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Generated: 02/20/24

Release notes for GeneXus

Version V18: to Upgrade 8 - from Upgrade 7

Version V18 UPGRADE 8

New features
• #53985:.NET Framework Generator declared Legacy

The .NET Framework generator has been declared Legacy. From now on you will only receive
security fixes.
More information at

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

• #53986: Se pasa a requerir como minima version Xcode 15 como version minima soportada, generador

A partir de la version de Genexus 18 upgrade 8 pasa a ser requerimiento minimo tener

Xcode 15 en la mac que se utilice para compilar aplicaciones generadas para Apple.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53983:It is allowed to condition the use of a library extension when using a particular
method of an external object

The method node is created within implements of the extension libraries

. Which allows a particular library extension to be conditioned when a specific method
of an external object is used.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53978:It is allowed to indicate an initial upload date to GxScheduler

The possibility of indicating an initial agenda loading date different from the current
day was implemented
Applies to: Development Environment

• #53876:The JSON-java library is updated

The JSON-java library is updated for the Java generator for security reasons.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53959:Update of the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library

The Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library for the .NET generator is updated.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53960:Android Flexible Client begins publishing to Azure artifacts

The flexible Android client is now published through the Azure Artifacts platform
and in Maven Central.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Super App Render for Android

• #53945:Angular - Refactoring for 'TabularGrid' VirtualScroller control

The virtual scroller algorithm for the Tabular Grid control is reimplemented in the
Angular generator.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53949:Angular - Being able to load elements into a Tabular Grid from client-side only

Using the Angular generator, support is provided for loading elements into a 'Tabular
Grid' from client-side only.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53953:New parameter is added for the external Object Analytics, Android and iOS

A new parameter is added to

, value "Key" and "Value", to be able to add events in a personalized

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53934:Opentelemetry Logging in NET Applications

The logs of NET applications are generated according to

when the Observability Provider property = Opentelemetry / AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry.
This allows the logs to follow a standard that allows them to be viewed in observability

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53922:Performance improvements in applications and web services with the Java generator

Some changes were made to the standard classes used by the Java generator that considerab
ly improve the performance of the web applications and the generated services.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53920:Sandbox Mode in Super App GX

Support is added to run a GeneXus Super App in Sandbox Mode.

This allows you to load versions of Mini Apps found in Review in the Mini App Center,
scanning its QR code, in order to test and validate them, before moving them to the “Ready”
state, which will make it available for all users of the Super App in Production.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53902: Se implementó la posibilidad de apagar la generación de métricas, trazas y logs

de OpenTelemetry por vars de entorno

Se agregaron las variables de entorno OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER, OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER

Si la propiedad Observability Provider tiene un valor distinto de "None",
la generación de métricas, trazas y logs, ocurrirá solo si las variables de entorno no
están definidas o tienen un valor diferente a "none".
Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53894:Medium trust is no longer supported in the .NET Framework

Starting with GeneXus 18 Upgrade 8, for the .NET Framework generator to work in medium
trust environments, it is required to return to the previous version of System.IdentityModel.
Tokens.Jwt.dll and Microsoft.IdentityModel.*.dll ( those distributed up to v18u7)

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

• #53897:Line-height support in Design Systems for mobile platform

Starting with Upgrade #8 of GeneXus 18, the operation of the line-height property
configured in a Design System Object for controls in mobile applications is supported.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53880:Deployed OTEL Azure App Insights Agent update

Upgraded the Azure Application Insights OpenTelemetry Agent to the newest version.

More information:,Observability+with+Azure+Monitor+Applicatio

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53881:Inconsistency in the YAML structure of the API object related to SDT properties

The problem lies in the inconsistencies within the YAML of the API object, where
the SDT variables have discrepancies between their internal and external names, and the
"Json Name" It is not respected in SDT elements, generating divergences in the
JSON format.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53882:Implemented the ability to view NET metrics when using OpenTelemetry

Added instrumentations to track metrics in ASP.NET Core, in particular all metrics

Provider = Opentelemetry.
Likewise in the case of having Observability Provider = Azure Monitor Application Insights.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53878:Remote call of the API object was implemented

The possibility of consuming shared API Objects from another KB is implemented by

packaging, publishing and installing Modules.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53868:Using isEmpty and setEmpty methods for Geopoint in user events is supported

Added support for using the isEmpty and setEmpty methods for Geopoint in user events.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53857:GeneXusJWT - Microsoft.IdentityModel.x and System.IdentityModel.x dependencies are


Microsoft.IdentityModel.x and System.IdentityModel.x dependencies are updated for

.Net and .Net Framework

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53856:WorkWith Devices adds the "New <TRN>" tag to the form in Insert mode

The Work With Devices pattern is applied in a transaction. When a record is entered,
the form is displayed taking into account the value "New <Transaction Name>".

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53839:Azure functions triggered by Event Grid are supported

l#register-the-event-grid-resource-provider">https ://

this implementation, when Event Grid receives an event, an associated Azure Function is
activated, allowing an immediate and automated response to changes or events that occur
on the platform.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53830: Se actualiza driver .Net para acceso a PostgreSQL mediante Dbret

Se actualiza driver .Net para acceso a PostgreSQL mediante Dbret

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53822:Turn off Automatic Update for a Pattern from its configuration file

It is possible to turn off Allow Automatic Update of Pattern instances from the configura
tion file, through the false tag. This allows disabling the use of that property and the
possibility of activating it from the GeneXus IDE.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53820:Replaced JayRock with System.Text.Json in .NET Builder GxClasses

JayRock's migration to System.Text.Json in GxClasses of the .NET Generator ensures

greater stability and avoids future compatibility issues. The strategic decision is based
on the native integration of System.Text.Json in the framework, supported by Microsoft,
and the elimination of external dependencies, guaranteeing long-term sustainable development.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53770:AWS Lambda SDK updated

Upgrade from V1 to V2 of the AWS Lambda SDK for the entire AWS Lambda Functions topic.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53772:Spring Boot version updated

Spring Boot version 3.2 was implemented.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53725:Build warns that property "Standard classes specific version" with previous value
will be ignored

