Garment Engineering Currculam - Incomplete For HESC - Incomplete

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Garment Engineering

Harmonized Curriculum

Study Program for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Garment Engineering (5-Year Program)

August, 2013
1. Background
Enormous potentials of value added and employment opportunities have not made use of it
until now. While developed nations add US $180 of value by processing one ton of
agricultural products, developing countries generate only US $ 40.
Garment Sector is a very attractive proposition for the value addition for the developing
countries in view of the obvious advantages which are listed below briefly:
• Modest levels of investment
• High rate of employment generation, particularly for women
• High demand for garments in the international market, particularly from the
developed countries
• Growth of Textile Sector - as a provider of raw materials (fabrics and yarns)
• Growth of agriculture - as provider of raw materials and so on.
Many countries (e.g. Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan to quote a few developing countries)
have immensely benefited by this route and Ethiopia has its advantages which can be
Ethiopian Situation
Ethiopia has been a recent entrant to this sector and faces many teething troubles,
particularly with regard to quality, productivity, garment design and pattern making. This is
due to the lack of properly educated personnel in this field.

Clothing is considered as one of the basic commodities in all parts of the world. The textile
and garment-manufacturing sector represents one of the major industries in Ethiopia. The
Ethiopian Government aims to foster rapid export growth through production of high value
industrial products and increased support to export oriented manufacturing sectors. Poverty
reduction is the core objective of the Ethiopian Government. Therefore, the effort made to
strengthen the agriculture sector; the industry development strategy has been designed as
agriculture led industrialization.

The industry development strategy emphasizes the need for sustained capacity building
measures in terms of systems, institutions and individual targeted towards accelerating
labour intensive, agriculture led and export oriented industrial development of the nation.
Textile and garment sectors have a large number of employees and can be considered as a
main strategic focus for the economic development of the country.
Ethiopia has good climate condition and 2,575,810-hectare potential land is available for
cultivation of cotton. Adding value to cotton products and other textile materials is the way

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 1

in which the garment manufacturing industries contribute to state and national economies.
While 98 percent of agricultural production in developed countries undergoes industrial
processing, nearly 30 percent is processed in developing countries. There is an alarming
gap between least developed and industrialized countries concerning the percentage of
value addition through industrial processes.

Textile and garment sub-sector of Ethiopian industry is at the forefront of agriculture-led

industrialization and export-oriented strategies of the Government of Ethiopia, which
appears to be a better way of entering the value chain system. As a consequence to the
change of industrialization the textile and garment technology system demands developing
professional profiles, which have to satisfy the need for modern industrialization.

Ethiopia has a significant number of textile mills for more than 5 decades, though in relation
to the size and population of the country, there is a very high potential for further growth.
The entry of Garment Sector is a recent one, but is a fast growing one. There are already
more than 50 garment units that have already started their production. Considering the
relatively modest investments required, the growth of this sector is expected to very high,
which is again indicated by the number of garment enterprises that are in the offing (more
than 200 at the last count). The government of Ethiopia is keen to develop this sector, as it
can generate the much needed employment and enhance the export performance of the
country (set at a modest sum of half-a-billion US dollars per annum - which has nevertheless
been achieved so far). Further, this sector can also help grow the Textile Industry - as they
will be the providers of the raw material - fabric - to this sector.

Currently, the sector is managed by personnel drawn from Textile Industry and is also from
persons without sufficient knowledge in the field. The first category of personnel may be
viewed rather favourably in relation to the next class of persons mentioned, as they (the
first class of personnel) have a good knowledge about yarns and fabrics and most probably,
they might have taken an introductory course in Garment Technology. However, the
industry does not have personnel specifically educated in this area and this remains a very
serious problem to achieve the quality levels demanded in the highly competitive export (in
fact, even the domestic) market at competitive prices. This is again due to the absence of a
good quality, university level engineering program specially designed to meet the
requirements of the garment sector.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 2

The Federal Ministry of Education has initiated the curriculum harmonization program in
order to have uniform course syllabus and delivery in a program deliverd in different
institutions. Accordingly, the Garment Engineering curriculum has been harmonized by Bahir
Dar University –The Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design and
Wolkite University. The harmonization processes have been carried out using the guidelines
and instruction given by HESC.

The Garment Engineering is a five year program. The curriculum constitute 24 modules
which aim to give specific competencies to the students. The mode of delivery and
assessment methods for each courses has been devised and incorporated.

2. Rationale
Textile Industry is the provider of the raw materials for the Garment Industry; therefore it is
considered appropriate to give a brief background of the Textile Industry in order to
appreciate the fine points of the Garment Industry

The current installed capacity of the Textile Industry in Ethiopia is 12 integrated textile mills.
Most of these textile factories are of integrated type (comprising of Spinning, Weaving and
Textile Finishing machinery), though a few have Knitting and Blanket Manufacturing
facilities. There is one textile factory specialising in the manufacture of sewing threads and
another on jute and related products.

The fibre base of the textile industry of Ethiopia is mainly cotton, though other fibres such
as Polyester, Viscose, Acrylic, Jute, Sisal, False Banana and Wool are used in limited
quantities. Almost all the textile factories are in the public sector.

The installed capacity of the Textile Industry, though not adequate, is rather significant. The
Textile Industry is also unable to supply the fabric of required quality and quantity.
However, the textile industry is expected to grow in line with the requirements of the
country due to the high interest shown by the government as manifested in terms of
incentives and special initiatives. As the demand for the quality is more and more insistent,
the textile industry will have no other option other than improving its quality; in this respect,
the graduates of the Textile Engineering degree program are expected to contribute to the
improvement of the textile industry.

Coming to the Garment industry, as already mentioned, Ethiopia is a recent entrant and
though there are obvious advantages, the industry is not able to exploit these advantages to
the maximum. One of the major factors for this sorry state of affairs is the total absence of
qualified and experienced professionals in the field. This, in turn, can be traced to the

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absence of a high quality engineering program at the University level that has been
designed specifically to meet the requirements of the Garment Industry.

All the demand assessment surveys conducted by the Institute of Technology for
Textile,Garment and Fashion Design and also other governmental agencies have consistently
come to the same conclusion - that is lack of professionals and the immediate need to start
an engineering program for the garment sector.

A possible misconception also needs to be cleared is that the garment industry is not a
simple ‘tailoring’ work that can be acquired by a simple exposure to the factory by persons
educated in other fields. The mass scale production of even simple garments, by itself,
needs a completely different structured approach and needs competent professionals.
Further, Garment industry has come a long way in terms of technology; some simple
examples are the applications of computers for garment design and pattern making, the use
of sophisticated sewing machines and special finishes and so on. Therefore, it demands
professionals who have been trained as engineers and technologists with intensive and
extensive knowledge in the basic sciences, mathematics, and statistics, fundamental
knowledge in principles of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering and
management sciences apart from the core subjects of garment design, manufacture and
marketing. This level of professionalism cannot be achieved by people not trained and
educated at the University level with a properly designed curriculum and its implementation.

As pointed out earlier, already, there are about 50 garment manufacturing units in Ethiopia
and more units are in the offing. A garment manufacturing unit may employ at the minimum
5 graduates and a maximum of 10 graduates, depending on the size of the factory and
other relevant considerations. Thus, to start with, there is a demand for at least 250
garment graduate engineers for the present size of the factory. If projections for the future
growth are realised, which is considered most likely, there will be a sustained demand for
the garment engineers in the coming decades.

This industry, in view of the present size and the expected growth, needs engineers and a
more pertinent point to note is that these garment engineers will make the industry grow
further. Thus, right now there is the minimum critical mass that can immediately employ all
the graduates (who will graduate only after 5 years!) and the demand is expected to sustain
the program for many years to come.

Moreover, there are also a number of job opportunities in other public and private sectors as
well as in non-governmental organizations for qualified garment engineers. The demand for
the program is therefore well supported by real needs of the country and the industry.

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3. Program Objectives
Educational objectives of the degree programme

The main objectives of the Garment engineering program are to provide broad-based
education and training in Garment engineering; to enable graduates to be creative,
adaptable, problem solver in the challenges of the engineering professions in rapidly
changing environment that exists in the globe. These changes require the ability to apply
existing knowledge in new ways thereby creating new systems and opportunities as well as
adapting existing technology to local production conditions. Moreover, it aims to initiate,
develop and sustain research activities that are critical for the conditioning of advancement
of the Ethiopian garment industries.

Program outcomes

The graduates of the garment engineering study programme shall acquire the following
capabilities and skills:

• Strong mathematical and analytical competencies to use the engineering sciences

• Knowledge of scientific principles
• An understanding of the effects of raw material on products
• Skills to manage production and control processes
• Basic knowledge of chemistry science leading to an understanding and modifying /
optimising of design, manufacturing and marketing of garments
• Ability to computer application for data logging and analysis as well as utilization of
• Communication skills and team spirit which enables to work with various
professionals including business men
• Ability in “scientific writing” for technical reports in management, projects and
• Skills in organizing and carrying out systematic activities e.g. flow charts
• Skills in simulating industrial practice.

The following specific competencies shall be acquired and strengthened:

• Competencies in planning, selecting and optimising the appropriate sequence of

operations to evaluate prototypes
• Range of the operations from raw material selection and treatment to packaged
products including process control
• Product designing / simulating industrial practice

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• Hand-on skills on the safe operation and maintenance of garment equipment and
• With regard to raw material properties, the main role of Garment Engineers /
Technologists is to produce a final product of consistent quality. It is extremely
important to have an engineer with the state-of-the-art knowledge that would allow
production of highest quality.
Specific Knowledge, Abilities and Skills in Engineering and Technology

The following specific competencies shall be acquired and strengthened:

- Range of the operations from raw material selection and treatment to packaged
products including process control
- Hand-on skills on the safe operation and maintenance of garment production and
processing equipments and machineries

4. Resources Required
For smooth and efficient delivery of courses stipulated under the curriculum requires the
following resourses

• Computer and Programming Laboratory

• Fiber testing
• Yarn testing and yarn manufacturing machineries
• Fabric testing and fabric manufacturing machineries
• Textile Wet Processing Laboratory
• Pattern Making laboratory
• Sewing and construction laboratory
• CAD laboratory
• Cutting and Finishing Laboratories

5. Professional Profile
Garment engineering is a profession that deals with application of scientific and engineering
principles to the design and control of all aspects of GARMENT and APPAREL design,
manufacturing, manufacturing process design, products and machinery. These include
materials selection for garments and apparel, their interactions with machines, product
interaction with body, safety and health, waste and pollution control. Additionally the
professionals are enabled to do garment plant design and layout, garment wet processing
design and creating garment/textile products, giving consultancy services and performing

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research and development activities in the field.

The tasks, which professional garment engineers would undertake are, many and some of
the typical engineering tasks that the professionals are expected to deal with are can be
categorized as core and supplemental tasks as shown below:

Core tasks

 Interpret, technical drawings, schematics, and computer-generated reports

 Design and analyze garment products
• Design garment manufacturing processes
 Confer with engineers and other personnel to implement operating procedures,
resolve quality problems, and provide technical information
 Review and analyze data, comments
 Identify causes of problems and action plan to tackle problems
 Develop and interpret garment specification and modify products to ensure
conformance with garment design and performance specifications.
 Advice fabric designers on garment designing, manufacturing and customer needs.
 Implement continuous improvement tools
 Identify problems and offer workable solutions in the short and long term
 Apply quality control and assurance tools, train others in design for quality


• Perform personnel functions, such as supervision of workers, technicians,

technologists and other engineers, and design of evaluation programs.
• Apply engineering principles and practices to emerging fields, such as wearable-
electrons, space suits, protective, breathable and medical clothes.
• Design garment manufacturing processes to minimize bottleneck operation
• Develop performance requirements for product development.
• Design and conduct test, analysis test results and interpret the test results
• Develop procedures for testing products.
• Manage projects
• Work as general manager, technical manager, operation manager, maintenance
manager, and sales manager.
• Test garment products to ensure accuracy and integrity of meeting customer
• Train cross-functional teams for quality improvement (Design, Marketing)

Garment engineering profession can be acquired and mastered by graduates who are well

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educated to enter into, and dedicated to continue growing in the profession. An
undergraduate Garment Engineering program meant to produce such graduates must be
designed to provide to the students a sufficiently broad and deep base of mathematics,
physical science, and engineering sciences; broad knowledge of textile/garment materials,
machineries and control systems; excellent knowledge in designing and manufacturing of
garments; theories supported by extensive laboratory exercises, workshop practices, and
industrial internship; sufficient practices in the use of computers and application of soft-
wares related to the field; sufficient knowledge of management concepts and
communication skills, etc. In short, the program should give due emphasis to the integration
of knowledge and skills to enable its graduates enter the profession.

The profession has certain areas of specialization at global level. In the current Ethiopian
context, one could specialize in any one of the following areas:

• Product Design
• Garment Manufacturing
• Fashion Technology
• Garment Marketing and Merchandising

Depending on the engineering tasks one would undertake or the position one can be hold,
by professional garment engineer in an industrial facility as professional titles and/or job
specifications like Designer, Production Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Quality Engineer,
or management title/job like general manager, technical manager, operation manager,
maintenance manager, sales manager, and rendering consultancy services in the field and
research and development activities.

6. Graduate Profile
The following job specifications are limited to current and off shooting employment areas of
Garment engineering in Ethiopia.

Garment Engineer as Designer

Garment Engineer as product designer designs Garments for different end uses depending
on his position, supervises or conduct the following activities:

 Assess market demand of a product and develop products according to the demand

 Apply product development procedures

 Conduct pre-adoption design development, line adoption design process and post
adoption design process

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 Apply CAD in Garment design

Garment Engineer as Manufacturing Engineer

Garment engineer as manufacturing engineer depending on his position, supervises or

conducts the following activities in manufacturing of Garment products:

 Draft and produces manufacturing drawings and process flow charts using drafting
tools or CAD and reads design drawings
 Provides advice during product design phase with regard to manufacturability
 Reviews present designs for manufacturability improvements which will result in cost
reduction, improved yield and reduced lead times
 Develop, coordinate, and monitor all aspects of production, including selection of
manufacturing/production systems and fabrication.
 Plan and establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble garment parts
or products and check reproduction operations involves:
o Initiation of pre-production operation
o Marker making
o Spreading
o Cutting
o Sewing/assembly
o Garment finishing

Garment Engineer as Maintenance Engineer

Garment engineer as maintenance engineer depending on his position supervises or

conducts the following maintenance activities in apparel manufacturing:

• Install Garment manufacturing equipment and systems.

• Test and analyze performance of equipment.
• Establish and coordinate the maintenance and safety procedures, service schedule,
and supply of materials required to maintain machines and equipment in the
prescribed condition.
• Investigate equipment failures and difficulties to diagnose faulty operation, and to
make recommendations to maintenance crew.
• Oversee installation, operation, maintenance, and repair to ensure that machines and
equipment are installed and functioning according to specifications.
• Develop and implement or improve a cost efficient long-range plant maintenance
policies and programs.
• Develop and standardize inspection and repair procedure of equipment

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• Improve maintenance tools and condition monitoring equipment
• Diagnose and prepare equipment failure reports of major equipments
• Prepare procedure for diagnosing of equipment and formats for reporting failure
• Develops conceptual plans for repair, maintenance equipment and estimate cost and
materials requirement
• Maintain computerized and manual records of equipment maintenance records, work
orders, plant maintenance activities and
• Evaluate equipment performance
• Determine equipment life cycle costs
• Conduct equipment replacement analysis

Garment Engineer as Installation Engineer

Garment engineer as installation engineer depending on his position supervises or conducts

the following erection activities in installation of a complete apparel plant, some machineries
or systems:

• manage project on project that involve installation of apparel machinery;

• Reviews and evaluates mechanical design drawings and specifications prepared by
consulting engineers;
• Prepare equipment specification and evaluate equipment bid
• Prepare equipment installation plan, estimate installation cost and participate in
preparing contract documents.
• Recommend design modifications to eliminate machine or system malfunctions.
• Devises installation procedure and drawings
• Coordinates and supervise installation of machinery and equipment
• Prepares inspection and commissioning procedures of equipment
• Coordinates and supervises commissioning of new equipments and systems by
determining performance of equipment

All Garment Engineers conduct besides their core activities, the following side

• Organize, plan, and prioritize work

• Manage their subordinates
• Provide technical information to people who work under them
• Communicate with supervisors, peers, or subordinates
• Document and record information
• Prepare periodic performance reports on accomplishment of periodic plan and cost

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• Provides supervision, on-the-job training and instruction to subordinates and new
employees to assist them in performing their duties
• Submit purchase requisitions for supplies, materials, and equipment needed to
perform assigned tasks
• Assist in budget preparation in their domain
• Assist in planning purchase of materials required for maintenance
• Assist in planning purchase of new equipment required for modernization.



In order to carry out the above-mentioned activities, Garment engineers job specifications,
the tasks to be undertaken by them, the level of knowledge, their ability and skills are need
to be well defined.

Knowledge Requirement

• Advanced mathematical techniques of calculus and differential equations and

computation mathematics.
• Knowledge of English Language.
• Working knowledge of textile materials and Garment auxiliary materials
• Knowledge of machine elements and their design procedure
• Knowledge of Garment manufacturing processes and assembly processes
• Knowledge of Garment designing using computer and manual
• Knowledge of electrical and electronic circuits and machines.
• Knowledge of principles and components of control systems
• Knowledge of relevant standards, codes, and regulations.
• Knowledge of maintenance procedure and techniques of machinery
• Principles and practices of personnel management and supervision.
• Principles of plant lay-out
• Basic concepts of technical management and accounting including project
management and evaluation and material management,
• Basic concepts of product costing.
• Basic concepts of Macro and Micro economics
• Basic concepts of computer programming, Application
• Knowledge of global Garment marketing and merchandising

Abilities and Skills Requirement

 Technical Abilities and Skills

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• Ability to analyze needs and requirements when designing products.
• Researching skill in various engineering disciplines
• Entrepreneurship skills
• Hazard prevention and safety skills
• Principal operation skills on conventional, non-conventional and modern
machines (computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), Apparel computer
integrated manufacturing (A-CIM) and Robotic machines)
• Engineering and textile material identification skills
• Ability to interpret written directions, specifications, plans, and drawings;
• Drafting skill
• Ability to design, sequence and schedule production process of product
• Ability to operate relevant computer software to design a product
• Ability to determine the tools and equipment needed to do a job.
• Ability to write specifications for apparel equipment
• Skills in testing and inspection of products or processes, and evaluate quality or
• Skills of taking body measurements
• Ability to inspect and commission equipment
• Ability to plan garment equipment maintenance, determine life cycle costs and
control maintenance
• Ability to estimate and analyze product or service costs
• Waste treatment, handling and environmental concern ability
• Ability to determine compliance of products with specifications

 Communication Abilities

• Ability to understand written and spoken information

• Ability to produce sound technical report
• Ability to deliver professional presentations
• Ability to negotiate with clients
• Graphics communications
 Reasoning and Problem Solving Abilities
• Problem identification through root cause analysis
• The ability to imagine how something will look after modification from its existing
• The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce reasonable

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• The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions
• The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to
a specific rule or set of rules. Combine several pieces of information and draw

 Mathematical and Scientific Abilities

• Ability of application of mathematical analysis and computational methods for

solving engineering problems
• The ability to use of scientific methods in solving problems.

 Managerial Abilities

• Ability to plan, organize, coordinate and control the work of subordinates

• Ability to maintain records, and prepare planning and performance reports
• Ability to set priorities and assign work to other professionals.
• Ability to work in team
• Ability to satisfy customers

Education Qualification

The minimum requirement for professional practice as a Garment Engineer shall be

Bachelors Degree with four to five years study in an accredited educational institution at the
University level and, six month of industrial practice.

Professional Registration

A garment engineer has to be registered by a certification body that certifies the

professional capacity of the engineers through a process that consists of document review
and professional examination

The Ethiopian Textile Engineers Association (ETEA) with other Engineering Professional
Associations are preparing guidelines for certification in collaboration with the state agencies
mandated for licensing and certification.


A garment engineer can specialize in the following and other areas:

• Product Designing

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It deals with design of a product starting the need analysis through selection of base
and auxiliary materials, three dimensional modeling (3D), comfort, performance and
fit ability analysis up to prototype manufacturing and testing

• Manufacturing

It deals with the design of manufacturing process of apparel product that consists of
marker making, spreading, cutting, sewing, finishing and planning and control of
manufacturing operations.

• Garment management

It deals with managing of Garment industry units by identifying controllable and

uncontrollable factors that determine firm's growth and profitability. It enables
managing the controllable variables and anticipating the effects of uncontrollable
variables to the success of Garment manufacturing industrial units.

• Fashion technology

It deals with products that experience demand for change in styling. It designs and
manufacturing of fashion goods, seasonal goods, staple goods and basic goods.

• Garment marketing and Merchandising

It deals with planning, development, and presentation of product line(s) for identified
target market(s) with regard to prices, assortments, styling, and timing.


The main employers of Garment engineer professionals in Ethiopia at present are:

• Garment/Apparel industrial units in the public and private sector

• Garment training centers
• Consultancy houses
• Ministries and policy making organs
• Higher education institutions
• Non-government organizations
• Garment/Apparel trading companies.
• Others like insurance, bank, standard organizations etc.

As can be guessed from the activities of the above listed organizations, the Ethiopian
Garment engineers would be engaged in diverse jobs, such as:

• General Manager and top management positions in Garment/apparel factories and

other textile/apparel related enterprises.

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• Production and maintenance management in garment/apparel industries
• Procurement of machinery and equipment
• Erection of Garment machinery and equipment
• Research and development related activities
• Teaching in higher education institutions
• Project studies preparation and implementation activities
• Machinery and equipment inspection and assessment.
• Policies and standards formulation and enforcement
• Marketing and merchandising of apparel goods
• Quality control of apparel products

Though statistical data cannot be presented to show the need distribution of the country’s
apparel engineers would be engaged in each branch of activity listed above, it can be
generally said that a good number of the professionals are required particularly, in
designing, manufacturing, managing and quality control of apparel products in each
Garment firm.

Moreover, the numbers of apparel engineers are expected to be self employed in activities
like consultancy, production, technical trading and training activities by using the especial
supports given by the Ethiopian Government for those who are investment in textile/apparel
sector. This would contribute a lot to achieve accelerated industrial development of the

Ethics and Conduct

The Ethiopian Textile Engineers Association (ETEA) adopted a standard Code of Ethics based
on international experience that enable apparel engineers to serve their society, employer
and clients in a honest and professional way.

To enforce the Code of Ethics, ETEA should have the right to take disciplinary action up to
suspension of renewal of professional certificate on unethical apparel engineers.

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing professional development is a lifelong process by which engineers acquire new

knowledge and skill. Ethiopian Textile Engineers Association (ETEA) shall require that
Garment engineers to attend series of short courses in areas of Garment engineering and
management in order to promote to the next professional level (as per professional levels of
ETEA) during renewal of professional certificates.

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The short course can be jointly organized by this is mainly the responsibility to be shared
among the professional associations, higher learning institutions, industries and different

7. Program Profile

7.1 Admission Requirement

Entry and admission requirements to iOTEX in general and Garment Engineering program in
particular are based on national and Institute level criteria. Admission to the iOTEX is based
on the students’ choice and their achievement in the national entrance examination.

Students who have successfully completed the assessment semester of the engineering
faculty may join the Garment Engineering Degree Program based on choice, score and
space availability. Students with a demonstrated knowledge and skills in high school
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry have great advantage.

7.2 Duration of Study

It is a five-year study program covering 300 ECTS credit points with 24 modules. Around
500-students are enrolled in 2005 E.C academic year (which may be increased further
depending on the requirements and the felt needs of the stake holders).

7.3 Assignment of Course Code

The course code shall have 4 digits followed by the approved abbreviation for each of the
program (Ex.: for Garment Engineering, the alphabets are GrEg). The first numeral shall
denote the year of study; the next two numerals will denote the module number; the last
numeral will indicate the sequence of the course in the module.

7.4 Mode of Delivery

Courses in the module can be delivered in different semester or same semester according to
the requirement of pre-requisite for particular course. Mode of delivery can be parallel or
mixed or semester according to modules and courses requirements in the module.

7.5 Teaching-Learning Methods and Materials

The teaching-learning method adopted for the transfer and/or acquisition of knowledge

1. Classroom lectures backed by course-work projects, tutorials and assignments

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2. Design projects

3. Workshop practice and laboratory works

4. Presentations

5. Industrial visits

6. Industrial practice

Most of the lectures shall be conducted using Over head projectors, Laptops/LCD projectors.
A few courses have textbooks and bound teaching materials. Books for references are
available in the respective faculty libraries. Additional text and reference books are required
for further implementation of the new curriculum.

7.6 Assessment and Evaluation Mechanisms

Evaluation technique for each course constitute both continuous and summative methods.
The minimum amount of continuous assessment evaluation shall be 50%. Continuous
assessment comprise at least five different assessment techniques, its type mainly depends
on the nature of the courses i.e whether it contains practical sessions or tutorial session in
addition to lecture. The detail of assessment techniques for each courses are given in the
course description (12 Appendices).

