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What is Human

Human Sexuality does
not only mean Sex, Sex
is just one aspect of
Human sexuality.
2 Meanings of Sex
1.Biological basis for being
male or female ( gender)
2. Genital activity that is
erotic in nature
-this maybe for the purpose
of procreation, pleasure or
Sexual here means
everything that makes a
man, a man, and a
woman, a woman.
Sexual here means
something a Person IS.
It is a way of
being to the
world. It involves
his/her total
His way of
Thinking, acting,
loving and receiving
love, approaching
and relating to God
and fellow beings.
What is a Human
According to
Described human as a
rational being. As rational
being, a person is able to
know, reason out & apply
what he/she knows.
Theologians describe-
human person as a
substance Physical and
Spiritual natures.
Spiritual in Nature
because man has the
soul and is created by a
superior Being with a
divine purpose.
Physical in nature,
because a person is created
with body & faculty that
correspond to his/her
relationship with society.

⚫1.A Rational Being- a

person is free to think and
has the capacity to reason
He cannot detach his/her
being from others and all
other creatures.
3. FREE– A person has the
freedom to do or not to do a
specific action. A person can do
whatever he/she pleases but not
to the extent of doing harm to
his/her co-creatures.
4. UNIQUE- every person has
his/her own identity such that no
two persons are the same. Every
person has its own perception, has
different sets of values & priorities
in life
5. Sexual – The expression
of a person’s emotions,
attitudes, feelings, actions
and thoughts.
⚫What is a HUMAN PERSON?
( GENESIS 1:26-28)
Then God said: “ Let us make
human in our image and likeness.
God created human in his
image, in the divine image
He created them; male &
female God created them.
God blessed them, saying: “Be
fertile and multiply; fill the earth
and subdue it. Have dominion
over the fish of the sea, the birds
of the air, and all the living things
that move on the earth.”
Let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, the birds of the
air, and the cattle, and over all
the wild animals and all the
creatures that crawl on the
What is expected of a
– having a pleasing
Itis the key to
being able to live a
good moral life.
means since the
human person is
created by God,
he or she is not
only something
but someone
Someone means
capable of knowing
oneself, of freely
giving oneself and
entering in
communion w/ other
⚫ Characteristics of the
1. Being Unique(Tunayna Ako)
2.Awareness of the
significance of extending
one’s uniqueness to other
which is the I –YOU
3.Going beyond the I-YOU
relationship which is the
WE relationship
1. Sexuality does mean sex.
2. Human Sexuality is something
simply added to ones being a man or a
3. Sex is just one aspect of human
4. Human sexuality is human
5. A persons’ sexuality is an integral
part of one’s life.
6. Sex viewed as an activity is the given
masculine/feminine bio-physical
structure of which one is born
7. Education in sexuality includes the
development of character.
8. The primary aspect of sexuality
includes our learning and beliefs to
closeness and intimacy with others.
9. The affective aspect is the
aspect of sexuality . that most adults
consider as taboo.
10. Psychosexual maturity is our
ability to integrate our strong sexual
feelings with our intellect and
1.Then God said: “ Let us make ____in
our image and likeness.
2-5. Characteristics of Human Person
6. In Human Sexuality, the word
____here means everything a
person IS.
7. It is that which makes man, man; a
woman, woman. It encompasses all
aspects of a persons life.
8-10 Three dimensions
. or aspects
of a persons life that makes his/her
Male- Female
Sex viewed as a gender is
the given masculine-
feminine bio-physical
structure with which one is
⚫ Male/ Masculine ⚫ Female/
Biologically: Feminine
Main function is
production Reproduc-tion
(breadwinner) and (Conceives, bears
protection off and suckles the
family child)
⚫ Male/ Masculine ⚫ Female/ Feminine

