Conference Talk Submissions - UP2025455

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Item 1: UP2025455

Conference talk submissions

Item 1.1: Bio

Tariro began her journey in tailoring and textile technology where she was driven by the
fusion of aesthetics and functionality through ergonomic designs. However, the constraints of
fashion technology prompted her to pivot towards a domain where ideas could transcend
physical limitations. This led her to pursue a degree in software engineering at the University
of Portsmouth, a field she entered with no prior tech background but with an interest in
exploring how we interact with digital spaces.

Tariro's current focus lies in UI/UX design, allowing her to leverage her long-standing interest
in creating user-friendly and accessible experiences. Her current project tackles the
development of alternative navigation systems for individuals with visual neglect, pushing the
boundaries of traditional interaction paradigms and ensuring technology is inclusive and

Outside the digital domain, Tariro finds comfort in sketching and weightlifting, harbouring a
somewhat audacious goal of one day squatting double her body weight.

Item 1.2 Three talk proposals

Abstract 1

Topic: Social Inclusivity (Week 3)

Title: Exquisite corpse: Leveraging Collective Intelligence in Software Design

In an era where software design complexity continues to escalate, the need for innovative
solutions has never been more critical. This talk delves into leveraging collective intelligence
within diverse teams to navigate these complexities. Drawing inspiration from the exquisite
corpse game—a creative exercise that thrives on unpredictability and the amalgamation of
varied ideas—this talk proposes a similar collaborative model for software design. It explores
how the integration of disparate expertise and perspectives, when orchestrated within a
structured yet adaptable framework, can lead to groundbreaking software solutions.

The presentation will delve into the tangible impacts of fostering social inclusivity within
teams. Beyond enhancing creativity and innovation, inclusive teams are shown to improve
problem-solving capabilities, boost morale, and enhance communication. The talk will
demonstrate that socially inclusive teams are not just a moral imperative but a strategic
advantage in navigating the intricacies of modern software design.
Item 1: UP2025455

Abstract 2

Topic: Social Impact (Week 5)

Title: Rewriting Reality: How AI Shapes Our Collective Memory

As AI technology advances, its capability to alter or fabricate historical records poses
unprecedented challenges to the integrity of historical truth and collective memory. This
discussion delves into the long-term implications of AI-generated media on historical
perception, focusing on real-life examples where technology has been used to distort our
understanding of past events. An illustrative case is the use of AI to recreate or modify
footage from significant historical moments, potentially allowing for a revisionist history
where the lines between fact and fiction become indistinguishably blurred. For instance,
projects like The Barack Obama deepfakes by Jordan Peel showcase the potential to
recreate historical figures in a manner that questions authenticity. While such applications
celebrate innovation, they also pose ethical dilemmas about their misuse to fabricate
historical narratives. This talk explores the consequences of such manipulations on society’s
collective memory, cultural heritage, and historical accuracy, underscoring the need for
digital literacy and critical examination of digital content as we navigate this new frontier.

Abstract 3

Topic: Requirements (Week 6)

Title: Beyond Functionality: Capturing Emotional and Experiential Requirements

This talk delves into the needs in software development towards acknowledging and
designing for the user's emotional journey. This approach transcends the traditional focus on
functional requirements to include how a product makes users feel and the experiences it
provides. By employing methodologies such as user experience workshops, emotional
journey mapping, and sentiment analysis, developers can gain insights into the emotional
and experiential needs of users. These methods allow for a deeper understanding of user
satisfaction and how to enhance it, ensuring the final product resonates more profoundly
with its audience. Incorporating these emotional and experiential dimensions early in the
development cycle is key to creating solutions that not only meet users' practical needs but
also connect with them on an emotional level, thereby increasing user engagement and
loyalty. This presentation underscores the importance of designing with empathy and
understanding, ultimately leading to products that offer greater value by satisfying the
comprehensive needs of users.

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