7.7 Grading System

Academic achievement in all undergraduate engineering programs at the institute shall be
graded on the letter and number grade systems as follows:

Raw Mark
fixed Number Corresponding Interval of
[100 %] grades Letter grade Number Grade

[90,100] 4.0 A+

[85, 90) 4.0 A

[80, 85) 3.75 A-

[75, 80) 3.50 B+

[70, 75) 3.00 B

[65, 70) 2.75 B-

[60, 65) 2.50 C+

[50, 60) 2.00 C

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[45, 50) 1.5 C-

[40, 45) 1 D

[30, 40) 0 Fx

[0, 30) 0 F

7.8 Graduation Requirement

The student should have completed all the prescribed courses of all the twenty four modules
successfully with a minimum letter grade of D in each of the courses. The total number
grade shall be more than or equal to 2.0 to be eligible for graduation. Other requirements
will be according to the prevailing rules and regulations of the university/Institute approved.

7.9 Degree Nomenclature

The degree awarded to students who successfully complete the minimum requirements is
labeled in English and Amharic.

English: Bachelor of Science Degree in Garment Engineering


Type of study: Full time program

7.10 Quality Assurance

The Garment Engineering program has set various objectives and learning outcomes whose
attainment should be checked regularly by its constituencies. The constituencies of the
program may include staff, students, alumni, employers, and eminent professionals.

Staffs and students of the Institute are responsible for making regular internal assessment
of the program. Evaluation of the performance of instructors is being conducted regularly for
all the academic staff members. However, no systematic program-level assessment has
been made yet. The Institute is planning to make internal evaluation of its program on a
yearly basis through structured questionnaires.

The Institute is planning to make impact assessment of the program through systematic
survey of its graduates and their employers every five years.

The relevance of the program in solving real garment engineering problems of our country
as well as in keeping pace with advancements in science and technology should also be

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checked on a regular basis. The Institute is planning to implement this through qualified
evaluators and prominent professionals.

Quality Assurance Measures

The Institute of Textile and Clothing Technology should attach highest value and top priority
to the quality of its programs. To this end the Institute should put in place quality assurance

First and foremost, the Institute proposes to conduct regularly the teacher evaluation and
inform the staff members about their performance as perceived by students in order to
improve the quality of the teaching-learning process (which is already being carried out

It is intended to check the quality of the program by conducting systematic graduate survey,
preferably as part of an Alumni system for broader networking in the future, after a few
batches of students graduate.

The Institute also plans to improve the relevance and content of the program by refining
and revising its curriculum in light of recent developments in the field and real demands for
the profession on a routine basis. The plan towards getting accreditation from AQUIN in
Germany also forms part of the quality assurance measure. This will force the Institute to
make every effort towards meeting the quality requirements of the accreditation agency.

7.11 Module Names and Distribution

7.11.1 overview
The study program consists of ten semesters with the following sequence: one Assessment
Semester, five Basic Studies Semesters, Internship Semester, and three semesters for
Project-Based Studies.

The first year first semester is common to all engineering faculty students and meant for
introducing students to engineering profession and covering basic courses. By the time the
first semester is completed, students would have been motivated in several ways, including
educational tours and hands-on workshop exercises.

Starting from first year 2nd semester to 4th year second semester, students of the Garment
Engineering program focus on basic and relevant concepts, principles and tools of Garment
Engineering studies.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 19

After having successfully completed the basic engineering studies, students of the Garment
Engineering Program will do their Internship in the 8th semester. This will expose students to
the real world of Garment Engineering, problems and practices. After the Internship
Semester, students will be required to undertake Project-Based Courses and a Bachelor of
Science Thesis work. This will equip students with knowledge and skills of practical

The program allows students to follow three focus areas: Production Development and
Management, Leather Products Manufacturing and Garment Merchandizing.

7.11.2 Structure of the program

The program comprises 24 modules with courses from diverse fields that include
mathematics and natural sciences, field-specific basic sciences, field-specific specialization,
non-field specific subjects, and practice-based studies. Table 3.2 and Fig. 3.1 represent the
distribution of modules. Each module consists of courses that are closely related to each
other and facilitates systematic learning starting from the fundamental to advanced
concepts. The courses in the modules are so arranged not to spread over more than 2
consecutive semesters.

The program has been designed to develop well-rounded engineers with high level of inter-
disciplinary skills. The students will study all the basic engineering and mathematical courses
to have foundational knowledge in the engineering. In the next stage, the students are
introduced to the textile engineering subjects to have a good understanding of the fibres,
yarns and fabrics, their manufacturing processes; this is essential as the graduate should
have thorough knowledge about the ‘raw materials’ of the garment industry in order to fully
exploit the potentials of various materials and the intricacies and effects on the garments. In
the next stage, the students are introduced to the core courses of the garment engineering
field viz. the cutting, sewing and finishing technologies along with design of garments and
pattern making fundamentals. At this stage, the students have to undergo a holistic
examination and the qualifying students will be eligible for Industrial Internship. The
industrial internship will enable the students to experience at first hand the principles and
practices that are prevailing at the shop floor level in a garment factory. The internship is
expected to provide the students the much required ‘hands-on’ experience. On successful
completion, the students further study the advanced courses which focus on developing
high level of practical skills for the improvement of product quality, productivity,
documentation procedures, and quality and maintenance management systems. Side by
side, the students are imparted knowledge in the management aspects of the garment

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 20

industry with suitable courses and electives are introduced to choose a focus area. Finally,
the students will be required to work for a B. Sc. Thesis, in which the students are expected
to take specific scientific, industrial or related problems, collect the necessary data, conduct
necessary studies/experiments etc and come out with new insights for problem solving and
implement the suggested measures.

7.11.3 Numbering of Modules and Courses

Module and courses are coded with four digit numbers where the 1st digit from left to right
implies year of study, 2nd & 3 digits implies the Module number whereas the last digit
implies the sequences of the course in the module respectively.

7.11.4 Semester wise category of study

Semester Study category

I Orientation
II - VII Basic Study
VIII Internship
IX- X Project Study and Thesis
The new Garment Engineering curriculum contains twenty two modules. Module numbers
and the courses under each module are given below in the following table.

7.11.5 Module Numbers and Courses under Modules

Mod. Module Code Module Course CP

Course under Module
No. name Code
Introduction to Engineering 2
Geng-M1013 General Profession
01 Engineering Engineering Drawing MEng1012 5
Skills Introduction to Computer & 3
Programming Coms1013
EnLa-M1023 Communicative English Skill EnLa1021 5
02 Linguistics
Basic Writing Skill EnLa1022 5
Sost-M1033 Civics and Ethical Education CvEt1031 5
Social 3
03 Reasoning Skill/logic Phil1032
04 Math-M1043 Applied Applied Mathematics I Math1041 6

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 21

Mathematic 6
Applied Mathematics II Math1042
Engineering mechanics I 5
Cmeg-M1053 Engineering (statics)
Mechanics Engineering Mechanics II 5
(Dynamics) MEng1052
Math-M2063 Numerical 4
06 Numerical Methods Math3061
Meng-M1073 Machine Drawing MEng1071 5
Basics of
Engineering Thermodynamics MEng2072 4
07 Mechanical
Engineering Materials MEng2073 4
Strength of material MEng2074 4
Eeng-M2083 Fundamentals of Electrical 4
Basics of
Engineering EEng2081
08 Electrical
Microprocessor and 4
Engineering EEng3082
Teng-M2094 Fiber 4
09 Textile Fiber TEng2091
Teng-M2104 Yarn Manufacturing TEng2101 5
Basics of
Woven Fabric Manufacturing TEng2102 5
10 Textile
Knitted Fabric Manufacturing TEng2103 5
Fabric Structure and Design TEng2104 5
GrEg-M1111 Overview of Introduction to Garment 3
Garment Industry
Design and Fundamentals of Garment 5
the Industry Design
GrEg-M2121 Sewing Technology GrEg2121 5
Workshop & Maintenance 5
12 production GrEg2122
Cutting Technology GrEg3123 5

13 TGEg-M3131 Textile and Textile Wet Processing TEng3131 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 22

Garment 3
Garment Finishing
Finishing GrEg3132

GrEg-M3141 Productivity and work study GrEg3141 5

Garment Manufacturing 5
Workplace GrEg4142
14 Plant layout and facility 5
and GrEg4143
Production Planning and 5
t GrEg4144
GrEg-M3151 Garment Garment Construction I GrEg3151 5
Product 5
Developme Garment Construction II GrEg3152
GrEg-M 3161 CAD In CAD in Garment Design GrEg3161 5
16 Garment CAD in Pattern Making & 6
Industry Grading
GrEg-M2171 Pattern Pattern Making I GrEg2171 6
Making Pattern Making II GrEg3172 6
GrEg-M3181 Textile Testing TEng3181 6
Testing and Apparel Quality Management GrEg4182 4
Quality Statistical Applications in 5
Garment Industry
GrEg-M4191 Product Apparel Study and GrEg4191 4
Developme Appreciation
19 nt and Product Development GrEg5192 3
Appreciatio processes
n Technical Textile TEng4193 3
GrEg-M4201 Holistic Holistic exam GrEg4201 2
20 exam and 28
Internship GrEg4202
GrEg-M 5211 Garment Apparel Costing GrEg5211 5
21 business Organization Behavior GrEg5212 4
Managemen Entrepreneurship GrEg5213 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 23

t and
IT in 5
IT application in Garment
22 GrEg-M5221 garment GrEg5221
GrEg-M5231 Apparel Marketing and 4
Merchandizing TAmr5231
l Garment
23 Supply Chain Management TAmr5232 4
Export- import procedure and 4
GrEg-M5241 Engineeing Research Methodology GrEg5241 4
Projects Bachelor Thesis GrEg5242 22

7.11.6 Study Program Overview

Courses Course Code
Introduction to Engineering
Profession GEng1011
Engineering Drawing MEng1012
Introduction to Computer & 3
Programming Coms1013
Communicative English Skill EnLa1021
Basic Writing Skill EnLa1022
Civics and Ethical Education CvEt1031
Reasoning Skill/logic Phil1032
Applied Mathematics I Math1041
Applied Mathematics II Math1042
Engineering mechanics I 5
(statics) CEng1051
Engineering Mechanics II 5
(Dynamics) MEng1052
Numerical Methods Math3061
Machine Drawing MEng1071
Engineering Thermodynamics MEng2072
Engineering Materials MEng2073 4
Strength of material MEng2074 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 24

Fundamentals of Electrical 4
Engineering EEng2081
Microprocessor and 4
Instrumentation EEng3082
Textile Fiber TEng2091
Yarn Manufacturing TEng2101
Woven Fabric Manufacturing TEng2102
Supportive Knitted Fabric Manufacturing TEng2103
Courses Fabric Structure and Design TEng2104
Introduction to Garment 3
Industry GrEg1111
Fundamentals of Garment 5
Design FDes2112
Sewing Technology GrEg2121
Workshop & Maintenance 5
Engineering GrEg2122
Cutting Technology GrEg3123
Textile Wet Processing TEng3131
Garment Finishing Technology GrEg3132
Productivity and work study GrEg3141
Garment Manufacturing Process GrEg4142
Plant layout and facility design GrEg4143
Production Planning and 5
Control GrEg4144
Garment Construction I GrEg3151
Garment Construction II GrEg3152
CAD in Garment Design GrEg3161
CAD in Pattern Making & 6
Grading GrEg3162
Pattern Making I GrEg2171
Pattern Making II GrEg3172
Textile Testing TEng3181 6
Apparel Quality Management GrEg4182
Statistical Applications in 5
Garment Industry GrEg4183
Apparel Study and Appreciation GrEg4191 4
Apparel Product Development GrEg5192 3
TEng4193 3
Core Technical Textile
Courses Holistic exam GrEg4201

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 25

Internship GrEg4202
Apparel Costing GrEg5211
Organization Behavior GrEg5212
Entrepreneurship GrEg5213
IT application in Garment 5
Industry GrEg5221
Apparel Marketing and 4
Merchandizing TAmr5231
Export- import procedure and TAmr5233 4
Supply Chain Management GrEg5232
Research Methodology GrEg5241
Bachelor Thesis GrEg5242

7.11.7 Semester wise Schedule of Courses

Year Semester I
Course title Corse no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Communicative English Skill EnLa1021 2 3 0 5 5
Applied mathematics I Math1041 3 3 0 6 6
Engineering Drawing MEng1012 2 3 0 5 5
Introduction to Engineering GEng1011 2 0 0 2 2
Engineering mechanics I CEng1051 2 3 0 5 5
Civics & ethical Education CvEt1031 2 3 0 5 5
Total 28
Semester II
I Course title Course no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Introduction to Garment GrEg1111 3 0 0 3 3
Applied mathematics II Math1042 3 3 0 6 6
Reasoning Skill (Logic) Phil1032 3 0 0 3 3
Basic Writing Skill EnLa1022 2 3 0 5 5
Machine Drawing MEng1071 2 0 3 5 5
Engineering Mechanics II MEng1052 2 3 0 5 5
Introduction to Computer & Coms1013 1 0 3 2 3
Total 30

Year Semester I
Course title Corse no. Cr. L T LP HS CP

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 26

Yarn Manufacturing TEng2101 2 0 3 5 5
Fundamentals of Garment 2 3 0 5 5
Textile Fibers TEng2091 2 0 3 3 4
Woven Fabric Manufacturing TEng2102 2 0 3 5 5
Engineering Thermodynamics MEng2072 2 3 0 3 4
Engineering Materials MEng2073 2 3 0 3 4
Strength of Material MEng2074 2 3 0 3 4
Total 31
Semester II
II Course title Course no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Fundamentals of electrical EEng2081 2 0 3 3 4
Fabric Structure and Design TEng2104 3 0 3 4 5
Sewing Technology GrEg2121 1 0 6 3 5
Workshop & Maintenance GrEg2122 2 0 3 5 5
Pattern making I GrEg2171 1 0 6 5 6
Knitted Fabric Manufacturing TEng 2103 2 0 3 5 5
Total 30

Year Semester I
Course title Corse no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Microprocessor and 2 0 3 3 4
Pattern Making II GrEg3172 1 0 6 5 6
Cutting Technology GrEg3123 2 0 3 5 5
Textile Wet Processing TEng3131 2 0 3 5 5
CAD in Garment Design GrEg3161 2 0 3 5 5
Garment Construction I GrEg3151 1 0 6 3 5
Total 30
Semester II
Course title Course no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Garment Construction II GrEg3152 1 0 6 3 5
Numerical Methods Math3061 2 0 3 5 5
CAD in Pattern Making &
GrEg3162 2 0 6 4 6
Garment Finishing GrEg 3132 2 0 2 2 3
Productivity and work study GrEg3141 2 3 0 5 5
Textile Testing TEng3181 3 0 3 6 6

Total 30
Year Semester I
Course title Corse no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Apparel Quality Management GrEg4182 2 3 0 3 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 27

Garment Manufacturing
GrEg4142 2 3 0 5 5
Plant Layout and Facility GrEg4143 2 3 0 5 5
Apparel Study and 1 3 0 4 4
Production Planning and GrEg4144 2 3 0 5 5
Technical Textiles TEng4193 3 0 0 3 3
IV Stastical Application in GrEg4183 2 3 0 5 5
Garment Industry
Total 31
Semester II
Course title Course no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Holistic Examination GrEg4201 0 2 0 2 2
Industrial Internship GrEg4202 0 0 40 16 28
Total 30

Year Semester I
Course title Corse no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Supply Chain Management TAMr5232 3 0 0 5 4
Research Methodology GrEg5241 2 3 0 5 5
Organizational Behavior TAMr5212 3 0 0 5 4
Apparel Products GrEg5192 1 3 0 4 4
Apparel Costing GrEg5211 2 3 0 5 5
IT Application in Garment GrEg5221 2 3 0 3 4
Apparel Marketing and TAMr5231 3 0 0 5 4
V Total 30
Semester II
Course title Course no. Cr. L T LP HS CP
Entrepreneurship TAMr5213 3 0 0 5 4
B. Sc. Thesis GrEg5242 0 0 22 22 22
International Trades and TAMr5233 2 3 0 3 4
Total 30

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 28

7.11.8 Module Description, Course Description
and Course Content


Module Module 1: General Engineering Skills
Module The module aims
• To enhance students capability to use basic computer applications like
word, excel and to write programming languages
• to equip the students Basic Drawing Skill
• To aware students about different engineering professions and their
Module This module contains the following courses. This module is a common module for
Description all engineering/technology discipline students.
(1) Introduction to Engineering professions ( 1st Semester)
(2) Engineering Drawing (1st Semester)
(3) Introduction to Computer and Programming( 2nd Semester)
The course on Introduction to Engineering and Technology will introduce the
student to the fundamental ideas on engineering and technology. The student is
also introduced to theories of projection, multi-view representation along with
the techniques and conventions used in engineering drawing.
The course on Introduction to Computer and Programming introduces the
student to the fundamentals of a computer system. The course covers a
programming language C/C++.
Total ECTS of 10 credit points
the module
Module • Draw and interpret multi-view representation of objects
Competency • Write a programming language using C++/C
• Differentiate different engineering desciplines and their application
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
GEng1011 Introduction to Engineering Professions 2

MEng1012 Engineering Drawing 5

Coms1013 Introduction to Computer and Programming 3

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 29

Course Number GEng1011
Course Title Introduction to Engineering Profession
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 1: General Engineering Skills
Module N/N
Lecturer N/N
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
(Per Semester)
30 0 0 30

Course Objective After completing this course students should be able to

• define engineering
• understand the different kinds of engineering skills
• state the similarities and differences between science, technology
and engineering
• understand globalization and its impacts mainly in relation to textile,
garment and leather businesses
• Know the different types of problem solving guidelines and
Course The course is designed to acquaint students with the basic concepts of
Description Science, Technology and Engineering, concepts of Globalization and its
effects on Economic growth mainly in Textile, Garment and Leather
sectors, and the different guidelines and techniques for problem solving.
Course Contents One: Engineering and Engineering Skills: An Overview

1.1 Introduction

1.2 What is engineering?

1.3 Engineering Skills?

1.4 The Relationships of Science, Technology and Engineeirng

1.4.1 The Boundary between Science and Engineering

1.4.2 The Nature of Science
1.4.3 The Nature of Science/Engineering
1.4.4 The Nature of Technology/Engineering
1.4.5 The Relationship between Science and Technology/Engineering

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 30

1.4.6 Science and Technology Domain’

Chapter Two: Introduction toTextile, Garment and Leather


2.1 Manufacturing System

2.2 Textile Engineering and the Textile Industry
2.3 Garment Engineering and the Garment Industry
2.4 Leather Engineering and the Leather Industry
Chapter Three: Global Opportunities and Challenges
3.1 Defining Globalization
3.2 How to Measure Globalization
3.3 Global Opportunities for Textile, Garment and Leather
3.4 Global Challenges for Textile, Garment and Leather
3.5 Ethiopia’s Current status and Future Growth Opportunities in
the Textile, Garment and Leather
Chapter Four: Problem Solving Guidelines and Techniques
4.1 Definitions
4.2 Approaches to Problem solving
4.3 General Guidelines for Problem Solving
4.4 Problem Solving Techniques
Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, group discussions, case studies
Assessment/  Assignments (Two) : 20 %
Evaluation  Quizzes (two) 10 %
&Grading  Tests (3): 30 %
System  Final - Examination: 40 %
Total 100 %
(For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 2 activities comprising of
Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be decided
by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the course).
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
Literature Compiled Manual to be supplied by the instructors

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 31


Course Number MEng1012

Course Title Engineering Drawing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 1: General Engineering Skill
Module Coordinator N/N
Lecturer N/N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives The course is intended to give the student:

 Basic drawing constructions in engineering field
 Introduction to multi-view representation
Course Description The course on Introduction to Engineering and Technology will introduce
the student to the fundamental ideas on engineering and technology. The
student is also introduced to theories of projection, multi-view
representation along with the techniques and conventions used in
engineering drawing.
Course Contents  Introduction to Descriptive Geometry
 Geometrical Construction
 Tangency construction
 Conic sections
 Special curves

 Theory of projections.

 Introduction to multi-view representation

 Techniques in pencil drawing

 Pictorial drawings (isometric and oblique)


 Auxiliary views

 Sectional view

 Sections of solids such as cylinders

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 32

 Cones and prisms

Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lecture, Tutorial and assignment works
Assessment/ The Lecture, Tutorial and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
&Grading System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %)
Assignment (two) 20%
Tests (3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 %
Total 100 %
Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Project: 30 %
Assignment (Minimum:3) 30 %
Quiz (Minimum of 2): 20 %
Defense (Presentation): 20 %
Total 100 %
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Engineering drawing, D.S. Gill 2002
2. Technical Drawing Jeyapoovon, 2001

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 33

Course Number Coms1012
Course Title Introduction to Computer and Programming
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 1: General Engineering Skills
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
15 0 45 15

Course Objectives
At the end of this course the students should be able to:

 Know various types of computers

 Identify the application of appropriate computers and programs at
workplace to suit the needs of organization.
 Differentiate each components of the computer system and their
 Describe types of programming languages
 Identify the syntax and semantics of the programming language
 Write simple programs using C++
 Debug the programs they write.
 Apply the procured skills to develop basic applications using C++.
Course Description The course on Introduction to Computer and Programming introduces the
student to the fundamentals of a computer system. The course covers a
programming language C/C++.
Course Contents Introduction:
• Principles of Digital Computer Generation
Representation of information in a digital Computer
Types of Computers
Characteristics of Computers
Hardware: CPU, CU, ALU, I/O, Bus
• Operating system MS-DOS,
• Operating MS-Windows.
Introduction to Programming Language:
• Programming Process and Structures

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 34

The IF statement, IF – ELSE statement (IF – Then – ELSE statement),
FOR loop, DO – While loop, While loop
Boolean Expression
Conditional Operator
Variables and Constants, Variables, Identifiers Constants, Arithmetic
Operation, Integer Expression Floating point Expression Arithmetic
Arrays, Strings Functions, structures, Files
Pre-requisites No Pre-requisite
Semester 2nd Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, group discussions, assignments and seminars supported by
practical laboratory classes
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
&Grading System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 50 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 20 %
Assignments : 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. V.K Jain (2004): Fundamentals of Information Technology &
Computer Programming, Sanjeev Kumar Kataria Publications
2. Ravichandran D (2001): Introduction to Computers &
Communications, Tata McGraw – Hill
3. Francis Glassborow (2004): You Can Do It: A Beginners
Introduction to Computer Programming, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Hortsmann Cay S., (2005) Big C++, John Willey.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 35

Module Number Module 2: Lingustics
Objective of the The module aims
module • To enable students speak English fluently

 To enhance students writing skill using English language

 Cultivate the habits of critical thinking and develop sensitivity to the

clear and accurate use of language
Module This module contains the following courses offered in the 1st Year. This
Descriptions module is a common module for all engineering/technology discipline
(1) Communicative English Skill (1st Semester)
(2) Basic writing skill (2nd semester)
The course on Communicative English Skill aims the student to the write
and communicates with English language in advanced way. Students to
uunderstand the role of the language in the logic and argument process and
clearly understand their rights and responsibilities and then exercise their
rights and discharge their responsibilities.
Total ECTS of 10
the Module
Module • Write letters, concepts, ideas, plans, reports using English
Competency language
• Communicate with suppliers and customers
• Understand customer demands, requirements and give advice
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
EnLa1021 Communicative english skill 5
EnLa1022 Basic Writing skill 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 36

Course Number EnLa1021
Course Title Communicative english skill
Degree Program B.Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 2: Lingustics
Module Coordinator N/N
Lecturer N/N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives After successful study of this course students should be able to
• To convey and convince properly.
• To paves the way to the students acquire the skills of
Communicating sensibly.
• To address any gathering, without any inhibitions.
Course Description Garment Engineers are required to communicate customers and
suppliers and persuade employements to meet target production
plan. All this requires a very good communication skill. The course
on Communicative English Skill aims to develop the students write
and communicates with English language in advanced way.
Course Contents Essential Requirements for Proper Communication:
1. Listening Comprehension
2. Understanding the type of audience
3. Sequencing the subject matter to be spoken
One to one discussion, Group Discussion, and Public Speaking:
4. Methods of starting a speech, Proper Communication,
Articulation, Importance of Eye-Contact, Gesticulations,
Modulation, Pauses to be given, at times, Continuation of speech
5. Repeating certain items, to emphasize, Methods of avoiding
Conflicts, Time management
Managing a good show:
 Pleasant way of speaking, Methods of Convincing the audience,
Methods of winning over
Pre-requisites None

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 37

Semester 1st Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, Discussions, Reading, and Writing Practice, Assignments
Assessment/ Lecture Part(40%)
Evaluation &Grading 1. Assignments / Project / Seminar : 20 %
System 2. Tests (3): 30 %
3. Final - Examination: 50 %
Total 100 %
Tutorail Part(60%)
1. Assignments (min 3) : 40 %
2. Quezz: :30 %
3. Presentation : 30%
Total 100 %
(For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 3 activities comprising of
Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be
decided by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
Literature 1. Creating Compositions, Harvey S Wiener,-Mc Graw Hill
Publications, 1984.
2. College Writing Skills with Reading, John Langan, Mc Graw Hill
Publications 1997.
3. Eisenberg, Anne Effective Technical communication, New York,


Course Number EnLa1022
Course Title Basic writing skill
Degree Program B.Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 2: Linguistic
Module Coordinator N/N
Lecturer N/N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 38

