…

Better Inventory
An underrated benefit of merchandising is that this
practice can improve inventory management by
highlighting products that are selling well and
reducing inventory of products that aren't. 

By using data and analytics collected from your

store, you can decide which product is your best
seller and which one is not and enforce efforts to
improve the situation.

For example, if you notice that a particular product is

selling well, you can use your merchandising efforts to
promote it on a bigger scale on your website such as placing
it in your hero banner, followed by a “Buy Now” button.

On the other hand, if a product's sales isn't that prominent,
you can redirect merchandising by either running a sales
campaign to recollect the initial investment or including it
in a bundle with other high selling products.

Competitive Advantage
Strategic merchandising can give your brand a competitive
advantage by setting it apart from other brands in the same

By creating a unique and engaging shopping

experience, you can attract more customers and
stand out in a cut-throat marketplace.

As an example, if your business is selling food and spices,

you can set up a page on your website to share cooking
recipes where ingredients can be purchased from your
store.This can help set your brand apart from competitors
and make it more memorable to customers.

Another idea to try out is having a quiz to collect

information about your customers such as their age, gender,
preferences,... to suggest products that fit within their

Done being said, it’s undeniable that merchandising is

extremely important to a Shopify business.

Mentioned practices such as customer reviews,
customizable product display, customized pages and
product filters,.. can all be satisfied by using a
powerful page builder like PageFly.

What Does It Actually

Take to Get the Best
Out of a Page Builder?

Page builders are tools that allow users to create custom

web pages without needing to know how to code. However,
to get the best out of a page builder, it takes more
than just the ability to drag and drop elements on a
page. Keep in mind following things to make the most out
of a page builder:

Understand the purpose and features of the

web page.

Choose the right template and design options.

Optimize the web page for user experience.

Keep content concise and relevant.

Rely on customer support when issues occur.

What Does It Actually
Take to Utilize a Product
Filter & Search Tool?
eCommerce platforms like Shopify offer a free product
filter and site search solution, yet with flaws and limitations.
A moderate investment starting at around $19 is necessary
to boost sales with merchandising.

An excellent Product Filter & Search Tool such

as Boost AI Search & Discovery (BSD) takes a
few clicks to set up and can run smoothly within
a day. If you want to customize the style or add a
few more integrations, it may need more time.

What Is an Agency’s Role
in Merchandising?
A Shopify Expert plays a pivotal role in store
merchandising, helping their clients create an effective and
impactful product display that can be an impetus for
customer conversions.

In addition to visual merchandising and creating a unified

store aesthetic, these agencies provide expertise in
analyzing customer data to determine which
products customers are most likely to purchase.

By using digital marketing strategies such as email

campaigns, social media posts, targeted ads, and other
creative forms of promotion, these agencies can help
drive sales and encourage customer retention. 

Additionally, they can help their clients upsell and increase

order value through product bundling and promotions.

By leveraging the knowledge and experience of a Shopify

Expert, businesses can create opportunity out of any
product and design a truly successful retail experience.

written by

Xavier Lee
Managing Director at
Jumpstart Commerce

What Is a Tech Partner’s
Role in Merchandising?
In eCommerce, a tech partner can contribute significantly
to merchandising by providing the technical expertise
and support needed to effectively manage and
optimize an online store's merchandising strategy.

Due to the complexity of merchandising factors

such as visualization, customization, data
collection and testing, having a tech partner
would help business owners cut down on costs,
make wise decisions and maximize profits.

Also, a tech partner will fill in that blank with enhanced

functionalities to allow for more diverse
merchandising rules and provide more accurate
search results in less time.

For example, Boost AI Search & Discovery offers

both boosting and demoting rules. As a result, not
only can high-margin products be promoted but the
“not-performing-well” can be hidden or buried
at the end of the listing pages.

Some add-ons like an easy-to-build filter tree dedicated to

each collection can streamline product discovery, especially
in online stores with large inventory.

