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ISSN 1811-2382, Polymer Science, Ser. C, 2007, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 332–354. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007.

Original Russian Text © G.V. Korolev, M.L. Bubnova, 2007, published in Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya, Ser. C, 2007, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1357–1388.

Synthesis, Properties, and Practical Application

of Hyperbranched Polymers1
G. V. Korolev† and M. L. Bubnova
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Semenova 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow oblast, 142432 Russia

Abstract—The methods of synthesis of hyperbranched polymers are considered and systematized with main
attention focused on such modern and promising procedures of crosslinking free-radical polymerization as liv-
ing chain and intense chain transfer regimes. The synthetic approach to hyperbranched polymers via free-rad-
ical oxidative polymerization is the first to be put forth. The main problems concerning these polymers are for-
mulated, and the recent advances in this field are generalized and elucidated.
DOI: 10.1134/S1811238207040030

Polyaddition (polymerization) reactions of any A
monomers may be divided into two groups, namely, lin-
B + nAB2 BA
ear and crosslinking, depending on the number of
bonds that can be formed by a given monomer mole- B BA
cule (i.e., depending on its functionality). If functional- B
ity Φ is two, polymerization leads to the formation of
threadlike macromolecules, i.e., linear chains, while at B
Φ > 2, branched chains appear whose degree of branch-
ing continuously increases in the course of propagation The double encircled molecule ÄB2 will serve as a cen-
of macromolecules (crosslinking polymerization). In ter of symmetry from which branches emanate and the
this case, at the moment of the complete consumption number of branches doubling after each event of addi-
of the monomer, the polymerization product becomes tion of subsequent monomer molecules AB2. As is
either a hyperbranched polymer (HBP) or acquires of a seen, the probability of the intramolecular addition A +
topological structure of a three-dimensional network B (the so-called cyclization) is very small and progres-
type (all monomer units are linked via the continuous sively decreases with the propagation of a macromole-
cule; at the first stage, there are five B groups per func-
network of bonds). tional group A (after the first cascade of addition—the
In the 1950s, Flory formulated conditions favorable formation of the first generation), then there are 11 B
for the synthesis of HBPs via the step-growth polyaddi- groups (after the formation of the second generation),
and, eventually, 23 groups (after the third generation).
tion (polycondensation) reactions and unfavorable for Usually, three to six generations have time to form dur-
the formation of networks (e.g., [1]). In the simplest ing the synthesis of HBPs via the polycondensation of
case, an AB2 monomer, where A and B are functional AB2. Such a topological structure that practically lacks
groups that can be involved in the addition reaction A + cycles is referred to as HBP [1].
B AB, is required. Given this, the formation of Later, HBPs remained outside the focus of research-
HBPs may be schematically represented as ers for a long time (for more than two decades) until a
new family of HBPs, i.e., dendrimers, appeared. The
† Deceased. difference between these new HBPs and the irregular
1 This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic (random) structures of conventional HBPs involves a
Research, project nos. 06-03-07000 and 06-03-32543a. strict structural regularity achieved via multistep syn-


thesis; formation of each subsequent generation neces- guishing from linear macromolecules) features, such as
sitates a new synthetic stage. It turned out that dendrim- high solubility and thermodynamic compatibility, low
ers exhibit unique properties, as a result of which these viscosity of solutions, a weakening of the dependence
polymers show promise for extremely efficient practi- of the hydrodynamic volume of macromolecules on
cal applications. Numerous publications and reviews their molecular mass with an increase in this parameter,
on this subject have been published (i.e., [2]). However, and, finally, the ability of HBP macromolecules to
the practical use of dendrimers was limited by the fact serve as nanocontainers for guest molecules during
that their synthesis procedure is laborious and, accord- their interphase transfer. The latter properties are
ingly, their price is high. This circumstance stimulated related to the specific structure of HBP macromole-
the outbreak of interest in conventional HBPs whose cules of the core–shell type, which allows for the strong
behavior had been poorly studied. Shortly after that, it sorption of guest molecules in a looser core and, thus,
was demonstrated that conventional statistical HBPs the formation of solutions of sorbate molecules in
synthesized by means of substantially simpler methods, media in which they are insoluble and HBP is soluble.
like dendrimers, possess the same unique characteris- Nearly all publications are currently based on the
tics. above-mentioned pragmatic definition of HBPs.
This discovery was of such paramount significance This approach is associated with the revolutionary
that HBPs began to be used to a greater advantage in the break in the practical application of the polymers in
most important fields (polymer materials science, elec- question, where the major criteria are, firstly, the pres-
tronics and microelectronics, optics, biology, medicine, ence of unique properties of HBPs and, secondly, ease
and ecology) within an extremely short period of time. of synthesis and the low price of these polymers, along
An important field of polymer science, i.e., crosslink- with their processibility and the feasibility of large-
ing polymerization, whose long-term intense and suc- scale manufacture. In this case, a certain number of
cessful research was nearing its end, gave impetus to cycles in HBP macromolecules, compared to the ideal
the development of studies on the basis of new unusual Flory structure, plays an insignificant role until it
facts related to studies. The dynamics of the growth of exceeds a certain criterial value, after which the specific
the number of publications in this filed that reflects the core–shell structure can no longer be formed and a
intensity of its development is of a revolutionary char- microgel is formed instead of the HBP. This microgel
acter; at the beginning of the 1990s, single publications differs from the HBP in its associative ability in solu-
appeared; at 2000, this number was nearly 200, while in tions; namely, the microgel is less stable in highly con-
2003–2005, more than 250 papers were published centrated solutions (as opposed to the HBP).
annually. In 2006, this rate was maintained, judging by It should be emphasized that none of the subjects of
the rate of publications in the first half-year. Note that this review belongs to the class of micro- and macro-
over the past five years, the number of reviews devoted gels since they exhibit a well-defined combination of
to HBPs was also recorded, and amounted to no less unique characteristics typical of HBPs.
than two reviews annually.
HBPs may be rather fully described in terms of the
This paper is in fact the first Russian review that following two parameters: chemical and topological
fully covers the field of HBPs, because the review by structures of macromolecules. The chemical structure
Bochkarev and Katkova (Usp. Khim., 1995) [3] consid- is the totality of atomic groups in HBP macromole-
ered only a limited number of issues (mostly the syn- cules. The topological structure is determined by the
thesis of HBPs from organometallic monomers), while number of chains (arms) emanating from the center of
the review by Semchikov in Sorosovskii Obrazova- symmetry, the number of cascades of branchings (gen-
tel’nyi Zhurnal, 1998) [4] does not reflect the rapidly erations), the number of branch points (junctions) in
developing area of HBPs. each cascade, and the length of chain fragments
It should be noted that the idea of HBPs is a debated between neighboring junctions (interjunction chains).
topic. The matter is that the strict definition of HBPs is Modern analytical procedures (chemical analysis and
1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy) make it possible to
purely topological and is based on Flory’s studies dat-
ing back to the middle of the last century. According to determine rather reliably the above-mentioned charac-
Flory, an HBP is a branching symmetric macromole- teristics parameters of HBP, namely, chemical and
cule with the number of branches that grow progres- topological structures controlling the main macro-
sively as they move away from the center of symmetry scopic properties of hyperbranched macromolecules.
and are almost completely lacking in cyclized moieties. However, these properties are also determined by
However, recent investigations have shown that par- another parameter, i.e., a network of labile (physical)
tially cyclized branched macromolecules also demon- intermolecular bonds inside HBP macromolecules.
strate unique properties inherent to classical HBPs. As Along with barriers to the rotation of atomic groups,
a consequence, a purely topological definition was this network specifies the conformational states of the
changed for a more pragmatic notion that relies on elements of the topological structure and, accordingly,
whether a progressively branching macromolecule pos- the distribution of the molecular packing density in the
sesses or lacks a set of unique distinguishing (distin- volume of macromolecules. Computer simulation of

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


macromolecules by means of molecular mechanics and which undergoes polycondensation at the second stage
molecular dynamics methods provides the most reli- to yield HBPs. Numerous variants of such two-stage
able information of this kind. However, the operating processes were advantageously implemented by Gao
speed of modern computers confines the potential of et al. [5]; as a result, the assortment of hyperbranched
such a simulation; unattainable calculation times are polymers has been extremely widened owing to the use
needed for multiatomic macromolecules of HBPs even of a large number of starting compounds accessible in
if the highest speed most computers of the latest gener- terms of economics and engineering.
ations are used. If one does not go beyond the separate
structural fragments of HBP macromolecules, informa- (2) Crosslinking radical (co)polymerization carried
tion concerning any local features of the molecular out in the living chain mode. This phenomenon, which
packing may be derived and the reliability of this infor- was discovered rather recently [6], is widely used for
mation may turn questionable because of the neglected the synthesis of HBPs, especially in the case of HBPs
effect of neighboring fragments. It is expected that with complex topological structures (the so-called
rapid progress in computer engineering will make it nanostructured HBPs whose macromolecules are
possible to solve this problem in the near future. shaped as one- or two-layer cylinders, spheres strung
on a linear chain, or dumbbells).
STATE OF THE ART AND MOST URGENT (3) Conventional crosslinking radical polymeriza-
PROBLEMS IN THE AREA OF HBPS tion conducted under conditions providing formation of
supershort chains, since the formation of long chains
Formulation of Main Issues leads to an increase in the probability of the cyclization
One of the most significant issues is the synthesis of of the branchings being formed to such an extent that a
HBPs via economically reasonable methods that are microgel develops instead of the HBP. Along with
acceptable in terms of engineering. An analysis of a tricks used to shorten chains via the addition of conven-
huge (more than 600 sources) body of publications tional chain-transfer agents or the use of a rather new
devoted to HBPs in the past decade leads us to conclude chain-transfer catalysis phenomenon [7], other
that this synthetic problem is regarded currently as the approaches were elaborated, for example, the use of
most pressing in world science. In terms of the modern superhigh rates of initiation [8] and the discovery of
macromolecular design, this issue may be most unam- intrachain reactions of propagation radical that termi-
biguously formulated as follows: the development of nate the growth of substantial chains [9].
methods for the chemical design of HBP macromole-
cules with the desired topological architecture, desired Radical polymerization differs appreciably from the
set of functional groups, and desired length of flexibil- step polyaddition (polycondensation) reactions in the
ity of interjunction chains in order to provide a wide mechanism of macromolecule growth; in the case of
assortment of HBP characteristics necessary for solv- polycondensation, the addition of new monomer units
ing specific practical problems. to macromolecules requires that the activation barrier
Problems related to the chemical design of macro- E = 63–84 kJ/mol be overcome each time. This barrier
molecules are largely solved via the following synthetic is inherent to esterification, migration polymerization,
procedures: and other polycondensation processes. Therefore, the
slow growth of macromolecules takes place and the
(1) Traditional step polyaddition (polycondensa- time of this process is commensurable with the time
tion) reactions that include reagents in accordance with polycondensation itself. In the case of radical polymer-
Flory’s schemes [1], among which the most reliable ization, a high activation barrier E = 50–126 kJ/mol is
scheme involves monomer AB2. More than one hun- overcome only at the very beginning of the growth of
dred years ago, Berzelius used this scheme for the syn- macromolecules during formation of initiating radical
thesis of the first HBP via the esterification reaction and and further chain growth proceeds with low values of
the Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB (Sweden) with a E < 42 kJ/mol, that is, extremely rapidly (instanta-
division Perstorp Polyols Inc. (USA) primarily neously relative to the duration of polymerization). The
employs 2,2-dimethylolpropionic acid as AB2 for the well-known Flory–Stockmayer theory describing for-
manufacture of HBPs under the trademark Boltorn. A mation of branched and network structures (and gela-
substantially new approach involves the use of small tion) was developed as applied to polycondensation and
additives of higher functionality comonomers ABn (or appears to be inapplicable to radical polymerization.
AnB), where n  2, as seeds to afford the multiarm The use of radical polymerization for the synthesis of
topological structure of macromolecules (rather than HBPs needs the elaboration of the corresponding the-
the three-arm structure typical of AB2 in the absence of ory of gelation for prediction of limiting yields of the
additives). A new and important direction in this tradi- target product and formulation of synthesis conditions
tional field includes the search for two-stage processes ensuring the highest yield. This situation generated the
characterized by strict kinetic differentiation of both need to advance a new theory of gelation specially elab-
stages. The first stage leads to the quantitative transfor- orated for crosslinking radical polymerization pro-
mation of the starting reagents into monomer AB2, cesses. This issue is covered in a number of theoretical