Semester) 30 45 0 75

Course Objective After studying this course students must be able to

• Write letters, mails, reports plans and so on with good
flow of words.
• Write researches, research outputs, seminars and case
Course Description English is essential for one to be able to compete
internationally. After acquiring mastery over English Language,
students will develop confidence in them-selves. Hence, a
course like this is most essential. On successful completion of
the course, students start gaining confidence over English
Language, to some extent.
Course Contents Essential requirements for communicative English
 Simple, Complex, and Compound Sentences
 Various Clauses
 Itemizing and Paragraphing
Listening Comprehension
 Exercises involving the students taking down the notes when a
few topics are dictated
Essay writing
 Preparing a detailed notes from a few points that are given
 Writing essays on given topics
Preparing a brief notes from a Detailed one
 Condensing the subject matter given in a few pages to a few
 Precise writing from Essays
Pre-requisites None
Semester 2nd Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, Discussions, Reading, and Writing Practice, Assignments
Assessment/ Lecture Part(40%)
Evaluation &Grading 1. Assignments / Project / Seminar : 20 %
System 2. Tests (3): 30 %

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 39

3. Final - Examination: 50 %
Total 100 %
Tutorail Part(60%)
1. Assignments (min 3) : 40 %
2. Quezz: :30 %
3. Presentation : 30%
Total 100 %
(For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 3 activities comprising of
Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be
decided by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
Literature 4. Creating Compositions, Harvey S Wiener,-Mc Graw Hill
Publications, 1984.
5. College Writing Skills with Reading, John Langan, Mc Graw Hill
Publications 1997.
6. Eisenberg, Anne Effective Technical communication, New York,

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 40

Module Number Module 3: Social studies
objective of the Overall objectives of the module:
 To develop the skills required to construct sound arguments of their

 To Cultivate the habits of critical thinking and develop sensitivity to the

clear and accurate use of language

 To enable the student express one self clearly and logically, conflict
resolution etc and start behaving exactly as good citizens and play a
crucial role in the democratization process.
Description of This module contains the following courses offered in the 1st Year. This
the module module is a common module for all engineering/technology discipline
(1) Civics and Ethical Education (1st Semester)
(2) Reasoning Skills (2nd Semester)

Total ECTS of 8
the Module
Module • Think ethically and rationally
Competency • Decide systematically rationally
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CvEt1031 Civics and Ethical Education 5
Phil1032 Reasoning Skills (Logic) 3

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 41

Course Number CvEt 1031
Course Title Civics and Ethical Education
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 3: Social studies
Module Coordinator N/N
Lecturer N/N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Have civic knowledge on various issues such as on meaning and
definition of civics and ethics, Constitutionalism, Democracy,
Human Rights, State, and Government etc.
 Clearly understand their rights and responsibilities and then
exercise their rights and discharge their responsibilities.
 Develop civic attitude such as Patriotism, civic mindedness, and
Active participation, Tolerance etc.
 Develop civic skills such as accurate decision making, expression
of one self clearly and logically, Conflict resolution etc.
 Start behaving exactly as good citizens and play a crucial role in
the democratization process of the state.
Course Description Garment Engineers should understand the governing law of the
country, constitution. Students should be aware the rights and
responsibilities of employes. All the policies and regulations of the
factory shall be drawn be aligned with the country constitution and
other laws. Therefore, it is unprecedented for students to study civic
and ethical education.
Course Contents Introduction:
- Definition of Civics and Ethics
- Foundations of civics and ethical education
- The interdisciplinary nature of civics and ethical education
Constitutional Development:
- Definition of Constitution, Purpose and Functions of Constitution

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 42

- Origin and development of Constitution, USA and UK
- Constitutional experiences of Ethiopia
- Pre-1931,The first written constitution of Ethiopia -1931
- The revised constitution of PDRE (Dreg Era 1974-1991)
- The Charter of the TGE (1991-1995)
The constitution of FDRE
- The Concept of Democracy:
- Definitions of Democracy and Democratic Values
- Principles of Democracy, Democratic Rights as enshrined in FDRE
- Traditional Political Institutions in Ethiopia (Gada System, Political
system of Kafa and Wolyita)
The State, Government and Citizenship:
- Origin essence and essential elements of state
- Types and functions of state, Essence, purpose and forms of
- What is Citizenship, Citizenship Defined, Citizenship and ways of
acquiring/loosing Citizenship
Meaning and Nature of Fundamental Human Rights:
- Human Rights defined
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- Human Rights of Women and Children
- Problems in International Protection of Human Rights
- Human Rights in FDRE Constitution
Ethical Issues:
- Define Ethics, Ethics and Moral Responsibility
- Professional Ethics and Field Specific Ethical Values
- International Relations:
- Definition and Historical Development
- Approaches and Theories
- Structure of International Relations
- Review of the foreign policy of Ethiopia
- Contemporary Global Issues

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 43

- Causes, Manifestations, and remedies
Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lecturers, Discussions, Tutorials and Assignments
Assessment/ Lecture Part(40%)
Evaluation 1. Assignments / Project / Seminar : 20 %
&Grading System 2. Tests (3): 30 %
3. Final - Examination: 50 %
Total 100 %
Tutorail Part(60%)
1. Assignments (min 3) : 40 %
2. Quezz: :30 %
3. Presentation : 30%
Total 100 %

(For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 3 activities comprising of

Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be
decided by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
Literature  Chekki Don, “Participatory Democracy in Action" International
Profiles of Community Devt. New Delhi, 1999
 James and Clapham," Constitution Development of Ethiopia" Vol. ii
Faculty of Law, Haile Selassie University, 1985
 May Philip " Moral Education School" London 1980
 The Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,
August 21, 1995
 Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Adopted by the UN General
Assembly in 1948

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 44

Course Number Phil1032
Course Title Reasoning Skills (Logic)
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 3: Social Studies
Module N/N
Lecturer N/N
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
(per semester)
45 0 0 45

Course At the end of the course students will be able to:

Objectives  Develop the skills required to construct sound arguments of their own
 Ability to critically evaluate the arguments of others
 Cultivate the habits of critical thinking and develop sensitivity to the
clear and accurate use of language.
 Understand the role of the language in the logic and argument
Course The course aims to enhance students capability of argueing, reasoning.
Description It develop rationality and avoid bias during their decision. It introduce
argument and non argument expressions, cognitive and emotive meaning
of terms, informal fallacies and so on.
Course Contents Introduction:
 What is logic and its uses
Nature of Arguments:
 Define arguments; Non argument expressions; Type of arguments
(Deductive and Inductive); Validity and Invalidity: Truth and Falsity;
Sound and Unsound Arguments; Strength and weakness: Truth and
Falsity; Cogent and unclogging arguments; Evaluating an arguments
 Cognitive and Emotive meaning of terms; Intension and Extension of
terms; Definitions and their purposes; Definitional Techniques; Criteria
for lexical definitions
Informal Fallacies:

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 45

 Fallacies of Relevance; Fallacies of Weak Induction; Fallacies of
Presumptions; Fallacies of Ambiguity; Fallacies of Grammatical
Syllogistic Logic:
 Categorical Propositions: Standard Form and Types; Square of
Oppositions: Traditional and Modern; Role of Immediate Inference
and Formal fallacies; Categories Syllogism: Standard Form, Mood and
Figure; Syllogistic Rules and Formal Fallacies; Methods of Testing
Prepositional Logic:
 Compound propositions and Prepositional Connectives; Truth
Functional Connectives and the Truth Values of Propositions;
Prepositional Type arguments and formal fallacies; Symbolizing
Prepositions and prepositional arguments; Rule for prepositional logic:
rule of implication and Rule of equivalence; Natural deduction
 Analogy and legal and moral reasoning; Causality and Mill's Methods;
Hypothetical Reasoning
Pre-requisites None
Semester 2nd Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lecturers, Discussions, Tutorials and Assignments
Assessment/ 1. Assignments (minimum 3): 30 %
Evaluation 2. Tests (3): 30 %
&Grading System 3. Final - Examination: 40 %
Total 100 %
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
Literature 1. Hurley, Patrick J. " A Concise Introduction to Logic" 7th edition,
Belmarnt: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2003
2. Copi, Irving M. and Carl Cohen " Introduction to Logic", New York:
Macmillan Publishing company 2001

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 46

Module Number Module 04: Applied Mathematics
Objective of the This module enables the students
module • to have thorough knowledge in basic mathematical techniques
like calculus, vector algebra, computational mathematics
• to apply these knowledge in textile engineering problems.
Module This module contains the following courses offered in the 1st Semester and
Description 2nd semesters of the first year. This module is a common module for all
engineering/technology discipline students.
(1) Applied Mathematics I (1st Semester)
(2) Applied mathematics II (2nd Semester )
In the field of engineering mathematics is very much necessary for
solving, analysing and simulating various practical problems. So, all
the engineering students must be given a thorough knowledge in
mathematics during their education.

Total ECTS of 12
the module
Module • Analyze and simulate various practical problems
Competency • Solve problems using mathematical formula
• Model situations using mathematical formula
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Math1041 Applied Mathematics I 6
Math1042 Applied mathematics II 6

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 47

Course Number Math1041
Course Title Applied Mathematics I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 04: Applied Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
45 45 0 60

Course Objectives & The students in this course will be able to equip students with basic
Competences to be mathematical techniques of calculus and vector algebra and help them
Acquired to develop skill build-up in mathematical analysis for solving
engineering problems.
Course Description The course gives thorough understanding of vectors, matrix,
transcendental functions, derivatives and integration. It also gives
practical applications of mathematics in Engineering fields.
/Course Contents 1. Vectors; Matrices, Determinants, systems of linear equations;
2. Some Transcendental functions with inverses;
3. Derivative and its application; and integrations
Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, peer group study supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 50%) Tutorial Part (Weight 50%)
Tests(3): 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assignments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 48

Literature 1. R. Ellis and D. Gulick: Calculus with analytic Geometry: 5th
2. Bernand Koman; Introductory Linear Algebra with Application;
3. Sherman K. Stien; Calculus with Analytic Geometry; 3rd Edition
4. Al shank, Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Volume one); Edition


Course Number Math1042
Course Title Applied Mathematics II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 04: Applied Mathematics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
45 45 0 60

Course Objectives The objective of this course is to equip students with basic
mathematical techniques of calculus and computational Mathematics
and help them develop skill buildup in mathematical analysis for
solving engineering problems
Course Description The course introduces sequences and series, differential calculus and
multiple integrals with their application in engineering fields.
Course Contents 1. Real sequences and Series;
2. Power series;
3. Fourier series;
4. Differential calculus of functions of several variables;
5. Multiple integrals.
Pre-requisites Math1031: Applied Mathematics I
Semester 2nd Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 49

System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 50%) Tutorial Part (Weight 50%)

Tests(3): 30%Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %

Final Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assigments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions

Literature 1. Calculus with Analytic Geometry by R. Ellis, 5th, 1994.
2. Calculus of Several Variables by R. A Adams, 1996.
3. A 1st course in Differential Equations by Dennis G. Zill, 1997.
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszing, 1997.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 50

Module Number Module 05: Engineering Mechanics
Objective of the After successful completion of the module students should be able to
module  Appreciate how physical bodies interact with their surrounding and
attain a state of rest
 Apply the principles of force systems for analyzing of structures
 Know section properties of members of a structure which are measures
of stiffness
 Understand the nature of friction and quantify it
 Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical
 Select appropriate coordinate systems for physical systems and analyze
motion variables such as position, velocity, and acceleration.
 Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems and the
resulting motion.
Module This module contains the following two courses:
Description (1) Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) (1st Semester)
(2) Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) (2nd Semester)
Knowledge of mechanics is a fundamental requirement to become an
engineer. The field of textiles is no exception to this general rule. Thus, the
student should learn in extensive detail the action of forces under static and
dynamic conditions in order to understand, design, develop and modify the
various machines and structures he/she will study in the other modules.
The course on Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) covers the action of forces
under static conditions. The course on Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
covers the action of forces under dynamic conditions.
Total ECTS of 10
the module
Module To enhance students basic classical mechanics knowledge
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng1051 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) 5
MEng 1052 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 51


Course Number CEng1051

Course Title Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 05: Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives After the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
 Appreciate how physical bodies interact with their surrounding and
attain a state of rest
 Know how to isolate a structure or part of it and show the forces acting
on it
 Apply the principles of force systems for analyzing of structures
 Interpret the concept of c.g, c.m and centroid as applied to distributed
 Know section properties of members of a structure which are measures
of stiffness
 Understand the nature of friction and quantify it
Course Description The course gives clear understanding of different phenomenon that objects
are static but different forces are applied on it. It introduces basic concepts
of mechanics, newton’s law, couples and moments.
Course Contents Basics of Statics:
 Introduction, Basic Concepts in Mechanics, Scalars and Vectors
 Newton’s Laws
 Free Body Diagram
Force systems:
 Introduction, Coplanar Force Systems (2-D), Resolution of a Force
 Moment, Couple and Force-Couple systems, Resultants
 Non-Coplanar Force Systems (3-D), Resolution of a Force
 Moment, Couple and Force-Couple systems, Resultants

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 52

 Introduction, Equilibrium in Two-Dimensions
 Equilibrium in Three-Dimensions
Analysis of structures:
 Introduction, Trusses, Plane Trusses, Method of Joints, Method of
 Pin-ended Multi-Force Structures, Frames, Simple Machines (optional)
Distributed forces:
 Introduction, Center of Gravity, Center of Mass and Centroid
 Composite bodies, Theorem of Pappus (optional)
 Beams-External effects (optional)
Area moments of inertia:
 Introduction, Composite Areas, Product of Inertia, Transfer of Axes,
Rotation of Axes (optional)
Friction (optional):
 Introduction; Types of Friction; Dry Friction
Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery  Discussion, Lecture, Question and answer, Reading, Exercising
 Independent work (Assignments)
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
&Grading System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial parts.
The details are given below
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Final-Term Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assignments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions

Literature 1. “Engineering Mechanics (Statics)” by J.L. Merriam
2. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers” by P. Beer.
3. “Elementary Engineering Mechanics” by Wiley.
4. Any other relevant Engineering Mechanics Books.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 53

Course Number MEng1052
Course Title Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 05: Engineering Mechanics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives & The course enables students to:

Competences to be  Understand and apply basic principles that govern the motion of
Acquired objects.
 Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical
 Select appropriate coordinate systems for physical systems and
analyze motion variables such as position, velocity, and
 Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems
and the resulting motion.
Course Description The course aims to inculcate basic concepts of equations of motion,
kinematics of particles, kinetics of particles, kinematics of rigid
bodies, kinetics of rigid bodies and so on.
Course Contents Introduction:
 Basic concepts; Equations of motion; Gravitation
Kinematics of particles: Rectangular motion; Plane curvilinear
 Coordinate systems; Relative motion; Constrained motion
Kinetics of Particles:
 Newton’s second law; Work Energy equation; Impulse and
Momentum; Impact
Kinematics of rigid bodies:
 Fixed axis rotation; Absolute motion; Relative motion.
Kinetics of rigid bodies:

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 54

 General equations of motion; Work Energy method; Impulse and
Pre-requisites CEng1041: Engineering Mechanics - Statics
Semester 2nd Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by tutorials, and Assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assignments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions

Literature 1. Meriam J.L. and Kraige L.G., Engineering Mechanics
2. Hibbler R. C., Engineering Mechanics
3. Beer P., Mechanics for Engineers
4. Best C. L., Analytical Mechanics for Engineers

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 55

Module Number Module 06: Statistics and Numerical Methods
Objective of the Upon completion of this module the students will be able to
module • apply the mathematical and computational principles in solving
engineering problems related to Garment Engineering and use of
software related to computational and numerical techniques.
• apply computational techniques for solving common numerical
problems those arise in engineering applications in their related
• use efficient scientific programming using computational techniques
Description of This module contains the following courses offered in the III year.
the module (1) Numerical Methods (7th Semester)
The Computational techniques is a prime area to be understood by all
engineering students. Particularly in the present day context,
computational techniques in engineering applications is a must, because of
the benefits derived from these techniques in solving engineering problems
using software. This module is developed in pursuit of this justification.
Total ECTS of
the module
Module • To enhance students computational capability using computer
Competency programming softwares
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Math3061 Numerical Methods 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 56

Course Number Math3061
Course Title Numerical Methods
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 06: Statistics and Numerical Methods
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 45

Course Objectives & The course is intended to introduce the student to:
Competences to be  Effective computational techniques for solving common numerical
Acquired problems those arise in engineering applications in their related
fields and
 Efficient scientific programming using computational techniques.
Course Description The course develops skills of mathematical modeling and engineering
problem solving. The course introduces solving of non-linear
equations, solving of linear algebraic equations, numerical
differentiation and integration.
Course Contents Mathematical modeling and engineering problem solving; The number
system errors; Solution of non-linear equations: Bisection method,
Secant method, Newton's method; Curve fitting: Least square
regression, Interpolations, Fourier approximations; Solutions of
systems of linear algebraic equations: Matrices, Determinants and
inverse problems, Gauss-Siedle iteration, Gaussian-elimination,
LU-decomposition; Numerical equations, Numerical differentiation and
integration: Trapezoidal-rule, Simpson's rule, Gauss-quadrature,
Romberg's integration; Eigen values and Eigen vectors; Solution of
ODEs: Euler's method, Runge-Kutta method; Solution of PDEs: FDM
method; Computational projects and applications related to Garment
Engineering .
Pre-requisites Math1032: Applied Mathematics II
Semester 6th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 57

Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests (3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Chapra, Steven C., Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw-Hill.
2. Gerald, Applied Numerical Analysis
3. King J.T, Introduction to Numerical Computation.
4. Lafara R.L, Computational Methods for Science and Engineering.
5. Ralston, Antony, A first course in numerical analysis
6. Mohamed Abdo, Numerical Methods for Engineers
7. Numerical Methods/Book and Disk with Instructional Manual by J.
Douglas Faires and Richard L. Burden
8. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and
Scientists by Steven C. Chapra
9. Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition,
by Joe D. Hoffman
10. Numerical Methods for Engineers: With Software and Programming
Applications by Steven C. Chapra and Raymond Canale
11. Numerical Methods in Engineering. A book on methods for the
numerical solution of problems in engineering & applied science by
Mario G. and Baron, Melvin L. Salvadori

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 58

Module Number Module 07: Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Objective of the The objectives of the module are:
module • To understand the concepts of drawing various machine
components and assemblies.
• To learn the physical properties, their structural features (at
micro and macro levels), their inter-relationships of various
materials used in building the machines and their applications
in the engineering field.
• To discusses the various thermodynamic laws and their
applications in machine design.
• To understand the behavior of machine elements on
application of various types of forces.
Module description This module contains the following four courses:
(1) Machine Drawing (2nd Semester)
(2) Engineering Thermodynamics (3rd Semester)
(3) Engineering Materials (3rd Semester)
(4) Strength of Materials (3rd Semester)
Textile and Garment Production is carried out with machines of various
types of simple to highly complicated designs. The student should be
equipped with sufficient knowledge on the machine aspects to handle
these machines confidently, effectively and efficiently. This module
covers this requirement.
Total ECTS of the 17
Module • The module aims to inculcate basic mechanical engineering
Competency knowledge
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
MEng1071 Machine Drawing 5
MEng2072 Engineering Thermodynamics 4
MEng2073 Engineering Materials 4
MEng2074 Strength of Materials 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 59

Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design,
Bahir Dar University
Course Number MEng1071
Course Title Machine Drawing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 07: Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives & The course aims to introduce students to the principles and
Competences to be applications of detail and assembly drawing. And also to know details
Acquired and assembly of the machine parts; To know and draw the curves,
surfaces, solid and modeling; To understand the concepts of
measuring of machine details; To draw the machine parts accordingly.
Course Description The course gives basic understanding to the students the principles
and applications of detail and assembly drawing prepared using actual
models such as spindles, cams, connecting road assembly, hand
sketching detailed drawing with dimension and assembly drawing with
part list,3D graphic concept: curves, surfaces, solid modeling, hand
sketching detailed drawing with dimension and assembly drawing with
part list etc.
Course Contents
Pre-requisites Meng1061: Engineering Drawing
Semester 2nd Semester (Year 1)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and tutors

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 60

Assessment/ The Lecture, Tutorial and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 27%)
Tests (3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 %
Assignments: 20%
Total 100 %
Tutorial Part (Weight 75%)
Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial
 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature • Grosicki Z., “Watson’s Textile Design & Color: Elementary weaves &
Figure”, Blackwell Science, Commerce place, 1998.
• H.Nisbet, “Grammar of textile Design”, Tarporevala sons & Co. Pvt.
Ltd., 1994.


Course Number MEng2072

Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 07: Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 45

Course Objectives & The course enables students to

Competences to be  Understand the basic thermodynamic principles
Acquired  Develop the skills to perform the analysis and design of

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 61

thermodynamic systems
 Develop the skills to accurately articulate thermodynamic
issues using proper thermodynamic concepts and technical
Course Description The course gives thorough understanding of thermodynamics systems,
properties of substances, work and heat, and law of thermadynamics
and energy.
Course Contents Introductory Concepts and Definitions:
1. Introduction; Thermodynamic systems; property, state,
process and equilibrium; Phase; Dimensions and units; Some
basic properties of thermodynamics
Pure Substances:
2. Properties of pure substances; Equilibrium mixture of vapor-
liquid-phase; Phase diagrams; Independent properties of pure
substances; Thermodynamic property tables; Equation of state
Work and Heat:
3. Work; Units of work; Expansion and compression work; Other
forms of work; Heat; Units of heat
The First Law of Thermodynamics and Energy:
4. The first law and the system; The first law and the control
The Second Law of Thermodynamics:
5. Basic concepts; Heat engines and refrigerators; Statements of
the second law of thermodynamics; Reversible and irreversible
processes; The Carnot cycle; The thermodynamic temperature
Consequences of The Second Law of Thermodynamics and
6. Entropy and the Claudius inequality; Definition of entropy;
Definition of the second law of thermodynamics; Heat transfer
as the area under the T-s curve; Isothermal, Reversible
process; Isentropic process; Isentropic efficiency
Availability and Irreversibility:
7. Introduction; System under going a steady state process;

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 62

Control volume under going a steady state process; Control
volume under going unsteady state process; Availability;
Second law efficiency
Thermodynamic Cycles:
8. Vapor power cycles; Refrigeration and/or heat pump cycles; Air
standard power cycles
Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester( 2nd year)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lecture supported by tutorial and assignment.
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part (Weight 60%)
Mid-Term Examination: 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assignments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions

Literature 1. R.E. Sonntag, “Fundamentals of Thermodynamics”, McGraw-Hill,
2. Michael J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, “Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics”, John Wiley and Sons. Inc., 1995.
3. Cengel Y A., Bole M A., Thermodynamics – An Engineering
Approach, McGraw-Hill.
4. T.D. Eastop and A.McConkey: Applied Thermodynamics
5. K. Wark, Jr, Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, McGraw-

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 63

Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design,
Bahir Dar University
Course Number MEng2073
Course Title Engineering Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 07: Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 45

Course Objectives The course enables students to understand:

 Basic methods of iron and steel production;
 Properties and applications of steels and alloyed steels;
 Heat treatment process;
 Properties and applications of different cast irons and non ferrous
 Causes of corrosion and theirs protection;
 Properties and applications of non metallic materials and plastics
Course Description The courses inculcate to students about different engineering
materials, mechanical properties of materials, production techniques of
engineering materials.
Course Contents Introduction:
 Classification of engineering materials; Ferrous metals; Non
Ferrous metals; Non metallic materials (ceramics, glass, plastics,
composite, etc)
Mechanical Properties:
 Introduction; Tensile strength; Compression strength; Fatigue
strength; Creep strength; Torsion strength; Hardness
Production of Iron & Steel:
 Introduction; Production of pig-iron process, Steel production
processes (Bessemer; open hearth; LD; electrical etc); Steel –
introduction, carbon steels: classification of carbon steel.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 64

Alloy Steels:
 Introduction; Classification of alloy steel; Effect of alloying
Heat Treatment of Steels:
 Introduction; Heat treatment processes
Cast irons and Cast iron productions:
 Introduction; Types of cast iron; Properties and application of cast
irons; Effect of alloying elements on cast iron
Non-Ferrous Metals:
 Introduction; Aluminum and its alloy; Cn and its alloy; Properties
and application of Zn, Ni, Cr, W, Ta etc.
 Introduction; Types of corrosion (pitting, inter granular, crevice
etc); Corrosion prevention methods (selection of materials, heat
treatment, casting method, inhibitors etc.)
Inorganic Non Metallic Materials:
 Introduction; Clay and its products; Refractory glass; Asbestos;
Rock wool; Wood
Organic Polymer Material:
 Introduction; Thermosetting; Thermo plastics and elastomers;
Tests of plastics; Fabrication of plastic objects
Pre-requisites None
Semester 1st Semester (Year 2)
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by tutorials, assignments, and laboratory exercises
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part (Weight 60%)
Tests (3): 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assignments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 65

Literature 1. Filmin / Torjan, Engineering Materials and their applications
2. U. Lakhtine, Physical metallurgy & heat treatment
3. Narag .G, Material Science and Processing
4. Kumar H., Engineering Materials & Manufacturing Process


Course Number MEng 2071

Course Title Strength of Materials
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 7: Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 45

Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:

 Design the support column, beams, pipelines, storage tanks
and reaction columns and tanks.