Here are some ways to demonstrate how a tech partner can
contribute to an eCommerce business’s merchandising:

Platform selection
Having a tech partner can help a business select the right
ecommerce platform that supports effective
merchandising. They can evaluate different options and
recommend platforms that have features such as search
functionality, product recommendations, and easy product

Data collection and

In order to make data-driven decisions, a tech partner can
provide data analysis and insights for merchants to help
them see the issue in a big picture. By analyzing
customer data, product sales performance, and
other key metrics, a tech partner can help identify
areas of opportunity and threats for
merchandising improvement.

When it comes to building a memorable shopping
experience, personalization is key. How a tech partner
can personalize the shopping experience is through
implementing tools such as product
recommendations, personalized search results, and
dynamic pricing.

Personalization can also help increase sales by showing
customers products that are more relevant to their interests
and needs.

An example of personalization is
utilizing a page builder to build your
store design, make any necessary
tweaks in product display to achieve the
most effective and sales-driven layout
for your products and customers.

Tony Bui - Business Development

Manager / PageFly

A good page builder should be user-friendly, customizable

and optimized for mobile devices and has fast loading

Another way technology can assist an eCommerce business
optimize its merchandising strategy is by testing different
layouts, product placements, and promotional offers.
Through A/B testing and analysis, a tech partner can
help identify the most effective merchandising
strategies for your business.

Maximizing Customer

Online store sales should be with the most user-friendly and

easiest-to-customize solution to merchandising and product
discovery. All Boost AI Search & Discovery (BSD) offers
features are code-free so any merchant can pin on-sale
products at the top of the search results in an instant.

Boost has been specializing in

merchandising and site search for around 6
years, we can provide guidance, support,
and customization on how to utilize
merchants’ solutions best to improve the
user experience.

Hailey Tran - Growth Manager /


This includes creating product-boosting rules based on tags

or metafields, optimizing the search suggestion dictionary,
and analyzing search and filter engagement reports to
refine store merchandising initiatives.

g a produ
& search ct filter

tool can
improve greatly
by makin satisfact
g it easie ion
customer r for
s to find
purchase and
that mee o
t their s r services
needs and pecific


How to Measure the
Success of Store
Measuring success in eCommerce merchandising can be
complex, but there are several key metrics that can
help determine how well a business is performing.
We suggest you look at the below metrics for an effective
Conversion rate

It is the percentage of website visitors who make a

purchase. To evaluate the success of store
merchandising strategies, it is important to track key
metrics in terms of conversion (such as sales,
conversion rate, etc), and customer feedback.

You can read more about the guide of PageFly to

conversion rate tracking here.

Visitor engagement

Measuring visitor engagement (filter clicks, top

searches, top searches without results, top results
clicks, etc) is crucial as it can provide insights into how
merchandising initiatives have successfully driven
customer engagement.

Average order value

The average amount spent per transaction.

Bounce rate

The percentage of visitors who leave the site after

viewing only one page.


Customer feedback

They can be gathered through surveys, customer

reviews, and social media channels.

Customer segmentation

It can help evaluate store merchandising success;

understanding customer needs and preferences.

You can also use customer segmentation to ensure that

the store reaches the right people and provides
a great shopping experience to them.

Challenges When
Merchandising Tools
Page Builder Tool

Customizing the store design as

mobile responsive

While Shopify provides many resources to make it easier to

create a responsive store design for mobile devices, there
are still several challenges due to the unique characteristics
and limitations of mobile devices:

1 Screen Size Variations

Mobile devices have different screen sizes, resolutions,

and aspect ratios.


This means that the store design must be flexible

enough to adapt to a wide range of devices and screen

2 Touch Interactions

Mobile devices rely on touch interactions, which are

different from mouse clicks and hover interactions
used in desktop designs. The store design must be
optimized for these touch interactions and
ensure that users can easily navigate and interact with
the site.

3 Performance Optimization

Mobile devices often have limited processing power

and slower internet connections, which can impact the
performance of the store. Therefore, the store
design must be optimized to load quickly and
run smoothly on mobile devices.

4 Content Optimization

The store's content must be optimized for mobile

devices, including images, videos, and text. This
includes adjusting font sizes, image sizes, and page
layouts to ensure that the content is easily readable
and accessible on mobile devices.

5 Compatibility

Since mobile devices use different operating systems,

ensuring compatibility with various mobile devices
and browsers can be challenging and require
additional testing and debugging.