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


studies, among which a publication is the most repre- trometry is used in this field, namely, matrix-assisted
sentative [10]. laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spec-
After the commercial production of HBPs was trometry (MALDI-TOF).
launched (for the time being only in Europe), another It should be emphasized that high-resolution NMR
problem directly related to the chemical design spectroscopy provides a rather differentiated system of
evolved; namely, the search for simple and well-con- chemical shifts for chemically slightly differing frag-
trollable reactions of the addition to functional groups ments of HBP macromolecules, such as, for example,
of commercial standardized and well-characterized branched and unbranched units only if the latest instru-
HBPs aimed at their modification as applied to specific ments operating at frequencies of no less than 500 MHz
practical tasks. For example, the HBPs of the Boltron for 1H nuclei and of no less than 300 MHz for 13C
family [11] (Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB, Swe- nuclei.
den) contain a certain number of hydroxyl groups (16,
32, 64, and 128, respectively) depending on the trade- Another issue (the interplay between the chemical
mark (H20, H30, H40, and H50). Evidently, the pres- and topological structures of HBP macromolecules and
ence of a large amount of polar groups ensures good macroscopic properties) is of utmost importance and, at
thermodynamic affinity (and hence, solubility and com- the same time, the least studied. It should be noted that
patibility) only in polar media. The esterification of a similar problem for less complex macromolecules,
fatty acids (or epoxidized fatty acids) of the predeter- for example, linear (co)polymers has been solved
mined amount of hydroxyl groups allows one to control already for several decades. However, no reliable sys-
the level of thermodynamic affinity over a wide range, tem for predicting macroscopic properties has been cre-
including the affinity for weakly polar media upon full ated until now. A great deal of the experimental data is
esterification of all hydroxyl groups. If esterification is mostly analyzed by the method of increments that
carried out with the use of epoxidized fatty acids, epoxy allows one to perform only the interpolation prognosis
groups impart an additional feature:corresponding and is inapplicable to the extrapolation prognosis. As
reactivity. Thus, a rather narrow range of basic industri- regards hyperbranched polymers, this issue has been
ally produced HBPs may be easily extended in the poorly studied. Moreover, in the case of these poly-
desired direction if simple and well-controlled polyad- mers, the topological factor is more significant and
dition reactions are developed. This issue, as evidenced hardly-interpretable than that in the case of other poly-
by the published data, has received much attention. mers, where the chemical structure plays the key role.
The successful solution of the chemical design for Within the framework of the said issue, a special posi-
the polymers under consideration is inevitably associ- tion is occupied by the study of one of the most impor-
ated with the simultaneous solution of the problem con- tant macroscopic characteristics of hyperbranched
cerning the reliable identification of the topological polymers, i.e., the sorption and desorption ability of
structure and molecular parameters of HBP macromol- HBP macromolecules relative to guest molecules,
ecules (including the hydrodynamic volume and depending on the nature of the medium in which the
shape). This problem may be solved via both the sorption (or desorption) process takes place. Unfortu-
employment of conventional methods (any variants of nately, very little information concerning this issue is
electron microscopy, for example, transmission and available in the literature (possibly because this infor-
dark-field, high-resolution 1H and 13C NMR spectros- mation is of great significance for practice and, there-
copy, mass spectrometry, and IR spectroscopy) and the fore, is stored as confidential). The sorption (desorp-
elaboration of special methodologies designed spe- tion) of hyperbranched polymers is a nontrivial process
cially for HBPs. This primarily concerns the GPC since a sorbates is located in the inside HBP macromol-
methods of molecular mass distribution measurements ecules (in the core), while the kinetics of sorption (des-
that are based on the proportionality between molecular orption) is controlled by the shell composed of func-
masses and hydrodynamic volumes of macromole- tional groups. The diffusion permeability of the shell
cules. However, it turns out that because of the specific depends on the nature of intermolecular interactions
molecular packing of HBP macromolecules, the hydro- involving medium molecules in a complicated manner.
dynamic volume initially grows more slowly than Gaining insight into the sorption–desorption process is
molecular mass and then remains practically invariable of extreme importance since this phenomenon forms
and insensitive to further increases in molecular mass. the basis of a unique feature of HBPs to serve as nano-
Therefore, the classical GPC procedure with the use of capsules for insoluble sorbates and nanosized particles
a single detector (as a rule, refractometric) is inapplica- in phase-transfer processes, transport of drugs in
ble to molecular mass distribution measurements of humans, and for the uniform distribution of insoluble
hyperbranched polymers. For this case, a special mul- sorbates and nanoparticles in dispersion media.
tidetector variant of GPC was developed (with the use Finally, the use of hyperbranched polymer in poly-
of additional IR-spectroscopic detector and, what is mer materials science (largely as modifying additives)
especially important, with the use of the laser detector has demonstrated that in order to achieve high effi-
for small-angle or multiangle scattering measure- ciency in HBPs, it is necessary to solve the basic scien-
ments). Furthermore, the latest variant of mass spec- tific issue concerning the effect of HBP macromole-

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


cules on the formation and properties of polymer matri- As applied to medicine and biology, nanostructured,
ces of various types ranging from glassy (polyester, hyperbranched macromolecules have been synthesized
polyepoxide, and polymethacrylate) to semicrystalline via the hybridization of preformed dendrimers based on
(polyolefin, polycarbonate, and polyamide). An analy- aspartic (or glutamic) acid and linear highly reactive
sis of the published data shows that the solution of this polymer chains (poly(acryloyl chloride)) [33, 34].
problem is at the very beginning since a certain amount The chemical design issue covers a set of theoretical
of the experimental results has been accumulated but studies [10, 35–39] directed at the prediction of limit-
systematic information necessary for generalization is ing yields of HBPs and the formulation of the optimal
absent. conditions for their synthesis. This set was completed
In what follows, we will consider the most impor- by the elaboration of a new theory of gelation intended
tant studies concerning the main issues discussed for crosslinking radical polymerization. The well-
above. known gelation theory advanced by Flory–Stockmayer
for step-growth polymerization (polycondensation)
appears to be inapplicable in this case.
The Contribution of Russian Researchers The above-mentioned synthetic approaches are
to Solution of Actual Problems of HBPs being developed well and occupy a certain position in
The most successful and significant progress has world studies in the field of hyperbranched polymers.
been achieved by Russian researchers in the field of However, this position is too low for a country such as
synthesis of hyperbranched polymers (the chemical Russia, where organic and polymer chemistries have
design issue). conventionally been at a high level. This situation
becomes especially noticeable against the background
Thus, the school of academician Razuvaev (Nizhni of an extremely intense stream of investigations from
Novgorod) managed to create a new scientific direction abroad. Along with objective causes that require no
that made it possible to prepare one of the first HBPs, comment, there is another subjective reason for this
i.e., perfluorinated poly(phenylenegermane) state of the domestic synthetic direction in the field of
[(C6H5)2Ge(C6H4)]n, via the one-step synthesis [12– interest. This is a certain backwardness of notions con-
15]. Later on, this HBP was hybridized with linear cerning the idea of HBPs (see the above section, Intro-
(co)polymers [16, 17]. As a result, the methods of the duction). Until now, the greater part of leading Russian
synthesis of the HBPs of a complex molecular architec- researchers adhere to the purely topological (ideal) def-
ture—nanostructured macromolecules with original inition of HBPs based on Flory’s work published half a
topologies—have been elaborated. Furthermore, on the century ago. Naturally, this narrows down the range of
basis of HBPs of this kind, rare-earth metal complexes possible objects of research. One of the goals of this
(guest–host systems, where the guest complexon mole- review is to overcome this backwardness via the analy-
cule is situated in the core of the HBP host macromol- sis of a vast data array published by researchers from
ecule) have been synthesized. This original and unique abroad.
direction is of global importance [16–21].
In addition to synthetic directions, there are many
Another synthetic strategy developed by Muzafarov studies dealing with other problems of HBs discussed
et al. is the chemical design of organosilicon hyper- in the section titled “Formulation of Main Issues.” Indi-
branched polymers with different degrees of order of vidual properties of HBPs or the feasibility of the prac-
the topological structure ranging from extremely regu- tical use of HBPs of this kind for the manufacture of
lar (dendrimers) to random disordered typical of HBPs articles and materials or particular theoretical issues are
[22–28]. primarily discussed [40–44].
The most significant achievement of this direction is
the development of the one-step synthesis of HBPs via
the polycondensation of methyldiallylsilane CLASSIFICATION OF REACTIONS
H Si , which functions here as a monomer of the
Difficulties encountered in the synthesis of HBPs
CH3 with desired characteristics (molecular mass, degree of
AB2 type. The synthesis of the HBP in the presence of branching, and shape of macromolecules) are of differ-
a platinum catalyst proceeds quantitatively within 24 h ent characters depending on the type of the selected
at room temperature [25, 28]. synthetic reaction. An examination of these difficulties
New highly thermostable HBPs—poly(ester imi- and their classification leads to the following, and
des) and copoly(ester imides)—have been prepared by apparently the most rational, classification of reactions
Kuznetsov et al. [29–32]. The synthesis was performed suitable for the synthesis of HBPs that have found use
by means of a new original method, i.e., high-tempera- in this field.
ture catalytic polycondensation in the melts of organic (1) Crosslinking polymerization occurring via the
acids. step-growth polyaddition of the polycondensation type

