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Financial Management


1. Budgeting involves monitoring expenses to ensure efficient use of financial resources. (True)

2. Capital budgeting decisions only focus on short-term returns. (False - capital budgeting
evaluates long-term return projects

3. Purchasing insurance coverage is an example of risk management. (True)

4. Risk management ensures the firm has enough cash to meet its day-to-day obligations while
maintaining an optimal cash balance. (False -Cash flow management)

5. Risk management involves identifying financial risks and implementing strategies to eliminate
them (False -to mitigate them)

6. The financial environment influences how financial institutions and markets operate. (True)

7. Value maximization involves maximizing the firm's value for its stakeholders, not just its
shareholders. ( False - for its shareholders)

8. Liquidity management is important for meeting long-term financial obligations. (False - short-
term financial obligations)

9. MPT completely eliminates risk in an investment portfolio. False

10. Diversification in MPT involves spreading investments across different asset classes to reduce
risk. True

11. MPT guarantees a specific level of return for any investment portfolio. False

12. An efficient market, as defined by MPT, is one where readily available information is reflected
in asset prices. True

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Financial Management
13. The Time Value of Money principle suggests that a dollar today is worth less than a dollar
received in the future. False

14. MPT is a valuable framework for constructing investment portfolios that balance risk and
return. True

15. MPT relies solely on historical data to predict future market performance. False

16. Shareholders bear the residual risk of a business, meaning they benefit the most during
profitable times but face the most significant losses during bad times. True
17. Shareholders are not the only stakeholders in a business. Employees, customers, creditors,
suppliers, and the community are all stakeholders. False

18. The residual claim of shareholders incentivizes them to take calculated risks for potentially
higher returns, which can benefit the entire business in the long run. True

19. Creditors, unlike shareholders, have a fixed claim on a company's assets, meaning they get
paid a predetermined amount regardless of the company's profitability. False

20. Stakeholder theory recognizes that the success of a business depends on managing
relationships and considering the needs of all stakeholders, not just shareholders. True

21. Modern financial management, while still focused on shareholder value, acknowledges the
importance False
22. Modern financial management focuses solely on maximizing shareholder wealth and ignores
other stakeholders. False

23. The concept of risk-return trade-off is relevant to both shareholders and stakeholders. False

(Stakeholders with fixed claims typically have lower risk exposure)

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Financial Management


1. What is the primary goal of financial management?

(a) Maximizing shareholder wealth (b) Minimizing financial risk
(c) Ensuring compliance with financial regulations (d) None of the above

2. What is the key responsibility of a financial manager?

a) Marketing the firm's products b) Managing employee payroll
c) Creating the firm's budget d) Making sales forecasts

3. Capital budgeting decisions evaluate:

a) Long-term investments and asset purchases b) Daily cash flow needs
c) Expense allocations for the upcoming month d) Staffing requirements

4. What is the primary goal of value maximization?

(a) To increase the firm's market share (b) To maximize shareholder returns

(c) To reduce the firm's debt (d) To improve employee morale

5. What is the primary role of financial institutions?
(a) To provide financial services (b) To regulate the financial system
(c) To set interest rates (d) To manage the economy

6-What is the purpose of the legal and regulatory framework in the financial environment?

(a) To protect investors (b) To promote stability and transparency

(c) To prevent financial crises (d) All of the above

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7. Which financial market enables investors to buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies?

(a) Stock Market (b) Bond Market

(c) Foreign Exchange Market (d) Commodity Market

8. What is the primary function of the bond market?

(a) Buying and selling commodities (b) Allowing individuals to exchange currencies

(c) Providing a means for governments and corporations to raise capital

(d) Facilitating the trading of stocks

9. Which market allows individuals and businesses to exchange one currency for another?

(a) Stock Market (b) Bond Market

(c) Foreign Exchange Market (d) Commodity Market

10. What is the purpose of commodity markets?

(a) Buying and selling stocks (b) Managing price risks for raw materials

(c) Exchanging currencies (d) Raising capital for governments

11. The primary responsibility of accounting is to:

A. Make investment decisions. B. Manage financial risk.

C. Record and report financial transactions. D. Analyze the stock market.

12. Financial statements like the balance sheet and income statement are prepared by the:

A. Finance department. B. Marketing department.

C. Accounting department. D. Sales department.

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Financial Management
13. A company is considering a new investment project. Which department would be most
involved in analyzing the project's financial feasibility?