A control is added in the compilation process with .NET, showing in the output a warning
when the property "Standard classes specific version" has a value corresponding
to a version older/incompatible with that of the installed generator. The warning indicates
that the property value will be ignored. This can occur when you compile with a particular
version of the standard classes and later install a higher version of the GX/Generator.
The message is similar to this:
warning: The 'Standard classes specific version' property with value '[1.26.1]'
will be ignored due to compatibility issues with the generator, as it has a lower major
or minor version. The generator's version is '[1.28.0]'.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53713:SecurityAPI - BouncyCastle is updated

SecurityAPI - Updated to BouncyCastle.Cryptography version 2.2.1 for .Net and .Net


Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

Compatibility considerations
• #53985:.NET Framework Generator declared Legacy

The .NET Framework generator has been declared Legacy. From now on you will only receive
security fixes.
More information at

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

• #53975:[iOS] Preventive fix to possible incompatibility problems

The iOS generator is made up of the Flexible Client and the generator itself. Errors
may occur if versions are not handled in a compatible manner, such as compilation errors
or others. A defensive fix is made to consider the FC version in the generated code.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53894:Medium trust is no longer supported in the .NET Framework

Starting with GeneXus 18 Upgrade 8, for the .NET Framework generator to work in medium
trust environments, it is required to return to the previous version of System.IdentityModel.
Tokens.Jwt.dll and Microsoft.IdentityModel.*.dll ( those distributed up to v18u7)

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

Bugs fixed
• #53981:Event associated with function key does not always execute when using some User Controls

In some cases, when using User Controls with their own events, the event associated
with a function key is not always executed.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53984:Previous metadata is read after updating the iOS application

After making a major/minor update of an iOS application, it happens that previous

(old) metadata is read.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53670:Click event does not work the first time you click on a grid if a controlvaluechanged
was executed before

There is a grid with checkbox fields that have a click event, if a controlvaluechanged
event is triggered for a field outside the grid and then the checkbox is clicked, the
event is not triggered

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53806:Sending via form-data to a rest service gives an empty parameters error

If a call is made to a REST service in which a pdf file and a specific header are
added to the message, its body is cut off and it is indicated that the parameters arrive

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

• #53834: Deploy de proc EJB que referencia a un BC incluye en el deploy como EAR clases de
objetos web en forma incorrecta

Se tiene un procedimiento con la propiedad call protocol = Enterprise Java Bean que
hace referencia a un BC.
Cuando se arma el deploy como EAR, dentro del paquete de deploy se genera un ejbs.jar
donde se incluyen todos los .class de los objetos web asociados a la TRN que está como

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53971:Error: Maps does not implement selector executeFlexibleClient offline

There is a grid with Control Types = Maps, where a load is made like this: &LatitudeL
ongitude.FromWkt("POINT(-47.408569716567335, -20.542985961646643)")
The application is offline. When opening the panel with the grid, you get this error:
Offline proc class Panel_level_detaile - gridmaps does not implement selector executeFlexible

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53972:FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION permission is added to Androidmanifest even if tracking

services are not used

You have an app that does not use the tracking functionality. In any case, the reference
to the FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION permission may appear in the AndroidManifest.xml -
this causes problems when publishing the app in the store.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53975:[iOS] Preventive fix to possible incompatibility problems

The iOS generator is made up of the Flexible Client and the generator itself. Errors
may occur if versions are not handled in a compatible manner, such as compilation errors
or others. A defensive fix is made to consider the FC version in the generated code.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53977:Methods that leave an application generated for Android do not return results

There is an application generated for Android, which calls an External Object that
exits the application and is expected to return a result, but in some cases it does not
return said result.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53966:Does not load Kml with MultiGeometry tag on Android

You have a Kml and you want to view it in a Panel, using the LoadKmlLayer Grid method.

During execution, the Kml information is not displayed and the following error is
displayed in the log: Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.util.Iterator java.util.List.i
terator()' on a null object reference

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53944:Angular - Checkbox - Casing in assignment of boolean values generates errors

Using the Angular generator, a problem is reported when assigning values to a checkbox.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53946:Angular - Calling another Panel from a server-side event does not work

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that calling from one Panel to another
Panel from a server-side event does not work.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53947:Angular - Missing translation for GXM_Settings for Language Japanese

In Angular, you can see that for the Japanese Language there is no translation for
the GXM_Settings code.
Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53948:Angular - The MasterPanel is being taken in all the WorkWith elements

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that the MasterPanel is being taken in
all the WorkWith elements, so it is duplicated.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53950:Angular - Tabular Grid footer not positioned correctly

Using the Angular generator, and particularly the Tabular Grid control, it is reported
that the footer is not located correctly.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53951: Angular - El control 'Tabular Grid' no se está estirando a todo el ancho del contenedor

Utilizando el generador Angular, se reporta que el control 'Tabular Grid' no se está

estirando a todo el ancho del contenedor padre.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53952:Angular - Compilation error in calls with nested modules

Using the Angular generator, a compilation error is reported when calling Panel objects
from within nested modules.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53954:Angular - MasterPanels are having Integrated Security Enabled when they shouldn't

Using the Angular generator, MasterPanels are reported to be having Integrated Security
Enabled when they shouldn't.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53940:Angular - Autorefresh does not work in Grid control with 'Condition' defined

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that autorefresh does not work in Grid
control with 'Condition' defined.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53941:Angular - Control property ignored for Menu Object

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that the 'Control' property is not being
taken into account. for the 'Menu Object' object.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53889:RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded when uploading a file with double-byte

You have a panel with a blob, if you upload a file with double-byte characters in
the name when executing an event it does not respond.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53925:Error in the management of dependencies between modules.