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


(esterification, epoxy addition, urethane formation, and The side reaction hampering the branching of chains
addition of amine to multiple bonds). is the formation of small rings through the interaction
(2) Crosslinking radical polymerization (CRP) of reactive groups of neighboring chains owing to intra-
obeying the initiated chain polyaddition mechanism. chain interactions. As is shown below, in the case of
step-growth and radical-chain polyaddition reactions
(3) Crosslinking radical polymerization proceeding may be minimized with the use of substantially differ-
in the living chain mode. This is a peculiar case of CRP ent methods.
since the growth of polymer chains follows the same
The maximally possible yield Clim of the target
radical polyaddition chain mechanism as in the com-
mon CRP: product (HBP) in the synthesis reactions is determined
by a number of parameters (the functionality of the
. kp . starting reagents and their concentration ratio) and is
Ri (M)n M + M(=) Ri (M)n + 1 M , (1) predicted via calculations using formulas of gelation
theory. In the case of step-growth polyaddition reac-
where Ri is the initiator radical, M(=) is the multiple tions, the well-known Flory–Stockmayer theory is
bond in the starting monomer molecule, M are mono- employed. A quite different approach is required in the
. case of radical-chain polyaddition; herein, a new gela-
mer units in a polymer chain, and M is the end unit car- tion theory is used that is specially intended for CRP.
rying the free valence. However, this variant apprecia-
bly differs from the common CRP in that the chain The methods used to govern the synthesis of HBPs
polyaddition mechanism degenerates to the step- in the case of step-growth and radical-chain polyaddi-
growth mechanism since because of the reversible inhi- tion also appear to be appreciably different. For the
bition event, step-growth formation of growing chains, the control-
ling factors are temperature and sometimes catalyst
. kx additives. In the case of radical-chain reactions, these
Ri (M)n + 1 M + X kd
Ri (M)n + 1MX. (2) factors may be supplemented by the inertia-free control
via external radiation with light or ionizing radiation
(photo- or radical initiation of chains) and through the
Provided the occurrence of the living chain mode, each addition of special additives, i.e., regulator compounds
new polyaddition event (1) is inevitably preceded by (inhibitors, decelerators, chain-transfer agents, and
the event of the homolytic decomposition of chain-transfer catalysts).
Ri (M)n + 1MX (reinitiation). In this case, reinitiation
proceeds with a sufficiently high activation energy, Ed =
105–126 kJ/mol, which is close to the activation energy SYNTHESIS OF HBPS WITH THE USE
of the initiation, Ei = 117–126 kJ/mol, with typical ini- OF STEP-GROWTH CROSSLINKING
tiators, such as organic peroxides and azodinitriles. In POLYMERIZATION METHODS
other words, in contrast to the conventional CRP, where
after single initiation event, a polymer chain propagates The step-growth crosslinking polymerization
for a rather short time (τ < 1 s) from n0 = 0 to n = nf (SCP)2 is the simplest method for the synthesis of
(where the final chain length of nf > 102–103 units is HBPs in terms of the topological mechanism governing
limited by the chain termination event) in the case of a the formation of the cascade of branches, especially if
living CRP, each initiation event is accompanied by the AB2 monomer serves as the starting compound.
only a single polyaddition event and further polyaddi- AB2 monomers possess two substantial advantages.
tion events necessitate only one reinitiation event for First, branches emanating from both B groups of the
each polyaddition event. Since Ed ≅ Ei, the situation is starting AB2 molecules carry only single-type groups B
the same as in the step-growth crosslinking polymeriza- incapable of interactions with each other and the forma-
tion of the polycondensation type and the time of prop- tion of cyclic moieties that are regarded as structural
agation (or the lifetime) of polymer chains τp ≥ tf, where defects in the case of HBPs. Only one branch emanat-
tf is the full time of the polymerization process (as ing from group A contains a pair of functional groups A
opposed to the conventional CRP, where the time of and B that are capable of cyclization. Evidently, the
propagation of polymer chains τ < 1 s  tf). Therefore, probability of cyclization will decrease from one gener-
it is advisable to regard the living CRP as a peculiar ation to another as a result of the increase in the number
case demonstrating features of both step-growth of groups B with the number of groups A being con-
crosslinking polymerization and the conventional CRP.
The above classification performed in terms of the 2 Inthe literature, SCP is often referred to as crosslinking polycon-
instantaneous (chain, τ  tf) or slow (step-growth, τp ≥ densation (CP); however, it is more correct to denote only poly-
addition processes accompanied by the release of low-molecular-
tf) propagation of polymer chains plus the free-radical mass products (e.g., H2O) using the term CP. Then, the SCP
or molecular character of the polyaddition reaction notion will include step-growth reactions of two types: CP and
seems to be the most expedient because of the follow- polyaddition reactions proceeding without the release of H2O or
ing reasons. other products (urethane formation, Michael’s reaction).

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


stant and equal to unity, independent of the generation [49–52], polyesters [53–75], polyamides [76–83],
number. polycarbonates [84], poly(ester ketones) [85–88],
Secondly, as follows from the well-known Flory– poly(urethanes) [89–94], poly(acetophenones) [95,
Stockmayer gelation theory, for the SCP of AB2 mono- 96], and poly(carbosilanes) [97–100]. In some cases,
mers, the critical conversion (the gel point) Ccr is higher ABn (n = 3–6) rather than AB2 monomers were
than the current conversion of C up to the full consump- employed. In accordance with the Flory–Stockmayer
tion of the monomer, that is, in the course of SCP C < theory, ABn monomers in which the number of atomic
Ccr throughout the process; therefore, there is no risk groups B is larger than two are likewise disinclined to
that gelation, which confines the maximum possible gelation (as opposed to A2 + B3 binary mixtures and,
yield of the target product in the synthesis of HBPs, will especially A2 + Bn mixtures, where n > 3).
take place. If HBPs are synthesized on the basis of, for
example, binary mixtures of monomers Am + Bn as
Two-Step SCP Including Formation
starting comonomers (the condition of branching is of AB2 Monomers at the First Stage
m > 2, n > 2, and m + n > 4), in the region of selected
concentrations of Am and Bn, the value of Ccr at certain The strategy of this approach [101–124] relies on
m and n may turn out to be much lower than the 100% the use of the A2 + B3 binary mixture for the synthesis
conversion and, thus, Ccr will be the limiting factor. The of HBPs. Note that the reactivities of groups A in A2
well-known gelation theories were analyzed by Irzhak molecules and groups B in B3 molecules should be sig-
in a review paper [39], including a consideration of the nificantly different so that one of the A groups and one
most rational approaches to the calculation of Ccr val- of the B groups should possess much higher reactivities
ues necessary for the prediction of the maximally pos- in the A + B addition reaction (more reactive groups are
sible yields of HBPs for different synthetic reactions. designated as A' and B' and monomers A2 and B3 as
The main drawback of the AB2 monomers is the A'A and B'B2, respectively). In this case, it is possible
complexity of their synthesis. As a consequence, these to select rather mild reaction conditions under which
compounds are inaccessible for the commercial pro- only reaction A' + B' may proceed, while reaction A +
duction from the viewpoint of economy and engineer- B occurs at an almost zero rate (as a rule, this is
ing, especially when the matter concerns a wide scope achieved owing to the use of rather low temperature
of diverse AB2 monomers necessary for designing T1). Under these conditions, solely the dimeric product
HBPs useful for certain practical applications. is formed as follows from A'A + B'B2 AB2. After
In the last decade, an original approach was devel- completion of said stage, which is controlled by con-
oped that includes as if one-step reactions of HBP syn- version measurements by appropriate methods, the
thesis that actually proceeds via the two-stage mecha- synthesis conditions become more severe (e.g., the tem-
nism. At the first stage, the binary mixture quantita- perature is increased from T1 to T2, which is 20–50°ë
tively transforms into the AB2 monomer and the second higher than T1) and then AB2 converts into the HBP. It
stage involves the synthesis of HBPs, where a change in is obvious that the selective transformation of the A2 +
synthesis conditions, for example, an increase in tem- B3 binary mixture into the A2B monomer will also take
perature, gives impetus to the onset of the second stage. place if in A2, both A groups exhibit equal reactivities
The main advantage of this approach is that rather and in B3, both B groups possess enhanced reactivities.
cheap starting compounds are used that are, as a rule, This implies that A2 ≡ A2 and B3 ≡ BB 2' . Then, the
produced on commercial scale and that a wide range of
selective interaction A + B' gives rise to the A2B mono-
HBPs may be synthesized.
mer, which also transforms into the HBP and complica-
Below we will discuss the most interesting variants tions related to gelation appear to be avoided. The only
of the synthesis of various HBPs based on the use of difference of the A2B monomer from the AB2 monomer
SCP methods, including those realized on commercial is that the HBP being formed will contain functional
scale. groups A (the A2B monomer) at chain ends or func-
tional groups B (the AB2 monomer).
Synthesis on the Basis of Monomers The most interesting variants of this approach (one-
of the AB2 and ABn types (n = 3–6) step in terms of engineering) and the two-step approach
The step-growth crosslinking polymerization of the (in terms of the chemical mechanism) were described
AB2 monomers via the esterification, transesterifica- in [102–115].
tion, ring-opening polymerization (including epoxy In [102–104, 110–120], the promising variants of
addition), and hydride-transfer migration polymeriza- the selective synthesis of AmBn monomers (m + n ≥ 3 at
tion (including urethane formation, Michael’s reaction) m = 1 or n = 1) were developed. These monomers can
has been in wide use and is being used for the synthesis be converted into HBPs with a high yield (close to
of HBPs. This strategy made it possible to synthesize 100%) without complications such as gelation. This
hyperbranched polyphenylenes [45–48], polyethers synthesis proceeds as a separate initial stage of the one-

