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(A) The people are watching a presentation.
(B) Some books are being placed on a cart.
(C) The people are kneeling in front of a shelf.
(D) The people are visting a library.
(A) The women are facing each other.
(B) The women are walking together.
(C) One of the women is removing an item from her purse.
(D) One of the women is drinking from a coffee cup.
(A) One of the men is emptying out a plastic bag.
(B) They’re waiting in line at a checkout counter.
(C) One of the men is pointing at some flowers.
(D) They’re selecting some fruits and vegetables.
(A) Some plants have been arranged in a row.
(B) The woman is leaning against a windowsill.
(C) Some cabinets have been opened at a workstation.
(D) The woman is reading a billboard.
(A) A house overlooks a fishing pler.
(B) Ducks are swimming in a lake.
(C) A bridge crosses over a river.
(D) Some trees border a pond.
(A) One of the women is picking up a suitcase.
(B) One of the women is holding a note book under her arm.
(C) One of the women is standing in the doorway.
(D) One of the women is posting a sign on the wall.

(A) She’s looking out a window.
(B) She’s taking an item out of a refrigerator.
(C) She’s grabbing a handful of carrots.
(D) She’s putting some items in a bag.
(A) One of the women is typing her shoe.
(B) One of the women is wearing a hat.
(C) One of the women is standing near a park bench.
(D) One of the women is carrying a computer up some stairs.
(A) The man is setting a clock.
(B) The man is reading for a box.
(C) The man is posting some information.
(D) The woman is handing some food to the man.
(A) He’s twisting some wires.
(B) He’s pruning a bush next to a building.
(C) He’s lifting a block.
(D) He’s spreading cement with a shovel.
(A) The women are facing a desk.
(B) One of the women is holding a jacket.
(C) A drawer has been left open.
(D) Some folders have been placed on top of a file cabinet.
(A) Some cups have been lined up on shelves.
(B) A fruit basket has been emptied.
(C) Some pots are being filled with water.
(D) Some coffee has been spilled on the counter.

(A) She’s plugging in a fan.
(B) She’s packing up some equipment.
(C) She’s bending down to tie her shoe.
(D) She’s entering a storeroom.
(A) They’re carrying trays of food.
(B) They’re walking into a building.
(C) They’re approaching a sign in a parking area.
(D) They’re opening the doors of a vehicle.
(A) They’re carrying a ladder.
(B) They’re putting away some rope.
(C) They’re installing a roof on a house.
(D) They’re organizing boxes of materials.
(A) A step stool has been set in a corner.
(B) A woman is reaching for a light switch.
(C) Some binders have been lined up on a shelf.
(D) A woman is connecting a monitor to a keyboard.
(A) Some pillows have been placed on a bed.
(B) Some lamps are hanging from the ceiling.
(C) Some bed linens are piled on the floor.
(D) Some chair are next to a nightstand.
(A) There are some passengers boarding a boat.
(B) There’s a deck overlooking a lake.
(C) A motorboat is passing under a bridge.
(D) Some people are diving off a pier.

(A) The people are decorating a wall.
(B) The man is using a napkin.
(C) One of the women is serving food.
(D) The people are looking at some menus.
(A) The woman is standing on a stool.
(B) The woman is replacing a lightbulb.
(C) The woman is installing a bookshelf.
(D) The woman is climbing a staircase.
(A) Some people are planting some trees.
(B) Some people are strolling on a path.
(C) Some people are getting on a train.
(D) Some people are jogging on a beach.
(A) The men are facing each other.
(B) The men are crossing a street.
(C) The men have stopped on a walkway.
(D) The men have left their suitcases open.
(A) Some leaves have been swept into a pile.
(B) Some furniture has been stacked near a fence.
(C) An umbrella has fallen on the ground.
(D) A bicycle has been chained to a pole.
(A) A man is walking into a garden area.
(B) The entrance to a building has been blocked by boxes.
(C) One of the women is refilling a copy machine with paper.
(D) Some notices have been posted to a bulletin board.

(A) The tourists are swimming in the lake.
(B) There’s a boat on the water.
(C) It’s a very large snake.
(D) There are some trees under the water.
(A) The driver’s door is open.
(B) The trunk is unlocked.
(C) The man is standing in the truck.
(D) The man is getting out of the truck.
(A) She’s closing the store.
(B) She’s cleaning the window.
(C) She’s sweeping the floor.
(D) She’s looking at the door.

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