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HR – Summary

Company and HR strategy are related


- What is of highest priority for the future of a company?
- Plan to achieve one or more business goals under conditions of
- Involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals and
mobilizing resources to execute the actions

Different strategic priorities for companies:

- Innovation (apple, Bosch)
- Brand (Cola, Porsche, Ritter sport)
- Price (Aldi, Ikea, Ryanair)
- Design (Boss, apple)
- Quality (Lufthansa, Porsche)

HR strategy from organization

Strategy of organization: highest importance for the organization

HR strategy: fields of action – staffing, development and care, leadership

Ex. Bosch:

Strategy of the organization:


HR strategy:
identify innovative talents, strengthen employer branding, develop and
retain top engineers

HR action field:
Identify innovative talents

Core functions:
Product Mgmt, R&D, Design, Prod.-Planning, Production/Engineering,
Marketing, Sales/Key Account Mgmt, Srvice/Support

Supportive Functions:
Quality Mgmt, IT, Controlling/Accounting, Human Resource Mgmt,
Facility/Security, Public Relations/Comm., Purchase, Logistics

Key- and bottleneck


Mission statement:
- The purpose of the organization, the reason why the company exists
- Makes people proud to be part of the company

Vision Statement:
- Desired future state of the world
- Aspirational picture

How to plan quantitative


Workforce Demand
Employer image as a competitive advantage

Product branding:
- Function
- Price
- Prestige
- Quality
- Innovation
- Design

Employer Branding:
- Company
- Tasks
- Offers
- People
- Values
- (Products)
Recruiting process

Provides for the company required internal and external employees in
regard to: qualitative, quantitative, local and time aspects.

Recruiting risks:

Internal vs external hiring:

Recruiting process:

1) Personnel requisition

2) Job advertisement

3) Application

4) Analysis of documents

5) Interviews/tests/references/assessment center

6) Decision

The fit of a job and a candidate:

- Halo effect
- Serial positioning (late or stupid)
- Stereotyping
- Tendence in the middle
- Similarity effect & sympathy bonus
- Social conformity
- Normative conformity (desire to be liked/accepted)
- Informational conformity (desire to be correct)

Recruiting instruments

extent to which a predictor repeatedly produces the same results over time.

extent to which results of an assessment method relate to what it is
supposed to measure.

Multiple rater independently produce the same results in terms of
execution, analysis and interpretation

- Test of attention
- Intelligence test
- Projective tests
Online tests:
- Global access/availability
- Low operating costs
- Opportunity for adaptive item presentation
- Automatic/immediate analysis and reporting
- Opportunity to track response time

- Limited control over test situation and subject behavior
- Limited opportunities to professionally support interpretation of results

Psychometric test methods (personality & behavior)

- high objectivity due to limited impact of test operator
- high comparability across candidates due to standardized test conditions
- limited costs per test usage
- simple analysis

The rise of the HR Business Partner


Strategic partner:
- align HR and Business strategy
- work close together with the management
- develop activities to support business goals
- provide data to analyze, improve activities

Change agent:
- think beyond traditional silos
- bring expertise from across the function
- establish continuous feedback

administrative expert:
- Ensure efficient processes in all HR topics
- Maintain HR-systems (personal data, payroll, social security payments)
- Paperwork for HR issues (employer certificates etc.)

Employee champion:
- HR consulting for employees/managers
- Ensure competent and motivated employees
- Foster a culture that values performance, diversity and growth

HR business partner:
- Front end to customer
- Consults & supports managers
- Derives HR activities from business strategy
- Apply HR guidelines
- Projects to support the business
 customer: managers

 support the line organization in strategy implementation

Center of Expertise (CoE)

- Develops and controls HR strategy, guidelines and instruments
(recruiting, development, leadership, dismissal)
- Initiates HR projects
- Ensures continuous improvement
 customer: HR Business partner & HR Shared Service (HRS)

 provides specialized knowledge and services to solve specific HR problems

HR Shared Service (HRS)

- Operational expertise
- Administrative HR tasks
- Implements CoE guidelines
- Organizes surveys to analyze customer needs
 customer: all employees (incl. managers)

 ensures routine admin. Tasks are performed efficiently and in high quality
A data driven HR approach

- HR data is distributed in “silos”
- Only very simple metrics
- Very little quantitative information

- Integrate personal data
- Competence information to enrich database
- Systematic analysis to design strategic HR activities

- Integrate further business data
- Advanced analysis of cause and effect of HR measures
- Link HR activities to business impact
 linking will extend the reach:
Customer satisfaction, revenues, complains/returns, employee

