Course Guide

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Document Code FM-STL-013

Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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I. I. Course Title: Social Awareness and Empowerment for Service

II. Course Overview

A. Introduction
National Service Training Program- Community Welfare Training Service 2 is
a required course for all baccalaureate degree programs. This course is the
continuation and application of the knowledge learned in NSTP -CWTS 1. It is
designed to immerse students in activities that will equip them with the capability to
contribute in the improvement of the general welfare and the quality of life of the
community that devotes in improving education, health, environment,
entrepreneurship, health and safety and the moral development of the members
of the community where they render service. Values inherent to community service
involvement are highly emphasized and are integrated with all activities to
contribute to the development of future professionals who are imbued with
Christian spirit.

B. Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:
1. demonstrate understanding of community service involvement,
project planning and implementing while exhibiting Christian values;
2. execute a well -planned community welfare projects with evaluation for
its sustainability; and
3. perform the importance of first aid by performing CPR and basic first aid
skills that enable the students to participate in community service.

C. Module and Unit Topics

To ensure that you will demonstrate the above cited course learning
outcomes at the end of the term, this module is divided into the following:

Module 1: SLU NSTP PROGRAM: This module aims to introduce to you the
general principles, guidelines, and the different activities in NSTP Program
with its grading system and the nature of evaluation. Overview of community
engagement in Saint Louis University with the CICM and CEAP advocacies
will also be introduced.

Module 2: Community Service Involvement: The realization of project

planning and implementation is the focus of this module. This will allow you
to plan for your project related to your discipline or any project feasible in
your house or community. This module will help you and serve as a guide on
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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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how you will be supervised, monitored and evaluated during your project

Module 3: First Aid Training: This module aims to equip the students with the
basic knowledge and skills required to provide appropriate first-aid
treatment in the family and community.
Involving oneself in the community is also extending our help to stop
the person from being injured (prevent injury), to heal their injuries (promote
recovery), and to stop the person from dying (preserve life).

III. Course Study Guide

The key to successfully finish this module lies in your hands. This module was
prepared for you to learn diligently, intelligently, independently and working with
honesty. As a Louisian, doing these will greatly help and prepare you to become
a socially involved citizen. There are activities that would really test your honesty
and being responsible learner. It is more on performance task and the quality of
the outputs that you need to accomplish. The following guides and house rules
will help you further to be on track and to say at the end of the module, “my
mission never ends as I continue to become an ambassador of goodwill or
Shalliack.” This is the essence of the Community Service Involvement (CSI) as we
continue to show our “pannakibadang” or solidarity in our very own community
which will definitely starts at HOME.
1. Manage your time well. Create your own study routine. Schedule
properly your reading assignments and your activity accomplishments.
Study how you can manage to do the activities of this module in
consideration of your other modules from other courses. Learn also to
manage your time to read and understand every part of the module.
You are free to browse and read the different units of the module even
prior to doing the tasks in each unit. However, you need to ensure that
you will not miss any part of the module and you will not miss to
accomplish every activity as scheduled.
2. Focus your attention. Make sure that you do things one at a time. Read
the material over and over until you are able to get the point of the
lesson. If you did not understand the readings and other tasks, re- read
or you can read other materials found in other resources like the
internet or books. If this will not work, engage all possible resources. You
may text your Supervising Instructor or ask your other family members
to help you. Do not hesitate to ask your Supervising Instructor. As a
facilitator, I am here to guide and process our (you, subject/course, SI)
learning experience through a meaningful encounter of engaging,
explaining, exploring, elaborating, and evaluating.
3. Give your best. In doing the assessment tasks whether formative or