Course Description The course gives basic understanding of stress and strain properties of
materials, strength of material when exerted to different loads, effect
of torsional and axial forces to materials.
Course Contents Stress, Strain And Deformation Of Solids:
 Rigid bodies and deformable solids; Forces on solids and supports;
Equilibrium and stability, Strength and stiffness; Tension,
compression and shear stresses; Hook’s law and simple problems;
Compound bars; Thermal stresses; Elastic constants and Poisson’s
ratio; Welded joints, Design.
Transverse Loading On Beams:
 Beams, Support conditions; Types of beams, Transverse loading
on beams; Shear force and bending moment in beams, Analysis of
cantilevers, simply supported beams and over hanging beams;
Relationships between loading, S.F. and B.M. in beams and their
applications; S.F. and B.M. diagrams.
Deflections of Beams:
 Double integration method – Macaulay’s method – Area – moment
theorems for computation of slopes and deflections in beams –
conjugate beam method

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 66

Stresses in Beams:
 Theory of simple bending; Assumptions and derivation of bending
equation (M/I = F/Y = E/R); Analysis of stresses in beams; Loads
carrying capacity of beams, Proportioning beam sections; Leaf
springs; Fletched beams; Shear stress distribution in beams,
Determination of shear stress in flanged beams
 Torsion of circular shafts; Derivation of torsion equation (T/J =
C/R = G0/L); Stress and deformation in circular and hollow shafts;
Stepped shafts, Shafts fixed at both ends; Stresses in helical
springs, Deflection of springs; ; Spring constant
 Axially loaded short columns; Columns of unsymmetrical sections;
Euler’s theory of long columns; Critical loads for prismatic columns
with different end conditions effect of eccentricity.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 3rd Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by tutorials and assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part (Weight 60%)
Tests (3): 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Quiz (Minimum 3): 30 %
Assignments: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions
Literature 1. Popov, E.P., Mechanics of Materials
2. Hearn, E.S., Mechanics of Materials
3. Beer, F.P. and Johnston E. Russell, Mechanics of Materials
4. Singer, Strength of Materials
5. Nash, W.A., Strength of Materials (Schaum’s Outline Series)

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 67

Module Number Module 08: Basics of Electrical Engineering
Objective of the Upon the completion of the module students should be able to
module • Understand fundamental concepts in DC and AC current circuitry
• Know the principles and applications of microprocessors in general
and also in relation to instruments
Description of This module contains the following courses
the module (1) Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (4th Semester)
(2) Microprocessor and Instrumentation (4th Semester)
Electricity is extensively used in various ways such as prime movers, lighting
etc in the textile field. Thus, the student should have a fundamental
understanding of electrical engineering field. This module covers this
requirement. The course on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering covers
the fundamental concepts in DC and AC current circuitry. The course also
covers the working principles of electrical equipments such as motors and
transformers. The modern textile machinery employs electronics and
microprocessors to a very large extent..
Total ECTS of 8
the module
Module The module aims to equip the students with
Competency • Fundamental electrical engineering applications in Garment
Engineering – sensors, circuits and control boards.
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
EEng2081 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 4
EEng 2082 Microprocessor and Instrumentation 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 68

Course Number EEng2081
Course Title Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 08: Basics of Electrical Engineering

Module Coordinator N.N.

Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 45

Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:

 To have an understanding of what Electricity is
 To define electrical quantities
 To understand an electric circuit and its elements
 To understand the different circuit analysis techniques
 To understand electrostatic and phenomena related with it
 To study magnetic field
 To study properties of alternating voltages and currents
 To study the different properties of single phase and poly phase
 To define resonance and study its different properties
Course Description The course introduces different principlal laws fo DC, Network
theorems, electrostatic fields, etc and their application in garment
machineries and equipments.
Course Contents Introduction to electric quantities:
 Atoms and their Structure, The nature of electricity ,Electric
The principal law of DC:
 The electric circuit and its elements
 Resistance and conductance
 Temperature coefficient of resistance
 Ohm’s law, Resistances in series, Resistances in parallel, Electric
energy and power
Network theorems:

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 69

 Kirchoff’s laws, Current and voltage divider rule The constant-
current generator
 Source conversion, Superposition theorem
 Thevenin theorem, Norton’s theorem
 Maximum power transfer, Delta-star and star-delta transformation

 Electric field, Coulomb’s law, Electrostatic induction, Electric
potential and energy
 Capacitance, Capacitor, Calculation of capacitance, Capacitance in
series, Capacitance in parallel, Energy stored in a capacitor
 Force of attraction between charged plates, Charging of a
capacitor, Discharging of a capacitor

Magnetic Field:
 General, Characteristic of lines of magnetic field
 Magnetic field due to an electric current, Magnetic field of a
 Force on a current-carrying conductor
 Electromagnetic induction, Material properties of magnetic
 Introduction to magnetic circuits, Comparison of magnetic and
electrical circuits
 Comparison of electromagnetic and electrostatic terms
 Inductive and non-inductive circuits, Inductance in terms of flux-
 Factors determining the inductance of a coil, Mutual inductance
 Coupling coefficient, Inductances in series and parallel, Transients
in RL circuits
 Energy stored in an inductor
Alternating voltage and current:
 Sinusoids (Alternating systems), Generation of an alternating emf
 Waveform terms and definitions, Average and r.m.s. Values of an
alternating current

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 70

 Average and r.m.s. Values of sinusoidal currents and voltages
 Average r.m.s. values of non-sinusoidal currents and voltages
 Representation of an alternating quantity by a phasor
 Addition and subtraction of sinusoidal quantities
Single phase series circuits:
 Basic a.c. circuits
 A.C. in a resistive circuit, C. in an inductive circuit, Current and
voltage in an inductive circuit
 Resistance and inductance in series, C. in a capacitive circuit,
Current and voltage in a capacitive circuit
 Resistance and Capacitance in series, A. C. in an RLC circuit
Pre-requisites None
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory practice
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature  Boylestad: Introduction to circuit Analysis, 7th Ed.
 J. D. Irwin: Basic engineering circuit Analysis, 5th Ed.
 Bobrow: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 2nd Ed.
 Hughes: Electrical Technology, 7th Ed.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 71

Course Number EEng2082
Course Title Microprocessor and Instrumentation
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 08: Basics of Electrical Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 45

Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to master:

• The principles of microprocessor operation
• The basics of instrumentation and their working principle
Course Description The course gives thorough understanding of digital electronics,
electrical equipments used to measure different phenonmena. It also
relate microprocessor and electric instrument application in garment
Course Contents  Elementary Digital Electronics
 Sequential circuits
 Introduction to microprocessor Intel 8085
a. Measurement of common physical variables
b. Study of basic logic functions
c. Study of NAND, NOR and EXOR gates
d. Verification of De Morgan’s theorems
e. Study of bistable flip flops
f. Measurement of displacement by potentiometer and
g. Measurement of strain using strain gage
h. Measurement of temperature using thermocouple and
Pre-requisites EEng 2081: Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 72

Mode of Delivery Lecture, laboratory work, assignment, report writing
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy 1. A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

2. 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature -

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 73

Module Number Module : Fiber Science
Objective of the After studying the module student will be aware of
• Different textile fibers available to make fabrics and garments

• Suitable fibers in different climatic conditions and considerations

to be taken to design garments to peopes living in different
geographic and climatic conditions.
Description of This module contains the following course:
the module 1. Textile Fibers (3rd Semester)
The module on Textile Fibers gives an overview of all textile fibers
in use. It specially give emphasis on the characteristics of fibers and
respective applications.
Total ECTS of 4
the module
Module The module aims to equip the students with basic knowledge of Textile
Competency fibers and their application
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
TEng2091 Textile Fibers 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 74

Course Number TEng 2091
Course Title Textile Fibers
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 09: Fiber Science
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 45

Course Objectives & The students in this course will be able to:
Competences to be  Know the basic classification of textile fibers and the different
Acquired natural and man made textile fibers
 Understand the principles of production/manufacturing processes
of textile fibers
 Understand the chemistry of textile fibers, and know structure and
the properties of textile fibers
 Know the end use applications of different textile fibers
Course Description The course introduces different textile fibers and their characteristics,
and students will understand the effect of fiber properties to garments
application. The students able to select fibers suitable for a particular
Course Contents Introduction to Textile Fibers:
 Historical Perspective of Textile Fibers, Definition and Classification
of Textile Fibers, Chemistry, Structure and Properties of Textile
Natural Fibers of Vegetable origin:
 Cotton Cultivation and Production, Classification and Grading,
Structure, Properties and Applications of Seed Fibers, Types of
Bast Fibers and their Production and End-uses, Types of Leaf and
Fruit Fibers and their End - uses
Natural Fibers of Animal Origin and Mineral Fibers:
 Structure, Properties and Applications of Wool and Silk, Mineral

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 75

Man- Made Fibers:
 Viscose, Acetate and Other Regenerated Fibers, Synthetic Fibers
and Inorganic Fibers
Pre-requisites None

Semester 3rd Semester

Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated

Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights

System according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical parts. The
details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature a) J. Gordon Cook, Hand Book of Textile Fibers, Volume I: Natural
Fibers, 1993.
b) J. Gordon Cook, Hand Book of Textile Fibers, Volume II: Man
Made Fibers, 1993.
c) Koblyakov, Laboratory Practice in the Study of Textile
Materials, 1989.
d) S.B. Warner, Fiber Science, 1995.
e) P.G. Tortora & B.J. Collier, Understanding Textiles, (1997).

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 76

Module Number Module : Basics of textile engineering
Objective of the After successful completion of the module students will understand
module • Different mechanism of yarn manufacturing and its effect on
characteristics of garment

• Different mechanism of fabric manufacturing and effects of fabric

structure to end-use application of fabrics

• Design technics to create different taste of colour and texture on the

Module This module contains the following course:
Description 1. Yarn manufacturing Technology(3rd Semester)
2. Woven Fabric Manufacturing 4th Semester)
3. Knitted Fabric Manufacturing (4th Semester)
4. Fabric structure and design(4th Semester)
For a garment engineer, yarns and fabrics are the raw materials from which
the final garments are produced. Therefore, the garment engineer should have
the requisite knowledge on the nature of these materials, their enduses and
the possibilities in the production technologies which can be intelligently
exploited for the production of the garments. (The coverage of the subjects will
be restricted to these essential aspects). This module fulfills this need.
Total ECTS of 20
the module
Module The module inculcate to students about basics of yarn and fabric
Competency manufacturing processes
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
TEng2101 Yarn manufacturing Technology 5
TEng2102 Woven Fabric Manufacturing 5
TEng2103 Knitted Fabric Manufacturing 5
TEng2104 Fabric structure and design 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 77

Course Number TEng2101
Course Title Yarn Manufacturing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 10: Basics ofTextile Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 75

Course Objectives The aims of the course are

• To give clear understandingof raw material properties in

relation to the spinning processes

• To introduce different technologies used for manufacturing of


• To understand yarn structure and properties

Course Description The course introduce to the students about the basics of spinning
processes with regard to the raw material characteristics (both natural
and man-made fibers), the machinery employed for the conversion
processes and the properties of the yarns produced.
Course Contents Raw material properties in relation to the requirements for spinning
processes and for the requisite end-uses.
Overview of different spinning technologies (short-staple, long-staple
and other systems of yarn manufacturing), their scope, limitations and
end-use applications
Objectives, principles and overall operational aspects of blow room,
carding, combing, drawing and spinning machinery (including rotor
spinning); post spinning processes.

Yarn classification and structure:- present classification of yarns

continuous filament (CF) yarns, staple spun yarns, composite yarns,
folded/plied/doubled yarns. importance of yarns in fabrics, analysis of
various yarn structures and identification of their most common
features:- A simple analysis of yarn structure: the Simple Helix Model.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 78

Yarn count systems: dimensions of a yarn, Twist and twist factor,

Fancy Yarn Production: Fancy yarns essentially that give fashion

atouches to a fabric: Fancy yarns as used by fashion designers as a
means to diversify style. Classification of fancy yarns, Production
methods of fancy yarns: Plying techniques for the production of fancy
yarns, Spinning techniques for the production of fancy yarns. Design
and construction of the basic profiles: Spiral, Gimp, Loop, Snarl, Knop,
Cover, Slub, Chenille, Combination of profiles. Analysis of fancy yarns
Detailed coverage on Sewing yarn production technologies (including
man-made fiber and their blends); sewing yarn properties, their
characterization (token numbers etc).
Practical work:
 Over view of spinning processes in Textile industry (3 weeks)
 Study of yarn properties and testing.
 Sewing thread testing
Pre-requisites None
Semester 3rd Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated

Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights

System according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical parts. The
details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy 1. A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
2. 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Klein W, Manual of Textile Technology - The Technology of Short-
staple Spinning, The Textile Institute, UK, 1998.
2. Klein W, Manual of Textile Technology - A Practical Guide to
Opening and Carding, The Textile Institute, UK, 1998
3. Klein W,, Manual of Textile Technology - Man-made Fibres and

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 79

their Processing, The Textile Institute, UK, 1994
4. Klein W, Manual of Textile Technology - A Practical Guide on
Drawing and Combing, The Textile Institute, UK, 1998
5. W. Klein, Manual of Textile Technology - A Practical Guide to Ring
Spinning, The Textile Institute, UK, 1998
6. W. Klein, Manual of Textile Technology – New Spinning Systems,
The Textile Institute, UK, 1993
7. Richards, R.T.D., and Sykes, A.B., Woollen Yarn Manufacture
(MOTT), The Textile Institute, UK, 1984
8. From Fibers to Apparel, The Textile Institute, UK, 1995
9. Richards, R.T.D. and Sykes, A.B., Woollen Yarn Manufacture
(MOTT), ), The Textile Institute, UK, 1984


Course Number TEng2102
Course Title Woven Fabric Manufacturing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 10: Basics ofTextile Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 75

Course Objectives The course aims to

• Give clear understanding of preparatory weaving processes

• Give clear understanding of different technology of weaving

Course Description The course is designed to give a broad based knowledge on the
technology of weaving process and the principles that underlie on the
operations of the machines.
Course Contents Principles, objectives and operational aspects of winding, warping,
sizing, weft winding and looms.
Principles and operational aspects of hand looms, automatic looms,
shuttleless looms (rapier, projectile, air-jet and water jet looms);

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 80

principles and possibilities of loom shedding devices - tappet shedding,
dobby and jacquard shedding.
Weaving of terry pile and corduroy fabrics; picking devices for the
production of decorative fabrics (extra warp and extra weft figured
fabrics); leno and gauze weaving.

Pre-requisites None
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated

Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights

System according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical parts. The
details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Allan Ormerod and Walter S. Sondhelm, Weaving Technology and
Operations, the Textile Institute, 1998.
2. R. Marks and A.T.C. Robinson, Principle of weaving, The Textile
Institute, 1986.
3. M.K. Talukdar, P. K. Sriramulu and D.B. Ajgonkar, Weaving
machines, Mechanisms and Management, Mahajan Publishers,
4. P.R. Lord and M.H. Mohamed, Weaving: Conversion of yarn to
fabric, Merrow, 1982.
5. A. Wynne, The Motivate Series: Textiles, Macmillan, 1997.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 81

Course Number TEng2103
Course Title Knitted Fabric Manufacturing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 10: Basics ofTextile Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 75

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are

• To give clear understanding of yarns used for knitting


• To define terminologies used in knitting technology

• To give thorough understanding of primary knitted structures

• To introduce different types knitting techniques

Course Description The course is designed to give a broad based knowledge on the
technology of knitting process, different knitted structures, their
properties and application areas.
Course Contents Introduction
Definition of knitting, yarns/filaments used for knitting, general
terminologies in knitting technology. Elements of loop structure: -
needle loop, sinker loop, parts of a loop, warp knitted laps, overlaps,
under laps, closed lap, open laps, the knitted stitch, double faced
structures, balanced structure, face and reverse stitch
Primary base weft knitted structures
Plain, Rib, Interlock and Purl, the production, their properties and
Different types of stitch designs in weft knitting
The production and properties of the knitted stitches, the drop or
press-off stitch, the float stitch, float plating, the tuck stitch
Knitting machines and some basic operating parts
Weft knitting machines: - introduction about straight bar, flat and
circular machines

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 82

Warp knitting machines: - introduction tricot, raschel and crochet
The type and functions of the needle, the sinker and cams
Warp knitted structures
The structures and properties of chain and its derivatives, tricot and its
derivatives, atlas and its derivatives, comparison of weft and warp
knitted structures.
Garment production in knitting
Fully cut, stitch shaped cut, fully fashioned and integral garments,
different types of welt, wale fashioning calculations.
Dimensional properties and geometry of Knitted fabrics
Parameters which affect fabric quality: Loop length, loop shape, fabric
width, stitch density, tightness factor, fabric weight…etc and effects of
these parameters on fabric quality. Calculations of tightness factor and
stitch density, fabric width and productivity in weft knitting
Application areas of knitted fabrics
Property of knitted fabric versus woven fabric, Apparel application
areas, Technical application, and other application areas
Structural simulation of primary weft knitted structures
(Plain, rib, interlock and purl)
Construct primary base weft knitted structures using hand pin (2pins)
• Plain knitting
• Rib knitting
• Purl knitting
Construct the different types of stitch designs on flat table knitting
• press-off stitch
• float stitch
• knitted stitch
• tuck stitch
Construct the different types of colour stitch designs on flat table
knitting machine
1. Construct three color horizontal stripping structure
2. Construct three colour intarsia structure
3. Produce sectional plating structure
4. Study mechanical selection-initiating devices (Punch card, disc
selection, pattern wheel) if available
Evaluation of fabric structures and fabric properties
 Produce two types of fabrics (made of 10Ne and 30Ne)
 Calculate loop length, loop shape, tightness factor, wpc, cpc,

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 83

spc, areal density, fabric width, fabric cover, fabric thickness,
fabric elasticity for both types

Fully cut method of garment production in knitting

1. Prepare a design for a front panel of baby sweater
2. Using flat bed table knitting machine produce fabric that can be
enough for the panel
3. Using the design prepare design template
4. Flatten the fabric on a table and place the template on the
5. Mark the fabric and cut based on the template line
Stitch shaped cut method of garment production in knitting
1. Prepare a design for a front panel of baby sweater
2. Measure the maximum height and maximum width of the
3. Produce a rectangular fabric whose width is the maximum
width of the design and whose height is the maximum height of
the design
4. Prepare design template
5. Flatten the fabric on a table and place the template on the
6. Mark the fabric and cut based on the template line
Fully fashioning method of garment production in knitting
1. Prepare a design for a front panel of baby sweater
2. Produce a fabric which has shape similar to the design you
prepared by using loop transfer
3. Do you think template preparation is necessary
Integral garment production in knitting
• Prepare steps on how to produce socks on flat knitting machine
• Produce a sock on flat knitting machine
Integral garment production in knitting
• Prepare steps on how to produce socks on flat knitting machine
• Produce a sock on flat knitting machine
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 84

Pre-requisites None
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated

Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights

System according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical parts. The
details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Allan Ormerod and Walter S. Sondhelm, Weaving Technology and
Operations, the Textile Institute, 1998.
2. R. Marks and A.T.C. Robinson, Principle of weaving, The Textile Institute,
3. M.K. Talukdar, P. K. Sriramulu and D.B. Ajgonkar, Weaving machines,
Mechanisms and Management, Mahajan Publishers, 1998.
4. P.R. Lord and M.H. Mohamed, Weaving: Conversion of yarn to fabric,
Merrow, 1982.
5. A. Wynne, The Motivate Series: Textiles, Macmillan, 1997.


Course Number TEng2104
Course Title Fabric Structure and Design
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 10: Basic of Textile Engineering
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
45 0 45 60

Objective of the The course aims

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 85

Course • to give clear understanding of the principles and applications of
weave, color and structure of the fabrics, both woven and
Course Description The course introduces different types of woven fabric designs and
knitted fabric designs. Students will able to design different types of
Woven fabrics:
Point paper representation fundamentals; Plain, twills and satin and their

Course Contents simple derivatives; Honeycomb weaves, Huckaback weaves, Mock-leno

weaves, Crepe weaves; color and weave effects.
Extra warp and extra weft figuring; double cloth structures; leno and gauze
weaves; warp pile and weft pile weaves; jacquard weaves.
Knitted Fabrics
Warp knitting and weft knitting structures and their representations
Fabric analysis and point paper representation for major weaves for both
woven and knitted fabrics
Pre-requisites None
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated

Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights

System according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical parts. The
details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy 1. A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
2. 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Grosicki Z., “Watson’s Textile Design & Color: Elementary Weaves &
Figures”, Blackwell Science, Commerce place, 1998.
2. H. Nisbet, “Grammar of Textile Design”, Tarporevala Sons & Co. Pvt. Ltd.,

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 86

Module Module 11: Overview of Garment Design and thet Industry
Objective of The module aims
the module • To introduce students with basic understanding of the technical
details of designs of a particular style inspired by designers
Description of This module contains the following course:
Module 1. Introduction to Garment Industry (2nd Semester)
2. Fundamentals of Garment Design (3rd Semester)
As garment engineering assumed to work as designer when the
manufacturing units do not have a specialized designer or as entrepreneur
designer as well as they supposed to understand the technical details of
designs of a particular style inspired by designers, this module contain
courses that give opportunity about basics of designing techniques.
Fundamentals of fashion designs deals with knowledge from forecasting
trends and inspiration to design to evaluation the feasibility of designs where
as apparel study and appreciation deals about the components apparels can
be made from, developing spec sheet and techpack about particular style
and judging and analyzing of garments.
Total ECTS of 8
the module
Module The module highlights fundmental concepts of garment design and global
Competency industry scienario.
Courses of the Module
Course Name ECTS
GrEg1111 Introduction to garment industry 3
FDes2112 Fundamentals of Garment Design 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 87

Course Number GrEg1111
Course Title Introduction to Garment Industry
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 11: Overview of Garment Design and the Industry
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours(Per Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
45 0 0 45

Course Objectives At The End Of This Course, The Student Will Be Able To:
Understand the history of garment manufacturing industries
Identify the reasons for the global shift of garment
Know the major players in garment manufacturing business
Describe the role of garment industry for economic
development of a nation
Understand the market in garment manufacturing business
Understand the main manufacturing processes in garment
Describe the potentials of Ethiopia towards garment
manufacturing business

Course Description Textile and garment business has gone through different laws and
restriction in the past 6 decades. This course introduces the trade
agreements between nations, different countries considered as hub of
textile and garment production, technology advancement in the past
decades took place in garment and textile sectors.
Course Content 1. Introduction to garment Industry
• History of Textile and garment industries
• Global trade in textiles and garment sector
• Effect of quota systems and trade arrangements in Garment
• Garment industry in job creation and poverty Reduction
2. Global garment Industries value chain

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 88

• structure of the garment manufacturing industries
• Major global players in garment manufacturing business
 Major manufacturers
 Major Exporters
 Major importers
• Globalization of the Garment Industry
• Geographical shifts in textiles and clothing
3. Garment manufacturing processes
• Overview of the garment manufacturing steps
• Process flow: from concept to consumer
• Introduction to garment manufacturing operations(pre-
productions, productions and postproduction)
 Design approval and raw material planning
 Raw materials sourcing and approval strategies
 Finishing and packaging
• Quality requirements of garment production operations
• Product standards and specifications
• Briefs on production planning and management
4. Global trade and Garment business organizations
• International trade regulations
• Illegal trade activities and its effect on garment manufacturers
• Corporate social Responsibility and garment manufacturing
• Organizational structure in Garment industries according to areas
5. Technology adoption in garment manufacturing Industries
• History of Technology and its adoption in Garment industries
• Role of Technology in Garment industry
• Organizational factors influencing Technology adoption
• Areas of technology adoption in Garment industries
 Material sourcing, inspection and auditing
 Manufacturing planning
 designing and pattern making
 layering and cutting

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 89

 Material Handling
 Sewing machines and processes
 Finishing ,washing, quality inspection and ware house
6. Garment manufacturing in Ethiopia
• Garment industries in Ethiopia-case study
• SWOT analysis
• Why Ethiopia is not major player in Garment business?
• Economic benefits of Garment industry in Ethiopia
• Future growth opportunities and threats of the sector
Pre-requisites None
Semester 2nd
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by assignments ,Exercises and seminars
Assessment/ 1. Assignments / Project / Seminar : 30 %
Evaluation & Grading 2. Tests(3): 30 %
System 3. Final - Examination: 40 %
Total 100 %
(For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 3 activities comprising of
Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be
decided by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the
Course Policy
Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
attendance during Tutorial/Practical/Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
 Dr.Kitty G.Dickerson, Textiles and apparel in the Global
Economy(3rd Edition),prentice-Hall,Inc.,USA,1999

 Gini Stephens Frings, Fashion: From Concept to Consumer

(8th edition) Prentice Hall; (July 16, 2004)

 Harold Carr and Latham, The technology of clothing

manufacture(second edition),Blackwell Science,1994,UK
 Glock E.R and Grace I.Kunz, Apparel manufacturing sewn Product
Analysis, Prentice Hall. INC, 1990

 Garry Cooklin, Garment Technology for Fashion Designers,

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 90

Black well Science, UK, 1997

 Dr. Rajesh Bheda, Managing productivity in the apparel

Industry, CBS publishers and distributors(first

 A.J.Chuter, Introduction to clothing production

management(Second Edition) Wrenbury Associates
Leeds,UK,1995 (Chapter 8&9)


Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment and Fashion Design,
Bahir Dar University
Course Number FDes 2112
Course Title Fundamentals of Garment Design
Degree Program B. Sc. in garment Engineering
Module 11: Overview of Garment Design and the industry