A. Finance department. B. Marketing department.

C. Accounting department. D. Sales department.

14. Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is primarily concerned with:

a) Minimizing investment costs b) Balancing risk and return in investment portfolios

c) Predicting future market movements d) Maximizing short-term gains

15. The Time Value of Money principle in MPT emphasizes:

a) Investing in trendy assets b) The greater value of money received today

c) Ignoring future inflation rates d) Predicting future interest rates

16. Diversification, a core principle of MPT, aims to:

a) Invest heavily in high-risk assets b) Reduce overall portfolio risk

c) Guarantee positive returns d) Focus on a single asset class

17. MPT suggests that in an efficient market:

a) Investors can easily outperform the market b) Security prices reflect all available
information c) Insider trading is a common practice d) Stock prices fluctuate randomly

18. Investors seeking higher potential returns in an efficient market should expect:

a) Lower risk exposure b) Greater risk exposure

c) No change in risk level d) Guaranteed profits

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19. A key assumption in modern financial management is that businesses exist to:

a) Maximize employee satisfaction b) Create wealth for shareholders

c) Provide the lowest prices to customers d) Minimize environmental impact

20. Shareholders are considered the most important stakeholders because they:

a) Have the most voting rights (not always true) b) Effectively own the business

c) Provide daily operations management d) Are the most numerous stakeholder group

21. Shareholders bear what kind of risk in a business?

a) No risk. b) Residual risk.

c) Fixed claim risk d) Operational risk.

22. Shareholders receive what's left of the company's profits after:

a) Only employee salaries are paid b) All other stakeholders with fixed claims are
paid c) A set amount is donated to charity d) The government takes its taxes

23. Having a residual claim on wealth incentivizes shareholders to:

a) Avoid risks and ensure company stability.

b) Increase the size of their claim by encouraging growth.

c) Focus on short-term profits at any cost.

d) Reduce their involvement in company decisions.

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Matching questions

Match the financial market with its description:

1. Stock Market a) Market where currencies are traded

2. Bond Market b) Market for trading raw materials like oil and metals
3. Foreign Exchange c) Market where shares of public companies are traded
Market d) Market for trading debt instruments issued by
4. Commodity Market governments & companies
1. c

2. d

3. a

4. b

Match the financial instrument with the market it is traded on:

1. Shares a) Commodity Market

2. Government Bonds b) Bond Market
3. US Dollar c) Stock Market
4. Copper d) Foreign Exchange Market

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Short Answer Questions:

1. What is the difference between personal finance and corporate finance?

Personal finance focuses on managing an individual's money to achieve their financial goals,
such as saving for retirement or buying a house. Corporate finance, on the other hand, deals
with managing a company's money to achieve its goals, such as maximizing profits or
expanding operations.

2. What is financial management?

Financial management is the process of planning, managing, and controlling a company's
financial resources to create and maintain wealth for its stakeholders.

3. What is the concept of wealth creation in financial management?

Wealth creation refers to the increase in the value of a company compared to the initial
investment by shareholders. It's essentially the net profit generated for the investors.

4. Briefly explain the concept of personal finance.

Personal finance is managing your own money to achieve financial goals. This involves
budgeting, saving, paying off debt, and investing for your future. It's about making smart
financial decisions to live comfortably and achieve your financial aspirations.

5. What is the main objective of corporate financial management?

Corporate financial management focuses on strategically allocating a company's financial

resources to achieve its goals. It involves making informed decisions about raising capital,
investment strategies, and profit distribution to ensure the company's long-term success and

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6. Which is more important for a company - profit or value creation? why?

creating value is more important for a company than just profit because:

1. Profit as a Subset: profit as a smaller part of a larger concept – value. This implies that profit
contributes to, but doesn't define a company's overall value.
2. Components of Value: There are various factors like quality, branding, market share, and
company culture that contribute to a company's value. These factors go beyond simply
making money.
3. Profit as a Result: "Creating value will help create profit." This suggests that profit is an
outcome of focusing on value creation, not the other way around.

7. Explain how external factors can impact productivity.

External factors like economic downturns can decrease demand for products, leading to lower
production levels even when resources are available. Similarly, new government regulations
may require additional steps in the production process, increasing costs and decreasing

8. Are finance and accounting the same thing? Explain your answer.

Finance and accounting are related but distinct fields. They overlap in some functions, but
they have different focuses, responsibilities, and goals.

9. Describe the relationship between profit and value for a company.

Profit is a subset of value. Value encompasses a broader range of factors beyond just profit,
including quality, branding, market share, research and development, and company culture.

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10. Why is profit not the sole focus for a company?

Focusing solely on profit can be shortsighted. While profit is important, creating value is more
crucial. A company can achieve high profits in the short term by compromising on quality or
customer satisfaction. However, this might damage its long-term value and future profitability.

11. Briefly explain how creating value can lead to profit.

building value through factors like quality, brand reputation, and market share will ultimately
lead to sustained profitability. Companies with strong value propositions attract customers,
build loyalty, and can command premium prices, leading to higher profits in the long run.

12. Explain the Core principles of Modern Finance Theory

Time Value of Money (TVM): Money today is worth more than money tomorrow due to its
earning potential. Financial decisions consider the "time value" of cash flows, discounting
future amounts to their present value.

Risk and Diversification: Investments inherently carry risk. Diversification helps mitigate
risk by spreading investments across various assets (stocks, bonds, etc.). This reduces the
overall portfolio risk without sacrificing too much potential return.

Efficient Market: Asset prices reflect all available information, making it difficult to
consistently beat the market based on public information.

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