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


step process that occurs in in situ Am + Bn binary mix- commercial production of HBPs under the trademark
tures of ecologically accessible commercial monomers Boltron. This synthesis is described in detail in the next
and allows one to prepare a wide range of HBPs of var- section.
ious chemical structures of the polymer framework (poly-
esters, polyamides, poly(urethanes), polyureas,
poly(amino amides), and poly(ester amides) and con- The Commercial Synthesis of HBPs
taining diverse end functional groups (hydroxyl, amine, HBPs are currently produced on commercial scale
ester, and multiple bonds). As a result, the characteris- [11, 139, 140] by two companies, including the Swed-
tics of HBPs may be varied in a wide range, as required ish company Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB, with a
by specific targets. division called Perstorp Polyols Inc. (USA), and DSM
Even wider possibilities are provided if the number Fine Chemicals (Holland). The HBPs produced by Per-
of components in the starting mixture used for the storp are known under the general trademark Boltorn,
selective synthesis of AmBn monomers (m or n is unity, while those manufactured by DSM, are known as
and m + n ≥ 3) is higher than two. In [116, 121–124], Hybrane. All HBPs of the Boltorn family contain the
ternary mixtures were employed for this purpose. The same framework (the chemical structure of aliphatic
third component serves as an extender of interjunction polyesters) and differ in the number of generations (2–5)
chains in the framework of HBPs. and Mw = (2.1–14) × 103. The type of end functional
groups in series H20, H30, H40, and H50 (the first figures,
2, 3, 4, and 5, are generation numbers) is also the same
SCP of A2 + B3 Binary Mixtures (OH). Therefore, this series may be regarded as basic.
and Other Methods of Preparing HBPs Polymers of this series may easily be modified via the par-
The employment of A2 + B3 binary mixtures is the tial or full replacement of hydroxyls with other functional
groups, for example, through their esterification. Thus,
most promising approach for varying the chemical and modified HBPs are also produced by Perstorp, while their
topological structure of HBPs. In the previous section, polymer framework remains unchanged.
we considered the case when, because of the different
reactivities of groups B in B3 molecules (or groups A in DSM produces a wider range of HBPs in which not
A2 molecules), polymerization in fact proceeds via the only a set of end functional groups, but also the chemi-
cal structure of the framework, was modified. It was
mechanism of the homopolymerization of the initially
found that this modification affects the properties of
formed adduct of the AB2 type. If the reactivites of
HBPs as much as the set of functional groups.
these groups are equal or similar, the copolymerization
of the A2 + B3 mixture is complicated by gelation [125– According to the Perstorp method, HBPs are synthe-
128]. Therefore the synthesis of HBPs is limited by two sized from the binary mixture pentaerythrite + 2,2-dim-
factors, namely, the small yield of the target product ethylolpropionic acid (the B4 + AB2 system) via the
and the sharp narrowing of the possible interval of vary- esterification reaction. In some cases, trimethylolpro-
ing the A2-to-B3 ratio in the initial mixture. Both factors pane (B3) is used as a mutiatomic alcohol.
may be predicted in terms of the Flory–Stockmayer DSM accomplishes synthesis in a different way,
theory, and were generalized and analyzed in a recent namely, via the crypto-two-step process (see the section
review [39]. As evidenced by predictions, at the A2-to- entitled “Two-Step SCP Including Formation of AB2
B3 ratios providing a sufficient degree of branching of Monomers at the First Stage”). A binary mixture com-
copolymers, the critical conversion (the gel point) turns posed of anhydride of dibasic carboxylic acid and
out to be shifted to the region of very small conversions; aminediol is used. These compounds interact to form an
hence, the target product is produced with a very low adduct containing two hydroxyl groups and one car-
yield. Therefore, the synthesis [129] of HBPs on the boxyl group (the AB2 monomer). Then, the AB2 mono-
basis of A2 + B3 binary mixtures is performed under mer formed in situ via the esterification mechanism
special conditions hampering gelation, for example, at transforms into the HBP. The first stage proceeds under
very small total concentrations of the reagents (3.3 wt %) mild conditions consisting of moderate temperature
or in poor solvents ensuring the continuous removal of and the absence of evacuation and catalyst additives.
the HBPs from the reaction zone via precipitation. After the completion of the first stage (according to the
spectroscopic control of conversion), the reaction con-
On the basis of A2 + B3 binary mixtures, the authors ditions become more severe; temperature is elevated,
of [129–138] managed to synthesize HBPs of chemical evacuation begins, and the equilibrium of esterification
structures that were unachievable by other synthetic is shifted via the removal of H2O from the reaction sys-
procedures. tem; sometimes, small amounts of esterification cata-
Other methods for the synthesis of HBPs via the lysts are added. Thus, the second stage of the synthesis
SCP method exist, for example on the basis of Bn + AB2 of HBPs from the AB2 being formed is initiated. The
mixtures, where n > 3, and the concentration of Bn is chemical structure of the polymer framework of HBPs
very small ([Bn]  [AB2]). This was the method used is changed within the following set of the starting anhy-
by Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB (Sweden) for the drides: cyclohexanedicarboxylic anhydride, siccine

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and siccine anhydride to decrease Φ in the case of å2 molecules, å2 should
with various substituents; the end functional groups be diluted with monounsaturated (non-network form-
vary within the following set: residues of fatty acids, ing) monomer å1 carrying only a single polymerizable
benzoic, methacrylic, and functionalized acids. double bond. However, in this case, there is the restric-
tive condition relative to the mixture composition
[å2]/[å1]; namely, as dilution with monomer å1
SYNTHESIS OF HYPERBRANCHED POLYMERS achieves such a level that the content of å2 becomes
BY CROSSLINKING RADICAL less than 3 in chains composed of P units, the degree of
POLYMERIZATION METHODS branching in the HBP being formed becomes smaller
The main advantage of radical polymerization that than 2 and further dilution leads to the formation of
the propagation of macromolecules obeys the chain weakly branched polymers lacking the properties of
mechanism appears to be its main disadvantage for the HBPs. With the example of a mixture of monomers
synthesis of HBPs. Actually, on the one hand, the chain å1 + å2 of the (meth)acrylate type, it is readily seen
mechanism ensures a high rate of the process, good that, at conventional wi  10–7 mol/(l s), the value of
controllability through variations in the concentrations P  104 units and Ccr 1 (accordingly, the yield of
of initiator, inhibitor, and chain-transfer agent addi- HBPs 100%), at the molar composition of the mix-
tives, extremely high predictability on the basis of a ture [M2]/[M1] 10–5. Hence, if dilution with mono-
large data array on the rate constants of elementary mer å1 is performed to such an extent that the yield of
stages kel accumulated to date owing to the continuous the soluble polymerization product will increase to
development of new and accurate methods of their 100%, then this product will be practically unbranched
experimental measurements and the creation of suffi- (each chain composed of 104 units will contain on aver-
ciently reliable determination of kel via calculations age 0.1 unit of the branching monomer å2).
[141] with due regard for a number of universal features
inherent to radical reactions, plus the elaboration of a As the degree of dilution is reduced to [å2]/[å1] =
new theory of gelation intended especially for 3 × 10–4 providing a degree of branching equal to 2, Ccr
crosslinking radical polymerization (CRP). On the decreases to 0.1 (the yield of HBPs is as low as 10%).
other hand, owing to the chain mechanism, the ten- Even if such a small yield will suffice, one should still
dency toward transition from the formation of branched bear in mind that the HBP being formed will differ
polymerization products (soluble HBPs) to both infus- appreciably in terms of topology from the typical HBPs
ible and insoluble network polymers (micro- and mac- that have been synthesized and characterized thus far.
rogels) is extremely high. Thus, for example, the criti- This topological difference is that chain fragments
cal conversion Ccr (in other words, the gel point) at between neighboring branches (the so-called interjunc-
which the polymer system transforms into a gel, in the tion chains) will be very long; namely, on average, two
case of the radical polymerization of (meth)acrylic branches per chain of length P = 104 units, that is, the
monomers å2 containing two multiple (polymerizable) length of interjunction chains will be close to 103 units.
bonds each, is shifted to the region of small conversions The synthesis and characterization of HBPs with varied
Ccr 0 to such an extent that at conventional rates of lengths of interjunction chains demonstrated [142] that
initiation wi  10–6–10–8 mol/l, this parameter may be at a length exceeding several tens of units, the proper-
measured experimentally with an accuracy equal only to ties of HBPs become close to the properties of conven-
its upper boundary Ccr < 0.01. More accurate calculation tional linear polymers of similar molecular masses.
of Ccr with the gelation theory formulas [10, 35–39] yields Therefore, for the synthesis of HBPs via radical
Ccr  10–4. In other words, under conventional conditions, polymerization, the approach based on the dilution of
HBPs synthesized through CRP may be formed with a polyfunctional monomers Mm with mononfunctional
yield smaller than 1%. If an even more polyfunctional monomers M1 is used only additionally, while the basic
monomer than å2 is used as the starting monomer for the approach includes the development of methods allow-
synthesis of HBPs, for example Mm (where m > 2), the ing one to decrease the value of P to a few units.
value of Ccr turns out to be even smaller. In the following, we will describe the most efficient
As follows from the gelation theory [10, 35–39], the approaches of this type that make it possible to advan-
value of Ccr (and, hence, the yield of HBPs) may be tageously synthesize HBPs via radical polymerization
increased by changing the conditions of CRP via two methods.
directions; namely, a decrease in the mean functionality
Φ of the starting monomers and a decrease in the length
P of propagating polymer chains (in this case, P is the Control of Chain Length through Variation
number of units, that is, the length of substantial chains, in the Rate of Initiation
as opposed to the length of kinetic chains ν).3 In order As follows from the theory of chain reactions, the
length of chains decrease with an increase in the rate of
3 Additivesof chain-transfer agents only reduce the value of P and initiation wi. Calculations showed that P  3 may be
have no effect on the value of ν. attained if, instead of usual concentrations of the initia-