Product Filter & Search


Customer touchpoints for online

Merchandising is all about putting the right
product in front of the right customer at the right
time and in the right place. That simple concept turns
far more complicated in cyberspace since the user
experience and interaction here are completely different. 

Even when merchants can define where to apply online

merchandising, there are still challenges. Websites are built
with coding that the majority of casual merchants are not
familiar with. Therefore, it is difficult to optimize online
merchandising in important customer touchpoints like site

Merchants are aware that they can do merchandising right

after shoppers land on the search bar with search box on-
click suggestions. The thing is, not all available no-code
merchandising solution has such a feature.

Despite the availa


of some no-code
with critical featu
merchants strugg
le to
optimize online

merchandising, inclu

site search.


Solutions When
Merchandising Tools
Page Builder Tool
Tips to make your shopify store mobile
As buyers are becoming more reliant on their phones and
tablets, it’s important for Shopify merchants to make their
stores responsive to mobile devices. We suggest you follow
these tips to make your Shopify store mobile responsive.

1 Choose a responsive theme

When selecting a theme for your Shopify store, choose

a responsive theme that is optimized for mobile
devices. This will ensure that your store's layout
and design adapts to the screen size of
different mobile devices. We recommend using
Blum due to its mobile first design and fast page speed.

2 Simplify the design

This means reducing clutter, using fewer images, and

making sure that the text is easy to read on a small

3 Use high-quality images

Use high-quality images that are optimized for mobile

devices. This will ensure that the images load quickly
and look good on different screen sizes.


4 Optimize page loading speed

The store's content must be optimized for mobile

devices, including images, videos, and text.

This includes adjusting font sizes, image sizes, and page

layouts to ensure that the content is easily readable and
accessible on mobile devices.

5 Test on multiple devices

Test your store on multiple devices to ensure that it is

responsive and functions properly on different mobile

6 Use mobile-friendly features

Features such as click-to-call, tap-to-zoom, and swipe

navigation are must-trys for your online store as they
will make it easier for customers to interact.

7 Ensure checkout is mobile-friendly

Double check that the checkout process has easy-to-

fill forms and simplified payment options.

8 Use mobile optimization apps

Besides your efforts, you can use an app especially

designed for making your Shopify store mobile
responsive. With Shopney you can turn your Shopify
store into an app in minutes and launch in days.


9 Monitor analytics

Monitor your store's analytics to see how customers are

interacting with your store on mobile devices. Use this
data to identify areas for improvement and make
changes accordingly.

Product Filter &

Search Tool
Important touchpoints to do online
merchandising with best practices
1 Search merchandising:

The small secret here is to do your research and dig

into your store's statistics to find the best offer for

The best offer or the best product suggestion is the

one they are most likely to buy. Products that should
get a boost in the search results:

Bestsellers: Top-selling products are

bestsellers for a reason. It means that the
majority of visitors to your site love them.

Trending (seasonal) products:

Holiday-themed products are always the most
sought-after items during the holiday season.
Putting your seasonal products on top will help
attract repeat customers and spark the interest of
new ones.


Popular searches and trending products are displayed on

the search predictive dropdown right when shoppers click
the search icon on Protein Package using Boost AI Search
& Discovery (BSD).

Listing discounted items first on the search result pages is a

good way to do merchandising.

Some other tips:

Filter and only display products with over 4-star
reviews or rates from customers.

If you sell your self-branded products, consider

prioritizing the most competitive products
from your store in comparison with other
A/B test your sort by options on your store during the
holiday season. Our suggested sort by is “Sort by
Best-selling items”, “Sort by New Arrivals”, “Sort by
High/Low Discount” or “Sort by Price”.


Always display alternatives when a search displays.

You can also suggest a synonym or related keywords
to invite shoppers to the next action.

2 Floor plan or store layout = Website


In merchandising, floor plans are the strategic use of

space that maps out store layouts. These layouts guide
your customers on a certain route and influence their
experience (and purchase decision).

Physical stores usually use an angular floor plan. This

reduces the display area and mostly consists of curves
and angles to give off an aesthetically pleasing display
while effectively highlighting popular lines.

