Software Engineering Culture

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Abdelrahman Mohamed



Hey there! I'm Abdelrahman. My life's been an adventure, hopping from city to city,
country to country, never the same address for more than two years. This journey
taught me the art of adapting and the joy of embracing new cultures.

I'm in my final year at the University of Portsmouth, knee-deep in software

engineering and loving every challenge. My journey has taken me from the
classrooms of Portsmouth to an immersive summer internship in Cairo, where I was
mentored by seasoned professionals at Digital Business System. There, I embraced
developing applications, turning concepts into code that serves a purpose.

What excites me most is not just the code I write, but the problems it solves and the
services it enhances. I am driven by the belief that software should not only be
efficient but also empathetic—designed with a genuine understanding of the people
it serves.

As I approach the start of my professional career, I am eager to contribute to projects

that matter, share my insights, and continue to learn from the innovative people from
every corner of the tech community.
PROP 1: Cat Herding
Title: "Horizon Scanning: Separating Future Tech Potentials from Hype"


"Join me on a voyage through time, where we sift the sands of technology to

separate true potential from the dazzling hype. As a software engineering student
and a world traveller, I've observed a recurring theme: innovation is as cyclical as the
places I've called home. In 'Horizon Scanning,' I'll draw upon my international insights
and academic experiences to dissect the historical arcs of tech trends, pinpointing
ideas that were ahead of their time and those perfectly in sync with theirs. We'll
journey from the inception of computing to its future frontiers, imagining the
developments yet to come. With a critical eye, we'll evaluate the 'new' ideas,
discerning whether they are groundbreaking innovations or repackaged concepts.
Ready your minds for a talk that not only looks ahead but prepares you to critically
assess and embrace the future of technology."

PROP 2: Social Impact of Deployed Software

Title: "The Ripple Effect: Engineering Software with Society in Mind"


"Software shapes our society in unseen ways. In 'The Ripple Effect,' I invite you to join me in
unravelling the societal transformations catalysed by the software we create. Drawing from
my diverse cultural experiences and reflections on current deployments, I will discuss the
profound influence of software on everyday life. We'll navigate the ethical landscape
developers must tread and explore how a socially conscious approach to software design
can lead to more inclusive and impactful technologies."
PROP 3: Security

Title: "Inside the Mind: Unpacking the Motivations Behind Hacking and
Insider Threats"


"Security breaches have far-reaching implications beyond mere data loss—they shape
economies and trust in institutions. 'Inside the Mind' is a deep dive into the world of hacking
and insider threats, anchored by high-profile cases like Edward Snowden's revelations. I'll
share a narrative that intertwines my analytical skills honed at university with a passion for
understanding the 'why' behind security incidents. We'll dissect motivations, analyse the
impact on global privacy, and debate the delicate balance between security and freedom."

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