- HR will play an increasing role in developing and realizing objectives of

- Technological innovation & availability of information  new
opportunities for HR
- Analytical business partner will enable  to pinpoint HR issues with
higher precision, design and implement targeted HR measures, impact
and evaluate initiatives
- HR professionals with analytical capabilities

Pay for individual performance

Different dimensions of pay

- Labor market conditions
- Cost of living
- Regional wage level
- Prev. work experience
- Know-how, abilities
- Responsibility, relevance of position
- Performance
- Company success
- …
Pay for individual performance:
- Financial incentives (bonuses, commissions, piece rate)
- Performance = contribution to company success; results & achievements
- For individual not a group

- Motivation – increasing performance
- Reward

Questions for individual pay:

- Is performance measurable? (ex. Trash collector)
- Time horizon for performance evaluation (development of automotive
- Is task independent or connected to other tasks?
For independent tasks – motivating
Tasks with high dependency – negative (reduction of collaboration and
- Simple or complex task?
Simple tasks – pay as a reward
Complex tasks – can’t be rewarded with pay (purpose, passion etc.)
When work is comparable:
performance pay as a tool to ensure fair distribution
 inequity – less motivation, frustration

When work is hard to compare:

Performance pay won’t improve equity
 untransparent (ex. Sales or others can complain ..)

Equity theory


Leadership styles


X = guided by control
 people try to avoid work and must be forced and controlled

Y = leadership through motivation

 people develop their own initiative and want to take responsibility
 pursuit of self-realization
 Work as source of satisfaction
- Capability of a company to change/adapt in response to changes in
 can react to new competitors, new industry, changing technologies


Differences of generations:

Babyboomers (until 1970):

- Strong need for security, continuity
- Hierarchical understanding of leadership
- High performance orientation: duty, discipline, diligence
- Work-life: responsibility for family regarding women
- Education  work  retirement
- Ideal picture: leadership career

Generation Y (after 1985):

- Alternatives & variety
- Democratic understanding, participation, self-determination
- High performance orientation: fun, perspectives, meaning
- Compatibility of work and life situation
- Age/time = Education/Work/education & training
- Mosaic career: professional, project, line management
Measures of organizational development

In future:
- More specific to the situation and need-based design of diverse working
- Work design: differentiated personal needs and life stages, more flexible
working conditions, different way of working (agility, inspiring)

RETENTION MANAGEMENT (employee bonding)

Strong employee bonding: Bosch

Hire and Fire: Aldi

Target group of retention management:

Reasons to leave a company:

Dissatisfaction with current position:

- Development opportunities are not seen
- Inadequate remuneration (geringe Vergütung)
- Bad working environment
- Lack of confidence in corporate governance

Alternatives from outside

- Personal or professional change
- Attractive offer on job market
Reasons to stay:

- Appreciation: performance rewarded, adequate remuneration

- Development opportunities: career opportunities, education and
development programs
- Work culture: challenging, positive environment
- Identification with company: confidence in vision & strategy, trust in


Employee development
- Continuous qualification
- Development of competencies
- Promotion of high potential

Competence model

- Entrepreneurial competence (result orientation, future orientation)

- Leadership competence (Leading myself, leading others)
- Interpersonal competence (cooperation, communication)
- Professional competence (breadth of expertise, depth of knowledge)

- Experience
- Knowledge
- Predisposition
- Personality
Talent potential indicators

Line manager
- Disciplinary responsibility for people
- Responsibility for budgets
- Career moves up the hierarchical ladder

- More task complexity
- Deepen professional knowledge within a defined field
- No disciplinary responsibility for people
- Internal consultant for top-level executives

Project leader
- Responsibility for projects; for people without disciplinary authority,
often cross-functional
- Great motivators

On-the-job advatages:
- Natural and job-related
- Lower costs of development measure
- Immediate application of newly acquired knowledge
- Immediate feedback
- Opportunity to monitor development advances
- Motivation to learn

Off-the-job advantages:
- Expertise and experience of training conductor
- Professional learning environment
- Focus on training, limited job-related disruptions
- Networking among participants out of different functions and countries


- outside perception:
focus person is evaluated from
different perspectives
- Self-perception:
Focus person evaluates him/herself
- Anonymous evaluation:
Ex. Questionnaire
- Personal report:
To be discussed with direct supervisor
or coach

 purpose: determine development

needs of focus person

Measures for promoting diversity

Value diversity:
- promote diversity
- motivation: encourage minorities
- transversality: promote permeability

Ensure equal opportunities:

- supporting life situation
- compatibility of career and family
- flexible working models: new forms

promote diverse talents:

- potential assessment
- leadership development
- network formation: ex. female mentors

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