Module Coordinator N.N

Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Semester) 30 45 0 75
Course Objectives The objectives of the courses are:
1. To offer an introduction to the key elements of garment design,
from the initial concept of a fashion idea through to its
realization in 3D form.
2. Explores the entire design process, from research to
production, different materials, machinery and methods of
3. To develop understanding of elements of design (point, line,
pattern, shape, texture, colour form& space) and design
principles (balance, rhythm, proportion, emphasis) from general
art point of view to specific view of fashion design.
4. To understand & analyze the effective use of design principles
and elements in fashion & garment design process.
5. To understand the terms and vocabularies in fashion design

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 91

Course Description In this course the garment engineers are supposed to know the
fundamental design concepts. It introduces elements and principles of
design, techniques to desplay design.
Course Content Introduction
• Definition and History of fashion
• Fashion Design and Concept of design
• Importance of fashion design in the field of design
• General Information About Fashion Sector:
• Haute Couture clothing;
• Notion of Fashion Designer;
• Basic Terms of Fashion Design; Principles and Methods
• Design Process in Fashion; Related Documents;
• Introduction of Tools; Detail Studies in Clothing; Technical
• Specifications, Texture studies.
• Definition and Classification of arts- fine art, applied art
• Who is Fashion designer and an artist
• Raw Materials, Materials & Technologies applied to Fashion
Designers role in fashion
What is your main interest in fashion? (eg. designing & product
development, production, styling, visual merchandising?)
Definitions of various fashion jobs (eg. What is the difference between
a product developer and a fashion designer? What is a production
manager? A design room co-coordinator? How is a range designed?
Design events and designers
• Types of design
• Trade fairs and fashion shows
• Review of designers profile
• Design works
• Design portfolios
Understanding design
• Industrial design
• design as a product
• design as a process
An Introduction to the elements and principles of design
Elements of design:
• Line
• Shape
• Pattern
• Texture( Visual, Tactile and Audible
• Colour

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 92

• Style details
Principles of design
• Balance
• Proportion
• Repetition
• Rhythm
• Emphasis
Design research
Design Inspirations
- From where do we draw our inspiration as fashion designers?
Fabric research: base fabrics and fibres, feature fabrics, textile
development and design
- Trends: Trend forecasting, using trend forecasts, using fashion
magazines for inspiration, magazine tear sheets, colour research
- Storyboarding: Creating Mood Boards, storyboards as preparation
for the design process. Introduction to notion of a visual diary and its
creative purpose.
Design development
The Fashion Design Process:
- Gathering design ideas;
- Garment design details and application;
- Demonstrations of quick sketching for concepts;
- Training your visual memory;
Garment design
Refining developments for a Fashion Range:
- Selection of final design and refining a look;
- Range Overview & Capsule Collection techniques;
- Co-ordinates and complimenting garments for a collection.
The final product
Presentation and layout of your designs:
- The Portfolio and Layout presentation skills: mounting and framing of
illustrations and designs;
- Introduction to Fashion Illustration techniques continued;
- Introduction to fabric Rendering techniques cont’d;
- Illustrating your design cont’d;
- Positioning group poses;
- Nurturing your talent.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 3rd

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 93

Status of Course Compulsory

Mode of Delivery Lecture Description & Demonstration supported by assignments and

Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation & Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Tutorial (Weight 60 %)
Tests(3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 40 % Assignments: 40 %
Assigments 30% Quizzes: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy Minimum of 100 % attendance during Practical sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature 1. Clothing Construction by Doongaji
2. Clothing Construction by Evelyn A Mansfield, Hougutan
Miffin Co., Boston
3. Complete Guide to sewing by Reader’s Digest
4. Albert W. Porter: Elements of Design – Space & Form, Elements
of Design –Line
5. Manfred Maier, Basic Principles of Design (Vol. 1-4)
6. Sansmarg, Basic Design: The Dynamics of visual form
7. Birren & Fabersvan, Principles of Color
8. The snap fashion sketch book, Prentice Hall. INC, Sharon Lee
Tate and Bill glazer:1995
9. Inside fashion design; Pearson Education ,Inc ;Sharon Lee
10. Fashion design and product development, Harold carr and John
11. Clothing decisions; Glencoe publishing company, Anita
Webb & Rosalyn.M.Lester;1987

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 94


Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment & Fashion Design,

Bahir Dar University
Module Number Module 12: Garment Production Technology
Objective of the Upon the completion of the module students should be able to
module • Understand garment manufacturing processes
• Differentiate technologies available in garment industry
• Maintain machineries in garment industies
This module contains the following four courses:
Description of 1. Sewing Technology (4th Semester)
the module 2. Workshop and Maintenance Engineering(5th Semester)
3. Cutting Technology (5th Semester)
The module aims to give different technologies adopted for garment
manufacturing. The major preproduction processes carried out in cutting
room and technologies available will be learnt in the cutting technology
courses. The students will abele to operate sewing machine and able to
sew different patterns of stitch in sewing technology course. In addition,
students will differenciate different sewing machines and their technology
advancement. Workshop and Maintenance Engineering course will provide
repairing and maintenance skill and principles of maintenance management
in garment industries.

Total ECTS of 14
the module
Module The module gives thorough understanding of garment
Competency manufacturing processes, technologies available in garment
production and maintenance techniques of garment machineries
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
GrEg2121 Sewing Technology 5
GrEg3122 Workshop & Maintenance Engineering 4
GrEg3123 Cutting Technology 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 95

Course Number GrEg2121
Course Title Sewing Technology
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 12: Garment Production Technology
Module N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

15 0 90 45

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are

 To know the fundamental handling methods to work with the
single-needle-flatbed-sewing machine
 To develop the basic skills and techniques required to construct
 To acquire the skills of stitching various types of seam.
 To acquire the skills of stitching on various types of sewing
 To prepare a sample album for different types of stitches and
Course Description The course introduce differnet types of sewing machine available in
garment industy. Students also will able to operator differnt sewing
machines. It aims to give clear understanding of differnt types of seams
and stiches with their application to different types of garments.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 96

Course Contents Introduction:
 Introduction to sewing & sewing machine
 Parts of sewing machine and their functions
 Basic sewing machines and associated work aid
 Tools used in garment Sewing & their functions
 How and where to sit while on basic sewing m/c
Different type of fabrics, threads and sewing machine needle
 Selection of Thread quality and numbers knowledge of sewing
machine needle size
 Identify different type of fabrics
 Care and use of sewing machines
 Common machine troubles
Knowledge of stitches used on garments
 Types of stitches
 Temporary stitches
 Permanent stitches
Classification of seams:
Seams: Plain, French, Flat open, Top Stitch, Double Top stitch, Edge
stitch, Cord, Fagotted, Flat felt, Lapped
 Instruction and Safety rules in sewing room
 Identification and function of various sewing machine parts and
their uses.
 How and where to sit while on basic sewing m/c Eye, hand and foot
 Machine control exercises on speed control, Paper exercises
(Straight line, square, concentric square, curved, circle),
 Stitching on determined straight line (long distance short distance)
stitching on various shapes curve & angel on paper sheet
 Practice on threading, oiling, handling and care of sewing machine
 Thread tension and stitch quality Bobbin winding and changing
 Stitching practice on different type of fabrics and relationship with

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 97

thread and needle
 Practice of different types of seams
 Practice of different types of pockets
Part II
Manufacturing work samplings different kinds of stitches and seams
Preparing the album for this stitches and seam.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments;
special emphasis on hands-on experience in all aspects of sewing
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
&Grading System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60 %)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 60 %
Final Examination: 40 % Lab/Practical Written Examination:20 %
Assigments 30% Demonstration/ Defense: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
1. Apparel Manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, Prentice Hall. INC,
Literature GlockE.R and Grace I.Kunz, 1990
2. Textile Fabric and Their Selection; prentice Hall; INC, Wingate.IB,
3. Managing Quality in Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS Publishing,
Mehta, Pradeep; 2003
4. Apparel Manufacturing, UK, Black well Science, Cooklin.G; 2002
5. Text book for fashion designers; UK, Black well Science, Conklin G;
6. Pattern Drafting and Grading, Rohar, 1989
7. Fundamental Principles of Pattern making, Curits and Diffate; 1999
8. Apparel Manufacturing Hand book Analysis, Principles and Practices;
Columbia, S.C.29202 Bobbin Media. Solinger J, 1997

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 98

9. Apparel Manufacturing Hand Book, Jacob Solinger-1999
Garment technology for Fashion designers, UK, Black well science,
Cooklin.G; 2002


Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment and Fashion Design (iOTEX),
Bahir Dar University
Course Number GrEg 3122
Course Title Workshop & Maintenance Engineering
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 12: Garment production Techology
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
Semester) Practice
30 0 45 45

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are

 To introduce students with the theory and practice of
 to describe different type of maintenance policy.
 To Understand functions, organizations and objectives of
 to understand fundamentals of maintenance management
 To be familiar with maintenance processor of single needle
lockstitch machine, over lock machine, Ironing, finishing
machine and some other special stitching machine.
 to make maintenance plan and schedules for Garment
Course Description The course breifs different types of maintenance management
principles. It comprises policies of maintenance, principles and
horizons of maintenance and relaiblilty analysis.
Course Contents Lecture:
(1) Introduction to Maintenance

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 99

Primary and Secondary Functions of maintenance.
Basic of Maintenance
Plant Acquisition and Life Cycle Cost
(2) Operating police of effective maintenance.
Policies with respect to work allocation
Selection and Implementation of a Scheduling
Preventive versus Breakdown Maintenance
Policies with respect to work force
Centralization versus Decentralization
Policies with respect to intra plant relations.
Policies with respect to control
(3) Principles and horizons of Maintenance
Function of Maintenance
Objective of Maintenance
Maintenance Organization
Planning of Maintenance Work
Replacement Analysis
Corrective Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance
(4) Introduction to Reliability
Failure Rate
Failure Distributions
Basic Derivations (MTBF, MTTF,)
Reliability of Plant Components
(5) Reliability Analysis
Reliability Management
Risk Management
(1) Single Needle Stitching Machine

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 100

a. Safety procedure
b. Working principle of SNLS
c. Detail SNLS sketch
d. Motion transmission
e. Common trouble shutdowns
(2) Over lock Stitching Machine
a. Safety procedure
b. Working principle of over lock machine
c. Detail over lock machine sketch
d. Motion transmission
e. Common trouble shutdowns
(3) Ironing and finishing machine
a. Safety procedure
b. Working principle of Ironing and finishing machine
c. Detail sketch of Ironing and finishing machine
d. Motion transmission
e. Common trouble shutdowns
(4) Cutting machine (Straight knife & circular knife).
a. Safety procedure
b. Working principle of Straight knife and curricular
c. Detail sketch of Straight knife and curricular knife
d. Motion transmission
e. Common trouble shutdowns.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 5th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, Demonstration, Lab/Practical class/project work
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
& Grading System evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived
at by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture
and Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 101

Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 60 %
Final Examination: 40 % Lab/Practical Written Exam:20 %
Assigments 30% Demonstration/ Defense: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
1. R. Keith Mobley,(2008). MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING
HANDBOOK. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.USA.
2. Lindly R.Higgins, Maintenance Engineering Handbooks,5th
edition,1995,McGraw Hill,Inc
3. B.S.Dhillon, Engineering Maintenance-A Modern Approach,
2002, CRC Press
4. S.C. Sharma, Industrial Organization and Engineering
Economics, 2003
5. Brijendra Singh, Quality and Reliability Analysis, 1998
6. Bruce Hawkins, Maintenance Planning and Scheduling :
Streamline Your Organization for a Lean Environment,
February 2006, Elsevier Science &Technology Books.
7. SNLS operation manual.
8. Over lock stitching machine manual.
9. Ironing and Finishing machine manuals.
10. Cutting machine manuals


Course Number GrEg3123
Course Title Cutting Technology
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 12: Garment Production Technology
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 102

Semester) Practice

30 45 0 75

Course Objectives & The course aims to give clear understanding of

Competences to be  Operation Process flow in cutting room
Acquired  Spreading techniques and machineries
 Automatic spreading machines
 Spreading modes and factories affect spreading
 Cut order planning and marker making
 Marker modes and its relationship with spreading
 Cutting techniques and machineries
 Cutting machines features, classification, appropriateness for
specific application
 Cutting machineries technology advancements
 Ticketing and bundling
Course Description The cutting technology and cutting machines covers processes from
spreading to forwarding cut pieces to sewing room. Initially the
process sequence in cutting room will be discussed to have clear
picture about cutting room.
Spreading includes techniques of spreading, modes of spreading,
spreading requirements, factors affecting spreading, nature of fabric
during spreading, manually propelled spreading machines, motored
spreading machines, fully automatic spreading machines and etc. After
spreading the course teach how markers made on the top of the lay.
It gives detail discussion about modes of marker, techniques of
marker making, manual marker making and CAD marker making,
different types of markers and so on.
The course aimed to thorough explanation of cutting technology. In
cutting technology cutting definition, cutting requirement, cutting
machineries are discussed. Cutting machines includes straight knife,
round knife, die cutter, CNC cutting machines and special purpose
cutting machines such as notching machine, drilling machines etc and
their parts and features will be discussed. Process after cutting such as
offloading, ticketing and bundling will be included in the course.
Course Contents Unit-1
Introduction to cutting room

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 103

Operations performed in cutting room
Process sequence of cutting room operations
Inspection of pieces before spreading
Spreading Definition
Factors affecting spreading process
Spreading Modes, Garment modes
Nature of fabrics, pattern type
Spreading Methods
Spreading Equipments
Marker Making
Marker modes
Marker types
Material utilization
Cut order planning
Parameter required for planning
Marker Planning
Lay Planning
Exercise of Cut order planning
Cutting Definition
Requirement of cutting
Cutting machines
Portable cutting machines
Stationary cutting machines
CNC cutting machines
Special purpose cutting machines
Offloading, Ticketing and bundling
Costs Management in Cutting room
Waste Management in Cutting room
Cutting Room Capacity Planning

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 104

Practical/Lab Work
Practical work in the various steps of the cutting process of
 Marker Planning
 Positioning marker
 Sorting and bundling
Special emphasis on the following factors that have a bearing on the
quality of cut components:
 Frayed edges
 Fused or scorched edges
 Ragged, serrated, or fuzzy edges
 Undercut or over-cut patterns
 Rips or pulled yarns
Pre-requesit None
Semester 5th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by
assignments; special emphasis on hands-on experience in all
aspects of cutting
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Lab/Practical Part
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 30 %
Assignments 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
Literature 1. Rutth E. Glock and Grace I. Kunz (190), Apparel Manufacturing,
second edition.

2. Harold Carr and Barbara Latham (1994), The Technology of Clothing


3. Apparel Manufacturing Hand Book, Jacob Solinger-1999

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 105

Module Number Module 13: Textile and garment Finishing
Objective of the After completing the module students should be equipped with
module • Thorough understanding of textile pre-treatment, dyeing, printing
and finishing (mechanical and chemical) applied in textile fabrics.

• Clear understand different types of garment finishing technologies

and precaution taken to different types of fibers
Module This module contains the following courses
Description (1) Textile Wet Processing (Semester)
(2) Garment Finishing Technology (Semester)

The module provide thorough understanding about fabric finishing and

garment finishing methods.
Total ECTS of 8
the Module
Module The module aims to enhance students knowledge about textile and garment
Competency finishing technologies
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Teng3131 Textile Wet Processing 5
GrEg3132 Garment Finishing Technology 3

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 106

Course Number TEng2131
Course Title Textile Wet Processing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 13: Textile and garment Finishing
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 0 45 75

Course Objectives Upon the completion of the course, students are expected to

• Differnet types of pretreatment processes

• Dyeing and printing technologies
• Auxiliaries and dyes used in textile coloration
• Chemicals used for pretreatment process
Course Description The students in this course will learn the principles of pre-treatment,
dyeing and printing, and final finishing of the fabrics along with the
machinery and the nature of utilities (steam, water etc) required for
these operations. The effect of these processes on the fabric will also
be the additional focus in this course
Course Contents Pre-treatment
Overview of textile pretreatment processes
The principles of dyeing and printing of textile materials
Basic Characteristics of Dyes, Chemical Structure of Dyes
Classification of Dyes; Dyeing methods: Direct Dyeing, Reactive
Dyeing, Acid and Basic Dyeing, Vat Dyeing, Disperse Dyeing; Other
Dyeing Methods; Equipments used for Different Dyeing Processes
Printing Styles: Direct Printing Style, Resist Printing Style, Discharge
printing Style; Methods of Printing: Screen Printing, Roller Printing,
Transfer and Other Printing Methods
Final Finishing

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 107

Mechanical Finishing of Textile Materials: Shrink proofing, Calendaring,
Raising and Shearing, Other Mechanical Finishes
Chemical Finishing of Textile Materials: Mechanical Aspects of
Chemical Finishing, Hand Modification of Textiles, Durable-Press
Finishes, Repellent Finishes, Retardant Finishes, Other Chemical
De-sizing of Cotton Fabric
Scouring of Cotton Fabric
Bleaching of Cotton Fabric
Dyeing of textile materials using different equipments
The preparation of Printing Paste
Direct, Discharge and Resist Printing Styles
Screen and Roller Printing
Evaluation of Fastness for Dyed and Printed Fabrics
Softness and Stiffness Treatments
Easy Care Finishing of Cotton Fabric
Application of Water Proof Treatments and Testing For Water
Application of Flame Retardant Finishes and Testing For Flame
Pre-requisites Teng2081: Textile Fibers
Semester 4th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated

Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights

System according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical parts. The
details are given below :
Lecture Part Lab/Practical Part
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 30 %
Assignments 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy 1. A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
2. 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 108

Literature 1. S.R. Karmakar: Chemical Technology in the Pretreatment Processes of
Textiles, 1999.
2. Dyeing Chemical Technology of Textile Materials
3. J. Cegarra: Dyeing of Textile Materials, 1992.


Course Number GrEg3132

Course Title Garment Finishing Technology

Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 13: Textile and garment Finishing
Module N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

30 0 30 30

Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:

 know the different types of fusing and finishing machines
 understand the physical properties for the fusing and finishing
 adjust the fusing and finishing machines
 understand and apply knowledge about different textile fibers
and clothes and fusing and finishing process control the fusing
and finishing quality
Course Description The fusing and finishing process and the visual appearance of garment
are very important for their quality and value. The finishing of
garments needs a great amount of work. Most of the finishing involves
high amount of skilled workmanship and need manual operations. The
garment engineer must be able to choose the best methods of handling
and adequate equipment to have a cost-effective finish process.
Further, the student must be able to supervise the operator the
methods. The course will equip students with basic knowledge of
finishing so that they can handle diffent methods and equipments of
finishing available in garment industry.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 109

Course Contents Introduction to Garment finishing and garment finishing machine
Different types of Garment finishing
Fusing and finishing equipment
• Continuous press
• Flat-bed fusing press
• Ironing press
• Steam table
• Steam tunnel
• Ironing table
Programmable Ironing systems
 Form pressing
 Linear inter-linkage systems between the workstation
Molding Steaming
Knowledge of the physical processes during finishing process
• Exposure time Pressure
• Steam/steam temperature
• Temperature
• Vacuum exhaust
• Condensation water
Influence of the following variables with respect to the type of
garment like
• Fabric
• Kind of garment
• Raw material like cotton, silk, wool, synthetic, blended fabrics
• Ironing technology
• Degree of mechanization
Optimize the Garment finishing machine settings
• Contact pressure
• Temperature
• Steam (Quality of steam)
• Vacuum
• Exhaust
• Exposure time
Influence of the following variables with respects to the type of

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 110

 Type of material
 Kind of garment
 Raw material like cotton, silk, wool, synthetic, blended fabrics etc.
 Ironing technology
 Degree of mechanization
Exercise in ironing different kind of garments, like
Pre-requisites None
Semester 5th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by
assignments; special emphasis on hands-on experience in all
aspects of finishing.
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
&Grading System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Lab/Practical Part
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 30 %
Assignments 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
Literature Reference books
1. Apparel Manufacturing, UK, Black well Science, Cooklin.G;

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 111

2. Text book for fashion designers; UK, Black well Science,
Conklin G; 2001;
3. Apparel Manufacturing Hand book Analysis, Principles and
Practices; Columbia, S.C.29202 Bobbin Media. Solinger J,
4. Apparel Manufacturing Hand Book, Jacob Solinger-1999
15. Apparel Manufacturing,sewn product analysis Glock & Kunz

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 112

Module Module 14: Garment Workplace Engineering and Management
Objective of After studying of the module student should be able to
the module • Understand different types production systems and their
advantage and disadvantages

• Techniques used for increasing productivity of gamrent factories

• Design and create efficient layout of production facilities

• Conduct work study

Module This module contains the following course:
Description 1. Productivity and work study (6th Semester)
2. Garment Manufacturing Processes (7th Semester)
3. Plant layout and facility design (7th Semester)
4. Production Planning and Control (7th Semester)
Garment factories are still the most labor intensive. Increasing productivity,
increasing efficiency and reduction of wastage are the most important
aspects to increase competitiveness of the industry in international market.
The students will learn techniques applied to increase productivity and
reduce wastages.
Total ECTS of 20
the module
Module The module aims to develop skills of students about resourses management
Competency and engineering in garment industry to maximize productivity
Courses of the Module
Course Name ECTS
GrEg3141 Productivity and work study 5
GrEg4142 Garment Manufacturing Processes 5
GrEg4143 Plant layout and facility design 5
GrEg4144 Production Planning and Control 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 113

Course Number GrEg 3141
Course Title Productivity & Work Study
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module Module 14: Garment Workplace Engineering and Management
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

30 45 0 75

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are

 to develop, among students, the understanding of the
importance of work study and its application in apparel
manufacturing industry for methods improvement and
development of time standards.
 To understand concept of productivity, its measurement, how

productivity is lost and the factors associated with higher

productivity in the apparel industry.
Course Description The course gives clear understanding of productivity increment
techniques. It covers different approaches of conducting method study
and time measurements. Students will able to determine standard
allowance minute for diffent types of gaments.
Course Contents Course Contents
Unit-1: Understanding the significance of productivity in the
changing global scenario and its importance for the Ethiopian
apparel industry. Introduction to Work study as a tool for
higher productivity.
- Terminology and conceptional understanding of productivity
- Managers task in Apparel Manufacturing Units in regards to
quality products, cost effective production and on time
- Introduction to Work Study and its development. Application
of Work Study in the Apparel Industry and basic procedures

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 114

Unit-2: Method Study - Analysis of processes in order to
make improvements and to achieve higher productivity
 Understanding the approach and need of process analysis
for various activities
 Principles of motion economy and ergonomic aspects
 Tools and measures available for the analyst
 Introduction of micro motion studies
 Laboratory session to understand and to create abilities to
analyze a job and improve operation methodology
Unit-3: Understanding the need and application of production
standards for planning and organizing activities and to
measure productivity
• Introduction of production standards and its importance for
the managerial level
• Time Study as a work measurement technique to determine
production standards
• Familiarization with tools and measurements available for
the Time Study Analyst
• Laboratory session for practical work
Unit-4: Understanding and significance of allowances in Time
Studies and their application for production processes
o Occurrence of non-productive time and time lost and their
representation by allowances
o Relation between affectivity and allowances from the
managers viewpoint and control mechanisms
o Calculation of allowances for Time Studies
Unit-5: Introduction to Performance Rating for Time Study
• Measuring performance - the concept of 100% or normal
• Assessment and characteristics of a normal operator
• Understanding of the concept ''Fair day's work and fair day's
• Audiovisual practice for performance rating
Unit-6 : Work sampling as a work measurement method
 Work sampling as a tool to establish performance standards

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 115

 Application and use in Apparel Industry
Unit- 7: Application of Pre determined motion and time
systems for the apparel Industry
 Origin and development of Pre determined motion and time
 Introduction and objectives of General Sewing Data (GSD)
 Visualization of processes through GSD
 Exercise to implement GSD for selected sewing operations
Unit- 8: Understanding the various levels of productivity
measurements in Apparel Industry
 Selection of suitable productivity measures for managerial
 Measuring productivity level at plant level up to operator/
staff/ machine level
Unit- 9: Factors affecting productivity in Apparel Industry
• Labour productivity affecting parameters
• Factors associated with machine productivity
Unit- 10: Productivity status in Apparel Industry
• Apparel productivity in Western World
• Global comparison of apparel productivity
• Productivity in the Indian Apparel industry
Unit- 11: Strategies for productivity improvement for the
Apparel Industry
• Estimation of productivity improvement potentials
• Identification of productivity improvement tools
• Infrastructural, manpower and system correction for
Semester 6th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and practical supported by assignments, quizzes and
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 116

Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Lab/Practical Part
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 30 %
Assignments 20% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during tutorialss class session
Literature  George Kanawaty, ‘Introduction to Work Study’ ILO
 W. Erwin, Time Study Procedures for the Needle Trade’ Bobbin
 Ralf Barnes, ‘Motion and Time Study, John Witey & Sons
 Rajesh Bheda ‘ Managing Productivity in the Apparel Industry’,
CBS Publishers and distributors.
 Hiba J.C., ‘Improving working condition of productivity in the
garment Industry’, ILO
 Juki Manual


Course Number Greg 4142
Course Title Garment Manufacturing Process
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module Module 14: Garment Workplace Engineering and Management
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

30 45 0 75

Course Objectives & Course Objectives:

Competences to be  To understand different methods of sewing garments; their
Acquired classification and applications
 To understand assembly line manufacturing and balancing
of lines.
 To develop skills in assembly line balancing and managing

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 117

 To present the scope, functions, and responsibilities of
manufacturing control as it relates to the apparel industry.
 To describe the techniques and procedures used to achieve
control objectives.
Course Description Selection of manufacturing systems is the basis of cost reduction and
prompt response to customer. The are different types of
manufacturing systems designed for diffent types of products
according to the cycle time of products and technologies available in
the garment industry. The course gives basic understanding of
different types manufacturing systems and their applications. Students
also learn how to balance manufacturing lines.
Course Contents Unit-1: Introduction and understanding of different
Manufacturing Systems
 Make Through to Assembly Line manufacturing;
 disadvantages and utilization for garment manufacturing
 Various sub-classification of assembly systems; their
 advantages and disadvantages
Unit-2: Capacity Study and Machine Loading
 Garment Break down and operation sequence planning
 Determination of sewing capacity for an existing factory
 Determination of Machine and Manpower Requirements for
new factory
Unit-3: Assembly Line Balancing
 Determination and Allocations of Manpower and Machine for
balanced production in existing plant for a given target.
 Understanding of control parameters and control techniques
in line balancing
 Determination of In-Process Inventory Requirements
Unit-4: Participative team exercise: Managing
Assembly Line
 Team Exercise to manage Work In Process (WIP) and
production in a simulated assembly manufacturing situation

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 118

Unit-5: Push and Pull system: Penville Plant Game
 Comparison between Push and Pull system of
 Application, advantages and disadvantages
 Team working
Unit-6 :Systems and control techniques in production
 Bundling and ticketing
 Operational and quality benefits
 Supervisory Skills
 Decentralized Manufacturing and Vendor Management
Pre- requists None
Semester 7th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and tutorials supported by assignments, quizzes and
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Tutorial Part
Tests(3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Assignments: 40 %
Assignments 20% Quizzes 20%
Total 100 % Total 100 %

Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

 100% attendance during tutorialss class session
Literature 4. Apparel Manufacturing Hand Book, Jacob Solinger-1999

5. Introduction to Clothing Manufacture A.J.Chuter

6. Penville Plant Exercise manual [TC]2

7. AAMA Manuals

8. Rutth E. Glock and Grace I. Kunz (190), Apparel Manufacturing,

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 119

second edition.