An error is generated in module dependency management when the exact version is not

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53915:Generation of QRCode with Character "|" (pipe)

If the character "|" (pipe) starting from GeneXus 18 U2 with the .NET Framework
generator for the creation of QRCode, the following occurs:
Illegal characters in path.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53917:OpenAPI - Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: missing OpenAPI


A yaml file is generated as a result of an Open Api object with duplicate definitions

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53918: Incremento en el tamaño de los directorios de build en .NET

El problema reportado es un incremento en el tamaño de los directorios de build en

.NET, específicamente en proyectos después de migrar a .NET 8.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53919:Angular - Problems with action return using MasterPanel

Using the Angular generator, a problem is reported with the "return" or

"goback" when using the MasterPanel object.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53913:Service invocation that cancels due to timeout does not activate the variable &Err

In an event from an SD Panel, which does not have Composite, a service is invoked
that cancels due to timeout. In that case the value of the variable &Err remains at
zero, making it impossible to capture the error.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53900:Negative coordinates in DDS of Menu objects with Cobol 400

In KB generating Cobol, in some cases when executing a build all or rebuild all, the
screen DDS of some Menu objects are generated incorrectly.

Applies to: Cobol Generator

• #53906:Error - Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture... when
opening SAP BAPI Import dialog

When you open the SAP BAPI Import dialog from the Tools menu-> Application Integration
fails and the window does not open.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53895:Connecting to iSeries with FTP functions does not work

When connecting with FTP to the iSeries to verify that the user exists, the connection
fails on some machines and works correctly on others.
Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #50007:KB build error when importing a module with transactions that are business components

If a packaged module that includes transactions that are business components is imported
into a KB and that KB has other transactions that are business components, an error occurs
when compiling because two definitions of the GxWebStd.cs class are included with the
same namespace

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #51228:Changes to a stencil are not taken into account by live editing

This is a known limitation that causes any changes made to a stencil to not be taken
into account by Live Editing

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53893:SDT fromJson method does not correctly initialize serialized items as Null and Json
Null Serialization property

An SDT is initialized from a String with the fromJson method. If elements are not
referenced, they are assigned as empty, taking into account that the element property
has the value "Json Null Serialization" in "No Property".

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53879:GAM - Two languages are not allowed to have the same ISO Language Code and ISO Country

When a new Language is created in a KB with GAM and it is created with the ISO Language
Code and ISO Country Code of another existing language, the assembly process fails.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53887:Scheduler - When changing language the Event Name literal is not translated

By having more than one language in the KB, it is observed that the literal Event
Name of the User Control GXScheduler is not being translated
Applies to: Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53883:Angular - Master Panel is applied twice in the WorkWith detail

When applying the WorkWith pattern to a Transaction, in execution, when opening its
detail you can see that its Master Panel is applied twice.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53873:Application closes when using FromJson method in offline procedures and having Obfuscate
.. = True - Android

When executing the FromJson method in an offline procedure of a mobile app, it closes,
and when reviewing the log you see errors such as:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.MyApp.SDT.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53869:[Android] Progress EO - Error Unknown method '<property name>' in class.. ProgresIndicatorAP

If in a panel event there is an expression of the type &Value = GeneXus.Common.UI.Pro

gress.Value, it fails to execute giving the error
Unkwn method 'Value' in class

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53865:Casing in generated code .dlls

Some generated .dlls were being left with the wrong casing.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53866:Angular - Master Panel's ClientStart event runs twice

In Angular, having the ClientStart event configured in a Master Panel causes it to

be executed twice.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53656:SetDefaultStart and SetDefaultEnd methods of the GXScheduler control malfunction
when using the Japanese language

When having the Knowledge Base with the Language in Japanese, when using the SetDefaultSt
art or SetDefaultEnd methods of the GXScheduler control, during execution you can see
that the default date is wrong and the year is not shown.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53862:The value in pattern's custom property is lost if it only has one or more spaces

If one or more spaces are assigned to the custom property of a pattern, it loses its
value, it becomes null.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53860: Falla compilación en el Generador Java al tener parámetro numeric inout en API Object

Falla compilación en Java al definir en un APIObject un parámetro inout numeric menor

a 7 dígitos. El error es el siguiente:
: error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to String
AV7num[0] = (int)(GXutil.lval( gxep_test04__postparm.getnum())) ;

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53818:There is no property to configure the purpose string Bluetooth Always Usage Description

Starting with iOS 13, if you use methods from

configure the purpose string Bluetooth Always Usage Description, but GeneXus does not
allow it from the IDE.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53731:Automatic refresh removes value from date variable when used in user control

If you have a user control in a web panel along with a grid and a filter variable,
and in the User Control in the Data property a variable of type Date. When the automatic
refresh of the grid is executed, the value of this variable will be lost, leaving it empty.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53842:"Data Source From = Data Provider" in IDE hides properties

It is reported that in the GeneXus IDE, when setting in an editable field of type
"Wheel", and setting the property "Data Source From = Data Provider"
in the IDE it hides the specific property to assign the Data Provider from which the informat
ion should be loaded.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53852:Android - Crash in StandardNavigationController.handlePopup

In a native Android app, you get a crash in production:

Exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: FragmentManager has been destroyed

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53853:Android - Crash at

In a native Android app, you get a crash in production:

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53845:The Super App Api metadata is not generated correctly when doing Rebuild All

The Super App Api metadata was not generated correctly when doing Rebuild All.
The SuperAppApi.<SuperAppName>.superapp.json file was missing to be generated

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53846:error extraneous input '#' expecting in import design from figma

An import design is made. A figma design is noted and Load is done without error.
When you click OK, the output shows an error like: error: line 3354:2 extraneous
input '#' expecting {&#39 ;%', 'from', 'to', 'px', 'pt' , 'vh', 'vw', 's','em',&#39 ;deg',
'dip', 'png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'i', '*', NUMBER, Identifier}

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53848: No se agrega prefijo de Web Components a Grids con Custom Render en FlexGrid

Se tiene un web component, el cual tiene un grid dentro, si este esta configurado
con CustomRender=FlexGrid entonces a su ID no se le colocara un prefijo.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53849:Reset language does not work if the application has a single language that does not
match the OS

Reset language does not work if the application has a single language that
does not match that of the OS

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53835: Import Design / Define 'border-width: 0' cuando Frame tiene stroke 0 pero existe
un Rectángulo de fondo con stroke > 0

Se tiene un diseño Figma que define un Frame con stroke 0 y un Rectángulo ajustado
a dicho Frame (haciendo fit) con stroke >0. Visualmente en diseño se ve el borde definido
por el Rectángulo pero al importar el diseño en GeneXus el border-width queda definido
con valor 0 (inferido a partir del Frame).