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


tor [I] ≤ 10–2 mol/l, this value is increased at least by sification of chain-transfer events. This approach was
two orders of magnitude, that is, [I] should be ≥ 1 mol/l, used extensively by a group of English researchers
which is commensurable with the concentration of under the guidance of Sherrington [149–153]. Chain
monomers. transfer was performed via two methods, namely, tradi-
It is obvious that the HBPs synthesized under the tional and nontraditional. The traditional method
given conditions will inevitably contain a large amount includes the addition of small amounts of compound Tr
of initiator fragments in both interjunction and end capable of reacting with prapagation radical R to gen-
chains. erate a new, also active, radical Rtr, initiating a new sub-
stantial chain. In this case, molecules Tr are lost and,
This method was first advantageously employed by hence, the consumption of Tr is 1 molecule per chain.
Sato et al. [8, 143–148] in 2002–2004 from the Calculations show that P = 3–5 may be attained, the
å2 monomers of the dimethacrylate and divinylben- values of ktr[Tr] should be lower than the values of
zene types (sometimes in the case of dilution with å1) kp[M] by only a factor of 3–5 (at conventional initiation
in the presence of dimethyl-2,2-azo-bis(isobutyrate)
(DABIB) (sometimes with inhibitor additives). These rates, wi  10–7 mol/(l s) in the absence of inhibitors).
authors designated this synthesis of HBPs as the initia- Here ktr and kp are rate constants of chain transfer and
tor-fragment incorporated radical polymerization. chain propagation, respectively. In other words, either
high ktr > kp (at small [Tr]  [M]) or, at ktr < kp, large
Well-characterized (with the use of modern methods
[Tr] commensurable with [M] are necessary. Variant
of studying HBPs) products were prepared via the
ktr > kp is highly inconvenient for the synthesis of
DABIB-initiated copolymerization of divinylbenzene
(å2) with ethylstyrene (å1) in the presence of ben- HPBs. It can be readily seen4 that the consumption of
zoyliminoacetate as a retarding agent at 70–80°ë (the Tr in this case will be faster than the consumption of M
time of full conversion is tc = 8–24 h) [143] and the and that a continuous supply of Tr in the course of poly-
DABIB-initiated copolymerization of ethylene glycol merization is required in order to maintain P = constant.
dimethacrylate (å2) with N-methylmethacrylamide Hence, it is expedient to employ extremely high con-
(å1) at 70–80°ë (tc = 1–12 h) with a yield of 46–50% centrations of Tr or the nontraditional approach, which
[147]. Along with divinylbenzene [145] and ethylene relies on the use of chain-transfer catalysis. This phe-
glycol dimethacrylate [144, 148], divinyl adipate [8, nomenon was discovered more than two decades ago
146] was used as the branching agent å2. [7, 154] and has found extensive use in world science
and practice.
At present, there is no way to evaluate the impor- Sherrington et al. employed both approaches,
tance of Sato’s method for its practice and competitive- namely, the traditional method based on the use of high
ness since it is unclear [8, 143–148] what the labor concentrations of Tr and the chain-transfer catalysis,
expenditures and complexity of isolation of HBPs are for the synthesis of HBPs via the crosslinking radical
from the 50% mixture of their byproducts. Evident (co)polymerization.
drawbacks of the method under examination are that
the synthesis should be carried out in very dilute solu- The chain-transfer catalysis was discovered for the
tions and the consumption of the initiator is large. Cer- polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence
tain advantages of the above method are its universal of very small (catalytic) amounts of organic macrocy-
character and high rate of the process. The universal clic complexes of cobalt CoL (cobalt porphyrins and
character is that the method allows one to prepare HBPs phthalocyanines and cobaloximes). It was found that
that contain any type of functional groups since the CoL added in the amount of 10–6–10–5 mol/l decreases
assortment of components of radical copolymerization the length of chains by a factor of 10–100. This case
å1 and å2 is large. For example, only one class of å1 corresponds to ratio ktr  kp. However, at ktr  kp, the
monomers, such as methacrylates of formula action of CoL would have already ceased at the very
CH2=C(CH3)COOR, includes compounds that bear dif- beginning of polymerization because of the faster con-
ferent radicals R ranging from alkyls with widely var- sumption of CoL than of M. However, this was not the
ied lengths and degrees of branching of carbon chains case. CoL functioned throughout the polymerization,
to R-containing atomic groups –OH, –NH2, and was not consumed in this process (as evidenced by
HC CH2 and methacrylates containing atomic measurements of ån values for polymers isolated at
various stages of polymerization), and, hence, behaved
O as a catalyst.
groups –C(O)NH2 and –COOH (methacrylamide and
methacrylic acid).
4 The d[M]
solution of a system of differential equations – ------------- =
Control of Chain Length with the Use . d [ Tr ] . k tr /k p
kp[M][ R ] and – ------------- = ktr[Tr][ R ]; [Tr] = [Tr]0 – (1 – C) ,
of Chain Transfer and Catalytic Chain Transfer Agents dt
[ M ]0 – [ M ]
Another way of decreasing the length of chains to where C = ---------------------------- yields conversion of the monomer.
values acceptable for the synthesis of HBPs is the inten- [ M ]0

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


On the basis of the comprehensive study [155] of As was shown to be typical of HBPs in [142], as the
chain-transfer catalysis by various methods (GPC and length of interjunction chains is increased to 10–15 car-
NMR, IR, and UV spectroscopy), the following mech- bon atoms, the properties inherent to HBPs disappear.
anism of catalysis was proposed In the case of the copolymers synthesized by Sher-
rington et al., the length of interjunction chains is above
. –R
. 20–30 C atoms (according to our calculations on the
R + CoL [RCoL] [HCoL] CoL + H
basis of ktr[Tr]). It is suggested that the topological
. . structure formed under the conditions of radical copo-
H+M R. lymerization in å1 + å2 + Tr system is a new type of
The polymethacrylate chain R, containing an end dou- Systematic series of HBPs have been prepared
CH2 through a targeted variation in their parameters (molec-
ble bond of the CH2 C type that differs from ular mass, generation number, degree of branching, and
functionality) and the effect of these factors on the
COOCH3 characteristics of these polymers has been elucidated.
CH3 As main functional groups, double bonds were detected
the methacryl double bond CH2 C COOCH3 , is in all cases; as a result, the HBPs thus prepared demon-
formed via the disproportionation of the propagation strate well-pronounced reactivity in radical (co)poly-
. merization and may serve as objects of further modifi-
radical R accepted by CoL as a complex [RCoL], fol- cation, for example, via the addition of amines accord-
lowed by transformation into CoL hydride. The latter ing to Michael’s reaction.
compound is extremely instable and decomposes There are no data concerning the practical applica-
almost instantaneously to afford atomic hydrogen and
. tion of HBPs of this type. However, the prospects of
the starting CoL. The resulting H is extremely active their commercial production seem to be quite real since
. their synthetic procedure is rather simple. This is evi-
and instantly generates a new chain R . dent from the papers by Sherrington et al. published in
Further developments in the field of chain-transfer 2006 that are devoted to the development of the synthe-
catalysis [156] led to the design of new, more efficient sis of HBPs through the copolymerization of methyl
complexes of CoL, as well as to the elaboration of methacrylate and divinylbenzene in aqueous emulsions
numerous practical applications for this phenomenon. [157]. It appears that the use of water instead of inor-
The approach, employed by Sherrington et al., was ganic solvents as a reaction medium will noticeably
based on the intensification of chain transfer via both improve the engineering effectiveness of the process
methods, namely, the use of high concentrations of Tr (ecological and fire safety and economy).
(dodecylmercaptane) and chain-transfer catalysis. As
branching monomers åm (where m = 2 or 3), di- and Synthesis of HBPs Based on Intrachain Reactions
tri(meth)acrylates, and divinylbenzene were tested, of Propagation Radicals Terminating Growth
while methyl methacrylate was used as å1 [149–153]. of Polymer (Substantial) Chains
The temperature of copolymerization was 70–80°ë.
The concentration of conventional initiator (AIBN) was As was shown recently, in addition to the known
reactions of chain transfer, other nontrivial radical reac-
~5 × 10–2 mol/l. The value of wi was estimated as 5 × tions that also cause termination of the length of poly-
10–7 mol/(l s) typical of radical polymerization pro- mer chains may occur during radical polymerization.
cesses. Weakly polar solvents (as a rule, toluene) were
taken at a concentration of ~60 vol %. The yield of The first signs of these reactions were discovered
copolymers achieved within 16 h was ~90%. The con- very long ago during the study of the thermal (in the
centration of Tr in all experiments was equal to the con- absence of substantial initiators) polymerization of sty-
centration of å2. The values of ktr (l/(mol s)) were rene [158–161]. However, the detailed mechanism of
these reactions that was later used for the synthesis of
~300 and ~3500 for methacrylates and acrylates, HBPs [162] has been ascertained most recently [163]
respectively. The values of kp were ~500 and ~2000, with the use of a combination of several analytical pro-
respectively. When Tr was replaced with a chain-trans- cedures, including, along with GPC and 13C NMR spec-
fer catalyst (a complex of BF3 with cobalt cobaloxime), troscopy (300 MHz), the newest variant of mass spec-
the effective value of ktr increased to (1.5–2.0) × trometry (MALDI TOF). As a result, for the polymer-
107 l/(mol s). Therefore, very small additives of the cat- ization of styrene at 260–340°ë, the molecular mass
alyst (smaller than [Tr] by a factor of 105) turned out to distributions of the products were estimated and both
be efficient. end groups of oligomer chains were identified.
A wide assortment of copolymers with properties An examination of the chemical structure of all
typical of hyperbranched polymers has been synthe- polymerization products (including the identification of
sized. This fact gives us grounds to class them as HBPs. the end groups of oligostyrenes) revealed that for the

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


high-temperature polymerization of styrene, the intrac- uously widen with the degree of branching (with an
hain attack of the end propagation radical at the fifth increase in c2). With due regard for the fact that the
carbon atom accompanied by the elimination of H GPC-1 technique (without light scattering detector)
(attack at the third carbon atom is also possible) is the yields underestimated results because of reduced
main mechanism governing the termination of growing hydrodynamic volumes of branched macromolecules
polymer chains. Furthermore, it was shown [164–167] compared to their linear analogs of the same molecular
that polymer chains carrying end double bonds are able mass. It should be expected that, in fact, the molecular-
to react with the propagation radical according to the mass distributions of the copolymers will be even wider
so-called addition–fragmentation mechanism. owing to a shift to the high-molecular-mass region.
The contribution of new reactions involving self-ter- The authors of [162, 168, 169] demonstrated that
mination of the length of polymer chains growth with their method of synthesis of HBPs is highly economical
the temperature of polymerization. It was demonstrated quite competitive and may used on the commercial
[162, 168–170] that if the time τ of residence of scale. However, information concerning the valuable
reagents in the reactor is time properly selected, poly- and useful properties of the HBPs of this family at least
merization may be performed at such a high tempera- the published data is absent.
ture (260–340°ë) that on one hand, polymers consist-
ing of supershort chains (less than 10 units) may be
synthesized and, on the other hand, side reactions of the LIVING RADICAL POLYMERIZATION
high-temperature chemical degradation of polymers AS A REACTION OF SYNTHESIS OF HBPS
and monomers have no time to develop. Evidently, the Living chain mode in radical polymerization signif-
flow reactor is the most convenient type of reactor with icantly affects the mechanism of the propagation of
a controlled value of τ. The above data were used as macromolecules and changes it from chain (instanta-
basis to develop the method of synthesis of HBPs neous) to step-growth (slow). “Instantaneous” implies
through the high-temperature copolymerization of sty- that the time of chain propagation τ from nucleation
rene and divinylbenzene (DVB) [162, 168–170]. The (initiation) to termination (irreversible termination, lin-
synthesis of HBPs was performed in the flow reactor. ear or bimolecular) is incommensurably small com-
Optimal conditions of synthesis were selected through pared to the time of development of polymerization tf
variations in temperature, time, and concentration from the zero to final conversion; that is, τ  tf. There-
(c2, wt %) of DVB (the commercial mixture of 80% fore, polymerization proceeds as accumulation during
p-DVB and m-BMN with 20% styrene) and the concen- the tf of chains of certain lengths ν formed instanta-
tration of a solvent (0–15% of aromatic hydrocarbons neously (τ  tf) after each initiation event and the cur-
with a boiling temperature of 100°ë). The value of c2 rent rate of polymerization w is expressed as the prod-
was selected from the dependence of Mw of the polymer uct of the current rate of initiation wi by the current
on c2, while other conditions remained invariable chain length ν as follows:
(Unfortunately, the values of Mw were estimated only
by GPC-1 with the use of a refractometric detector and, w = wiν.
therefore, cannot be regard as strictly quantitative.).
The approach to critical conversion Ccr (the gel point) The term “slow” means that the mean time of chain
manifests itself as a sharp rise in the rate of an increase propagation from nucleation to irreversible termination
in Mw with c2. On the basis of special GPC measure- τ is commensurable with tf (usually τ ≥ tf). In other
ments of sol fractions, the approach to Ccr was judged words, chains lengthen continuously in the course of
from the change in the sign of the first derivative of polymerization and a gain in conversion is achieved not
function Mw = f(c2) from plus to minus at a certain con- due to the accumulation of chains of certain lengths ν,
centration of the branching monomer. This concentra- but rather due to the summation of gains in the lengths
tion (0.106 wt % DVB at 316°ë, τ = 15 min, and 15 wt of all chains nucleated at practically the same time at
% solvent) was assumed as the critical conversion Ccr t 0 (instantaneous initiation). More importantly,
(the gel point). each event of chain propagation is characterized by a
high activation barrier Eν that is comparable with the
In [162], systematic data concerning the effect of activation barrier of the elementary event of chain initi-
copolymerization conditions controlling the value of ation Ei, that is, Ei  Eν. Therefore, each event of chain
Mw of the copolymers were obtained as several series of gain takes place only after the reinitiation event. In this
Mw = f(c2) curves. Evidently, this evidence may serve sense, in fact, the chain propagation of macromolecules
as a basis for both the optimization of the synthesis of is identical to the step-growth polyaddition reaction, for
HBPs and the prediction of its results at preset condi- example, polycondensation and migration polymeriza-
tions of copolymerization. tion.
Measurements of molecular-mass distributions of Since the step-growth polymerization (polyconden-
the copolymers showed that for all degrees of branch- sation) of AB2 monomers is the simplest variant of the
ing, molecular-mass distributions are broad and contin- synthesis of HBPs, living radical polymerization is per-