9. Harold Carr and Barbara Latham (1994), The Technology of Clothing



Course Number GrEg 4143
Course Title Plant Layout and Facility Design
Degree Program B.Sc. Garment Engineering

Module Module 14: Garment Workplace Engineering and Management

Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
Semester) Practice
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are

 To understand the importance of facility design in general
and manufacturing unit in particular.
 To analyze the basic principles of effective plant layout and
design as these apply to the apparel industry.
 To develop understanding of building typology and indoor
 To draw upon specialized knowledge from a number of
disciplines including engineering, architecture, business
management, and economics, as these relate to plant
Course Description The course describes different principles of plant layout design, site
selection parameters, significance of layout on efficiency and
effectiveness of manufacturing and on cost reduction. The students
also able to design appropriate layout for diffent manufacturing
Course Contents Introduction to Plant Layout Design
— The purpose and Importance of Layout Design
— Impact of Facility Design on Productivity & Quality

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 120

Types of Layout Reflecting Different Manufacturing Systems ·

Straight Line
Modular Manufacturing
UPS Conveyer etc
Effect of Plant Layout on Building Typology
— Understanding of Architectural Drawings of buildings e.g. how to
read drawings and drawing notations, Understanding of the
Understanding of Good layout:
— Interior spaces in terms of lighting, ventilation, flow
Patterns, clearances etc.
Introduction to Services

· Electrical- Fan & Plumbing- Water Supply, Drainage &Steam

— Lighting & Ventilation- Natural
— Insulation & Sound proofing
— Air Conditioning
Steps in Facility Design
— Nature of Business ,fabricator, In-house Manufacturer
(Domestic/Exporter) etc.
— Product Analysis –
Staple V/s. Fashion
— Manufacturing System
— Level of Technology
— Location etc
Auto CAD
Auto CAD commands line, rectangle, offset, array, trim, erase,
extend, etc
- Two Dimensional drafting of Interior Layout with electrical,
plumbing etc. and knowledge
of layers.
Plans and Sectional elevations, furniture and fixtures.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 7th

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 121

Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, tutorials and assignments

Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
& Grading System evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived
at by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture
and Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Lab Part
Tests(3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Assignments: 40 %
Assignments 20% Quizzes 20%
Total 100 % Total 100 %

Course Policy Minimum of 80 per cent attendance during the lecture and 100 %
during tutorial hours
Literature 1. Jacob Solinger., “Apparel Manufacturing Handbook ",
VanNostrand Reinhold Company (1980).
2. Bethel, Tann, Atwater and Rung., " Production Control ",
McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, (1948).
3. Biegel , John. E., " Production Control ", A Quantitative
Approach " Prentice Hall Inc.,( 1971) 2nd edition.
4. Apple. J. M., " Plant Layout and Materials Handling ", The
Ronald Press Co., New York (1950).
5. Immer , John. R., " Layout Planning Techniques ", McGraw Hill,
New York, (1950).
6. Barnes, Ralph M., " Motion and Time Study ", John Wiley and
Sons., New York., (1958) 4 th edition.


Course Number Greg 4144

Course Title Production planning and control
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module Module 14: Garment Workplace Engineering and Management
Module N. N.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 122

Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
(per semester) Practice

30 45 0 75

Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
 Identify different strategies employed in manufacturing and
service industries to plan production and control inventory.

 Measure the effectiveness, identify likely areas for

improvement, develop and implement improved planning and
control methods for production systems in garment industry.

Course The course gives thorough understanding to production and operation

Description management concepts such as forecasting, inventory management,
material requirement planning, Just in Time principles, project
management and so on.
Introduction ot PPC, Definetion Production, Planing and Control,
Importance of production planning and control and Benefits of PPC
 Production and Operations Strategy
 Aggregate Planning
Course Contents  Inventory Control – Known Demand & Uncertain Demand
 Material Requirment Plan (MRP)
 Jut In Time (JIT)
 Operations Scheduling
Project management:
Different phases of project concepts - Planning, organizing, execution
and termination of projects; Basic functions of project management;
Network scheduling, PERT, CPM.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 7th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Lectures and Tutorials supported by assignments

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 123

Learning Methods
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
&Grading System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Tutorial Part
Tests(3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Assignments: 40 %
Assignments 20% Quizzes 20%
Total 100 % Total 100 %

Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
Literature 1. Richard B. Chase, E. Robert Jacobs Oprations Managment
2. M. Mahajan, Industrial Engineering and production management.
3. Rory Burke, Project Management: Planning and Control

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 124

Module Number 15: Garment Construction
Objective of the Objectives are:
module  To develop the skills required to construct commercially viable
 to understand and make use of different garment construction
principles & techniques.
Description of the In this module the Garment Engineers are supposed to understand
module different construction techniques as per given details for all ages and
size. Hence this module has been included in the curriculum to develop
such competencies in the students. The subject deals with construction
techniques of garment product with its various methods of surface
This module contains the following courses:
(1) Garment Construction I (5th Semester)
(2) Garment Construction II (6rd Semester)

Total ECTS of the

Module The module aims to develop different garment construction skills
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS

GrEg3151 Garment Construction I 5

GrEg 3152 Garment Construction II 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 125

Course Number GrEg3151
Course Title Garment Construction I
Module 15: Garment Construction
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Semestr) 15 0 90 45
The objectives of the courses are:
 To acquire the skills of stitching gathers & pleats
 To acquire the skills of attaching buttons and making buttonholes
 To acquire the skills of making different plackets (Front placket and
Sleeve slit placket)
 To acquire the skills of stitching types of Zippers.
Course Objectives
 To acquire the skills of stitching types of Cuffs
 To acquire the skills of stitching various types of collars.
 To acquire the skills of stitching various types of sleeves.
 To acquire the skills of stitching various types of skirts.
 To develop the skills of stitching a hole garment with acquired
In this course the fashion designers are supposed to fabricate various
garments as per measurements and go for mass production for all
ages and size. Hence this course has been included in the curriculum
Course Description
to develop students skill to make diffent types garments and to create
aesthetic effects and details to the garment. The students will carryout
the product development stages from pattern making to finishing.
Practice on Tucks, Pleats, Gathers
Practice on Zippers
• Centre
• Lapped
Course Content
• Invisible
Practice on Zippers
• Making different Buttonholes
• Button Hole placement /Vertical, horizontal and Diagonal/

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 126

• buttons attachment
Practice on Collars
• Non convertible
• Convertible
• Lapel
• Collar bands
Practice on Sleeves
Practice on Cuffs
Practice on Plackets
-Front Placket /Top Stitch, Conceal etc/
-Sleeve Placket /Diamond….etc/
Practice on Construction of full garments
Basic Bodice
Individual Project Work to construct full garments
The students takes assignment
• Design a garment and draw a flat sketch
• Developing a Tech pack for the particular design
• Break down of garment
• Taking Measurement /Use forms or live human/
• Determining the required types of machines
• Estimation of Fabric Consumption
• Estimation of Thread Consumption
• Construction
• Quality evaluation against Tech Pack
• Fit Evaluation
Pre-requisites Greg2121: Sewing Technology
Semester 5th
Status of Course Compulsory
Description & Demonstration supported by assignments and
Mode of Delivery
The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
Evaluation &
by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Grading System
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 127

Lecture Part Lab Part
Tests(3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 50 % Assignments: 40 %
Assignments 20% Quizzes 20%
Total 100 % Total 100 %

Minimum of 100 % attendance during Practical sessions, except for

Course Policy
some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
1. Clothing Construction by Doongaji
2. System of Cutting by Zarapkar
Literature 3. Clothing Construction by Evelyn A Mansfield, Hougutan
Miffin Co., Boston
4. Complete Guide to sewing by Reader’s Digest


Course Number GrEg3152
Course Title Garment Construction II
Module 15: Garment Construction
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (Per Lecture Tutorial Practice or Laboratory Home study
Semester) 15 0 90 45
The objective of the course is
• to learn advanced techniques in sewing, demonstrate new skills
Course Objectives
and techniques through 3 project and multiple samples and
learn the importance of fabric choice
Course Description
Course presents more complex and specialized manufacturing
techniques in clothing construction. Applications of skills, organization,
Course Description and evaluation of the manufacturing process and acquired
methodology are developed, discussed, and demonstrated. The
importance of fiber and fabric to clothing manufacturing continues to
be examined, and specific fabric relationships and construction

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 128

problems are explored. Emphasis is on development of a quality
Project #1 – Children Frock
Selection of appropraite fabric for children
Selection of appropraite trims and accessories
Matching Treads
Production of Tech pack
Construction procedures/break down/
Quality and fit evaluation
Project #2 - Blouse
Selection of appropraite fabric for Blouse
Selection of appropraite trims and accessories
Matching Treads
Production of Tech pack
Construction procedures/break down/
Quality and fit evaluation
Course Content Project #3 - dress
Selection of appropraite fabric for Blouse
Selection of appropraite trims and accessories
Matching Treads
Production of Tech pack
Construction procedures/break down/
Quality and fit evaluation
Project #4 - Trousers
Selection of appropraite fabric for Blouse
Selection of appropraite trims and accessories
Matching Treads
Production of Tech pack
Construction procedures/break down/
Quality and fit evaluation
Project #5 – Coat/jacket

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 129

Selection of appropraite fabric for men/women coat/jacket
Selection of appropraite trims and accessories
Matching Treads
Production of Tech pack
Construction procedures/break down/
Quality and fit evaluation
Pre-requisites Greg3121
Semester 6th
Status of Course Compulsory
Description & Demonstration supported by assignments and
Mode of Delivery
Lab Part
1. Assignments : 50 %
Assessment/ 2. Project : 50 %
Evaluation & Total 100 %
Grading System (For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 5 activities comprising of
Assignments, Seminar activities; the combination will be decided by
the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the course).
Minimum of 100 % attendance during Practical sessions, except for
Course Policy
some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
1. Clothing Construction by Doongaji
2. System of Cutting by Zarapkar
Literature 3. Clothing Construction by Evelyn A Mansfield, Hougutan Miffin
Co., Boston
4. Complete Guide to sewing by Reader’s Digest

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 130

MODULE 16: CAD In Garment Industry
Module Number Module 16: CAD In Garment Industry
objective of the The module aims to equip students with
module • Basic understanding of CAD application in garment industries
• Skills of pattern making using CAD
• Skills of Marker Making using CAD
• Skills of grading of patterns and digitization
Description of This module contains the following courses:
the module 1. CAD in Garment Design (5th Semester)
2. CAD in Pattern Making & Grading (6th Semester)
Design and Pattern making using computer aided sotwares are essential
first steps in the garment manufacture. These activities are combination of
art, science and technology. A garment engineer should possess masterly
knowledge on these vital aspects on the scientific, engineering and
technological aspects of these operations; he should also be able to work
with Designers of the ‘artistic’ genrice with full confidence so as to draw out
the full creative powers and utilize them for the production of beautiful
garments. The module meets this vital requirement.
Total ECTS of 11
the module
Module The module aims to develop design and pattern making skills using
Competency computer
Courses of the Module

Course Number Course Name ECTS

Greg3161 CAD in Garment and Fashion Design 5

Greg3162 CAD in Pattern Making and Grading 6

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 131

Course Number GrEg3161
Course Title CAD in Garment and Fashion Design
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering

Module 16: CAD In Garment Industry

Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

30 0 45 75

Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:

 Handle the computer with special programs for Garment design
 incorporate in design the ability to represent and create visuals
using image editing and object creation / manipulation
capabilities of Adobe Photoshop, And Adobe Illustrator.
 To develop Computer skills required to work with Adobe
Photoshop, And Adobe Ilustrator.Transfer the manual figure
sketch to computer aided draft
 Organize the files
Course Description The course presents diffent softwares available for designing of
garments and students will gain skills of designing and drawing using
softwares in computer.
Course Contents ♦ Overview about CAD system: CAD definitions, advantages ,
Applications, latest CAD technologies, Computer Basics and
Apparel Design Process
♦ Drawing Techniques: Software fundamentals for fashion design,
Electronic file types: Vector vs. Pixel-based file types
♦ Software Basics: Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop
♦ Working with Adobe Photoshop to create Mood and Trend
presentation boards
♦ Software Basics: Getting Started with Adobe illustrator
♦ Flats w/ Adobe Illustrator
♦ Flats and Specifications w/ Excel

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 132

♦ Illustration with fabric rendering
♦ Software Fundamental: VF Professional
Pre-requisites Greg 2122: Fundamentals of Fashion Design
Semester 5th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by assignments;
special emphasis on hands-on experience in the relevant CAD software
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 60 %)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 40 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignment: 30% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
Literature Software Manuals


Course Number GrEg3162
Course Title CAD in Pattern Making & Grading
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 16: CAD in Garment Industry
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
semester) Practice

30 0 90 60

Course Objectives Normally, the basic pattern is designed for the standard size. The
students will be able to:
 Make the pattern for all cut pieces

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 133

 Demands of General Quality Guidelines
 Grade pattern
 Prepare production layplan
In all the above, the student will be trained to use the computers and
the relevant state-of-the-art software to carry out the activities.

Course Description The term CAD has found its way into all major disciplines that have
got anything to do with designing or drafting techniques. The major
objective of this course is to expose the students to Grafis CAD
software available in the field of garment technology, so that they are
able to use those software in the design and construction of various
Course Contents 1. Introduction: CAD, digital printers, and technologies
2. Basic rules for working with Grafis, calling basic blocks
3. Screen work and pattern output
4. Create and alter perimeter
5. Easy line functions
6. Point, line and direction construction
7. Measurements and annotation
8. Darts and pleats
9. Curve construction and manipulation
10. Transformation
11. The construction parameter x value
12. The construction parameters g and z values
13. Interactive Constructions
14. Part organisation
15. Export and Import
Practical Exercises
Part – A
Develop the patterns for the following styles using for the given
measurements and also grade the patterns to various sizes and
estimate the lay length and marker Efficiency.

6. Men’s Basic T Shirt 1. Men’s Trouser

7. Men’s Polo T Shirt 2. Men’s Jacket
8. Men’s High Neck 3. Ladies Skirt
Shirt 4. Ladies Blouse
5. Ladies Dress

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 134

For Grading
Part A
Part B
Lay Planning
Part – C
Digitize the Given Patterns and Store Them as Style Files and Apply
Grade Rules and Estimate the Lay Length and Marker Efficiency
Pre-requisites GrEg 3161: Pattern Making 1
Semester 6th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by
assignments; special emphasis on hands-on experience in the
relevant CAD software
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 25 %) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 75 %)
Tests(3): 30 % Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Final Examination: 40 % Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Assignment: 30% Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions

 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
Literature Software Manuals

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 135

Module Number 17: Patternmaking
Objective of the Up on completion of this module:
module • Students must have thorough knowledge and skill in
pattern making like drafting, draping, and flat pattern
making for women garment.

• the students will be capable of applying pattern making

techniques and principles for analyzing, interpreting, and
converting the designer’s idea or sketches in to
production patterns.
Justification of the module: In the field of garment
Description of the engineering pattern making is a basis for analyzing, interpreting
module and realizing the designer ideas or sketches in to actual
garment products. So the garment engineering students should
get a thorough knowledge and skill of pattern making during
their course of education.
This module contains the following courses:
(1) Patternmaking - I (4th Semester)
(2) Patternmaking - II (5th Semester)

Total ECTS of the 12

Module Competency The module aims to develop pattern making skills
Courses of the module
Course Course Name ECTS
Greg3171 Patternmaking - I 6
Greg3172 Patternmaking - II 6

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 136

Course Number GrEg 3171
Course Title Pattern Making I
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 17: Pattern Making
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
Semester) Practice
15 0 90 75

Course Objectives The course aims:

• Introducing students with professional pattern making

terms, industrial practices, concepts and principle using the
basic dress pattern set as a base for understanding.

• understanding fundamentals of measurements and

pattern making techniques

• familiarizing with construction of basics and and design

variation of Bodices ,skirt, sleeve Trousers and Blouses
Course Description The course presents techniques applied to make garment basic
bodice block. Students will make basic blocks to bodice, skirt,
sleeve and etc.
Course Contents Lecture:
(1) Introduction to pattern making of women swear
(2) Purpose of pattern making
(3) Pattern types basic pattern, basic pattern set, design
patterns, working patterns first pattern, production
(4) Design specification sheet
(5) Pattern chart
(6) Methods pattern making – drafting, draping ,flat
pattern making
(7) Pattern making tools –straight pins, paper scissors,
fabric scissor, rulers, curve rulers (French curve, hip

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 137

curve), notcher, tracing wheel, measuring tapes, tapes,
Pattern paper etc...
(8) Pattern design system-
(9) Model form and Measurements
a. Importance of measurement in pattern making
b. Standard ideal figure
c. Standard measurements - Pattern industry
standards , standard measurement charts
d. Land mark terms ---------CF, CB, BP etc.
e. Measurements – circumference measurements,
horizontal measurements, vertical measurements
f. Measuring the form for basic block – women
g. Measuring individual- women
(1) Measurements
a. Measuring the form for basic block – women
b. Measuring individual- women
(2) Drafting the Bodice
a. Drafting for the bodice front and back.
b. Drafting sleeve.
c. Test fitting patterns
(3) Skirts
a. Basic skirt, A-line skirt low waist skirt, high waist
skirt, skirt, flared skirt, gored skirt, wrap skirt,
(4) Trousers
(5) Blouses
a. Understanding darts – how darts give shape
b. Dart manipulation : Pivotal transfer, Slash spread
c. Designing with darts
d. Style lines Yokes
Pre-requisites None
Semester 4th
Status of Course Compulsory

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 138

Mode of Delivery Lectures, Demonstration, Lab/Practical class/project work
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
& Grading System evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived
at by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture
and Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture part (Weight 25%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 75%)
Tests(3): 30% Lab/Practical Records: 20 %
Final examination 50% Practical examination: 40%
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ project work Defense: 40 %
Total ------------- 100% Total ---------100%

Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %

attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Handford,J.,(1984). Professional Pattern Making for Designers
:women’s wear Mens casual wear.USA: Plycon press.
Hollen, N.A., & Kundel, C.J.,(1987).Pattern Making by the Flat
Pattern Method. New jersey: Prentice-Hall,Inc.
Aldrich, W., (1998). Metric Pattern Cutting. Great Britain: Blackwell
Science Ltd.
Armstrong, H.J (2009). Pattern making for Fashion Design: Pearson
education, Inc.
Cooklin,G.,(1994). Pattern cutting for Women’s Outwear. Great
Britain: Blackwell Science Ltd.
Helen. S.,(1991). Flat pattern cutting and modeling for fashion. UK:
Stanley Thornes publishers Ltd.
Aldrich, W.,(2006). Metric Pattern Cutting For Menswaer. Great
Britain: Blackwell Science Ltd.


Course Number GrEg3172
Course Title Pattern Making II
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 139

Module 17: Pattern Making
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
Semester) Practice
15 0 90 75

Course Objectives Students will

 Be able to apply the patternmaking skills for men bodies
 be familiar with construction and development of men’s shirts,
pants and basic jackets, Pants
 be able to realize designers sketches
 be able to develop production pattern
Course Description The course deals with the techniques used for making of men’s
garment patterns. Students will make patterns for men’s shirt,
jacket, trouser and so on.
Course Contents Lecture:
(1) Introduction to patternmaking of menswear
(2) Model form and Measurements
a. Importance of measurement in pattern making
b. Standard ideal figure
c. Standard measurements - Pattern industry
standards , standard measurement charts
d. Land mark terms ---------CF, CB, BP etc.
e. Measurements – circumference measurements,
horizontal measurements, vertical measurements
f. Measuring the form for basic block – men
g. Measuring individual- men
(3) Men’s Fashion
(1) Measurements
a. Measuring the form for basic block – men
b. Measuring individual- men
(2) Shirt
a. Basic shirt, yoke shirt, casual shirt
(3) Pants Drafting pants
a. Pant terminology , trouser for men
b. Pant design variations
(4) Jackets and coats
e. Jacket and coat foundation ,jacket and coat sleeve,
collar /lapel designs , double breasted jacket, other

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 140

jacket design variation
Pre-requisites Pattern making I
Semester 5th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, Demonstration, Lab/practical class, Assignments /project
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be evaluated
& Grading System separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Lab/Practical
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture part (Weight 25%) Lab/Practical Part (Weight 75%)
Tests (3) 30% Lab/Practical Records: 20 %
Final examination 50% Practical examination: 40%
Assignments: 20% Demonstration/ project work Defense: 40 %
Total ------------- 100% Total ---------100%

Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %

attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Handford,J.,(1984). Professional Pattern Making for Designers
:women’s wear Mens casual wear.USA: Plycon press.
Hollen, N.A., & Kundel, C.J.,(1987).Pattern Making by the Flat
Pattern Method. New jersey: Prentice-Hall,Inc.
Aldrich, W., (1998). Metric Pattern Cutting. Great Britain: Blackwell
Science Ltd.
Armstrong, H.J (2009). Pattern making for Fashion Design: Pearson
education, Inc.
Cooklin,G.,(1994). Pattern cutting for Women’s Outwear. Great
Britain: Blackwell Science Ltd.
Helen. S.,(1991). Flat pattern cutting and modeling for fashion. UK:
Stanley Thornes publishers Ltd.
Aldrich, W.,(2006). Metric Pattern Cutting For Menswaer. Great
Britain: Blackwell Science Ltd.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 141

Module Number Module 18: Quality Management System
Objective of the Upon the completion of the module students should be able to
module • Know tests carried out to conform raw material quality with

• Inculcate quality management systems and tools

• Interprete data statistically

Description of This module contains the following two courses:
the module 1. Textile Testing (6th Semester)
2. Apparel Quality Management (7th Semester)
3. Statistical Applications in the Garment Industry (7th Semester)
The quality of a product is of fundamental importance for the existence and the
further development of a company.
Quality is not obtained by subsequent inspections in which problems are
identified. Quality is obtains right at the work station. The employees have to be
instructed what quality is acceptable and what is not, making a subsequent
inspection superfluous. Possible problems have to be addressed by further
instructing the responsible employees.
Quality is the watchword of modern industry. The field of Garment and Textiles
is no exception to this rule. Quality Management is not just testing and
interpretation of test results. The subject on Quality Management covers the
various foundational aspects on the Quality Management detailing the systems
required for obtaining highest levels of quality in textiles.
Total ECTS of 15
the module
Module The module aims to enhance the basic undestanding of quality and quality
Competency control and assurance methods.
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
GrEg4181 Textile Testing 6
GrEg 4182 Apparel Quality Management 4
GrEg 4183 Statistical Applications in the Garment Industry 5

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 142

Course Number GrEg 4181
Course Title Textile Testing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 18: testing and quality
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 6
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
semester) Practice
45 0 45 90

Course Objectives At the end of this course the student will be able to

• understand and differentiate the various quality

characteristics of yarns and fabrics and the garments, their
measurements, the instruments used, the test results
obtained and the meaning and their interpretations and the
applications of the results.
Course Description The course covers the quality characteristics of yarns and fabrics
and the garments, their measurements, the instruments used, the
test results obtained and the meaning and their interpretations and
the applications of the results. The course focuses on the testing,
interpretation of test results and quality assessment of textile and
garment products.
Course Contents Session 1: Over view of Textile & Garment Testing
 Why textile& Garment Testing
 Over view of textile and garment testing
Session 2: Standard laboratory atmospheric conditions and
Sampling Techniques for yarns and fabrics
 Laboratory atmospheric conditions for testing
yarns and fabrics.
 Yarn count and twist measurement.
 Yarn evenness testing.
 Measurement of imperfections and faults of

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 143

Session 3: Yarn and fabric testing
 Measurement of yarn strength;
 Determining the Mass, Dimension,
 Crimp and Weave; Fabric strength Testing
Session 4: Serviceability of fabric
 Snagging test.
 Testing for pilling
 Testing for abrasion Objective Evaluation of fabric
Session 5: Serviceability of fabric
 Fabric drape
 Crease recovery
 Testing of fabric thickness;
 Fabric friction
Session 6: Testing of Important Physical Properties
of Textile Fabrics:
 Air permeability
 Fabric flammability
 Fabric streak analysis
 Fabric soiling
 Water-Proof characteristics.
 Water-vapor permeability.
 Thermal properties
Session 7: Changes in the structure of textile fabrics during
Processing and dimensional stability.