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53836:Import Design / Button caption override by text-style does not work

ot; convention. The text layer that defines the caption of that button defines the raw
style (without style). Then, when instantiating that button (component) in a frame, the
caption style is replaced by a previously defined text-style.

Under these conditions, when importing the design into GeneXus, the definition of the
button style in the DesignSystem refers to the ExternalDesignAttribute class and not to
Applies to: Development Environment

• #53837:Design Import / Elements with margin are clipped in the cell.

There is a design that defines items with a side pin (either left or right) and fixed
width. In these conditions, the Import Design defines margin (left or right, depending
on the pin) but the cell that contains each of these items is defined with its respective
width, without considering the margin. Consequently, when running the application in a
web system (Web Panels or Panels with Angular), the items contained in those cells are
displayed clipped because the total width must consider the defined margin in addition
to the width of the item.
The situation in the vertical direction is analogous.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53840:Module JAR does not have a REST interface of the Data Provider object

Class corresponding to the REST interface is missing in the JAR that is generated
when packaging a module, this occurs when the module has a Data Provider exposed as REST.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53827:[Android] SetFocus method does not work on variable of type Date

You have a variable of type Date in which you want to use the SetFocus method to make
the focus.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53833:Root element is missing - There is an error in XML document, when opening GeneXus
in a KB that GXflow occupies

You are working with a KB and an unexpected restart occurs. When trying to enter the
KB again you see the message "Root element is missing - There is an error in XML document"

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53821:Error running Java Class Import

When running Tools/Application Integration/Java Class Import it gives an error that

does not allow you to launch the wizard.
Applies to: Development Environment

• #53861: No pide permiso necesario para acceder a la cámara o galería antes del acceso a
una api que lo requiere

Solo se da cuando no se ha concedido el permiso de la cámara o acceso a fotos previo

al acceso a una API que lo requiere. No pide el permiso, por lo que luego al intentar
acceder a la cámara falla la aplicación

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53823:Httpclient deletes headers cookie even if it has includecookies false

If a header cookie is entered in an httpclient with the addheaders method, it is deleted

when making the request

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53819:The Isolation Level property of the Secondary Data Store is not taken into account
in Read Replica

For each that uses a Data Selector that is from a secondary Data Store/Read Replica
is not generated taking into account the Isolation level property of the Secondary Data
Store. That is, the same one as the primary Data Store is used.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53811:Direct child selector not supported in Design Systems

When saving a Design System object that contains a direct child selector in some rule,
an error occurs.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53817:[Android] Grid stays in infinite loop when data loading ends.

You have a panel with a grid with 10 elements or a multiple of 10. The grid remains
loading indefinitely the second time you enter the panel.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53810:Error 211 Not Enough local stack in specification

There is a fairly large Knowledge Base with many related attributes. A build is done
(or even a View Navigation). In some cases, an error 211 may be returned: Not enough LOCAL

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53807: Se modifica la columna UserLng en la Reorg 408 to 409 para PostgreSQL cuando no
es necesario

En la Reorganizacion (408 to 409) que se realiza a la base de datos GAM para PostgreSQL
se da el error:
COT ERROR: no existe la columna «userlngid» en carácter 299

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #52634:When using the prompt() rule in Web Panel, the prompt icon/image moves down the variable

In a Web Panel, there is a prompt rule.

The prompt icon/image is displayed below the variable.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53032:When using Work With for Web, the filter is displayed at the bottom of the page

There is a Transaction where the WorkWith for Web pattern is applied.

The workwith filters are set so that they are displayed on the right
When running, these filters are always displayed at the bottom of the page.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53482:ID selectors are not supported in Design System Object

When using a selector by ID in the style of a Design System, you get this error when
error: mismatched input '#c' expecting '}

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53626:Invisible prompt icon, but maintaining a presence in space

If Work With for Web is used, the prompt icon, even when hidden, still takes up space,
which negatively affects the aesthetics.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53801:Angular - The length defined for character/varchar variables is not taken into account

In running Angular, the defined length limit for variables of type character/varchar
is ignored.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53802:Angular - Length/definition of a numeric is not respected

In running Angular, the defined length limit for variables of type numeric is not
taken into account

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53803:Import Design / Preview loading fails if main-frame has invalid character for filename

If you have a Figma design that contains at least one main-frame with an invalid characte
r for a filename (e.g. quotes), then the following error occurs when loading the preview
in the Import Design dialog: Illegal characters in path. (mscorlib).

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53804:Error "mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting TOKENS" occurs when referencing Design
System with empty Tokens section

There is a Design System A whose Tokens section is empty. Then you have a Design System
B that @include Design System A.
Under these conditions an error occurs:
mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting TOKENS

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53805:Angular - GX_EmptyItemText value is not translated when using empty item in a combo

In Angular, text from GX_EmptyItemText is not translated into a combo box when using
empty item

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53798:Sessions are lost when running simultaneous applications on the same server with
net core

You have two different applications on the same server. The .net (core) generator
is used.
The first application is executed and a value is saved in a session. You access the
second application in the same browser and save a value in another session. When you return
to the first application, the session is empty. If you go to the second one, it also has
no value in the session.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53794:Mobile - Not redirecting to Login object when calling a REST Procedure with Security

If you have a REST Proc with security that is called from a Panel without security,
it is not redirected to the Login object

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53795:[UITest][Android] Error capture not found in UITest

No error capture found in UITest.

At the end of the UITest, Gradle deletes the installed application from the device
so the screenshot saved for the error does not exist and is impossible to extract.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53789:OData Inspector: Error importing entity (SAP service) by automatic index

When trying to import an OData service (in this case it is a SAP service), the error
Index cannot be deleted occurs

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53785:Crash when using Maps.getLocation on Android 7.x

You have an Android app with &LocationInfo = maps.GetLocation(0,30,false).