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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summative, target the highest standards because you are a better

student. You have the knowledge and skills that you need to finish with
quality your work. Do not settle with the low standards; target the
highest standards in doing your assigned tasks. I know you can!
4. Submit on time. Before the end of every term or month, you will be
submitting the accomplished activities in the modules. Once I receive
your materials, I will inform you immediately. Always communicate with
your Supervising Instructor for possible adjustment of submission of your
activities and your respective journal. Make sure you will follow it up
with me through text or any other media available to you.
5. Be patient. I will make sure to give you my feedback on your work to
ensure that you are on the right track. While waiting for my feedback,
you can continue working on the other activities or read other
materials related to the next topics. Make sure that you do not miss any
important part in the module.
6. Answer confidently. In answering the assessment and evaluation
activities you are expected to do the following:
a. Write neatly and legibly only on the module (or encode/type) if you
are sure of your answers. Think before you write/type.
b. Make sure to give your answers completely and concisely. If
questions need to be answered in essay form, stick to the point.
Follow the specific number of words given in the instruction. Also,
give proofs of your claim or point-of-view. Cite correctly the
references you use in your work and do not plagiarize your answers.
7. Work independently and be honest. It is expected that you work on the
module on your own. Your family members and friends at home will
support and help you but the activities and the actual performance
must be done by you. Cheating of any means is not allowed in
answering or performing the activities in the module. As Louisan, we
always need to demonstrate our core values of competence,
creativity, social involvement, and Christian spirit.
8. Motivate yourself. One of the best ways to get motivated is to be very
clear about what you want and why you are studying in the first place.
Remember that whatever knowledge or skill you are gaining from this
course will definitely help you in your career and your everyday
encounter with the community. Enjoy what you are doing and
everything else will follow.
9. Contact me. If any part of the module or lesson, you need help and
guidance, do not hesitate to contact me/or your supervising instructor
through email, messenger, or SMS. Remember, if there is a will, there is
a way.
10. Lastly, check your manners. It is good to go back to your good
manners and right conduct. Remember that this is not only about your
academics but most important are the values you learn from the
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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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activities in the module. You are living in a moral and ethical way in
whatever you do. Read and understand the MOPG for additional
reminders about this.

In addition, you are strongly reminded these guidelines from SLU Student Handbook.

Chapter IV: Code of Discipline

Sec. 8. Defaming any student, teacher, personnel, or university authority or his agents;
giving oral, or sending, disseminating or posting any written or electronically transmitted
message or graphics, or demonstrating offensive gesture, which causes a person or his
reputation or good name to be threatened, harassed, maligned, besmirched, disgraced,
degraded, insulted, ridiculed, or defamed.
1st violation: Warning/Reprimand to Suspension
2nd violation: Suspension to Dismissal/Non admission
3rd violation: Suspension to Expulsion

Sec. 24. Cheating during examinations and quizzes, or plagiarism in connection with
academic work, or abetting the commission of the same.

1st violation: Warning with invalidation of grade

2nd violation: Censure to Suspension with invalidation of grade
3rd violation: Suspension to Dismissal/Non-readmission with invalidation of

N.B. Addition by Language and Communication Department (August 2020)

● Included in the forms of cheating are the following:
a. Patch writing: a form of plagiarism; refers to the act of making small changes and
substitutions to copied source material (Merriam-Webster, 2020)
b. Sharing your work/task designated as individual work to other students
c. Copying your classmate’s or schoolmate’s individual work

Commission of any of these will mean zero credit.

● Your teachers have the prerogative of having your written tasks under plagscan or
other plagiarism checker tools.

Sec. 25. Abusive behavior or discourtesy towards university officials, faculty members,
personnel, guards, and duly elected or appointed KASAMA/SSC officers.

1st violation: Warning to Suspension

2nd violation: Censure/Reprimand to Suspension
3rd violation: Suspension to Dismissal/Non-readmission