 Different process that should be done in fabric.

 Dimensional stability
Session 8: Colored Fabric Testing:
 Pretreated fabric quality testing.
 Color Fastness Testing.
 Wash fastness.
 Crocking – dry and wet,
 Light fastness.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 144

Session 9: Testing of Sewing Threads with regard to
the sewability
 Testing of fabrics for sewability (FAST system)
Kawabata System of testing and the implications for the
garments and their serviceability
Session 10 : Fabric analysis for faults prior to sewing
 Pretreated fabric quality testing.
 Color Fastness Testing.
 Wash fastness.
 Crocking – dry and wet,
 Light fastness.
Session 11 : Sewing faults and their evaluation
 Different types of sewing faults Seam slippage and
Seam strength testing
Session 12 : Garment faults
 Garment faults, their classifications and their
Session 13 : Garment finishing and packaging
 Type of Garment finishing and packaging faults,
their evaluation and objective measurements
Session 14 : Testing of garment accessories:
 Over view of garment accessories
 Buttons, interlinings, Zipper
 other accessories
Pre-requisites Teng2083:fabric manufacturing, Teng2085: Textile wet processing,
Teng2082: Yarn manufacturing
Semester 7th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Laboratory/Practical exercises supported by
Assessment/Evaluation Lecture Part (Weight 25 %)
& Grading System Tests (3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 %
Assignments: 20%
Total 100 %

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 145

Lab/Practical Part (Weight 75%)
Lab/Practical Written Examination: 40 %
Demonstration/ Defense: 30 %
Lab/Practical Records: 30 %
Total 100%
Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature Bibliography:
 Booth, J.E., Principles of Textile Testing, Newnes
Butterworths, London, 1979
 Saville, B.P., Physical Testing of Textiles , The Textile
Institute, 1998
 Bona M, ‘Textile Quality: Physical methods of product and
process control’, Eurotex, Italy, 1994
 Bona M, ‘Statistical Methods for Textile Industry’, Eurotex,
Italy, 1993
 Leaf G, Practical Statistics for Textile Industry: Part II and
I, The Textile Institute
 Apparel Manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, Prentice Hall.
INC, GlockE.R and Grace I.Kunz, 1990
 Textile Fabric and Their Selection; prentice Hall; INC,
Wingate.IB, 1989
 Managing Quality in Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS
Publishing, Mehta, Pradeep; 2003

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 146

Course Number Greg4182
Course Title Apparel Quality Management
Degree Program B.SC. in garment engineering
Module 18: Testing and Quality
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
semester) Practice
30 45 0 45

Course Objectives After studying the course students should be able

1. To develop understanding of elements of design (point, line,
pattern, shape, texture, colour form& space) from general
art point of view to specific view of fashion design.
2. To understand & analyze the effective use of design
elements in fashion & fashion in the garment design
3. To know the terms and vocabularies design elements in
fashion design and garment
4. To analysis and interpret the effects of design elements in
community perspective
Course Description The course presents basic concepts of quality, quality systems
such as Total Quality Management, ISO 9000, Six Sigma, Kaizen
and so on.
Course Contents  Basic Concepts of quality
1.1 What is quality?
1.2 Importance of Quality
1.3 Inspection
1.4 How much to inspect
1.5 Selection of inspectors
1.6 Quality assurance ,quality control and inspection
1.7 Quality assurance in garment industries
 Quality management systems
2.1 Basic concepts of quality management systems
2.2 Quality management systems principles

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 147

2.3 Quality standards
2.4 ISO 9000 standards:
 Definition and structure of ISO 9000 series of quality
management systems
 content of ISO 9000 series of quality management
2.5 TQM Principles and implementation techniques
2.6 quality manual, quality documentation Quality function
deployment and Quality circles
 Quality Assurance in garment manufacturing
1. Raw material quality requirements/quality before actual
manufacturing process starts
• Quality of Fabric
• Quality of accessories
• Quality of sample production

2. Quality requirements in garment manufacturing

Design principles for pattern and templates, Dimensional
accuracy of the pattern
Quality in preproduction processes; Spread quality : spread
length and heights, accuracy in cut parts, Accurate pieces
in bundles and ticket numbers
Garment construction standards
Harmonizing of standards for seams, stitch types
Correct settings for the machinery and equipment etc.
Using required attachments and sewing aids
Job instructions for the operators
Initial finishing, Measurement checking
Pressing, Needle detection, packing and shipping

Garment quality and performance standards

 Quality and its cost in Garment production

 Introduction to cost of quality
 Cost of quality in garment industries

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 148

 Types of Cost of quality
 Savings after QMS implementation in garment
 Quality and profitability
 Economic quality level
 Statistical Process control, statistical quality control
and Quality improvement tools
 How to start a quality improvement program

 Garment manufacturing defects

 Types of defects
 Identification of Garment defects
 Definition and classification of defects
 Analysis of cause of defects
 Defect prevention principles
 Basic concepts of DHU and its reduction techniques

Pre-requisites None
Semester 7th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by practical laboratory work and assignments
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
& Grading System evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture
and Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 25 %)
Tests (3): 30 %
Final Examination: 40 %
Assignments: 30%
Total 100 %
Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature 1. Managing Quality in Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS Publishing,
Mehta, Pradeep; 2003
2. Joseph Juran “Hand book of quality”

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 149

3. Dr.V.K.Kothari, Progress in Textiles: Science and Technology
Volume 1,Testing and quality management, IAFL
publications(first edition),1999,New Delhi, India(chapter 1,10-
4. Glock E.R and Grace I.Kunz, Apparel manufacturing sewn
Product Analysis, Prentice Hall. INC, 1990
5. Dr.J.V.Rao Vivek Agarwal, Quality assurance in apparel
manufacturing, ISO 9001 organization NITRA, India, April 2008
6. A.J.Chuter, Introduction to clothing production
management(Second Edition) Wrenbury Associates
Leeds,UK,1995 (Chapter 8&9)
7. Bona M, ‘Textile Quality: Physical methods of product and
process control’, Eurotex, Italy, 1994
8. Booth, J.E., Principles of Textile Testing, Newnes Butterworths,
London, 1979
9. Saville, B.P., Physical Testing of Textiles , The Textile
Institute, 1998
10. Bona M, ‘Statistical Methods for Textile Industry’, Eurotex, Italy,
11. Leaf G, Practical Statistics for Textile Industry: Part II and I,
The Textile Institute
12. Textile Fabric and Their Selection; prentice Hall; INC,
Wingate.IB, 1989


Course Number GrEg4183
Course Title Statistical Applications in the Garment Industry
Degree Program B.SC. in garment engineering
Module 18: Testing and Quality
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
semester) Practice

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 150

30 45 0 75

Course Objectives Students will learn to:

 apply the concepts of statistics in the field of garment
 to apply the important statistical techniques in the garment
field and eventually will measure the process variability and
control the process to have a consistent product quality.
Course Description The course deals with basic concepts of statistics such as central
measument of tendency, measures of variation and their
applications in garment industry.
Course Contents Course contents:
• Statistical concepts:
 Individual, Population and Sample;
 Descriptive and inductive statistics;
 Construction and application of frequency polygons and
 Statistical measures and their applications in garment
 Measures of central tendency: Means - Arithmetic,
weighted average, geometric, harmonic, quadratic (root
mean square); Median, Mode; Quartiles, deciles and
 Measures of dispersion: Range; Percentage mean
deviation; variance; standard deviation; co-efficient of
Frequency Distribution and applications in garment industry
 Types of distributions and comparison of frequency
 Probability distributions - Normal distribution, Binomial
Distribution, Poisson distribution and their applications in the
garment industry.
• Sampling theory in garment production
 Relation between samples and population.
 Acceptance Sampling Techniques for the garment
 Random sampling errors:
 Standard errors of the various statistical measures; large

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 151

samples and small samples.
 Estimation of confidence intervals using the above
distributions and their garment applications:
 Estimate of the population mean, population standard
deviation, difference between means.
 Number of tests for a given accuracy and at a given
confidence level for mean and standard
deviation/variance – problems in garment manufacturing.
• Tests of significance:
 Single mean with large and small samples;
 Difference between two means with large and small
 Single standard deviation with large and small samples;
 Difference between standard deviation with large and
small samples - problems from garment field.
• Process control tools
Understanding of the different tools and their application in
controlling the process and quality of products using examples
from garment industry.
 Quality Control Charts: - x chart, R chart and other charts -
interpretation of control charts and their application in
garment industries; Correlation and correlation coefficient:
Ranking and rank correlation; Analysis of variance
 Check Sheet
 Defect concentration diagram
 Scatter diagram
 Cause and effect diagram
 Pareto chart
 Flow chart

Pre-requisites None
Semester 7th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, assignments, exercises and project work
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
& Grading System separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 152

weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial Part Weight 60%)
Tests(3): 30 % Assignment: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Quiz : 30 %
Assignment: 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %

attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature 1. Booth, J.E., Principles of Textile Testing, Newnes Butterworths,
London, 1979
2. Saville, B.P., Physical Testing of Textiles , The Textile
Institute, 1998
3. Bona M, ‘Textile Quality: Physical methods of product and
process control’, Eurotex, Italy, 1994
4. Bona M, ‘Statistical Methods for Textile Industry’, Eurotex, Italy,
5. Leaf G, Practical Statistics for Textile Industry: Part II and I,
The Textile Institute
6. Apparel Manufacturing sewn Product Analysis, Prentice Hall.
INC, GlockE.R and Grace I.Kunz, 1990
7. Textile Fabric and Their Selection; prentice Hall; INC,
Wingate.IB, 1989
Managing Quality in Apparel Industries; Delhi: CBS Publishing,
Mehta, Pradeep; 2003

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 153

Module Number Module 19: Apparel Product Developement and Appreciation
Objective of the By the end of the module students must able to
module • make technical specification sheet and technical package for a
garment product.

• Know and apply different classification of garment and sizing


• understand different processes adapted for garment product

development have well-founded knowledge about the special fibers,
fabrics, and garments. However, the manufacturing techniques are
more important

• know which fabrics are suitable for the special application, like seat
cover, airbags, awnings, protective clothing etc

• know different types of smart textile.

Description of This module contains the following courses:
the module (1) Apparel Study and Appreciation (7th Semester)
(2) Apparel Product Development (9th Semester)
(3) Technical Textiles (7th Semester)
Garment engineers should understand materials used to construct
garments, construction techniques, packaging styles.
Total ECTS of 11
the module
Module The module aims to give skills to the students about developing, evaluating
Competency and analyzing of garment products
Courses of the Module

Course Number Course Name ECTS

GrEg4191 Apparel Study and Apprecaion 4

GrEg5192 Apparel Product Development 4
TEng4193 Technical Textiles 3

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 154

Course Number GrEg4191
Course Title Apparel Study and Appreciation
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 19: Apparel Product Development and Appreciation
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
15 45 60

Course Objectives & The course aims to:

Competences to be • Introduce diffenent sizing systems used in different countries
Acquired • To evaluate and appreciate garments

• To understand different body figures

• To make specification and tech pack

Course Description Apparel appreciation and study is mainly concerned how to assess or
judge or valuate garments far beyond a layman does. The course
explains why apparel appreciation is required, different types of garment
categories, trims and findings, human anthropometry and garment sizes,
garment specification and tech pack, different designs of garment parts,
basic elements of design.
Beyond differentiation bottom and top, the course gives clear
understanding of garment differences based on the materials it’s made,
the silhouette of the design, trims and findings it incorporate etc. The
course discusses the name of the garment and its corresponding features.
And it explains the difference between garment tech pack and garment
specification and the techniques how to prepare tech pack and garment
Human anthropometry, the science of human body measurement, will
discuss the techniques of human body measurement and factors affect
body measurement. Different countries follow different garment sizes and
the effect of garment sizes on customer’s buying decision will be
Findings and trims such as buttons, zippers, beads, sequins,
embellishments and so forth are clearly discussed. Different garment

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 155

parts, such as neck line, collar, cuff, sleeve and so on, of different design
types will be discussed. And finally the basic elements of design lines,
colour, texture etc will be thoroughly described.
Course Contents Unit-1 Introduction
What is apparel?
Concept of apparel study and appreciation
Importance of apparel appreciation
Unit-2 Material Used to Construct Apparel
What garment made from? Shell fabric, lining, interlinings etc
Fabric properties used for shell, lining and interlining
Trims and accessories; trims:
Buttons, Zippers, embellishments
Unit-3 Garment Analysis
garment analysis,
garment evaluation,
garment Zones
Unit-4 Apparel Categories
Garment categories, menswear, women’s wear, Kid’s wear
and subcategories
Garment product code (HS)
Unit-5 Human Anthropometry and Sizing System
Human anthropometry
Garment sizes, different garment size standards in different
countries: US, EU, Australia etc
Unit-6 Elements and Principles of Design
Basics of Elements of Design: Lines, space, colour, etc
Principles of Design: Balance, proportion, rhythm, etc
Unit-7 Elements and Principles of Design Application in
Different components of garment parts:
collar: pockets, necklines, sleeves etc
Different Garment Designs
Blouse, shirt, pants, skirts, etc
Flat sketches of different garment: sketching of different
categories of garment like women’s wear, menswear and
highly fashion clothes
Unit-8 : Spec sheet and Tech pack

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 156

Specification sheet, preparation of spec sheet
for menswear, women’s wear, etc
Tech pack, Difference between tech pack and spec sheet
preparation of tech pack for menswear, women’s wear, etc
Unit-9 Garment Accessories
Accessories: Shoes, Scarves, handbags, belt’s, jewelries
Pre-requisites None

Semester 3rd Semester

Status of Course Compulsory

Mode of Delivery Lectures and Tutorials supported by assignments

Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and
Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Tutorial (Weight 60 %)
Tests (3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 40 % Assignments: 40 %
Assigments 30% Quizzes: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy 1. A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
2. 100% attendance during lab/practical class sessions
Literature 1. Sharon Lee Tate (1995), The Snap Fashion Sketching Book

2. Rutth E. Glock and Grace I. Kunz (190), Apparel Manufacturing,

second edition. P. 95-122 and P. 437-545

3. Harold Carr and Barbara Latham (1994), The Technology of

Clothing Manufacture P.170-188

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 157

Course Number GrEg4192
Course Title Apparel Product Developement
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 19: Apparel Product Development and Appreciation
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
semester) Practice

15 45 0 60

Course Objectives The learning objectives for this course are:

1. Understand the nature and scope of new product
development decisions.
2. Master appropriate qualitative and quantitative
techniques for new product development decisions.
3. Have the ability of evaluating the proposed new
product strategy in terms of their ethical frames and
behavioral feasibility.
4. Have the ability to interpret and deliver the proposed
solution and develop compelling yet balanced
arguments for the recommendations.
Course Description Students investigate the implications of new product development and
deployment with respect to the firm’s core competencies and as a
source of innovation, differentiation, and competitiveness. Topics
include the design and management of new product development life
cycles including processes, outsourcing, distributed design, as well as
the software and services needed for product/service introduction. The
course focuses on the management of new product development
processes in dynamic markets and explores cross- departmental
interactions in maintaining company and product competitiveness.

Course Contents 1) Introduction

2) New Product Development Process
3) Strategic Innovation

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 158

4) Project valuation and selection Opportunity identification
I(qualitative approach)
5) Opportunity identification II(Perceptual mapping)
6) Opportunity identification III (Conceptual development and
7) Analytical Analysis of New Products
8) Conjoint Analysis, Trade Off Analysis, Dimensional Analysis and
Relationship Analysis
9) Market Testing
10) Sales Forecasting
11) Product Launch and Launch Management
- The student try to apply the processes of production
Pre-requisites None
Semester 8th Semester
Status of Course Elective
Mode of Delivery Lecture, practical design of products, projects plus assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Practical Part (Weight 60%)
Tests(3) 30 % Lab reports: 60 %
Final Examination: 50 % Lab written exam: 20 %
Assignements 20% Defense: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions


B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 159

Course Number GrEg5193

Course Title High Performance Products

Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 19: Apparel Product Development and Appreciation
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.

ECTS Credits 3
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

45 0 0 45

Course Objectives The aim of this course is enable the students:

 Know the chemical and physical properties of the raw
material for special uses
 Know the special fiber
 Know the dyeing, finishing and testing methods
 Know the requirements of the product from technical Textiles
 Know the different types of same textile with their application
 Organize the production
Course Description The course presents different high performance products and their
application in different fields like, transportation industry, civil
engineering, medical, agriculture and so on.
Course Contents Chapter one: Introduction to High performance products
Chapter Two: General survey about the fiber
 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
 Other high performance fiber
Chapter Three :Information’s about the Dyeing and Finishing
of Fabric:

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 160

 Biocide and Fungicide Finishing
 Fluorocarbon Finishing
 Finishing to harden the feel
 Hydrophilic Finishing
 Flame retard Finishing
 Finishing to create a softer feel
Chapter four: General survey about application of Technical
 Agrotech - agriculture, horticulture, forestry and aquaculture
 Buildtech - building and construction textiles
 Clothtech - technical components of shoes and clothing e.g. linings
 Geotech - geotexiles and civil engineering materials
 Hometech - technical components of furniture, household textiles
& floorcoverings
 Indutech - textiles for industrial applications filtration, conveying,
cleaning etc
 Medtech - hygiene and medical products
 Mobiltech- automobiles, shipping, railways and aerospace
 Oekotech - environmental protection
 Packtech - packaging materials
 Protech - personal and property protection
 Sporttech- sport and leisure
 Seat cover for automobiles
 Technical Garments for police personnel
 Technical Garments for heat protection
 Technical Garments for cut protection
 Technical Garments for soldiers
 Technical Garments for industrial workers
Chapter Five: Knowledge about the following on high

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 161

performance products:
 Checking the quality
 Waste disposal
 environmental influences
Pre-requisites None
Semester 9th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and tutor exercises supported by assignments.
Assessment/ The Lecture parts of the course will each be evaluated from 100 % and
Evaluation the final marks will be arrived at by giving weights according to the
&Grading System hours allocated to the Lecture parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 100 %)
Tests (3): 30 %
Final Examination: 50 %
Assignments: 20%
Total 100 %
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during lab/practical class session
Literature 1. John W.S. Hearle, ed, 2001, “High-Performance Fibres”, CRC
Press, India
2. Subhash Anand, 1999.”Medical Textile”CRC Press, Bolton
Institute UK
3. “Integrated pollution prevention and control” reference
document for textile industry
4. S.R Karmaker “Chemical Technology In the pre
treatmentprocess of textile”
5. Xiaoming Tao ,“Smart fibres, fabrics and clothing” CRC Press
Boca Raton Boston New York Washington, DC
6. C. Elanchezhian, T. Sunder Selwyn, G. Shanmuga Sunder,
“Computer Aided Manufacturing”, 2006, Laximi Publication LTD,
New Delhi

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 162

Module Number Module 20: Holistic Ecamination and Industrial Internship
Objective of the The objectives of the module are
module • To assess students whether they are qualified or not for industry
placement for internship

• To give a chance to students real working environment exposure

and enhance their researching and problem solving ability
Description of After one orientation and five study semesters, the student has to undergo
the module a Holistic Examination which will make the student to review the entire
contents of the learning in the previous three years and form a
comprehensive and meaningful overall view of the subject matter learnt.
After the successful completion of the Holistic Examination, the student is
now expected to obtain on-site practical experience during the internship or
industrial placement.
The student will be working preferably in a manufacturing company or an
institution dealing with garment manufacture. The student will be offered
an assignment /project / work task by the company and is expected to
carry it out in the course of one semester. The student will get to know the
actual working conditions within the concern and is expected to
demonstrate teamwork and react to situations within these conditions. The
student is expected to broaden his/her field of vision and use the
knowledge obtained when proceeding to the further semesters of the study
Total ECTS of 30
the module
Module The module aims to give exposure to the students about the real world
Competency garment manufacturing processes
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
GrEg4201 Holistic Examination 2
GrEg4202 Industrial Internship 28

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 163

Course Number Greg4201
Course Title Holistic Examination
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 20: Holistic Examination and Industrial Internship
Module N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 2
Contact Hours (per Not applicable
Course Objectives The objective of this examinatio is

• To make the student to review the entire contents of the

learning in the previous three years and form a
comprehensive and meaningful overall view of the subject
matter learnt.

• To develop inter-relations between the various subjects

studied earlier.
Course Description Holistic examination is a type of assessment used for evaluating
students ability in core subjects they have taken prior to this.
Course Contents It comprises all the core subjects taught in the first three and half years
of the program
Pre-requisites Successful completion of all the subjects in the first three years of the
Semester 8th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Written and Practical examination to ensure successful mastering of the
all the courses offered in the first three years of the program
Assessment/ Refer the Holistic Examination Regulations
&Grading System
Course Policy The students required to pass all courses before sitting for holistic exam
Literature According to the requirements

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 164

Course Number GrEg 4202
Course Title Industrial Internship
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 20: Holistic Examination and Industrial Internship
Module N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 28
Contact Hours (per 420
Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:
 Work in a company or institution under day-to-day working
 Carry out a practical assignment / project / job
 Submit a report on a practical assignment
Course Description Internship provides real working environment exposure to the students.
The student will stay in specific factory for at least 15 weeks. They are
supposed to solve some of the problems that factories are facing during
their stay. Student will submit standardized report document that
constitute overall experiences gained by students.
Course Contents Attendance at introduction seminar, conducted by the project
Completion of the work in the company / institution by the end of the
This work is assigned by the company/institution alone, or in
collaboration with the department guide lecturer
Submission of a written report on the work done
Presentation of the work done, in accordance with the guidelines given
by the guide lecturer, at the end of the semester.
Pre-requisites GrEg 4201: Holistic Examination
Semester 8th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Guidance of project work, supported by reports and presentations
Assessment/ Advisor's evaluation on thesis and student performance - 50 %

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 165

Evaluation Evaluation by Juries on thesis and student performance - 50 %
&Grading System (The student should maintain a ‘field diary’ and prepare a final written
report, present it before the appointed jury members and defend it)
Course Policy The students required to pass holistic examination
100% attendance during internship (except due to valid and officially
authenticated absence)
Literature According to the requirements

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 166

Module Module 21: Garment business Management and economics
Objective of The module aims to
the module • cover the financial and management aspects of managing a Garment enterprise.
Clothing and garment Industry is a highly competitive industry and it requires a
considerable managerial talent to run the enterprise successfully. This module
fills up this critical requirement.
Description of This module contains the following three courses:
the module (1) Apparel Costing (9th Semester)
(2) Organizational Behaviour (9th Semester)
(3) Enterpreneurship (10th Semester)
The course on Garment Economics and Costing deals with the application of engineering
economics as applied to the Garment field; the course also covers the cost and cost
calculations required. The course on organizational Behaviour aims to equip the student
with the principles of managing a Garment enterprise. Ethiopia needs a very large dose
of entrepreneurs in order to develop the economy further. The course on
Entrepreneurship details the possibilities available in Ethiopia for an entrepreneur.
Total ECTS of 13
the module
Module The module aims to develop entrepreneurial and managerial skills of students
Courses of the Module
Course Name ECTS
Greg5211 Apparel Costing 5
Greg5212 Organizational Behaviour 4
Greg5214 Enterpreneurship 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 167


Course Number GrEg5211

Course Title Apparel Costing
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 21:Garment Business Management and Economics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
semester) Practice
30 45 0 75

Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:

 Know the basic concepts of money and time, their relationship.
 Understand Cost analysis, cash flow and cash flow diagrams.
 Perform Calculation of future worth, present worth, and interest
 Know basic concepts of depreciation and methods of determining
 Know economical analysis of industrial operations.
 To understand the proper choice and application of machines
/equipments and other accessories requirements
 To understand cost implication (cost determination and control)
 Recognize and evaluate fabric characteristics as related to garment
style and cost
 Valuate construction techniques and technology relationship to
garment costs,
 Recognize and apply fabric utilization efficiency principles to
construct one or more garments and accessories
 Learn terminology and the techniques for cost analysis
Course Description The course presents detail explanation of different types of costs such
as fixed cost, variable costs. And it deals with time value of money,
depreciation, profit analysis, garment costing systems and etc.
Course Contents Section 1: Analysis of costs

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 168

Fixed cost, Variable cost/Marginal cost, Average or unit cost,
opportunity costs.
Section 2: Time value and money
Basic concepts, cash flow and cash flow diagrams, present
worth, future worth, interest, opportunity costs, sunk costs,
Section 3: Uniform series of payments
Calculation of present worth and future worth; Calculation of
periodic payment; Perpetuities.
Section 4: Depreciation
Basic concepts, Methods; straight-line method, sum of years
digit method, declining balance method, units of production
Section 5 : Cost of comparison of alternative methods
Selection of interest rate, costs of present worth, capital,
equivalent annual.
Section 6: Economy analysis of industrial operations
Definitions, minimization of cost, break-even analysis.
Section 7 :Introduction to costing
• Cost components
• Introduction of costing tools
• Costing techniques in Apparel industry
• Cost process flow
• Costing sheet
• Calculation of Gmt/Kg ratio
Section 8: Calculation of cost of garment
• Direct cost
• Labour rate
• Overhead and annual budgets
• Computation of Materials Costs, Labour & Overhead Costs
Section 9: Basic apparel costing and consumption
• Understanding the marker manipulation & efficiency

• Using Area Method To Compute Estimated Fabric Consumption

• Using Industry Method To Compute Estimated Fabric

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 169


• Fabric Weights Expression & Conversion

• Gross weight of other components of garment
• Fabric cost per kg.
• Fabric cost per garment.
• Other charges (print, embroidery, etc).
• Cost of trims (labels, tags, badges, twill tapes, buttons, bows,
• CMT charges.
• Cost of accessories (hangers, inner boards, poly bags, cartons,
• Cost of a garment.
• Price of a garment
Section 10: Production Systems and Cost Analysis
• Impact of technology in decision making in sewing room -
parameters for a particular style.
• Cost effectiveness of different production systems, human skill
level and systems of remuneration.
Section 11: Quality Systems and Cost Analysis
• Assessment of costs of quality- control parameters employed
by a garment manufacturer and the cost benefit analysis.
• Understanding co relation between manufacturing processes
and quality management systems and analysis of cost
Section 12: Indirect cost factors analysis

• Analysis and calculation of indirect expenses in a garment

manufacturing unit and its relation to a particular style and
total output
Section 13: Health and Safety measures and cost

• Costs related to regulations for health and safety requirements

in garment manufacturing
Pre-requisites Garment Construction II

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 170

Semester 9th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by Tutorial Demonstration

Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
& Grading System separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40%) Tutorial (Weight 60%)
Tests (3): 30 % Assignment: 30 %
Final Examination: 50 % Presentation: 30 %
Assignments 20% Project/Seminar: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %

attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except for
some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
 Max Kurtz, Engineering Economics for professional Engineers.
 Leland T.Blank, Engineering economy.
 Ralph S. Polimeni, Cost accounting.
 T.R Banga, Industrial organizations and Engineering
Economics, 2003, Khanna Publishers.
 Costing of Apparel Michael Jeffry
 Apparel Manufacturing Glock and Kunz.
 AAMA Report – Predicting cost in changing environment.