The event is executed on Android 7.1. At this moment the application closes.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53788:Import Figma designs that include fonts whose names do not start with an alphabetic

If you try to import Figma designs with the aforementioned feature, the name in GeneXus
is rewritten with an N as a prefix, but when you try to complete the import, it will fail

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53783:The SD server side application cache does not work correctly when the panel is in
a module, Android

There is an application which has a Panel that is inside a module, this panel calls
the server, the first time the application is run it works correctly. When you try to
run the application again, you may see a loading animation at the bottom of the grid that
seems to never end.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53771:UCEditor.exe does not run

When trying to run the

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53773:Angular - Funny characters with messages when interacting with a WorkWith

In Angular, in some cases when interacting with a WorkWith the messages returned by
the server come as Funny characters

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53774:Angular - Error when executing object that uses Success method of a Business Component

In Angular, the following error is detailed when using the Success method
of a Business Component.
error TS2339: Property 'success' does not exist on type 'Transaction'.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53702: Commit de un theme no lleva la propiedad Description de las clases.

Al definir un valor para la propiedad Description en una clase de un theme y hacer

commit, la misma no se enviara al server. Quedando siempre vacio el campo al hacer update
o mirar la clase en GeneXus Server.

Applies to: GeneXus Server, Development Environment

• #53763:It does not work to switch between classes with images and without images configured
for the Back button, Android genera

There is an application which has two classes for the back button control. Join the
class defined by default by the DSO which does not have an image defined for the button,
and another class which changes the image of the button. If you change from the class
with image to the class without image, the button still shows the changed image.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53764:Detailed error in some cases when using the currentItem property of an SDT with multiple

In some cases an error is detailed when using the value of the CurrentItem property
of a multi-level SDT; the returned value is wrong.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53768:Error - Unable to copy file "...\GxDeps.dll, when deploying Business Process Diagram
to a KB with GAM

You get the error Unable to copy file "...\GxDeps.dll, when doing Deploy Application
using a Business Process Diagram within a KB that has GAM enabled.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53741:Error 404 when running rest service within a module in java

If you have a REST proc within a module that is then imported into another kb and
you try to consume it, it gives a 404 error

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53679:In a Transaction, loading combo values does not work when the Control Type of the
attribute is a UC

In a Transaction there is a combo attribute, but whose Control Type is not the default,
but rather has a User Control associated with it. Additionally, the loading of that combo
is conditional on values of other attributes. In that case, the loading of the combo values
does not work when the conditions are changed. If the Control Type is not a UC, it works

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53719:Offline database pre-loading on Android doesn't work

In an Android application, the mechanism to pre-load the offline database detailed


Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

Version V18 UPGRADE 7

New features
• #53749:Support for Android 14 added

Starting with GeneXus 18 Upgrade 7, support for Android 14 is added, thus changing
the requirements for the Android generator.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53753:Angular - Implemented support for SDT properties that control null serialization

Using the Angular generator, support is now provided for SDT properties that control
null serialization.
Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53754:Angular - Added support for integrating Javascript modules into External Objects
via NPM

Using the Angular generator, support is now added for the integration of Javascript
modules into External Objects via NPM.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53737:Angular Generator migrates to version 17

Keeping our 'Future Proof' promise, the Angular generator now generates code in the
Angular 17 version. In addition, it takes advantage of Angular 17: It uses its new directives
, so there are performance improvements implicit ones that are especially observed in

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53744:Angular - New properties for Tabular Grid in Design System Object

Using the Angular generator, and more specifically the Tabular Grid control, two new
properties were created for customization: "gx-grid-column-size" and "gx-grid-

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53745:Angular - Remove 'app' sub-path from generated application routes

Using the Angular generator, an improvement is implemented in the generated code,

eliminating the 'app' of application routes.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53746:Angular - Change the default of the 'Display' property in WorkWith

Using the Angular generator, it is proposed to change the default property for the
'sections' inside a WorkWith of 'inline' to 'tabs'

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53434:Data from the http connection pool is added to the monitoring data provided by genexus

Added data about the HTTP connection pool when using the HTTPClient datatype to the
data available when the enable management property is enabled.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53726:Support is added to know at runtime which Mini App is running (CurrentMiniAppId)

It is added to the External Objects

a GeneXus Super App) and

property CurrentMiniAppId, in which the identifier of the mini app that

is being executed is returned.
In the case of a non-GeneXus Super App, see examples here for

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS, Super App Render for Android, Super App Render for Apple

• #53707:The Description Annotation was implemented in the Object API

With this implementation it is possible to add documentation in an API Object, allowing

clear and concise descriptions for each method, optimizing understanding and efficiency
in application development.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53696:jQuery-UI update

The jQuery-UI library is updated for security reasons.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53689:Observability Spans are generated for Methods in the .NET Generator

To see the opentelemetry traces, you must configure Generate Observability span property
= Yes, at the object level.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53687:Implemented improvements in deploy times

In some cases there were significant delays in deployment times, especially when
many main objects were included.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53675:.NET Generator (ex .NET Core) generates and requires .NET 8

.NET 8 is required to build Standard Classes .NET

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53676:Updated dependencies used by AWS SDK

Updated dependencies to the latest version (maintaining the major version) of AWS
S3 and AWS SQS.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53678:Log4J update done

Log4j was updated to version 2.21.1

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53671:Images produced by Image Manipulation API begin to become private

Starting with GeneXus v18 Upgrade 7, images produced by Image Manipulation API are
saved in the directory indicated by the Temp Media Directory property, whether the storage
is local or external.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53663: Ya no se exige como IDP en la autenticación WEB (SSO) que el primer parámetro sea
“oauth=oauth” en oauth/gam/signin.