⚫ Malebody is full of
external ⚫Internal
potentiality potentiality

⚫Mantends to be
power- conscious

⚫ Treatevery ⚫ Asoccasions to
endeavor as a express her
challenge for loving commit-
conquest ment
Desire to love Pervasive
is periodical
Tends to
Tends to love
only now and love now
then and forever
Tends to be Tends to be
aggre-ssive careful and
Tends to be reserve
Tends to be
Tends to be More romantic
More More
inclined inclined
towards the towards the
physical psychological
aspect of aspect of
love love
Has the More
tendency to
be more intuitive
 Tends to give
appreciation significance to
for what he what they are ,
does, for what their charm and
he is perso-nality
Married life
Husband needs  Wifeneeds
wife’s reassurance
reassurance concerning her
concerning his being loved.
work or project
Married life


Discoura- Lone-
gement liness
Regarding Gifts

 Donot generally  highly and

have that highly- personally
personal context, meaningful; as if
considers it as
objects precisely as the gift were
such- gift objects actually a part of
the giver
Regarding Gifts

 Are more Are more
truthful truthful
about facts about their
Ways of communication

 Have the  Tend to be

tendency to be loquacious,
brief, blunt and symbolic puzzling
direct and indirect
Ways of communication

 More self- Generally
conscious about it discuss their
has women sex lives with
 Talks about it
more poise
almost always
impersonally and and
indirectly, in detachment
stories and jokes
Ways of communication

Played as
To give
, man’s role
is to take
Played as
 Inmany
instances, Woman
men gives gives sex in
love in order
to get sex order to get
The male-female differences
mentioned are just indicators
that the key to male-female
relationship is
All man & woman
relationships is
undoubtedly within
To love is to be fully Human
because Love is personal
quality in relationship which
man and woman is capable
refers to the feeling of
love, warmth and
-a natural abiding love
like that of a family
2. Philia or
friendship love
- is the bond between people
who are united by common
interest, concern, respect and
- Describe the brotherly love and
affection between Christians
3. Eros or Romance
-it is a desire to be united
with the other person, it is a
shared intimacy and openness
-love of self-satisfaction and
overwhelming passion
-conditional love based on
attractive qualities ( love
ceases when qualities no
longer present)
4. Agape
- a kind of Love that Jesus
speaking to us. It includes
love to ones enemy, love to
the unlovable, or the
unconditional love of GOD
-defined by action not just
feeling- best ex: Jn 3:16
is the springboard to
every other love.
As Jesus challenged us to
Different Level of
1.The caring level of
Indicator: 1.Awareness of
the presence of our
is necessary element in
strengthening friendship.
Various ways of communication

A. Looking- eyes are effective

means of communication,
convey our deepest
B. Speaking (through speech)
*Spoken words are endowed with
power, that they have the capacity to
heal, comfort or destroy other persons”
In friendship, communicating the word “
I Love You” is essential for keeping the
relationship intact..
C. Writing
-Written communication is a
black and white affirmation of
one’s feelings to someone.
- Express joyous thoughts and
feelings (Celebration)
D. Touching
- Provides us with
warmth, nourishment
and a sense of
security, acceptance
and love.
2. The level of baring One’s soul
in Friendship

-despitethe dangers that

“Baring” entails we should opt to
be transparent to our friend.
*Revealing our True Color to a
friend relieved the burden from
our shoulders, as a result
experienced peace of mind.
3. The Level of Spiritual
-This level unites us
Spiritually to our friends.
Key Elements Of Jesus
Description of Friendship

“Love one another like

my love with you”
1.“Lay down one’s
life for a friend.”
- Represents the
willingness to
Willing to give
even if one is not
2. “I do not speak of you as
 Itrepresents acceptance
 Equality
 No one is superior or inferior, master
or slaves, one is in-charge the other is
3. “I have told you