It is the same in an online Shopify store. Your

website layout should focus on driving more
engagement from online visitors and maximizing
sales potential.

A good online store should focus on simple

navigation and a clean layout (big text, big
images, more space) to bring out the products and
branding style.

3 Window display = Website homepage:

Fashion - online or offline - is all about appearances. 

In brick-and-mortar retail stores, window display - the

exterior facing window area - is one of the first things
people see from the street. It is a powerful element to
boost your store's appearance. It also helps
merchandise your products and promotions and
enhances your brand image.

In the online world, the window display equals the

homepage of your website. Most of the time, the first
thing an online visitor sees when landing on your store
is the homepage. A store's homepage should be
visually appealing to showcase the highlight
products, promotions, or brand characteristics.

4 In-store signage = Site navigation &

product filters:

Shops with physical locations organized products in

categories for customers to navigate through. These
categories are classified and recognized by different
signages. When turning online, shoppers can browse
through your site navigation and product filters.

But, it is much more difficult to showcase your
products on a website because you can’t list everything
out like in a physical store. So, pay attention to
optimizing your site navigation as well as product
filters to inspire online visitors’ next action. Only
show filters that are relevant to the listed
products, display the price filter in a range
slider, and the color filter using a swatch.

5 Product display = Product images and


Product display in a physical store is quite obvious.

And customers can touch, smell, and observe directly
your products, then pick the one they like. Easy peasy!

In a 2-dimensional store, your customers can only

look at all your products, on a screen. So, it's not only
important for you to present your product information
in detail. You have to invest in your product's
visuals including both images and videos.

Besides, you can use modern technologies to

personalize the shopping experience. For example,
providing an online fitting room or 3D product
showcase with the help of VR or AR. Let’s dive into
this on another occasion though.


CAse Study:

Merchandising Effect
on Protein Package
‘British nutrition brand’

around a £250,000 increase in sales with
the effect of site search.

conversion rate went from 2.5% to 3.2% by
leveraging merchandising.

total searches that focus heavily on brand
names, popular products, and requirements.

CAse Study:

Merchandising Effect
on Sage and Paige
‘Global Fashion Brand’

the number of search sessions increased
with the implementation of site search.

more than 2,000 number of sessions with
search within 2 months.

in the peak season, the number of sessions can
almost reach 3,500 sessions with site search.



By following these merchandising checklist items, you can

create a more professional and user-friendly eCommerce
experience that drives sales and builds customer loyalty.

Product descriptions: Ensure all products have

detailed and accurate descriptions that include
information such as size, material, weight, and

High-quality, bespoke product images: Provide

images that show products from different angles, with
zoom-in features and a variety of colors.

Consistent branding: Ensure that all products are

presented with consistent branding, including the use
of the same fonts, colors, and style across the website.

User-friendly navigation: Make sure that the

website is easy to navigate with clear categories, filters,
and search options.

Sales promotions: Plan and schedule regular sales

promotions such as discounts, free shipping, and

buy-one-get-one offers.

Cross-selling and upselling: Implement strategies

for cross-selling and upselling, such as recommending
related products or offering package deals.
Customer reviews: Encourage customers to leave
reviews by sending follow-up emails after purchases
and making it easy to leave a review on the website.

Product filter and search: Optimize search

suggestions with high-converting queries and products.
Also, use badges and labels effectively to provide easy

Product recommendations: Use customer data

and algorithms to suggest products that customers may
be interested in based on their browsing and purchase

Product availability: Regularly update product

availability and remove out-of-stock items from the

Mobile optimization: Ensure that the website is

optimized for mobile devices, with easy navigation, fast
loading times, and a responsive design.

Security measures: Implement secure payment

options, SSL certification, and other security measures
to protect customer data and build trust.

Customer support: Provide prompt and helpful

customer support through multiple channels such as
email, phone, and live chat.

Measure the results: Provide analytics for

marketing and promotional campaigns using


This section of the book has been

prepared with the invaluable
contributions of

Xavier Lee Hailey Tran Tony Bui

Managing Director Growth Manager Business Development Manager

Murat Kaya
Growth Marketing &
Partnership Manager

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