Si en oauth/gam/signin recibe como parámetro "response_type

=code" es lo mismo que recibir "oauth=auth".
Y se recibe el parámetro “oauth=auth” ya no se exige que
sea el primero en el redirect a oauth/gam/signin.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53660: Se agregó al módulo GeneXusSuperApp un método para recuperar una Mini App por su
identificador desde el Mini App Center

Se agregó al external object Provisioning del módulo GeneXusSuperApp el método GetById,

para recuperar una Mini App por su identificador.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS, Super App Render for Android, Super App Render for Apple

• #53647:Simultaneous execution of two IDEs with two KB is allowed with the .NET Generator

This implementation allows, by having two IDEs open, each with a different KB with
a .NET environment, it is possible to run both WebApps at the same time.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53651:SecurityAPI - The xmlsec library is updated

The xmlsec library for the Java generator is updated

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53642:New properties for font configuration in DSO classes

Some properties are added to be able to configure certain characteristics of the texts
used in native Android apps.
The properties that are added are:

or not
want italics
want normal or bold

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53637:Support for Auto-register anonymous users in Mini Apps

Mini Apps are Native Online applications and, therefore, there are services exposed
in the Backend. The possibility of setting Integrated Security in "Authentication" was
implemented, only indicating that

user with device information.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53628:Updated to version 8.4. of Gradle that is used in the build process

The version of Gradle that has been used is 8.4.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53611:The Buffer Response property was implemented

The Buffer Response property implemented in Procedure objects allows you to force
quick partial responses so that the client server can act on them, avoiding buffering.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53621:Reading and writing of chunked responses without Buffer was implemented

It is possible to use HttpClient data type (using ReadChunk method and EOF Property)
and HttpResponse data type to read and write chunked responses.

Applies to: Angular Generator, .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53613:New Log Output property value to deploy logs to Azure Application Insights

For the .NET generator, the Azure Application Insights value is added to the Log Output
property, so that the logs can be displayed in Azure Monitor Application Insights.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53614:Logs can be viewed when Opentelemetry is enabled with Azure Monitor

From now on, if the Opentelemetry Provider property is activated with the value Azure
Monitor Application Insights, it is not necessary to make additional configurations to
view the log generated by the application, but rather it is automatic.
Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53607:Added support for numeric values in the font-weight property

Support for numeric font-wight values on Android and Apple mobile platforms.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53608:Azure.Identity is updated in .NET

The Azure.Identity nuget package is updated for the .NET generator.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53595:Added support for Events (Before | After) in Super App API

Support for Before and After events is added to the Super App object. This allows
Super App code to be executed (user events) before and/or after the function invoked from
the Mini App.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53584:Possibility of configuring Action for SOAP webservice

The SOAPAction property is enabled, to be able to configure the action of the services
exposed under the SOAP protocol, either through a Procedure or a Data Provider.
This Action is a logical name that is exposed in the WSDL and that travels as a header
in SOAP messages.
This property, SOAP Action, only applies to Procedures and Data Providers with the
Expose as Webservice property = True and Use Native Soap = Use Environment property value
or Yes.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53578:The version of the Lottie library of the animations module is updated on Android
For animations with lotties, a
098,External+utilities+used+by+GeneXus+generated+Android+applications is used #Optional+Depen

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Super App Render for Android

• #53351:Support for opening and reading XLS documents with the .NET generator is implemented

Functionality is added to open and read documents in XLS format (Microsoft Excel 97-2003
format) with GemBox.Spreadsheet.dll

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53521:Axis or Data - Determination of the default value of the Type property for a query

; (the element contains information that is generally an indicator) or "Axis"

(The values of these elements are used to "cut" the information contained in the data).
Indicators are always numerical values, although not every numerical value is considered
an indicator. All other data types are considered axes.
It is important to have good defaults in order to minimize the need to change the
value of said property once the element is added to the query.

Applies to: Development Environment

Compatibility considerations
• #53675:.NET Generator (ex .NET Core) generates and requires .NET 8

.NET 8 is required to build Standard Classes .NET

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #52867:Android - It is not possible to disable dropdown icon in date field

There is a panel in an Android app with a Date type field. Running in the Date type
field is shown with a dropdown icon.
The problem is that this icon cannot be disabled (it always remains visible).
Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

Bugs fixed
• #53886:Angular - Grid that has a Condition associated with it is not filtered

In Angular, when defining a "Condition" in the object that applies to the

Grid, in execution it is not applied.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53838:Error 'pmm0046: '%1' module has main objects' when packaging module

The full error is:

error: 'pmm0046: '%1' module has main objects', it cannot be packed:.
error: - '%Object' module is a main object.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53759:Error 403 when deleting lines in 2 level TRN in Firefox

In some cases it may happen that when executing a 2-level TRN and deleting lines from
the second level, a 403 error occurs when executing the application in Firefox.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53724:Differences in API object output serialization between Java and .NET/.NET Framework

When there is more than one Structured Data Type (SDT) output in an API object, and
one of those SDTs is empty or null, the following occurs:
- In Java it is not serialized, but the structure is maintained.
- In .NET and .NET framework the structure is not serialized and the structure is simplified
one level. This is to resolve the scenario that you want the same api object to return
different types of structures.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53748: Angular - 'Image Map' asociado a control 'Grid' da error si no se configura alguna
de sus propiedades
Utilizando el generador Angular se reporta que un control Grid con Type = 'ImageMap'
da error de compilacion si no se configura alguna de sus propiedades.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53750:Angular - Tabular Grid with infinite scrolling not working correctly

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that if you have a Panel in which a Tabular
Grid with infinite scroll is used, it does not work correctly.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53751:Angular - Problems working with &BusinessComponent.Load()

Using the Angular generator, an error is reported when working with the Load event
of a BC.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53752:Angular - 'Visible' Property on Buttons within a Panel's Navigation Bar does not
work correctly

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that the 'Visible' in Buttons within the
Navigation Bar of a Panel does not work correctly.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53735:Angular - Caption of 'TabPage' control doesn't work if left empty in IDE properties

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that in a 'Tab' control, if the 'caption'
empty, then if it is modified by code, the change is not seen.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53736:Angular - The 'refresh' of a Component does not work correctly

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that the 'refresh' of a component.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53738:Angular - 'TAP' event of a table within a grid does not work

Using the Angular generator, it is reported that the 'TAP' event does not work. of
a table within a grid.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53739:Angular - Error programming '&Var.Day().ToString()'

Using the Angular generator, a compilation error is reported when programming the
following: &Var.Day().ToString()

