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Unit 5


Business entity biznes warmonaqmni/erTeuli

biznes subieqti

Companies and partnerships korporacia da partnioroba

Legal person / juridical person iuridiuli piri

Natural person fizikuri piri

Separate identity TavisTavadoba, identuroba

Shareholding members aqciis mflobelebi (aqcionerebi)

To sue and be sued gamoxvide mosarCelisa da mopasuxis rolSi

To own property in its own name flobde sakuTrebas Sens saxelze

Limited liability SezRuduli pasuxismgebloba

Tax treatment gansxvavebuli sagadasaxado reJimi

Inherent flexibility damaxasiaTebeli moqniloba

Sole proprietor erTaderTi mesakuTre, mepatrone

sole proprietorship - ერთადერთი საკუთრება (საკუთრების

ფორმა, რომლის დროსაც ყველა აქტივი
ეკუთვნის ერთ მფლობელს)

Publicly listed company firma romelsac SeuZlia aqciebi birJaze


Company owes money to creditors firmas marTebs kreditorebis fuli

Company formation firmis Seqmna

Certificate of incorporation registraciis sertifikati

Statutory forms kanoniT dadgenili forma

Memorandum of association asociaciis memoramdumi

Articles of association asociaciis muxlebi

kompania piradi qonebiT agebs pasuxs valebisaTvis

Key terms 1:

Company policy firmis politika

To comply with law kanonisadmi morCileba

Corporate governance korporaciuli mmarTveloba

Reading 2

To increase company operations kompaniis funqciebis gazrda

To dissolve a company kompaniis likvidacia

Funding fondireba, dafinanseba

Corporate insolvency korporaciis valauvaloba


Winding up gakotreba

Business vehicle firmis erT-erTi saxea

We will examine the rights in depth uflebebs Rrmad SeviswavliT

Non-affiliated stakeholders ara-wevri aqcioneri

To bring company to an end gakotreba, daxurva

External and internal relations of a company sagareo da saSinao urTierTobebi

Board of directors direqtorTa sabWo

Listening 1

If a corporation is sued and is forced into bankruptcy…

To go after the stockholders = to investigate someone or
something for possible criminal
To recover any shortfall დეფიციტი, უკმარისობა
To make major business decisions
To oversee the general affairs of the corporation
To run day-to day operations

To be appointed by the director

Double taxation ormagi dabegvra
To pay tax on corporate income
To distribute profits to the stockholders
To pay income tax on the dividends
To avoid double taxation
A pass-through entity
Tax rate საგადასახადო განაკვეთი

Self-employment taxes
Continuous life
Its life doesn’t expire upon the death of its stockholders
To raise money ფულის შოვნა/ სესხება/moZieba
Corporation has many avenues to raise capital
Licenses and permits licenziebi da nebarTvebi
To adhere to technical formalities aq: teqnikuri formalobis dacva
To hold board meetings
To record minutes sxdomis oqmis (protokolis) warmoeba
Business transaction biznes garigeba
Record-keeping აღრიცხვა; აღრიცხვის განხორციელება
To observe formalities formalurobis dacva

Observing corporate formalities is time-consuming did dros moiTxovs

To commence and operate…
To pay unemployment insurance tax on his salary დაზღვევა უმუშევრობისაგან

Reading 3

Environmental degradation garemos dabinZureba???

Deforestation ტყის გაჩეხვა, განადგურება
The destruction of the habitat of orang-utans sacxovrebeli adgilis moSla,
Human rights abuses adaminis uflebebis darRveva
Violent conflict Zaladobrivi / uxeSi konfliqti
The Act stipulates that… kanoni ambobs, kanonSi weria
Sustainable, non-destructive sources mdgradi,

Listening 2

To be more proactive on green issues პროაქტიული, profilaqtikuri

Let’s be realistic about…
The bottom line is that… daskvna aseTia
Palm oil is sourced from Asia
Environmental impact gavlena garemoze

We’ll lose all the goodwill we built up from our customers ფირმის პრესტიჟი.
To give some room for flexibility
The message isn’t getting across mesiji ar miewodeba
To set the agenda dRis wesrigis Sedgena
To act in response to pressure imoqmedo zewolis qveS
Our response needs to be swift pasuxi unda iyos swrafi
We’ve given in under pressure

Let’s look at this step by step

May be you can talk us through your proposed strategy
A cut-and-paste job = compilation

She has just picked on one issue to gauge our reaction

It will buy us time
We pre-empted the Act
If it turns out that the allegations are correct? Tu aRmoCnda rom varaudi sworia?
To put the policy ahead of our competitors

To draw smth to somebody’s attention

To seek alternate sources alternatiuli wyaroebis moZieba
Our own-brand products
We’ll do everything in our power to…
To encourage the big brands to do likewise
To spin the issues to our favour es sakiTxi Cvens sasargeblod SemovatrialoT

It is fairly straightforward es calsaxad asea

To call on our competitors to follow our lead movuwodoT Cvens konkurentebs
mibaZon Cvens magaliTs
Until regulations come into force
The implementation of section 172
To outline the law
To act in the best interests of the company moiqce kompaniis interesebidan
Our position is set out in the in our policy guideline
Within the next 3 weeks
To turn the situation round to our advantage situacia Cvensken SemovatrialoT

To catch up on some of the marketing potential we failed to exploit …

We’re on track…
To be in compliance with new provisions when they come into force daeqvemdebaro

pp. 57

the rule of law სამართლის ბატონობის პრინციპი

სამართლის ნორმა
kanonis uzenaesoba

to act in good faith imoqmedo კეთილსინდისიერად

to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole

to foster the company’s business relationships with suppliers and customers gaaRvivo

to maintain a reputation for high standards of business conduct

SeinarCuno reputacia

to act fairly as between the members of the company moiqce samarTlianad

to impose the duty daakisro movaleoba

to be subject to any enactment… eqvemdebareba…

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