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Document Code FM-STL-013
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the
Read it over and over until you understand the point. Please note that due to the
problems on erratic internet connections and to be able to cooperate with the
government in observing the ECQ protocols, this online course will be delivered
2. Study how you can manage to do the activities of this course in consideration of
your other modules from other courses. Be very conscious with the study schedule. Post it
on a conspicuous place so that you can always see. Do not ask your course facilitator
about questions that are already answered in the guide.
3. Log in to the course site at least thrice a week (if you can log in daily, do so) and
scheduled to keep abreast of important announcements, discussions, and other class
activities. Check the STREAM page every time you log in for possible announcements.
4. Do not procrastinate. Remember, it is not others who will be short-changed if you
will not do your work on time.
5. Before you start doing your tasks, read and understand the assessment tools
provided. Do not settle with the low standards, target the highest standards in doing your
assigned tasks. I know you can.
6. You are free to browse and read the different materials even prior to doing the
in each unit of the module. However, you need to ensure that you will not miss any part
of the module and you will not miss to accomplish every activity in every unit as
7. All course discussions will be conducted using Google Meet and Google
If you will be using mobile app of Google Meet and Google Hangouts, stay logged in so
you can engage in the discussion anytime and anywhere. If you are using the desktop
app, regularly log in to stay in the discussion.
8. All the discussions are academic discussions, which mean that the relevant
academic conventions apply.
a. Your post should be composed of complete and grammatically correct
sentences. Do not
use abbreviations and acronyms unless these are introduced in the readings, and do not
write in text-speak. Avoid writing in all caps.
b. post appropriate and well-thought rejoinders. Avoid merely approving or
disapproving with your classmates and course facilitators. You need to support your
inputs in the discussions from reliable information and resources. Do not post uninformed
c. Read and analyze the contributions made by your classmates in the discussion
forums. Respond appropriately and courteously. Always use proper language.
d. Be polite and respectful arguing a point and in defending your opinions. Do not
be rude and do not make remarks that may be construed as a personal attack. Refer to
ideas/statements, not the person. Remember that the objective of academic discussion
is to develop your critical and analytical thinking skills apart from contributing to the
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Document Code FM-STL-013
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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wealth of knowledge.
e. Do not post lengthy contributions. Stick to the point. Be clear what your main point
is and express it as concisely as possible. Do not let the discussion stray.
f. Quote your sources in the online discussion by mentioning the last name of the
author and the year. No need to use a particular style.
g. Protect your privacy. Ponder before you post. If you wish to share something
private, do it by email or private chat.
9. Do not plagiarize and do not patch write. Patch writing is still a form or plagiarism.
refers to the act of making small changes and substitutions to copied source material
(Merriam-Webster, 2020).
10. Follow the schedule of course activities. Always remind yourself of deadlines. Read
in advance. Try to anticipate possible conflicts between your personal schedule and the
course schedule, and make the appropriate adjustments. Try your best to inform through
any means your course facilitator for any unavoidable delays or "absences" or "silences"
of more than a week's duration or other concerns.
11. Note that our Google Classroom is a virtual learning environment, not a social
networking site. Use recent and appropriate ID photo on your profile page for proper
10. Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the module on your own. Your family
Members and friends at home will support you but the activities must be done by you. As
Louisan, we always need to demonstrate our core values of competence, creativity,
social involvement, and Christian spirit.

“Caritas christi urget nos”- the love of Christ urges us on (2 Corinthians

This love, seen in small and large gestures of hope and solidarity, is
calling us to a new future and a new way of living. COVID-19 knows no
borders, but neither do faith, hope, nor love. -CPM

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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III. Study Schedule

Presentation of the complete weekly schedule for the attainment of the topic
learning outcomes vis-a-vis the activities. This contains also the schedule of the
deadlines of the submission of the accomplished course requirements or
assignments and the examination.

Week Topic Learning Outcomes Activities

Week 1 SLU NSTP Program Engage: Self-
General principles, guidelines, and assessment and Pre-
evaluation assessment
SLU Community engagement Explore: Reading the
1. Discuss the important concepts, Manual of operations,
principles, guidelines and procedures of procedures, and
SLU-NSTP. guidelines (MOPG)
2. Participate in identifying the guiding Explain: Understanding
principles in the implementation of NSTP the nature NSTP
program. program
3. Discuss the nature of community Elaborate: Answering
engagement in SLU that promotes CICM considerations and
and CEAP advocacies. questions as a part of
assessment plan
Evaluate: Relevance of
NSTP in life and journal

Accomplishment and submission of activities, assessments, and evaluations

Well appreciated if you can always submit earlier

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Document Code FM-STL-013
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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Module 2 Community Service Involvement CSI