Sharing & openness of

your inner self/world
Trust/ it needs
4. “I chose you.”
Is essentially a decision
for another.
5. “Go and bear fruit”
The relationships must be
●Friends must enrich the lives
of each other.
6. Ask the Father in my name
⚫ Ground all the relationships in
⚫ Pray with each other
⚫ Praying is one way of nourishing a
relationship as a friend.
“Love is a Short
WORD, but it
The Shortest and most
profound statement on
Love is found in the
“BIBLE”. Just 3 words:
“If you judge people,
you will have no time
to love THEM”.
All True Love comes
from GOD
( Parent-child,
husband-wife, girlfriend-
Corinthians 13: 4-7
“Love suffers long and is
kind; love does not envy; love
does not parade itself, is not
puffed up;
Does not behave rudely,
does not seek it’s own, is
not provoked, thinks no evil;
Does not rejoice in iniquity, but
rejoices in the truth;,
Bears all things, believes all
things hopes all things,
endures all things.
Love never fails.
True Love
Has feeling, tender feelings
which are put in the human
heart by a caring God.
It is a feeling plus principles
1.“ LOVE is not controlled by
feeling. It does not do anything
and everything it feels. Rather
in True Love, the feelings are
under the control of principles.
1 Cor. 13:4-7- Love never fails
While infatuation is ruled by
feelings, in the field of
infatuation, the feelings are
in charge.
2. Love sees and
Mk. 8:18 “ Do you have eyes but fail
to see”
True love uses its eyes to see and
examine the strengths and
weaknesses of the prospective
partner. It is not afraid to ask question
nor to do difficult examinations
While Infatuation is Blind. It
cannot see and does not
wish to see
Ex. When a Girl recognizes that her
boyfriend is hooked on drugs, but still
proceeds with plans for marriage,
cupid has wounded her! When a boy
observes his girlfriend flirting
continuously with other men, but still
go ahead with the love affair,
infatuation has blinded him.
3. Love takes time everything of
permanent value takes time.
Time to know and time to grow
Knowing the person always takes
time and there’s no shortcut.
Growing a relationship takes time,
God expects couples in Love to
grow up.
( Eph. 4:15)
is in a hurry:
See her today, court her
tomorrow, and Marry her the
day after! It’s “love at first
sight”. It’s “ Puppy love.” And
someone has rightly said,
“Puppy love leads to Dog’s life
4. Love concerned with
Admires the figures,
appreciates appropriate
fashion, anticipates sexual
intimacy within the bond of
Concerned with
personality, the kind of person
the Partner really Is, pays
attention to the character and
the innerself. The love that
comes from God.
“Human looks at the outward
appearance, but the LORD looks
at the HEART.” “Beauty of
character not the beauty of
Infatuation is obsessed with
“ Puppy love” is obsessed
with the figure, is slaved to
the fashion, and is
intoxicated with sex
appeal. In fact, where
infatuation reigns, sex
dominates the relationship.
Concerned with the
welfare of one’s
partner. True love
refrains from
enjoyment today that
which it will regret
Infatuation is Childish and selfish, this
“puppy love” says, “ Give me ,“ with little
or no concern for the other. It is self-
centered. Infatuation says, I don’t
understand the word tomorrow ; give it to
me now. It cries for gratification
today, regardless of the consequences
Love is a
Does not come by accidents,
it involves effort. It takes
thinking and working and
Every person has the
freedom to choose.
*Love; He is the Tenderest
demonstrator of Love. Not only
does He create Lovers, He is the
world greatest Lovers.
GOD is the source of LOVE, it
can be comfortable in the
presence of GOD
What is the difference between Love and
The Following are the characteristics of both
Love and infatuation:

Draw a heart if you think the statement

Characterizes Love and draw an eyes if the
statement characterizes Infatuation.
1. The relationship happens suddenly, after meeting once
or twice
2. You think of the other person as well as yourself
3. You continue to grow as independent human beings,
while the relationship becomes stronger and deeper depend on your partner to feel good about
5. The relationship develops slowly, naturally and
6. One of you may have more to get from the
relationship than to give to it.
7. There is honesty and trust between you.
8. One of you may become jealous of the
other’s activities or friends.
9. The relationship is usually based on
physical attraction.
10. Both of you can accept the fact that
neither is perfect.
11. Each of you continues in other parts of
your life: Family, work, ideas, and other
12. The relationship remains as strong in
painful and difficult times as in happy times.
13. It cries for gratification today, regardless of the
consequences later.

14.Does not come by accidents, it involves effort it takes thinking

and working and caring.