Course Number GrEg 5212
Course Title Organisational Behaviour
Degree Program B.Sc in Garment Engineering
Module 21: Garment Business Management and Economics
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 171

Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
semester) Practice
45 0 0 75

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are:

• To acquaint students with the basic processes and principles
that underlies human behaviour.
• To understand how people behave in organisations.
• To focus on ways to enhance organisational effectiveness
through people
• To understand how to effectively recognise and resolve
human issues inorganisaitonal settings.
• To develop an ability to catalyse harmonious work
relationship amongst employee groups.
• To inculcate learning spirit, constant innovation and concern
towards people and environment.
Course Description/ The course deals with key elements and characteristics of human
resources. It also describes techniques used to motivate
employees. The course discuss leadership, interpersonal
relationships, perceptions and cognition and so on.
Course Contents • Meaning, Importance , Key elements , Characteristics and
importance of Human Resource
• Models, Psychological Contract, Historical Evolution,
Case Study Methodology
• Personality
• Motivation - Questionnaire, Concept
• Motivation Theories and their application - Maslow,
Herzberg, McGregor
• Motivation Theories and their application - McClelland,
• Leadership - Questionnaire, Concept, Skills, Types
• Leadership Theories and their application - Trait, Path- Goal,
• Leadership Theories and their application - Managerial
Grid, Situational
• Perception and Cognition
• Inter Personal Relationship

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 172

• Group dynamism and Team work
• Conflict Management
• Overview of Human Resource Management (Voluntary
Industrial Relations, Power & Politics, Incentives )
Semester 9h
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by assignments
Assessment/Evaluation & The Lecture parts of the course will be evaluated for 100 % The
Grading System details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 100%)
Tests (2): 20 %
Case Study: 20%
Assignment: 20%
Final Examination: 40 %
Total 100 %

Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %

attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature  Organisational Behaviour, Robbins, Stephen P.
 Human Resource and Personnel Management, Decanzo,
David and Robbins, Stephen P
 Organisational Behaviour – A Managerial and
Perspective, Gannon, Martin, J.
 Organizational Behaviour, Luthans, Fred

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 173

Course Number GrEg 5214
Course Title Entrepreneurship

Degree Program B.Sc in Garment Engineering

Module 21 Garment Industry Management and Economics
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home Study
semester) Practice
45 0 0 75

Course Objectives The course is intended to equip the student with:

 entrepreneurial skills, the setting up of SSI’s, market
 Knowledge and skill for the description of manufacturing,
processes, machinery requirements, system design of SSI;
 Ability for identification of small industry and product
Course Description Entrepreneurship is the main force powering the global economy.
Economic growth and personal success are in the hands of people
engaged in entrepreneurship, creative work, innovation, and risk-
taking. The course deals with the nature and environment of
entrepreneurship and the risks involved in formulating initiatives
and commercial technologies. It discusses the details of business
planning, develops the student's skills in start-ups, and provides
an in-depth analysis of data and information.

The course teaches the student how to identify opportunities,

protect intellectual property, and form market assessments.
Students learn about organizational structure and financing, while
they develop an idea into a new product or service. The course is
built around an applied project in conjunction with lectures and
discussions on the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Participants
gain experience in each stage of entrepreneurship by developing
and presenting their own projects. The course includes lectures as

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 174

well as individual work related to the initial stages of
entrepreneurship. Work is done independently and in teams.

Course Contents Introduction to Entrepreneurship:

• Entrepreneur- meaning - importance - qualities, nature types,
traits, culture, similarities and differences between
entrepreneur and intrapreneur.
• Entrepreneurship and economic development - its importance-
Role of entrepreneurship entrepreneurial-environment.
• Local and global business environments.
• Key Aspects of Launching Entrepreneurial Business Ventures:
• Marketing research;
• Human resources; Sales and revenue projections;
• Business plans; financing options; marketing; Legal issues.
• Managing an Ongoing Business Venture:
• Sales and revenue projections; Marketing; Information
technology; Financial analysis;
• Human relations management; Social and ethical aspects.
Project Management: Sources of business idea- project
classifications- identifications formulation and design- feasibility
analysis-preparation of project report and presentation. Financial
analysis- concept and scope- project cost estimate- operating
revenue estimate - Ratio analysis investment process - BF
analysis-profit analysis- Social cost benefit analysis- project
appraisal methods - project report preparation.
Alternative Approaches to Starting a New Business Venture:
• Startup from scratch; Buy-outs; Franchises; Advantages and
disadvantages of alternatives.
• Preparation of a Business Plan
• Sources of Start-up and Growth
• Debt and Equity Capital
Pre-requisites None
Semester 10th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, Case study presentations, Industrial visits, and
Individual or group project relevant to the field.
Assessment/Evaluation & Lecture part
Grading System 1. Assignments / Project / Seminar : 40 %
2. Tests (2): 20 %
3. Final - Examination: 40 %
Total 100 %
(For Item 1, there shall be a minimum of 3 activities comprising of

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 175

Assignments, Project or Seminar activities; the combination will be
decided by the Course Instructor depending on the nature of the
Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature 1. Timmons and Spinelli, New Venture Creation:
Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 6th edition, McGraw-
Hill/Irwin, New York, 2004.
2. Allen, Kathleen R., Growing and Managing an Entrepreneurial
Business, 1st Edition. . Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1999.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 176


Module Number Module 22: IT in Garment Industry

objective of the This module aims to:
module • give basic understanding about different IT solution application in
garment supply chain. E-commerse, EDI, ERP, RFID, MIS and others
will be discussed.
Module Today, Information technology (IT) plays a vital role in the field of textile
Description and apparel industry. Any manufacturing unit employs four Ms that is, Men,
Material, Machine and of course Money. To get organizational success,
managers need to focus on synchronizing all these factors and developing
synergies within and outside organizational operations. With the increased
competition, companies are taking support of IT to enhance its resource
coordination and using it as a competitive edge. To make familiar students
about the application of information technology in textile and garment
industries, the following course are incorporated in the module.
This module contains the following one courses:
Information Technology Application in Garment
Industry(9th Semester)

Total ECTS of 4
the module
Module Understand information technology application in garment
Competency industry
Courses of the Module

Course Number Course Name ECTS

GrEg5221 Information Technology Application in Garment Industry 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 177

Course Number GrEg5221
Course Title Information Technology Application in garment Industry
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 22: IT in Garment Industry
Module Coordinator N. A
Lecturer N. A
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
semester) Practice
30 45 0 45

Course Objectives & After completing this course students should:

Competences to be
Course Description/ Course Description
Course Contents
Course Content

Information system in organisations: Organisation and information

system. Competitive
advantage, Performance based information system Errors in
information system
Application software,. Programming languages, Software issues and
The Internet Intranet and Extra net: Use and functioning of internet.
Internet services,
Electronic Commerce: An introduction to electronic commerce, E
commerce applications,
Technology infrastructure, Electronic payment systems, Threats to E
commerce, Strategies
to successful e-commerce
Apparel Applications:
Introduction to IT in Garment
E-business application for garment industry
Enterprise resource planning: Structure of ERP, General Principles
involved in the
application of ERP ,ERP models ,ERP selections for the garment

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 178

Internet and internet concepts, Internet based manufacturing EDI
for garment
businesses, logistics management, management information
systems in garment production processes
Information technology in fashion and garment industry.
Total quality management and information technology
Idea of machine or equipment Data acquisition through serial and
parallel ports, preparation of a industrial norms data book with
searching facility, idea of simple macro programming in excel
Study of different web portals for textile industries.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 5th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by assignments
Assessment/ The Lecture and Lab/Practical parts of the course will each be
Evaluation &Grading evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at
System by giving weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture
and Lab/Practical parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part Practical Part
Assignments/quizzes: 30 % Assignment (Minimum 3): 30 %
Tests (3): 30 % Reports/demonstration: 30 %
Final Examination: 40% Defense/Demonstration: 40 %
Total 100 % Total 100%

Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %

attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions, except
for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 179


Module Number Module 23: International garment trade

Objective of the The module aims to
module • Give thorough understanding of Marketing, supply chain
managements and Import and export processes
Module This module contains the following three courses:
Description (1) Apparel Marketing and Merchandizing (9th
(2) Suppy Chain Management (9th Semester)
(3) Import-Export Procedure and documentation (10th
The module aims to cover the financial and management aspects of
managing a Garment enterprise. Clothing and garment Industry is a
highly competitive industry and it requires a considerable managerial
talent to run the enterprise successfully. This module fills up this
critical requirement.

Total ECTS of 12
the module
Module • Design supply chain model
Competency • Persuade customers and suppliers
• Manage import-export processes
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
TAmr5231 Apparel Marketing and Merchandizing 4
GrEg5232 Supply Chain Management 4
TAmr5233 Import-Export Procedure and Documentation 4

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 180

Course Number TAmr5231
Course Title Apparel Marketing and Merchandising
Degree Program B.Sc in Garment Engineering
Module 23: International Garment trade
Module Coordinator N.N
Lecturer N.N
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab or Home
semester) Practice Study
45 0 0 75

Course Objectives The objectives of the course are

 To provide a comprehensive understanding of the buying,
selling, marketing and merchandising functions.
 To understand the marketing and merchandising activities
in fashion industry
 To understand the co relation between merchandising and
production functions in apparel buying and manufacturing.
 Understanding of various international apparel buyers, their
positioning, consumers and product.

Course Description The course deals with marketing principles of garments and the
role of merchandizer in garment industries and design houses.
It also deals with international sourcing issues and global
garment production and marketing scenarios.
Course Contents Course description
Organizational function of apparel firms- marketing,
merchandising, production ,finance …
Part –I Fashion Marketing
• Introduction to Marketing,
• Role of marketing division in an apparel firm
• Market Demographics and Segmentation

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 181

• Elements of marketing analysis (customer analysis,
competitor analysis, and company analysis),
• The elements of the marketing mix (product strategy,
pricing, advertising and promotion, and distribution).
• Market Research Methods (Relation between MIS and
Marketing Research, Definition and scope of Marketing,
Research Procedures of Marketing Research, Industrial
Marketing Research
• Dynamic market Environment (Political, Economic,
Social,Technological, Ecological, Legal)
• Consumer Behaviour
• Labelling and licensing
Part- II Fashion Merchandising
• Introduction to merchandising –role of merchandising
division in an apparel firm
• Concepts of apparel product line
• Dimensions of product changes
• Line planning, Line development, Line presentation,
Merchandise planning
• Sourcing Structures
• Vendor Selection Criteria
• Visual merchandising
• Buying Cycle & T&A
• Communication with Buyers-
Semester 9th
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures supported by assignments
Assessment/Evaluation The Lecture and practical parts of the course will each be
& Grading System evaluated separately for 100 % and the final marks will be
arrived at by giving weights according to the hours allocated to
the Lecture and tutorials parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Tutorial (Weight 60 %)
Tests (3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 182

Final Examination: 40 % Assignments: 40 %
Assigments 30% Quizzes: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy Minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture hours; and 100 %
attendance during Tutorial/ Practical/ Laboratory sessions,
except for some unprecedented mishaps (wherever applicable)
Literature  Principles of Marketing: Philip Kotler,11th Edition
 Fashion design and Product development , Harold
Carr/John Promeror 1992
 Apparel manufacturing sewn products analysis.
 Ruth E. Glock , Graz I. Kunz
 Garment Technology for fashion designers, ,gerry Cooklin

GrEg5232 Supply Chain Management

Course Number GrEg5232
Course Title Supply Chain Management
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 23: International Garment trade
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
Semester) Practice

45 0 0 60

Course Objectives Course Objectives are:

 To understand the supply chain concept
 To understand inventory management concepts
 To learn procurement and distribution
 To know collaboration benfits in the supply chain

Course Description The course discusses basic concepts of supply chain management,
procurement and distribution networks, benefits of collaboration in the
chain, different types of inventory management techniques and so on.

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 183

Course Contents Course Contents
Unit- 1: Understanding the Supply Chain
• Supply Chain: The Beer Game/Textile Game
• Review and discussion on Beer Game, Bullwhip
Unit- 2: SCM Concepts
• Supply Chain Concepts: flow of materials
• Supply Chain Concepts: Wastes in the pipeline
• Supply Chain Concepts: flow of information
• Supply Chain Drivers
Unit- 3: Inventory
• Planning & Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain:
Cycle Inventory
• Planning & Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain:
Safety Inventory
Unit- 4: Quick Response, VMI, Postponement
• Benchmarking the supply chain
• Just in Time & QR Logistics
• Vendor managed Inventory
• Postponement in Supply Chain
Unit- 5: Distribution & Procurement

o Introduction to Apparel / Textile Supply Chain

o Distribution & Procurement Channels in Supply Chain

Unit- 6: Collaborative Product Development

• Partnership as strategies options
• Collaboration in Apparel Supply Chain
• Collaborative Product Development
Unit- 7: Time based competition
• Strategic Lead Time Management time based
competition the concept of lead time & value

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 184

engineering lead time gap
• Time compression in supply chain
• Critical Path Management in Supply Chain
Unit- 8: Role of IT in SCM
• The role of IT in Supply Chain
• Supply chain IT framework and IT practice
• IT enabled Supply Chain Management
(demonstration of a SCM software solution)
Unit- 9: Supply chain efficiency
• Role of Intermediaries in Supply Chain
• Measuring Supply Chain Efficiency
• Value Stream mapping in Supply Chain
Semester 9th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures and practical supported by assignments, quizzes and
Assessment/ The Lecture and practical parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and tutorials
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 100 %)
Tests (3): 30 %
Assignment & Quiz: 30 %
Final Examination: 40 %
Total 100 %
Course Policy  A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture sessions
 100% attendance during tutorialss class session
Literature • Logistics & supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Cost
and Improving service – Martin Christopher (MC)
• Supply Chain Management : Strategy, Planning and Operation - Sunil
Chopra (SC)
• Partnership Sourcing: An Integrated Supply Chain Management
Approach - Douglas Macbeth (DM)

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 185

Course Number TAmr5233
Course Title Export-Import Procedure and Documentation
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 23: International Garment trade
Module Coordinator N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Home study
semester) Practice

15 45 60

Course Objectives The course aims to

• give the students the practical knowledge of the export-import

procedure, documentation and formalities.
Course Description The course deals about procedural works performed during importing
or exporting of goods. It introduced incoterms used during import and
export processes.
Course Contents Fundamental principles of finance management; raising of resources
for garment enterprises;
Financial institutions in Ethiopia and abroad.
Documents required for the import of garment machinery, equipment,
fabric and other requirements; documents required for export of
Agencies involved in the export and import of fabrics; governmental
and private bodies for supporting the export efforts; avenues
available for export promotion efforts
Actual documentation work for a given consignment of goods in the
required formats and the details thereon
Various financial instruments for exports; Letter of Credits (LC); types
of LCs; opening of LCs and operational procedures for LCs
Incentives provided for export efforts and their exploitation
Insurance procedures and their implications on export performance

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 186

and risk reduction.
Pre-requisites None
Semester 10th Semester
Status of Course Elective
Mode of Delivery Lecture and Tutorial
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutorial parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below :
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Tutorial (Weight 60 %)
Tests (3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 40 % Assignments: 40 %
Assigments 30% Quizzes: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions


Module Number Module 24: Engineering Projects
Objective of the Upon the successful completion of this module students must be able to
module • Identify and define problems
• Set research objectives
• Design research methodology
• Conduct research , anayze data and present results
Module This module contains two course such as
Description (1) Research Methodology
(2) B.Sc Thesis
The student has already learnt (almost) all courses required for the earning
of the degree. This module aims to make the student to apply his acquired
knowledge to a specific problem and find possible solutions in a scientific
manner. The student will be required to choose a problem in a field of his
interest; he should collect the necessary information, conduct various
studies and experiments and so on in order to find out feasible solutions.
This process will make the student to realize the full potential of his

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 187

education in the practical field of application. The ‘theoretical’ knowledge
gained so far will become ‘practical’; the more elusive concepts learnt
earlier would become more concrete and meaningful. The student from
being a learner is transformed to a problem-solver.
Total ECTS of 26
the module
Module • Carry out research using appropriate research procedures and
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Greg5241 Research Methodology 4

Greg5242 B. Sc. Thesis 22

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 188

Course Number Greg5241
Course Title Research Methodology
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 24: Engineering Projects
Module Coordinator N.N.
Lecturer N.N.
ECTS Credits 4
Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Laboratory or Practice Home study
30 45 0 75
Course Objectives The objective of the course is to enable students to:
• Develop an understanding and an appreciation of the quantitative
and qualitative research methods relevant to satisfactorily address
a particular research question.
• Develop an understanding of the principles and processes involved
in developing and addressing a specific research question.
• Develop core competencies in writing a research proposal.
• Develop a solid background in elementary statistics and data
• Acquire fundamental skills in the use of a Statistical Analysis
Software: SPSS
Course Description The course focuses on the analysis of business problems and the use
of scientific research as a problem-solving tool. This encompasses the
understanding and application of appropriate research designs,
research statistics, the use of the computer for data analyses, and
report writing and presentation.

Course Contents Unit-1:

Definition, need and purpose. Basic Concepts: Validity, reliability,
Objectivity, Subjectivity. Variables: Dependent, Independent and
Intervening. Logic : Induction and Deduction. Intuition.
Types – Basic and applied. Interdisciplinary & multidisciplinary, Team
/ Group Research, Relay Research. Scientific method. LIS Research in

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 189

Research Design:
Aims and objectives. Scope and limitations. Problem identification,
formulation and statement of the problem.
Definition, meaning, formulation. Types: Descriptive, relational and
explanatory, Null-Hypothesis. Verification.
Methods of Research:
Survey, descriptive, comparative, historical, experimental, case study
and Delphi technique.
Methods of data collection:
Types of data – Primary and Secondary.
Data Collection Methods: Primary data – Questionnaire, Interview and
Scales and Check Lists.
Secondary data – Historical / recorded.
Sampling methods and techniques:
Probability sample: Simple Random sampling, systematic, stratified.
Non-probability sample: Quota, Accidental, purposive, incomplete.
Cluster and multi-state sampling. Sample size, bias, error.
Methods and Tools of Data Analysis:
Problem measure, reliability, validity, Descriptive Statistics – Measures
of Central Tendency : Mean, Median, Mode. Measure of Central
distendency : Standard Deviation. Graphical Presentation of data : Bar
diagrams, Pie-chart, Line Graphics, Histograms, Inferential Statistics :
Measure of Association : Co-efficient of Correlation.
Testing of Hypothesis : Chi-square test & T-test. Correspondence
Analysis, Multi-dimensional Scale.
Software for Statistical Analysis – SPSS – Features.
Writing research report:
Structure & Contents of report, presentation of findings. Style Sheets,

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 190

Citation of Print, Electronic and Internet sources
Pre-requisites Flen 2032: Communication Skills
Semester 5th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery  Lectures, Demonstrations, Individual presentation, Individual
research work on particular topic
Assessment/ The Lecture and Tutoriral parts of the course will each be evaluated
Evaluation &Grading separately for 100 % and the final marks will be arrived at by giving
System weights according to the hours allocated to the Lecture and Tutorial
parts. The details are given below
Lecture Part (Weight 40 %) Tutorial (Weight 60 %)
Tests (3): 30 % Projects/Seminars: 40 %
Final Examination: 40 % Assignments: 40 %
Assigments 30% Quizzes: 20 %
Total 100 % Total 100%
Course Policy A minimum of 85 % attendance during lecture and tutorial sessions


Greg5242: B.Sc. THESIS

Course Number GrEg5242

Course Title B. Sc. Thesis
Degree Program B. Sc. in Garment Engineering
Module 24: Engineering Projects
Module N. N.
Lecturer N. N.
ECTS Credits 22
Contact Hours (per 330
Course Objectives The students in this course will be able to:
1. Know how to design and work on project and write a thesis
Course Description In this course students are supposed to solve real world problems

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 191

following appropriate procedures and research methodology.
Course Contents Project type design/fabrication work under the guidance of a faculty
Prior to registration a detailed plan of work should be submitted by the
student(s) to the head of the department
Formation of project team (up to three students and one faculty guide)
Formulation of work plan
Completing targeted work for the mid - semester and presentation of
complete work of progress completion
Thesis writing and presentation of complete work at the end of the
semester for the award of grade
Pre-requisites Completion of all courses till the 9th semester and internship
Semester 10th Semester
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Project work supported by reports and presentations
Assessment/ Advisor's evaluation on thesis and student performance ............... 50 %

Evaluation Evaluation by Juries on thesis and student performance ............... 50%

&Grading System (The student should prepare a written report on the thesis work,
present and defend it in the presence of the appointed jury)
Course Policy As required and directed by program coordinator and advisor
- Authentic (Should not be plagiarized)
- Fullfil minimum requirements of research projects
Literature Based on the title of the thesis

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 192


Name of the University/Institute

Logo of the university/Institute
Title of the Course: Course Manager:

Course Code: Office location:

Credits: Consultation Hours:

Target Group: Mobile:

Lecture days &Hours

Section Lecture Laboratory
Lecture Room: Laboratory Room:
Laboratory Assistance Detail
Lab Assistant Name: Office location:
Email: Phones: Mobile:

Consultation Hours:

It shall contain introductory paragraphs about the course. It also briefs topics to be covers and
outcomes of the course.
The course aims to give clear understanding to the students in the following issues

 Objective -1
 Objective -2
 Objective -3
 Objective -4
 Objective -5


B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 193

Week Date Topic Reading and assignments for
each topics







16 Final Examination

The lecture and Lab/practical parts of the course will each be evaluated separately for 100%.
The lecture part includes mid examination, assignments and final examination; and the

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 194

Lab/practical part includes evaluation of laboratory reports, defense/demonstration and written
examination. The evaluation details are given below.
Theoretical Evaluation
According to the specified types of assessment techniques in the curriculum
Practical Evaluation
According to the specified types of assessment techniques in the curriculum

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students throughout this course.
Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will
attract disqualification of marks or values. It is expected from students to do all the assignments
they are supposed to accomplish. students are required to submit and present the assignments
provided according to the time table indicated. Teachers give directions and instruction about
assignments and other responsiblities of students. The mode of delivery shall encourage active
participation of students. If students miss more than 85% of the class attendance, they will not
sit for final exams.
Class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to discussions. Students are
appreciated to ask any question at any moment in class and during consultation periods. Cell
phones MUST be turned off before entering the class as they are disruptive and annoying to the
Text Book
1. Main reference book used as text for a particular course
Reference books
1. Supportive reference book
2. Supportive reference book
3. Supportive reference book


_______________ ________________
Course Manager Signature

___________ ________________
Program Coordinator Signature

_____________________ ________________
Teaching-Learning Quality Manager Signature

B. Sc. in Garment Engineering (5-Year) 195

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