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


spective for the production of these polymers on condi- SYNTHESIS OF HBPS

tions that the starting unsaturated monomer that will AND NANOSTRUCTURED POLYMERS
polymerize, similarly to AB2, is synthesized (prelimi- VIA LIVING RADICAL POLYMERIZATION
narily or in situ, directly in the (co)polymerization sys- OF VINYL MONOMERS
The use of formulas from [10, 35–39] for the deter-
mination of the critical conversion Ccr for the living rad- This direction of synthesis of HBPs turned out to be
ical (co)polymerization process shows that the simple extremely fruitful and allowed the strategy of the syn-
combination of a monounsaturated monomer (å1) and thesis of hyperbranched macromolecules of compli-
a branching (multiunsaturated) comonomer åm (m is cated topological architecture to be developed. These
the number of double bonds in a molecule) provides no polymers are referred to as “nanostructured.” These
way of synthesizing HBPs via living radical polymer- materials have found use in the up-to-the-minute fields
ization. Despite a well-defined step-growth character of of engineering, for example, in microelectronics in
the latter process, the value of Ccr turns out to be inad- combination with Aq or Cu nanoparticles as polymer
missibly small (Ccr < 5%), provided that the degree of plasmons. Otsu et al. [186–188] is the father of living
branching of the copolymers is reasonable. At more or radical polymerization that relies on the use of com-
less acceptable values of Ccr < 50%, the degree of pounds with dithiocarbamate groups. The main results
of the long-term observations of this group of Japanese
branching of the copolymers is so small that they can- researchers were summarized in two reviews [189,
not be classed as HBPs. 190].
In 1995, Hawker and Frechet et al. [171–173] first On the basis of the above result, another group of
synthesized the AB2 monomer capable of living radical Japanese researchers headed by Ishizu elaborated a new
polymerization. The monomer prepared by those strategy for the synthesis of HBPs [191–204]. They
authors underwent polymerization at 120–130°ë by the synthesized stryrene and methyl methacrylate carrying
living radical mechanism, as with AB2, owing to the N,N-diethylaminodithiocarbamoyl (DC) groups as
reversible hemolytic dissociation of a NO–C bond and starting monomers.
the subsequent step-growth addition of the carbon-cen-
tered radical to the double bond of the next monomer The photopolymerization (UV radiation) of these
molecule. These reactions are well known and have monomers in 50% solutions in benzene, which pro-
been studied in detail within the framework of the so- ceeds according to the living radical mechanism as
called alkoxyamine mechanism of living free-radical established by Otsu [189, 190], allows one to synthe-
polymerization [6]. size hyperbranched polystyrene and poly(methyl meth-
acrylate) containing DC end groups.
In 2000, Voit reported on the original variant of liv- Since, according to Otsu’s mechanism, chains con-
ing radical polymerization suitable for the synthesis of taining DT end groups are living, they may be used for
HBPs [174]. As the starting AB2 monomers, Voit used their further lengthening via the addition of small
compounds capable of generating free radicals under amounts of any other vinyl monomers after the com-
the action of UV radiation and these radicals served as plete consumption of the starting monomers. As a con-
reversible inhibitors. sequence, on the basis of primary HBPs, one may syn-
Considerable progress in the field of the synthesis of thesize secondary nanostructured polymers, for exam-
HBPs through the living radical polymerization of ple, star-shaped, nanosized macromolecules containing
functionalized styrenes was achieved for styrenes con- long grafted chains [193, 198], nanocylinders [192],
taining CH2–S–C(S)N(C2H5)2 substituents in para posi- and other nanostructured polymers of complicated
tions (see the next section). topological architecture [191]. In some case, the
synthesis of these polymers does not require photopo-
The synthesis of HBPs via the living free-radical lymerization as the first stage of the process. Under
polymerization of functionalized acrylates and meth- photoirradiation, DC groups undergo reversible disso-
acrylates is based on the monomers whose synthesis ciation and, thus, inevitably form a branched macro-
was described in [175–185]. molecule. When a linear starting macromolecule carry-
According to the authors of numerous recent ing living propagation sites and carbochains framework
reviews concerning HBPs, the syntheses of HBPs from is required as an intermediate product to produce a
the functionalized monounsaturated monomer contain- nanostructured polymer (the case of nanocylinder),
ing functional groups involved in formation of branches dark polymerization is carried out at the first stage in
may be united in a separate class of self-condensing the presence of conventional initiators (e.g., 2,2'-azo-
vinyl polymerization reactions. This term is used so fre- bis(4-methyl-2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile)) as in [192]
quently that its abbreviation, SCVP, often remains and then the photopolymerization of the obtained pre-
unclarified. However, since self-condensation may fol- polymer is performed in the presence of any other
low different mechanisms, we consider this classifica- monomer selected for the formation of a given nano-
tion unjustified and will not use it. structure. Another advantage to the approach under

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


consideration is that DC groups as agents of living rad- Au particles in polymer plasmons and homogeneous
ical polymerization are insensitive to the nature of dou- distribution of particles in nanocomposites).
ble bonds in vinyl monomers, as opposed, for example, It should be emphasized that all HBPs and nano-
from alkoxyamines. The universal character of DC structured polymers synthesized by Ishizu et al. are
groups allows one to combine the above-mentioned characterized by a set of the newest methods; all possi-
monomers with vinyl monomers containing any func- ble molecular parameters were characterized and their
tional groups (hydroxyl, carboxyl, amine, amide) in the properties were thoroughly studied.
synthesis of HBPs and, thus, to incorporate these
groups into the resulting macromolecules.
This method was employed by Ishizu et al. for the POLYMERS WITH OXYGEN-CONTAINING
synthesis of hyperbranched polystyrenes [202, 203], FUNCTIONAL GROUPS
HBPs composed of alternating styrene–maleinate [199] THROUGH RADICAL POLYMERIZATION
and styrene–maleimide [197] units, and hyperbranched IN THE PRESENCE OF OXYGEN
polymethacrylates [194, 195, 204]. The synthesis of
HBPs with complicated molecular architecture (nano- Oxygen is an extremely efficient acceptor of carbon-
structured polymers) was described in [191–193, 200]. centered free radicals. The rate constant of the reaction
Macromolecules of the nanocylinder type containing depicted below lies within kx = 106–107 l/(mol s)
side hyperbranched side chains were synthesized in
[192]. . kx .
R + O2 RO 2 . (8)
In [200], the modification of HBP, synthesized
through the photopolymerization of diethyldithiocar- In the case of the radical polymerization of vinyl mono-
bamate styrene-substituted monomer, was used as a mers, é2 plays the role of an inhibitor whose efficiency
prefrepolymer for further photopolymerization in the depends on the reactivity of the double bond of a given
presence of 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone. The amphiphilic .
HBP thus prepared is characterized by a complicated monomer with respect to radical RO 2 . As a rule, the
topological architecture and consists of hydrophilic numerical value of the rate constant for reaction (9) is
branched chains and a hydrophobic framework. lower by a factor of 10–100 than the rate constant k of
reaction (10);
In [193], the HBP synthesized through the photopo-
lymerization of the same monomer was modified via . k2 .
grafting of poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) chains and RO 2 + M R, (9)
subsequent hydrolysis of ester groups. The as-prepared
graft HBP having long chains with carboxyl groups . kp .
represented star-shaped nanospheres with strongly R+M R, (10)
polarized arms. Further complication of this nanostruc- .
ture was accomplished via electrostatic interaction with where R is the carbon-centered radical. It is evident
poly(4-vinylpyridine) and partially quaternized poly(4- that the lower the value of k2/kp, the higher the effi-
vinylpyridine). ciency of O2 as an inhibitor. At k2/kp = 1, the inhibiting
The authors of [198] described the synthesis of lin- effect of é2 disappears. At k2/kp < 1, the presence of
ear hydroxyl-containing chains carrying living end oxygen in the polymerization system decreases the
groups via the UV-photopolymerization of 2-hydroxy- chain length and may be used for this purpose in the
ethyl methacrylate in the presence of 2-(N,N-dieth- synthesis of HBPs instead of chain transfer agents, such
yldithiocarbamoyl)isobutyric acid as a photoinitiator. as macrocyclic complexes of cobalt, and, moreover,
The resulting hydrophilic chains containing OH groups instead of other methods of chain shortening described
in each unit and end DC groups are suitable as struc- in previous sections.
tural elements for the synthesis of topologically com- Furthermore, the processes that are referred to as
plex macromolecules. radical-initiation oxidation of vinyl monomers occur in
Many examples illustrating the chemical engineer- the polymerization system in the presence of oxygen.
ing of such macromolecular structures were surveyed These processes have been well studied (e.g., mono-
in [191]. Special attention was given to structures graph [205]) and are assumed to be responsible for the
(HBPs and nanostructured polymers of the rigid rod appearance of oxygen-containing functional groups in
type and brushlike shape), which remain nonaggre- the polymers, such as COH , –C(O)OH, COOH ,
gated, even in very concentrated solutions. This ability
C O C , C OO C , aldehyde, and ketone
to remain as individual macromolecules is extremely
valuable and necessary for both injection molding moeities.
(polymer additives that do not worsen the rheological Finally, if oxygen is present in the polymerization
characteristics of the starting uncured compositions) system, compounds functioning as radical-chain initia-
and in modern engineering (nanocapsules for Ag and tors (peroxides and hydroperoxides) are formed. As a