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53742:Angular - Numeric to boolean assignment error

Using the Angular generator, a compilation error is reported when assigning a number
to a boolean.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53743:Angular - Compilation error in arithmetic operation with Dates, specifically subtraction

Using the Angular generator, a compilation error is reported when subtracting two

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53729:Does not execute ControlValueChanged event when using Files App upload option

The ControlValueChanged event associated with a Blob variable is not executed when
a file is selected using the Files app

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53732:NullPointerException in Mini App when it does not find the Theme/Style associated
with the Animation class

When you have a Mini App that uses lotsties, if in runtime for some reason you cannot
load the Style/Theme with the definition of the corresponding class, a NullPointerException
appears, canceling the Mini App.
Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Super App Render for Android

• #53733: iOS - Problemas con rotación en iOS >= 17.0

Si se abre la cámara de un dispositivo Apple con iOS mayor o igual a 17 en una aplicació
n y se rota el device, la orientación del preview de la cámara rota hacia el lugar contrario.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53716:Funny characters in GAM backend side menu

When generating a kb with GAM, if you have a double-byte language such as Japanese,
Chinese or Arabic, the side menu remains with funny characters

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53718:Error in KB conversion from GeneXus 9.0 to GeneXus 18 when using LocalDB

Error in KB conversion from GeneXus 9.0 to GeneXus 18 when using LocalDB

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator

• #53723: Queda mal valor numérico en algunos casos al definir parámetro dec de la función

Al definir el parámetro dec de la función DFWPNum, en algunos casos el valor final

queda incorrecto.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #51906:Android - texts in Application Bar button do not match the font style configured
in the Design System class

There is a button with text in the application bar of an Android app.

In the design system class it is configured so that the button text appears with
a certain style (upper/lowercase).
When you run the app, the text is displayed in all caps.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #52832:Error when displaying a negative numeric variable with prefixes

If you have a negative variable that has a prefix, in some cases the order changes
and the sign is shown before the prefix

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53712:Error 211 Not Enough local stack in specification

There is a fairly large Knowledge Base with many related attributes. A build is done
(or even a View Navigation). In some cases, an error 211 may be returned: Not enough LOCAL

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53714: Se devuelven de forma incorrecta y aleatoria datos de tipo Datetime usando .Net

Se presenta aleatoriamente una diferencia de horas en la aplicacion cuando se trabaja

con .Net como generador de backend. Puede darse tanto en una aplicacion Mobile con backend
(rests) .Net, como en una aplicacion de frontend Web .Net.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53715:When generating a procedure with paper size B4, it has incorrect values

When generating a procedure, if B4 is chosen in the layout properties, the value paper
width is 398 when it should be 984

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53704:Import Design / 'An error occurred while parsing EntityName' error occurs when importing
design with app-bar

There is a design that includes at least one panel with an app-bar (following convention)
and whose caption contains characters reserved for XML (e.g. '<', '>', '&',
etc.). When trying to import the layout, the error "An error occurred while parsing
EntityName" When selecting the panel with said app-bar in the preview and, when
importing, the following error occurs in the output:
error: Validation of Menu instance 'Import_Files_MobileMenu' failed.
error: * Program 'View%1' does not exist or is inaccessible.
Applies to: Development Environment

• #53705:Changing Server domain or port properties does not work if Service URL has an invalid

When the Dynamic Services URL property is set to True and the Service URL property
is set to an invalid value, changing the server domain or port properties does not work.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53706:Line breaks are not respected when initializing screen in field with Enable = false
when changing Tab

When changing Tab and initializing a field with property Enable = False in which a
record with line breaks is loaded, these are not respected and are displayed as a single

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53708:Language SuperApp / MiniApps

Language in SuperApp and MiniApps behave independently.


Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Gen. SD - iOS

• #53703:When editing a dynamic filter in a dashboard, the change is not seen in the editor
or an error occurs.

You have a dashboard with a dynamic filter (combo box or radio button for example),
and you change some property related to the statement behind it to return the values (ItemVal
ues, ItemDescriptions, Conditions). After this change, the expected result is not seen
in the editor (all values are eliminated, or the values shown are not those expected).

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53691:Angular - ClientStart/Start events of a Panel are executed before those of the Master
In Angular, ClientStart and Start events of a Panel are executed before the same events
of a Master Panel.

Applies to: Angular Generator

• #53686:Improvement was implemented to avoid error MSB4018

The following error usually manifests itself when performing 'build all' with the
.NET generator, and is associated with a Knowledge Base in which an external object that
has cyclic dependencies has been defined.

MSB4018: The "ResolveAssemblyReference" task failed unexpectedly. [f:\Build\TR

[f:\Build\TRUNK\GamForGx.msbuild] in Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2304, 5)
br /> MSB4018: System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'f:\Build\TRUNK\Know
ledgeBases\GAMForGx\GAM\NetCoreSQL\web\bin\BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll' because it is being
used by another process.
asterpage\promptmasterpage.csproj] [f:\Build\TRUNK\GamForGx.msbuild] in Microsoft.Common.Curr

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53685:Error "database is locked (code 5)" when executing Super App API method that goes
against DB offline - Android

When executing a superapp API method from a mini app, which executes some action in
the sqlite database, it is blocked, showing in the log:
Error "database is locked (code 5)

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53682:NullPointerException when using the User Control Relative Timer

When the Relative Timer control is used on a variable that is not initialized, the
app cancels with a Null Pointer Exception error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'long java.util.Dat
e.getTime()' on a null object reference

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android, Super App Render for Android

• #53474:Controlvaluechanging is executed 2 times when entering a double byte value

There is a field with a controlvaluechanging event and a double-byte character is

entered. When that value is entered, the event is executed 2 times

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53635:XML generated by SOAP GX service does not close char element tag if it is not initialized
in the procedure

If we have a SOAP service generated by GeneXus with a procedure which sends data in
an xml, including some of type varchar, char, or lvarchar and this is not initialized
with at least an empty value, the xml will not will close the element tag, leaving the
others included in it.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53667:PublicTempStorage and multimedia folders are always created by having an object that
accesses the database

