Exw Genl 0000 Hs KBR BL 80283 Fatality Exc Debris

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(iS eeTETE HSE Alert #184 d6¢ fnwaarsintestn syne ate Uedirabusta en, sesame leh pate led rms at) rtm ae ea ‘enc ‘Approved: Mh, ‘Mf Date: sai ‘This alert Is mandatory for al contractors working on the Expressway Programme [20% ‘his HSE Alert is not to be released outside of ASHGHAL Expressway PMC HSE Manager. Issued by Expressway PMC HSE contact Telephone +974 4492 6712 Department KBR EXPRESSWAY PROGRAM Document No EXW-GENL-0000-HS-KBR-SL-80283 Fatality — Excavation Debris ackaround Recently on the EXW Programme, a worker was fatally injured whilst working ina trench (see leftimage). The worker was fing sand bags which were 10 be placed along the side of the slope to prevent material fling into the pt The actty was covered by a Work Control Centre issued manual ‘excavation permit: Workers were instructed to only work in the pt and not to enter the trench, The erea conditions were inspected and deemed suitable {or work actives to commence withthe charge-hand warned to stop work f there was any change to the pit conditions. Later on, the charge-hand ‘olioed material moving from around the protection slab and instructed workers to leave the pit. Whilst the majoty ofthe workers used the slope aocesslegress. the victim maved towards the trench and was hit by fling backfill material and subsequently fell onto rocky material n the trench. The victim complained of severe back pain end suffered hip bruising and bleeding, He was carried to the site cinio and taken to hospital for major surgery where he subsequenty and tragically passed away. Findings + Victim was hit by bactil material as a result offalue ofthe tench wall around the protection slab. © Green neting was removed from the trench days prior tothe incident de to damage and not replaced belore the collapse occurred. ‘+ The trench and pit excavations were exposed to deteriorating conditions ‘or @ long period of me and possible deterioration wes not picked up by personnel performing inspection. © Vibration of jack hammers in cose proximity may have caused material to loosen contributing tothe collapse ‘The Method Statement was not specific for the positon of protection slabs around the trench e.g. where natural rock transitions to backfill material Lessons Learned & Follow up Actions. © Inspect and verily that excavation walis are stable and protective systemsshieiding between the side and the work area are in place ‘= Trench and Excavation related Method Slatenrents/Sale Systems of WorkRisk Assessments to be revised and reviewed for approval by Supenision Consutents ‘+ Acompetent Geotechnical Engineer should inspect the stably ofthe ‘excavation prior to workers entering trenches and excavations. ‘© Ensute use of green debris netting and edge protection as per ‘excavation procedures to prevent debris fal ‘© Contractors to Ist al high, medium and low risk trenchfexcavations and improve supervision and monitoring ‘Ensure suitable acoesslegress for excavations and pis ‘Training of operates on hazards of excavations, trench collapse and faling debris ‘> Training of personnel so that there are suitable numbers of trained First Aiders. ‘+ Rezbrief personnel regarding Emergency response procedure as there ‘was no cal to the Emergency Hotie to report the incident. Good Practices Far Good Practices in relation fo Excavations, refer to PMC Specification EXW-GENL-0000-HS-KBR-$S-00086 ~ Excavation Specification BE SMART ALERT FOCUSED EDUCATED POGOe E I

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