Week 3-4 1. Apply basic principles, concepts Engage: Self-

and skills in project planning that assessment activity
enables one to extend the Christian Explore: Exploring
spirit to others in the community. about project
2. Demonstrate skills and knowledge in planning
formulating a project proposal based. Explain:
3. Use effectively the community Accomplishing a
resources to aid in monitoring the Service Learning
community project. Program plan
4. Exhibit social understanding in the Elaborate: Reading
supervision of the community project. and understanding
5. Manifest Louisian core values in the the materials given
process of showing respect, discipline, for the planning,
resiliency, teamwork, and supportive implementing,
attitude to their beneficiaries and supervising,
partner community. monitoring, and
Evaluate: Submission
of the NSTP journal,
performance and
project planning,
basic life support.
Module 3 First Aid Training

Week 5-6 Engage: My first Aid

1. Explain the importance of learning the
basic first aid skills in order to serve the
community; Explore: Review of BLS
2. Understand the roles and responsibilities
and First Aid Basic Skills
of youth in assisting emergencies; and
Explain: Webinar
3. Perform CPR and basic first aid skills that
enable one to extend acquired skills to
Elaborate: First Aid for
others. Emergency Situations
Evaluate: Video Making
on BLS and
First Aid and journal
Accomplishment and submission of activities, assessments, and evaluations
Well appreciated if you can always submit earlier

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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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III. Evaluation
To pass the course, you must:
1. Read all course readings and answer the pre-assessment, self-assessment
activities, and reflection questions.
2. Answer the print-based and online discussion activities.
3. Submit assignments and activities for every term.
4. Do community project related to discipline or any feasible in the community.
5. Apply basic life support activities.
6. Submit Service Learning Program as evidence in implementing the project.

A. Formative Assessment
1. You are required to answer the self-assessment, pre-assessment activities,
and reflection questions. The reflection questions activities are designed to
help you critically analyze the course readings for better understanding
while the pre-assessment and self-assessment activities are designed as a
review management tool and preparation for the next part of the module.
2. Your answers to the self-assessment activities and reflection questions will
be checked and still be part of your grade participation and completion.
Hence, no self-assessment, pre-assessment activities, and reflection
questions must be left unanswered.

B. Summative Assessment
1. Activities and actual performance
• Answer all activities in each part of the module. This will be part of your
final grade. Make sure to check the dates allotted for each module in
accomplishing the evaluation activities.
• Your activities and actual performances to the different topics should be
documented. If needed, I will call you by phone for further validation and
verification purposes.
2. Assignments

• There will be assignments that will comprise the final output for this course.
The evaluation tools for these assignments and final output are all provided
in the module.

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School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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Final Output:
1. Service Learning Program (with documentation) as evidence of your
project done or implemented.
2. Application of basic life support activities. Video recorded of actual
application of any of the basic life support and preparedness in their
C. Grading system

The Apostolate grading system Percentage

A. ATTENDANCE (include attendance in masses) 10 %
B. CLASS STANDING (activities, assignments, journals) 15%
C. PROJECT PLANNING (includes initial assessment and 15%
initial Service Learning Plan)
MONITORING (includes the midterm and final monitoring 35%
form, and the final documentation)
F. QUALITY OF PROJECT OUTPUT (compliance to non- 13%
negotiable requirement)
a. project
b. basic life support activities
TOTAL 100 %

IV. Technological Tools

Students without internet connection but with computers or laptops at
home will be monitored through:
a. printed modules that are scheduled to be sent to them and to be
submitted back as scheduled
b. telephone calls, short message services (SMS), or FB Group chat at least
once a week
c. video recording or documentation using their phones that will show the
different activities and actual performances base on the given topic.
Students with internet connection will be monitored through the SLU
student portal and through their participation in the Google Classroom Discussion
Forum and online activities.

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School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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V. Contact Information of the Facilitator

You can contact the CEOPO Director and Department Head through the following:
Email : or 0920-529-1972 or 09193568303
VI. Disclaimer
Some parts of the materials (modules) given you are taken from the
references found after each topic; contextualized according to the nature of
the subject and of your field of specialization. Any reproduction of the said
materials is not allowed without the consent of the facilitator-in-charge.

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