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


result, either the necessity of using conventional initia- it possible to collect a kinetic data array concerning the
tors is sharply decreased or there is no need to use them oxidation polymerization that is necessary for the
at all. experimental implementation of the synthesis of HBPs.
Hence, the employment of atmospheric oxygen,
which is the most assessable and cheap reagent, for the EFFECT OF CHEMICAL AND TOPOLOGICAL
synthesis of HBPs makes its possible to simultaneously STRUCTURES
control the chain length (and, accordingly, the degree of OF HBPS ON THEIR MACROSCOPIC
branching) and to incorporate oxygen-containing func- PROPERTIES. CHARACTERISTICS OF HBPS
tional groups into HBP macromolecules (plus reduc- VALUABLE FOR PRACTICE
tion in the amounts of the initiator or its abandonment). AND THEIR FORMATION PROCEDURES
The first syntheses of HBPs via the polymerization
The unusual topological structure of the core–shell
of polyunsaturated monomers were performed as early
type with a very high local concentration of chain ends
as the beginning of the 1970s [206–209] during the
in the peripheral layer of macromolecules and with a
kinetic and mechanistic study of oxidative polymeriza-
high concentration of branching junctions in the core is
tion process. This direction of polymer science was cre-
responsible for unique macroscopic characteristics of
ated under the guidance of Mogilevich and developed
HBPs, such as solubility and thermodynamic compati-
for several decades. As polyunsaturated monomers,
bility, as well as high sorption ability combined with an
unsaturated acrylic oligoesters containing two, four,
ability to transport sorbates in media in which sorbates
and six double bonds per molecule were used. Poly-
are insoluble. The chemical structure of HBP macro-
merization was carried out in bulk at 80–100°ë for 40–
molecules that determines the nature of functional
100 min to give rise to soluble products with a yield of
groups in the shell and the length and flexibility of
20–50%. The study of these products by means of IR
interjunction chains in the core is a no less significant
spectroscopy, high-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy, factor that controls the formation of macroscopic prop-
and chemical analysis showed that these are branched erties.
macromolecules containing (per monomer unit) 0.5–
2.0 molecules of added oxygen (up to 0.5 molecules per An extremely wide range of practical applications
reacted double bond) and up to two or more double of HBPs is based on a diverse assortment of HBPs,
bonds and 0.2–0.8 carboxyl groups. With a high degree since each practical application necessitates that HBPs
of probability, it may be stated that HBPs were synthe- exhibited quite specific properties determined by the
sized. However, valuable properties of hyperbranched chemical and topological structures of hyperbranched
polymer structures had not been discovered at that time. macromolecules. In this connection, highly significant
Therefore, the above products have not been character- attention is given the identification of the chemical and
ized by specific procedures currently available for the topological structural elements of HBPs that control
identification of HBPs. one or some of these characteristics. The structure–
property relationship is examined for the series of
The strategy of the synthesis of HBPs in the pres- HBPs with successively varied structural parameters,
ence of atmospheric oxygen was developed at the Insti- primarily the type of functional groups, the length and
tute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Acad- flexibility of interjuinction chains, the number of gen-
emy of Science under the guidance of Korolev on the erations, and the molecular mass parameters of macro-
basis of the mathematical model proposed for the molecules. A large body of information has already
crosslinking oxidative polymerization of styrene and been accumulated in this direction that allows one to
methacrylate monomers. make some conclusions useful for precisely tailoring
The conditions of polymerization (temperature, the properties of HBPs that are necessary for the advan-
concentration of monomers, solvent, and type and tageous application of these polymers in this specific
amounts of initiator) are selected on the basis of calcu- field.
lations performed in terms of the mathematical model A great quantity of information of this kind was
of the process. The base data for the mathematical reported in the papers by Sherrington, Sato, and Ishizu
model are the rate constants (or their combination) of et al., who were discussed above in sections devoted to
elementary stages of polymerization [210–212], oxida- the synthesis of HBPs. These researchers synthesized
tive polymerization [205, 209], and the oxidation [213] systematic objects, performed their chemical and topo-
process that were measured and remeasured by various logical characterization, and studied their most impor-
researchers. Rate constants that were not available from tant macroscopic properties. In [142], the effect of the
the literature were estimated by Denisov’s method length of chemically identical interjunction chains on
[141]. The mathematical model took into account all the distinctive features of HBPs was ascertained and an
basic elementary stages of the known mechanisms of important conclusion was drawn; namely, as the length
polymerization, oxidation, and oxidative polymerization. of chains increases above a certain limiting value, the
At present, the computer simulation experiments unique distinctive features of these polymers disappear
performed by Kurochkin at the Institute of Problems of (the matter at hand primarily involves such properties
Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science made as high solubility, thermodynamic compatibility, and

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


high sorption ability combined with the ability to trans- macromolecular) appears owing to the draw of periph-
port sorbates in media in which sorbates are insoluble). eral hydroxyls inside macromolecules.
For the selected poly(ethylene oxide) structure of inter- A partial replacement of hydroxyls in the HBPs of
junction chains, the limiting value of chain length was the H series allows one to vary their characteristics in a
estimated as ~10 units. wide range and to meet the requirements of certain
Below, we will consider the most systematic data areas of application.
[11, 139, 140] of the structure–properties relationship In the case of the HBPs of the Boltorn family, only
reported for two families of HBPs produced industri- the nature of end functional groups was varied but the
ally, namely, the Boltorn family (Perstorp Specialty framework of macromolecules remained unchanged.
Chemicals AB (Sweden) with a division called Perstorp As regards the Hybrane HBPs, the chemical struc-
Polyols Inc. (USA)) and Hybrane (DSM Fine Chemi- ture of the framework was also varied. HBPs of this
cals, Holland). type are hyperbranched poly(ester amides) synthesized
The Boltorn HBPs are polyesters synthesized through the interaction of diisopropanol with cyclohex-
through the polycondensation of the AB2 monomer— anedicarboxylic anhydride (the base HBP). As in the
2,2-dimethylolpropionic acid (A–COOH and B– case of Boltorn, hydroxyls serve as the end functional
OH)—via polyesterification and carrying, accordingly, groups that form the shell. The chemical structure of
hydroxyl groups as end functional groups forming a the repeating unit (interjunction chain) B is as follows:
shell. The base series under consideration includes
marks H20, H30, and H40 differing in the number of O O
generations (z = 2, 3, and 4, respectively), the number N O
of functional groups OH (Φ = 16, 32, and 64), Mw .
(2100, 3500, and 5100), polydispersity Mw /Mn (1.3,
1.5, and 1.8), glass transition temperature Tg (31, 38,
42°ë), and melt viscosity η at 110°ë (7, 40, and 100 Pa
s). The total effect of factors z, Φ, Mw, and Mw /Mn man- HBPs of the Hybrane family, depending on the
ifests itself as an insignificant, though nevertheless sys- trademark, are characterized by Mn = (1–5) × 103
tematic, increase in Tg and as a very strong rise in η (broad molecular mass distribution) and are either vis-
(upon a simultaneous rise in all these factors z, Φ, Mw, cous liquids under standard conditions (T  20°C) or
and Mw /Mn). A very pronounced change in Tg, η and in solid low-melting resins. These HPBs show solubility
the solubility of the HBPs of the H series was observed in the majority of organic solvents of moderate polarity.
upon the partial replacement of hydroxyls with other In nonpolar (hydrocarbons) or strongly polar (water)
functional groups. Thus, for example, a partial esterifi- liquids, these HBPs exhibit solubility only after appro-
cation of OH groups in the H20 aliphatic monocarbox- priate modification (see below). The polymers are sta-
ylic acid leads to an extremely marked reduction in Tg ble up to 250°ë, are hydrolytically stable at pH 5–9,
and η. and demonstrate well-defined biodegradability. By
varying a set of Φ, chemical structure B, and the value
The replacement of hydroxyls in the HBPs of the H of Mn, one may significantly affect the following char-
series with long aliphatic chains capable of crystalliza-
tion leads to the appearance of a well-defined tempera- acteristics: solubility, thermodynamic compatibility,
ture of melting instead of Tg, indicating formation of Tg, surface activity (when used as surfactants), and
the crystalline phase. The melt of the stating H20 rheological behavior. The set of Φ is varied via the
behaves as a pseudothixotropic (non-Newtonian) liq- esterification of hydroxyls of the base HBP with the use
uid. The thixotropic structure is destroyed only at high of the following acids: fatty acids, benzoic, meth-
strain rates. Evidently, thixotropy results from strong acrylic, and functionalized acids. If solubility in water
intermolecular interactions involving hydrogen bonds is required, HBPs with functional groups –N(CH3)2 and
formed by hydroxyls. The replacement of ~50 mol % –COOH are synthesized. The replacement of hydroxyls
hydroxyls with nonpolar aliphatic chains facilitates the in the base HBP through the esterification with fatty
ideally Newtonian behavior. It was shown that as z, A, (lauric) acid sharply reduces the value of Tg. A partial
and Mw are increased (on passage from H20 to H40), replacement (~50%) of hydroxyls in the base the HBP
deviation from Newtonian behavior decreases. It is pos- through esterification with stearic acid leads to a cata-
sible that the main cause of this phenomenon is that the strophic reduction in the viscosity of the melt.
conformational capabilities of macromolecular The effect of the chemical structure of B on the
branches carrying OH groups widen as the length of the properties of the HBPs of the Hybrane family was stud-
chains increases (and, hence, flexibility increases) ied by varying the nature of one of the starting compo-
withan increase in z. Because of the accumulation of a nents during synthesis, namely, acid anhydrides in the
large amount of hydroxyls on the periphery of HBP following series: cyclohexanedicarboxylic, siccine,
macromolecules, an additional possibility of intramo- phthalic anhydrides, and siccine anhydride containing
lecular realization of hydrogen bonds (instead of inter- C12H29 and even more complex substituents.