15. Refrains from enjoyment today that which it will

regret tomorrow

Human looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD

looks at the HEART.” “Beauty of character not the
beauty of figure.”
1. Springboard to every other love.- Frienship
2.The challenged of Jesus teaching about frienship- Love one another
3. refers to the feeling of warmth and closeness- Affection
4. A kind of Love that Jesus is speaking to us- Agape
5. A love that desired to be united with other person-Romance
6. A love which a bond between people who are united with common interest- Philia
7. Is the vital elements in strengthening relationship-communication
8. An effective means of communication-looking
9. A black and white affirmation of one’s feeling to someone-Writing- The grandest and profound
definition of Love in the scripture
10. Provides us with warmth nourishment and sense of security-touching
11. Represents the willingness to sacrifice and being willing to give even one is not given-Lay down
one’s life
12. Ground all relationship in Prayer.- ask the father in my name
13. Is essentially a decision to make- I chose you
14. Friends must enrich the life of each other. Go and bear fruit
15. Sharing openness of your inner world.I have told you everything.

II. Differentiate Love VS. Infatuation.

Identify characteristics between male –female differences.
1.The challenged of Jesus teaching about friendship-
2. Is the vital elements in strengthening relationship-
3. An effective means of communication
4. A black and white affirmation of one’s feeling to someone-
5. Provides us with warmth nourishment and sense of security-
6. Represents the willingness to sacrifice and being willing to give even one
is not given
7. Ground all relationship in Prayer.-
8. Is essentially a decision to make-
9. Friends must enrich the life of each other.
10. Sharing openness of your inner world
11.The shortest and the profound definition of Love is found in
the Scripture. Just 3 words.
12.What particular part in the bible give a grandest definition
of Love. Give the text.
13-15- example of true love relationship
Marriage A
of Love and Life
Then Jesus Said to them…But from the
beginning of Creation God made them
male and female. This is why a man
and woman must leave father and
mother and the two become one body
. They are no longer two , therefore, but
one. So then, what God has united,
Human must not divide. Mk. 10:5-9
The Gospel of Mk. Tells us that
Marriage is good news. In fact,
Marriage is a sacrament, a sign of
God’s incredible love for us. Marriage
is an ongoing sign of Jesus’ presence
to husband and wife
What makes marriage totally different from any
other human relationship?
Christian Marriage is called
Sacrament of MATRIMONY
Christian Marriage- is a sacrament
of God’s love, a sign of God’s love
for us.
God saw
God blessed all he had
them, saying made and
to them, “ be indeed it
fruitful and was very
multiply Good
( Gen. 1:27- ( Gn.
28) 1:31)
Christian Marriage has two
1. Mutual sharing in growth in
grace and love between
husband and wife.

2. Procreation and education of

Christian Marriage has two

1.Mutual sharing in growth in grace

and love between husband and

2. Procreation and education of

Christian Marriage as a Covenant-
an open-ended,100 percent
commitment to love and be
faithful to one another.
Discuss these questions after you have
thought them through for yourself.

1. What does fidelity in a relationship

2.What does it mean to say marriage is a
covenant and exclusive relationship?
3.What do you mean by total commitment
The Secret of Staying In Love
1. Love is not a feeling.
2. Love is a commitment.
3. Effective love is unconditional.
4. Love is forever.
5. Commitment of Love involves
6. The essential gift of love is a
sense of personal warmth.
7. Love means the affirmation, not
the possession of the one Loved.
Here are some statements people make
about both love and Marriage. Rank
them according to which statement you
think is most true

To which statement you think is least

descriptive of love and marriage
a commitment
a feeling
a sharing
2. When I hear the word “Love” I think of:
My parents
A good friend
Being accepted
3. Marriage is:
Give and take(50-50 deal)
Unrealistic today
Only for those who want kids
A special way to grow
A sure way to lose your
4. Marriage as a sacrament means
- the partner is a primary means to
-Two become one in Christ
- Being blessed with
children is an important
sign of God’s love
-God blesses a couple in a
profound way
-A couple must remain
faithful to each other.

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