PublicTempStorage and multimedia folders are always created by having an object that
accesses the database even if Blobs are not used

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53668:Using variable with name context in input or output rule in Procedure or API object
gives an error when compiling

When defining a Procedure or API object and using a variable with a context name in
the input or output rules, an error is detailed at compile time.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

• #53646:Different image selectors are used when adding and modifying an image in a procedure

When an image is modified through the properties in the layout of a procedure, a differen
t image selector is used than the one used when adding a new image.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53653:Error object reference not set as an instance of an object when running CheckKnowledgeBase
If you have a KB, and the build CheckKnowledgeBase task is applied to it, if there
were corrupt files, the task will cancel giving the error object reference not established
as an instance of an object.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53655: En java, se actualizan clases innecesarias cuando se tiene Expose Descriptive Metadata
= Yes

Se tiene un environment java con la propiedad

servlet/wiki?45754,Expose%20descriptive%20metadata%20property">Expose Descriptive Metadata

Se hace build with this only en un objeto cualquiera. Al mirarse el Web Server se
ve que actualizaran las classes de muchos programas que no tienen ninguna relación con
el objeto que se hizo un build.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53630:File name encoding when downloading

If a procedure is created to initiate the download of a file, an error occurs in the

quot; sign. in the file name.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53648:Storage Provider API does not consider ExpirationMinutes parameter when obtaining
private link

You want to obtain the link to a file stored in External Storage and containing an
expiration time defined in a "custom" way.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53634:KB conversion from GXv90 to GXv18 cancels giving Out of memory

When converting to GXv18 (opening it with), a large KB created in previous versions,

gives an Out of memory error.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53629:"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value')" error when selecting
a date from a calendar

When using the calendar of a date variable, in the browser console with certain breakpoin
ts you can see the error "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value')"
Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53615:Control ID is repeated when refreshing

If you have a grid, which is loaded with User Controls from its load event, when doing
grid.refresh() the last element of the grid will become the first.
Only the elements of the User control are replaced, if you have something outside
of these, but within the same object, it will not be affected.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator

• #53627: Se pierde valor de item de subestructura de un SDT al cargar nueva row en un Grid

Al tener un SDT con una subestructura, en el momento de agregar un item al SDT en

algunos casos se pierde el valor de la subestructura.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53624:Warning when deploying .NET (Core): Project file does not exist

The warning is wrong because the deploy is assuming that a project exists for File
type objects, and it never exists.
The warning does not cause errors in the application. It is annoying because one
appears for each file that is in the Deployment Unit.
warning: Project file does not exist.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53616: Se actualizó de la imagen base de docker para el Generador Java

Se implementó actualización de la imagen base de docker para el Generador Java.

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53612:Problem with generating PDF reports using iText8 and PDFBox

The issue is linked to generating PDF reports with iText8 and PDFBox and manifests
as a break in reports that contain long HTML.

Applies to: Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53606:Error Failed to set output stream, when running a PDF Procedure that uses iText Library

When a procedure is executed with the property

= iText (Legacy) the following exception is obtained in the log: java.lang.RuntimeException:

Output stream not set

Applies to: Java Generator

• #53602:Model.ini lock error: The process cannot access the file 'model.ini' because it is
being used by another process.

You have a KB with several environments, when compiling you get the following error
in the GeneXus output:
error: The process cannot access the file '<Path>\model.ini' because it is
being used by another process.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53015:When grouping values from a timeline other than Days, a date value that is not the
one indicated is returned by variable

When you have a timeline type graph in a Dashboard from a Web Panel, if you want to
bring a selected date value from the graph and it is grouped differently than Days, the
returned value is not the one indicated
Applies to: Development Environment

• #53589:Serial rule does not work well when changing rows of a Grid when opening a Popup

In some cases, having an attribute with the serial rule that is executed when changing
rows of a Grid when there is a button that opens a Popup of another row, the value of
the serial is incorrect.
Applies to: .NET Framework Generator, Java Generator, .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53594:Indicator title appears misaligned in PivotTable

In the PivotTable, the metric title is left-aligned, even though it should be right-align
ed because the metric is numeric in nature.

Applies to: Development Environment

• #53596:Multiple components not loading on first run of app

When you run the application for the first time in the browser, some components do
not load.

Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #52867:Android - It is not possible to disable dropdown icon in date field

There is a panel in an Android app with a Date type field. Running in the Date type
field is shown with a dropdown icon.
The problem is that this icon cannot be disabled (it always remains visible).

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

• #53381:Portuguese translation missing when trying to use files on iOS

In a Mobile Panel, you have a BlobFile data type, or you use the SD.Media.Files.ChooseFil
e() method
There is an environment in Portuguese. When you run the application on iOS, and tap
to see the options, GXM_localFile, GXM_filesApp and Escolher Foto are shown as options.

Applies to: Gen. SD - iOS

• #53557:Object API invocation with OPTIONS method does not return available methods - Net

When consuming an endpoint of an API Object with the OPTIONS method (it is used to
know the other methods of communication with the resource) error 500 is returned.

Applies to: .NET Framework Generator

• #53179:It is not possible to generate/transfer non-main object to iSeries to be compiled

In RPG/Cobol environments, all objects can be called from the command line (whether
they are main or not and/or have parameters or not), for this reason in previous versions
of GX it was possible to specify/generate it and transfer it to the iSeries even if it
is not called by anyone and even if it has not been modified. This is not directly possible
in versions later than GeneXus X Evolution 3.

Applies to: Cobol Generator, RPG Generator

• #53534:Procedure exposed as REST and using &HttpResponse returns the result along with error
message 500

There is a Procedure that is exposed as a REST service (Expose as Web Service = True
/ Rest Protocol = True) and the HttpResponse is also used. In the Source we have for example:
The following comes in the response when generated with NET:
e":"Internal Server Error"}}
Applies to: .NET Generator (ex .NET Core)

• #53471:Not all activities are released when using Actios.GoHome() - Android

By using the GoHome() method of the External Object Actions you are not releasing
all the activities that remain on the stack.

Applies to: Gen. SD - Android

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