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


It turned out that the composition of anhydride frag- ing agents, emulsifiers and deemulsifiers, rheological
ments of the B block has a very strong effect on the sol- additives, dispersing agents, moisturizers, and acceler-
ubility of HBP in water, namely, the successive replace- ators of engineering processes.
ment of cyclohexanedicarboxylic anhydride in the
starting composition with siccine anhydride acid by 20,
40, 60, 80, and 100% successively facilitates the transi- INTERACTION OF HBPS
tion from full insolubility to weak, then strong WITH POLYMER MATRICES.
swelling, partial, and full solubility, and, finally, to HBPs AS MODIFIERS OF GLASSY
In addition, it was shown that viscosity in solutions MATERIALS
and compositions may be controlled with a change in The necessity of gaining insight into the interaction
B, since a record low viscosity for 50% solutions of of HBPs with polymer matrices appeared, as is fre-
HBPs was attained. A very low level of η in the case of quently the case of basic scientific problems, owing to
HBPs compared to linear analogs (this feature is com- the use of HBP additives as highly efficient modifiers in
mon to a greater or lesser extent to all HBPs) opens polymer material science. Progress has been achieved
much wider possibilities for their practical applica- in two directions of this application area of HBPs. The
tions, especially for the manufacture of varnish-and- first direction includes the addition of small amounts of
paint compositions and polymer composites. HBPs in engineering polymer materials in order to
A change in the nature of end functional groups in improve their mechanical characteristics (primarily to
the case of Hybrane polymers led to achievement of decrease their brittleness owing to an increase in the
several record parameters; at a certain ratio of hydro- fracture toughness) and to enhance the technological
philic and hydrophobic Φ units in the Hybrane HBPs, effectiveness in the manufacture of the materials
they acquire the properties of very active surfactants. (mainly to reduce viscosity of the starting mixture from
For example, upon the esterification of a part of the which an article is molded). The second direction pro-
hydrophilic groups (hydroxyl) in the base HBP with vides the use of small amounts of HBPs for designing
fatty acid containing the hydrophobic chain ë12 (lau- functional polymer materials. In this case, hyper-
ric), it becomes a highly active surfactant. branched macromolecules are used as nanocapsules
The activity of surfactants of this type (surface ten- filled with guest molecules of functional compounds
sion is a measure of this activity) is extremely high, (chromotropes of the spiropyran types, scintillators,
namely, a two-fold reduction in surface tension is and clusters of Au and other metals, including several
achieved even at [surfactant]  10–2%. A high effi- atoms, dyes) and ensuring ideally uniform distribution
ciency of hyperbranched surfactants in contrast to sur- of corresponding compounds in the bulk of functional
factants of other kinds is determined by the following materials, for example, self-shading organic glasses-
factors: a very high local concentration of polar and chameleons, irradiation sensors, polymer plasmons,
apolar groups in the volume of a macromolecule, the and colored organic glasses.
possibility of controlling the ratio of these groups in a In any case (especially when HBPs are used as
macromolecule (in order to attain its optimal balance), nanocapsules), it is necessary to know whether the level
and a low critical micellazation concentration (the of molecular mobility inside HBPs macromolecules
CMC parameter). changes after they appeared to be included into a poly-
The relationship between hydrophilic and hydro- mer matrix (glassy or semicrystalline). In other words,
phobic groups in macromolecules is a factor of para- it is necessary to know the character of the interactions
mount importance for another property of HBPs, i.e., of HBP macromolecules (or their aggregates, if the
the ability to adsorb on the surface of solids (including aggregation of HBPs is inevitable during formation of
polymers) as extremely high-density films (the ques- the matrix) with matrices since the efficiency of modi-
tion is the density of surface coverage). Continuous fication with HBPs additives depends primarily on
coverage of the surface (without defects like bare what degree HBP macromolecules keep their auton-
microregions), as evidenced by modern methods, is omy. Actually, in the case that the autonomy of hyper-
observed even at a film thickness of 7–10 nm. A similar branched macromolecules or their aggregates is pre-
filling in the case of linear polymers is achieved only at served, they prove to be capable of forming nanosized
a thickness of 10–20 µm, that is, ~1000 times thicker. centers in a matrix with the predetermined combination
Hybrane HBPs have already found use as materials of properties specified by the chemical and topological
for electronics and microelectronics, for painting (as structure of the selected HBP.
nanocapsules for dye molecules), as polymer materials Practically all of the voluminous data concerning
for stomatology, chemicals for the textile, paper, and oil the modification of polymer matrices with HBPs pro-
industries, as detergents, and for the manufacture of vide indirect evidence that the autonomy is preserved.
personal hygiene products. There is straightforward evidence for this fact [214,
Hybrane HBPs also hold promise as adhesives, sup- 215] obtained from measurements of glass transition
ports (substrates) for catalysts, foaming and anitifoam- temperatures of HBPs (Tg1), polyepoxide polymer

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


matrices (Tg2, with Tg2 > Tg1), and polymer matrices such uniformity, which is the distinguishing feature of
containing small amount of HBPs. It was shown that in HBP interaction with the matrix, provides an incom-
the latter case, two regions of α transition that are well- mensurably higher efficiency of HBP additives as mod-
defined on the temperature scale are observed (from the ifiers compared to other polymer modifiers.
temperature dependence of tan δ estimated from Advantages of HBPs as highly efficient modifiers
dynamic mechanical measurements), including a low- manifest themselves most vividly in the case of poly-
temperature near Tg1 and a high-temperature near Tg2. mer composites with a high degree of filling with dis-
With an increase in the concentration of HBP additives, perse particles or fibers, even more so in the case of
the intensity of the tan δ peak corresponding to Tg1 nanocomposites [235–238]. Actually, when highly dis-
increased. Since the values of Tg are determined by the perse fillers (mineral particles and carbon microfibrous
level of molecular mobility, the results from [214, 215] dispersions) are used for strengthening of composites),
lead us to state that HBPs (polyesters with end hydroxyl the main problem is the aggregation of nanofiller parti-
groups) preserve their own level of molecular mobility, cles, which, on one hand, leads to their undesirable
that is, they conserve autonomy, in polymer (polyep- enlargement (the efficiency of fillers decrease with the
oxide matrices). enlargement of particles) and, on the other hand, to the
nonuniform distribution of the polymer matrix of the
For semicrystalline polymer matrices, en extremely composite. Both phenomena (enlargement and nonuni-
interesting and unusual type of interaction with HBPs is formity) confine the strengthening effect. Aggregation
observed, namely, small additives of HBPs to the melts becomes more distinct with an increase in the filler con-
of crystallizable polymers (polyolefins and polycarbon- centration. At the stage preceding formation of the
ates [216–224]) prompted the formation of very small polymer matrix, the aggregation of the filler promotes
and nearly equidimensional spherulites in the course of an increase in the viscosity of the starting composition,
crystallization instead of large spherulites of different thus complicating the necessary engineering proce-
sizes formed in the absence of HBPs. Accordingly, the dures.
mechanical properties of the matrices improved
sharply. An additional advantage was a marked reduc- The use of HBPs is an ideal variant for suppression
tion in the viscosity of melts. This effect appreciably of aggregation owing to an increased level of thermo-
facilitated the molding of articles. dynamic compatibility of HBPs and the possibility of a
wide variation in the set of functional groups at the
The interaction of HBPs with glassy polymer matri- periphery of macromolecules in order to provide opti-
ces have been studied in detail simultaneously by sev- mal interaction with both the surface of fillers and the
eral laboratories from abroad equipped with modern polymer matrix of the composite, with the rheology of
instruments, largely for polyepoxide matrices. Among the starting mixture being the best compared to other
these studies, the most comprehensive data were polymer additives.
reported in [214, 215, 225–233]. The data published The advantages of HBPs become even more pro-
before 2001 were analyzed and surveyed in the review nounced when they are used in composites, as nano-
[234]. sized filler demonstrates incommensurably higher
An analysis of all of the above-mentioned publica- aggregation ability due to its surface being more devel-
tions devoted to the interaction of HBPs with glassy oped.
polymer matrices gives us grounds to the draw the main
following conclusion.
During the formation of a matrix (via polymeriza-
tion in the case of thermoreactive systems or from solu- The discovery of unique properties of hyper-
tion (melt) in the case of thermoplastics), the HBP addi- branched macromolecules stimulated the rapid devel-
tive may either remain in the dissolved state (if the con- opment of the field during the last decade. Numerous
centration of HBP is small and the thermodynamic syntheses of diverse HBPs and procedures for their
affinity for the matrix polymer is high) or, due to identification have been proposed. The topological fea-
microphase separation, may partially or fully (depend- tures of HBP macromolecules responsible for their
ing on concentration and level of thermodynamic affin- most important distinctive features have been studied,
ity) aggregate as rather small (2–5 µm) monodisperse namely, a high level of solubility and thermodynamic
spherical particles that are very uniformly distributed compatibility, low viscosity of solutions, aggregation
within the matrix. All authors convincingly prove that it stability in solutions (including highly concentrated),
is exactly these particles that are responsible for the and the ability to serve as nanocapsules for compounds
reduction in the brittleness of matrices. Microphase sorbed inside macromolecules. The main topological
separation processes are inherent to polymer modifiers feature of HBPs is the high volume concentration of
of any type, not only to HBPs, but it is in the case of chain units inside macromolecules because of the
HBPs, as follows from electron microscopy data, that branching without crosslinking that grows with an
form morphological structures with the most uniform increase in the degree of branching and, hence, is very
volume distributions of the disperse phase. Evidently, weak compared to linear polymers the molecular mass

POLYMER SCIENCE Series C Vol. 49 No. 4 2007


dependence of the hydrodynamic volume of macromol- (3) Elaboration of methods for the identification of
ecules, as the higher the molecular mass is, the more the chemical and topological structure and molecular
compact the molecular packing will be. Such a compact parameters of HBP macromolecules.
packing of HBP macromolecules and a large number of (4) Establishment of the correlation between the
free chain ends containing functional groups at their molecular properties of HBPs (chemical and topologi-
periphery are the main structural and physical causes of cal structure, molecular parameters, and functionality)
the appearance of unique properties of HBPs. and macroscopic characteristics (thermodynamic com-
In the field of synthesis of HBPs via step-growth patibility, sorption ability, and resistance against asso-
polymerization (polycondensation) methods, the key ciative interaction).
problems have been solved. Diverse variants of synthe- (5) Study of the interaction of HBP macromolecules
sis have been developed, including such reliable and with glassy (polyester, polyepoxide, and polymethacry-
efficient possibilities that the commercial production of late) and semicrystalline (polyolefins and polyamide)
several types of HBPs will be launched in Europe at the polymer matrices. The solution of this problem is a pre-
earliest possible date. These are aliphatic polyesters requisite for the development of a scientific basis for
and poly(ester amides) with varied numbers of branch- the modification of engineering polymer materials with
ing cascades and a variable set of end functional groups HBP additives.
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